Fan pipe for sewerage in a private house: diameter, installation, replacement. Why do I need a fan pipe for the sewerage system and how to make it? Minimum pipe diameter

  • 27.06.2020

Many copies have been broken in disputes about how to properly make a sewer riser exit to the roof. The time has come to clarify this sewer issue, and the invaluable experience of our portal users will help us in this.

  • What is a fan pipe;
  • How it is arranged;
  • How to do without it;
  • Is a diameter of 50 millimeters acceptable;
  • Ready solutions from FORUMHOUSE members.

Fan pipe: what is it

How the fan pipe is arranged can be understood from this diagram.

In the sewer system, this is the element of the pipeline device, which is the link between the septic tank and the atmosphere.

And it doesn’t matter if you use it on your site or made it yourself.

It should be remembered that in most cases the device of this sewer element is simply necessary, since a vacuum is created when sewage passes through the riser. The water that is in the siphons of plumbing fixtures in your home under the influence of vacuum begins to be sucked into the sewer, and this can lead to a sharp decrease in pressure, a breakdown of the water seal and the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the premises.

A siphon or water seal is a curved tube located under the sink or behind the toilet and filled with water. The liquid permanently present in the curved part of this device acts as a water plug preventing penetration unpleasant odors from .

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A sewer riser in a private house: the experience of FORUMHOUSE participants

indicative personal experience our members of the forum. Consider one of the most asked questions.

Latysya FORUMHOUSE member

- I have cesspool septic tankconcrete rings with bottom and lid. It is located 6 meters from the house. There are 3 windows on this side. At first, I thought about arranging the exit of the ventilation riser through the ceiling of the bathroom, then into the attic pocket and the roof of the house. I think this is necessary so that the gases and other odors formed in the filling septic tank exit through it and disperse higher above the roof. But the problem is that you do not want to make holes in the roofing material. Help me understand if there will be a smell from a septic tank without a ventilation riser, and what should be the diameter of the vent pipe in a private house.

The consultant of our forum answers Evgeny Fadeev :

Evgeny Fadeev:

- This sewer element must be installed, and the pipe must be 110 mm in diameter. If you do not arrange it, then when the water seals dry out or break down, a smell will appear. If there is no normal fan ventilation with an inflow at the filtering structure and an exhaust on the roof, the smell will, one way or another, spread around the area. And for the diameter, you should remember a simple rule:

fan pipe 50mm will provide about 16 times less flow through a 110mm pipe. Thus, it will no longer be ventilation, but a set of several connecting tubes.

Sometimes homeowners come to the conclusion that the installation of this element of the sewer system is not necessary, you can do without it. But it’s easy to guess what will happen if you drain the water from the kitchen sink, bathroom and toilet at once, and there is no fan pipe in the design. But usually in a modern country house two or more bathrooms are mounted.

How do without a fan pipe in a private house

The answer to these questions is: “in most cases, there is no way around it.” It should be remembered that its installation is necessary:

  • When used in the communication system of sewer risers with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • The house has two or more floors equipped with bathrooms;
  • or other equipment whose one-time drain is capable of blocking the sewer system.

Fan pipe on the roof: placement

Consider the following, very common situation: the house has already been built, the septic tank has been dug, the exits of the bathrooms have been planned, and the homeowner has not yet decided what to do next.

Prorab_2009 Member of FORUMHOUSE:

- Help to properly arrange a fun exit to the roof. At the moment, the situation is as follows: the house has been built, the roof is made of tiles, now it has come to sewer pipe, from the house to the septic tank 6m. It is possible to break through the ceiling and install it under the roof tiles in a cold attic.

According to the consultant of our forum Vadim , in this case, the following scheme is possible, and method number 1 will be more correct.


- The first method is the most preferred. The fungus on the riser is not needed. Warm air rises through the pipe, condensate can freeze on the fungus and block it, and do not conduct it under the eaves, in which case the draft will decrease. Do not take out to the attic - and the draft is weak and the attic stinks.

Fan output to the roof - basic rules

User of our forum (nickname on the forum Vladimir Ku ) advises to adhere to the following rules when removing the vent pipe:

  • It should go up to the roof, at least 300mm. And as close as possible to the ridge, so that the snow does not tear it off when leaving the roof. And it is arranged not only to protect hydraulic locks during internal sewerage your home, but also for ventilation of the sewer system.
  • If the house is more than 2 floors and with long horizontal internal sewerage wiring inside the house, then you will have to remove the second fan riser.
  • If you are worth autonomous system biological treatment using microorganisms that need oxygen for their life, then a ventilation system is essential.

The risers are placed as straight as possible. It is necessary to avoid turns, bends and narrowings so as not to create resistance to air flows.

In any private house, it is simply necessary to equip a system responsible for high-quality ventilation premises. For the arrangement of these structures, fan elements are considered the most suitable, which prevent air discharge in the ventilation system. Siphons, also used in the process of arranging ventilation, differ small size and a small supply of water. But with a long downtime of the system, the water from the siphon evaporates, which allows foreign odors to easily penetrate the ventilation system of the house.

The use of fan pipes allows you to avoid pressure drops inside the system, ensures the operation of the system with a lack or complete absence of water in the siphon. This problem is especially relevant for country houses often used for temporary residence. bad system ventilation, which allows sewer smells into the house, causes unpleasant odors inside the whole house.

Even if not used for a long enough time, sewers can accumulate volatile gases, which, at the first opportunity, rise up the ventilation ducts. With a lack of fluid in the siphon, warmer sewer air can enter the room.

Useful information:

What are the pipes made from?

Elements of sewer structures are already enough long time not made of asbestos, ceramics or cast iron. modern material It is considered to be inexpensive, light and easy to install plastic. Most often, for the arrangement of sealed sewer systems, PVC elements are used in combination with rubber seals. At the same time, it must be remembered that each type of pipe must be used taking into account subsequent operating conditions and operating temperatures. To connect dishwashers and washing machines that use high-temperature water for their work, it is necessary to use special pipes provided for these tasks.

But having considered this issue in more detail, we can conclude that this is practically impossible. Most often, the diameter of the pipe connected to the drain of the bath and the toilet does not exceed 110 mm, and the diameter of the drain hole of the tank does not exceed 70 mm, the diameter of the siphon is set to no more than 50 mm. Other plumbing fixtures used in modern home or an apartment, designed to use small drains that do not greatly affect the overall situation.

If the task is to equip several bathrooms, the use of fan pipes is justified and necessary.

Fan pipes are used in the following situations:

  • if it is planned to install several toilet bowls or bathtubs in the cottage, placing them on different floors of the house;
  • if the sewer risers will have a cross section of 50 mm;
  • in common system sewer included basins affecting the total amount of sewage;
  • on the site the use of septic tanks that can cause unpleasant odors is provided.

Installation rules

When installing exhaust pipes, two basic rules should be followed:

  1. The diameter of the exhaust pipe must be equal to or greater than the cross section of the sewer outlet.
  2. When positioning the final hood section, it is necessary to find a place with a good supply of fresh air.

When erecting fan pipes, the same methods and technologies are used as in the process of installing risers. If you look, the exhaust system can be called the final element of the sewer, installed in a pre-designed ventilation duct.

Quite often, if the required number of outlets for ventilation is not provided, it is possible to carry out exhaust structures through the walls of the room. On the holes that appear after this on the outer part of the wall, you can install decorative elements, grids.

A sewer pipe in a private house will help get rid of unpleasant odors even in rooms with a properly equipped exhaust hood and ventilation system.

Siphons used in sanitary equipment and ladders, are small in size and are not able to accommodate a large amount of water. This leads to the fact that with irregular use, moisture can completely evaporate and open the way for air from the sewer system.

When installing fan pipes, the problem with the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer system is almost completely solved, warm air from all sanitary appliances is discharged into the atmosphere without any problems.

Video - Features of installing a fan riser

In the presence of one or two sewer risers, fan pipes can be easily brought to the roof of a cottage or a private house. With the increase in the number of risers, appearance buildings will be damaged due to a large number roof outlets.

If there are more than three sewer risers, it is possible to install one fan structure and equip other risers with valves consisting of a spring and a rubber seal. This vacuum valve is designed to supply air to the pipeline when a discharged volume appears, which occurs when water is drained in the system. After pressure equalization, the valve closes securely, preventing odors from entering the system.

There is an opinion that vacuum valves can successfully replace fan pipes. But if the site is supposed to accommodate treatment facilities, a sewer hood is simply necessary to remove sewer fumes.

Building codes and standards based on theoretical calculations, the laws of physics and many years of experience in installing these systems, require the laying of exhaust communications and ventilation systems along the contour of heated areas. In this case, the final section should be located in the area where colder air masses are located.

Installation of fan pipes is unacceptable in the attic. This is due to the fact that in the attic space will constantly accumulate bad smell, penetrating then into other rooms of the upper floors of the building.

Installation of sewer hoods near the outer walls of the building can significantly spoil the appearance of the building. Evaporation from sewage moving upwards can, after a relatively short amount of time, leave an unpleasant coating on the roof and upper elements of the house.


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Hello again!

The owners of apartments on the upper floors of high-rise buildings are often annoyed by the section of the sewer pipe that goes to the roof. It seems useless and, according to the owners, takes up too much usable space, which is why they often get rid of it without remorse.

In fact, the seemingly unnecessary fan pipe has a very specific purpose. What is its function and is it really impossible to do without it?

The fan pipe is a continuation and belongs to the class of gas outlet ventilation equipment.

Purpose and functions

The fan riser is designed to remove fetid gases accumulated in the circuit outside the boundaries of the household.

But this is not its only function, it:

  • It normalizes the pressure in the system, which prevents the failure of hydraulic locks in the siphons of plumbing fixtures while draining a large amount of wastewater.
  • Attenuates the sound of sewage movement in the pipeline.

Device and principle of operation

From a technical point of view, the fan riser is a natural extension of the waste pipeline. In fact, this is a pipe segment connected to the sewer line and extending beyond the boundaries of the roof structure of the house.

The contour and layout of the outlet of the fan pipe is determined by the features of the structure.

The principle of operation of the fan riser is based on the difference in atmospheric pressure inside the sewer circuit and on the street. Formed in the process of biological decay gases naturally rush up and down. Since the design of the siphons of plumbing fixtures provides for a kind of barrier in the form of a water seal, they go outside along the path of least resistance - along the fan pipe. If it is absent or blocked, these gaseous emissions will be carried out through the water seal and enter the room.

How to determine if a vent pipe is required

There is no need to guess in this matter: everything is clearly regulated by the norms of SNiP 2.04.01-85. If the house does not belong to the categories "one-story" and "private", it must be equipped with a fan riser.

Do I need a fan riser in a one-story and two-story house

As we have already decided, if the house is two-story and also multi-apartment, a ventilation sewer circuit is a must.

But with a one-story, even a private house, everything is not so simple. A fan riser in a private one-story house may be required if, with a one-time discharge of effluents, the liquid completely, albeit for a short time, blocks the cross section of the sewer pipe. In this case, there is a high probability of failure of the hydraulic seals of sanitary equipment and the release of waste gases into the room.

The designated risk zone includes houses in which:

  • More than one floor and at the same time each is equipped with a bathroom, even with a separate sewer branch.
  • The diameter of the waste risers is less than 110 mm.
  • Jacuzzis or pools are connected to the public sewerage system.
  • The septic tank is removed from the house at a distance of less than 8 meters.
  • Not sustained.

Even if you have cottage, but at the same time, several bathrooms are equipped in it, the connection of a fan pipe is mandatory.

How to check if there is a sewer pipe in the house

There is nothing easier:

  1. If you are a happy owner of an apartment located on the top floor of a multi-storey building, just go to the bathroom where the sewer riser is located. If a pipe goes up from it, everything is fine. By the way, it would be useful to go up to the attic and make sure that this pipe is brought out of the roof.
  2. If you are not so lucky and the apartment is located a little lower, just listen to the sounds made by the sewer. A characteristic squelching is a signal that the fan pipe is either not there at all, or it is clogged.
  3. The systematic failure of water seals and a fetid odor will also indicate problems with the sewer ventilation system.

Is it possible to do without it

In very rare cases, yes. But then the sewer line should be equipped with a check or vacuum valve (aerator). Which is better, consider below.

What materials is it made from

What is a fan, what is a sewer - this is the same type of pipes. This means that they are made from the same materials - plastic or cast iron:

  1. more convenient to install and operate.
  2. Cast iron is stronger and more durable, but it is harder to work with them due to their impressive weight and fragility. In addition, cast iron quickly become contaminated during operation.

Types, sizes and diameters

There are 2 types of fan pipes:

  • Rectilinear (rigid).
  • Offset (corrugated).

The offset pipe is mobile and allows you to connect to a toilet with any outlet location.

The norms regulate the diameter of the fan pipes of 110 mm. This value is the same for both cast iron and plastic models.

The length of the fan pipe can be different: it depends on the height of the ceiling and attic spaces, as well as the level of output outside the roof.

Which view is better

Cast iron is gradually giving way to plastic, so if possible it is better to replace the cast iron model with a plastic one. This is not at all difficult to do: you can use special cuff adapters for tie-in.

When choosing between plastic products, give priority to polymers based on polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They are:

  • They provide sufficient fastening rigidity, resistance to vibration and mechanical loads.
  • Able to resist aggressive environment condensate accumulating on the walls of the pipeline during the release of malodorous gases.

It is better to use the same type of plastic that was chosen for the main sewer. So it will be easier to choose a sealing composition.

Structural features are determined by the installation method and personal preferences of the owner. If the design is straight, it is wiser to use rigid products. If it is planned to bend the contour, it is allowed to perform part of the elements in the corrugation.

How to choose the right

The main issue in choosing a fan pipe is determining the optimal diameter, especially when it comes to apartment buildings with lots of stock.

The size of the cross section of the fan pipe should not be less than the same value of the interfloor sewer riser to which it connects.

approximate price

The cost of fan pipes is determined by a number of parameters:

  • Dimensions (section, length, wall thickness).
  • Manufacturing material.
  • structural features.
  • Manufacturer and brand name.

The estimated cost of PVC models is given in the table:

Outer diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm Pipe length, m price, rub.
90 5 3,06 500
90 8 6 1850
113 5 2,07 560
113 5 3,07 830
113 5 5,07 1360
113 7 2,07 760
113 7 3,07 1125
113 7 5,07 1855
125 5 2,07 605
125 5 3,07 900
125 5 5,07 1480
125 6 3,07 1050
125 6 5,07 1735
125 7,5 3,07 1320
140 6,5 2,07 890
140 6,5 3,07 1320
140 6,5 5,07 2180
140 8 3,07 1600
140 8 5,07 2630
165 7,5 3,07 1740
165 9,5 3,07 2150
195 8,5 3,08 2195
195 11,5 3,08 3050
225 10 3,09 3170
225 13 3,09 4005

Installation rules

The installation of the vent pipe is carried out inside the heated room strictly from the bottom up in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation in the bearing elements of the construction of technological holes.
  2. Installation of plumbing fixtures, assembly and connection of their sewer circuit to the riser.
  3. The system is assembled at the lowest point of the circuit. To connect all the elements, a tee is used, one of the holes of which should “look” up.
  4. A section of the fan pipe is installed in the branch pipe of the tee right size, so that on attic floor the connecting section did not fall out.
  5. Silicone sealant is used to seal the joints.
  6. Every 1-1.5 meters, the pipeline is fixed to the wall by means of clamps: rigid - in the places of the socket connection, floating - in straight sections. It is advisable to use clamps with a rubber seal, they will better hold the pipe in a given position and compensate for the vibration load.

How is the outlet pipe through the roof and how to determine the desired height

The contour of the fan riser is being built along inner wall building, is carried out through the attic and without fail is taken out of the roof.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. To prevent the collapse of the structure in the attic, a fastening system is provided.
  2. The minimum level of elevation of the fan pipe above flat roof- 30 cm, over pitched - 50 cm.
  3. When placing the fan pipe in parallel with the ventilation circuit of the house, the edge of the fan pipe is set at least 15 cm higher than the edge of the ventilation pipe.
  4. With a gable roof, the fan pipe should be taken out from the leeward side.
  5. The distance between the edge of the vent pipe and the nearest window or balcony is at least 4 m.
  6. To prevent contamination, the head is equipped with a special protective deflector. Installing another type of equipment will inevitably worsen the quality of the sewer ventilation circuit, as well as provoke the formation of condensate.
  7. When the head rises above the roof level to a height of more than 50 cm, a bracing system is installed that firmly fixes the position of the pipe on the roof.

Sometimes you can bring the fan pipe through the gable part of the roof, this will preserve the integrity roofing. In addition, technically, such installation is easier to perform, the main thing is to comply with the requirements for the remoteness of the head from the window and balcony structures of the house. Otherwise, fetid aromas will be drawn into the house.

How is the output through the roof

For output through the roof, a mounting hole is made in the roofing pie, 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the fan pipe. After the pipeline is assembled, it is necessary to carefully seal the through hole.

For this, special polymeric elastic linings are used, the so-called master flashes. They are:

  • Easily installed.
  • Provides a tight seal.
  • Reliably protect the place of passage from leakage.

Along the edges of the lining, you should additionally walk with sealant.

The main mistakes during installation

Everything that is prohibited by the norms of SNiP, but for some unknown reason is often ignored by craftsmen, can be safely attributed to the number of errors:

  1. Unauthorized removal of the fan line.
  2. Reducing the cross section of the fan pipe compared to the main sewer riser.
  3. Conclusion of the head to the attic.
  4. The construction of the fan circuit according to outer wall building.
  5. Conclusion of the fan pipeline to the standard general house ventilation system.

Combining a fan circuit with a chimney can cause a fire due to the ignition of sewer gases.

Is soundproofing and insulation required?

Soundproofing the fan pipe is not a mandatory requirement, but it is not forbidden either. This issue becomes especially relevant when the pipeline passes through living rooms. The noise of sewage, air pops and vibrations can cause discomfort.

The following materials are used for soundproofing:

  1. Mounting foam. The surface of the fan pipe simply foams with it. However, it should be noted that such a design will look unattractive, and it is also quite problematic to dismantle it later, and you can forget about repairs altogether.
  2. Special board materials, made in the form of a rigid shell, exactly repeating the configuration of the pipeline. They are easy to install, hold well and do not cause difficulties during dismantling.
  3. Soft rolled soundproofing canvases, with which the highway is usually wrapped in 2-3 layers (depending on the thickness and sound-absorbing qualities of the material). The inconvenience of using soft cloths lies in the need to ensure their sufficiently rigid fixation, which prevents the material from rolling along the vertical plane of the pipeline.

The use of thick-walled polypropylene pipes can reduce the noise effect of a working sewer.

But the insulation of the fan pipeline is not an idle question, especially when it comes to an unheated basement, upper floors and an attic. The temperature difference provokes the formation of condensate and its freezing in the pipe circuit, reducing the efficiency of the ventilation system. For insulation, as a rule, the same materials are used as for sound insulation.

Rules for replacing a pipe

The need to replace the fan riser arises when the old design:

  • Obviously worn out, and the connections loosened.
  • Has damage.
  • Made from old cast iron pipes, long outdated.

Replacement work should begin with disconnecting the obsolete structure from the sewer riser, which should be temporarily closed with a plug during the repair. This will prevent the release of fetid odors into the room, and will also prevent the remnants of the old pipe from entering the sewer circuit.

After dismantling the old structure, you can proceed to install a new one. The sequence of these works is described above. Do you have any questions? Watch the video.

Repairing a plastic fan pipe is a simple matter. It is enough to replace the damaged area with a new one or install a special crimp repair sleeve in this place.

With cast iron pipelines, everything is much more complicated, especially when it comes to the old fund. Over time, cast iron becomes more brittle, and it is almost impossible to disassemble a battered cast-iron joint without damage. Better to do a complete replacement.

Fan pipe alternative

Some alternative to the fan main are special devices- aerators. In their people.

July 26, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Many people undertake to lay sewers in country houses on their own, however, not all of them know what a fan pipe is and why it is needed at all. This, in turn, leads to various problems that arise during the operation of the system, in particular, unpleasant odors appear in the room. Therefore, in this article I will tell you about the purpose of this sewer element, its installation and some other important nuances.

Purpose of the pipe

General information

So, a sewer ventilation section is called a fan pipe. In fact, this is a continuation of the riser, which is brought out through the attic. Its task is to stabilize the pressure in the sewer system.

But how can it affect unpleasant odors in the room? Indeed, for their absence, siphons are used, inside which are formed.

In fact, everything is very simple - a large amount of wastewater generated, for example, in the process of washing the toilet, works on the principle of a piston in a pump. Those. in front of the drains in the system, the pressure rises, and behind them, on the contrary, it is discharged.

As a result of air discharge, if there is no ventilation, the water seal breaks down and air is sucked through the drain hole of the plumbing fixture, after which an unpleasant odor appears in the room. As a rule, this problem occurs in a plumbing fixture, where the water seal is the weakest, however, sometimes the failure of water seals occurs simultaneously in several places.

The process of failure of the water seal is accompanied by a characteristic gurgle coming from the drain hole of the plumbing fixture.

Linguistic confusion appeared among the people, as a result of which they began to call the section of wiring between the toilet bowl and the riser, or even the entire sewer, a fan pipe.
From here came such a thing as a fan pipe eccentric, which means an adapter that allows you to connect the toilet to the sewer.

In the presence of ventilation, air freely enters, and thereby stabilizes the pressure, preventing such problems.

When is ventilation necessary?

Ventilation of the sewer system, first of all, is necessary in houses with two floors (if plumbing fixtures are available on each floor) and even more so in multi-storey buildings with a large number of apartments.

In most cases, a fan pipe in a private house is not required, however, the following are cases when it cannot be dispensed with here either:

  • if the house has a pool or several bathrooms that can be used simultaneously. It should be noted that in this case, the washing machine, which discharges water into the sewer during the washing process, should also be included in the bathrooms;
  • if the diameter of the riser is 50 mm - in this case, even a small amount of drains can lead to the failure of hydraulic seals;
  • if the septic tank is located near the house - in this case, the ventilation of the septic tank is also carried out through the fan pipe, as shown in the diagram above.

For convenient and quick connection of the "washer" to the sewer, you should install a special siphon with a tap for washing machine to the plumbing fixture closest to it.

In addition, ventilation of the riser may be required in some cases when the sewerage is not done correctly.

Device and installation rules

As already mentioned above, ventilation tube is a continuation of the riser. It is made from the same sewer pipes. As a rule, its diameter is 110 mm, i.e. the diameter is equal to the diameter of the riser.

A “fungus” is put on top of it, which prevents precipitation and various debris from entering the riser.

It should be noted that for the normal functioning of ventilation, the sewer pipe must be installed according to certain rules:

  • the diameter can be equal to the diameter of the riser or be larger, but by no means less;
  • on the roof, the structure should be located 30-50 cm above the ridge. In cases where the roof is exploited, for example, if there is a terrace on it, the height of the pipe can reach three meters;
  • according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, it is strictly forbidden to combine sewer ventilation with other ventilation systems at home and a chimney;

  • the distance of windows to the outlet of the vent pipe must be at least four meters;
  • Ventilation can only be carried out on the roof and not in the attic. An exception is in some cases when the house has two fan pipes. One of them can be placed in the attic, but it is imperative to install a ventilation valve;
  • the ventilation section that takes place in the attic must be insulated;
  • it is forbidden to bring the end of the pipe under the roof overhang, as the system may be damaged when snow melts in winter.

Compliance with these rules will avoid a number of problems and troubles during the operation of the sewer system.

Fan pipe alternative

There are situations when the ventilation of the riser does not work effectively, for example, if it is old and clogged. Sometimes it may be absent altogether, for example, in a private house.

Correct the situation, of course, you can replace the system or install it. However, this work is quite laborious and time-consuming.

Replacing the fan pipe in the apartment can be done independently. But the replacement of the site in the attic and on the roof should be handled by the relevant services that have permission to do so.

Therefore, it is more expedient to use its alternative - a sewer aerator or, as it is also called, a check valve. True, the last name is incorrect, since the sewer check valves called devices that prevent the penetration of drains from the riser into plumbing fixtures in the event of an accident.

The aerator also provides air infiltration into the system to stabilize the pressure, as, in fact, the ventilation of the riser. At the same time, it prevents the release of gases and air with unpleasant odors to the outside, so it can be installed even in an apartment. The price of such a device is about 100-150 rubles, which is an order of magnitude less than the cost of installing a fan pipe.

It should be noted that the sizes of aerators are different. The purpose of the device depends on them:

Finally, I will give the basic rules for installing an aerator in an apartment or house, which must be observed for correct operation devices:

  • the device must be installed after the last plumbing device in the system, the device closest to the riser is considered the first;
  • the valve must be placed above other plumbing fixtures;
  • in cases where a drain is used in the system, the aerator must be located at a height of at least 35 cm above the floor.

Ventilation valves are not designed exclusively for indoor use, therefore they must not be taken outside.

As for installation, this procedure is extremely simple - the device is inserted into the socket of the sewer pipe. To secure the connection, the joint should be coated with sealant.

Here, in fact, is the whole basic instruction for connecting the aerator.


Fan pipe in high-rise building is a necessary element of the sewer system. In addition, as we found out, in some cases it is also necessary in private homes. However, sometimes a sewer aerator can be used instead.

For more information on this topic, you can learn from the video in this article. If you're having sewer ventilation problems that you can't fix, ask questions in the comments and I'll be happy to try to help you.

Many of the residents of the upper floors of skyscrapers wondered why a sewer riser is needed where no one, in theory, lives? All of them are visited by thoughts of removing it and arranging, for example, shelves in the vacated niche or mounting an installation in it. And really, why is the usable area that can be used for your needs wasted? We will deal with this question in this article, in which, together with the site, the site will find out why a fan riser is needed, what threatens its dismantling, and is there an alternative that is able to replace it?

Removal of the fan pipe to the street photo

Fan riser: purpose and consequences of its absence

In short, the fan is nothing more than ventilation. Its main task is to ensure the flow of air into the sewer system, which ensures its ability to quickly cope with the transport of large volumes of water and remove unpleasant odors. Let's face it - the relevant services of the housing office have a negative attitude towards the issue of removing this part of the riser, even if it is being replaced with an air valve. Why? Everything is simple here - its absence entails a lot of problems that begin to pour one after another on their heads. And although these troubles can be counted on the fingers, they can make life unbearable for the residents of a high-rise building. Such problems include the following.

Now decide for yourself whether you need a fan riser in your apartment, or is it better to put up with its presence? By the way, if you are a resident of a private house, then you should not think that you will not have such problems. It should be understood that no matter how large the sewage system is and no matter how correctly it is assembled, the fan riser is its integral part, and there is simply no complete replacement for it. Think about it at your leisure, but for now I will tell you about one alternative that supposedly allows you to remove the sewer system.

See the video for the features of the fan riser device and the nuances of its installation.

Air valve: all the pros and cons of such a replacement of the fan riser

What is a sewer air valve? This is a small device made on the basis of an end cap. Two valves are embedded in it, which, with a certain effort, let air into the sewerage system, but do not release it back. In principle, this is what is needed to get rid of the consequences of the absence of a fan pipe, if not for a few “buts”.

  1. In fact, the diameter of the inlet holes of the air valve is five times, if not ten times smaller than the diameter of the riser. Suspicions immediately creep in. Will this device do the job? Practice has shown that in apartment buildings (with their loads on the sewer) this device is not enough. Now think about how much space it will take to place at least five of these devices in your niche? That's right, nothing will remain of it - we can say that you will change the awl for soap.
  2. The design of this valve is not perfect - it is able to work only when its gasket is located strictly in the horizon plane. The slightest skew, and the valve wedges in the closed or open position. In both cases, there will be trouble.

Fan riser replacement: air valve

In truth, replacing a fan riser with an air valve can only be done in private houses equipped with one bathroom. If we talk about more impressive buildings, then here you can’t do without a fan pipe.

Since we are talking about the private sector, in which waste water is drained into a septic tank or drain hole, we should also mention the effect of fan riser ventilation on the operation of these devices. No, globally, of course, it will not affect the operation of the same septic tank, but the lack of sewer ventilation can bring some troubles, for example, an unpleasant odor that spreads throughout the adjacent area and beyond. Do you want to get rid of it? Then make a fan pipe in the house and release it over the roof of the house - in this case, all the stench will evaporate into the atmosphere and disperse in the wind.

Sewerage in a house with a fan pipe

How to make a sewer fan riser: a quick guide

In principle, the installation of fan ventilation does not present any difficulties, unless, of course, the system is installed from scratch. If we are talking about finishing the sewer, then you will have to work a little here - in particular, cut the thickest sewer bed, insert an oblique tee into it and from it lead a pipe of the same diameter as the sunbed, first to the attic, and from there to the roof. Don't forget to put an umbrella on it to block the way of rain water.

That, in principle, is everything you need to know about sewer ventilation. Whatever one may say, but a fan riser is needed, and you should not get rid of it. Apart from trouble, this step will lead to nothing else.