The device of a sewer riser without ventilation. How to do it yourself

  • 03.03.2020

A fan riser is a pipe that connects the sewer to the environment, i.e. atmosphere. In practice, this looks like a continuation of the sewer riser, which is led through the attic to the roof.

Therefore, the fan riser is also called ventilation. But why does the sewer system need ventilation? Many beginners mistakenly believe that it only removes unpleasant odors from the sewer, but this is far from the case.

To answer the question posed, let's look at what processes occur in the sewer during the flow of a large number of drains through the riser.

The pipeline in this case works like a pump in which the effluents flowing into large volume, serve as a piston. Accordingly, during their downward movement in the sewer system, a zone of discharged pressure appears above the drains. This usually happens after flushing the toilet.

If the discharged pressure is not normalized by drawing in air through the vent, air is sucked in through the plumbing fixtures. As a result, the hydraulic seal breaks down in the area where it is the weakest. Those. water in the water seal is simply sucked into the system.

Recall that a water seal is, in fact, a water valve that prevents penetration bad smell from the sewer to the premises. It is formed in the siphon, which must be installed between each plumbing fixture and the sewer.

Therefore, in the process of breaking the water seal from the plumbing fixture, a characteristic “gurgling” is heard, which is probably familiar to many apartment owners in high-rise buildings. After that, the room appears bad smell, as the gases from the pipeline begin to freely go outside.

As you probably already guessed, the ventilation riser is just what is needed to equalize the pressure in the sewer. According to the current SNiP, it must be installed in all houses that have more than one floor.

Keep in mind that the lack of ventilation leads not only to the failure of hydraulic seals, but also to a deterioration in the pipeline's patency. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​"beds".

Accordingly, no dismantling fan pipe out of the question, as this will only lead to a number of problems.

Rules for arranging ventilation

In order for sewer ventilation to work effectively, it must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

Air valve

There are situations when the fan pipe is not enough for the normal operation of the sewer, i.e. the water seal breaks down, despite its presence. This can happen due to clogging of the system or improper installation. In a private house, sewer ventilation may be absent altogether.

How to be in such cases? Of course, you can resort to extreme measures - replace the old structure or install a new one from scratch. However, there is a simpler solution - this is the installation of an air valve.

The principle of this device is extremely simple - it allows the system to freely suck in air from environment, but immediately blocks the output in the event of a reverse thrust. Therefore, gases from the sewer cannot escape through the valve to the outside.

I must say that the air valve is a rather capricious device. Therefore, for its correct operation, it is necessary to follow certain installation rules:

Keep in mind that the capacity of the air valve is much less than the capacity of the fan ventilation. Therefore, it cannot be considered as an alternative to the riser in multi-storey buildings.

Here, in fact, is all the information regarding sewer ventilation.


As you can see, without fan riser it is impossible to ensure the normal operation of most internal sewer systems. Therefore, if this element is present in your sewer, then in no case should you get rid of it. An exception is in private homes, where an air valve can be used as an alternative.

To create comfortable conditions for living in a private house, it is mandatory to equip sewer ventilation. It will ensure that there is no foreign unpleasant smell in the premises. Each plumbing device equipped with a siphon (a curved pipe, inside which there is always water). This creates a water seal from the side of the septic tank. This is the first condition to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors. But with intensive draining of water simultaneously from the bathroom and the toilet, the air in the sewer pipe is discharged, the pressure drops sharply. As a result, water from the siphons goes into the pipe and air from the septic tank can flow freely. How is sewage ventilation arranged in a private house in order to protect oneself from such unpleasant phenomena? Let's look into this issue.

Device rules to follow

Sewer ventilation in a private house, as was said, is mandatory. It will prevent the spread of odors in the bathrooms. If the house has several risers, they are combined into common system ventilation.

There are several basic rules for installing ventilation risers in a private house:

  • the exhaust pipe is brought to the roof of the house, to a height of at least 1 m;
  • if several ventilation systems are combined into one, it is necessary to use pipes of the same diameter (usually 50 or 110 mm);
  • it is not necessary to install a cap on the outlet section of the ventilation pipe, because condensate may form, which in winter time forms ice plugs;
  • it is forbidden to combine sewer ventilation with a chimney or with a common ventilation system of a private house;
  • the ventilation pipe must be located at a distance of at least 4 m from the top floor windows and balconies;
  • it is not recommended to mount the ventilation pipe under the roof overhang, since snow and ice coming down from the roof in winter can damage it.

Properly equipped sewer ventilation will ensure comfortable living in a private house and prevent the entry of gases and odors into its premises.

Pipe selection and overall design

Consider the option of a multi-storey private house. If bathrooms are installed on each floor, then the simultaneous drain from all floors can increase the absorption of water from the siphons. For this reason, the sewer pipe must be led out through the roof. Its height must be more than 4 m from ground level. Only in this case:

  • water will remain in the hydraulic seals;
  • when draining, an air lock will not be created;
  • unpleasant odors will not spread in the premises.

For sewer ventilation, it is recommended to use plastic pipes. They are light, their installation is simple, they are equipped with all the elements necessary for connection. Almost any man who has minimal skills in repair and construction can mount ventilation from plastic pipes.

The pipe is brought out through a special ventilation duct, which is provided even when designing a house.

Scheme of ventilation of the sewerage system of a two-story private house

If for some reason the installation of the pipe was not provided for by the project, it can be mounted with a horizontal outlet into the wall, covering it from the outside decorative rosette.

It's important to know! In a one-story house, the ventilation pipe can have a diameter of 50 mm, in multi-storey buildings - at least 110 mm.

In areas with severe winters, the pipe should be insulated to prevent icing at the outlet.

The ventilation pipe can be mounted with a horizontal outlet to the wall, covering the outside with a decorative rosette

If there are any difficulties with the ventilation device (for example, it is expensive) or it is not possible at all, there is another option for solving the problem - ventilation of the sewage system using vacuum-type valves.

Installation of vacuum valves

Installation of vacuum valves is carried out inside the house at the end of the sewer riser.

The vacuum valve installed at the top of the riser is activated by vacuum and does not allow unpleasant odors to escape from the riser

Their device and principle of operation:

  • the valve has a spring with little resistance, as well as a rubber tight seal;
  • when there is a discharge in the sewer from effluents moving along the riser, the valve immediately works - it opens, passing air from the room into the sewer system. As a result, the vacuum is extinguished;
  • after the pressure in the room and the sewer system is equalized, the spring works, closing the valve opening and thereby preventing the fetid odor from the sewer riser from entering the house.

Vacuum valves cannot, however, be a complete replacement for ventilation pipes.

Over time, they become clogged and fail. In addition, vacuum valves will not be able to eliminate sewer odors if water has dried up in the siphons installed to plumbing fixtures.

The layer of water in the hydraulic seal is a reliable barrier to the flow sewer odors to the apartment

It is important! A water seal is a mandatory attribute of all wastewater receivers installed in the sewer system. Even the most good ventilation sewage in its absence will not be able to fully guarantee the removal of an unpleasant odor.

With these materials at hand, you can make a vacuum valve with your own hands

If placement is not possible check valve on the riser, it is installed on any section of the horizontal pipe leading to the sewer riser.

Even the simplest sewer system is an open space. It is connected through various devices with plumbing fixtures, which are cut off from the sewer itself by water seals, and on the other hand, it is connected with an open pipe to sewage pits, septic tanks or other facilities for collecting wastewater. For obvious reasons, the air inside the system has an unpleasant odor, which means that it will need to be removed so that it does not accumulate in large volumes and does not begin to seep into the premises. Therefore, it is necessary to think about ventilation to the sewer.

Do you need ventilation in the sewer

This question has not been raised for a long time, because even the toilet on suburban area a vent pipe is installed in the yard to remove unpleasant odors and gases formed during the decomposition of feces through it. And what then to say about a large private house. After all, here is a large number of plumbing fixtures that are directly connected to the sewer. And the drainage through them passes much more than in the yard toilet.

But why do you need sewer ventilation in a private house. This is primarily due to the possibility of drying water in the water seals of plumbing fixtures when the house is left for long time without living in it. Unpleasant odors through siphons will begin to penetrate into residential and non-residential premises. What it is fraught with and it is not worth talking about.

But that's not all. There are purely physical laws that require a vent pipe. Imagine closed system sewers, hermetically sealed on one side, for example, with a septic tank, on the other with siphons with water. When flushing water from the same toilet bowl inside the sewer system, under the action of water moving with high pressure, an excess pressure of gases and air will arise, which will counteract, that is, try to go against the flow of water. This means that some of them, even the smallest, will definitely penetrate the toilet room.

Device rules

The design and construction of sewer ventilation of a private house must be approached from the standpoint of certain requirements that guarantee efficient work systems. Here are the basic requirements:

  • the exhaust pipe must be located at least 1 m above the roofing material;
  • if it is planned to install several sewer risers in the house, which will be combined into one outlet pipe, then they are constructed from pipes of the same diameter;
  • caps are not installed on top of the fan pipes, because in winter condensate from outgoing warm gases can form on their internal planes, which will necessarily lead to blockage of the pipe or a decrease in its cross section;
  • the ventilation system for sewerage is a separate circuit that cannot be combined with general house ventilation;
  • this system cannot be connected to chimneys;
  • from windows and balcony doors the ventilation pipe must be located at least 4 m;
  • it is not recommended to mount a fan pipe near the roof overhangs, it may become unusable from precipitation, the best installation option is through roofing material on the roof.

Device options

The ventilation of the sewerage system is assembled according to a certain scheme, which is obliged to create normal conditions work in the first place the sewerage. Therefore, regardless of the number of wastewater discharge points and the number of storeys of the building, the system must work efficiently. Today, two options for the construction of ventilation are offered:

  1. With fan pipes.
  2. with vacuum valves.

But it should be noted that there are standards for the construction of sewer ventilation, in which the fan pipe must be present.

  • if the house has several floors, and the drain points are not lower than the first floor;
  • if the diameter of the sewer risers is not less than 0.5 m.

In addition, it should be added, experts note that when installing vacuum valves, the ventilation system does not work as efficiently when there are fan pipes in it.

Fan pipe for sewerage

Fan ventilation, as mentioned above, the best way. But it should be noted that there are certain rules for its installation, which, if assembled incorrectly, can affect the efficiency of the entire system. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the requirements.

  1. The fan riser is an ordinary pipe from which the sewerage of a private house is assembled. Today, plastic pipes are most often used, which are both cheaper in price and light in weight, which ensures ease of installation processes.
  2. The diameter of the fan riser is selected on the basis of not being less than the diameter of the sewer riser.
  3. Ventilation risers can be combined into one common if there are small distances between them. Otherwise, it is better to display each riser.
  4. Assembly ventilation system carried out at the stage of building a house. At the same time, a channel with hatches for revision is formed under it.
  5. If pipes for various purposes are led through the roofing material, then the upper end of the ventilation outlet must be higher than all the others.
  6. As practice shows, a deflector installed on a fan pipe does not increase ventilation efficiency. So there is no need for it.

Since ventilation with a fan pipe is assembled from sewer pipes, their assembly is carried out using fittings or a socket connection. This is both in fact and in the second case easier than ever. Experts also recommend lubricating the joints between sections and segments with silicone sealant to completely seal the joint.

Vacuum valves

Vacuum sewer ventilation valves are small size devices that can be installed on any part of the sewer system of a private house: on risers or horizontal sections. It is better to give preference to risers.

By itself, this device is a plastic case, inside of which there is a branch pipe with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the sewer pipe. The branch pipe is supported by a valve from above, which in turn is supported by a spring. At the same time, the connection between the pipe and the valve is very tight.

The device works very simply. The excess pressure created by the discharge of water presses on the valve, which opens. Through it, air enters the system from the outside, which equalizes the pressure in the sewer to normal. Then, as soon as the pressure has dropped, the spring returns the valve to its place, that is, the ventilation is blocked. In principle, a good system, but it has one drawback - the vacuum valve cannot restrain the penetration of unpleasant odors into the premises of the house if the siphon is dry in the plumbing fixtures.

Requirements for aerators, this is another name for vacuum valves.

  1. The vacuum valve is installed in ventilated areas, but not in residential areas. Optimum - attic. If this city ​​apartment then the toilet.
  2. Installation height - above all plumbing fixtures.
  3. The operating temperature is not lower than 0°.
  4. The diameter of the pipes for sewer ventilation with a valve is either 50 mm or 110.

Septic tank ventilation

IN country houses, which are built in settlements where there is no public sewerage, construct an autonomous system for the removal and collection of wastewater. Today, septic tanks are mainly used for assembly. These are devices that partially process human waste, giving out, as the end result of their work, almost clean water. It is also called clarified.

The whole complexity of organizing the ventilation of a septic tank lies in the fact that many people do not understand how the treatment plant itself works. It is important for consumers that drains simply leave their home. And what happens inside the tank, no one cares. But the level of effluents in the septic tank can rise to a maximum level at which ventilation can no longer work. It needs a certain volume of air, which partially fills the septic tank. And this volume should not be less than 30% of the total volume of the tank.

This is important to know and understand. If this is a single-chamber container, then a loosely closed lid can become ventilation. If this is a multi-chamber structure, then a fan pipe must be provided in it. It can be installed in the singular, or it can be several nozzles in each compartment of the septic tank. An approximate septic tank ventilation scheme is shown in the image:

Today, septic tank manufacturers offer high-quality models, with the help of which sewage treatment has been brought up to 99%. This is complex equipment, it is volatile, which means that units responsible for ventilation are also installed in its design. Usually, a compressor is installed in such septic tanks, which maintains the required amount of oxygen in the drains. This is necessary in order to maintain the vital activity of aerobic bacteria that feed on sewage, processing them. That is, the air in the septic tank is always present, it is under pressure, which means that the installed ventilation pipe is a sufficient attribute of the ventilation of the septic tank.

The principle of the device of the ventilation riser for sewerage in the MKD

Problem in apartment buildings proper organization ventilation of the sewer riser has always stood sharply. Because the main requirement of this system is 2 m above the apartment of the last upper floor. It was not always possible to do this, but the builders offer three options for solving this problem.

  1. The sewer riser is displayed outside the roof of the house. This was done a century ago, when the number of storeys of buildings allowed this.
  2. On top of the risers in the attic, boxes are installed, which in turn are connected to the ventilation shaft.
  3. The risers are led to the attic, and in it, in one or more places, pipes are brought out to the roof.

The second option has one drawback. There is a possibility that the volume of the box may not be enough to contain the release of air from all sewer risers at the same time. Therefore, today the third option is most often adopted.

Ventilation of the sewer riser in this way is an increase in the riser in the attic by at least 1 m. At the same time, it is tilted towards the ventilation duct, which removes air from the attic itself. Plus, you have to take into account the diameter of the pipes used for the ventilation system. Their minimum size should be 140 mm. That is, these are the requirements that guarantee that sewer ventilation will work in the apartments of the last floor.

True, it should be noted that if there are partitions with openings or doors inside the attic, then this worsens the operation of the system. Due to the openings, drafts can occur, which weaken the movement of air towards the ventilation duct. That's why it's so important to keep attics locked up, and this should be controlled by the residents of the upper apartments.

Sewer ventilation in a private house is not an easy system. And for it to work well, you need:

  • make calculations that mainly relate to the number of risers and the diameter of the pipes used for them;
  • installation of sewer ventilation should be carried out strictly according to the chosen scheme, taking into account the calculations;
  • the fan pipe is installed without fail, even if a vacuum valve is also installed;
  • its output is only through the roof;
  • if this is not possible, then the riser is installed near the wall with an outlet outside the roof structure;
  • install a sewer vacuum valve in the attic.

Without a vent pipe or other devices, an unpleasant odor will penetrate into the room when the water seal breaks or dries out, which greatly worsens the comfort of living. How sewer ventilation is arranged in a private house and how to do it yourself will be described in this article.

Why ventilation is needed and its types

If the house has risers with a diameter of more than 50 mm or the building has more than one floor, it is necessary to equip a sewer ventilation system. The fact is that with a sharp drain of a large volume of water (for example, from a toilet bowl drain barrel), a vacuum is formed in the pipes. As a result, water is sucked out of the siphons. And since there is no barrier to the smell (it is the water valve in the siphon that is an obstacle), then it will freely enter the room.

Even if your sewer system is equipped with pipes with a sufficiently large cross section and the water flow does not completely block them (and therefore does not create a vacuum), "aromas" can still get inside. This is due to the small size of the siphons. If you do not use the plumbing unit for 3-5 days, then the water from it can simply evaporate. As a result, the odor barrier disappears.

All these troubles can be corrected by ventilation, which can be easily done by hand. It is of two types:

  • ordinary fan pipe;
  • using a vacuum valve.

Both options are often used in private houses and apartments. But the installation of a fan pipe is considered the most effective, and the vacuum valve plays the role of an addition.

fan pipe

Now let's talk about how to make the ventilation of the riser using a fan pipe. This device is a continuation of the sewer riser, which is brought out. Many have seen small sections of pipes located on the roof of private houses, and they are sewer ventilation.

The principle of their operation is quite simple. Warm air from the sewer rises and exits. As a result, a small vacuum is created inside the pipe, like draft in a stove, so air will penetrate from the room into the sewer, and not vice versa.

Note! As a rule, the fan pipe is brought to the roof through a special shaft, which must be provided at the construction stage. If this is not done, then you can bring it horizontally to the side, through the wall.

When creating sewer ventilation using a fan pipe, the following recommendations and tips should be considered:

  • the height of the fan pipe must be at least 0.5 m from the roof level, and if an attic space is provided, then this value increases to 3 meters;
  • the diameter of the hood must be equal to the diameter of the riser pipe;
  • if you have several sewer risers, then they can be connected at the top and equipped with one fan pipe;
  • it is not allowed to combine sewer ventilation with chimney or with a general house ventilation hood;
  • it is undesirable to install a fan pipe near windows and balconies, the smell can get inside the room. It is better if there is at least 4 meters between the hood and window openings;
  • if you have a multi-pitched roof, then it is not recommended to bring the fan pipe under the overhang of one of the slopes. In this case, it can simply be cut off or broken by snowfall.
  • it is also not advisable to equip the top of the hood with a deflector. If this is done, condensation may form, which will freeze in the winter and block the ventilation (or reduce its efficiency).

When arranging sewer ventilation, the fan pipe is made (as a rule) from the same material as the riser. In fact, the hood will be a continuation of the horizontal pipe of the riser, brought to the roof. It should be borne in mind that the use of cast iron (namely, this material is still often found in sewer risers) is undesirable. The cast iron will begin to rust and the pipe will simply fall off. It is better if the fan outlet is made of plastic.

Note! Another recommendation is the insulation of the fan pipe. Of course, it will always be warmer than the surrounding air. But if in your area there are very coldy, then thermal insulation will not be superfluous. In addition, insulation is simply necessary if the sewerage system is used irregularly, for example, in a summer cottage.

Use of a vacuum valve

There are situations when the creation of a conventional sewer ventilation system is impossible. How to proceed in this case? And in such a situation, you can find a way out - this is the use of a vacuum valve.

Such a device works according to the following principle:

  • the housing contains a spring and a rubber seal;
  • as soon as a vacuum is formed inside the riser (with a sharp descent of a large volume of water), the spring opens the seal. As a result, air from the room enters the system and equalizes the pressure;
  • after that, the spring returns to its place and does not allow an unpleasant smell to penetrate into the room.

Of course, the vacuum valve is not a complete replacement for the fan pipe, but it does an excellent job with some of its functions. But if the water dries up in the siphon, such a device will not be able to help cope with an unpleasant odor.

Note! The vacuum valve itself is installed at the top of the riser. In this case, the device must be located in a warm room where the temperature does not fall below zero.

If it is impossible to install the device on a riser, then it is mounted on any horizontal pipe. In this case, some rules should be taken into account. Namely:

  • the valve should be installed above the point of connection to the sewerage system of the highest drain from the plumbing unit;
  • if the room has a drain at floor level (for example, a shower ladder), then the vacuum valve is installed at least 35 cm from the floor;
  • the device must have the possibility of free air intake (and its temperature must be above zero);
  • the valve must be freely accessible for its repair and manual opening.

Creation of external ventilation

If your home is equipped autonomous system sewers, then external ventilation can be used for it. This is possible if there is a septic tank or other treatment facility on the site. In this case, you can resort to two options for external ventilation:

  • outlet of the hood along the wall of the house. Outwardly, it will look like a drain, only the end of the pipe will be above the roof level. The hood is connected to the sewer outlet from the house, and is attached to the wall with clamps;
  • the second option involves installing a ventilation pipe on the septic tank itself or another used treatment plant. This is quite convenient, since the hood will be located far from the house (at least at a distance of 5 m), which will eliminate the appearance of an unpleasant smell near the dwelling.

Installing external ventilation can help if the house does not have a sewer riser. This often occurs in small one-story houses or at summer cottages. When using these methods, it is desirable to install a vacuum valve indoors in order to improve the ventilation system.

Sewerage apartment buildings- a truly complex and most thought-out system with internal and external highways, plumbing connection points and wastewater outlet.

All sewer elements are in clear interaction, forming an effective waste disposal system. However, despite the well-coordinated work, the specific composition of the water leads to the concentration of methane in the pipeline.

Sewerage in apartment building is needed in order to prevent the exit of gas from the main limits. In order to avoid the formation of specific aromas that appear due to the peculiarities of the use of sewage, a ventilation device is necessary.

Scheme of the ventilation system of the sewerage system in a private house

Features of types of sewerage

Sewer ventilation consists of special details.

  1. Air valve - its action is aimed at passing air into the riser and blocking any incoming gases from it inside the house. Private small houses are rarely equipped with a septic tank, so sometimes they use aeration valves installed at the top of the riser. A similar option involves installing a ventilation pipe on a septic tank. Unfortunately, valves are not able to replace siphons, because they are aimed only at supplementing.
  2. A fan pipe is a ventilation channel that connects to a sewer riser and leads to the roof. The pipe can not only rid the room of an unpleasant smell, but also equalize atmospheric pressure, remove harmful gases. Odors can only appear if the siphons dry out.
  3. A water seal is a mandatory attribute that is built into the sewer system. Its presence provides a high-quality removal of unpleasant odors.

A water seal is a mandatory attribute that is built into the sewer system

Before answering the question of whether sewer ventilation is needed in a private house, it is necessary to understand what sewerage can be. There are two types, each of which has features:

  • non-isolated system;
  • insulated.

In the first case, the type of sewer system is only 110 millimeters, while the insulated one reaches 160 millimeters. The height of both options is the same - 500 millimeters. Regions with a harsh climate mainly use an insulated system, inside it there is a special non-freezing condensate.

The sewer does not need a special deflector that increases the exhaust capacity, however, due to the warm air escaping to the outside, there is a very small risk of condensation forming, which will close the ventilation outlets. Ventilation of the sewer riser is a necessary measure for a comfortable stay and the prevention of negative aspects.

In the sewers of private houses, there are often accumulations of various harmful gases formed during the decomposition of organic matter. Every time you use the toilet, the sewage pressure changes. A water seal will not be able to save a person from the penetration of gases that affect human health. In private homes, this problem is solved by a home ventilation system.

About ventilation valves

To equip ventilation, you will need a sewer ventilation valve made by yourself. It is enough to adhere to the following steps for the valve to be operational:

  • you need to find the spring from the handle and pick up a self-tapping screw 45 millimeters long;
  • further, a small plastic washer is cut out, the diameter of which will be equal to 50 mm: a hole is drilled inside in the middle for the unhindered entry of a self-tapping screw;
  • after, you need to make another, but already a foam washer with the same hole, the size of which is 10 mm larger; washers are glued together;
  • a pair of holes are made in the end tee, the diameter of which is only 5 mm, and the distance from each other is about 25 mm: it is necessary to remove the burr, and then screw the self-tapping screw into the already made hole;
  • now you can unscrew and assemble the valve together.

To check the valve, you can blow through it from both sides in order to find that oxygen is passing freely. If there are no problems with the device, then tighten the screw.

The valves are ideal for ventilation in a house with several floors, and for a house with several apartments. When using sewer riser valves, you can not be afraid of the penetration of excess gases into the house and the release of water from water locks.

A private house needs to install a fan pipe with greater height than a room. It is best that the distance from the fan pipe to the roof is 70-75 mm, however, the distance between the window and the pipe should be at least 4 meters. When choosing a diameter, you need to focus on the risers.

There are times when a private house has 2-3 risers at once - this can be solved by combining and building one exit. The advantage of a private house over an apartment building is the possibility of installing a 50-mm pipe with sewer risers twice as large in diameter.

However, such a sewer ventilation system in a private house is ideal for operation by residents of the southern regions, because such a diameter will suit only with intermittent use of plumbing.

If it is not possible to install a ventilation valve, then an air valve must be used. Air in the risers will appear only with internal vacuum, and the appearance of gases outside will not be possible. A valve of this type for risers is installed above all plumbing, so as not to "absorb" waste.

The installation of a ventilation system in the sewer must take into account some factors.

  1. It is better to ventilate the domestic sewer system with risers. The size of their hood should not be less than half a meter from the roof; when using the roof, the hood must be made 3 meters higher.
  2. The diameters of the riser and waste part must be equal to each other.
  3. When using a fan riser, it is important to ensure that it does not in any way cross in the same shaft with a chimney or general ventilation.
  4. The outlets do not need a deflector, so as not to develop condensate.
  5. The location of the outlet riser should be four meters from any opening rooms.

Now everyone will be able to answer the question of why ventilation is needed. After all, it became clear that with its competent equipment, taking into account the scheme, it is possible to ensure maximum comfortable living without the penetration of unpleasant odors and gases.

How to equip sewer ventilation in a multi-storey building?

Installation of multi-storey sewer ventilation residential buildings is of particular interest. In the case when each floor is equipped with sanitary facilities, with simultaneous draining, a strong increase in the absorption of liquid from the siphons can occur. Therefore, it is better to provide an external output sewer pipes. Such a pipe must have a minimum length of 4 meters from the ground in order to:

  • not provoke the appearance air locks during the drain;
  • do not cover all the walls with unpleasant odors.

The ventilation system in the sewer must be equipped plastic pipes , because they are quite light, have the necessary connecting elements and are easy to install. For the manufacture of ventilation device no need for specialist help. The pipe is brought to the roof through the ventilation duct provided during the design of the room.

The ventilation system in the sewer is equipped with plastic pipes

Speaking about the sewer ventilation scheme in a private house with two floors, then, mainly, sewage is dealt with even at the time of designing the room, however, in the absence of a pipe, it is built in through the wall and covered with a socket.

Despite the fact that the diameter of the ventilation pipes in ordinary houses is 50 millimeters, buildings with several floors need pipes more than twice. The hood for arranging sewage in a private house must first be insulated so that frostbite does not occur in severe frosts.

The pipe is covered with a decorative rosette. If the fan is too expensive or not possible at all, then a sewer vacuum valve can solve the problem. For his device, you need to start installation work in the place where the end of the sewer riser is located.

By placing the valve at the very top, you will ensure that it is activated when under pressure and prevents any unpleasant odors from coming out of the riser. The valves are equipped with a low resistance spring and a rubber hermetic seal. As soon as the sewer is discharged from the contaminants passing through the riser, the valve instantly gives an “answer” - the device opens and allows oxygen to pass through.

When working with an exhaust hood, it should be provided that it can only be removed through the roof or ventilation shaft of the room to a certain height. From the edge of the mine, they are taken out 0.1 meters and removed away from the windows (about 4 meters), and from the flat roof - 0.2 meters.

Sewage ventilation in mines prevents air from escaping pipes into rooms, reduces the concentration of methane, stabilizes pressure in pipes during use, and effectively reduces noise.

Remember that when installing a vacuum valve, one cannot talk about replacing ventilation, because it does not interfere with the spread of aromas with a lack of water in the siphon, and is subject to periodic clogging.