Roof shingles: manufacturing and installation. Shingles roofing - a modern use of ancient material How to lay shingles on a roof

  • 16.06.2019

How to make a shingle with your own hands in a workshop in a garage or on personal plot? How does a machine for making shingles on an industrial scale work? How difficult is it to properly lay this material? Let's try to answer these questions.

Roof covered with aspen shingles.

What it is

To begin with, let's introduce those readers who are unfamiliar with the material under discussion and with its key features.


Shingles are chipped boards used as roofing. The raw material for them is aspen and coniferous wood - larch, cedar and pine.

Key feature: shingles, like other natural roofing materials. differing from it in the form and order of laying - shingle, plowshare, shingle - are made by longitudinal chipping of the workpiece. Sawing will break the structure of the fibers and make the material excessively hygroscopic, which will necessarily affect its service life.

Key features

  • All types of wooden roofing can be used without additional waterproofing on roofs with a slope of 12-15 degrees;
  • With a smaller slope, the waterproofing material must be separated from the roof by a counter-lattice, which provides ventilation of its back side;

Good ventilation is the main condition for the long life of the roof.

  • The total number of layers in a wooden roof can reach eight, which makes its creation very laborious;
  • The maximum thickness of the shingles does not exceed 1 centimeter. The minimum thickness is 3 mm at all;
  • The typical dimensions of this roofing material are 400x150 mm. However, there are no formal requirements for size: it is determined by the dimensions of the chock from which the shingles are pricked;
  • Chock needs debarking: the presence of loose bark will lead to rapid decay of the roofing material. For the same reason from wooden blank before making shingles or at the stage of sorting the boards, a soft core is cut out;
  • Larch shingles are the most resistant to adverse atmospheric conditions and durable: its wood practically does not rot and does not absorb water. However, a much softer aspen shingle, despite its hygroscopicity, also boasts a long service life: periodic changes in humidity levels and linear dimensions roofing elements do not harm the structure of the material.

Despite being hygroscopic, aspen does not rot.


The service life of a wooden roof made of shingles is, as a rule, no more than ten years. The exact value is largely determined by the master's ability to choose the optimal structure of wood and the direction of the fibers; even the direction of the annual rings affects the result. The laying procedure is very labor intensive and a significant percentage of rejection of the material.

For comparison, two people can cover the roof on a finished crate with a metal tile with a reasonable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house in one daylight hours. The service life of a metal roof with a polymer coating will be at least 30 years.



Making shingles with your own hands for a small barn or chicken coop does not require the purchase or manufacture of any equipment: all work is done with a direct hand plow - a knife with handles on both sides of the blade.

Straight plow.

The quality of the roofing material obtained in this way is strongly influenced by the structure of the raw material. What should it be?

For the manufacture of shingles with a plow, only reliable fixation of the debarked chock in a horizontal position is required. Layers of wood are removed from it by moving the plow in the direction from the far edge towards itself; the core is removed with the same plow from the already finished boards.


The traditional equipment for the production of shingles is a simple manual mahalo machine. It is a movably fixed long lever with a knife adjusted to the required thickness of the cut wood, and an emphasis for fixing the chock.

It is curious: massive logs are traditionally used as a lever and a frame. The mass of the frame makes the swing motionless without pouring a stationary foundation; the mass of the lever and the inertia associated with it makes it possible to overcome the resistance of the fibers at the beginning of the shearing.

Mahalo is a simple device for handicraft production of small volumes of shingles.


The industrial machine for the production of shingles is a kind of horizontal guillotine: the reciprocating movement of the knife is combined with manual or mechanical clamping of the workpiece. The productivity of the machine is up to 40 boards per minute and is determined by the speed of loading chocks. The core is pre-cut from the workpiece.

As an example, we will give the characteristics of the SHS-1500 machine manufactured by the Italian company Biffol.

Appearance of the machine.

The shingle machine allows manual adjustment of its thickness in the range of 8-40 millimeters.


The instructions for laying roofing material are identical to those for other types of wooden roofing.

  • The board is laid from the bottom up with an overlap of adjacent rows by at least two thirds of the length. Laying is carried out in at least three layers;

In the photo - three-layer styling.

  • The maximum step of the crate should be no more than 10 cm. Often, the shingles are laid on a solid plank shield along the counter-crate;
  • As already mentioned, backside ventilation is a must;
  • The board of the lower layers is attached to the crate with galvanized nails at the rate of one nail per board. The shingles of the top layer are fastened with two nails;
  • To prevent the nails from pricking the board, holes of a slightly smaller diameter are often drilled under them. Alternatively, the tips can be bitten off at the nails: a blunt nail does not split the fibers, but crushes them;
  • In the valleys (corners between adjacent roof slopes), an additional layer of shingles is laid. Often, a layer of waterproofing material - bitumen or polyethylene - is additionally laid under it.

Scheme of laying in the valley.


We will consider our acquaintance with the ancient and so exotic type of roofing material in our time to have taken place. As always, the video in this article will offer additional thematic information to the reader. We will be glad to see your clarifications and additions in the comments. Good luck!

from a circular

DIY shingle machine

Previously, such construction material like a shingle, it was made mainly manually, and tools such as mahalo and plow were used for this.

Today, when almost any production process is automated, special woodworking machines are used to make shingles.

It is understandable, because making shingles at home, and even by hand, is a long and tiring task. However, you can greatly simplify the manufacture of shingles for plaster with your own hands, if you adapt an ordinary circular saw for this purpose.

DIY shingle machine

Today, buying a machine for the production of shingles is not a problem, the problem is the price, which is very high, for such woodworking equipment.

For this reason, many home craftsmen who do not need mass production of shingles, but only need a small amount of it, for example, for plastering a wooden wall, prefer a do-it-yourself shingle machine.

A do-it-yourself shingle machine is a metal box, inside which discs for cutting wood are located in one row at a certain distance from each other. The material for sawing is fed into the box from above, and shingles are obtained from the bottom.

How to make chipped shingles at home

Chipped shingles, in contrast to sawn shingles on homemade machine, differs significantly in its manufacturing technology. In order to chop shingles at home, you will need a plow or a piece of spring from an old car.

At the same time, before making shingles at home, the wood is first soaked. You can use both pine and spruce, aspen or cedar for this. The main requirement is that the material be knot-free. Otherwise, it will not work to split it exactly to the required thickness.

The dimensions of the roofing shingles, as a rule, do not exceed 0.5 cm in thickness and 5 cm in width. In this case, the length of the roofing shingles may be different. The thickness of the plaster shingles should not exceed 7 mm, and its length varies on average about 1 meter.

For the manufacture of shingles with their own hands, such a power tool as a circular saw. And as the main raw material for sawn shingles, it is mainly used edged board"magpie" or board 25 millimeters thick.

At the same time, the material being cut is securely fixed on the table surface by means of clamps. As necessary, the clamps move to the side, after which a new batch of shingles is cut off with a circular.

In the old days, it was quite difficult to find a more up-to-date roofing material than aspen shingles. In the southern regions of the country, houses were covered with straw and reeds, but in the northern and central regions, aspen shingles were common. Aspen grows, and grew earlier everywhere, and shingles, properly prepared and mounted on the roof, for many decades reliably protected the roofs of peasant houses and wooden churches. At this time, shingle roofing is elite, as well as reed, straw and slate, and natural tiles. There are not so many masters who know about the installation of shingle roofing and who have been able to maintain long-standing traditions, and their work is quite expensive.

shingle roof

Shingles are thin plates of wood, which have an average thickness of 3 to 8 millimeters, a width of 80 to 160 millimeters, and a length of 350 to 450 millimeters. For its production, not only such a tree as aspen is suitable, but also larch, spruce and pine. You can use trees with a small diameter for this, the main thing here is that the trunks themselves are even, so that it is easy to cut logs from 40 to 45 centimeters long from them, and without knots. The chocks from which the core is cut out will be used for the production of shingles, since it is most susceptible to cracking. To remove the core, each log is first split in half or quarters and the core is cut out, and the remaining parts are split into thin plates, which are called shingles. Shingles can be harvested in summer, spring and autumn. The bark from the logs must be removed before work, otherwise the shingle roof will begin to rot very quickly.

industrial method for the production of shingles

There is a method and industrial production shingles, when the log is initially sawn into logs of only double length, then a beam is made from them, which is equal in width to the width of the shingle, and after that the beam is unraveled into shingles. Since the length of such shingles is on average 80 centimeters, it can be used on roofs with a large area. For standard roofs, shingles with a long length are not used; they are sawn before being used in half. Sawn shingles will last a shorter period of time compared to chopped shingles, because it is not split naturally, which preserves its fibers, but is cut. Thus, integrity is not preserved in its structure, so if you want to make shingles with your own hands, then you should use the old splitting method. To do this, it is necessary to peel the logs using a specialized method using a knife with two handles, but this is a rather long task, it will take a long time to harvest shingles on a roof with a large area. So you can use a machine that is easy to make shingles, which in the old days was called “mahalo”.

making shingles with your own hands

  1. You need to take a log that has a length of 3 to 4 meters and a diameter of 120 to 160 millimeters. We measure 20 centimeters from the end and drill a hole, in which the diameter should be 3 millimeters.
  2. A metal kingpin must be inserted into the hole, it must move freely in it, the kingpin must have such a length that would allow the log to be fixed in a wooden block before starting work.
  3. At a distance of one meter from the end, where the hole for the king pin is drilled, we fix a knife-bracket along the log, which has a length of 60 centimeters. The knife should be located at such an angle that will allow you to remove shingles of the required thickness from the log.
  4. At the opposite end, a handle should be driven into the log, it should have a length of 40 centimeters. With this handle, the log can be moved during operation.

The chopping block made of wood, where the king pin is driven in, should be of such length and width that it is convenient to lay logs under the shingles on it, and the “wave” does not push it off during the work process. If the tree from which you are going to make shingles has dried up, then it should be soaked for a day or boiled for half an hour in an iron barrel in boiling water. The second option is more used for coniferous trees. But not at all times, harvesting was carried out by a similar old method, for example, in 1939, in the USSR, the inventor Glazunov was granted a patent for a machine for the production of shingles by an industrial method.

If you like wood roofing, but don't want to do it yourself, then you can contact companies that know how to produce shingles, and they will do it quickly and professionally. You can also place an order for installation, and at the same time receive a guarantee for the material and for the work performed. If you can't afford it, then the next section is for you.

installation of shingles

The slope of the roof for laying shingles must be equal to at least 15 degrees. The crate can be arranged solid or in increments of no more than 10 centimeters. Because wooden planks have a small mass, then for the crate you can use bars 5 by 5 centimeters or poles that have a diameter of 6-7 centimeters. Roof shingles can be laid from two to five layers. When laying in two layers, each next plate should cover the previous half, in three rows 2/3, and if laying is carried out in four rows, then in 3/4, in five rows, the grip should be 4/5. A two-layer type coating is used for non-residential premises, but the remaining options are suitable for residential buildings. There are two mutually exclusive opinions about the arrangement of the waterproofing layer. First opinion: waterproofing, that is, roofing material, can be put directly on the crate, second opinion: waterproofing can be omitted at all. If you follow the traditions of the ancient masters, then in fact waterproofing is not needed, including a continuous crate, since natural building material must breathe in order to properly perform its task. A solid crate and waterproofing interfere with this, and the roof will simply begin to rot. The shingles should be laid from the overhang of the eaves to the ridge. Since roof slopes are the most vulnerable places, it is necessary to lay additional boards, which have a width of 35 to 40 centimeters, and even on the slopes, the number of layers of shingles should be done one more than over the entire roof. The boards are fastened with the help of special wooden nails, they have a length of 4 to 6 centimeters, before starting work they need to be boiled in drying oil.

The manufacture of shingles by splitting forms the plate so that if the plate is slightly bent, the fibers will rise and “pins” are formed. The lower first row should be laid out so that such "stabs" are on the outside, and the remaining rows on the roof so that the "stabs" are on the outside. inside. The most difficult thing is laying the plates in the valleys, here you will need additional layers of shingles and the arrangement of auxiliary planks on the crate.

shingle imitation material

Companies that produce roofing materials offer the most variety of options shingles imitations. For example, copper shingles, what is it like? In reality, this material, even from afar, does not look like wood plates. Copper plates have different shapes and sizes, it can be rhombuses, squares and others. Copper is less than a millimeter thick. Also, the plates are equipped with special "ears", for which they need to be attached to the crate. The cost of this material can be compared with the cost of wood plates, which were made by hand. Foreign manufacturers of bituminous shingles offer collections made to look like shingles for purchase. But, in addition to this, there is also a polymer imitation of shingles, it is made of PVC, mineral additives, resins, according to external data, it completely repeats the color, shape and size of wood plates. This building roofing material is produced in three colors: weathered gray, new and brown cedar. This roofing material combines the external data of the ancient coating and modern technological processes production chemical industry. On sale, in addition to imitation shingles for roofing, you can also find basement siding shingles, which are also made of PVC and use such material to sheathe the lower parts of the walls of houses.


Do-it-yourself shingles for roofing

The shingle roof is strong, durable and extraordinarily beautiful. Evidence of this is the buildings of our ancestors, which have survived to this day.

Once considered easy to install and cheap, a wood-covered roof has now become a luxury. The material is absolutely environmentally friendly, therefore expensive and difficult to install. And there are few masters who know how to make shingles with their own hands correctly according to old traditions. However, the price justifies the investment, since a properly covered roof will last for decades.

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Methods for making shingles

Shingles are plates made of aspen, cedar or oak, used to install roofing and facade cladding. Do-it-yourself shingles for roofing can be made from inexpensive coniferous trees, like spruce and pine. The resin found in trees prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi, as it is a good antiseptic. Also, plates made from coniferous species can withstand different temperatures.

Choose wood with smooth trunks without knots and cracks. The diameter of the trunk may not be large, the main thing is that after sawing the length of the logs is 40-45 cm. The core of the tree should be cut out, since it is prone to cracking. To make the roof last longer, the bark, which is subject to rapid decay, is also removed from the logs.

They make shingles and mechanically. The log is sawn into logs about 80 cm long, from which a beam is made of the same width as the shingles, and is dissolved into plates. It is convenient to cover with such shingles a roof of large footage, for a smaller one - they cut it.

Splitting the beam into plates

The disadvantage of sawn shingles is a shorter service life. The fact is that when sawn, wood does not retain its fibrous structure, as happens with a chipped method, where the tree splits naturally. Thus, the cut affects the structure of its integrity.

To extend the life of the shingles, as well as to preserve its original appearance, special wood impregnations are used.

In the old days, it was quite difficult to find a more up-to-date roofing material than aspen shingles. In the southern regions of the country, houses were covered with straw and reeds, but in the northern and central regions, aspen shingles were common. Aspen grows, and grew earlier everywhere, and shingles, properly prepared and mounted on the roof, for many decades reliably protected the roofs of peasant houses and wooden churches. At this time, shingle roofing is elite, as well as reed, straw and slate, and natural tiles. There are not so many masters who know about the installation of shingle roofing and who have been able to maintain long-standing traditions, and their work is quite expensive.

Shingles production methods

Shingles are thin plates of wood, which have an average thickness of 3 to 8 millimeters, a width of 80 to 160 millimeters, and a length of 350 to 450 millimeters. For its production, not only such a tree as aspen is suitable, but also larch, spruce and pine. You can use trees with a small diameter for this, the main thing here is that the trunks themselves are even, so that it is easy to cut logs from 40 to 45 centimeters long from them, and without knots. The chocks from which the core is cut out will be used for the production of shingles, since it is most susceptible to cracking. To remove the core, each log is first split in half or quarters and the core is cut out, and the remaining parts are split into thin plates, which are called shingles. Shingles can be harvested in summer, spring and autumn. The bark from the logs must be removed before work, otherwise the shingle roof will begin to rot very quickly.

industrial method for the production of shingles

There is also a method for the industrial production of shingles, when the log is initially sawn into logs of only double length, then a beam is made from them, which is equal in width to the width of the shingles, and after that the beam is unraveled into shingles. Since the length of such shingles is on average 80 centimeters, it can be used on roofs with a large area. For standard roofs, shingles with a long length are not used; they are sawn before being used in half. Sawn shingles will last a shorter period of time compared to chopped shingles, because it is not split naturally, which preserves its fibers, but is cut. Thus, integrity is not preserved in its structure, so if you want to make shingles with your own hands, then you should use the old splitting method. To do this, it is necessary to peel the logs using a specialized method using a knife with two handles, but this is a rather long task, it will take a long time to harvest shingles on a roof with a large area. So you can use a machine that is easy to make shingles, which in the old days was called “mahalo”.

Ancient lathe for making shingles

making shingles with your own hands

You need to do the machine like this:

  1. You need to take a log that has a length of 3 to 4 meters and a diameter of 120 to 160 millimeters. We measure 20 centimeters from the end and drill a hole, in which the diameter should be 3 millimeters.
  2. A metal kingpin must be inserted into the hole, it must move freely in it, the kingpin must have such a length that would allow the log to be fixed in a wooden block before starting work.
  3. At a distance of one meter from the end, where the hole for the king pin is drilled, we fix a knife-bracket along the log, which has a length of 60 centimeters. The knife should be located at such an angle that will allow you to remove shingles of the required thickness from the log.
  4. At the opposite end, a handle should be driven into the log, it should have a length of 40 centimeters. With this handle, the log can be moved during operation.

The chopping block made of wood, where the king pin is driven in, should be of such length and width that it is convenient to lay logs under the shingles on it, and the “wave” does not push it off during the work process. If the tree from which you are going to make shingles has dried up, then it should be soaked for a day or boiled for half an hour in an iron barrel in boiling water. The second option is more used for coniferous trees.
But not at all times, harvesting was carried out by a similar old method, for example, in 1939, in the USSR, the inventor Glazunov was granted a patent for a machine for the production of shingles by an industrial method.
If you like wood roofing, but don't want to do it yourself, then you can contact companies that know how to produce shingles, and they will do it quickly and professionally. You can also place an order for installation, and at the same time receive a guarantee for the material and for the work performed. If you can't afford it, then the next section is for you.

Installation of shingles on the roof

The slope of the roof for laying shingles must be equal to at least 15 degrees. The crate can be arranged solid or in increments of no more than 10 centimeters. Since wooden planks are light in weight, you can use 5 by 5 centimeters bars or poles that have a diameter of 6-7 centimeters for the crate. Roof shingles can be laid from two to five layers. When laying in two layers, each next plate should cover the previous half, in three rows 2/3, and if laying is carried out in four rows, then in 3/4, in five rows, the grip should be 4/5. A two-layer type coating is used for non-residential premises, but the remaining options are suitable for residential buildings.
There are two mutually exclusive opinions about the arrangement of the waterproofing layer. First opinion: waterproofing, that is, roofing material, can be put directly on the crate, second opinion: waterproofing can be omitted at all. If you follow the traditions of the ancient masters, then in fact waterproofing is not needed, including a continuous crate, since natural building material must breathe in order to properly perform its task. A solid crate and waterproofing interfere with this, and the roof will simply begin to rot.
The shingles should be laid from the overhang of the eaves to the ridge. Since the roof slopes are the most vulnerable places, it is necessary to lay additional boards there, which have a width of 35 to 40 centimeters, and even on the slopes, the number of layers of shingles should be done one more than on the entire roof. The boards are fastened with the help of special wooden nails, they have a length of 4 to 6 centimeters, before starting work they need to be boiled in drying oil.
The manufacture of shingles by splitting forms the plate so that if the plate is slightly bent, the fibers will rise and “pins” are formed. The lower first row should be laid out so that such "stabs" are on the outside, and the remaining rows on the roof so that the "stabs" are on the inside. The most difficult thing is laying the plates in the valleys, here you will need additional layers of shingles and the arrangement of auxiliary planks on the crate.

Modern roofing materials imitating shingles

Companies that manufacture roofing materials offer a wide variety of shingle imitation options. For example, copper shingles, what is it like? In reality, this material, even from afar, does not look like wood plates. Copper plates have different shapes and sizes, it can be rhombuses, squares and others. Copper is less than a millimeter thick. Also, the plates are equipped with special "ears", for which they need to be attached to the crate. The cost of this material can be compared with the cost of wood plates, which were made by hand.
Foreign manufacturers of bituminous shingles offer collections made to look like shingles for purchase. But, in addition to this, there is also a polymer imitation of shingles, it is made of PVC, mineral additives, resins, according to external data, it completely repeats the color, shape and size of wood plates. This building roofing material is produced in three colors: weathered gray, new and brown cedar. This roofing material combines the external data of an ancient coating and modern technological processes for the production of the chemical industry. On sale, in addition to imitation shingles for roofing, you can also find basement siding shingles, which are also made of PVC and use such material to sheathe the lower parts of the walls of houses.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: The advantage of natural material for roofing is confirmed by a long history of its use. Oak, spruce, beech, larch, Canadian cedar have found widespread use for roofing.

The advantage of natural material for roofing is confirmed by a long history of its use. Oak, spruce, beech, larch, Canadian cedar have found widespread use for roofing.

Different nations call roofing material made of wood differently: shindel, shingle, shingles, shingalas. In this article, we will talk about the characteristics and features of shingle roofing.

Shingles on the roof

Shingles production

Types of shingles

Roof shingles are made from coniferous wood best quality: oak, Siberian larch, Canadian cedar. This material is mainly made by hand, in the form of wooden plates.

The shingle can be of several types:

  • chipped;
  • sawn;
  • mosaic.

In order for the material to acquire a certain shade, it is impregnated by special means thus prolonging the service life.

Such material is an excellent alternative to modern roofing, especially for the roofs of those objects that are subject to:

  • exposure to harsh climate;
  • extremely low temperature conditions;
  • significant amount of precipitation in the form of snow cover.

Attention. Wood for shingles should be without damage: rot and knots.

The complexity of the forms

Shingles on complex roofs

Modern methods of production of shingles allow more often in construction to give preference to the option - roofing + shingles. This material is successfully used on roofs with curved shapes and complex configurations.

Depending on the purpose of the object, the shingles fit into 3-5 layers. Multi-layer coating creates a dense and waterproof roof covering on complex roofs.

Laying technology

Shingles roofing differs from other coatings not only in properties, but also in laying technology, which is determined by the nature of the material. The shingles are placed on the roof in the same way as scales are laid in a spruce cone.

When exposed to precipitation and high humidity, wooden plates swell a little and increase in size. Due to this, the material closes on the roof.

The roof looks like a bump. In the process of drying, the plates, bending, rise with a dome, while ensuring the removal of moisture from under the roof of the house.

Such a natural coating in sunny weather shows its unique properties. If we compare materials such as metal, tiles, then wooden surface does not transfer heat. This causes coolness in the house during the hot season.

The outer surface of this coating is characterized by a relief structure.

This circumstance protects the roof space from noise resulting from:

  • hail;
  • rain;
  • gusty wind.

Attention. The slope of the slope for laying shingles can be 28-45 degrees.

During the construction of residential facilities, shingles are laid in 4-5 layers, utility structures - in 3-4 layers.

The advantage of natural coverage

Wooden plates are able to breathe, so the roof is ventilated naturally. If you create a roof according to the shingle-roof scheme - an additional ventilated gap, then the coating itself and the supporting structures will last much longer.

Basically, shingles, like roofing, has the following advantages:

  • ensures long-term tightness of the roof;
  • coating is in perfect harmony with environment;
  • lightness of the material (for 1 sq.m. the load is from 14 to 18 kg);
  • without a doubt, this is an environmentally friendly coating;
  • during the installation work practically non-waste production is observed;
  • the coating does not accumulate static voltage;
  • condensation does not form under the wooden plates;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes, precipitation and wind loads;
  • possibility of use in various climatic conditions, at temperatures from +40 to -70 degrees.

The listed advantages of shingles allow you to create durable and comfortable living in the house with the help of this material.

Roof device

Roof shingles are light in weight. The flooring is carried out on a continuous or rare crate, for the manufacture of which bars 6 cm thick are taken. The distance between the coating in 4 layers and the bars is 25 cm.

A shingle is laid in the direction of the ridge. For the first row of the first and second layers, shortened plates are used. The wooden plates of the first layer are fixed with the lower end to the board, and the upper end to the bar.

The material is fastened with nails 5 cm long so that they pass through the layer that precedes the one that fits.

Advice. In order for the shingle not to be subjected to wind loads, it is necessary to hem the overhang of the cornice with a hemp from the side of the lower surface of the rafter legs.

Mounting Features

Placement of shingles on the crate

The first row of shingles is placed so that the close is located 4 cm from the crate on the leeward side. If you install the first row differently, then the eave will begin to dry out prematurely and blacken from the effects of the external environment.

The bars for the crate are hewn in two edges. The device of the crate is carried out from the cornice overhang to the ridge. A board is attached along the overhang, after the lath of the crate. Each plank is fixed at the intersection with the rafter.

Roofing shingles are laid using boards, one of which serves as a guide for laying the base material, and the purpose of the others is to hold the guide.

Auxiliary boards should be at least two. A guide moves along them in the process of laying the shingles.

For the extreme row, a board with a width of 100-250 mm is used.

Boards for roofing are processed oil paint in 2 layers and covered with hot bitumen. Thanks to the processing, the board will not absorb water if it flows through the shingles.

In places where the roof slopes, the roofing wears out faster, so the coating layer on the slopes increases by one, compared with the thickness of the main coating. For example, when laying shingles in three layers on the surface of the roof, four must be laid at the place of descent.

The laying of the board on the descent is carried out so that when arranging a three-layer coating, the shingle is located at the same level with respect to the lath of the crate, which is laid above the board. The second row of shingles is attached to this plan. This contributes to the tight adjacency of the rows of shingles to the previously laid layers.

It is highly undesirable to use a groove device on a natural roof. They are longer than the slopes, therefore, when they are installed, it is necessary to lay auxiliary lathing strips every two rows of lathing.

To make the roof waterproof, the ridge and eaves of the roof are laid with shortened plates, and a full-length shingle is used for the main covering. In the first row, at the eaves, the shingles are laid down in the direction of the pile on the surface, in the remaining rows, the pile side is directed upwards.

Attention. Adjacent wooden plates are laid open, the width of the overlap is 40 cm.

Roof shingles require maintenance.

It is as follows:

  • snow from the roof is removed with a broom from the ridge of the roof to the overhang;
  • the coating is checked for defects.

Working with shingles is quite easy, so it is not surprising that they began to use it not only on roofs, but also as finishing material facades and interiors. published

Shingles roofing is good choice, but the homeowner must understand the advantages and disadvantages of using this roofing material.

Shingles roofing has very good insulating properties. They will help keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. Many people like the way the roof looks: the shingles take on a very attractive silvery appearance after years of exposure to the elements. The wood gives a very natural look and contrasts sharply with the look of, for example, shingles.

But in addition to the high initial cost of materials and installation, shingle roofing has several disadvantages. One of the main ones is that in areas where it is very hot and dry in summer, they can cause a fire, especially if the shingles are made of cedar. In areas that receive a lot of moisture, the roof can rot and grow moss. Such a roof must be periodically cleaned to eliminate mosses and mold.

Shingles roofing can also become a home for wood pests. Therefore, before the roof is installed, the materials must be treated with antiseptic substances, as well as water-repellent compounds.

Building a house from wood is a thoughtful, wise and far-sighted step towards environmentally friendly housing. If you chose wood as a material, then you should understand that not only walls and ceilings of the house can be built from it. The roof can also be wooden.

This approach makes it possible to build one hundred percent environmentally friendly housing, in which the entire house will be made of excellent quality natural wood. Roofing shingles have been known to builders for a long time, when the assortment of materials for roofing could not boast of diversity, shingles were used in wooden buildings as a roof covering. Today shingle roofs are made by those who are not indifferent to the health of the family. Such a roof, moreover, is perfectly combined with the overall architecture of a wooden house.

The shingle roof has a lot of advantages, and the only drawback is its high cost. Shingles are expensive, because such wooden tiles are mainly made by hand and the amount of manual work here is quite large.

There is chipped and sawn shingles. If the durability of the roof is important to you, then choose chipped shingles, it will serve you for a century, or even more. Sawn shingles will not last a hundred years, because during the production of tiles, its structure is destroyed.

It is important to know that a low price for a shingle is for a tile that is made

made of pine, as pine is the most affordable wood species.

It is worth noting that a wooden frame with a shingled roof looks unusually rich and prestigious. The excellent taste and solid wealth of its owner immediately catches the eye. Today wood construction is experiencing a real boom, as eco-houses are in great demand. Now everyone wants to live in ecological cleanliness, so the construction wooden frame with a wooden tile roof will be a smart and far-sighted investment in an excellent, durable, aesthetic and strong eco-house.

Shingles is a natural wooden roof covering made from larch, cedar, beech, oak, spruce, fir, aspen chips harvested in spring. Bars of sawn wood are cleaned of bark and split into segments, then grooves are cut out of the tear-shaped segments, dried, covered with anthracet oil and laid on the roof. Dranka has a lot different forms which allows you to create your own unique design roofs.

Types of wooden roofing: chipped, sawn, mosaic - these are the main types of nameplates used. The most practical is chipped shingles, due to its physical properties, it does not deform or rot longer than all other types, since when splitting, the tubular fibers of the tree are minimally damaged and, accordingly, do not gain moisture.


Excellent tightness

Durability (subject to all conditions, shingles can last more than 100 years!)

High reliability - shingles are laid according to principles borrowed from nature itself

Moisture resistant

Excellent ventilation qualities

Excellent thermal insulation

No matter how complex the construction of a wooden roof a builder would have thought of, modern shingles make it possible to finish it without much effort.

Shingles can be made independently, without investing special funds in it. As a rule, three to four layers of coating are needed for a roof. A four-layer roof turns out to be airtight and reliable, but at the same time, it is easy to install and repair. The best breeds are aspen or linden. Take rectangular chocks from forty to one hundred centimeters long, soak in water, and then fix in special machine and plan a shingle up to five millimeters thick. Dry it and an excellent roofing material is ready. For chipped shingles, the same technology is used as in the manufacture of shingles and other wood - coniferous.

To start the installation, it is necessary to make a crate from a beam six centimeters thick. The flooring is carried out to the ridge. For the first layers, a shortened shingle about half a meter long is used, and for subsequent layers, seventy-five centimeters long. Each fragment is nailed with five-centimeter nails, and the cornice overhangs are sheathed with wood to avoid damage due to strong wind. If sheathed complex structure, knots of a wooden roof require special attention.

There are the following nodes of wooden roofs: tenon joint, carpenter's lock, construction cut. Spike connection, as you can partially guess from the name, implies a connection with a spike and a socket. It requires a highly skilled worker, so in self construction it should not be used. Carpentry locks and cuts are much easier to use, and they are not inferior in terms of rigidity, so you should pay attention to them.

In areas where timber products are not uncommon, wood has long been used to cover roofs. Today, wooden shingles on the roof are not used very often, but due to the fact that the fashion for environmentally friendly materials is rapidly spreading, this roofing option is gaining popularity again. Shingles are great for roofing wooden houses and cottages.

When planning to build a house from natural materials, you should go to the end, that is, not be limited to building walls from logs or timber, but also use wooden coatings to cover the roof.

Wooden roofing is called by builders in different ways. When it comes to a spindle, plowshare, shingles or wooden shingle, then the same material is meant - thin planks of wood, sawn in a special way and intended for laying on the roof. A well-mounted shingle roof can last for a decade without requiring repairs and decorating the house.
A little about the production of shingles

Traditionally shingles for roofing were made by hand. The production process consists in splitting narrow logs into plates 3-8 mm thick and 35-50 cm long. The width of the shingles depended on the diameter of the log from which the logs were made.

For the manufacture of roof shingles, wood of the highest quality is used. Raw materials should not have curl, knots, signs of rot. During the manufacturing process, the bark is necessarily removed from the logs and the core of the trunk is removed.

Advice! The cutting of the core of the tree trunk is carried out, since this part of the wood is most prone to cracking.

Of course today manual production shingles are used extremely rarely. On an industrial scale, this material is produced by sawing the prepared trunk on special machines.
Types of wood used for the manufacture of shingles

To create shingles, it is necessary to use high-quality raw materials, which have a long service life. Most quality material obtained by using:
Canadian cedar;

Advice! Sometimes less valuable wood species, such as pine or spruce, are also used to make shingles. This is done in order to reduce the cost of the material. However, such cheap shingles have a shorter service life than material made from larch or oak.
Pros and cons of using a shingle roof

A properly installed coating of high-quality shingles is:
Fully sealed, able to withstand a variety of weather disasters.
Wooden roofing does not accumulate static electricity.
The coating is completely natural and environmentally friendly.
The roof with a wooden coating looks beautiful and harmonious.
Carry out styling wooden shingles can be done at any time of the year, including winter.
Wooden roofs are different high rates noise reduction.
When using wooden coverings, there is no need to use additional vapor barrier, since the wood itself effectively regulates the microclimate in the premises.
The use of modern impregnations that are safe for human health allows extending the service life of wooden shingles, preventing premature rotting and fungal attack.
In an objective examination of the properties of the material, one cannot fail to note and negative sides its use. The disadvantages include:

Long installation, which requires certain qualifications and experience from the master.
Fire hazard.
Possibility of biological damage. The tree is completely natural material, so it can be attacked by carpenter insects and some types of bacteria and fungi.
The cost of the material itself and installation work is quite high.

Advice! Oak or larch shingles, made in the traditional way of splitting, that is, by hand, are especially highly valued. Such roofing material belongs to the elite category.
Installation of shingles on the roof

Installation work on laying shingles must be carried out by qualified craftsmen. Here are the highlights of the installation:
It is allowed to lay shingles on roofs with slopes of 15 degrees or more.
The crate is made in the form of a grating with a spacing of elements equal to one third of the length of the wooden shingles.
For the construction of the crate, a wooden beam with a section of 50 by 50 or 60 by 60 mm is used.

As for the need for laying a waterproofing carpet, there is no certainty in this matter. Some masters insist on the need for waterproofing, while others remain committed to traditional installation technologies in which waterproofing was not used.
The traditional technology of laying shingles involves fastening the shingles to the crate and to each other by arranging tongue-and-groove locks. Today, almost no one works using this technology; shingles are fastened with nails that have an anti-corrosion coating.
To create a durable and airtight coating, the shingles are laid in several layers.
Eaves roof overhangs are exposed to the most intense moisture, so special requirements are imposed on their device.

On the cornices, boards about 40 cm wide are additionally stuffed, and when installing the shingles, an additional row of shingles is laid.
The number of layers of shingles is determined by the purpose of the premises and the degree of slope of the slopes. On residential buildings, shingles are laid in 3-4 layers, but if the roof slopes are steep enough (45 degrees or more), then it is allowed to lay shingles in two layers.

So, for those homeowners who strive to use only natural and environmentally friendly materials for construction, roof shingles are ideal option. The coating is strong, sufficiently reliable and durable.

Roof shingles are made from the best quality coniferous wood, namely from such species as Canadian cedar, oak and Siberian larch. This material is produced in the form of wooden plates. And they are made by hand.

Shingles types:

1. Sawn.

2. Chipped.

3. Mosaic.

In order to increase the service life, the material is impregnated with special media. In doing so, it takes on a certain hue.
Material characteristics

1. Shingles is well suited as a roof covering for roofs that are exposed to low temperatures, harsh climates and a large number snow. This material can be successfully used on roofs that have a curved shape. The number of layers to be laid depends on the purpose of the building. A multi-layer coating of shingles creates a waterproof and dense layer on complex roofs.

2. The shingle roof differs from the roofs of other roofing materials in properties and laying technology. Shingles are usually laid like scales in a fir cone. Under the influence of high humidity or precipitation, they swell, which is why they increase in size. Due to this, the material on the roof is closed. When the plates dry, they are lifted by the dome, so the accumulated moisture is removed from under the roof.

3. In a house with a roof covered with this roofing material, it is not hot in summer. This is achieved due to the fact that the wooden surface does not transfer heat, which cannot be said about metal and tiles.

4. With embossed structure outer surface, the roof space is protected from rain noise, hail and gusty winds.

5. Shingles, like any natural material, can breathe. Therefore, roof ventilation is carried out naturally. In order for the supporting structure to last longer, it is recommended to create a roof according to the shingle-roof scheme, as a result of which an additional ventilated gap is formed.

Methods for making shingles

Wooden tiles are thin plates with a width of 80 to 160 millimeters, a length of 350-450 millimeters and a thickness of about 308 millimeters. For the manufacture of this roofing material are used various breeds wood. For example, pine, aspen, larch and spruce are suitable. The most important thing is to raw material for shingles had a smooth trunk without knots.

It is best to harvest material in spring, summer and autumn. For the production of shingles, logs with a cut core are usually used. They are first split into two or four parts, the core is cut out, and the part that remains should be split into thin plates called shingles. To prevent the roof from rotting too quickly, it is important to remove the bark from the logs before work.

To make a machine for the production of shingles you need:

1. Take a log with a length of about 3-4 meters and an average diameter of 140 millimeters. Drill a hole with a diameter of 3 mm at a distance of 200 millimeters from the end.

2. Insert a special metal pin into the hole, the length of which should be such that before starting work it was possible to carefully fix the log in the wooden plank before starting work.

3. One meter from the end with a hole, fasten a knife-bracket about 600 millimeters long along the log. The angle should be such that it is possible to remove shingles of the required thickness from the retainer.

4. At the second end of the log, a handle should be driven in to move about 400 millimeters long.

Advantages of shingles

1. The roof remains airtight for a long time.

2. Harmony of the material with the environment.

3. Light weight.

4. Environmental friendliness.

5. During installation, there is practically no waste left.

6. Static stress does not accumulate in the coating.

7. There is no condensation under the plates.

8. The material is resistant to sudden changes in temperature, wind and precipitation.

9. Can be successfully used at temperatures from +40 to -70 degrees Celsius.
How a shingle roof is made

1. The weight of a shingled wooden roof is relatively small compared to roofs made of other materials.

2. The flooring is made both on a continuous, and on a rare crate. For him, bars with a thickness of 60 millimeters are usually taken. In this case, the distance between the bars and the four-layer coating is about 250 millimeters.

3. The flooring of this roofing material is usually carried out directly towards the ridge. For the first and second layers, it is best to use shortened plates. For the first layer, their upper end is fixed to the bar, and the lower end to the board.

4. The material is attached with 50mm nails. This is enough for them to pass through the previous layer.

The main nodes of a wooden roof:

1. Roof slopes - inclined surfaces.

2. Skates - are formed by the junction of slopes and represent the upper longitudinal ribs.

3. Slope edge - an angle that protrudes at the intersection.

4. Razzheblok - the intersection of the slopes of the roof (concave part).

5. Cornice (overhang) - part of the roof that protrudes beyond the perimeters of the building itself.

6. Gable overhang - the sloping part of the roof above the wall.

7. Downspouts and gutter.

8. Chimney.

Wooden roof installation

1. Some features of the manufacture of a wooden roof from shingles should be noted. So, for example, it is customary to place the first row of material in such a way that the closure is located approximately 40 millimeters from the crate on the leeward side. If this is not observed, then the eave, due to the influence of the external environment, will begin to deform prematurely, dry out and blacken.

2. The crate is arranged from the overhang of the cornice to the ridge. At the same time, the bars for it are hewn in two edges. After the lath of the crate, along the overhang, a board is usually attached. Each plank is stuck at the intersection with the rafter.

3. Roofing material such as shingles is laid using boards. Moreover, one of them is needed for the installation of the main material. Other bars will be required in order to hold the guide. In addition, there should be at least a couple of auxiliary boards. It is along them that when laying the tiles, the shingles will move along the guides.

4. For the installation of a three-layer coating, in places where the roof is lowered, instead of tile bars, shingles should be attached to a board with a width of approximately 350 millimeters. If a cover of four layers is laid, then the width of the board should be at least 400 millimeters.

5. For the extreme row, it is best to use a board with a width of 100 to 200 millimeters. Boards should be laid under the roof. They usually do not absorb water if the shingles suddenly begin to leak. For this purpose, the material is usually covered with two coats of paint, after which a layer of hot bitumen is laid.

6. Where there are roof slopes, roofing material usually wears out faster. To strengthen them, it is necessary to increase the coating layer on the slopes at least twice the thickness of the main flooring. For example, if the main coating consists of two layers, then at least four should be laid on the descent.

7. On the descent, the boards must be laid in such a way that, when arranging a three-layer coating, the shingle is on the same level with the lath of the crate located above the board. The second flooring of the roofing material is fixed on this bar. Due to this, the rows of shingles are tightly adjacent to each other and to the layers that have already been laid. On a wooden roof made of natural materials, it is best not to make grooves. Otherwise, you will have to lay additional slats of the crate.

Shingles - thin wooden plates used for roofing and facade cladding. For the manufacture of shingles, the wood of coniferous trees of pine, spruce, cedar, and aspen is used. This type of roofing is called differently - shingles and shingles, shingalas and shingles. They differ only in manufacturing technology and styling. Until now, shingles are made almost by hand, and depending on the shape and method of manufacture, shingles are divided into chipped, sawn and mosaic.

Special impregnations for wood allow you to give any shade to the tree, preserve the original appearance of the shingles, and significantly extend its life.

The shingle is mounted on the roof with a slope of at least 12% and is a multi-layer structure consisting of 4 to 8 layers of wooden tiles.

Below we describe the process of making and installing spruce shingles.

For this we need spruce round logs. The calculation of the number of round timber depends on the quality of the material, the dimensions of the roof and the number of roofing layers.

First you need to prepare logs - cut round timber without knots 40 cm in length. Put the sawn logs into a cauldron (iron barrel) and cook for about 30 minutes to steam the wood a little. Then set the block of wood vertically and start peeling shingles with a thickness of no more than 1 cm with a plow. Before working on the roof, it is advisable to sand the shingles (remove the bark from the sides).

You can do without cooking logs. In this case, sand all logs at once, paint over the ends with thick oil paint so that they do not crack, and lay to dry (with gaskets) under a canopy or indoors.

When the shingles are cut, you can do the roof. First you have to make a crate, which should be solid. It is better to cover the crate with roofing paper, and only then take on the shingles. The layout is made in a layer butt-to-butt or overlapped and nailed with lath nails (60-50 × 1mm). They begin to cover the roof from below, overlapping the joints (end and side) by 5 cm with upper shingles.

When attaching 2-3 lower layers, 1 nail is hammered into each shingle, 2 nails are hammered into shingles of the upper layer. Optimal dimensions shingles: 40 × 8x0.7. The ridge of the roof is covered with a board, as is usually done when using any other roofing material.

A number of features of the tree make shingle roofing unique:

1. With a long stay on outdoors aspen is “preserved” - it is not for nothing that it is recommended to build baths and other buildings subject to high humidity from aspen.
2. If the shingles are pine, then the resin released from the pores additionally seals the microcracks.
3. When roofing from shingles there is no need for additional waterproofing.