How to make a distillation column - calculation of system parameters. This page does not exist The volume of the cube for distillation column

  • 03.03.2020

Sooner or later, almost every homemade alcohol lover thinks about purchasing or manufacturing a distillation column (RK) - a device for obtaining pure alcohol. You need to start with a comprehensive calculation of the basic parameters: power, height, drawer diameter, cube volume, etc. This information will be useful both for those who want to make all the elements with their own hands, and for those who are going to buy a finished one. distillation column(it will help you make a choice and check the seller). Without affecting design features individual nodes, we will consider general principles building a balanced system for rectification at home.

Column operation scheme

Characteristics of the pipe (tsargi) and nozzles

Material. The pipe largely determines the parameters of the distillation column and the requirements for all units of the apparatus. The material for the manufacture of the side is chromium-nickel stainless steel - "food" stainless steel.

Due to chemical neutrality, food grade stainless steel does not affect the composition of the product, which is required. Raw sugar mash or distillation waste (“heads” and “tails”) are distilled into alcohol, therefore the main purpose of rectification is to maximize the purification of the output from impurities, and not change the organoleptic properties of alcohol in one direction or another. It is inappropriate to use copper in classic distillation columns, since this material slightly changes the chemical composition of the drink and is suitable for the production of a distiller (ordinary moonshine still) or a beer column (a special case of rectification).

A disassembled column pipe with a nozzle installed in one of the drawers

Thickness. The drawer side is made of stainless steel pipe with a wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm. A thicker wall is not needed, as this will increase the cost and weight of the structure without obtaining any advantages.

Nozzle options. It is not correct to talk about the characteristics of the column without reference to the packing. When rectifying at home, nozzles with a contact surface area of ​​1.5 to 4 square meters are used. m/liter. With an increase in the area of ​​the contact surface, the separating ability also increases, but the productivity decreases. Reducing the area leads to a decrease in the separating and strengthening ability.

The productivity of the column initially increases, but then, to maintain the strength of the output, the operator is forced to lower the selection rate. This means that there is some optimal size nozzles, which depends on the diameter of the column and will allow you to achieve the best combination parameters.

The dimensions of the spiral prismatic packing (SPN) should be less than the inner diameter of the column by about 12-15 times. For a pipe diameter of 50 mm - 3.5x3.5x0.25 mm, for 40 - 3x3x0.25 mm, and for 32 and 28 - 2x2x0.25 mm.

Depending on the tasks, it is advisable to use different nozzles. For example, when obtaining fortified distillates, copper rings with a diameter and height of 10 mm are often used. It is clear that in this case the goal is not the separating and strengthening ability of the system, but a completely different criterion - the catalytic ability of copper to eliminate sulfur compounds from alcohol.

Variants of spiral prismatic nozzles

You should not limit your arsenal to one, even the best nozzle, there are simply no such ones. There are the most suitable for each specific task.

Even a small change in the column diameter seriously affects the parameters. To evaluate, it is enough to remember that the nominal power (W) and productivity (ml / h) are numerically equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the column (sq. mm), and therefore are proportional to the square of the diameter. Pay attention to this when choosing a tsarga, always consider inner diameter and compare options.

Dependence of power on pipe diameter

Pipe height. To ensure good holding and separation capacity, regardless of the diameter, the height of the distillation column should be from 1 to 1.5 m. If it is less, there will not be enough space for the fusel oils accumulated during operation, as a result, the fusel oil will begin to break into the selection. Another drawback is that the heads will not be clearly divided into fractions. If the pipe height is greater, this will not lead to a significant improvement in the separating and holding capacity of the system, but will increase the driving time, as well as the number of "heads" and "headrests". decreases. The effect of increasing the pipe from 50 cm to 60 cm is an order of magnitude higher than from 140 cm to 150 cm.

The volume of the cube for the distillation column

In order to increase the yield of high-quality alcohol, but to prevent overfilling of the fusel column, the bulk (filling) of raw alcohol in the cube is limited in the range of 10-20 packing volumes. For columns 1.5 m high and 50 mm in diameter - 30-60 l, 40 mm - 17-34 l, 32 mm - 10-20 l, 28 mm - 7-14 l.

Taking into account the filling of the cube by 2/3 of the volume, a 40-80 liter container is suitable for a column with an internal diameter of a tsarga of 50 mm, a 30-50 liter container for 40 mm, a 20-30 liter cube for 32 mm, and a pressure cooker for 28 mm.

When using a cube with a volume closer to the lower limit of the recommended range, you can safely remove one drawer and reduce the height to 1-1.2 meters. As a result, there will be relatively little fuselage for a breakthrough in the selection, but the volume of “head restraints” will noticeably decrease.

Source and power of column heating

Plate type. The moonshine past haunts many beginners who believe that if they used gas, induction or conventional gas to heat the moonshine electric stove, then you can leave this source for the column.

The rectification process is significantly different from distillation, everything is much more complicated and the fire will not work. It is necessary to ensure smooth adjustment and stability of the supplied heating power.

Electric stoves operating on a thermostat in start-stop mode are not used, because as soon as a short-term power outage occurs, the steam will stop going into the column, and the phlegm will collapse into a cube. In this case, you will have to start rectification again - with the work of the column for yourself and the selection of "heads".

An induction cooker is an extremely rough apparatus with a step change in power of 100-200 W, and during rectification, you need to change the power smoothly, literally by 5-10 W. Yes, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to stabilize the heating, regardless of the voltage fluctuation at the input.

A gas stove with 40% raw alcohol poured into a cube and a 96-degree product at the outlet is a mortal danger, not to mention fluctuations in the heating temperature.

The optimal solution is to embed a heating element of the required power into the cube, and use a relay with output voltage stabilization, for example, RM-2 16A, to adjust. You can take analogs. The main thing is to get a stabilized voltage at the output and the ability to smoothly change the heating temperature by 5-10 watts.

Power supplied. In order to heat the cube in an acceptable time, one must proceed from a power of 1 kW per 10 liters of raw alcohol. This means that for a 50 l cube filled with 40 liters, a minimum of 4 kW is required, 40 l - 3 kW, 30 l - 2-2.5 kW, 20 l - 1.5 kW.

With the same volume, cubes can be low and wide, narrow and high. When choosing a suitable container, it should be taken into account that the cube is often used not only for rectification, but also for distillation, therefore, they proceed from the most severe conditions so that the input power does not lead to rapid foaming with splashes from the cube into the steam pipeline.

It has been experimentally established that at a heating element placement depth of about 40-50 cm, normal boiling occurs if per 1 sq. cm bulk mirrors account for no more than 4-5 watts of power. With a decrease in depth, the allowable power increases, and with an increase, it decreases.

There are other factors that affect the nature of boiling: the density, viscosity and surface tension of the liquid. It happens that emissions occur at the end of the mash distillation, when the density increases. Therefore, conducting the rectification process at the border of the permitted range is always fraught with trouble.

Common cylindrical cubes have a diameter of 26, 32, 40 cm. Based on the allowable power for the surface area of ​​​​the cube bulk mirror of 26 cm, the cube will work normally with a heating power of up to 2.5 kW, for 30 cm - 3.5 kW, 40 cm - 5 kW .

The third factor that determines the heating power is the use of one of the tsarg columns without a nozzle as a dry steamer to combat splashing. To do this, it is necessary that the steam velocity in the pipe does not exceed 1 m / s, at 2-3 m / s the protective effect weakens, and at large values the steam will drive the phlegm up the pipe and throw it into the selection.

Formula for calculating steam speed:

V \u003d N * 750 / S (m / s),

  • N – power, kW;
  • 750 - vaporization (cub. cm / sec kW);
  • S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the column (sq. mm).

A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm will cope with spray when heated up to 4 kW, 40-42 mm - up to 3 kW, 38 - up to 2 kW, 32 - up to 1.5 kW.

Based on the above considerations, we select the volume, cube dimensions, heating and distillation power. All these parameters are coordinated with the diameter and height of the column.

Calculation of the parameters of the dephlegmator of the distillation column

The power of the reflux condenser is determined depending on the type of distillation column. If we build a column with liquid extraction or steam below the dephlegmator, then the required power must be at least the nominal power of the column. Usually in these cases, a Dimroth refrigerator with a utilization power of 4-5 watts per 1 sq. see surface.

If the steam extraction column is higher than the reflux condenser, then the calculated capacity is 2/3 of the nominal one. In this case, you can use Dimroth or "shirt". The utilization power of the shirt is lower than that of the dimroth and is about 2 watts per square centimeter.

An example of a Dimroth cooler for a column

Further, everything is simple: we divide the rated power by the utilization one. For example, for a column with an inner diameter of 50 mm: 1950/5= 390 sq. cm area of ​​Dimroth or 975 sq. see shirt. This means that the Dimrot refrigerator can be made from a 6x1 mm tube 487 / (0.6 * 3.14) = 2.58 cm long for the first option, taking into account the safety factor of 3 meters. For the second option, we multiply by two thirds: 258 * 2/3 = 172 cm, taking into account the safety factor of 2 meters.

Column shirt 52 x 1 - 975 / 5.2 / 3.14 \u003d 59 cm * 2/3 \u003d 39 cm. But this is for rooms with high ceilings.


Calculation of a once-through refrigerator

If the straight-through is used as an aftercooler in a distillation column with liquid withdrawal, then choose the smallest and most compact option. Enough power is 30-40% of the nominal power of the column.

A direct-flow refrigerator is made without a spiral in the gap between the jacket and the inner pipe, then the selection is started into the jacket, and the cooling water is supplied through the central pipe. In this case, the shirt is welded onto the water supply pipe to the dephlegmator. This is a small "pencil" about 30 cm long.

But if the same straight-through is used both for distillation and for rectification, being a universal unit, they proceed not from the need of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but from maximum power heating during distillation.

To create a turbulent steam flow in the refrigerator, which allows for a heat transfer rate of at least 10 watts / sq. cm, it is necessary to provide a steam speed of about 10-20 m / s.

The range of possible diameters is quite wide. The minimum diameter is determined from the conditions of not creating a large overpressure in the cube (no more than 50 mm of water column), but the maximum by calculating the Reynolds number, based on the minimum speed and maximum coefficient of kinematic viscosity of vapors.

Possible design of a once-through refrigerator

In order not to go into unnecessary details, here is the most common definition: “In order for the turbulent mode of steam movement to be maintained in the pipe, it is sufficient that the inner diameter (in millimeters) be no more than 6 times the heating power (in kilowatts).”

To prevent the water jacket from airing, it is necessary to maintain a linear water velocity of at least 11 cm / s, but an excessive increase in speed will require high pressure in the water supply. Therefore, the range from 12 to 20 cm/s is considered optimal.

To condense the steam and cool the condensate to an acceptable temperature, water must be supplied at 20°C at a rate of about 4.8 cc/s (17 liters per hour) for every kilowatt of power input. In this case, the water will heat up by 50 degrees - up to 70 ° C. Naturally, less water will be needed in winter, and when using autonomous systems cooling, about one and a half times more.

Based on the previous data, the cross-sectional area of ​​the annulus and the inside diameter of the jacket can be calculated. It is necessary to take into account the available assortment of pipes. Calculations and practice have shown that a gap of 1-1.5 mm is quite sufficient to comply with all necessary conditions. This corresponds to pairs of pipes: 10x1 - 14x1, 12x1 - 16x1, 14x1 - 18x1, 16x1 - 20x1 and 20x1 - 25x1.5, which cover the entire power range used at home.

There is another important detail of the straight-through - a spiral wound on a steam pipe. Such a spiral is made of wire with a diameter that provides a gap of 0.2-0.3 mm to inner surface shirts. It is wound with a step equal to 2-3 diameters of the steam pipe. The main purpose is to center the steam pipe, in which, during operation, the temperature is higher than in the jacket pipe. This means that as a result of thermal expansion, the steam pipe lengthens and bends, leaning against the jacket, dead zones appear that are not washed by cooling water, as a result, the efficiency of the refrigerator drops sharply. Additional advantages of spiral winding are the lengthening of the path and the creation of turbulence in the cooling water flow.

A well-made straight-through can utilize up to 15 watts / sq. cm of the heat exchange area, which is confirmed by experience. To determine the length of the cooled part of the direct flow, we use a rated power of 10 W / sq. cm (100 sq. cm / kW).

The required heat exchange area is equal to the heating power in kilowatts multiplied by 100:

S = P * 100 (sq. cm).

Steam pipe outer circumference:

Locr = 3.14 * D.

Cooling jacket height:

H = S / Len.

General calculation formula:

H = 3183 * P / D (power in kW, height and external diameter steam pipe in millimeters).

An example of the calculation of a straight pipe

Heating power - 2 kW.

It is possible to use pipes 12x1 and 14x1.

Sectional areas - 78.5 and 113 square meters. mm.

Steam volume - 750 * 2 \u003d 1500 cubic meters. cm / s.

Steam velocities in pipes: 19.1 and 13.2 m/s.

The 14x1 pipe looks preferable, as it allows you to have a power margin, while remaining in the recommended steam speed range.

The steam pipe for the shirt is 18x1, the annular gap will be 1 mm.

Water supply rate: 4.8 * 2= 9.6 cm3/s.

Annular gap area - 3.14 / 4 * (16 * 16 - 14 * 14) = 47.1 sq. mm = 0.471 sq. cm.

Linear speed - 9.6 / 0.471 = 20 cm/s - the value remains within the recommended limits.

If the annular gap were 1.5 mm - 13 cm / s. If 2 mm, then the linear speed would drop to 9.6 cm / s and water would have to be supplied above the nominal volume, solely so that the refrigerator does not air up - a waste of money.

Shirt height - 3183 * 2 / 14 = 454 mm or 45 cm. The safety factor is not needed, everything is taken into account.

Result: 14x1-18x1 with a height of the cooled part 45 cm, nominal water flow - 9.6 cubic meters. cm/s or 34.5 liters per hour.

With a rated heating power of 2 kW, the refrigerator will produce 4 liters of alcohol per hour with a good margin.

An efficient and balanced straight-through distillation should have a ratio of extraction rate to heating power and water consumption for cooling 1 liter / hour - 0.5 kW - 10 liters / hour. If the power is higher, there will be large heat losses, if it is small, the useful heating power will decrease. If the water flow is higher, the direct flow is inefficiently designed.

The distillation column can be used as a wash column. Equipment for mash columns has its own characteristics, but the second distillation differs mainly in technology. For the first distillation, there are more features and individual nodes may not be applicable, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Based on real household needs and the existing range of pipes, we calculate using the above method typical options distillation column.

P.S. We express our gratitude for the systematization of the material and assistance in preparing the article to the user of our forum.


Dobrovar "TotSamiy" is a multifunctional dephlegmator-shifter. It can be used both as a powerful distiller and as a reflux condenser as part of a beer or distillation column with liquid or steam extraction product. Thus, by purchasing "TotSamy", you can receive a full range of drinks available for production at home - these are noble aromatic distillates, and rectified alcohol, and NDRF (under-rectified) - a product that is maximally purified from intermediate impurities, retaining the taste and smell of the feedstock.

The simplicity and reliability of this model make it affordable even for novice moonshiners. The abundance of additional devices allows you to increase the functionality of the system as your needs grow.

The device is made of food grade AISI-304 stainless steel.

The device is a constructor that allows you to assemble it in three configurations: pot still (PS), beer column(BK), a distillation column (RK), which allows you to get almost any alcoholic beverage. To obtain the most pure rectified alcohol, you will need drawers on SPN with a total active zone of 1-1.5 meters.

The device consists of the following main parts:

  • Main refrigerator (reflux condenser)
  • Mini dephlegmator with baffle selection unit
  • Reinforcing sides with fittings for digital thermometers or automation (sold separately)

The “Tom Samy” device is available in two connection options: clamp connection (1½") and (2")

The reflux condenser "Tot Same" is available both in Dimrotov and in shell-and-tube versions (8-9 tubes) - clamp (1.5 "- 2"). This design provides less hydrodynamic resistance to the passage of water, which facilitates the use of autonomous cooling and reduces water consumption by 1-2 l/h. And also reduces the length of the reflux condenser to 36 cm instead of 48 cm in a spiral version.

Mini-reflux condenser "Togo Samogo" is also made of shell-and-tube (8-9 tubes).

Inside the refrigerator, a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is built-in of 8 tubes Ø6 mm, 200 mm long (case diameter 40mm), and 9 tubes Ø8 mm, 200 mm long (body diameter - 50mm), which ensures the most efficient cooling.

The supply and discharge of cooling water is carried out using PVC hoses with a diameter of 8 mm, which, with the help of universal adapters are connected to fittings with ½" thread. It is also possible to use standard plumbing connections, which will ensure the reliability and tightness of connections. The water flow divider is used to divide the water flow between the mini dephlegmator and the main refrigerator using a Hoffmann clamp.

The rate of selection and the amount of phlegm returned during strengthening or rectification is regulated by the Hoffmann clamp. If necessary, the selection unit can be upgraded with a high-precision needle crane.

The temperature control fitting has an inner diameter of 6 mm - you can use both a conventional digital thermometer and connect high-precision measuring instruments.


  • Diameter of the body of the device - 40 mm
  • The length of the main dephlegmator - 36 cm
  • Connecting elements - clamp-1½"
  • Recommended heating power - 3 kW
  • Maximum heating power - 5 kW
  • Productivity in the distillation mode during the distillation of mash - up to 5 l / h
  • Productivity during the distillation of raw alcohol - up to 8 l / h
  • Rectification of raw alcohol - up to 0.8 l / h at a height of 1.5 m;
  • Product temperature: not higher than cooling water temperature;
  • Connection diameters: 8 mm;
  • Apparatus: stainless steel AISI 304, wall thickness 1 mm;
  • Complete set height: 177 cm;
  • Weight: 8.3 kg;
  • Warranty: 5 years.


  1. Dephlegmator The Same - 1 pc.
  2. Tsarga-40-1000 SPN (stainless steel) - 1 pc.
  3. Digital thermometer x 2
  4. PVC hose (blue) -3 m.
  5. PVC hose (red) - 3 m.
  6. Silicone hose - 1 m.
  7. Hoffmann clamp - 1 pc.
  8. Cube - 23 l.
  9. Cube lid - 1.5 inch clamp.
  10. Clamp clamp with gaskets - 3 pcs.
  11. Adapters for water - 4 pcs.
  12. Faucet adapter - 1 pc.
  13. Fixing springs-4 pcs.
  14. Plastic plugs - 5 pcs.
  15. Water flow divider - 1 pc.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On Administrative Responsibility legal entities(organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Extract from federal law RF:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Item number 1 says: "Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine in the amount of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

In order to understand the essence of the processes occurring inside the distillation column, we recommend that you refer to alcohol columns. It discloses the theory of obtaining ethanol, the quality of which is close to the maximum.

Today we will talk about the design of a home rectifier and how this device can be made by hand.

Before you start creating a distillation (packed) column (RC), you need to purchase suitable material. It should be noted right away that all kinds of non-ferrous metals should be excluded from the design of the device: no copper alloys, no food-grade aluminum and similar materials. Only stainless steel is a chemically inert alloy that is not subject to corrosion and does not emit toxic impurities during the rectification process.

On the pages of FORUMHOUSE you can find a lot of advice regarding the use of copper in the construction of rectifiers and distillers. But if you read, then even more you can find people who disagree with such opinions. The explanation is quite simple: hot alcohol is a very strong solvent. Therefore, the contact of hot alcohol-containing liquids with any non-ferrous metals is highly undesirable and even dangerous to health.

beutiflet FORUMHOUSE User

Only glass, silicone and stainless steel.

Working scheme of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The figure shows a diagram of a standard RK, having dealt with which, you can independently assemble a home rectifier.

Consider the main elements of the design in more detail.


As alembic any metal container made of stainless steel and having a suitable volume can be used.

As for the volume: someone uses a regular pressure cooker (with built-in heating), while someone has slightly higher requirements. In general, everyone is guided by their needs.

viktor50 FORUMHOUSE User

The pressure cooker is too small, you need a capacity of at least 15-20 liters. The rectification process takes quite a long time and getting a liter in half a day is not kosher.

As for column heating: the easiest (but not very practical) option is to install the still on an electric or gas stove. The fact is that the column has a relatively great height, so it will be better if the alembic is on the floor (and not on the stove).

Installing the cube directly on the floor allows electric heating, which makes the design of the RC less cumbersome, and the entire installation - the most convenient in operation.


It is necessary to move from gas to electricity - it is easier to regulate, and the height is added! I cut the heating elements into a flask, connected the voltage regulator from the TV and went ahead.

Be that as it may, when heating the feedstock, a smooth adjustment of the power of the heating element should be ensured. Otherwise, the whole idea will be doomed to failure.

Many users, in an attempt to improve the design of the RC, equip the device with automatic control systems, as well as complex regulators. But if you are used to controlling the process on your own (and in the case of a home-made distillation column, at first you will not succeed in a different way), then the installation automatic system control is not essential. Until you have sufficient experience in the field of home rectification, a simple power regulator included in the circuit of one of the available electric heaters will be quite enough.


I have three heating elements from a Soviet teapot - 1.25 sq. LATR, shown in the photo, perfectly regulates one heating element.

The rectification process in this case is carried out using one (adjustable) heating element. The remaining 2 are needed exclusively for heating.

If you have already had enough time to enjoy the visual perception of the process, and the lack of time does not allow you to constantly be near the operating RC, then the automation system embedded in the design of the device will allow you to control the process, requiring minimal human participation. Automation allows you to select the contents of the distillation cube, preventing the ingress of tail fractions into the "body" of the product. There are already ready-made technical solutions that can be bought in specialized stores. Such systems, reacting to temperature changes, close the distillate extraction unit at the right time or, conversely, open access cold water to the dephlegmator.

rectification tsarga

The rectification tsarga includes several components at once:

  1. Pipe with insulation and nozzle.
  2. Reflux condenser with distillate extraction unit, water jacket and thermometer.
  3. Union for connection with the atmosphere.

Given that alcohol vapor is very flammable, a hole for communication with the atmosphere (which is necessarily created at the top of the distillation column) must be equipped with a fitting and a rubber tube. The end of the tube should be lowered into a container of water. This will help prevent the spread of vapors indoors and their ignition.

Consider the design of the listed nodes.

Pipe (packed column)

The process of heat and mass transfer takes place in the lower pipe of the distillation column. A special filler is placed in its internal space, which increases the area of ​​contact between the hot steam and the cooling phlegm. At self-manufacturing columns as a filler (nozzle), it is easiest to use scourers for washing dishes made of stainless steel. Sometimes a special twisted wire (also made of stainless steel) is used.

If you use metal washcloths as a filler, then the quality of their manufacture should first be checked. To do this, cut off a piece of washcloth and boil it in a solution of table salt. If instead of stainless steel, another alloy is included in the washcloths, then the products will not be able to withstand such a test and will quickly rust. It is necessary to cut the washcloth. After all, if it has a protective coating, then only in this way can its internal structure be exposed.

The packing density should correspond to the indicator - 250-280 g of packing per liter of the internal volume of the packed column.

The quality of separation of boiling fractions directly depends on the size of the packed tube. Having considered the practical experience of FORUMHOUSE users, we can conclude that minimum diameter pipes should be equal to 32 mm. In general, the higher the pipe, the better the fraction separation will be. Optimal Height pipes must correspond to 40-60 of its diameters (minimum 20). Outside, the pipe should be insulated with a layer of protective material.

belor44 FORUMHOUSE User

A metal mesh is installed in the inner cavity of the pipe (top and bottom) to hold the filler.


In my column for NDRF, the filler is washcloths. At the same time, there are nets from a tea strainer. The pressure is stable. A meter column with a diameter of 35 mm produces an under-rectified product with a strength of 96% at a rate of 950 ml per hour. There are no snags.

The bottom and top of the distillation pipe, as a rule, are equipped with a thread that allows you to connect the unit to the distillation cube and to the dephlegmator.


The main purpose of the reflux condenser is the condensation and separation of light fractions that have a lower (relative to reflux) boiling point. In practice, the reflux condenser may have different design. The simplest to manufacture is recognized as a direct-flow (shirt) type dephlegmator or, as it is also called, a refrigerator-condenser. It consists of two pipes of different diameters, between which there is a cooling jacket with running water.

In fact, a straight-through reflux condenser is a stainless steel pipe that is welded into another pipe of the same material (only of a larger diameter). Externally, the device looks like in the image.

The photo shows that the dephlegmator has two fittings (for inlet and outlet of coolant) and a tube for communication with the atmosphere (above). At the same time, at the bottom of the reflux condenser there is a fitting for distillate selection.

In order to avoid the appearance of impurities and odors in the final product, it is recommended to use only silicone tubes for distillate sampling.

The body of the dephlegmator can be made from stainless pipes or from an ordinary food thermos and an additional inner pipe. The diameter of the inner tube is usually equal to the diameter of the packed column. If you do not have access to argon welding, then you can fasten structural elements using an ordinary soldering iron.

The distillate extraction unit, located at the very bottom of the reflux condenser, is a figured washer welded into the inner tube of the device.

In the sampling unit, it is necessary to make holes in advance for the thermometer (if it is planned to be used) and for the sampling tube.

The need to introduce thermometers into the design of the RK is a controversial issue. People "experienced" often do without thermometers at all. At the same time, there are such distillers who, on the contrary, measure the temperature where it needs to be done, and where it is not at all necessary. For example, installing a thermometer in the body of the distillation cube only allows you to control the heating process. That is, by watching it, you can roughly navigate - how much time is left before the column boils.

But there are two constructive nodes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where temperature control brings tangible practical benefits. These are the dephlegmator outlet pipe and the dephlegmator extraction unit (instead of the extraction unit, the space between the packed column and the dephlegmator can be used to install the thermometer).

If, at the outlet of the reflux condenser, the temperature of running water is allowed to drop below 45 ° C, then the separation of the fractions will not occur very efficiently (due to supercooling of the phlegm). If the temperature is above 55°C, then in the process of sampling the “body”, “tails” will break through the sampling tube.

Controlling the temperature in the extraction unit makes it possible to determine the steam temperature at the outlet of the packed column, and at the same time gives an understanding of which fraction is being separated at the current time. For example, if the temperature of the steam in the extraction unit is within the range of - 77.5-81.5 ° C (depending on atmospheric pressure), then only the “body” of the product will enter the distillate extraction tube.

Siberiafish FORUMHOUSE User

The temperature during the transfer was kept in the range of 78.8-81.3. Before the end, she began to jump.

The inner end of the thermometer tube soldered into the column must be plugged.

In order for the reflux condenser to be evenly cooled from all sides, a screw spiral can be soldered into the cooling jacket, which will set the correct direction of the cooling flow.

But what design of the reflux condenser is offered by one of the users of our portal.

Timothy1 FORUMHOUSE User

I wound two meters of corrugation into the def - it removes 3 liters per hour!

The design of this device is as follows.

In most cases, the corrugation, which passes running water through itself, is wrapped around the inner tube of the dephlegmator (it is not shown in the figure). However, this approach does not always allow efficient heat transfer to be achieved. The feasibility of introducing such a design can only be determined in a practical way.

In practice, you can find dephlegmators of the most diverse designs (including horizontal devices). We have described only the most common.

Dephlegmator dimensions

The main quantity that determines the dimensions of the device is the area of ​​contact of the steam with the cooled surface. This value is often determined empirically. It depends on the power supplied to the column and on the temperature of the coolant.


The distillation column I made two weeks ago produces 1200 ml of alcohol per hour. You can do more, but there is not enough cooling! The input power during acceleration is 3.5 kW, during the stage - 1.25 kW.

The product yield is always proportional to the input power. For example, if the power supplied to the cube (in the process of rectification) is 700 W, then the maximum productivity of the column will be 700 ml/hour (in practice, at this power we have 300-500 ml/hour). The area of ​​the reflux condenser with such a performance should be equal to - 200-300 cm². This area has inner tube dephlegmator, having a length of 300 mm and a thickness of 32 mm.


The rate of distillation primarily depends on the strength of the heating. If the stove can boil 1 liter per hour out of the mash, then no matter what the apparatus, you will not get 2 liters per hour. The purer and stronger the product, the slower the distillation. The apparatus itself can slow down the process in only one case - the low power of the dephlegmator, i.e., when it is necessary to reduce the heating for the normal operation of the apparatus. The larger the diameter, the larger the heat transfer area, and the better the heat removal.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is better to have a reflux condenser with dimensions exceeding the calculated ones. After all, an excess cooling area will never lead to a cessation of condensate formation, and, consequently, to a cessation of rectification.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a calculator for calculating the reflux condenser, which will help you navigate the dimensions of the manufactured device.


As a cooler for the sampled distillate, you can use a laboratory cooler, which is usually purchased at a laboratory glassware store.

In this case, the device can be made independently - according to the principle of a shirt-type dephlegmator (only the refrigerator will be much smaller in size). For this, again, stainless steel tubes of small diameter should be used. The length of the refrigerator should approximately equal the length of the reflux condenser.

In order to regulate the rate of distillate withdrawal or to stop (start) extraction in a timely manner, the distillate withdrawal tube should be equipped with a stopcock or a clamp (for example, from a dropper). The location of the clamp is indicated on general scheme RK.

The cooling cavities of the refrigerator and dephlegmator are interconnected in the following sequence: bottom of the refrigerator - refrigerator - top of the refrigerator - top of the dephlegmator - dephlegmator - bottom of the dephlegmator - sewerage. Simply put, a series connection of pipes is used, while water is supplied to the dephlegmator already slightly heated.

The temperature of the cooling water in the dephlegmator, as we already know, must correspond to certain values ​​​​(approximately - 45-55 ° C). And additional taps for adjusting the water flow will help us achieve the required indicators. The valve from the gas welding torch regulates the flow most finely.

Distillate distillation sequence

Consider the sequence of work with our distillation column. First of all, we dilute raw alcohol (obtained after preliminary distillation of the mash) with tap water to a strength of 30% ... 40% (there is no consensus on this indicator, but the lower it is, the less likely it is to accidentally ignite). Then we pour it into the distillation cube, assemble the distillation column and fit it to the distillation tank.

The column, under no circumstances, should not deviate from the vertical level. Otherwise, the quality of the final product will noticeably suffer.

After the RC is installed, you can start heating the contents of the cube. The distillate tap must be closed. At the moment when the steam temperature in the reflux condenser begins to rise sharply, it is necessary to reduce the power supplied to the column to a minimum (the temperature at this moment can quickly reach 70-78 ° C, which is associated with a sharp rise in vapor through the packed part of the column). In this position, the device should be left for 30 minutes. This is necessary in order for the RC to warm up, and the process of heat and mass transfer to begin inside it. The temperature in the upper part of the RC may then fall.

After the specified time, we turn on the water supply to the refrigerator (and to the reflux condenser) and begin the selection of “heads”. We repeat once again that you can’t drink “heads”!

The end of the selection of "heads" can be determined by several signs: temperature stabilization - around 78 ° C and a change in the organoleptic characteristics of the selected distillate (the distillate begins to smell of alcohol).

After the selection of the "heads", you can begin the selection of the "body": increase the power of the column and adjust the water temperature in the dephlegmator (45°C - 55°C).

We enjoy the process until the “tails” are cut off. The beginning of the tail fractions condensation can be judged by the increase in temperature in the reflux condenser (up to about 85°C) and the appearance of the smell of fuselage in the sampled distillate. On this, the process of rectification will be considered completed. Tailing fractions can be selected for use in the process of subsequent hauls, or simply disposed of. It's up to you.

If you are familiar with in practice, then we invite you to take part in the discussion of issues related to this fascinating topic. If you are accustomed to eating no less sophisticated snacks along with exquisite drinks, then the article about how to endlessly surprise guests with the unusual taste of cooked dishes.