What can be done from wood chips. Wood chips: production, application

  • 03.03.2020

When decorating a garden area, they can be used different materials. But decorate without much worries country cottage area decorative wood chips will help. This material is popular in the design of the garden landscape. With it, you can give an aesthetic appearance to the site, add a special touch to the design of the territory, and you can also use wood chips as a natural bedding for fruit trees and shrubs. Read about the properties of decorative chips, its types and methods of use in the article.

Material Features

Wood chips, or mulch, is a decorative, environmentally friendly product. It is obtained from tree bark. The material has a soft structure and does not deform under the influence of natural factors. Being an organic product, decorative chips perform not only an aesthetic role. She found practical use as a top dressing for the soil, enriching it with useful substances. Wood chips are an excellent material for ground insulation.

Pine bark is ideal for landscape design. Chips from coniferous trees will give vitality garden shrubs. And you can survive severe frosts and insulate the soil using oak tree bark. In rainy weather, mulch will protect the soil from an excess of moisture, and in drought it will protect the roots of plants from the scorching heat. Decorative wood chips are a versatile material that can be kept in good shape for a long time. Therefore, in order to refresh the new layer, the old one is not removed.

Production technology

Processing wood raw materials is a technically complex manufacturing process. The production of decorative chips is carried out in several stages using high-tech modern equipment and is a non-waste production in its processing.

Deciduous and coniferous trees are used as raw materials. At the first stage, the bark is cleared. Having crushed the raw material to pieces no more than 5 mm with the help of a chipper, it is sieved on special equipment. Thanks to this treatment, the tree bark is transformed into a homogeneous material that has a soft structure and has high wear-resistant properties. Antiseptic treatment will destroy insect larvae and prevent fungus from appearing. Then re-grind and sieve the mulch.

At the second stage, natural chips already become usable, but are often subjected to decorative staining. For this purpose, the processed prepared material is placed in a special container called a colorizer. The color palette of this plant allows you to color wood chips with organic dyes in a variety of shades - from "golden cypress" to "sapphire", including standard colors. At the final stage, after dyeing, the mulch is dried and packed in a transparent container.

Varieties of mulch and its purpose

There are several types of decorative mulch, namely:

  • colored wood chips are used to decorate flower beds, decorate garden plots, cover sports tracks, etc.;

  • cedar shell chips with the addition of sawdust are used for filling paths in park areas, durable and practical, stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora;
  • coniferous mulch is used in its natural form, enriches plants with useful substances, it is used as decorative wood chips in a natural reddish color;
  • natural mulch with the addition of ash is an excellent organic fertilizer, used when transplanting perennials.

Thus, decorative chips have many varieties. The price for a bag of finished material weighing 40 kg fluctuates around 250 rubles.

Making decorative chips with your own hands

For many gardeners, do-it-yourself decorative wood chips become an economical design option. garden plot. For its manufacture you need:

  • woodworking machine for wood waste processing;
  • large capacity for coloring;
  • stain and a solution of any natural coloring matter (onion peel, beet juice, potassium permanganate, tea leaves, brilliant green);
  • drying area.

If the necessary equipment is not available, then you can purchase ready-made raw materials at a woodworking factory or sawmill. In production, wood chips are just waste. For coloring in desired color the raw material is placed in a large container, in which an aqueous solution of the dye has already been added. Wood chips are light, so it is recommended to periodically stir the solution during the staining process. It must be borne in mind that home-made dyes do not have a lasting color, respectively, the saturation of the paint will remain for a short time. After staining, the chips are dried and ready for use.

How to mulch with wood chips

The process of laying decorative wood chips is simple. First you need to responsibly approach her choice. The result will please you if the mulch is not caked, soft and slightly damp, but without obvious rotting processes and a sour smell.

"When and how to lay decorative wood chips?" - ask many gardeners? The best time for this procedure is the end of May or September. Before laying the mulch, the soil must be carefully prepared by removing all weeds and dry foliage. The soil must be loosened and fertilized. Chips are placed on well-moistened soil according to preliminary marking, if the design is conceived by the composition.

After preparatory work chips are leveled with a rake. The layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm in sunny, well-heated areas. In the shade, the mulch layer may be thinner. During the installation process, do not neglect the following nuances:

  • to maintain air access to the stems of plants, it is necessary to leave a gap of 5 cm;
  • if agrofabric is placed under the mulching layer, then the consumption of wood chips will be reduced;
  • a large jet of water can disrupt the stacking of wood chips, so water carefully - keep in mind that home dye will wash off over time.

Practical application in design

Wood chips have established themselves not only as an environmentally friendly material, but have also found wide application in landscape design. Since the material retains a rich color for a long time, it is often used to create creative compositions, alpine slides, discounts and mixborders.

Decorative chips are used in design and as a garden decoration when creating rose gardens, which combine the beauty of wild stone and undersized covering herbaceous plants. Bark waste can be used as a monochrome coating through which shrubs and flowers show through. Lawns and flower beds are covered with decorative mulch, buildings and garden beds are separated.

In landscaping, colored wood chips, along with gravel, pebbles, and flagstones, are often used for treadmills and garden paths. It is convenient, low-cost and does not require additional training. It is enough to scatter the material over the entire width of the track. Due to its natural properties, wood waste chips will become indispensable in rainy weather, allow you to keep a neat appearance of the path and get rid of weeds.

The versatility of wood chips allows you to use it for arranging children's, sports and playgrounds. Such a wood coating is not only safe, but also useful. Having acquired a soft structure in the process of double sanding, such a carpet will allow children to play even barefoot, and mothers - not to worry about splinters.

Wood chip care

Caring for decorative wood chips is quite simple. During use, it tends to thicken and settle. Solving this problem is easy - just fluff the chips with a rake. At proper care The decorative properties of mulch are preserved for 5 years. It is only necessary to renew the layer every season by sprinkling fresh wood chips. This procedure will "revive" the paint on personal plot and restore the thickness of the wood layer.

Wood mulch and its advantages

Decorative wood chips have a number of indisputable advantages. In landscape design, with its help, you can realize the most unique ideas. Among the main advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness and versatility. The material from which decorative chips are made is absolutely safe for garden plantings, pets and human. This is a natural tree bark, which is devoid of chemical additives. This advantage confirmed not only by professionals in the field landscape design but also amateur gardeners.
  • Reliable protection of plants and soil. Decorative chips in landscape design effectively protect the soil from weathering and leaching, leaving the soil loose and providing oxygen to the roots. Mulch allows you to maintain the normal water balance of plants. Due to low evaporation, there is no need for frequent watering of horticultural crops and their loosening.

  • Weed control. An embankment 5 cm thick will prevent their growth, as a result of which the weeds will not be able to develop normally, and therefore will die.
  • Acts as an organic fertilizer. Wood chips colored decorative do not rot, and painted in bright colors do not fade. Only after three seasons, the mulch is able to decompose, turning into organic fertilizer. And this, as you know, is a fertile environment for various insects, which, in turn, improve the structure of the soil, such as earthworms.
  • Decorative wood chips allows you to use this functional material for the improvement of lawns, artificial ponds, garden paths, flower beds and other areas. According to gardeners, with the help of colored wood chips, you can create any geometric shapes in your garden.

In this article, we will talk about various ways getting rid of sawdust , their use and compare them with each other.

In some cases you have to pay for someone to take it out and somehow disposed of sawdust, in others they are taken by interested persons or organizations, and it happens that they create this material during the processing.

Sawdust is a unique material with many wood properties. Therefore, such material is in great demand in:

  • fuel production;
  • production of building materials;
  • home and agriculture;
  • repair and construction works Oh.

Fuel production

Obtained from sawdust different kinds fuels, among which the most famous pellets and briquettes.

These fuels can be used for conventional boilers, stoves or fireplaces, but the maximum effect is achieved only in automatic heating appliances.

After all, all elements of one batch are the same in size and shape, thanks to which the systems automatic feeding fuels can dose them more accurately. Read more about these types of fuel.

Another popular type of fuel is mixture of different alcohols, which is obtained from fermented sawdust.

This material is mixed with a solution of sulfuric acid and heated under pressure, due to which the cellulose breaks down into simple sugars suitable for fermentation.

After the end of fermentation, the mass is driven through a distiller, obtaining at the output alcohols different quality.

Read more about this use of sawdust in a separate one.

Also obtained from sawdust pyrolysis gas suitable for use in heating and cooking stoves, as well as in hot water boilers and other natural gas appliances.

In terms of calorific value, pyrolysis gas is much inferior to natural gas, but, due to the minimum cost of its production, heating with pyrolysis gas is often cheaper than natural gas.

Read more about this gas, how it is obtained and used.

Production of building materials

Sawdust is used for the production of building materials such as sawdust concrete.

Compared to conventional concrete, this material is noticeably lighter, moreover, it has lower thermal conductivity, therefore, a house built from it loses less heat, which means you will have to spend less on additional insulation.

In addition, the wood in the composition of concrete improves the vapor permeability of the walls, thanks to which in such houses there is always optimal humidity, because its excess through the walls goes out into the street.

Another popular material that is made from sawdust is wood concrete. In many ways, it is similar to sawdust concrete, but it also has differences. After all, the mixture for pouring wood concrete is prepared without adding sand, that is, mixing cement, sawdust and water.

Moreover, this material lighter and stronger sawdust concrete, although it is much more expensive. You can read more about the production and use of wood concrete at.

Good things are made from sawdust insulation and finishing materials:

  • fiberboard (fibreboard);
  • Chipboard (chipboard);
  • organic heater.

Fiberboard is used for wall, ceiling and floor finishes, a t also forinner lining cabinet space.

On the basis of fiberboard, a popular finishing material- hardboard, which differs from fiberboard by the presence of a decoratively processed side. chipboard use to create furniture and many other works.

Organic insulation is only slightly inferior to mineral wool, but environmentally friendly, because its basis is paper obtained from sawdust.

Home and agriculture

sawdust - excellent material for feeding various animals. This applies to both pets, such as hamsters, parrots or cats, and various livestock.

The material for bedding is chosen based on many factors, one of which is the smell, because fresh sawdust They smell a lot, and not everyone likes it.

For more information on how to choose bedding, read the article. (Sawdust for pets).

Another use of this material is the land around plants.

Bare ground quickly loses moisture, overheats and cools down, which causes damage to the roots of plants. By covering the ground around the plant with sawmill waste, you will protect the roots, so the plant will be better able to withstand the winter cold and summer heat, and it will also be less likely to be watered.

Wood sawing waste is an excellent material for growing mushrooms and creating quality fertilizer. Mushrooms get enough food from them to multiply quickly, and the cost of such food is low, often it can be obtained for free.

Sawdust also makes good humus. , saturates the soil with nutrients and raises the yield of plants.

To learn more about this method of using wood sawing waste, read the article. (Sawdust fertilizer).
It is also very convenient to fill the paths between the beds in the fields, in vegetable gardens or greenhouses with sawmill waste.

Even after heavy rains along these paths it will be possible walk without being smeared with mud so you can check your plants after a rainstorm.

Once every few years it will be necessary plow a garden or field so that the sawdust is evenly distributed over the ground and fertilizes it.

Repair and construction work

The main use of sawdust during repair and construction work is various insulation.

They fall asleep between thin wooden walls, due to which minimal cost the thermal conductivity of such a wall is comparable to the same parameter of a wall made of timber of equal width.

That is, with a wall width of 20–30 cm, insulation will be required only in the northern regions.

In addition, wood sawing waste mixed with clay and the resulting solution is used to insulate ceilings, floors and brick walls.

The effectiveness of such insulation is much lower than that which gives the use mineral wool or foam, but you can increase the thickness of the layer, due to which significant savings are achieved.

The same compositions are made on the basis of lime or cement, which act as a binder. Read more about all the methods of insulation using wood sawing waste here ().

Processing business

If there is a steady supply of sawdust or if you can get it for free or very cheap, then you can start a sawdust processing business. Anything can be the final product, so you need to focus on the demand for a particular product.

For example, if the region is bad with gas, but people there is a possibility to buy automatic boilers, then high quality pellets and briquettes will be in good demand. Read about choosing such a boiler or burner.

After all, access to free or very cheap sawdust allows you to produce products, the price of which will be lower than the market average for similar products.

If you are interested in such a business, then read more about it.

Another promising direction is the production of sawdust for cats or hamsters.

For this waste sawing wood dried, treated with deodorants, giving a pleasant smell to the material, and packaged in paper or plastic bags.

No less interesting can be the sale of sawdust in bags for smoking.

After all, for each product they use their own combination of wood species, providing the best taste and smell, so packaged sawdust various breeds trees will be in demand.

Responsibility for the disposal of waste from the woodworking industry

Despite the fact that sawdust is classified as 5 hazard class according to the federal waste classification catalog, that is, to practically safe, they still need to be disposed of in any way possible.

In addition, dried sawdust is very flammable material, which is difficult to put out if the fire has gained strength. Therefore, wood sawing waste can be disposed of in any way possible:

  • take it to a landfill;
  • dig into the ground;
  • distribute to people and businesses;
  • sell to any buyer;
  • use for heating in winter;
  • use in the subsidiary farm for any needs;
  • use for the production of pyrolysis gas and use it in any way;
  • hand over to the nearest pulp and paper or chemical plant that processes wood;
  • recycle in any way (manufacturing of some goods may require a license).

If the sawdust is not removed for a long time and there is a risk of fire or littering foreign territory, then questions may arise from various regulatory organizations.

In Russia, the disposal of any waste, including sawdust, is regulated by the federal law N 89-FZ of 06/24/1998 "On production and consumption waste", which you can read by clicking on this link.

Another document regulating the disposal of any waste, including sawdust, is the federal law of March 30, 1999 N 52-ФЗ “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”.

Everything in it waste storage and disposal issues considered in the context of the impact on the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of people.

Therefore, any method of disposal must comply with the laws adopted in Russia.

No permits are required for one-time burning of a small amount of sawdust, however, for regular burning of large volumes, not only permits for burning itself are required, but also final product disposal solution- ash or soot.

The same applies to burying sawdust in the ground. In some regions, there may be complaints from officials in connection with formal violations of certain points of the law, but in reality such nitpicking may be lobbying the interests of landfill owners.

Advantages and disadvantages of various processing methods

Any of the owners of a woodworking enterprise or a sawmill wants to get rid of sawdust with maximum benefit, however, there are situations when it is no longer a matter of profit, but of minimizing the cost of disposing of this waste.

Recycling is the most profitable, but everything depends on the complexity of the sale of the finished product and the high cost of equipment.

To take sawdust to a landfill, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (RPN), buy quotas, and these are all considerable expenses.

After all, the amount of payment depends on the volume of material taken to the landfill. It is possible to bury sawdust in the ground if we are talking about some small batch, but when tens or hundreds of cubic meters of waste are received monthly, then they can no longer be buried.

In addition, it is highly likely that burying large amounts of sawdust in the ground will arouse the interest of RPN officials, who will immediately begin issuing fines, because such work needs to be coordinated with them.

Wood sawing waste giving away to people for free, however, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with them on the gratuitous transfer of tangible assets.

Otherwise, questions may arise from the tax office.

Such an agreement may be concluded in a simple written form.

Waste wood sawing can be sold in any volume, if there are buyers, but they also need conclude a formal contract and issue a receipt Otherwise, questions will arise from the tax office. The same situation is with the delivery of waste to processing enterprises.

The sale of sawdust can be very popular in bags with delivery, even if you do not make money on it, you can get rid of some of the accumulated waste. Stores take such goods for sale at a low price and sell them as a filler. cat litter.

Such a sale will also require conclude an agreement with the store, as well as attach receipts confirming payment for the goods by the store. The disadvantage of this method is the high transport costs and the inability to attach large volumes of material. After all, even hypermarket chains will be able to take only a few tens of cubic meters of such material per month.

The easiest way to use sawdust for heating their own premises in winter– no documents are required for this method of disposal.

However, even in this case, one cannot do without bureaucracy, because in the process of burning wood, soot and ash are formed, which also needs to be disposed of somehow. Otherwise, questions arise from the RPN and the fire department. Indeed, according to their logic, soot and ash are simply thrown into a landfill without paying a recycling fee for it.

In addition, in the event of a fire at a landfill or any nearby waste disposal area under suspicion will be enterprises producing ash or soot, but refused to conclude a contract for their disposal.

The same situation is with the production of pyrolysis gas: permits for the process itself and the use of gas on the territory of the enterprise are not required, but you still need to conclude contract for the utilization of soot and coal.

There are situations when sawdust lies for a long time and begins to rot, as a result of which cellulose breaks down into carbon dioxide and various sugars.

It is difficult to get rid of such sawdust, because no one wants to take them even for free, so the easiest way is to bury them in the ground, getting on it OLTC permission. This will cost less than buying quotas required for the removal of municipal solid waste to a landfill.

If the nearest branch of the tap changer is several hundred kilometers away, then sawdust can be bury without their consent.

In contact with

For example, from furniture production or a carpentry workshop, an enterprising owner wonders what can be made from sawdust. The answer will depend on how he wants to use them. In the presence of artistic talents, sawdust and shavings can be an excellent material for the realization of creative ideas. And if you have private house, cottage or livestock farm, then wood waste will serve as great help in the garden or in the garden, on the farm or in the chicken coop.

Businessmen can be advised to engage in the production of fuel or building briquettes. You will learn useful tips and ideas for private business from the article. In it, we will look at simple examples what can be done from sawdust with your own hands at home.

Bedding in animal husbandry

Sawdust and small shavings perfectly absorb moisture and biological waste. They are sprinkled on the floor for cows, pigs, horses and other domestic animals. According to farmers, sawdust that is too small is harder to clean, but it absorbs liquids better. And large sawdust and shavings do a poor job, and they need to be laid on the surface in a large layer. Therefore, it is advised to make a mixture.

The best thing you can do with sawdust for quality bedding is to add some fermentation materials to the mixture. They remove an unpleasant smell and even emit heat, which will save fuel for heating in the cold season.

Use for vegetable gardens

Let's look at what can be done from Gardeners have long been using them to mulch trees, sprinkling circles around them. It is also convenient to cover the soil in gardens and greenhouses with sawdust and small chips. They protect it from freezing, help retain moisture after watering. Also, bedding on the ground prevents weeds from germinating, and a dry crust does not form on the soil surface. Thus, soil compaction does not occur, and this is of great importance for the qualitative growth of garden and berry crops.

A layer of sawdust on the site reduces the effect of cold air on the roots, prevents wind and water from washing away beneficial nutrients from the soil layers.

Now you know what can be made from sawdust, but there is one little secret. It is best to use stale shavings for farming, as otherwise they will slowly mineralize and can consume a lot of nutrients from the ground, thereby taking them away from garden plants and acidifying the soil. It is advisable to first give them a break in compost pit sometimes turning them over with a shovel. In this case, sawdust can be poured onto the surface of flower beds and even into pots with indoor flowers. They will only fertilize the earth, and the plants will give a greater harvest.

What can be made from sawdust and shavings, the inhabitants of North America came up with. There is a place in Guatemala called Antigua where Easter is celebrated every year with great pomp. On the Holy Week a huge number of believers gather in the village, who come from all over the country to watch the bright processions and interesting performances of ancient events that happened to Jesus Christ.

Right on the streets of the city, anyone can take part in an unusual action, namely, create a carpet on the road from painted different colours sawdust. They are carefully sifted, stencils are made, sometimes canvases are laid under the drawing. Some add real flowers and green plant leaves to the carpet patterns.

Prepare for the procession of believers 12 hours before it starts. Subsequently, the entire ceremony moves through the streets, stepping on these works of art. Some people make such carpets in their yard or even in their apartment. Through drawings and ornaments, people convey their religious feelings.

Material for papier-mâché

We are all used to the fact that traditional papier-mâché is made from paper, but if you think about what can be made from sawdust, the answer will be - the same papier-mâché. To create a thick mass, fine material is selected and PVA glue is added to it. After thorough kneading, a dense plastic consistency is obtained, which is perfectly molded.

It can be used to make masks and small sculptures on a solid base. After hardening, such papier-mâché is quite strong, it can be dyed acrylic paints and varnish.

wood paste crafts

You already understood what can be made from PVA glue and sawdust, but you need to know the exact recipes for making wood paste for modeling so that the figures and other crafts are durable and do not crumble after drying.

Let's consider some of them:

  • 2 tbsp. sawdust, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, the same amount of starch, a teaspoon of PVA and 1 glass of cold water. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Dissolve the glue in water and gradually pour it into the rest of the ingredients, stirring constantly.
  • 2 cups of small sawdust from a saw, 1 cup of wallpaper paste, mixed in the same amount of water. For complete dissolution, you will have to wait 10 minutes. Then mix everything with sawdust, but not immediately, but adding liquid in parts, while stirring all the time.

After making a dense mass, you can, like from plasticine, sculpt crafts. To dry, cover the work with a cloth and leave in a dry place for a day. Do not expose to the open sun, so as not to get cracks. If the work is voluminous, turn it from side to side several times so that it dries evenly on all sides.

Decoration of dishes

Let's see what else can be made from sawdust. The dishes on which figured patterns are applied look beautiful, as in the photo below. To make such beauty, sawdust takes the smallest, resembling dust. Then you can proceed in different ways. First, create the necessary pattern on glass or clay using PVA glue with a brush, and sprinkle sawdust on top of it. Lightly press the pattern with a napkin or directly with your hand, and pour excess sawdust onto the surface of the table.

You can do it differently. First, mix a couple of tablespoons of PVA with sawdust in a container, achieving the consistency of sour cream, and apply strips to the object of creativity with a brush. Do not forget that all drawings are made only on front side if you want to use the dishes in the future.

Summer cottage decoration

Knowing the recipes for the preparation of wood pulp and having several molds, you can make decorative tiles to decorate the walls or floor of a house in your backyard. Such a design technique will be the answer to the question of what can be done with sawdust in the country. After all, you must agree that the same tiles will look beautiful both on the wall and on the floor of the room.

With their help, by the way, you can update the surface of an old table or cabinet, putty mass holes or cracks in the floor and furniture. Using small sawdust with the addition of chips or shavings from different breeds wood, you can vary appearance his work.

Briquettes for space heating

Due to recent price increases different types fuel for heating, many people wonder what can be made from wood chips and sawdust. This is a cheap waste material, which will be gladly sold for a penny both in private carpentry workshops and in furniture factories that are not engaged in the manufacture of chipboard.

You can, of course, use ordinary sawdust, pouring them into the boiler. They will also give heat, but the coefficient useful action will be much lower. Therefore, some entrepreneurs are engaged in pressing them into briquettes. If desired, you can make them at home using a homemade press. On an industrial scale, in production, such fuel briquettes are made on granulators. In your household, it is important to choose sawdust of the same consistency, you can add 10% clay, mix it all with water and dry the mass in the sun. Briquettes can be squeezed out through a manual press, or they can be laid out in small molds. In any case, they will give a wonderful thermal effect on cold winter days.

What can be made and sold from sawdust

A beautiful warm and light house is obtained from the so-called wood concrete. Some have not even heard of such material, but arbolite blocks have been used for a long time, several rooms were even built from them at Antarctic stations. The blocks resemble large bricks that are easy to transport and carry. They can quickly be cut to any size with a simple saw. Screws and nails are well screwed into the finished walls, they are warm and breathable, environmentally friendly and strong. Their surface can be plastered, like ordinary bricks.

For the production of wood concrete blocks, chips of coniferous trees, such as pine, spruce or fir, are used. Also good material for blocks it is obtained from poplar, birch and aspen chips. You can not take only beech and larch!

First, all wood is disinfected so as not to cause fermentation processes when mixed with water and cement. This may result in voids or swelling of the material. Chemical treatment is carried out using a mixture of calcium chloride with liquid glass and aluminum sulfate. In addition, the chips are additionally treated with an antiseptic to get rid of insects and bacteria.

Only after preliminary preparation, a plasticizer (1% by weight) and Portland cement (up to 15%) are added to the sawdust. Then the resulting mass is molded and dried for at least 2 days at a temperature of 60 °C.

As you can see, the use of sawdust can be found in a variety of ways. This is an excellent material for both creativity and construction and household work.

Everyone knows that starting from the stage of timber harvesting, and at all stages of wood processing, a huge amount of waste remains. Among them are tree branches, tops, knots, stumps, slabs, substandard fraction, sawdust and trimmings. There are various methods to reduce the amount of wood waste. Incineration can be called the simplest, but this method is not very effective and does not bring profit. Another method is the processing of wood waste with the creation of wood chips.

wood chips

Wood chips are created in a variety of wood chipping machines, which make it possible to grind large volumes of wood waste in a short time with the production of high-quality technological chips at the output. Chip production facilities are a fairly profitable business that can regularly generate profits.

What is made from wood chips? Today, wood chips have a wide range of uses. It is used as a fuel for the operation of gas generating equipment. Wood chip boilers provide buildings and businesses with steam and heat. Gas generating installations can operate on wood waste, they are economical. If more than one wood chipper is used for the production of wood chips, but a full-fledged production line, including a wood chipper, a drum dryer, a gas generator, a sorting and packing plant, conveyors and bunkers for the supply of raw materials, then the end product will be chips for low-moisture smoking. As a result, the shelf life and product quality increase.

Wood chips are excellent for use as fuel in universal solid fuel boilers due to economy and high level efficiency. Boiler houses of both private houses and separate areas in large cities are increasingly equipped with such boilers. Fuel chips are in great demand today.

Chip grades

Chip brand


Sulfite pulp and wood pulp intended for the manufacture of paper with controlled weed

Sulphite pulp and wood pulp intended for the manufacture of paper and paperboard with non-regulated weediness, sulphate and bisulfite pulp intended for the manufacture of paper and paperboard with regulated weediness

Sulphate pulp and various types of semi-cellulose intended for the manufacture of paper and cardboard with non-regulated weediness

Alcohol, yeast, glucose and furfural

Food Crystal Xylitol T

Furfural and yeast in two-phase hydrolysis


Particle boards

Requirements for chips

Name of indicator

Norm for stamps

Mass fraction of bark, no more

Mass fraction of rot, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities, no more

Not allowed

Not allowed

Mass fraction of residues on sieves with holes of diameter:

30 mm, no more

20 and 10 mm, not less

5 mm, no more

on a pallet, no more

Charred particles and metal inclusions

Not allowed

Species of wood for the manufacture of wood chips

Purpose of wood chips

Mass fraction of wood species in chips, %

coniferous 100

hardwood 100

in a mixture



Pulp production: sulfite and bisulfite

Spruce, fir

At least 90

No more than 10

Birch, aspen, poplar, alder, beech, hornbeam

No more than 10

At least 90


All species, larch separately

At least 90

No more than 10

All breeds

No more than 10

At least 90

neutral sulfite

Not allowed

All breeds

Not allowed

Semi-pulp production

All breeds

At least 90

No more than 10

All breeds

No more than 10

At least 90

Wood pulp production

Spruce, fir

Not allowed

Not allowed

Hydrolysis production: yeast

All breeds

All breeds

Allowed in any ratio


All breeds

All breeds

At least 70

No more than 30


All breeds

Not allowed

Not allowed


Not allowed

All breeds

No more than 5

At least 95

Xylitol production

Not allowed

Birch, admixture of aspen no more than 10

Not allowed

Production of furfural and yeast by two-phase hydrolysis

Not allowed

Birch, beech, maple, oak, hornbeam, admixture of aspen no more than 10

Not allowed

Production of fiberboard and chipboard

All breeds

All breeds

Allowed by agreement with the consumer

Chip production

In the manufacture of wood chips of a specific size, in order to calibrate the raw materials, drum chippers are used, which are equipped with removable screens with a given mesh size. In such installations, wood chips of any given parameters are created. For example, if your specialization is the production of wood chips for smoking, then it is important to use wood chips of the same size in smokers. When using chips of the same size, you will never encounter the problem of flames from small particles. Technological chips of the same caliber are an excellent material for creating building materials, for example, wood concrete. Due to the homogeneous mass, a high quality of the final product is achieved. Wood chip plants equipped with sizing screens significantly increase production possibilities.

Pulp, wood boards and products of wood chemical and hydrolysis industries are created from technological chips. It is created from small-sized round wood raw materials with a cross section of 2-6 cm and a length of 1.0-3.0 m with a gradation of 0.5 m and maximum deviations in length of ± 5 cm.

Creation of wood concrete

Wood chips are used to create modern high-tech wall blocks. Arbolite blocks produced on the basis of wood chips and a cement component. In this case, a building material is obtained that is not dangerous to human health. It is lightweight, retains heat well, does not freeze, does not rot and does not burn. Arbolite panels are used for the construction country cottages, as well as courtyard buildings, bathhouses, garages, warehouses, cowsheds and poultry houses. Projects of wood concrete buildings are almost similar to buildings made of brick or other materials. Wood concrete houses are an excellent replacement for log houses. Today, high-quality wood concrete blocks are quite popular on the market; this makes it possible to erect a building in a short time.

Creation of building materials

Wood chips are actively used to create chipboard, fiberboard, cardboard and paper, plywood, briquettes for heating, wood pellets and pellet, drywall. For these purposes, it is necessary to additionally grind chips in wood chippers to obtain a finer fraction. The use of wood chips for the manufacture of building materials used in everyday life makes it possible to significantly reduce the felling of trees and reduce the amount of wood waste.

Substandard timber and wood chips can accumulate as dead weight on the territory of forest industry enterprises, but they can be given a second life, thereby saving nature.

Any owner country house wants to make it unique and beautiful. This can be helped by decorative wood chips, which are attractive in appearance and at the same time useful for the soil product.

Decorative chips are used for mulching, that is, covering the soil in the process of growing both agricultural and ornamental plants. The main task of mulching is to prevent erosional destruction of the soil, suppress the development of weeds, optimize the water regime of the soil and improve the soil nutrition of plants.

At the same time, today, wood chip mulch is often used as a decorative element in landscape architecture and gardening. It perfectly complements the decorative properties of any plants, adds variety to the design of flower beds, gardens, squares and parks.

Despite the fact that marble chips, calibrated pine bark, gravel, and crushed stone can also act as decorative mulch, decorative wood chips are very popular today. The main advantages of chips:

  • environmental Safety
  • ease of disposal
  • softness (it is even pleasant to walk on it)
  • excellent aesthetic properties.

Decorative chips can be tinted in a variety of shades. It is used as a background for landscaping elements, as well as as an independent decorative element. Mulch from this wood chips stylistically combines parts of the composition into one complete one, visually divides the site into zones and replaces the lawn, thereby creating tremendous opportunities for creating unusual landscape design projects.

Mulching with decorative wood chips is a great way to enrich poor soil. Wood stimulates the reproduction of earthworms and beneficial microflora in the soil, protects it from drying out and has high heat-shielding parameters.

Mulch is placed on warm and moist soil. In the conditions of central Russia, this is done in May - June, after the threat of frost. The site must be freed from perennial weeds, because they can grow through the wood chips. If you need to plant plants in mulched soil, then the mulch layer will have to be removed. Decorative chips, or bark, need to be sprinkled every year in the spring to maintain an attractive appearance, with a layer of 1 - 2 cm.

Alder and oak chips

Oak chips perfectly "ennoble" the taste of an alcoholic beverage. This is the most common use for oak chips. It is added at various stages of wine production, both at the very beginning of fermentation and in the process of filling industrial wine containers.

Oak chips brought to the winery are preliminarily “roasted” on fire, and then saturated with water. Under the influence of flame and smoke, the wood chips are saturated with a persistent smoky smell, the aroma of smoked meats and caramel.

The use of wood chips in wine production can significantly increase the contact area of ​​wine with wood, which greatly speeds up the aging process, and saturation with water reduces the concentration of tannins.

Alder wood chips are an excellent material for smoking a wide variety of products. It is alder chips - perfect option for cooking smoked dishes at home. Alder during combustion does not emit caustic toxic smoke, and also does not form a layer of soot on the surface. Alder wood chips can be used in any smokehouse: both factory-made and your own design.

The production of wood chips, despite the simplicity of the product, is quite profitable business. Especially considering that in our country there are very few enterprises that manufacture wood chips. Mainly, it is created in workshops based on other wood processing industries. In this article we will tell you how to make wood chips with your own hands and why it is profitable to engage in such a business.

February 08

It is no secret that starting from the stage of wood harvesting, a huge amount of waste is generated at all stages of wood processing. These are tree branches, tops, branches, stumps, slabs, substandard wood, sawdust and trimmings.

Exists different ways reduce the amount of wood waste. The easiest way is to burn them, but this is ineffective and does not bring sufficient profit. Another way is the processing of wood waste into chips.

For the manufacture of chips, various chippers are used, which allow you to quickly grind large volumes of wood waste and get high-quality technological chips at the output. Chip production is profitable business, capable of generating a constant income, taking into account the uninterrupted supply of raw materials.

Detailed information from the equipment manufacturer on the PPM chipper page

Chips - shredded wood of established sizes, obtained as a result of crushing wood raw materials with chippers and special devices, used as technological raw materials or fuel.

Use of wood chips

What is made from wood chips? Wood chips have a wide range of uses. Wood chips are often used as fuel for the operation of gas generators. Wood chip boilers make it possible to provide homes and businesses with steam and heat. Gas generators that can work on wood waste are more economical. If for the production of wood chips not just a wood chipper is used, but a whole production line, which will include a chip cutter, a drum dryer, a gas generator, a sorting and packaging plant, conveyors and bins for material supply, then the output can be obtained chips for smoking low humidity which will increase the shelf life and quality of the product. Alder chips are highly valued by producers of smoked meats. Large factories for the production of smoked sausages, smoked fish, smoked cheeses will be happy to cooperate with you. If you add a painting plant, you can produce colored decorative chips, which are used by specialists for landscape design and lawn decoration. The sale of wood chips will allow you to receive a guaranteed profit, since this product is currently in demand by consumers.

Wood chip calibration

If it is required to produce wood chips of a certain fraction, to calibrate the material, then drum chippers equipped with removable screens with a given mesh size are used for these purposes. This allows the production of wood chips of any given size. For example, if you specialize in the manufacture of wood chips for smoking, then you should know that using wood chips of the same size in smokers can achieve a more stable result. This will avoid the effect that while large chips give smoke for smoking, small ones burn out, form a flame and can ruin the product. Process chips of the same size are also suitable for the production of building materials (wood chips for wood concrete), the homogeneity of the mass ensures a high quality of the final product. Wood chip machines with sizing grids greatly increase the production possibilities.

Technological chips - chips for the production of pulp, wood boards and products of wood-chemical and hydrolysis industries. It is produced from small-sized round wood raw materials with a diameter of 2-6 cm and a length of 1.0-3.0 m with a gradation of 0.5 m and maximum deviations along the length of ± 5 cm.

Production of wood concrete from wood chips

If you purchase equipment for wood concrete, you can open a business for the production of modern high-tech wall blocks wood concrete. Wood concrete blocks are made on the basis of wood chips and cement binder, building wood concrete is safe for human health, it is light, retains heat well, does not freeze, does not rot and does not burn. Arbolite panels are used for suburban low-rise construction of residential buildings and cottages, courtyard buildings, baths, garages, warehouses, cowsheds and poultry houses, industrial buildings. Projects of wood concrete houses practically do not differ from buildings made of bricks or other types of wall blocks. Building houses from wood concrete is a great alternative to log houses.

Manufacturers of equipment for wood concrete offer a set of machines, which includes a chipper for wood concrete, a mixing station, molds for wood concrete blocks different size, manual or loaded rammers, vibrating table, drying chamber. The high quality of wood chips for wood concrete guarantees a stable result, the correct proportions of wood concrete, each batch of material will be the same without deviation from the standard, which is important for construction work. High-quality wood concrete blocks are in demand in the market, this will make it easy to organize sales.

Wood chips for making building materials

Wood chips are also used for the production of chipboard, fiberboard, cardboard and paper, plywood, heating briquettes, wood pellets and drywall. In this case, wood chips are crushed in wood chips to get a finer fraction. The use of wood chips for the production of building materials that we use in everyday life can significantly reduce wood consumption and reduce the amount of wood waste. If you invest in equipment, then wood chips will no longer be a waste product of wood production, but will become a valuable secondary product that can be earned and put into business. Substandard wood and technological chips will no longer lie dead weight on the territory of timber industry enterprises, it is very easy for them to give a second life for the benefit of society.