Types of roofing materials for roofs of private houses. Roofing materials

  • 27.06.2020

The roof is a significant item in the budget for building a house. Different types of roofs are radically different in design from each other, which affects the cost of construction, which can be quite affordable or, on the contrary, cause a shock. The type of roof and the angle of inclination of its slope also affect the possibility of arranging the attic and shape the appearance of the whole house.

Different types of roofs of private houses have a configuration of varying degrees of complexity, from the simplest - flat to complex combined structures.

Flat roof , the device of which belongs to the least complex, and, therefore, the most attractive solutions from a financial point of view. Floor elements laid on load-bearing walls, in fact, are the roof. Typically, a flat roof has a slight slope (up to 3%) to drain rainwater.

A pitched roof is a general concept for roofs that have inclined planes, the basis of which are rafters and sheathing. This category is presented in several versions.

A shed roof is a kind of intermediate solution between a flat and a gable roof. Relatively simple design, typical for the construction of outbuildings and country houses. It, like a flat one, consists of one slope, but differs in the angle of inclination, as well as in a separate ceiling and roof structure. A shed roof allows you to conveniently equip the area on the second floor, which is not limited by slopes, as is the case, for example, with gable roofs, and, as a rule, provides the same amount of space as on the first floor. Recently, they are often used in large houses, where the area allows you to create several blocks with roofs located at different levels.

Device one pitched roof depends on the size of the building and the expected angle of inclination of the slope. Below are the most common designs:

  1. Rafter construction - the rafters rest on the outer wall. This kind of wooden roof structure is simple to implement and does not create high costs. It can be performed on buildings in which the span of the walls does not exceed 6 meters.
  2. Rafter construction with struts - an inclined beam strengthens and stiffens the frame. With its help, you can make a roof on a building with a span of walls up to 7 meters.
  3. Truss structure with a trussed truss - this kind of roof structure can be used on roofs with a span of up to 12 m. The wooden structure is additionally supported by pillars, which provide it with greater rigidity.

Gable roof

A gable roof is a structure with opposite slopes connected in a ridge. A characteristic feature is the presence of triangular pediments of the side walls covering the roof in planes perpendicular to the ridge. There are main types of gable roofs - symmetrical (when the sections are equal and inclined at the same angle) or asymmetrical.

This design is characteristic of traditional architecture, but is also present in modern, minimalist buildings, primarily due to simplicity, which affects convenience and lower construction costs. In houses where the roof slope is 35 - 45 °, an attic is usually equipped. A gable roof has many advantages, among which the most important are:

  • due to the possibility of adapting the attic for residential purposes, they receive additional space;
  • a simple design facilitates the construction of a house, and also allows you to easily add a garage or a shed to the building;
  • a large and simple area facilitates the arrangement of the roof;
  • when carrying out roofing work on a gable roof, little waste of materials is obtained, so the choice of coverage is unlimited;
  • this type of roof also ensures efficient removal of snow and rainwater.

It is also important for the building that, thanks to the strong slope, the ventilation between the roof and the wind insulation is much easier than in the case of other types of roofs.

The hip roof is a four-pitched structure, where two of the four slopes are trapezoid-shaped, and two more are triangles. It is these triangular slopes that are called hips, which gave the name to the design. The slopes, converging to a short ridge, are usually inclined at one angle. The truss structure uses beams and double tightening. This design is recommended for one-story buildings, which give beautiful proportions. Despite the presence of an attic, the reasonable arrangement of the attic in this case is not an easy task. The interior design is hampered by numerous bevels. Usually, the functionality of the attic is improved by increasing the angle of inclination of the slope, but in the case of a four-slope design, little can be achieved by this. The best solution is the installation of skylights, which will visually increase the volume of the room.

A hip roof is more expensive and more difficult to implement than a gable roof. Implementation is hampered, in particular, by the angles at which the planes converge. This is a job for highly skilled roofers. Also, roofing work requires the use of solutions that increase the cost of construction. When using sheet roofing, a lot of waste remains, so it is better to use piece roofing materials, which will reduce losses. Having mounted a reinforced truss system, you can even use ceramic tiles. The hip roof has subspecies.

The semi-hipped roof is characterized by bevelled corners and truncated triangles located on the end walls. It is a good option for investors looking for a way to get rid of the monotony.

Similar designs are typical for regional architecture. They can be found, in particular, in the mountains.

The truncated triangles of the semi-hipped roof reduce the surface of the roof and strengthen the edges of the frame, thereby protecting the house from strong wind. The optimal slope angle of such a roof is 35°, which allows water and snow to drain away without limiting the choice of roofing.

Installation of such a roof is simpler than a hip roof and only slightly more complicated than a gable roof. At the same time, it looks aesthetically pleasing and has a comfortable attic, in which an attic can be equipped. However, special attention should be paid to the careful implementation of thermal insulation at the joints of the slopes.

A hipped roof is a specific type of hip roof that is used in buildings that have a square or regular rectangle at the base. They do not have a ridge, their slopes converge at one point, forming the so-called ridge knot. Visually, this design resembles a pyramid. It looks great as a cover for a one-story building built in a classic style.

Hip roofs are often used as cover for free-standing garages, farm buildings, shops. Sometimes they are used as a cover for turrets and other elements in more architecturally complex buildings. However, it must be remembered that although they are visually attractive, the cost of their implementation is always more than in the case of conventional gable structures.

Traditionally, a multi-gable roof is a roof formed by a variety of combinations of gable roofs. It consists of many planes of different sizes, shapes and angles. Most often they are triangular or trapezoidal, sometimes rectangular. The roof is beautifully presented, but has too many construction complications. To drain water from the entire surface, it is necessary to install additional drains and downpipes. The complex shape of the roof affects the increase in its cost. A large number of slopes is associated with a large consumption of roofing material. At least the purchase of a large number of ribs, valleys and a ridge will be a significant expense. Big number bending also affects the increase in the weight of the roofing. This, in turn, is due to the need for a more powerful and more stable truss system. All jobs require highly skilled craftsmen. In addition, a multi-gable roof looks good on a large building standing on a large lot. In a small area, this is rather impractical - it will visually reduce the entire territory.

An example broken roof a mansard roof can serve - this is a structure in which each slope consists of two parts: the upper one with a smaller angle of inclination and the lower one with a larger angle. A sloping roof can be two - or four-pitched. The use of this design improves the performance properties of the attic - the usable area increases. A sloping roof most often has a lower inclined plane at an angle of 60º, and an upper one of about 30 °; layered rafters are used in the rafter system. As a roof, it is best to use flexible tiles.

The disadvantage of this option is a more complex and difficult to implement design, as well as the need for very careful preparation of the coating. Leaks may occur at fracture sites. Also, the complexity of its implementation lies, in particular, in the appropriate arrangement of the rafters. In any case, it is better to entrust the installation to specialists.

Domed and conical roofs

Domed and conical structures are associated mainly with architectural monuments. However, these types of roofs are also used in the construction of private houses, in particular on all kinds of superstructures and extensions (turrets, drums, gazebos). They are mounted over multifaceted or round structures. Rafter systems for domed and conical roofs are used hanging and layered, respectively. For the arrangement of the coating, as a rule, piece roofing materials are used.

Combined roofs

The shape of the roof depends on many factors, including regional conditions and preferences, the type and purpose of the building, the landscape in which the object should be inscribed. At the same time, homeowners and developers strive for originality. This is where combined roofs come to the rescue. Most often, such structures are found in cottage villages. The bottom line is to combine several roof structures into one structure in order to achieve a certain aesthetic effect. Also, combined roofs are used in case of expansion of the building. So, for example, it can be a hip roof over a house, complemented by a shed roof over an attached veranda or winter garden.

The variety of roofs misleads the layman inexperienced in construction.

Considering the options for roofs, it is difficult to determine what exactly is needed for the future structure, which one is advisable to build in a particular case.

In addition, I want the roof to be not only beautiful, but also strong, durable, and meet all the requirements. A variety of designs allows architectural designers to translate all the most unpredictable projects into reality.

There are various types of roofs of private houses, we will talk about them now.

Shed roof is a plane rectangular shape resting on opposite load-bearing walls.

Single pitched roof is:

  • ventilated;
  • unventilated.

Design features

Directly depends on the slope. Since the slope of the structure is affected not only by the finish coating, but by the peculiarity of climatic conditions, then all these values ​​should be correctly calculated.

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

Slope angle

It directly depends on the coating material: coatings are distinguished by their ability to retain snow precipitation.

It is recommended to choose materials for covering a shed roof based on their ability to self-clean from snow.

In addition, depending on the natural features, in places where winds prevail, the area is not sufficiently protected by trees, it is recommended to change the slope angle.

Shed roof truss system options

With truss roof structure with one slope can be:

  • sliding;
  • layered;
  • hanging.

Most often performed from wooden elements for different purposes.

Shed roof truss system

Mounting Features

Installation of a shed truss structure is carried out on a Mauerlat.

If a hanging-type frame is being installed, then a farm is first made on the ground. According to a given template, the entire structure is made.

The roof can be equipped with an insulation system. To do this, mount the elements necessary for a warm roof.

The final covering of the roof is a protective covering material.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pitched roof

Despite the ease of installation, the simplicity of the design, the shed system has its own characteristics.


  • Inexpensive construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to strong winds.

Repair work during operation on pitched roof not difficult to produce, not too expensive.


  • Need for snow removal
  • low height of the attic space. The advantages of this type are in strength and reliability in terms of resistance to the vagaries of the weather.

shed roof

gable roof

The design, which consists of two slopes, is called gable.

Gable structures can be classified according to the location of the slopes:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetric;
  • broken lines;
  • multi-level;
  • double-sided with a skate on a slope.

In addition, other configurations of gable roofs can be designed: broken from one slope, double broken, with elongated peaks or extensions.

Design Options

Particular attention is paid to the load.

Besides, the angle of inclination is important in accordance with the coating.

Quite simple, with the correct determination of all indicators (angle, roof load, natural load), the roof will be reliable and durable.

Tilt angle

The average amount of snowfall in the region is taken into account when calculating the roof load. Besides, the strength of the wind currents affects the slope of the slope.

With a different slope for different materials, a certain one corresponds. For all materials, their indicators.

truss system

It can have a layered structure, hanging, combined.

The roof structure option is selected based on the span between the outer walls. In addition to truss beams, the structural elements of the truss system are: ridge, mauerlat, crossbar, puffs, and other elements.

Each of the additional elements distributes the load, fixes or strengthens the more vulnerable parts of the structure.

Gable roof truss system


When installing a gable roof you need to follow the basic steps:

  • Install beams;
  • fix the crate;
  • install roofing.

In the case of lengthening the rafter legs, additional rails are mounted under the overhang.

Advantages and disadvantages

A gable roof is the most common roofing model.

This is due to the advantage of this design:

  • The possibility of arranging an attic;
  • there is no need to independently clean the coating from snow;
  • simple project;
  • variety of coatings.


  • The dependence of the roof height on the span;
  • when arranging an attic space, additional reinforcement of the structure and arrangement of window systems and heating elements are required.

A gable roof is not the most complex structure, and when fully equipped, it is the most in demand.

Gable roof

hip roof

It is a quadruple structure. The slopes are made up of triangles and trapezoids.

A modified design of the hip system is called semi-hip. There are Dutch and Danish half hip designs.

Design features

The project has rather painstaking calculations, since the design itself is not simple.

Particular attention should be paid to the points:

  • calculate each slope separately;
  • correctly calculate the length of the rafters and the ridge;
  • take into account the area of ​​​​windows and chimneys;
  • correctly calculate the load.


The same material should be used for the frame and the ridge beam. This feature must be taken into account in the project.

The cost of the project should include additional elements and additional details for the arrangement of the roof.

Slope angle

The slope angle is affected by wind and snow. This type of structure can be arranged at an angle of 5° to 60°. The dependence on natural indicators is directly proportional.

It should be remembered about the features of laying roofing: the recommended indicators of each coating directly depend on the angle of the slope.

In addition to the main rafter legs, it consists of their elements: Mauerlat, ridge, slanted legs, and other important parts that provide strength, participate in the distribution of the load.

Hip roof truss system

Mounting Features

Includes elements fastening sequence:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • racks;
  • sloping legs. Further, in order, other elements are installed, including the crate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hip structures except presentable and structural strength has a number of advantages:

  • the slope of the ribs reduces the wind load;
  • due to the design features, the area increases, which positively affects heat transfer.

The disadvantages of a hip roof are its complexity and cost..

hip roof

Mansard (broken) roof

This is a type of construction in which the slopes have a refraction with a change in the angle of the slope of the slope.

Broken mansard roof can have from two to four slopes.

It happens layered and hanging.

The schematic structure of the attic can be in the form:

  • Square;
  • rectangle;
  • a combined figure combining a triangle and a square.

The most common type of broken structure is a gable roof.

Design Options

At should follow the requirements provided during installation:

  • A roof height of at least 2.2 m should be designed;
  • choose materials that are smaller in mass;
  • take into account struts and puffs due to the length of the rafters.

A sloping roof provides for the arrangement of an attic, so it is advisable to use high-quality materials for insulation and providing the roof with air exchange.

Tilt angle

In calculating the slope angle, it is necessary to build on the height of the attic.

  • Influence of atmospheric influences;
  • type of roofing.

The best option for a broken roof with an attic is a project in which the upper slopes are located at an angle of 30 °, and the lower ones at an angle of 60 °.

truss system

In attic structures, the frame is equipped with elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • frame racks;
  • runs. These and other elements create a solid foundation for arranging the attic.

Mansard roof truss system


When installing the rafter base, one part of the frame is made, starting with racks and layered rafters, and then, like it, all the rest.

After mounting all the elements, they are fastened with girders.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a sloping roof is the arrangement of an additional room.

Among the disadvantages of a sloping roof is its cost., since this consumes a lot of materials for insulation, the arrangement of special windows is not a cheap pleasure.

But the costs of arranging an attic cannot exceed the construction of an additional extension or an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

mansard roof

Flat roof

A structure that is a plane lying on the load-bearing walls of a structure. Such a system does not have an attic space.

They can be operated and non-operated.

Besides, Depending on the characteristics of the coating, flat systems can be divided into:

  • inversion;
  • green;
  • breathable.

All of them have their own characteristics.

Design features

At the stage design it is necessary to correctly calculate the load of the snow cover, as well as all the materials used, and take into account the drainage system.

Slope angle

The roof must have the necessary. Its angle is up to 5°. This feature contributes to high-quality drainage.

Rafter Location Options

The flat roof frame provides for the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • support bars;
  • plywood or OSB flooring.

Flat roof truss system


It is important to organize the arrangement of drains. Attention should be paid to the operating system: it is important to choose the right type of floor and the right layers to ensure a favorable microclimate.

Advantages and disadvantages

A flat roof is positively characterized by price, low labor costs, and the possibility of arranging additional recreation areas is a productive distribution of space.

The disadvantages are: accumulation of snow, inability to determine the condition of the roofing cake, the need for equipment internal system water drain.

Flat roof

Hip roof

It is a system of triangular slopes connected at one vertex.

According to the features of the frame structure, hipped roofs can be layered and hanging. In addition, tent structures are still of other types.

Design Options

The main directions of designing a tent system are:

  • Calculation of the slope angle;
  • choice of roofing;
  • calculation of the height of the ridge connection.

An important step is the calculation of the load on the truss structure. If insulation is assumed, the load of the layers of the cake is calculated.

Tilt angle

The slope of the slopes directly depends on the type of roofing and climatic conditions. Slope reduction should be done with the predominance strong winds at the building site.

truss system

The elements of the hip roof truss system are:

  • Mauerlat;
  • floor beams;
  • sloping boards;
  • supports.

These and other elements together provide strength and stability of the frame.

Hip roof truss system

Mounting Features

The installation of the tent system involves the arrangement of the truss system and the laying of the insulation system for the roof.

The rafter system should be erected before mounting the ceiling of the building.

Installation of the truss system begins with the installation of a mauerlat or strapping. Next, the system is gradually erected, starting with rafter boards, mounting racks, other elements, ending with trusses and struts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attractiveness of a hipped roof makes you forget about its shortcomings. The disadvantages are the small area for the attic and the complexity of installation.. Plus are the aerodynamic properties and strength of the system.

hipped roof

Multi-gable roof

The complex structure of a multi-gable roof consists of many parts, ledges, and elements. Perhaps one of the most complex designs.

They are determined by a combination of certain types of roofs, assembled together. Roof corners can be pointed or hip.

Design Options

A difficult task to develop a project, especially if the roof elements have a different configuration. In this case, each element should be calculated separately.

Particular attention should be paid to the truss system.

  • Use lightweight materials;
  • do not save on waterproofing;
  • take care of high-quality bars for rafters.

The complexity of the project lies in planning the arrangement of window systems.

The design itself is the covering of the attic of the house, so it is strong enough practically unaffected by the weather.

Rafter Location

The stage of erection of a multi-gable system is the most difficult stage. Each part must be installed separately.. For rafters, you should choose only high-quality wood.

The basic part of the design is the Mauerlat. The rest of the structural elements are attached to it: rafter legs, reinforcing beams and supports.

Multi-gable roof truss system

Mounting Features

In addition to the complexity of mounting the roof frame, the multi-gable system has a weak point, which should be properly protected from moisture: this is the angle of connection of the slopes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a multi-gable roof is originality, attractiveness. But such beauty should be paid in full: the equipment of such a system is an expensive pleasure.

Multi-gable roof

conical roof

The design of a conical roof has the shape of a cone. A rather rare type of roofing, since the arrangement of such systems is carried out on round-shaped houses.

Cone-shaped roofs can be full and incomplete.

Design Options

Most often, conical shapes serve as decoration.. They do not carry a functional load. You need to know the diameter of the base of the cone, the length of the slope. When calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cone, the amount of materials needed is determined.

Slope angle

The slope angle of a cone-shaped roof is calculated using the tangent formula. In this case, it is necessary to know the height of the cone and the length of the rafter leg.

truss system

The conical roof frame system is a hanging fan type. Use additional elements: beams, braces, crate, additional bars.

Conical roof truss system


Installation is carried out by laying the rafter legs in the form of a fan. They rely on runs, as well as a ring element at the top. The base is Mauerlat. Further, the base is assembled in a certain way with the help of additional elements.


Boards as crates are not suitable for the cone type. In this case, flexible types of PVC pipes are mounted.

Advantages and disadvantages

Resistance to any weather phenomena is one of the advantages of a cone roof. Increased strength, originality - the undoubted advantage of this type of roof.

The complexity of installation, the high consumption of materials, the inability to install an attic due to the lack of windows allows you to mount such systems only to decorate the roof.

conical roof

Which roof is better

The design of the roof, first of all, must correspond to the architecture of the building.

The choice of roofing is determined according to factors:

  • financial opportunity;
  • climate features;
  • individual preferences;
  • the need for an attic.

Before you decide on the option of protecting your home, you should consider different options.

Roof options

Useful video

In this video you will learn what types of roofs are:

When we talk about “types of roofing” and “types of roofs of houses”, we do not always clearly understand the difference between these two concepts. Therefore, before talking about what roofs are, let's find out the differences in the concepts of "roof" and "roof".

The roof (in the traditional sense) is a part of the building structure that provides protection from all types of precipitation, retains heat or protects against overheating. That is, it is all upper construction structures. For a modern stone building with a flat design, these are floor slabs, heat and waterproofing. Exit, fences, ventilation ducts and their protection, antenna attachment elements, funnels for storm drains are also roof elements. There is no consensus regarding the ownership of the hatch with a lock, which is hung by the ZhES so that they do not climb on the roof. For a house with an inclined (pitched) structure, this concept includes a supporting truss system or trusses, insulation, hydro and wind insulation, pipes, weather vanes and roofing.

In fact, from the point of view of Soviet building science, the roof is a pre-revolutionary and illiterate concept, and only the progressive term “covering” should be used. But in life, even professional designers and builders rarely use it. Perhaps due to the possibility of a dual interpretation. In part, the definition of “covering” has taken root in relation to structures with a supporting reinforced concrete or metal base, mainly flat ones. And to call the upper part of St. Basil's Cathedral or the roof of a village hut a “covering” would not occur to any architect, even though they were taught “correctly”.

The roof is only a shell that protects the coating from atmospheric influences. The roof does not perform load-bearing functions. That is, floor slabs, truss system, beams, insulation do not apply to the roof. Often, it includes a load-bearing roof preparation: lathing, flooring, screed. The material laid on the prepared surface: Soviet roofing material and slate, folk Russian-French ondulin, fabulous German tiles and New Russian copper are called roofing.

Flat and pitched designs

Roofs are flat and pitched. In accordance with SNiP, roofs with a slope of up to 12 ° are flat, with a large slope - pitched. On the flat roofs the slope is arranged for the removal of precipitation, 1.5-3 ° is enough.

The flat roof provides a lot of room for imagination in terms of design.

The pitched roof can be very original.

Attic and non-attic roofs

As the name implies, an attic roof has an attic, a non-attic one does not. Russian hut, and indeed most types traditional dwelling all countries and peoples have a ventilated attic. With the exception of mobile housing: yurts, tents, wigwams. It's hard to do there. Also, there are no attics among the tribes living in the equatorial jungle, they do not need them. Attics (technical floors) are in modern multi-storey residential buildings. Therefore, if the roof leaks, the tenants will not know about it immediately.

Atticless (synonymous - combined) coatings can be pitched (mansard) and flat. We are familiar with flat combined structures from panel "Khrushchev". The attic device allows you to use the attic as a full-fledged living space. Non-attic and mansard roofs require good thermal insulation of the upper floor. The roof of a one-story building can also be combined.

The combined gable roof in a one-story house creates the impression of spaciousness

Types of flat coverings

In terms of layout, flat roofs are quite similar, differing mainly in design. According to the mutual arrangement of the layers of insulation and waterproofing, in addition to the usual type, inversion roofs are also distinguished, in this case, a hygroscopic (waterproof) insulation is located above the waterproofing layer. As load-bearing structures in flat roofs, prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete, metal profiles with metal beams, wooden beams with solid flooring.

The structure of the roof of a flat roof over a reinforced concrete slab is multi-layer

The area of ​​flat roofs can be used by laying a covering that can be walked on: ceramic or paving slabs, boardwalk, or by arranging a lawn on the roof.

In New York, a program has been adopted to turn the roofs of public buildings into gardens and lawns.

In fact, arranging a lawn on the roof of a house is not as difficult as you might think. Perhaps the only thing that is relatively expensive is a waterproofing polymer membrane. Everything else is quite simple, and grass care is standard: it needs to be mowed and watered in a drought. A layer of earth additionally protects the premises from cold in winter and from overheating in summer.

The design of the lawn on the roof is quite simple. It is necessary to use reliable waterproofing - a roofing polymer membrane

Pitched construction details

Before talking about what roof shapes are, let's define the main details of pitched roofs and terms. Main elements: ridge, inclined rib, valley (groove). Overhangs are divided into cornice (lower) and gable (end or gable). For most types of roofing, in addition to the base material, there are separate additional elements for protecting and decorating roof details.

The main elements of pitched roofs are standard.

Consider what are the roofs of houses, depending on the configuration. The forms of pitched roofs are very diverse. More often, the most simple in design and rational single-pitched, gable and hip types and roof structures are used.

The first eight types shown in the illustration are available to a private developer of average income. The rest are quite complex and expensive to implement.

Consider the individual types of roofs and their properties in more detail.

Shed cover

A roof with one slope is as simple as possible structurally, has a minimum number of parts. There is no ridge, for non-ventilated roofing (for example, flexible tile, folded roof) there is no need for special ventilation elements. It is enough to provide a ventilation layer above the insulation, and ventilation holes can be placed in the filing. A shed roof does not have valleys, ribs and ridges, which are most exposed to atmospheric influences. The maximum wear of roofing in cold climates occurs in the valley, as snow and ice lie there longer. A simple roof with a slope in one direction is exposed to uniform rainfall, ultraviolet radiation and wind. The snow load is also distributed evenly. Ceteris paribus, a shed roof will last a little longer. And it will cost less: the truss system is simpler, the minimum number of not always cheap additional elements.

Russian project of a typical house with a shed roof. A high slope with living rooms should be oriented to the sunny side

Shed roofs are quite popular in developed countries. More often they are used for inexpensive, or, conversely, prestigious housing. For a house with an attic, one slope allows you to rationally organize the layout, bringing living quarters under a high slope, and stairs, bathrooms, and wardrobes under a low one. In a premium-class home, such a roof makes it possible to create a magnificent interior.

To build this country house simple materials were used: wood, galvanized metal profile and a lot of glass. Large roof overhangs protect the walls from precipitation, and the premises from overheating. Athermal stained glass windows fill the house with light, open up the landscape and protect people from the cold

The roof with one barrel-shaped slope looks quite interesting.

Gable design

The most common form in the world. A gable (gable) roof is traditional in almost all countries where at least some precipitation occurs. It is not much more difficult to build a supporting structure for two slopes than for one. It is very durable, especially if it is possible to build a closed truss system using a puff.

The tightening (2) tightens the rafter legs (1). From the closed triangular contour, only the vertical load is transferred to the Mauerlat (3) and the wall.

For large spans, additional supports must be used.

The gable roof is simple in execution, economical in materials, it is not difficult to build it yourself. Gables serve as a better place than slopes for placing windows; it is easy to equip an attic.

The gable roof fits perfectly into the design frame house, allows you to rationally use the space of the upper floor

The slopes do not have to have the same slope; the shape of the roof may be asymmetrical. The slope of the roof is determined mainly by the layout of the second floor.

The peaked roofs of the half-timbered houses traditionally concealed attics, where the inhabitants stored part of the supplies. In this reconstructed house, the attic is adapted for living quarters.

The Swiss chalet has a gable roof with a slight slope.

The minimal slope and open space of the upper floor create a wonderful, spacious interior.

A gable roof can have many options. With a house plan more complex than a simple rectangle, more complex roof shapes are inevitable.

Gable roof with additional gable. With a stretch, it can be called multi-forceps

A gable (as, indeed, a shed) roof is perfect for landscaping.

Green roof slope must not exceed 25°

hip view

A hipped or hipped roof is more complicated than a gable roof. Both the rafter system and the roofing will cost more. But you do not have to build masonry gables. With an inexpensive roofing (asbestos slate, ondulin), a hip roof, taking into account the absence of gables, will cost less than a gable roof. At more expensive - hardly. Of the positive properties of the hip structure, one can name the optimal aerodynamic resistance of such a structure, which in general can increase its service life (slightly). The slopes on all sides of the house allow you to make large canopies around the perimeter of the entire structure, providing the walls with the best protection from precipitation. But in the organization of the attic space, the hipped roof loses.

Simple four-pitched attic roof

There are varieties of hip roofs: semi-hip (an intermediate type of roof between a gable and hip), hip with a visor, or their varieties.

The main part of the roof of a rather complex shape is half-hip. On the right, a bay window with a multi-pitched roof is attached, a pediment is arranged.

The windows in the hip roof have to be built into the slopes, into the roofing. This complicates their construction and operation and is often more expensive than placing a window in a pediment.

Skylights of this type are called "bull's eye"

Multi-slope variety

Hip is called hipped roof. But if the house does not have four outer corners, but more, there will also be more slopes. A roof with more than four slopes is called a multi-pitched roof.

Multi-pitched roof is difficult to install

A hipped roof is called a hipped roof, all the faces (slopes) and edges of which converge at one upper point. Such a roof does not have a horizontal ridge.

Shed roof. Three types of skylights are placed on it at once

Mansard construction

Roofs are called mansard various forms and types that unite one common feature: the shape of the slope is broken to increase the height of the attic rooms. Thus, it is possible to avoid the installation of sloping ceilings, to arrange full-fledged rooms at the top. The broken contour of the rafters can be used for any type of roof: gable, hip, semi-hip and so on.

The truss construction of a gable mansard roof was assembled.

The design of the mansard roof allows you to connect the upper and lower beams (puff), racks, rafters into a single truss, which provides it with extreme strength and allows you to somewhat reduce the cross section of the frame elements.

The load from the mansard roof truss is transferred vertically

Mounting the load-bearing structures of mansard roofs is more difficult than for prototypes with a straight slope. Slightly larger roof area. Accordingly, the cost is higher. However, these costs are paid off by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnormal height on the attic floor.

Mansard roof based on a gable roof. Additional fractures in the cornice area allow you to create large overhangs, making the roof vaguely reminiscent of chinese pagodas

Pleasant to the eye hip mansard roof. Slopes divided into different volumes, the lower part has a curvilinear shape

Roofs of complex shape

All kinds of domed, conical and closed roofs are complex in execution and were invented by architects to decorate important public buildings. After the period of “crimson jackets” and “locks on the ruble”, complex roofs in the architecture of individual residential buildings meet infrequently.

Residential building with a complex domed roof

Sometimes complex roofs are made up of known elements and are "hybrids" of different types.

This roof combines the features of a gable, hip, semi-hip, pyramidal and conical roofs.

But people tend to decorate their home, make it unusual. Sometimes there are "hybrid" types of roofs, which are difficult to unambiguously define.

The natural slate roof is definitely not flat. Germany

Simple in form, but unusual roof. To be more precise, this house has two of them, downstairs and upstairs.

The roof of this "dugout" would have been designed for sledding in winter, if palm trees were not reflected in the windows. And what type is it?

The choice of roofing material for a pitched roof

Types of roofing are determined by the material of the roofing. The roof can be tiled, metal, shingled, copper and so on. The choice of roofing is primarily determined by the financial capabilities of the developer, the aesthetic tastes of the spouse and himself, and secondly by the shape of the roof and its slope. Roofs of curvilinear shapes are covered with small-piece or flexible coatings, sheet materials more suitable for simple pitched and gable roofs. In the presence of fractures (inclined ribs, valleys), cutting sheets is less rational.

Table shows minimum slopes roofs for different types of roofing

For roofs of simple shapes, any roofing material can be used without restrictions. Roofs of complex curvilinear shape can only be decorated with small-piece (natural tiles, slate slate, shingles, shingles), flexible (bituminous tiles) coating. A roof made of galvanized steel, copper, steel with a titanium-zinc coating is also suitable, provided that the elements are individually cut and the fold is made on site.

So, we found out what types of roofs are. What to choose for yourself? First of all, the roof must fit the budget. The more complex the form, the more money have to spend. With gable roof any builder can do it. In Germany, there are 80 percent of such roofs. And why are we worse? If you have the funds, you can think of something more original, but simple things can be done beautifully.

In modern private construction, there are a great many varieties of roofs of houses, and in our material we will talk about their most popular options. Such important roof structures can be divided depending on the shape, design features and what materials were used in its construction.

Tilt angle

First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what the forms of the roof are. Depending on the angle of inclination, two main categories of structures can be defined:

  1. Flat, with an angle of inclination not exceeding 3 degrees relative to the horizon. Since their maintenance is very difficult, and precipitation stagnates in them, such options are quite rare. From good points here we can note inexpensive installation and not a large number of Supplies. On this design, you can equip a terrace under open sky, which can also be attributed to the benefits.
  2. Pitched, with an angle of inclination of 10 degrees or more. Such samples are easy to use, and therefore their popularity is very high. There is no accumulation of precipitation, and water is perfectly discharged through storm drains.

Roofs with pitched surfaces, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • lean-to;
  • gable steep;
  • gable gentle;
  • gable attic with a broken configuration;
  • four-slope semi-hip;
  • four-pitched hipped roofs;
  • four-slope hip.

The most convenient in the implementation include single-pitched roof structures, the surface slope of which is from 4 to 6 degrees. It makes sense to install them on garages, sheds and other outbuildings.

What are the types of roofing

If you need to build an attic, give preference mansard roof, which can consist of two slopes and have a broken contour configuration. Hip samples are practical, they adequately withstand the wind load, but their installation cannot be called simple.

It will require materials in large quantities, and you can not do without a professional installation team. When choosing roof types, be sure to consider all factors, and do not limit yourself solely to information about the service life and cost of the project.

In order for the design to please the eye and be a real decoration of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design.

Popular types of roofs of private houses and their characteristics

Of course, the popularity of this or that type of roofing is explained by the ease of installation, saving money and time, the climatic features of the region and the personal preferences of the owners. Let's move on to a detailed review of the options presented in modern construction.


This type is the most popular and has been built in our country since ancient times. Another name for a structure with two slopes, which rest on walls of the same height, is a “gable roof”. Installation is more difficult than single-sided version, but the facing materials here can be completely different, which allows you to meet any design requirements of the developer.


In this case, we are dealing with four slopes, the shape of two of which repeats the trapezoid, and the remaining two are made in the form of triangles. The name of the design comes from the word "hips" (frontal triangular slopes).

During the installation process, beams are installed here using a double tightening and drains are necessarily mounted at an angle of 45 degrees on each slope. The construction of such structures requires additional efforts and skills, because the construction of the truss system in this case is quite complicated.

Half hip

This is one of the options for hip roofs, with the only difference being that a truncated triangular slope is formed here, and it is installed higher than its trapezoidal counterparts. Of the shortcomings, it is fashionable to note only additional costs for materials, because you will have to finish those sections of the planes that are adjacent to the roof ribs. Such structures are well used in regions with a windy climate.

Attic (broken lines)

Another type of gable samples, characterized by broken slopes, which allows you to significantly increase the attic space, called the attic. Pentagonal pediments leave no one indifferent, and their construction will not cause any particular difficulties for experienced craftsmen. The only thing you will have to face is to buy materials for warming the living space and install them, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the house, which is not required in the case of an ordinary attic that is not intended for living.

On average, the cost of building a roof is about 20% of the total construction costs, but we can make the most of the usable building area and get a two-story house with virtually one level.


Forgotten for a while, these types of roofs of houses are gradually returning to construction thanks to the unusual design solutions of modern architects. Flat roofs allow you to build a flower garden, tennis court or outdoor mini pool, especially if your home is located in a region with a warm climate. They can be improved with removable canopies made of glass or other materials that will reliably protect the recreation area from precipitation and pollution. The transparent dome will provide the space with natural light, and lighting fixtures will help out in the evening. Here you can also install solar panels and water heating elements, if you, of course, need them.

Of the advantages, I would especially like to note the affordable costs for materials and installation work. Do not forget about a high-quality storm system, with the help of which all precipitation will leave the roof without a trace, besides, the flat surface still has a slope, although it is invisible at first glance. As for the shortcomings, there may be problems with thermal insulation, and here we are primarily talking about heating the plane in the summer heat, but you can fight the cold in the same way as in the case of a mansard roof.

If the structure of the roof with slopes has its own heat exchanger in the form of an attic, then flat options cannot boast of such a feature, therefore, in case of urgent need, you will have to resort to its construction separately.

The main rule here is to create ventilation between the ceiling of the living space and the roof, no matter what shape it will be.

It is possible to equip both a ventilated attic and ventilation ducts that will hide the roof truss and cladding materials.

Less popular roof types

In addition to the most common roof structures, there are other options that can also be found in private construction, albeit less frequently. Their shape is somewhat different from those specimens that we considered above, but from this they can be no less beautiful. It is necessary to approach the creation of such samples seriously, because their implementation may be feasible only for professionals.


A distinctive feature of this type of construction is the rafter system, which rests on walls of different levels, due to which a slope is formed. Such structures are easy to build, and any, even the most inexpensive materials, are suitable for their cladding.

As for practicality, it is obvious, because precipitation does not linger here, so you don’t have to worry about maintaining such a building. The disadvantage is also significant - you will not be able to equip the attic or attic, and perhaps that is why today it is rare to find shed specimens on new houses.


The shape of such a roof is made in the form of four symmetrically arranged triangles along each wall of the building, which form a kind of tent. It has an unusual chic look, but it is very difficult to build it because of the overly sophisticated truss system.


It has another name - valley, and is characterized by one of the most complex truss systems. Many outdoor and internal corners at the junctions of two slopes they are not easy to mount, moreover, the valleys provoke the accumulation of snow and rainwater, which can lead to leaks.

Wealthy people who build polygonal houses with a large number of outbuildings and attic rooms can afford multi-gable samples.


Such types of roofs only in rare cases cover the entire area of ​​​​the building and are mainly installed above its part. To mount the frame, you will need flexible elements, and a flexible or soft lining is suitable as a decorative coating. As a rule, dome solutions are preferred by lovers of antiquity, oriental style, ancient castles and everything unusual, transferring it to their home.


Recently, spherical roofs are slowly gaining popularity among our compatriots, although this rarely applies to residential buildings. They cover gazebos, sports grounds, church buildings, so that we can observe these types of construction almost every day.


The point here is not the color of the decorative coating, as it might seem at first glance. As a cladding, if you can call it that, we are dealing with natural soil, in which plants are planted that serve as a real decoration for such an exotic design. Here you can mark everything positive traits flat samples, improved by a special ventilation system. Thanks to this laying, the roots of bushes and trees are limited in growth, they always have enough moisture for irrigation, and besides, conditions are created here for healthy aeration of the roots of green spaces.

The undoubted advantage is the uniqueness of the open greenhouse, because it is very rare to meet such green living structures, if possible. Looking at the rapid development of new technologies and the popularity of environmental projects, it is not difficult to predict that soon such plantings on the tops of houses will become much more widespread. Do you want to stand out from your neighbors and are not afraid to face the need for careful care of plants in the open air? Then green the roof will do you and you can enjoy its beauty.

Decorative cladding: what to choose?

In addition to personal preferences and financial capabilities, in this matter, you need to take into account design features that can both limit your choice and allow you to expand it. To date, the following materials are most common:

  • metal tile;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • slate;
  • sandwich panels.

All these roofing materials differ from each other in technical characteristics, composition and design, and are also installed on the surface of the structure using different technologies, so before choosing, you should carefully read their description, manufacturer's recommendations and warnings. If you carefully approach this issue and study all the subtleties and nuances of the roof device, you can create reliable protection and at the same time a decoration for your home.

In order for the roof to fulfill its task, in addition to a solid frame structure, an appropriate coating is required - durable, airtight, aesthetic. The use of the wrong roofing material can be disastrous, ranging from financial losses caused by continuous repairs to serious accidents, for example, as a result of the collapse of the frame. It is also desirable that the roofing material be easy to install - with less risk of errors. There are various types roofing materials, and all of them have characteristic features, the knowledge of which will help to make right choice in each specific case.

An important criterion when choosing roofing materials is the complexity of the roof structure. For simple designs, without decorative elements, it is advisable to use Various types sheet roofing, which allows you to carry out roofing work in the shortest possible time. Below are the main types of roofing materials that are most suitable for this purpose.

Metal tile is a roofing material that is made from galvanized steel sheets 0.4-1.25 mm thick, with an organic coating with a thickness of 25 microns (polyester coatings) to 200 microns (plastoizol). Weight 1 sq.m. coverage ranges from 4.2 - 6.5 kg. Products can be supplied in sheets or in modules (modular metal tiles). A standard module has dimensions of 350-400 mm in length and about 1100 mm in width, and a sheet can reach several meters in length - one sheet of metal tile, on average, 6 square meters. roofs. Service life of a metal tile is 30-50 years.

Metal tile is used in various industrial facilities and residential buildings, for the roofing of roofs with an angle of inclination from 9 - 12 °. Sheets are attached to the crate with self-tapping screws with special sealing caps. The step between the elements of the crate is from 35 to 40 cm, depending on the angle of the roof.

Pros and cons of this type of roof:

  • advantages - ease of installation, relatively high strength with low weight, wide range of colors, low price;
  • disadvantages - a large amount of waste, poor thermal insulation properties.

Profiled sheets are made from the same material as metal tiles and using a similar technology, but are used mainly for domestic and industrial purposes, for example, to cover industrial buildings or shops. They produce corrugated board of various profiles (trapeze, wave, etc.) and various colors. Thanks to the production technology, this material, with appropriate installation, can last up to 50 years.

Profiled sheet is a durable type of roofing material and can be safely used on roofs of great length. The sheet is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws with a sealing gasket, on any roof with an inclination angle of 10 °. At a small angle of inclination, the seams should be treated with sealant.

The relatively low price and ease of installation made it in demand in the most various fields construction. Among the positive and negative properties of the material should be mentioned:

  • advantages - ease of installation, lightness and high strength of the resulting structure;
  • disadvantages - poor thermal insulation, dubious aesthetics of the finished roof.

Corrugated board, like other sheet metal roofing materials, is characterized by high noise, which is why the roof needs additional sound insulation.


For the production of ondulin sheets, pulp and paper fibers, refined bitumen and polymer resins are used. Ondulin sheets are painted in various colors with temperature-resistant paint. The material is used as a coating for residential buildings of one- and multi-storey buildings, agricultural facilities, as well as public facilities. The sheets have a wavy profile, length - 2000 mm, width - 950 mm. With a sheet thickness of 3.0 mm, its weight is only 6.5 kg. This, as well as ease of installation, allows you to do the roof yourself.

Sheets of ondulin are attached to the crate with special nails. It can be mounted on roofs with an angle of 6° or more, the step of the lathing elements is from 30 cm. The material is easily cut with a regular hacksaw, which simplifies working with it.

For all its attractiveness, ondulin, in addition to its positive properties, also has disadvantages:

  • advantages - corrosion resistant, maintenance-free, safe for health and the environment, has good sound insulation;
  • disadvantages - low level of fire safety, relatively short service life (up to 25 years).


Asbestos cement sheets, better known as slate, are characterized by high strength and durability. To date, both flat and wavy slate are on sale, as well as its painted version. Wavy slate is six-, seven- and eight-wave. Pretty heavy construction material, with a length of 1750 mm and a width of 980 - 1130 mm, depending on the thickness, it can weigh up to 25 kg.

The slate is mounted on a crate made of timber with a cross section of 50 mm to 75 mm, in increments of 50 cm. If the roof slope is less than 22 °, then the crate must be reinforced. The slate is fastened with special roofing nails.

Pros and cons of slate:

  • advantages - service life of about 40 years, low price, high fire resistance;
  • disadvantages - fragility, low moisture resistance.

Given this, slate can only be used for outbuildings.

This roofing material is made of galvanized sheet steel, 05 and 0.7 mm thick, covered with a protective and decorative color coating. It can have both a completely flat surface and a wavy or trapezoidal profile, which serves to strengthen long sheets and minimizes the effect of deformation, which sometimes appears as a result of exposure to high temperatures. Sheets are available in various widths. The length is selected to the size of a particular slope. On small roofs (with a slope length of up to 10 m), one sheet can cover the entire length.

The roof got its name because of the way the individual elements are connected. The edges extending from the eaves to the ridge are joined by a standing seam, and the transverse edges of the roof slope are joined by a recumbent seam. The connection can be single or double. During installation, the side edges are joined with a fold, moving from the eaves to the ridge. With special fasteners (clamps), the panels are attached to the crate.

Seam roofing is used in residential and industrial construction. Her strengths and weaknesses:

  • advantages - high flexibility and low weight, aesthetics, no risk of fire, immunity to low temperatures;
  • disadvantages - the complexity of installation, noise.

When selecting roofing materials and analyzing their properties, one should take into account the severity of certain atmospheric phenomena in this region countries (wind strength, rain and snow intensity). For example, the roofs of houses in mountainous areas must have a large angle of inclination in order to easily get rid of snow. In areas where strong gusty winds are common, it is advisable to choose heavy types of roofing materials for the roof, rather than light metal coverings.

Soft roof and its varieties

There are several varieties of soft roofs on the building materials market, which are widely used both on the roofs of industrial buildings and in private construction, especially on roofs with a large number of architectural elements.

Flexible tiles - fiberglass plus bitumen

Bituminous tiles, often also called shingles, shingles, etc., resemble classic roofing material in structure. Technically, it differs little from it, since its design also uses a core in the form of a solid base (cellulose, fiberglass or plastic), which is impregnated with bituminous mass and covered with stone chips. The advantage of bituminous tiles is the possibility of its installation on roofs of any configuration.

Suitable for most roofs with a slope of 12°. If we are talking about the upper limit, then the roof can be very steep, up to vertical planes. A flexible tile is attached to a solid crate made of plywood or OSB-boards. A brief description of:

  • advantages - resistance to negative influence weather conditions, various kinds of deformation, easy installation that does not require special skills and equipment, good sound insulation, long service life;
  • disadvantages - it is difficult to replace one element, heats up quickly under the scorching sun, a rather high price.

Roll built-up roofing

It consists of two layers of bitumen, between which a carrier base is placed, then a polymer layer and a mineral dressing on top. Polyester, fiberglass or fiberglass is used as the basis. The main scope of rolled roofing materials is industrial construction, utility buildings. The optimal slope of the slope for one layer is 9 - 22 °, for two layers 3 - 15 °.

Roofing strips are welded onto a cleaned surface treated with a bitumen-based primer using a burner. Each strip should overlap the previous one by at least 10 cm. A high-quality deposited material can last up to 30 years.

This is perhaps the most a budget option roofs - all types of bitumen-based rolled roofing materials are characterized by low price. The pros and cons of this material are as follows:

  • advantages - good vapor permeability, lightness, environmental friendliness;
  • disadvantages - low fire resistance, not very attractive appearance.

This product is a kind of new generation roll materials. PVC, TYPE and EPDM membranes are produced. The nominal thickness of the products is 1.80 mm, 2.20 mm 2.50 mm (in this case, the homogeneous waterproof layer of the membrane has a thickness of 1.20, 1.50 and 1.80 mm, respectively). Dimensions 2*20 m.

Sealing is carried out by hot air welding, without the use of additional preparations. Thanks to this, the connection is homogeneous, its strength is higher than the strength of the material itself, and the seam itself retains all the advantages of the base material. The production of materials is carried out in compliance with high environmental standards. If the roof slope is more than 10°, then the membrane is fixed mechanically. The main pros and cons of the material:

  • advantages - resistance to mechanical stress, water resistance, ease of installation;
  • disadvantages - increased requirements for the base, exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Self-leveling roofing - applied directly to concrete

With the help of a self-leveling roof, a single (without joints), elastic, light and durable (up to 15 years) coating is created. To cover flat roofs, bituminous-rubber or polyurethane (from polyurethane foam or polyurethane elastomers) masses are used. All of them are supplied ready for use in construction.

Execution condition good coverage is the appropriate ground preparation. It must be durable, with a homogeneous structure, before starting work it must be cleaned, leveled and primed. On flat roofs, reinforcement can be dispensed with. If the angle of inclination is more than 2 °, then in order to avoid draining the mass, the surface is reinforced (with fiberglass tapes, a mesh of polyamide, polyester or polypropylene). In any case, the use of reinforcement increases the life of the roof. In addition to the advantages, the material also has some disadvantages:

  • advantages - no seams, perfect fit to the base, ease of use and relatively low price;
  • disadvantages - increased requirements for the base.

Like other building materials, the main types of roofing materials, in addition to undeniable individual advantages, are not without some drawbacks. Therefore, when choosing a roof covering, you should carefully analyze the conditions in which the building will be operated.