Making handmade soap at home. Soap production: handmade or a full-fledged workshop

  • 16.10.2019

Homemade soap making is one of the most favorite activities of many girls and women. Making soap at home from scratch is not an easy task, but who doesn't like to please themselves and their loved ones with a pleasant gift in the form of a deliciously smelling bar of handmade soap? In addition, this type of needlework can be an excellent source of income.

Soap making self made at home - this is the real art. By engaging in this type of activity, you can give joy not only to yourself and your family, but also to those around you. There are several ways to make soap at home for beginners, you need to know about two of them.

  • The first is making soap with a base of the simplest, baby soap, the second is the use of natural fats and oils as a base.
  • The second option is suitable for those who already have some experience in soap making, as it can take about 30 days to make soap.

The technology for making soap at home is not so complicated, on the contrary, this business will require creativity. If you are wondering where to start soap making at home, in this article you will get the answer to it. Soap making is a very exciting process, which is impossible to tear yourself away from.

Soap making at home for beginners (business plan)

You can create soap products both at home and in a special, separate room, but, unfortunately, you will most likely have to rent it, and not everyone has such an opportunity.

Most of us are satisfied it will be expensive to rent a special room, in which soap will be both brewed and sold, and even used as a warehouse. Therefore, in this part of the article we will consider a way to sell soap at home.

Such a soap making business plan does not require any additional costs, you can immediately start soap making.

And now let's figure out what you need for soap making at home, of course, you definitely need to have gas stove, in addition to it, you also need pots (at least 15 liters), a variety of shapes (can be either silicone or plastic), scales and a thermometer.

For everything about everything, you can spend about 3,000 rubles. But don’t worry, in the first stages, you can use the most ordinary stove, children’s sandbox molds, or ordinary baking dishes.

Find out what equipment is required for a cleaning company, as well as get helpful tips to open your own business, this one will help.

As you can see, soap making as a business at home is quite a profitable business. After all, you can start from the very minimum, and only later, acquire more and more various additional “needs”.

Boiling process and manufacturing technology of handmade soap

Let's look at the simplest example of soap making at home for beginners, this is a standard soap recipe, so to speak. First of all, you need to take the soap base of your choice, cut it into small pieces, and melt it in a water bath. During this process, you need to add base oil (it can be anything, olive, coconut), and the calculation is as follows: 3 tbsp per 100 g of base.

Also, milk should be added little by little. As a result, you should get a mass similar to sour cream. When the mass is completely melted, remove it from the heat, and add essential oils, dyes, flavors, glycerin and mix well, pour the mass into molds and sprinkle alcohol on it, because otherwise bubbles may appear that will spoil the appearance of the finished soap. The finished product can already be used after 2-3 days.

With the help of these simple steps that do not take much time, you can build a great and profitable handmade soap making business. The most important thing is desire, and everything else will follow by itself.

What do you need to make soap at home?

Of course, you will need molds for making soap at home, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy them right away, but do not despair, you can use children's sandbox molds or baking molds.

The most common shape of soap is rectangular. Although it is very convenient, it is not very beautiful. Agree, soap in the shape of a heart, a rose or something like that will look much prettier and more attractive.

In addition to molds, you will also need some ingredients for making soap at home. These should be:

  • Soap base (purchased, or use baby soap);
  • Base oil (can be any to your taste, for example, peach, olive or coconut);
  • Essential oil (will give a delicious aroma, you can purchase several different oils and experiment);
  • Dye (any food color will do, you can also buy a dye in a specialty store for soap making);
  • A variety of additives to your taste (for example, coffee);
  • Soap molds;
  • Alcohol.

With all these ingredients, you can create a real masterpiece with an incredible smell and texture.

Handmade Soap Making Business Costs

Of course, in order to start making soap, you will need to purchase some ingredients, or, for example, the same molds and pots. Since there is a special technology for making handmade soap, you will need many important ingredients.

  • For example, a soap base and a variety of oils will cost you about 300 rubles. It all depends on the amount of purchased material.
  • One of the most necessary tools for making soap are scales. They can take from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  • Be sure to get a pot that you will use only for one thing - for making soap. The price of a pan depends on many factors, primarily on its volume. It can take from 700 to 1000 rubles.
  • For the first time, you can purchase baking dishes, they are silicone and metal. They are quite easy and simple to work with, but there is a significant drawback - a very small variety of forms, so over time you still have to buy additional forms. Price silicone molds from 70 to 300 rubles.

As you can see, you need about 5,000 rubles for start-up capital, you see, this is not so much!

How to sell homemade soap

If you want to engage in soap making, then you will definitely be visited by the question, but how to sell soap? Where, how and to whom to sell it?

The best option - sell finished products online, for example, create your own group on a social network, and place finished products there. The most important thing in this way is to present the soap beautifully, you will need to do nice pictures to attract a buyer.

Many soap makers first made thematic products, and then went to offices, shops, hairdressers, took orders and created. Thus, it is very easy to gain a lot of new customers.

Also, you can negotiate with the owners of hand-made stores, and give a batch of your goods to them for sale.

Another the right way to prove yourself and your products - to participate in various fairs and festivals. There, many will be able to appreciate your creation, and buy a piece or two. As you can see, there are a lot of options, and you should always try to use all of them, and present your products everywhere.


Making handmade soap is a time-consuming process that requires patience on your part. But, nevertheless, it is very exciting, and such a small hobby can become a profitable business. Recently, soap making has become increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that soap is made from natural materials, with minimal addition of various preservatives. Most often it is hypoallergenic, so many people use it with great pleasure.

Your little hobby can grow into a big one. profitable business and in the future you may be able to open your own handmade soap shop.

A home business has many benefits. There is a huge amount of information about this. To start your own business, you need to have suitable premises. And also it is worth considering that the initial investment should not be high. An excellent example of a small home business is the production of useful and beautiful, with a special uniqueness, soap on your own. All the funds that you initially invest in this business will pay for themselves after six months. The profitability of such production is 50%. But such results can only be achieved thanks to a properly organized business, well-established sales and the presence of creativity in a person who makes soap.

In Russia, there is very little supply of home-made soap. People are more accustomed to using soap for their needs, which is made in factories. Author's soap in the markets costs about 120 rubles, and soap delivered from abroad costs up to 210 rubles. For example, in Moscow, such a market has already reached a huge amount - $ 1 million. It grows annually by 22%. This suggests that the demand for these products is now, and in the future it will only increase. Therefore, opening your own soap factory will justify itself. There is a buyer for a beautiful, useful and unique soap.

Production technology

The process of manufacturing any product necessarily begins with the fact that it is necessary to purchase material. Without what it will not be possible to make fragrant soap? Of course, without soap base. The main investment will be made for the purchase of this material. 1 ton of soap base has a cost of 160 thousand rubles. Do not think that you will not need such a quantity of raw materials. If initially this is true, then it is worth remembering that everything is calculated in proportions. From 1 ton of soap base, as many as 600 kilograms of finished soap are obtained.

A variety of flavors, as well as essential oils, without which it is impossible to make good soap, must be bought in bulk. 5 kg of such materials have a price of 60 thousand rubles.

A variety of additives in the form of acids, vitamins, fats will also cost you 60 thousand rubles.

You will spend all this raw material no less than after 4 months of constant work. Soap base is enough for you only for 2 months.

This cost calculation perfectly coordinates start-up entrepreneurs and shows how it will be better to plan their production.

How to make soap at home

There are several methods for making soap at home. You can initially use the most popular and proven.

  1. It is necessary to melt the soap base. This is easy to do with common household appliances. For instance, microwave oven. A water bath is also great. 250 grams of soap base can be melted using a 400W microwave oven. This will only take 2 minutes. If you need to melt a large number of raw materials, then simply increase the power and run time.
  2. A variety of additives and essential oils must be added to the base heated to a liquid state. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into soap molds and wait until it completely hardens.

Important to remember. That the soap base is strictly forbidden to boil. That is why it is not recommended to warm it up with an open flame. If it is heated for a long time, then the constituent component of the base, namely glycerin, may begin to burn. This will result in a dark base color and bad smell. Such soap can be suitable only for household needs.

For 200 grams of soap base you need:

  • essential oil - 6 - 8 drops;
  • oils - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • flavors - 6 - 14 drops;
  • dye in liquid form - 2 - 14 drops;
  • pigment - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • titanium dioxide - 2 - 6 teaspoons;
  • cosmetic clay - 2 - 6 teaspoons;
  • ground oats - 4 - 8 teaspoons;
  • additives, such as honey - 2 - 6 teaspoons

A good craftsman should know about 25 recipes that can be used to make soap. The result should always be beautiful in appearance, with useful properties and pleasant fragrance soap.

  1. Now the soap can be packaged. This is the last step in the whole process. Author's soap is usually bought not for daily use, but as an original gift. This is always worth remembering. Soaps prepared according to different recipes should have separately designed packaging.

Thus, buyers will always be able to recognize it, and it will not get lost on store shelves. Packaging can be both cardboard and plastic. On it you can write the composition of the soap, its original name. If you produce 500 kg of soap per month, then the packaging material will cost you 45 thousand rubles.

How to organize mass production of homemade soap?

To start the production of soap, you need a room of 45 square meters. meters. In one half of it, all the equipment for manufacturing should be located, and in the other - tables so that the soap freezes there. This takes about 3 hours. The room must be equipped with all communications. There are no special requirements for it.

At first, soap making can be carried out by one person. If sales volumes increase, you need to think about hiring a few people. It takes 5 workers to make and pack 500 kg of soap. For. In order for the packaging to have a unique beautiful design, you need to use the services professional designer. Each holiday should have its own line of author's soap. If you constantly update your product range, then customers will always be interested in buying something new.

Soap made from scratch

The organization of sales is no less responsible work than the production of soap itself. Sales points are everywhere. These include shops selling cosmetics, gifts, household goods. You can take part in various fairs, or offer soap in the market. It will not be superfluous to create your own online store.

You can sell soap sets for the holidays

If you can produce 500 kg of soap, then the net profit will be 490 thousand rubles a month. This is the case when the price of one product is somewhere around 95 rubles. If you can increase production volumes and sell all the goods on time, then your income will only grow.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Soap is one of those products that will always be in demand and will find its buyer. To establish the production of soap and make it profitable business, you just need to register your business, purchase raw materials and equipment, study the technology of making soap. Special attention should be paid to the detailed study of the business plan and the search for distribution channels for products.

Starting your own soap making business

In order for the business to be legal, and the actions of a businessman to be lawful, it is necessary to stand on. The optimal form of work for those who are beginning to learn the basics of running their own business is individual entrepreneurship. An individual entrepreneur can conduct entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, which reduces the level of risks, speeds up the registration process, and tenfold reduces future payments and potential fines.

It is also possible to establish a Society with Limited Liability(LLC), this form is suitable if the origins of the business are not one, but two or more people. All relations, interaction of the company's participants are regulated by the charter, the distribution of income and expenses is also prescribed there.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you must have the following documents:

  • Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001.
  • Receipt confirming the payment of state duty.
  • Copies of all pages of the passport.

In the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, the code of activity, the production of soap, is included in the OKVED code 24.51 “Production of glycerin, soap; detergents, cleaners, polishes. For production, a quality certificate is required. To do this, you will need to contact the regulatory authority and submit documents detailing the production technology, as well as test reports. The production area must comply with sanitary standards.

What raw materials are needed to make soap?

The materials used to make soap can be divided into two categories: the main raw materials that form the basis for the future soap, and additives that enhance the cosmetic properties or give the soap one or another appearance.

Basic materials

As the main material for the preparation of solid soap, fat of vegetable and animal origin, as well as solid and liquid vegetable oils, alkalis, fatty acids, esters. In order for the soap to be of high quality, retain its structure and not deform after interaction with water, the recipe must be strictly observed during the preparation process.

Most often, the composition of soap includes the following fats of animal origin:

They are the cheapest and most accessible. For elite soaps, mink fat can be used. Coconut, palm oils are used as solid oils, sunflower, cottonseed and others are added from liquid oils during the production process.

For production, a ready-made soap base is purchased, consisting of the above components.

Depending on the goals, it is different:

  1. Organic.
  2. Liquid.
  3. Cream.
  4. Transparent.
  5. White, etc.

Components and Additives

In order for the soap to take on a unique appearance, special dyes are added to its composition, special requirements are imposed on them: they must be resistant to alkaline substances used to saponify raw materials, they must not color the foam. Dyes can be combined to create spectacular patterns and patterns with their help.

The same applies to fragrances: they not only give the soap a certain aroma, but also eliminate the smell of fatty raw materials. Stabilizers (antioxidants) can also be added to soap to improve its qualities and increase shelf life. They protect the soap from darkening and the appearance of dark spots on its surface. Other important components are antiseptics, glycerin, methanil as a deodorizing additive. If the soap has a medicinal purpose, it may also include various infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.

Soap production equipment

In order for production to become mass, and the business profitable, it is necessary to launch a process capable of producing up to 600 kilograms of the finished product per month. Therefore, it is recommended to equip a small workshop for a soap factory. To start, you need a room at 30-40 square meters: this will be enough to install the equipment and prepare a place for solidification and storage of the finished product.

Basic equipment for soap production:

  • powerful stove (gas or electric).
  • metal containers for making soap.
  • Faucets for mass mixing
  • Forms for pouring soap.

The room must be conditionally divided into 2 zones: in the first, the process of making soap will be carried out directly, in the second, molds will be placed until the soap is completely solidified. To make the process comfortable, you should equip the room with special shelves and variations of the storage system.

It is also necessary to consider a place for cutting soap and its packaging. For this you can use special knives or purchase a machine that will help automate the work.

Soap production technology and its features: a diagram of the soap making process

You can prepare a soap base yourself, but for this you need to thoroughly study all the subtleties of its composition, features chemical reactions reagents, their properties and other nuances. You will also have to cook fat yourself - most often pork, it is the most inexpensive product.

Modern soap makers use a ready-made soap base - it reduces the cost of the production process and speeds it up. Big choice different types bases allows you to choose the optimal composition for soap with a variety of goals and objectives.

  1. Everything must be prepared in advance materials and equipment. The soap making process takes place at a high temperature, so you can’t hesitate after starting it and be distracted.
  2. Soap base needs to be crushed or finely chopped, the pieces should be equal.
  3. Turn the stove on to medium temperature and install water bath. The profile plate, as a rule, is equipped with such an operating mode.
  4. When the base becomes a homogeneous liquid mass, it must be added oils, esters and other additives according to the recipe. You can also add dyes, they will give the soap a bright color.
  5. After that, the soap must be poured into molds. (in several different or one common), and, after complete hardening, remove from the molds and, if necessary, cut.

In the case of making soap according to a recipe without using a soap base, the principle of production is preserved. You can automate the process using a feeder, mixers and a temperature sensor.

An approximate business plan for the production of soap - we calculate the profitability and payback period of the soap factory

Depending on the scale of production and the availability of established distribution channels, the payback period of a business can vary significantly. In order for it to be successful and generate income from the first days of work, it is necessary to develop a competent business plan, take into account all the risks, pay attention to advertising and carefully work out all potential channels for promoting and selling finished products.

Business premises

For the equipment of the working workshop, a room of 30-40 square meters will be required. m. On average, the cost of renting 1 sq.m. production premises costs 500-700 rubles, therefore, renting a room will cost 15,000-30,000 rubles per month.

Additional expenses should be added cosmetic repairs and layout of the premises - 30,000 rubles.

Business Equipment

  • Stove - 5000 rubles.
  • 3 tubs for making soap - 3000 rubles.
  • Forms and other tools - 10,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set of equipment that will be required to organize the production of soaps. Modern entrepreneurs also have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made production line from foreign suppliers. Such equipment will cost 7-10 thousand dollars, but will make the cooking process faster and the product better.

Soap making materials

Raw materials are the main expense of the soap business. How good will be raw material, the quality of the soap itself also depends: if it is planned to produce elite soap with a high cost, it is necessary to use only natural expensive oils and other additives. They increase the cost of production, however, such a product should also be present in the line of soaps produced at the soap factory.

  • Soap base - 100,000 rubles (for the production of 600 kg of soap per month).
  • Cosmetic oils and other additives - 15,000 rubles.
  • Plastic transparent packaging - 20,000 rubles.

Product packaging is one of the key aspects of successful product marketing. Handmade soap is most often bought as a gift or a souvenir, and therefore the appearance and its packaging play an important role.


At first, 1 person will be required to make soap, and 1 more person to pack the finished product. The cost of wages to workers will amount to at least 50,000 - 60,000 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, the starting costs for organizing a business will amount to 48,000 rubles, and about 220,000 rubles more will have to be spent monthly on rent, raw materials and wages for workers. Considering that about 600 kg of soap (6,000 pieces) will be produced per month at such costs, the cost of 1 piece will be 36 rubles.

With an average retail price for 1 piece of handmade soap at 90 rubles, the profit per month will be about 300,000 rubles.

Risks associated with starting a soap production from scratch

There are several challenges involved in running a soap making and selling business:

  • Passing certification.
  • Compliance with the recipe and product quality.
  • Establishment of distribution channels.

The certification process can take up to several months - this is a rather long procedure that requires thorough compliance with all state control standards. However, it will not be possible to avoid it - soap prepared without a quality certificate will not be accepted for sale in any serious store, let alone a pharmacy.

If the recipe for making soap is not followed or stored improperly, it may lose its qualities and appearance. With a lack of flavors and a violation of the proportions, the soap may contain an extraneous smell of rancid lard or its other components.

But the main danger awaits soap makers while searching for customers for their products. . The market for handmade soap is quite specific, the Russian consumer has not fully studied the properties and benefits of such soap, and therefore it needs additional advertising. Unusual shapes, colors, and embellishments on soap help solve this problem.

Features of the sales market for soap products

The soap-making market in Russia is quite young and allows novice businessmen to build a full-scale and successful production. Their main competitors are home soap factories that work without quality certificates at home.

There are several ways to market soap products:

  • Organizing your own point of sale.
  • Work with perfumery and.
  • Working with pharmacies
  • Internet shops.

In order for the business to bring maximum benefits, it is recommended to use all sales channels. In addition, you also need to work with wholesalers: the presence of several contracts for the supply of soap in bulk will allow you to develop your business and increase the scale of production.

Handmade soap is more expensive than ordinary toilet soap, so the market has its own characteristics. Most often, such soap is sold as a separate series, the emphasis is on its unusual appearance and organic materials used in production.

Vegetarians and vegans are increasingly turning to handmade soap

A small business at home, as an addition to the main job, is always a very profitable investment of time and money. does not require large financial investments, takes little time and is highly valued due to the uniqueness of the manufactured products or goods. These “hobbies” include the handmade soap business, and much more.

Why is this particular business very good for a small home factory?

The business idea of ​​soap production for our country is new and has not yet had time to unwind on the market. Beautiful, original, and most importantly, useful, soap has turned from a hygiene item into the best gift for loved ones and an opportunity to express your creative self.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Why start selling handmade soap as a business?

Soap making has many advantages:

  • Inexpensive equipment;
  • Soap making technology is available to everyone;
  • Your customers can be men and women of any age, social status, profession;
  • Making handmade soap is pure creativity, an opportunity to experiment;
  • Even if your city has several dozen soap makers, the products of each of them will be unique. This means that there will be no problems with the clientele.

Of course, working with soap has its drawbacks:

  • You still have to invest certain resources in this business;
  • The sale of finished products is far from being established immediately;
  • Soap production is not suitable for allergy sufferers. Working with essential oils or chemicals, if you have sensitive skin or mucous membranes, can turn from a pleasant pastime into a living hell.

Manufacturing technology

Soap manufacturing technology includes two global stages:

  • Cooking soap base with additives;
  • Formation of this mixture into a product ready for sale.

Soap making process

The soap base with which our process begins is sold in stores. You need it in large quantities, so negotiate with suppliers. So, you can buy raw materials for the future (if you're lucky, then at a discount), so that later you don't have to look for the base you need after each new batch of the finished product.

The base for soap is poured into a saucepan, where it is then boiled, and the master simultaneously adds essential oils, dyes, and aromatics. Soap making has a lot of recipes, so every master should know at least a couple of dozen.

A more labor-intensive process is full-scale soap making. In such production, natural fats, alkali and other components are used. This method requires more careful preparation. You must be familiar with industrial production technologies, know the principle of the saponification reaction, be able to measure the pH of the resulting product. The maturation of the finished product takes long time. It takes about 30 days for the soap to reach a neutral pH.

The appearance of the soap is critical to the success of the business. Most often, people buy soap as a gift to loved ones for the holidays. Beautiful packaging, bright color, impurities of shades, enchanting aroma - something that will cling, attract attention. The more little things are successfully combined in the finished product, the more likely it is to sell it profitably.

Business plan

We will consider a business plan for the production of soap for two cases: selling products at home (via the Internet, for example) and opening a store.

The first case allows you to safely omit as many as three points of the plan:

  • Registration;
  • room;
  • Repair.

You do not need to draw up or search for anything: you can immediately proceed to the stage of purchasing equipment.

The second situation is much more interesting. The first step is the registration of an individual entrepreneur (private entrepreneur), registration with the tax authority and the local administration, obtaining permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire stations, and then searching for a place.

Premises for rent

Let's talk about the room. small room, chosen for the future store, should be located where it will be seen by future buyers. The ideal option there will be a street, an avenue, areas close to the metro or the center, large shops. The property will require appropriate renovations. Think of a concept that will make it unique, draw attention to it. Glue beautiful wallpaper, hang draperies on the walls, arrange racks that will house beautifully packaged soap sets, set up a counter, a chair for the seller, purchase a cash register and a computer. If your point of sale has a specific theme, for example, “soap made according to ancient Indian recipes”, all the more interesting. So, the store will have a chance to become a tourist attraction.


To make handmade soap at home, you need one or more stoves (gas or electric), huge pots (15 liters, no less), forms where the final solution will be poured, scales, laboratory glassware, a thermometer. The stove will cost the future businessman from 100 to 300 dollars. The pots will take from 60 cu. e., and 20 forms will pull about $ 200.

Forms can be very different. The simplest option is ordinary rectangular shapes. But it is much more interesting if the soap takes on the appearance of some flower, bird or geometric figure. You can use children's molds for the sandbox, baking, special (they are sold in soap making stores).


A large expense item will be the purchase of materials: soap base, oils, perfume compositions, vitamins.

For example, 1 ton of base will cost about 6 thousand USD. e. A ton is too much, for a start, 100-200 kilograms will be enough. To give products a beautiful appearance various dyes are used. The production of handmade soap as a business is attractive in that each piece of the finished product will be different from its fellow. To achieve this, the manufacturer needs to purchase a large assortment aromatic and vitamin supplements, herbs, honey - in general, let your imagination run wild.


Soap production does not require a lot of personnel. While the master works at home and does not plan to open a store, he will be the only employee in this company. Unless, his relatives want to help. When the time comes to open a retail outlet, sellers (2 people in shifts), an accountant, a security guard and a cleaner will be required there. The salary of each of them will go from 20 thousand rubles a month. Selling products via the Internet from this point of view is clearly more profitable.


Soap production is a process that produces a very beautiful product. Advertising should be based on this. Make a website with artistic photos, come up with an original presentation, create communities on social networks.

Many soap makers early stages held pre-holiday themed events. Making a batch of themed New Year or Christmas soap, they offered it in offices and shops, took orders, handed out business cards. Brochures, flyers, business cards - in general universal way tell about yourself. They can be left everywhere and given to anyone.

A ready-made business plan with calculations and examples for launching a project related to the manufacture of soap. Find out where to start and where to look for potential clients.

In dreams, everything is simple: if you devote more time to your hobby, you will become a successful businessman. In reality, things are not so rosy. In soap making, an increase in the volume of manufactured goods entails not only an increase in the purchase of raw materials. This leads to a radical change in production technology, product range and sales market.

How not to make mistakes in calculations and profitably realize your dreams? What form of organization to choose? How long does it take to get approval from the regulatory authorities? How to properly scale your business? We will talk about all this today.

Why soap making is a good business idea

Many people dream of turning their favorite hobby into a source of income. It's great to go to work as a holiday and earn decent money at the same time.

This is exactly what my neighbor Alena thought, who first made soap for pleasure, and then decided to organize own production. I turned to her as an expert and now I share with you the recommendations I received.

When opening a business, the girl already had experience in home soap making. She had already bought several silicone molds, dyes, fragrances and was eager not only to give, but also to sell her products.

After a preliminary study of the issue, Alena came to the conclusion that this direction has good prospects:

  • soap is a necessary hygiene item and the need for it is high;
  • production technology does not require special knowledge and experience;
  • you can start a business at home - most of the equipment is already in every kitchen;
  • large investments at the launch stage are not required;
  • raw materials are available even in small towns;
  • there is no waste in the manufacture of goods (you can always digest a failed piece or even a whole batch);
  • the assortment is easy to change for any needs of the market;
  • both the raw material and the final product are not classified as perishable.

Market and competitor analysis

Taking a step from a hobby to a business project, aspiring entrepreneurs receive important information from future competitors.

Soap making starts with market research

Soap is a unique product presented in several market segments:

  1. Hygiene product. For sanitary purposes, a solid and liquid base is used in large packages. The main market players are large manufacturers with a small assortment. Sales occur through chain or specialized stores.
  2. Synthetic detergent. This includes soaps with stain removal properties and household soaps. It differs from the previous segment in its composition and modest packaging or its complete absence.
  3. Related medical products. This group includes products containing medicinal substances (antibiotics, essential oils for medical purposes) or lightweight (on a hypoallergenic basis, without fragrances and dyes). Their implementation takes place through store and pharmacy chains, the Internet.
  4. Presents. This segment includes beautifully packaged, decorative specimens. They sell this product in online and offline stores. Here you have to compete with flowers, sweets and even socks on the eve of February 23rd.
  5. Objects of creativity. This group echoes the previous one, supplementing it.

More about laundry soap production read in a separate article on our portal.

Production step by step

Let's move on to practice!

To avoid mistakes, follow an expert step-by-step plan.

Step 1. Choosing a room

To start a full-fledged production of handmade soap, you need a suitable room.

Basic requirements for the production hall:

  • ceiling height of 3 meters or more;
  • the presence of a floor slope for draining condensate into the sewer;
  • interior decoration washable materials, such as tiles;
  • compliance of internal lighting with production standards;
  • availability of central heating;
  • electrical network with a capacity of more than 60 kWh;
  • mains voltage - 380 V;
  • the presence of water supply with additional filters (for mitigation);
  • ventilation system.

Please note that if the premises do not meet the stated requirements, additional equipment and repairs will increase the amount of investment in the business.

The area directly depends on the soap production option:

  1. industrial production with the installation of the production line. For launching equipment producing no more than 80 kg / h. finished products, a room of at least 60 sq.m. (up to 85 - 90 sq.m.) is selected. The specific size of the workshop is indicated in the accompanying documentation for industrial equipment (technical passport etc.) and depends on its brand.
  2. Manual cooking. The minimum size of the room for work without the use of automated equipment is 30 sq.m.
  3. Home soap making. If the volume of production is small, rent additional room unprofitable. Most craftswomen make exclusive products in their own kitchen.

Please note: for packaging (except for the use of special automatic equipment) and storage of finished products, a separate room is allocated. Its area is calculated depending on the daily volume of cooking.

Step 2. Business registration

If a hobby has grown into its own business, it must be formalized. For entrepreneurial activities of this scale, choose between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur.

The table will clearly show the difference:

Comparison criteria IP Ltd
Status individual entity
Package of documents minimum full
Registration fee 800 4000
Authorized capital missing from 10 000
Number of owners 1 from 1 to 50 people
Sale or re-registration not provided possible
Liability with all your property within the authorized capital
Penalties cannot exceed 50,000 up to 1 million
Bank account optional obligatory
Cash management free from the current account for the needs of the enterprise, dividends are issued with the payment of an additional tax
Household decisions free recorded
Field of activity limited no limits
Cooperation with large companies difficult preferably
Deadlines for liquidation 5 working days from 2.5 months

Please note: an individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property, even after the termination of production activities and the liquidation of the business.

Step 3. Purchase of raw materials and equipment

The choice of ingredients and equipment is influenced by the method of production. Consider soap making equipment.

For industrial production suitable for automatic and semi-automatic production lines. There are domestic and imported equipment options on the market that can satisfy any need.

Prices fluctuate depending on the capacity and completeness of the lines. On Chinese sites, the minimum cost complete set starts from 1 million rubles (excluding transportation costs).

For manual cooking you will need:

  1. Plate. Stop your choice on the gas version.
  2. Containers for cooking the base (vats). The cost of 3-4 vats of different sizes, with a non-oxidizing surface, is 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.
  3. Professional shredders (electrical and mechanical) and mixers are useful in the manufacture of small decorative items. On sites professional equipment the cost starts from 15,000 rubles.
  4. Forms, auxiliary containers, graters, etc. around 30,000.

With such expenses, the cost of solid soap from a finished soap base is about 65 rubles. When switching to a full production cycle from scratch (from fat and alkali), it will decrease by 25-40%.

At homemade soap, the utensils available in the kitchen are suitable.

Alena's advice: only non-oxidizing, non-reactive utensils are suitable. For example, glass and enamel pots are good choices, but wooden spoons are not.

The choice of raw materials depends on the manufacturing method:

  • in the full production cycle, alkalis (sodium and / or potassium) and fats of animal and vegetable origin are used;
  • for production from the finished substrate, a matte or transparent soap base is purchased.

Additional oils (overfat), dyes, fragrances, decorative elements, used for the production of any hygienic detergent. The exception is laundry soap.

You can learn more about the technology of making hot soap here:

Step 4. Recruitment

The choice of soap makers, technologist, storekeeper-packer is carried out on a competitive basis. Preference is given to employees with similar experience.

Look for candidates on specialized sites. Consider resumes from labor exchanges in your city.

Step 5. Coordination with SES and fire services

Soap is not included in the list of goods subject to mandatory certification. However, to sell it to the SES, you must apply. There you will receive a certificate of conformity for the goods.

A complete package for registration of permits in the SES includes:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • confirmation of the legality of the lease of premises;
  • specifications(in the absence of production compliance with GOST);
  • technological instruction (regulation);
  • samples of each type of manufactured products (5 pieces of all items, 100 g each);
  • packaging material and labels with names;
  • description of the recipe with the percentage of ingredients included in the composition;
  • certificates for the raw materials used.

The hygienic conclusion based on the tests carried out with the samples is issued after 3-5 weeks.

The soap making room must pass an SES check

room for soap production equip fire alarm. Specialists of security companies design, install, and subsequently maintain the installed devices.

Step 6. Starting a business and finding clients

From this moment, start to establish the supply of raw materials, production and marketing. To line up stable business, choose reliable suppliers, work out technological processes and delivery methods.

Look for customers according to the market segment that the product is aimed at. You need to position (orient to a specific group) your product correctly.

For example, Alena, at the very beginning of the production of gift soap, thought of it as hygienic. Obviously, she failed to sell it to cosmetic stores and salons, and she found her main clients in groups of young mothers.

How and where to look for customers - a marketing plan

The success of a business is measured by the level of product sales and profitability.

Let's compare several distribution channels:

Sales channel Characteristic Peculiarities
Organization of your own point of sale Small department in mall, a kiosk or a store on the first line with a large flow of people, next to other points of sale for your target audience. Requires constant additional costs for rent, repairs, seller, etc.
The shops Network or profile. Long implementation period.
Pharmacies Private pharmacies (preferably network pharmacies). Limited range for sale.
Beauty Salons Beauty salons, hairdressers selling care products. A good option to disseminate information to customers.
Exhibitions-fairs Events for local producers or thematic (by September 1, City Day, etc.). rare but good opportunity study all competitors in one place.
Internet Website, landing page, contextual advertising etc. Requires additional investment.
Social networks VK, Instagram, Odnoklassniki. Running a specialized group is profitable, but requires investment.

Income and expenses - financial plan

To make a decision about the transition from a hobby to a business, drawing up a financial plan will help:

Monthly expenses:

The average price of 1 finished copy is 100 rubles.

The output of finished products is 6,000 pieces.

The amount for the entire product is 600,000 rubles.

The starting capital is 505,000 rubles.

Profit per month 210 000 rubles.

Please note that in order to receive such a profit, it is necessary to sell 200 bars of soap daily.

Overview of possible risks

With the relative simplicity of production, this business is not without risks.

We highlight the following difficulties in the manufacture of handmade solid soap:

  1. Customer search and distribution channel development. The client base is formed gradually. Often the influx of people who want to buy soap does not keep up with its release. In this case, overstocking occurs and a shortage of not only money for wages, but also for the purchase of raw materials for the next batch. This is especially true for the sale of gift and decorative items. Little is known about them. And having bought handmade soap several times, customers run out of friends and acquaintances who have not yet received such gifts.
  2. Compliance with technology. Soap making - simple manufacturing process, but has its own characteristics. If you add more dye or fragrance, violate the proportions of adding oils or do not allow the finished product to stand, “ripen” before packaging, the finished product will lose its presentation. Remelting will take additional time.
  3. Obtaining a certificate of conformity. Even with strict implementation of manufacturing technology, SES will issue permits not earlier than 3 weeks. It happens that the period for obtaining a certificate is extended for several months.
  4. Low quality raw materials.

Ways to minimize risks:

Risk Way to overcome difficulties
Slow growth in customer base Start advertising before the release of large batches. Promote finished products in mass groups social networks. Run promotions to encourage customers to bring their friends.
Loss of presentation Observe the ratio of ingredients, withstand the manufacturing technology (temperature, humidity and speed).
Certificate Delay Provide the SES with a complete package of documents. Personally supervise the transfer of prototypes for testing. Start certification with a margin of time before the start of main production.
Obtaining low quality raw materials Conduct a trial production of a small bar of soap from each new batch of raw materials. Purchase raw materials from trusted manufacturers.

Download business plan

For a more detailed consideration of the features of handmade soap production, I suggest downloading one of the business plan options for free.

It is easy to change, transform to local features. For example, Alyona installed a burglar alarm, which reduced the cost of a night guard.


  1. Do not confuse a hobby with a full-time job: what pleases once a quarter will be a daily burden, and it must be chosen wisely.
  2. Sell ​​the product for its intended purpose: children's assortment in groups for moms, decorative items in gift departments. Don't sell everything to everyone.
  3. Hire a technologist to compile the recipe. In the future, you will only have to implement his recommendations.
  4. Find customers first, and then start large-scale soap making.
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