Pellet boiler or gas tank comparison. Comparison of types of heating for houses and industrial facilities

  • 29.08.2019

At the time of buying country house or cottages, each owner is faced with the question of choosing a heating system at least or a life support system.
In many regions of our large Gazprom country, owners are faced with such a problem that, as a rule, there is no main gas. Or the cost of its connection, even with the possible proximity of the highway, is too high and unprofitable.

What do you prefer, diesel heating, pellet heating (milled peat or pellets) or electricity? What are the evaluation criteria: cost, ease of use, safety, etc.?

In this article we will talk about the features and differences of heating systems using a gas tank and gas boiler and pellets in a pellet boiler.

We have repeatedly mentioned the convenience of using gas in the heating system, as well as any other equipment that runs on gas, stoves, water heaters, etc. gas . Once - twice a year, the gas tank requires refueling, depending on the gas consumption.
As such additional maintenance is not required. Read more about the autonomous gasification system in the article: installation of a gas tank

The pellet boiler is designed for heating and some models can support hot water supply, but does not have the same versatility as an autonomous gasification system.

What are pellets? It's compressed waste. various breeds trees that form wood production. Requirements for pellet boilers require a separate room for equipment to maintain a certain temperature regime and humidity. The pellet boiler has a special fuel loading system, which must be maintained, periodically loaded with pellets boiler.

In the case of your non-permanent residence in a country house, this may cause certain difficulties and additional costs. Other possible problem if the fuel is of insufficient quality, you will have to periodically clean your boiler. In the event of a power outage, which is not uncommon in rural areas, it is necessary to have a backup system. Poor-quality granules burning, pellets emit carcinogenic combustion products and this is one of the reasons a separate room under equipment.

The cost of heating with pellets, the cost of fuel "pellets" is cheaper than the cost of liquefied gas. However, the cost of a separate room, manual loading of fuel, control of the functioning of the heating system make this design more difficult to operate.

At woodworking enterprises, the installation of heating boilers for solid fuel, pellets, has an economic reason for the installation, which also allows you to create waste-free production and minimize heating costs. However, in a personal household, ease of use, environmental friendliness and safety of using gas tanks is obvious.

(greenhouses, warehouses, hangars)

1. Main gas is a modern fuel for heating.


+ Lowest cost compared to other fuels
+ Large selection of equipment for every taste and budget
+ Increase in the value of a plot of land with a connected gas pipeline
+ No need to store it
+ Good quality fuel


- The cost of connection in the Krasnodar Territory for individuals averages about 200 thousand rubles. if the gas pipe runs “along your street” and much more money commensurate with the distance of the gas pipeline from the construction site if it is possible to connect (several million rubles are quite real amounts).
WITH legal entities everything is much more complicated.
- Constant growth of tariffs and increased tariffs for legal entities
- Constant attention of the inspection bodies with a boiler house capacity of more than 1 MW and the corresponding requirements for maintenance personnel and equipment
- fire hazard
- Complex approval systems
- Attachment of the building territorially (only next to gas pipelines)
- You need a room with certain requirements (for example, tiles on the floor and walls, a window of a certain size, etc.)
- A project is required, the connection is carried out only by gas services
- It is necessary to purchase and install a gas meter, which requires periodic metrological verification or replacement.
- Instability of pressure and fuel supply at high loads in the network

2. Firewood


+ classic fuel
+ Availability
+ Large selection of equipment from homemade to highly professional products


- The impossibility of automation and, accordingly, comfortable operation of the boiler room
- The need for constant monitoring of the filling of the boiler with fuel
- The cost of obtaining heat is comparable to wood pellets
- Fuel instability in terms of moisture content, size, quality
- Requires a large amount of storage space
- Low efficiency of boilers, with the exception of expensive high-end models
- In the absolute majority, the high humidity of firewood, which negatively affects their calorific value

3. Liquefied gas


+ Energy independence
+ Average cost of heat production


- Expensive storage tanks for liquefied gas are needed -
gas tanks (from 100 thousand rubles), which are dug into the ground on the site at the construction stage
- A large amount of construction earthwork at a distance of at least 10 meters from the house
- Need a project
- Certain requirements for the room where the gas boiler is installed
- High-level installers needed for laying gas pipelines
- The impossibility of using land plots with gas tanks for another purpose
- Impossibility or difficulty of excavation in mountainous terrain
- Specialized vehicles are used to fill gas tanks,
which increases the shipping cost.
- It is necessary to immediately pay a large amount for filling gas tanks
(usually for the entire heating season)
- According to the requirements, gas holders are only 85% filled with gas, the remaining 15% is given for expansion processes, which increases their volume and, accordingly, the cost
- Most distrust regarding the safety of liquefied gas
(neighbors will definitely not be happy)
- When using cylinders - frequent recharging and transport costs

4. Diesel fuel


+ Energy independence
+ Large selection of equipment of various classes and prices


- High cost of fuel
- Quality requirements - poor fuel will require constant maintenance of the equipment, which will increase operating costs
- fire hazard
- The need for fuel storage tanks
- High toxicity of flue gases, odor

5. Electricity


+ Ubiquity
+ Huge selection of equipment
+ Highest efficiency


- The highest cost of heat generation
- Limited consumption both when connecting the facility to networks and during operation. Especially after the introduction of social norms in the Krasnodar Territory.

6. Wood and sunflower husk pellets


+ The lowest cost of obtaining a kilowatt of heat after the main gas
+ Independence from gas pipe and therefore the opportunity to build where you want or need, and not where the gas pipeline reaches
+ Lower cost of land without gas, which allows you to allocate funds for the purchase of a pellet boiler and receive inexpensive heat for many years (the estimated life of the boiler is more than 20 years)
+ No need for approvals, design and requirements for the premises
+ Savings on connection fees and gas pipelines
+ Environmentally friendly, as it does not contain harmful substances
+ Stability of fuel indicators, constancy of the shape and size of pellets
+ fire safety
+ Convenient storage and packaging (from 20 kg in bags to 1 ton in big bags)
+ The growth of competition in the market of pellet producers and their disunity, as well as the availability of raw materials, guarantee affordable prices and low prices, especially in summer

Pros, subject to the correct selection, installation and commissioning of a pellet boiler by professionals:

+ Wide possibilities of automation and comfortable operation of this equipment
+ High equipment efficiency
+ Ability to work on fuel with high ash content (pellets from sunflower husks)
+ The ability to organize independent heating from 120 m2 to industrial facilities (greenhouses, hotels, workshops, etc.)


- Comparatively higher cost of equipment associated with a large number of boiler elements, mandatory automation and design features
- Difficulty in choosing a contractor, because there are certain requirements for the professionalism of employees
- At the moment, it is possible to organize heating on pellets in areas from 120 m2
- Relatively small selection of equipment and manufacturers
- The probability of the impossibility of buying a pellet boiler from the manufacturer's warehouse in the autumn
- Limited pellet producers. But in the Krasnodar Territory and in Russia, their number is steadily growing, and following the demand, more and more new pellet manufacturers appear.
- Fear of new technology and distrust of efficiency.

The reputation of pellets was really spoiled by non-professionals who, not knowing the technology and experience, apply conventional solid fuel and liquid fuel approaches to pellet boilers, and as a result, the lack of the high efficiency of the boiler promised by them, the disappointment of the end user in this technology.

Western Europe has been burning with pellets for decades and consumption continues to grow, so the largest Russian manufacturers given solid fuel work for export, which confirms the effectiveness of the technology.


Of course, it is more economically profitable to heat with main gas if there is a pipeline along the street, you have prepared a room, a project, you have received all approvals for connection, you are not embarrassed by a pipe running along the site, and significant investments in the land “next to gas” or are ready to wait until You will be brought by a gas pipeline (which can take years).

The second most affordable is heating with pellets from both wood and sunflower husks with great potential for efficiency and power, if the correct selection, installation and commissioning are performed.
The price is justifiably slightly higher compared to equipment on wood, coal, gas, diesel fuel.

Possessing high environmental friendliness, safety and convenience at a low cost per 1 kW of heat, a pellet boiler is an excellent alternative to gas with great benefits in terms of price per plot and the possibility of comfortable operation of the equipment.

Diesel fuel, liquefied gas and firewood have whole line disadvantages that many owners are willing to put up with, but they all lose in terms of convenience, operating costs, safety and environmental friendliness to pellets.

We wish you to make a balanced right choice and enjoy the warmth at the best price.

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In order not to plunge into the wilds of calculations and know the real consumption of pellets for heating a house, it is worth looking at the statistics of the owners of pellet boilers who post their reports in direct access.

Pellets are an autonomous fuel for a heating boiler, as well as liquefied gas, and. And if you need a gas tank and the services of a specialized organization to use LPG, then nothing is needed to install a pellet boiler or a diesel fuel boiler.

You can compare these two types of autonomous fuel - pellets and diesel fuel. In general, in terms of calorific value, 1000 liters of diesel fuel are equal to 2 tons of pellets. Here we are talking about the so-called "white pellets", which have good caloric values ​​and stable combustion and ash content.

Why doesn't it make sense to compare, for example, mains gas and electricity with pellets? Because the first two types of fuel are network ones. If you have networks, you have fuel. There is no gas pipeline and there is not enough - there is no heating of the house.

Next, there is coal. However, although we live in a country that is one of the top three coal-producing countries in the world as of 2016, Russia does not have enough infrastructure to supply quality coal to the population.

Only in coal-mining areas can one hope for regular supplies of coal. And then, as the experience of Kuzbass shows, in the area where coal is mined, in the afternoon with fire you will not find good quality coal for heating a private house.

If the situation with the supply of high-quality coal in Russia were different, every second owner of a private house would have a Carbobot in the boiler room, which would supply hot water to the heating and hot water system.

As a result, we have a situation where, in order to ensure autonomous heating in a private house, the owners actually choose between pellets and diesel fuel.

At the same time, it is difficult to take firewood into account, since it is impossible to provide automated heating of a house on wood for at least a week. We already wrote about this in the material "?"

Calculations are calculations, but reality sometimes gives us food for thought. That is why we have collected in this material the reviews of the owners of pellet boilers on the consumption of pellets for specific houses in the winter.

See reviews on pellet consumption, you can see practically a “picture of your house” by region, heated area, insulation and understand how much your boiler will consume.

Pellet consumption - reports of owners of pellet boilers

Below are the reports of the owners on the consumption of pellets. The data is structured and includes the following items:

  1. House area / heated area.
  2. Wall material / wall thickness / house insulation.
  3. Pellet boiler / pellet burner.
  4. Outdoor temperature at which measurements were taken.
  5. Pellet consumption in different periods of the heating season.
  6. Specific consumption of pellets per 1 sq.m. heated area (kg/sq.m.) per month.

So what do we have?

House 330 square meters in the Moscow region, Kaluga direction. Foam block house 30 cm, wall insulation with foam plastic 15 cm, ceiling - 25 cm foam. R=6.15. Boiler KCHM 50 kW and.
Consumption at -9C = 30 kg/day, at -13C = 35 kg/day, at -25C (January) = 55 kg/day.
The specific consumption of pellets for home heating is 5 kg per 1 sq.m. per month.

House of 180 square meters in the Smolensk region. House made of timber 150mm, insulation with basalt wool 50mm, ceiling 200mm basalt wool, floor 150mm basalt wool. Boiler OPOP Woody (OPOP Woody) 16 kW. Consumption amounted to 5500 kg for the heating season.
The specific consumption of pellets for home heating is 3.5 kg per 1 sq.m.

Now the Northwest region.

Wood concrete house 160 square meters near St. Petersburg. Wall thickness 30 cm. Ceiling 20 cm mineral wool, floor 20 cm mineral wool. Warming according to wooden lags. Boiler KCHM 5 Combi and Obshchemash. The heat loss of the house at 0C is 50W per sq.m.
Pellet consumption in the coldest months of the year (January, February) is 6.5 kilograms per 1 sq.m. per month.

Let's go back to the capital.

Frame house 180 square meters in the Moscow region. Frame insulation 150 mm basalt wool, ceiling 250 mm wool and floor 200 mm wool. Boiler DON 16 and pellet burner Obshchemash 10/20.
Monthly expenses in 2013 - October 660 kg/month, November 990 kg/month, December 1620 kg/month.
The specific consumption of pellets for heating the house amounted to 3.7 kg per sq.m. in October, 5.5 kg per sq.m. in November and 9 kg per sq.m. in December.

House of 170 square meters in the vicinity of Riga. Walls timber 15 cm and insulation with ecowool 15 cm. Ecowool ceiling 30 cm, ecowool floor 20 cm. Grandeg Bio 25 pellet boiler.
At a temperature in December during the day -6C, at night -9C, the consumption is 25 kg of pellets per day.
Specific consumption for home heating - 4.5 kg of pellets per 1 sq.m.

And again the Moscow region.

A house with an area of ​​135 square meters in the Moscow region is used as a dacha. The temperature of +15C is maintained in the house during the week. Pellet power 16 kW.
The consumption of pellets at a temperature outside the window of -5C (delta 20 degrees) is approximately 700 grams per hour (GSM monitoring data).
The specific consumption of pellets for heating a country house is 3.6 kg per square meter per month.

Let's see what is happening in Belarus.

House with an area of ​​200 sq.m. near Minsk. The walls are timber 22 cm, the second light is 5 meters high, the ceiling is insulated with a bonfire 20 cm. Pellet boiler TIS (Poland) 25 kW.
Pellet consumption in December at -1C is 1000 kg per month.
Specific is 5 kg per 1 square meter of heated area per month.

And finally, the very north.

House of 250 square meters in the city of Novy Urengoy. The walls are made of gas silicate 370 mm and the insulation along the walls is 50 mm of basalt wool. Floor 150 mm wadding and ceiling 150 mm wadding.
Pellet boiler OPOP Woody 16 kW and indirect heating boiler (BKN) for 200 liters for the production of hot water.
Pellet consumption at -17C is 2 kg per hour, at -0C fuel consumption is 1.3 kg/hour.
Specific consumption of pellets for heating and production hot water ranges from 3.6 to 5.6 kg per 1 sq.m. Houses.

In the latter case, the ceilings are clearly insufficiently insulated, especially the ceiling, through which the main heat losses of the house occur.

We hope that this material will allow you to form your own opinion on fuel consumption on.

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Consumption ecology. Homestead: As a comparison, let's consider connecting and heating a house with a gas and pellet boiler in order to understand which option is more efficient.

As a comparison, consider connecting and heating a house with a gas and pellet boiler in order to understand which option is more efficient.


To connect a gas boiler, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • prepare documentation;
  • purchase gas equipment;
  • lay pipes;
  • connect the boiler;
  • pay for the connection.

On average, connecting to the main pipe and other costs together will be about $ 15,000. Staff will need help when connecting. gas service, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The cost of installing a pellet boiler does not differ from a gas one. But unlike the previous case, you can not turn to the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for help. A pellet boiler requires a specially designated place for storing briquettes. But given the biological inactivity, the remains after the winter can be stored even under a canopy.


Rarely, but still, a gas leak occurs, which explodes when the slightest spark hits. Pellet fuel does not ignite without a powerful air supply. For pellets to ignite, a spark is not enough.


A good gas boiler will cost 4-5 thousand dollars. To save on purchase, you can buy a burner and install it yourself. A pellet boiler costs about 2-3 thousand dollars.

Operation features

Definitely gas boilers easier to handle. The only thing they require is a check/adjustment once a year. The quality of the incoming fuel is unchanged and meets the standards.

The operation of a pellet boiler is more labor-intensive. Once every 2 weeks, cleaning of the furnace from ash is required, once every 2 months, cleaning of the burner is required, but perhaps more often, it all depends on the quality of the fuel.

Which boiler is more environmentally friendly?

Gas is not for everyone. During its combustion, a high level of CO is released, as well as a large number of impurities. During the combustion of pellets, the smell of hot wood is released, CO emission is neutral.

Gas or pellets: comparison

The gas boiler occupies less space, it is characterized by automation and good calorific value, it is absolutely safe to operate. The pellet boiler has a low ash content, automatic feeding fuel, high level efficiency. At the same time, gas is considered an inexpensive fuel, but its price is constantly growing. The pellet boiler is absolutely safe, produces transparent smoke, pellets can be burned even in a home fireplace.


Each of the boilers has a set of advantages and disadvantages, and the final choice depends on the needs of the buyer. If we talk about the initial costs of connection, then in the case of gas model the cost of connection will be 2-3 times higher in comparison with the pellet one. Therefore, if further savings justify significant initial costs, then the choice in favor of a gas boiler is obvious. published

What type of fuel to heat Vacation home or other space? Many ask this question. As a result, they come to a dispute, which is better than pellets or gas.

What to heat: pellets or gas

One of the most modern species fuels are pellets. To begin with, let's try to find out gas or pellets, which is more profitable. Let's find out which is cheaper. Let's try to compare these two elements. We will find out and convince you that one of the options is ultimately better and more promising. One of the main tasks is to provide the pros and cons of both materials in order to make a final decision on how to heat any room.

Very often, residents of private houses and cottages face the choice of heating their homes. And here a very specific question arises, which boiler is better. There are a huge number of boilers, but we can say for sure that a boiler that runs on wood fuel is much more economical and profitable.

Let's try to find out what or gas.

Connection: gas vs pellets

So, for high-quality and fast gas connection, it is necessary:

  • draw up documents (it is necessary to coordinate the project, pass all the necessary checks in various structures);
  • buy and install pipes (you can also make a fire alarm);
  • prepare a place for the installation of equipment;
  • purchase various matching devices (faucets, etc.);
  • install and connect the boiler to the system;
  • press the pipeline;
  • to make payment.

In most cases, almost the entire range of work is done by workers of specialized services.

In addition to these workers, gas service employees, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, builders for laying pipes and other specialists also take part.

Depending on the region, the cost of connection may fluctuate. On average, it ranges from 3-7 thousand USD. This amount includes a supply to the main pipe for 100 meters no more. As a result, if in the future someone wants to use your pipe, then you can try to pay off the costs.

The price for arranging places for placing a pellet boiler is not much different from a gas one (preparation of chimneys, other activities related to boilers). But there is one advantage - the ability to install this equipment without the participation of various specialists.

The consumption of fuel pellets is approximately 2 kg / hour for a 10 kW boiler, or about two bags (30-50 kg) of pellets per day, and for one month, it will take about 1.5 tons of pellets. You do not need to purchase this material every day, as this will turn out to be quite uneconomical.

Safety gas or pellets

The possibility of gas leakage is small, but still exists. Pellet is the safest among all types of fuel.


Gas boilers with all extras. devices and automation are estimated at 1.5 thousand USD, depending on the brand. To save money, use a separate boiler and a separate burner. This can significantly reduce the cost.

Solid fuel heating systems on pellets with a capacity of 15-20 kW are sold at a price of 3-4 thousand USD. You can also buy a pellet burner - the price will be 2-4 thousand USD.


All systems should be checked and cleaned once a year. This type of fuel is considered one of the highest quality and environmentally friendly.


Once every two weeks, you need to clean the ash, the more often you clean, the better the quality of the material will be. Once every 1 year, a thorough cleaning should be carried out, which includes the removal of panels.

Environmental requirements

  • The gas has a smell that not many like. When it burns, CO is produced in large volumes.
  • The combustion of pellets occurs with the smell of burning wood, and the emission of CO is quite small.

Heating price

  • About 1 thousand cubic meters of blue fuel fluctuates around 1,500 rubles.
  • The typical price of 1 ton of wood material is approximately 3000 rubles


Each type of fuel highlights specific benefits. However, each owner decides for himself which way to choose. The prices for installing a blue fuel boiler and connecting it to the main are higher than a wood boiler. But on the other hand, the first is more economical than the second. Based on the findings, you can decide for yourself what you need.