Sandwich panel roof slope. Minimum pitch of a sandwich panel roof Minimum pitch of a SNIP roofing sandwich panel

  • 20.06.2020

Roofing sandwich panels - comfortable modern material for covering roofs of any area. They appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but builders willingly use them in their work due to a number of qualities:

  • Ease of installation: sandwich panels are mounted without unnecessary physical effort, and the process takes relatively little time;
  • Light weight with a large area: this is both an advantage and a disadvantage, because the panels are easy to carry, but the wind easily removes them from their place;
  • Good heat and sound insulation;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Exterior: With sandwich panels, the house, garage, shop and any other building are given a personal touch and make passers-by pay attention to their organic design.

Why bias is needed?

Sloping the roof means increasing costs. The higher the laying, the more material is needed to cover the area. But since you can save on this, is it worth it to make a bias at all and spend extra money?

Firstly, the sandwich panel roof has special installation conditions in the SNiP standards, and ignoring them would be a mistake and bring trouble.

Problems when erecting the wrong slope

Ignoring or not knowing the rules for laying a sandwich panel roof will bring troubles to the owners of the building in the form of:

  • Rapid material wear and deterioration;
  • Stagnant water that will begin to bloom;
  • Waterproofing violations;
  • Loss of presentable appearance.

Right choice

The minimum slope is selected according to the climatic environment of the building and the characteristics of the installation. For a dry climate with hot air and constant solar exposure, when the roof is made with one-piece panels without transverse joints and openings, the minimum slope allowed by the SNiP rules is chosen - 5 °. If there are connections or skylights, then a higher slope is required.

All solutions for the selection of slopes are indicated in the table. The four positions represent the minimum values, but construction decisions fluctuate in different cases. If the installation is carried out by a non-professional with a special education, then there is no question of other solutions.


If the choice is made correctly, the sandwich panel roof will serve the building for 25 years or more. During this period, there will be no unpleasant incidents in the form of leaks or freezing of the seams, if the installation was carried out wisely and with arrangement. The external qualities of the panel lose for a long time, and presentable view remains until the end of service and dismantling of the coating.

Sandwich panels - relatively cheap roofing material, and for the paid price fulfills and overfulfills the work plan and honest service to the building. The main thing is to correctly carry out the laying work and choose the minimum slope so that the coating can show its qualities in all its glory and represent appearance buildings only from the best side.

Roofing work on a building is one of the most difficult and demanding operations. Despite the material from which the installation of real estate is carried out, you can quickly make a roof from sandwich panels. Thus, when installing a sandwich roof, it is not at all necessary for the building to be made of this material. An important detail during installation is compliance with the technical characteristics and features of the panels. The slope of the sandwich panel roof must be performed in accordance with the design characteristics and the expected load.

Varieties of roofing sandwich panels.

For roofing, three-layer sandwich panels are used, the main insulating element of which is basalt fiber or polyurethane foam. As facing material stainless steel or aluminum is used.

Low load on the roof allows you to perform any manipulations using the panels. The main thing is to take into account the weather characteristics of the region where the installation takes place. This is especially true for the central and northern regions of Russia, where the load of snow cover on the roofs of buildings can be quite high. It is recommended to perform a roof slope of at least 5% in relation to the horizon line.

The use of sandwich panels with a certain type of insulation depends on the characteristics of the building under construction. For increased thermal insulation properties of buildings, panels with polyurethane foam filler are used. In addition, this insulation has a much lower weight, as a result of which the load on the roof is significantly reduced. The peculiarities of polyurethane foam make it possible to use sandwich panels with this type of filler in rooms with aggressive and aqueous media during long-term operation.

Panels with basalt fiber as a filler are recommended to be used for the construction of premises with a high fire hazard category. This application is possible due to the fact that the fiber belongs to non-combustible materials.

The slope of the sandwich panel roof must also correspond to the region in which the installation takes place. In this case, the following principle is used - the greater the design load, the greater the roof slope should be. Thus, the natural snow cover from the roof of the building is ensured. Otherwise, the snow will have to be removed additionally with the help of labor. Such an effect on the roof cannot but have a negative effect on the quality properties of the roof covering, which significantly reduces the service life of the material.

Features of installation work.

When using solid sandwich panels, the roof slope cannot be less than 5%. In the event that the panels are connected in length, the slope must be at least 7%.

If the roof slope is more than 7%, then for fastening the longitudinal joints, it is necessary to additionally install connecting screws. To eliminate possible leaks, it is necessary to install sealing gaskets at all joints along the width of the panel. In preparation for installation, the panels must be prepared by cutting the lower metal sheet of the panel and the insulation layer by the size of the joint starting from the second row of panels.

When determining the slope of the roof, depending on the region, for a device in regions with increased precipitation, the roof may have a slope of 40% or more. In dry and hot climates, the slope is from 7 to 25%.

Prefabricated sandwich panels, - explained the head of the construction site, - "can also be used for roofing."

The best option for BMZ is a roof made of three-layer metal sandwich panels, completely ready for installation: it does not need additional insulation, easy to install, cost-effective, distinguished by aesthetic appeal, unpretentious in maintenance.

A reliable roof is a combination of high-quality roofing sandwich panels at a favorable price, accurate calculations and correct installation!

Sandwich panel roof slope

For guaranteed drainage of water in case of icing of the roof, the slope of the slopes roofing should not be less:

  • 5% for roofs assembled from solid panels without cross-joins and skylights,
  • 8% for roofs assembled from panels connected along the length and with skylights.

At the same time, one must not forget about the minimum pitch and width of the roof supports. It is recommended that the support is checked against the preferred specification. It will not be superfluous to take into account the data of the maximum permissible loads.

Intermediate supports

Extreme supports

Correct installation begins with correct transport and storage. It is at this stage that the risk of damage to the panels and a decrease in their quality characteristics is high. To avoid mistakes, read:

The panels should be mounted with thermal rubber bands glued along the entire length of the supporting element and adjacent structures. In the longitudinal joints and in the overlaps of the transverse joint panels, a sealant should be laid, mainly butyl rubber tape. The use of silicone sealants is not permitted.

When laying panels longer than 12 m, it is permissible to use a crossbeam - traverse. It is allowed to use a one-T or U-beam - the panel is suspended every 3-4 m.

The slope of the roof must also be taken into account in order to avoid damaging the edges of the panels.

Lifting panels to the roof

In the process of laying roofing sandwich panels, the best option is to use a crane.

The lifting of individual panels from the package one at a time must be carried out using specially designed and widely available tools: a carpentry clamp with a steel plate and a rubber or felt pad, a vacuum gripper.

Installation of roofing panels: fastening to the purlin, ridge, ebb

Primarily, with the exception of the ridge girders, the panel is fixed to the girder under the ridge using one fastening element.

The outer panels are attached in the upper part of the trapezoid to the purlin with three self-tapping screws; middle - two. Considering the difference in loads in the above-mentioned zones, the recommendations are conditional. The final number and type of fasteners is determined by the working draft.

Upon completion of the main installation work, you must:

  • mount the inner ridge strip between the ridge girders
  • fill the free space at the joints of the panels with polyurethane foam;
  • when the foam hardens, install a polyurethane profile gasket on both sides of the ridge;

In the case of using roofing panels with mineral wool insulation, the joint is filled with mineral wool sealing compound.

It is also important correct organization low tide. To ensure proper drainage from the roof surface, the panels in the overhang are trimmed with a strip.

Insulation is notched under the top paneling of the panel, the strip is pushed through and attached to the lower panel. Gutter hooks are attached to the bar, later gutters are inserted, preferably made of PVC.

Node of junction of the roof to the sandwich panels

Mounting assemblies, nodes of adjoining roofing panels, fixing panels and decorative strips are carried out in the strictest accordance with the design documentation, the development of which is carried out by a specialized organization licensed to carry out design.

Today, many traditional roofing technologies are being replaced by new technologies, which are significantly different in nature from the old ones. For example, completely reliable insulated roofs are obtained from elements such as roof sandwich panels. Their possibilities are very wide, and therefore in Russia warehouse and commercial buildings, residential complexes and special objects are being actively built from them.

Wherein modern roofs made of sandwich panels look quite stylish and from a distance resembles classic roofing materials. But at the same time, they are much more functional, because they combine three components at once: the roof, and insulation, and even the finishing coating from below. V total and in economic terms, such sandwich panels are more profitable.

If you are interested in this technology, let's take a closer look at it and get some interesting ideas for ourselves.

A modern sandwich panel is a three-layer structure, where the insulation is located between two profiled metal sheets:

Let's take a closer look at the profile itself:

  • on the one hand, the panel has stiffening ribs in the form of special trapezoidal projections, usually 40 mm high.
  • on the other hand, the panel has a 1.5 mm deep micro-profile.

Moving on to technical specifications sandwich panels. So, today the sizes of roofing sandwich panels vary from 1000 to 1120 mm, length - from 2 to 14 meters, here a lot depends on the equipment.

The sandwich panels themselves differ as follows:

  • at the place of installation: for roofing and wall, ceiling and universal;
  • if possible load: on self-supporting or facing;
  • at the place of assembly: for those that can be assembled directly at the construction site, products of element-by-element assembly, and for those that are manufactured in the factory and brought to the construction site ready-made.

By the way, the very first designs of roofing panels had two types of joint along the edges of the sheets: a standing seam or a seam with internal elements. Of course, these systems had many drawbacks.

For example, the outer metal sheet was flat, with a slight profiling, and therefore, under the weight of the snow cap, it sagged, and by the frying rays of the sun, it was deformed. Because of which, microcracks appeared in the corners of the bends.

This is officially called "low cycle fatigue" of the metal. It was impossible to move in such places so as not to damage the outer sheet and the insulation itself. In addition, the very quality of the seam seam often left much to be desired, because such manipulations with metal require high professionalism.

Modern panels differ significantly from them:

  • Firstly, the fastening of the roofing sandwich panels is now different.
  • Secondly, today the minimum roof pitch of sandwich panels is 5-7 degrees, and more than 12 is recommended.
  • Thirdly, today all the same requirements are imposed on such roofing sandwich panels as for ordinary roofing.

Namely - to ensure the sealing of all joints, drainage and protection from bad weather. With such panels, all this is realized using a special lock.

By the way, the panels themselves are produced in a whole series, with a variety of properties:

Piecewise panels: simplicity and reliability

Roof sandwich panels of element-by-element assembly are easily assembled multi-layer structures, which consist of a cassette, this is the metal base of the insulation, special hydro-wind protection and external cladding. We can say that this is such a semi-finished product, because these panels are finally assembled directly at the construction site.

This design is based on cold-rolled or hot-rolled steel with a thickness of 0.71 millimeters. An additional polymer coating is often applied to it. In appearance, this again resembles a box, the bottom of which will serve as the ceiling of the under-roof room.

Inside such a box is mineral wool or basalt fiber, located with a slight tension. On top of the insulation there is hydro-wind protection in a special vapor-permeable membrane.

Monopanels: smart design

It will be interesting for you to know what today is already producing sandwich panels that form a soft roof, and only inner side they have a metal one. This is a design called "monopanel".

It is from such panels that roofs are often built. commercial buildings sports facilities and industrial buildings. In such a panel, the inner side is a carrier, and at the same time also serves as a ceiling sheathing.

It is made on the basis of a steel profiled sheet with a zinc coating (if possible, with a polymer too). Penoizol is used as a heater - a special filling foam with a flammability group G1. Such a group speaks of low flammability, when the panel does not burn, but only charred.

Let's list the main advantages of monopanels. So, you can:

  • install on roofs with absolutely any slope, and quickly enough;
  • transport by any means of transport;
  • apply in buildings of the second degree of fire resistance;
  • spend all assembly work in a fairly wide range of humidity and temperature.

At the same time, panels can be cheaper than other types of sandwich panels.

Today, two main types of monopanels are produced - with a soft coating and a metal one. So, with polymer roll material sandwich panels have an ideal smooth surface, which does not accumulate snow on the roof at all. It is reliable and durable, and all external joints and abutments are sealed with modern compounds.

The metal covering for monopanels is made on a machine with special longitudinal flanges, so that later they can be reduced into a double standing seam using a seaming machine.

Sip panels: proven material

In Russia, until recently, there was an experience of using only roofing sip panels, which are also classified as sandwich panels, although sometimes experts call them different materials... But here, just like in a classic sandwich panel, there is a heater between two rigid sheets.

It is a structural insulating panel that is used for the construction of prefabricated housing. It represents it on a monolithic structure, in which two oriented particle boards OSB-3 and expanded polystyrene.

Moreover, such panels are very durable and lightweight at the same time. So, the mass of one square meter is not more than 15 kg, but this square meter able to withstand vertical longitudinal pressure of more than 11 tons!

In Russia similar construction is also still a little new, although it is gaining popularity day by day. But there is one more difference from a conventional sandwich panel - the sip panel does not use a vapor barrier or windproof membrane. Here, the OSB-3 board is glued to the insulation itself, and does not warp over time.

Interestingly, abroad quite often there are variants of vulture panels with OSB sheathing on only one side, and on the other side there is a metal sheet.

Moreover, in Russia they are still trying to find an analogue to such panels, replacing OSB with cement-bonded particle boards, fiberboard plates or glass-magnesium sheets. But there are some points here: self-tapping screws in panels based on a mineral binder do not hold well and are often prone to corrosion, which does not happen with OSB-3.

Internal content and characteristics

So what are these panels made of? Let's take a look at their structure!

Outer cover: protection against atmospheric precipitation

Quite often for internal and external cladding Such roofing sandwich panels use metal sheets formed by repeated bending. Much less often, such cladding is made of corrugated sheets.

The profile of the topsheet itself is usually flat, almost flat, and with fairly high trapezoidal ridges to ensure proper drainage. The higher the protrusions, the more they reduce the thermal deformations of the panels, but they also cost more:

Here are the main types of profiling of such panels:

Roofing sandwich panels differ more significantly from each other by their coating. Moreover, high requirements are imposed on the cladding of sandwich panels, because the finish coat takes on all the operational loads. These are both climatic and dynamic, when workers go to the roof to repair it or clean it from snow.

In the Russian market, almost all three-layer sandwich panels have a steel outer cladding made of steel cold rolled sheet from 0.4 to 0.7 mm. Here the zinc coating is hot applied and has a thickness of 25 to 50 microns. Further, several layers of polymer coatings are applied to the zinc surface at once, with a total thickness of 25 to 200 microns. There can be up to eight such layers in total.

So, when high color retention and resistance to pollution are needed, a polymer coating is used. For example, the popular coating Hiarc... Its subspecies Hiarc Matt pleasing to the eye with a beautiful color with a matte surface, which gives the roof a special expressiveness. They also make sandwich panels in metallic colors.

The next type of coverage is High Build- This is a thicker primer layer with a special pigment that is resistant to mechanical damage.

Another coating is polyester enamel, or polyester... It is suitable for almost all climatic zones, resistant to mechanical weathering. But it cannot be called too reliably.

Such a coating is used in cases where there are no increased requirements for corrosion resistance to sandwich panels. But, if we talk about the roof, this option is not acceptable, this material is more for internal rooms than for external ones.

Pural - it is a polyurethane resin based coating. It looks like a fairly thick layer with high wear resistance.

Polyvinyl- polymer coating with particularly high corrosion resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation... It retains its color and shine longer than all types of coating, and it withstands molding remarkably.

The choice of insulation: bubbles or cotton wool?

Basalt mineral wool, glass wool, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam and their varieties are used as insulation for sandwich panels:

Also, for monopanels, he also uses such a type of insulation as foam resol. At the same time, the insulation can be of different densities, depending on what kind of heat-insulating properties it should have. The thickness of such products is selected according to the exact heat engineering calculation, usually from 40 to 300 mm.

In a section, all these panels look like this:

If you want to dive deeper into this issue, watch this video review:

Let's point out the benefits of basal mineral wool. And sandwich panels are laid so that the fibers are oriented vertically. This design is the most stable and does not threaten the shrinkage of the insulation.

Due to this, the density of sandwich panels is in the range of 90-140 kg per square meter, and the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.043 W / m2. But at the same time, which mineral water is still the heaviest of all types of heaters used.

Another option is glass wool. Such panels are slightly lighter than with the mineral wool version, and their thermal conductivity is 10% lower. They are allowed to be used in operation at temperatures over 400 degrees Celsius.

But the lightest sandwich is expanded polystyrene panels. Its thermal conductivity is only 0.0022 W / m2, which is very small.

But no less qualitative is its analogue - polyisocyanurate foam. Polyisocyanurate foam differs from conventional polyurethane foam - higher fire resistance. In fact, this is its modified analogue:

If speak about the main difference between the types of insulation, the main thing here is fire safety. So mineral wool sandwich panels are more heat-resistant, they are assigned the class EI240. But polyisocyanurate foam panels have a fire resistance limit of EI60.

Also important point: element-by-element roof panels come with or without additional insulation. So, if the thickness of the standard insulation is considered insufficient, then it is changed with the help of another heat insulator.

Here, on top of the main insulation inside the base, Z-shaped purlins with a height of 50 to 200 mm are installed and UPTP strips are glued to avoid cold bridges.

In this case, the purlins are mounted across the rafters. Inside such girders, the required number of layers of thermal insulation is put in, then on top of the additional insulation, a hydro-wind protection and shelves of Z-shaped girders are mounted. And already on the shelves themselves, sheets of the selected roofing are attached.

Internal filling of panels affects their fragility:

Reliability of the adhesive bond

All three main elements of sandwich panels are interconnected with a special elastic adhesive. Moreover, they approach the choice of glue with all responsibility, because, for example, the same basalt-based insulation is a rather porous material with a fragile surface. Therefore, it is important that the glue can penetrate deep into the roughness of the insulation and fill the voids between the fibers and the metal.

As you can imagine, quite a lot of glue itself is used here, and in a foamed form, after which it hardens. At the same time, it is important that the glue is moisture resistant, not afraid of atmospheric influences and tolerates temperature extremes well.

All these requirements are met by modern polyurethane-based adhesives, which are usually used for bonding metal with other materials. In this case, specifically for roofing sandwich panels, one-component and two-component compositions are used.

It is precisely the service life of sandwich panels that is limited by the service life of the adhesive layer itself, namely its destruction. By the way, sandwich panels with polyurethane insulation are sometimes made without glue at all, connecting the components together using a special molding. It is impossible to say whether it is better or worse - time will tell.

See how the finished sandwich panels, released in production, look like:

Important subtleties of fastening

The next point: fasteners on roof sandwich panels are made visible or hidden, and the lock is conventional or with increased energy efficiency, which is provided by a special seal.

Roofing sandwich panels are connected with each other in the following main ways: single rebate with additional insulation, double rebate, lock (for example, Roof-lock), and with the help of a special trapezoidal head made of galvanized steel. The installation technology itself is dictated, of course, by the manufacturer.

To close single and double folds, you need a special tool called "frame". For locks modern panels no tools are needed at all.

The most convenient is, of course, the castle. But there is a minus here: sandwich panels, which were originally designed for such locks, have an easily deformed element along their entire length, which is not difficult to touch during installation or storage. That is to say, his weak point.

This is how the fixing looks like for panels made of polyisocyanurate foam:

In this way, mineral wool panels are fixed:

What is good about the "roof of the future", or pleasant advantages?

First of all, for the construction of the roof, it is of great value that, roofing sandwich panels allow laying at large steps between the purlins. All in all, this greatly reduces the overall cost of building the roof itself.

That is why the use of sandwich panels is primarily economically feasible, which today allows such roofs to be erected on almost all types of buildings. So far, at the moment, the only exception is apartment buildings, but this, according to experts, will not last long.

You will also be surprised that, despite the apparent fragility, roofing sandwich panels are a fairly strong material that can withstand wind and snow loads perfectly. At the same time, roofing sandwich panels do not create any special additional load on the foundation:

We also note that such panels are quick and easy to assemble, and just as easy to dismantle. They do not need any finishing or special fasteners.

Disadvantages, flaws and other annoying facts

With all the advantages, the sandwich panel has a number of disadvantages. For example, their use of sandwich panels is predicted to decline over time, giving way to other types of sandwich panels.

Here is an entertaining video tutorial on the advantages and disadvantages of roofing sandwich panels:

Features of the northern climate

The Russian climate is quite aggressive, especially in the north. And therefore, while many roofers are afraid to use roofing sandwich panels due to seasonal temperature fluctuations, which cause significant stresses during operation.

The second moment, being on the roof in direct sunlight, the sandwiches change their size. This - natural process for metal surfaces, but it is extremely necessary to take it into account when adjusting the corners of joints and seams, so that the whole system does not eventually lead. It is precisely sandwich panels of element-by-element assembly that are devoid of these disadvantages.

After all, it is not mineral wool that takes on the load from them, but the box frame itself, thanks to which the lighter and cheaper thermal insulation can be used. Yes, such elements provide a more reliable roof sealing and the ability to remove condensate through an organized ventilation gap.

In addition, in the process of cyclic temperature transitions through the so-called "freezing point of water", the block of mineral wool insulation gradually collapses, and the fibers are blown out. As a result, there is a loss of the bearing capacity of the structure itself.

Also, mineral wool itself is subject to physical aging, and in fact it accounts for the entire operational load. At the same time, the actual fire resistance of such a roof is noted, unfortunately.

First, the maintainability of such panels still raises questions. If a problem arises, you will have to disassemble the entire roof, so the cost of repairs will be significant.

Installation errors and their consequences

Further, while the locks of such panels leave much to be desired, and with not very careful operation, they can be unreliable. As we have already said, the accuracy of fastening and the tightness of the future roof is provided by special grooves in the rebates. AND the main problem the installation of sandwich panels is a successful or unsuccessful joint.

This is why manufacturers are constantly working to improve these locks. Indeed, the strength of the connection of such panels on the roof, and the absence of gaps, and tightness depend on this specifically.

For the roof, these are critical indicators. And any unsuccessful joint can become a conductor for rain moisture and a cold bridge, while for the same walls, all this is not so important:

In bad weather conditions and frequently changing humidity and air temperature, a poorly laid roof made of sandwich panels has cold bridges and leaks. The casing also peels off from the insulation, if a foam sandwich is used and the flammability of the middle layer increases, and if the insulation is made of mineral wool, the destruction of the bond between vertically oriented fibers due to moisture is noted.

They can lead to the sealing of the longitudinal joint and further damage to the entire coating. Moreover, such damage is not so easy to detect by eye, and it is even more difficult to fix it.

Although, in fact, in working with sandwich panels, it is quite possible to avoid all the above points and disadvantages, if you follow all the installation rules exactly.

Difficulties in transportation and storage

And, finally, roofing sandwich panels have such a serious disadvantage as easy damage during transportation and installation, so they must be handled carefully, especially carefully. That is why manufacturing companies themselves often provide services for a complete set of roofs, from design to installation.

And we advise you to resort to such services, since the professional team already knows all the intricacies of working with this new roofing material, there is even a whole lot of recommendations even regarding the storage of the panels themselves.

By the way, most of all manufacturers worry about the fact that in our country they often neglect the installation rules and roof panels sometimes get wet even before they are on the roof. In this case, the fibrous insulation quickly loses its properties and is destroyed during the subsequent seasonal processes of freezing and thawing.

It is thanks to such doubts that the owners of their houses still everywhere give preference to a more classic and proven "correct" pie, where the insulation has its own specific place and there is always access to it. At least if cotton wool gets wet here, load bearing capacity the roof will not decrease from this - just the problems will be different.

Installation steps: unusual technology

Let's take a look at the principles of installing roof sandwich panels on the roof. So, three-layer roofing sandwich panels are used for buildings in which the roof slope is not more than 12 meters, and the slope is not less than 12%. They are laid on girders with a step of one and a half meters.

Compared to classic sandwich panels, monopanels are suitable for creating any areas and any angle of inclination, and a step is allowed in 3-4 meters.

This is how the installation of such a roof looks like in practice:

It is most convenient, of course, to use one panel per roof slope so that it does not have any transverse joints. Although today it is not uncommon for such sandwich panels to be assembled on the roof as a constructor, with an overlap. In this case, the panel is laid up, as it were, along the pillars.

Such a roof covering is fixed with hat profiles across the rafters. The panels are laid along the rafters along the girders. And so that cold bridges do not form at the junction, a thermal separating strip made of isolon is fixed on top of the membrane along the shelves themselves.

The roofing sheets of monopanels are fastened together with clamps, and the clamps themselves are connected with self-tapping screws. Install such a panel along girders up to 4 mm and fasten with self-tapping screws:

Further, on top of it, it is allowed to make a soft roof from conventional traditional materials, for example, from piece shingles. By ourselves, we are convenient monopanels in that their installation can be performed by any builder without special qualifications, and practically at any time of the year.

The roofing panels themselves are installed along the girders or fixed with bolts, as an option - with self-tapping screws with a special washer. The most practical is a thorn-type connection, a heat-insulating tourniquet and special ties.

The hat profile itself is determined by the structure of the roofing itself, and for a metal tile it is equal to its pitch.

Sandwich panels are fixed to the walls of the house using the same additional elements as in the case of a conventional roof:

But the main nodes of such a roof:

This is how the overhang of the roof is made from sandwich panels:

Here are the main options for organizing the drainage of such a roof: The highest quality sandwich panels, according to the manufacturers, last 25-30 years. In this case, it is extremely important that during installation and transportation of the panels, they are not damaged, and the joint is sufficiently tight.

It is in the domestic market that options with trapezoidal protrusions on sandwich panels, which are also called a roofing profile, still prevail.

Compared to the rest of the world, in Russia they still produce roofing sandwich panels in the following ratio of insulation: 85% mineral wool and 15% polyurethane foam. But in the world the opposite is true: 80% of such panels are made of polyurethane foam or polyisocyanuate foam, and only a fifth are made of mineral wool. Although, at the same time, foam insulation is lighter.

So, the most high-quality products are supplied to reviews Russian market such companies as Promkpanel, Petropanel, Kuznetsk metal structures, Techno-izol and Azna-am. We will also consider the products of such well-known manufacturers as Ruukki, Izobud and Kraft SPAN.

Ruukki: complete set

Renowned manufacturer Ruukki offers mineral wool and PIR roofing panels, including accessories and installation tools:

Here's another option:

The well-known company Izobud has been producing sandwich panels for prefabricated buildings since 1998 and today is included in the list of the most famous manufacturers of this roofing material in the Russian Federation.

And she produces sandwich panels from mineral wool and polyisocyanurate foam:

Here are the panels from "Izobud" made of mineral wool:

Kraft SPAN: new equipment

Kraft SPAN is a company from St. Petersburg that produces wall and roof sandwich panels made of mineral wool. They have high load-bearing properties, which are especially appreciated by designers.

Here, profiled steel sheets, mineral basalt wool and fireproof glue with safety class Ko are used. It is the production of Kraft SPAN that produces a single series of such panels - FF.

This construction technology has more and more supporters every day. This is not surprising, because they are attracted by the excellent appearance of the sandwich panel roof and the relatively low load on the supporting structures and the foundation of the building.

In addition, the modern market today is oversaturated with such panels, thanks to which there remains high competition in this area, and manufacturers pay more attention to the quality of products. As well as additional related services, such as roof design and repair.

Would you like to have such an unusual roof?


Last revised: 10/26/2016

A modern roof structure cannot be perfectly flat, since precipitation falling in the form of snow or rain must in any case be removed from its surface. That is why, when installing flat roofs, it is imperative to comply with the so-called slope rule, which provides for a slight slope of the flooring to one side. The presence of such a slope allows you to drain rainwater from the surface of the coating and collect it at the roof railing, where special drain holes are prepared in advance for this purpose. The minimum roof slope, as a rule, is selected taking into account the following parameters of the coating to be installed (in this case, its performance indicators are also taken into account):

  • used roofing material;
  • roof type (classic or inverted);
  • the number of waterproofing layers;
  • average annual precipitation (snow load);
  • wind loads on the structure.

SNiP requirements

The dependence of the angle of inclination on various factors is regulated by special building codes and regulations (SNiP). Among the requirements for the slope of a flat roof SNiP II-26-2010 “Roofs”, the following provisions are especially important regarding its dependence on the coating material:

  • depending on the type of waterproofing used, the angle of inclination of the roof can vary from 1.5 to 10º;
  • angles of inclination greater magnitude(up to 2º) are chosen very rarely, which is explained by the difficulty of selecting a soft coating that would not slide to the base of the roof at high air temperatures;
  • the minimum slope for the so-called flat roof must be at least 1–1.5º.

Note! There is a definite relationship between the slope of the roof structure and the number of layers of waterproofing coating laid on it. The more significant this value, the faster the sediments will be removed from it, and, therefore, the number of layers of waterproofing may be less.

The roofing materials used to cover the roof differ in their structure, according to which they have a more or less smooth surface. With an insufficiently smooth (rough) structure of the coating, the likelihood of both water and snow retention on it increases markedly.

This is what determines the dependence of the minimum slope angle on the used roofing material. Next, we will consider the specific values ​​of this indicator for different types coatings.

The smallest angle of inclination of the slope when arranging a roof from a tile is usually chosen at least 15º (for some models of material, this value can be 14º). If it is necessary to reduce this indicator, individual manufacturers advise treating the joints of metal tiles with a special waterproof sealant that retains its properties at low temperatures.

Note! If the slope is too gentle, precipitation will linger in certain places on the roof and seep into the joints during heavy rains. And this will lead to an additional load on the roof in those areas where they are delayed.

This drawback can be partially eliminated by using samples of tiles with greater height waves.

When using this type of roofing, the indicator we are considering should have a slightly lower value (as a rule, it is equal to 12º).

In the case of manufacturing roofs from profiled sheet with a lower slope, when laying them, it is necessary to observe the so-called two-wave overlap, and at angles of the order of 15 ° and higher, an overlap of 20 cm will be sufficient. At the same time, with an increase in the angle of inclination, the step of the lathing to be laid under the covering should also increase.

At the minimum roof pitch (i.e. when it is almost flat), continuous battens should be used to increase the load-bearing capacity of the supporting structure.

There are several types of soft roofing, differing in the material from which they are made:

  1. Flexible shingles. In the case of using as a covering the so-called soft roof ( shingles- in particular) the lathing under it must be made in the form of a solid base made of plywood sheets (OSB). The minimum slope of the slopes for this type of roofing is at least 11º.
  2. Bituminous coatings. For soft roofs in this category, the minimum roof slope has the lowest value (its value, as a rule, does not exceed 2º). But at the same time, as noted earlier, you will need to increase the number of layers to be laid. In the case when, for technical reasons, it is not possible to lay more than 1-2 layers of bituminous material, you will have to increase this figure to 15º. The minimum angle of inclination of the cover made on the basis of ondulin, as a rule, does not exceed 6º. This roofing material is most preferred for roofing with a low slope angle, but you will need a solid sheathing type to install it.
  3. Clay tile (slate). When laying rigid clay tiles or classic slate sheets with an uneven surface that holds snow well, the slope must be at least 22º. In this case, it is necessary to be very careful about the calculation of the rafter system, which, due to heavy weight material will experience significant stress. In addition, one should not forget about the additional loads on the rafters, which are possible with the accumulation of large volumes of snow on the roof, as well as with powerful gusts of wind in bad weather.

Taking into account all these factors, the requirements for the load capacity of the roofing system increase significantly.

Note! When making a roof from a tile or slate covering with an angle of inclination less than 22º, you will have to recalculate the entire rafter system, since the loads on it in this case increase many times.

According to SNiP requirements, the minimum slope of a sandwich panel deck should be approximately 5º (provided that the coating is made continuous and has no joints along its entire length). Let's make a reservation right away that this indicator is valid only for cases when built-in windows or other elements that violate the integrity of the continuous coating are not provided in the roof.

In the presence of all the indicated violations of the integrity of the deck, the minimum slope angle of such a roof should be at least 7º.

Even at the design stage of the future roofing system (and, in particular, when choosing a roof design with a certain angle of inclination), it is imperative to take into account the climatic features of your area. In the event that precipitation in your area falls quite often, the minimum indicator of the steepness of the slope for a sandwich panel should be at least 40º, since only with such a slope of the roof, rain moisture will not linger in the joint seams. Well, in areas with a small indicator of average annual precipitation, the slope of the order of 7-22º is considered optimal.

Note! Before arranging roofs with large slopes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in this case you need a larger amount of building material.

On the other hand, if this value is too low, water will accumulate on the roof, which, over time, can destroy the waterproofing seals of the panel joints. And in the off-season (with the onset of thaws and frosts), ice build-ups are formed from the accumulated moisture, which can damage the protective layer of the sandwich panels, as well as their metal shell.

With a slight roof slope (less than 7º), there is no need for additional fastening of panels on a frame basis made of reinforced concrete, wood or metal. On roof structures with a large angle of inclination, additional fasteners are required.

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From this video you will learn how to make a roof slope.