Hygienic litter for cats. Rating of the best cat litter

  • 14.06.2019

Do you have a new family member in your house - a four-legged tailed pet? And this means that now you just need to take care of the cleanliness of your home and buy a cat litter box. But what good filler suitable for cat litter? That's what we'll talk about.

Main selection criteria

Kitty toilet filler is a must-have item that every cat owner has to buy. It is he who will control the absence (or presence) of an unpleasant and very specific aroma of cat urine. Also, the behavior of the animal during the visit to the tray, and in general the convenience for the owner, when it comes time to clean it, also depend on the quality of the filler.

The main task of such materials is to adsorb the liquid qualitatively and very quickly, ideally completely “locking” all unpleasant odors. This is very important point, since the waste product of the pussy contains quite a lot of ammonia, which, during the decay period, gives off a very pungent odor. Both natural and synthetic materials have the ability to retain such aromas.

Currently, manufacturers use only a few types of substances that, in addition to high-quality “aroma lock”, meet certain requirements:

1. Cat litter must be good adsorbents. Otherwise, they will not be able to collect liquid and retain the smell.

2. Environmental friendliness. The material must be completely safe for both humans and pets.

3. Convenience. The filler should not cause any inconvenience either to the animal at the moment of performing certain actions, or to its owner when he is about to clean up after the pussy.

So, what is a good cat litter? Let's talk about the existing lines in more detail.

Cat litter

Manufacturers offer a huge assortment range, but in such a variety, several separate categories can still be distinguished. The differences between them are quite significant. And first of all, it is the composition.

wood fillers

Wood cat litter is the most popular option among cat owners. In terms of cost, this is a rather budgetary material, but at the same time it is very effective and does not cause trouble for animals during use.

The classic version of wood filler is granules, which are compressed sawdust of a very small size. When the granules get wet, they again break up into sawdust, which then crumple and tightly cover the smell. Some wood fillers remain loose after the pussy visits the tray.

The advantage of wood filler is its complete hypoallergenicity, which is very important, therefore it is recommended for animals prone to allergies.

Wood cat litter may vary in pellet size. For adult animals, large granules are perfect, while kittens and not too large individuals will be more comfortable with small ones. But such a gradation is very arbitrary, since after use the granules turn into a homogeneous sawdust mass.

The disadvantages include the fact that in rare cases, pieces of wood, chips or sharp splinters that can cause injury to the animal can get into the packages. To avoid this, it is necessary to more carefully inspect the contents of the package when falling asleep in the tray.

Clumping fillers

Clumping cat litter is the largest class of cat litter available today. It is based on clays and certain types of minerals that can clump when liquid gets on them. It is this class of materials for filling cat trays that is very popular.

Bentonite clays are used as a substance for production. When in contact with moisture, they instantly crumple, tightly locking the liquid. To clean the tray, it is enough to remove these lumps.

But this filler has a significant drawback. It cannot completely block odor and also forms fine dust and wet clumps that stick to cats' paws.

Another option for raw materials for such fillers is opalcristoballites. In the course of special processing, they acquire the necessary qualities. Such a cat litter, the price of which is affordable for many consumers, is in no way inferior to bentonite.

Silica gel fillers

Silica gel cat litter is far ahead of the previously discussed options in terms of its characteristics. Silica gel is a synthetic substance that exhibits excellent absorbent properties.

Gel cat litter is very economical. To keep the litter box clean for two weeks, it will be enough to put a thin layer of litter on its bottom. Such a cat litter, reviews of which are only positive from pet owners, is much more expensive than the rest.

Fillers of this class most often include components that enhance their properties and additionally flavor the room. It is silica gel that is the best cat litter that has received worldwide recognition.

Corn fillers

In the West, fillers based on corn cobs are widespread. They are very rare in our pet stores. This is probably the most perfect option for cat litter, because the granules perfectly absorb liquid, do not allow the smell to come out, and they last for a very long time. The only thing that spoils such a picture is the small weight of the granules. Therefore, cats can scatter them.

Such excellent qualities of this filler are due to the fact that the finely porous core of the cob acts as the basis of the granules. It is she who determines such a unique absorbency. Since corn litter for cat boxes has an environmentally friendly basis, it is recommended to use them for small kittens.

mineral fillers

Zeolite fillers are made from special minerals of volcanic origin. They perfectly absorb liquid and do not allow unpleasant odors to get out. Perhaps this is due to the fact that zeolite granules are dotted with tiny channels, which provide instant adsorption.

What a good cat litter to buy is up to you, dear lovers of tailed-striped ones. Here you will be helped by the characteristics given by us, which may well be used as recommendations. But in some situations, when buying, you need to focus on certain circumstances.

The most environmentally friendly, and therefore not capable of provoking an allergic reaction, are wood fillers. They are most preferred if the pussy suffers from allergies or has a skin disease.

Gel ones will help you out perfectly if you are the owner of a whole family of fluffy animals. This option will help not only save your own budget, but also personal time, making cleaning cat trays a rarer procedure. This cat litter (reviews about it, by the way, are extremely positive) is best used for mature individuals. It is best for kittens to pour natural materials, for example, the same wood or corn fillers.

Pay attention to how the cat behaves. She is able to tell you what a good cat litter is. If the animal refuses to use the contents of the tray for its intended purpose, then this is a clear hint that she does not like it. With this trial and error method, you can choose the best filler that will perform all its functions.

Cat's Best belongs to German manufacturers. It is distinguished by high quality and complete environmental friendliness, since fir waste is taken as the basis.

Fresh Step belongs American company. Fresh Step includes several filling options: clumping and gel.

"Clean Paws" belong to Russian manufacturers. This brand has several variations of fillers: clumping, wood pellets and bentonite.

Ever Clean is a US manufacturer specializing in clay fillers. Clumping products have a unique composition. In addition, it is enriched with activated carbon, which ensures even more perfect adsorption.

Cats Choice produces several categories of fillers. These are bentonite, including flavors, fillers from paper industry waste and wood pellets. The company is distinguished by excellent quality products at an affordable price.

So, all family members agree that a pet should appear in the house - a cat, to which you are ready to give your love and care for many years, receiving in return no less love and endless devotion of a living being. Are you ready to become a responsible cat owner? Then let's start preparing for the arrival of a new family member!

You already have:

  • small veterinary first aid kit;
  • grooming kit;
  • a pair of convenient bowls for water and food;
  • cozy soft bed;
  • suitable scratching post;
  • even a tray for managing natural needs has already been purchased!

It remains to figure out how to fill this container for bowel movements. What is the best cat litter? The choice is truly huge!
Which one is right for your "pet"? Is it all the same to him what kind of sand to write in?!

Does the choice of filler depend on the breed and age of the cat? And is it worth spending money on purchased pellets?
And, in general, are there significant differences among this mass of granules?

Let's start from the end - it will be easier to figure it out, and the reviews of the purchasers of cat litter and the "opinion" of the owners of the trays themselves - mustachioed-striped, tailed and tailless - will help us solve these issues.

Consider what fillers for the tray are, what we can offer our meowing pet:

Homemade "home-made" fillers

The first of the known ones is what is called the “grandfather's way” - ordinary torn paper or sand. Thousands of thousands of cats around the world willingly relieve their need for such fillers for their trays, there is no trouble in this. But there are significant downsides.

First, getting used to paper, a kitten or an adult animal has full right claim any paper roll, newspaper or magazine as a toilet area, which you, subsequently, are unlikely to like.

Secondly, pieces of stinky paper will invariably stick to the cat's paws and be carried around the house. Also "no ice"!

Thirdly, newspaper-paper does not have the proper absorbent qualities. This means that a cat with wet paws after visiting the tray will walk across the carpet, jump onto the sofa, sit on your lap, leaving drops of its urine where it walked, jumped, settled down. Gradually, aromas accumulate and naturally turn into scent marks. The result - be prepared that at some point the cat will pee on the carpet, sofa, your thing.

Almost the same applies to sand toilets. We can only add that attempts to write in a flower pot (dry sand or greasy peat - the cat "on the drum") will result in the death of the potted plant - cat urine is poisonous for green indoor plants. No, sand is “not quite a variant” at all!

And there's no escape from the smell! Even if you use a tray without any filler, only a mesh, then odorous fluids will eat into furniture, woolen and pile fabrics, and haunt you even on the street (your clothes are also made of various fabrics). The smell from the tray can be neutralized by any chemical. way, but guarantees that the cat or cat will be loyal to such an intervention and will want to use the tray that stinks of carbolic acid or chlorine for its intended purpose. In addition, caustic substances can be dangerous for the animal itself!

We'll have to teach the cat to go to the toilet or fork out for production-factory fillers!

Factory production fillers.


From the name it is clear that it consists of sawdust, which can be "loose" or compressed into granules of various sizes, which is more common. For manufacturing, wood of cedar, pine, fir, alder, apple and other trees is used, after cleaning them from the bark.

Sawdust, even pressed, has excellent absorbent properties, reliably clogs odor, is environmentally friendly and economical, both in terms of use and in terms of finances. The tray filler is cedar or pine and also slightly deodorizes the air, releasing a weak antibacterial aroma characteristic of all conifers.

Some owners have successfully used juniper, walnut, or larch bark mulch instead of factory pelleted wood litter.
But mulch cannot be used in trays without a grid - once, and secondly - it cannot be disposed of in the toilet. And factory wood filler - you can! Unless, of course, you pour it into a faience bowl in large portions.

The granules, when moisture gets into them, easily crumble into small particles that are completely harmless to cats, do not cause allergies, and are convenient for both adult animals and their little children. It is recommended to change 2-3 times a week as the granules crumble.

If there are 2 or more cats in the house, try to provide each with a separate tray with an individual portion of the filler.
An exception can only apply to a mother-cat with kittens: a cat teaches kittens to do their business in their mother's tray.

Advice! When purchasing a kitten, ask the breeder not only about what vaccinations were made and how the complementary foods were started, but also what kind of filler was used for the mother's tray - this will help the baby quickly get used to the new place.

  • Wooden pressed chips also have a number of inconveniences that cat owners note:
    when “overflowing”, the particles swell strongly, stick to the paws and are carried around the house;
  • smelling the smell of nature and freedom, cats are happy to dig holes in the litter, as a result - "stick to their paws and spread around the house."

All questions are solved with the help of a grid. Or clumping fillers.

If you have the funds, you can also buy wood clumping filler - fir sawdust. The Germans produce it, the name is "Cat`s Best". Bye bye Russian market this is the only dealer offering this product.

Questions about wood filler

What is clumping cat litter?
Filler made on the basis of quartz sand, chalk or bentonite. Since all these materials, after moisture ingress, are fixed - they become almost monolithic, with a dense single structure, then the filler on these bases does the same - it is fixed or clumped. This tight, fixed wad is easy to remove from the tray with a slotted scoop for litter replacement. Only the lump itself will need to be removed, since the rest of the granules will remain clean.

How often should the clumping litter be changed?
You can completely replace the filler once every 2-3 months, adding a little bit more so that the “pillow” of granules does not fall below 8 cm. This optimal height layer for clumping fillers!

What about smell?
Reliably absorbed

If the basis of the granules is chalk and sand, then they are probably very dusty?
No. A thin layer of pollen is formed only when the cat litter is filled, after the granules "fit" there is practically no dust.

Can pellets get caught between a cat's fingers or claws, or stick to a paw?
No. The formation of a lump occurs within 20-30 minutes. During this time, the cat manages to leave the toilet area.

If a mother-cat with kittens lives in the house, is it possible to use such a filler?
Not desirable, even if the cat is used to it. Toddlers are very curious, and their taste preferences are still poorly developed, they can try to eat wonderfully smelling granules. This will lead to sad consequences, since a solid concrete lump, formed in their stomachs, will not be able to exit naturally.
Until the kittens have grown up to 2-2.5 months, it is better to use another filler, ideally - no smell at all.

Clumping filler price?
More expensive than absorbent 3-4 times. But its price is offset by cost-effectiveness and ease of use - you don’t often have to change the “pillow”.

If the house contains several adult animals (from 2 or more), is it possible to use one type of filler for all?
Yes, if the cats agree. Some feline representatives show an enviable aversion to one or another type of fillers, cat-like individualism. Such fastidious people should choose a different filler, for example, mineral or silica gel.


This is a well-known type of granules of various minerals with a porous structure that absorb and well “hold” the smell, most often the residue after casting foam-gas blocks (sibit), screening of expanded clay, after firing bricks, fine volcanic zeolite, better known as volcanic tuff.

The cost of a filler from volcanic zeolite-tuff is an order of magnitude higher than the rest of the line of mineral fillers. There are reasons for this.

The structure of the volcanic stone is porous; in nature, these voids are filled with water. In fillers, this water is evaporated during firing, after which the filler is ready to absorb animal waste products, like a sponge or a vacuum cleaner.


This natural mineral is able to absorb any organic compounds, up to dust and mold spores, which are often the source of various diseases, both in domestic "pets" and in the owners. It's a natural antibacterial absorbent!

Volcanic zeolite has long been used as a filter for drinking water, removing from it the slightest pollution, bacteria, harmful sticks, biological impurities and odors.

Buying tuff cat litter is a great, albeit "expensive" solution. So, a package weighing 5-6 kg. will cost 300-500 rubles, and the usual "Barsik" with the same antibacterial properties, but from the remnants of the foam block, will cost the same weight of 100-120 rubles.

If "flask" is indicated in the composition, do not be alarmed! These are not the remains of a broken foundry mold! This is the Polish name for Cretaceous limestone, a fairly strong siliceous stone, from a mountain-sedimentary rock.

In Russian, this clay stone has been known since ancient times under the name "marl" or "marl clay", "siliceous marl". Marl was used for laying stoves, covering cracks in walls and masonry. Its peculiarity is that after firing, the clay became strong connection, not inferior in strength to modern concrete, but retained the ability to absorb a large number liquids without swelling and deformation. After drying, the marl restored its stone fortress again.
These are the pieces of mineral stone baked clay that form the basis of the filler marked "flask". Very good data!

All of these materials have a clean, environmentally friendly mineral composition, which eliminates the manifestations allergic reactions in mustachioed-striped and their owners. After firing, such a material completely loses its ability to adhere (the ability to adhere to other surfaces), which means that it does not stick to the paws of animals.
Since the material for the manufacture of the filler itself is industrial waste, the price for them will definitely not hit your pocket.

There are such granules in “loose” (then you will have to clean the tray every 3-4 weeks), there is also with the addition of betonite - a clumping option (then we act according to the instructions for clumping fillers).

Cats and kittens are happy to delve into such granules, mistaking them for sand or earth due to the natural smell. In addition, the granules are selected in size: small for kittens, larger for adult animals.

In addition, clay granules are rounded, do not have sharp edges, which all cats like.


Cats also like these granules for the taste - it smells of natural freshness. Try not to allow the cat to eat the litter, but if it does get into the kitty's stomach, it will work as a sorbent and come out freely naturally, if this is, of course, not a clumping option.

Cons of using:

  • Dusty!
  • When heavily wet, it loses "odor control" and begins to actively release aromas into the external environment.
  • You need to be careful with mineral fillers mixed with bentonite if there is a kitten in the house! The reason is the same as for all clumping fillers - blockage of the gastrointestinal tract when eating.
  • All waste from brick-block-furnace production must not be lowered into the toilet! – Clogging of pipes is guaranteed!

silica gel

More often you can hear the abbreviated name of the filler - gel. However, such granules do not contain gel or helium in its pure form.
This is a rather expensive filler made of clay treated with a special composition of polysilicic acid, which gives the compound the properties of a dried gel.

Appearance: hazy white or cream balls with colored specks.

Properties: Coarse sand with excellent absorbency, odor control, non-viscous, mushy form - does not swell and always remains dry to the touch.

Due to their properties, silica gel capsules-granules are very economical - you won’t have to completely change the contents of the tray more than 2 times a month and a half. Given the high antibacterial qualities of silica gel fillers, it becomes clear why the price matches the quality.

Often these granules are treated with special perfumes with different flavors. Do you want "May lilac"? - Please! Do you want "alpine freshness"? – Be kind! And how nice they crunch and creak!

However, there is a catch here: not all cats like strange sounds under their paws, and they can even scare kittens. You may like some aroma and the cat will take the soil for roasting, which is dangerous for his little life. On the other hand, if you have multiple pets, then the best way than silicagen, it will be difficult for you to pick up.

A test for diseases?

We read the annotation on the package: “It is important for owners to apply preventive measures to prevent urolithiasis in their pets.” - Complete agreement!

We observe the development: “It is necessary to follow the change in the color of the granules, according to the proposed scale.” - Scale drawing is suggested. What is not here! Even cystitis and viral infections!

Next comes the name of a company specializing in the production of this filler or a company that manufactures feed, with which agreements on mutual support and promotion have been signed. At the same time, the call to contact the veterinarian is not forgotten.

What is the deception? When processing "gel" granules with liquids with any percentage of acids and alkalis, their color does not change in any way, only yellow and that's it! No food can cure diseases! And even more so viral. Ask any veterinarian, he will explain to you on his fingers that medications are needed for treatment, and food can only support the animal from allergy manifestations.

Observe the feeding regimen and sufficient movement of your pets, pass the prescribed vets in a timely manner. examinations and closely monitor the health of the “pet” - and may all troubles pass you without invented tests for the ICD!

Fortunately, not all firms producing silicagen tend to deceive. Many add calmly flavoring, and are quite content with this.
And there really is a granular test for "urinary stone", only it is sold separately.

Yes! Here's what's important! After each visit to the toilet by your handsome or beauty, the granules in the tray should be mixed and leveled again!
It is impossible to dispose of silicagen in the toilet bowl - the pipes will become clogged.


100% biodegradable litters are still a rarity in pet stores, but they do exist!
The first one that pet owners and cats themselves got to know is corn, made from pressed chips of corn cobs. An excellent litter that clumps, absorbs, locks in odors, and flushes down the toilet, can be composted. Lightweight, which is both a plus and a minus of the filler.

On the one hand, its lightness allows moisture not to linger at the top, but to flow down and form a lump under top layer granules. This is especially convenient for long-haired cats, who do not risk getting fluffy panties and the bottom of a luxurious tail wet.
On the other hand, to use such “corn”, you will have to purchase a tray with sides bent inward, otherwise the light pressing will be scattered throughout the house.

And a couple more important facts about biodegradable fillers:

  • Vegetable filler is prone to mold formation if the formed urinary lump is not removed in time.
  • Smells like sour corn after use. Not all cats approve of these scents.
  • If the corn filler smells like corn, then the grassy biodegradable one smells like grass or freshly cut hay. According to the characteristics, the grass filler is not inferior to the corn filler: it is environmentally friendly, economical, clumped and disposed of in the sewer.

So far, only one company from St. Petersburg has mastered the herbal cat litter from meadow grass, by drying, grinding and pressing granules without any chemical additions. She also developed this technology!

The principle of the company lies in the motto: "100% nature!". Following this motto, the company has developed a line of plant-based, absorbent and clumping litters for cats, dogs, rodents and other pets, including exotic specimens.

If FIX herbal filler is used (this is the name of domestic products), then it is impossible to determine that the house contains any pet by smell, these granules block it (smell) so well, which will only be a plus for small apartments.

Since the grass granules are heavier than those made from corn chips, they are not spread as actively, but the tray will have to be changed to another one with curved sides. Or buy a closed cat litter, then any cat can dig medium-sized dark green granules for its own pleasure for as long as it likes.

Removing lumps is not a problem - the formed lump seems to stick to the bottom of the tray and is easily removed with a spatula. If the granules are covered with a mesh on top, then even when very wet, the filler does not swell and does not push out the grate.

Since herbal is vegetable, the formation of mold cannot be avoided if hygiene rules are not followed, although the smell will be different - it will smell like rotten hay. It will smell strong! So much so that the cat may not like it at all and he (she) will make a puddle somewhere nearby.

The consumption of innovative filler per animal is small: a layer of 2 cm per animal weight of 4 kg.

Of course, for a large Maine Coon, weighing 7-8 kg, the filling will be doubled. It turns out that a 3 kg bag is enough for a couple of weeks, since 1 kg of granules absorbs 2 liters of liquid.

Given that the cost of domestic grass filler is 3-4 times cheaper than corn filler, and their consumption is the same, you can buy 3-4 FIX-a for the same money. Saving!

All types of biodegradable litter must be given credit - they are so anti-allergenic that their use is indicated for cats suffering from chronic skin diseases.

When a kitten’s small body gets inside, if he decides to eat grass or corn, the pressed granules break up into small crumbs, are excreted by the intestines and do not harm the baby’s health at all.

Of course, all cats are purely individual both in character and in their preferences, but there are general rules to select cat litter:

  • for kittens choose a small fraction of granules;
  • for adult animals with long hair - a fraction of 5-10 mm.

In conclusion, the topic is worth watching two videos:
Testing fillers for absorption rate and moisture capacity

How to choose cat litter

Cats usually prefertray with filler

The natural cleanliness of cats makes keeping them at home much easier than keeping dogs: you don’t need to walk with cats, as they easily get used to doing their natural necessities in the place allotted for this. The pet industry has taken this feature of cats into account and today offers a huge selection of products that make life easier for cats and their owners.

If earlier we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or sand from the nearest construction site, now cat owners have the opportunity to choose both a tray and a filler, taking into account all their requirements. We are considering the option with a tray without filler, so its only advantage is its cheapness. As for the rest, he, firstly, does not take into account the natural need of the cat to bury his "deeds", and secondly, he requires the owner to clean the tray after each trip of the cat to the toilet. Otherwise, especially clean individuals may refuse to use the tray and will demonstrate their love of cleanliness in a way that is unlikely to please their owners.

Which litter is best for a cat?

It is convenient to step on it with paw pads;

It is convenient to dig in it;

When you dig cat litter, it doesn't generate dust;

It has a natural smell;

From him there is no allergy in the form of cracks on the paw pads;

Nothing bad will happen if you try to swallow it;

Which litter is best from the cat owner's point of view?

It should keep the smell perfectly;

Cat litter should not be carried throughout the apartment on the cat's paws;

It should not dust when you pour it into the tray;

It should be easy to clean;

It should not cause poisoning or obstruction if the cat suddenly decides to swallow it;

It must be economical, because the filler is " consumable", and it has to be bought constantly.

Basically, the ideas of the cat and the owner about the ideal litter are the same. The only thing, the cat, of course, does not care about the price of the filler. And a person does not always remember that the smell of a flavored filler that is pleasant for him is far from always pleasant for a cat with its sensitive sense of smell.

In order to determine which litter is best for your cat, we first find out how different litters differ from each other.

According to the principle of action, all fillers are divided into two types:absorbent And clumping.

They appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but have already gained considerable popularity. Their feature is that, unlike other fillers, it can be disposed of directly into the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. It does not absorb moisture well, and also reliably retains the smell inside itself.

To summarize and try choose the perfect filler that the cat would like and satisfy all the requirements of its owner, then we can say that it is most suitable for this role clumping clay filler, for example, Russian filler "Pi-Pi-Bent"

It is most similar to what a cat used to go to the toilet in nature.

It is easy to clean, without changing completely every three days, but only removing lumps and solid waste.

When used correctly, it is very economical and lasts a long time.

When used correctly, it perfectly neutralizes odor.

When used correctly, it does not leave whitish marks on the floor.

It does not spread on the paws and fur of a cat as much as wood filler.

He is not sad.

Under correct use we understand the use of the filler in full compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer. The manufacturer requires to pour a filler layer of at least 8 cm, which means that it is necessary to pour no less. Usually, all complaints about the quality of the filler arise in cases where the owner decides to save money and pours a thinner layer into the tray. An insufficient amount of filler in the tray leads to the fact that the liquid accumulates at the bottom without forming lumps, soaked clay sticks to the paws of the cat, which then leaves white marks on the floor, and comes from the tray itself bad smell.

When choosing for your cat, you should not lose sight of the continuity of its supply. Because no matter how good the litter is, the cat will not be able to appreciate its merits if you cannot buy it.
The site will help you in purchasing the selected filler.

Choosing a cat litter is not an easy task, as it would seem. The main thing is that your kitty likes everything, and she goes to this place with pleasure. It is necessary to consider which tray the cat has. If an option is selected closed type or with a grate, you can use betonite, silica gel or sawdust from wood. If the tray is deep enough, it is recommended to use a clumping backfill. No less important is such an indicator as the price, since not everyone will be able to afford to purchase expensive materials.

Good advice: so that the pet does not carry filler particles around the apartment on its paws, it is better for him to lay a rubber mat.

A cat is a member of the family, and she understands everything, except that she can’t talk, you can determine what she wants by her actions, and if she doesn’t like it, she will definitely point it out. Therefore, the choice of filler should be approached thoroughly. To begin with, it is proposed to analyze what fillers exist and what is better to choose in terms of quality and price characteristics.

Clumping filler

It is produced in the form of sand or granules consisting of fine fractions of the material. The composition can contain various ingredients. In principle, its work is the formation of a lump when wet. If the pussy went to the toilet, then dense balls are obtained from the powder, and it is easy to remove them with a scoop. Odors are adsorbed, the granules do not stick to the pet's paws, so garbage is not taken out of the tray, and it does not matter what the height of the sides is.

Even if there is no net in the cat litter, the use of such a composition will definitely be appropriate. When choosing this type of product, it is worth considering that it does not absorb moisture well enough, which simply settles to the bottom of the tray and sticks to the walls. According to the information from the instructions, the layer should be 8-10 cm thick, only then will ideal absorption be ensured and at the same time all harmful odors will be retained.


  • It is quite enough to fall asleep for a whole week;
  • The smell is neutralized without exception;
  • Cleaning is simple: throw out lumps once a day;
  • Not toxic;
  • Can be used for kittens if they have allergic manifestations;
  • In general, the filler fractions resemble sand, and therefore it is pleasant for a pet to use such a toilet.


  • If several pets use the tray, then such a filler is not suitable when falling asleep in a thin layer;
  • Cleaning is recommended daily, as the pussy will not use its toilet;
  • Do not flush down the drain.

Average price: 600 rubles per 10 kg.

Absorbent filler

The action of this filler is carried out according to a different principle. It perfectly absorbs moisture, odors are concentrated in the contents, while the structure does not change. Liquid eventually builds up at the bottom and this is the first signal to replace the backfill. This option is suitable for various trays, but it is better to choose trays with sufficiently high sides, this is necessary so that the cat does not scatter filler particles.

It is quite enough to use one serving once a week, but, of course, it all depends on the most furry friend, and if he is especially clean, then replacement should be done more often. This filler is best replaced in its entirety.


  • Can be used simultaneously by multiple cats or small kittens;
  • Especially like cats that love to dig with their paws;
  • It is not necessary to clean every day;
  • Inexpensive price.


  • Small granules are easy to pour out of the tray if the cat begins to actively dig in with its paws;
  • In exceptional cases, cats do not like to go to the litter box if the litter is used;
  • If the contents need to be replaced, the tray must be thoroughly rinsed;
  • Unpleasant odors come from the filler when it is replaced.

Average price: 500 rubles per 10 kg.

Types of fillers by composition

Mineral backfill

This is the most common type of backfill for the tray. According to experts, these fillers are the most common, as they are preferred by the majority of four-legged pets. The composition may contain different components, but the most common of them is clay. These include absorbent and clumping fillers. The quality of the manufactured product depends on the size of the granule fractions.

When purchasing a filler, you need to make sure that the granules are large and have a rounded shape. The granules must not be allowed to small size and sharp, because the main thing is that the kitty does not damage its paws when visiting the toilet. According to the price characteristic, it can be noted that this indicator depends on the volume, size of the granules themselves and other parameters. It usually costs more than absorbent.


  • This product is natural and environmentally friendly, so there are no allergic reactions from it;
  • In such granules, it is a pleasure for pussies to dig with their paws, and it is impossible to pour filler over the sides of the tray;
  • Can be used in different toilets;
  • For kittens, the choice of this type of filler is ideal.


  • The filler is clumped, so it cannot be washed off in the sewer;
  • There may be sticking to the wool, after which it is possible that the pet will lick everything, and then everything will be in the stomach;
  • It has big weight, so it is not always possible to purchase it, and then successfully dispose of it;
  • It is sold only in separate containers, but it is not possible to buy it by weight.

Average price of products: about 400 rubles per 10 kg.

The best clumping mineral fillers

  1. Zoonic - a clay-based composition, in addition to protecting against odor, it has antibacterial properties, a 5 liter package will cost 150 rubles;
  2. Ever Clean Multi-Crystals - another clay filler, price per 10 liters. 630 rubles;
  3. Pussy-Cat - this composition can be purchased for 150 rubles (packing -10 l).

The best absorbent mineral fillers

  1. Fresh Step Extreme - a pack weighing 6.35 kg with clay filler costs 770 rubles;
  2. Pussy-Cat Oceanic - mineral composition, costing 140 rubles per 10 liters.

wood fillers

They are made from coniferous sawdust from the corresponding types of wood, and this is - natural material and not artificial. They look like solid, small cylinders, after getting wet they swell, then their size increases and disintegration into small particles occurs. Such materials are suitable for use in trays with high sides, with a grate inserted at the bottom. After the soaking has occurred, the sawdust falls off through the grate, and the cats do not get their paws dirty.


  • Low price;
  • It is possible to buy by weight in almost all pharmacies and veterinary stores, which definitely helps to save money;
  • The aroma comes out quite pleasant, reminiscent of pine needles;
  • Environmental friendliness and absence of harmful emissions;
  • Can be used for adult pets, as well as for small kittens;
  • If you throw it into the sewer, then nothing terrible will happen, but in front of the pipe you can even clean it.


  • If the backfill is used, then it crumbles on the floor, and then it can contribute to the pollution of the apartment;
  • It is necessary to make frequent changes, otherwise the cats will not go to the toilet.
    Average price of products: about 600 rubles per 10 kg.

The best wood fillers

  1. Homecat Woody (9 l) - price 120 rubles;
  2. Woody zoonik (5 l) - price 110 rubles;
  3. Clean paws (37 l) - price from 400 rubles.

Corn fillers

This option is used quite rarely, but is made from corn cobs. As is customary, this type of filler is used for trays that rodents go to, however, there are other variations on the market that are suitable for cat litter. They are similar to wood fillers, only they smell like popcorn, not pine needles. This type of filler is best used with trays that have high sides with a plastic grid. If the waste is solid, then it is easy to remove it with a scoop, and if the sawdust gets wet, then from the bottom you can replace them 2 times every week. This is the cheapest product.


  • Very low cost;
  • In the manufacture of environmentally friendly material;
  • A high percentage of adsorption, that is, cat feces are absorbed quite quickly;
  • When using, convenience is noted;
  • Recycled quite easily;
  • The small pellets definitely attract little kittens, as they love to dig in and play in the litter box.


  • IN retail are not common;
  • They are not for sale by weight;
  • Cats stick to their paws, and they carry them all over the living space;
  • Can't be used by multiple kittens at the same time.

The best corn fillers

  1. Natural corn (4.5 l) 470 rubles;
  2. Golden cat Ecoline, price for 6 liters. - 305 rubles;
  3. Barsik corn for 108 rubles (packing - 4.54 liters).

silica gel

The most recent and modern proposal for filling cat litter is silica gel. The granules are relatively large in size, and their shape can be not only round, but also angular. They are made from dried polysilicic acid gel. They do not smell at all, and the effect of absorption is exceptional.
If liquid enters the gel, the latter is absorbed completely, without residue. At the same time, the granules themselves change color, and this will allow you to easily recognize whether the tray is dirty and whether it should be cleaned. If the cat goes to his toilet, then the feces dry up quickly, and this circumstance is very pleasant for the pet. It turns out that the pet can use the tray several times in a row.

The most ideal litter for a cat litter box is silica gel, especially when there are several cats and they are forced to use one litter box. Of course, when purchasing, you should first check the size and shape of the material. The safest option is pellets that have rounded shapes, since the paws are not damaged. If the crystals are sharp, they can hurt the paws. A very small fraction of the filler does not absorb moisture enough.


  • Provides maximum cost savings;
  • Very convenient for pussies who love to dig with their paws;
  • If the hair of the pussy is long, then there is no need to fear that the material will stick to it;
  • It is impossible to spread it over the living area, and if the granule suddenly fell out of the tray, then removing it is not particularly difficult.
  • The smell is absorbed perfectly;
  • It will not be difficult to replace;
  • It does not stick to the walls of the tray at all;
  • Can be thrown into the sewer.


  • Very high price compared to other materials;
  • There are also animals that are afraid if there is a noise from rustling granules, and after that they may even refuse such a toilet.

Average price of products: about 500 rubles per 10 kg.

The best silica gel fillers

  1. Siberian cat (4 l) - 430 rubles;
  2. Silica gel cat litter pink, price for 12 l. 1200 rubles;
  3. Matryoshka cats for 480 rubles (packing - 5.0 l).

Filler from Japan

To date, a new Japanese filler has appeared in retail sales. The products are ideal for cats and kittens that have hypersensitivity, as well as allergic reactions to the constituent components of the fillers. Manufacturer - Japan.

It also attracts by the fact that it is very cheap, and the product lasts for a long time. Products are classified as absorbent, and on sale there are options such as:

  1. Small granules made from potato starch and paper. Moreover, pigment is added to this mixture, only with its presence it is possible to find out whether it is necessary to change the toilet for the kitty.
  2. Small cylinders made of rice starch and cypress are also made from environmentally friendly raw materials.
  3. Activated carbon in the composition with cellulose perfectly perform the specified function.
  4. The pressed soy fibers perfectly collect moisture and smells.


  • The products are environmentally friendly;
  • Using the filler will not be any difficulty;
  • Can be used on kittens and adult cats of all breeds.


  • The price is high and therefore not everyone can afford the products;
  • Cannot be purchased at retail;
  • Offered in online stores.

Average price: about 1000 rubles per 10 kg.

Filler from Japan NeoSuna - clumping with a color indicator 6 liters - price 480 rubles

The choice of cat litter should be done taking into account the tastes and preferences of your pet, as well as the breed of the cat, the length of its coat and age.

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Bestseller 2 3 Economic consumption

Four-legged purrs have long been tamed by people, but, surprisingly, the first cat litter appeared only in 1947. Cats are very clean animals, so quality litter is an important aspect of keeping a pet, and many owners once face difficulties in choosing one. First of all, it must be safe for the pet, as situations often occur when the cat swallows the filler. Also, it should have a high level of absorption and neutralization of odors. And, of course, many cat owners wish that the raw material does not create dust and does not stick to the pet's paws.

The most popular types of fillers:

  • woody;
  • silica gel;
  • Clay.

In operation, the filling material may be clumpy and absorbent. Clumping, when moisture gets on it, they form easily retractable lumps. It is necessary to pour about 9 cm of a layer into the tray of such a filler, which is a lot. Periodically it must be topped up to maintain the level. It can be concluded that more clumping filler will be needed. Regarding the absorbent type, everything is exactly the opposite: it does not change the consistency after liquid gets on it and it needs to be completely replaced only after the entire filler is saturated (periodic sprinkling of raw materials will not solve the problem bad smell). The absorbent type of raw material is quite economical in spending against the background of clumping.

  • Favorable ratio of price and quality;
  • Security;
  • Neutralization of smells;
  • absorbency;
  • Customer reviews;
  • General popularity.

The best wood fillers

4 Kuzya

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Kuzya" is a wood filler, widely distributed in many stores, featuring low price, but with a high rating, is in no way inferior in quality to more expensive analogues. Represents the granules made by a method of pressing of sawdust. Completely natural raw materials that effectively mask cat litter odors and do not release toxic components into the air. Upon contact with moisture, the granules crumble, but at the same time they quickly absorb the liquid.

Suitable for different type trays and is very convenient to clean, you just need to control the fullness and remove the used sawdust in time. Does not produce dust and does not stick to the paws of the cat and the walls of her toilet. The natural composition that provides antiseptic properties, and the natural look and smell of raw materials for a cat make Kuzya filler almost the best choice.

3 clean paws

Top Reviews
Country Ukraine
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Clean paws" - an eco-friendly filler made from natural wood pine, pre-treated using a special technology. Compressed into small granules of a diameter convenient for cats, without the addition of chemical components and harmful substances. The raw material has a high absorbency and does not generate dust when poured out of the package. According to research, a single pack can absorb at least 12 liters of liquid, making Clean Paws a fairly high rated wood filler market.

Antibacterial properties prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of smell from the tray. Fresh, coniferous aroma does not scare away the animal, but effectively blocks unwanted odors. "Clean paws" is as safe as possible for the animal and its owners. Flushing into the sewer is allowed. The optimal ratio of price and quality gave the filler a lot of positive reviews on the Internet.

2 N1 Naturel Green Tea

Fresh fragrance
Country: China
Average price: 430 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This fully biodegradable product is produced using a special technology developed in Australia. The composition includes fibers of Himalayan cedar wood combined with Ceylon green tea leaves. The absence of chemical additives makes the use safe and allows you to take care of environment without polluting it. The symbiosis of wood and tea gives the raw material an unusual aroma that does not scare away cats and at the same time perfectly eliminates odors when used.

It is very economical in use, since one package is enough for a long period, all this time it is only necessary to remove the clumping granules from the tray in time. It is curious that the reviews write that N1 Naturel Green Tea wood pellets can also be used as a natural fertilizer for plants.

Which filler to choose: clay, wood or silica gel?

Fillers are made from various raw materials, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. To choose a filler that would please the cat and suit its owner, you need to know about its positive and negative qualities:




natural composition

Liked by most cats

Cannot be flushed down the drain

silica gel

Best moisture absorption

Doesn't stick to paws

Good at neutralizing odors

Not dusty

Can't flush down the toilet

The acids in

Hisses when absorbing moisture

Undesirable for kittens



Can be flushed down the drain

natural fragrance

Economic consumption

Suitable for cats of all ages

Sticks to paws

Needs frequent replacement

1 Cat's Best Eko Plus

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 520 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Clumping high-quality German-made filler compares favorably with its environmentally friendly, natural composition, in which only spruce and pine wood is present. Organic ingredients do an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors and have excellent absorbency, in addition, such raw materials can be flushed down the toilet without the risk of clogging.

According to numerous positive feedback, we can conclude that in everyday use "Cat" s Best Eko Plus "is convenient and economical, one package is used for a long time. Clumping granules can be easily removed from the tray without completely changing all the contents. The filler does not form dust, does not settle on wool and paws of the animal, is hygienic and emits only a fresh coniferous aroma.

The best silica gel fillers

3 Cat Step

Economic consumption
Country: China
Average price: 560 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

"Cat Step" is one of the best sorbents for cat litter, made from gel dried in a special way. Economically consumed and ideal for cases where it is not possible to frequently change the contents of the tray, a complete replacement is required only after 2-3 weeks. It has excellent absorbency, blocks odor and does not emit harmful elements. It does not produce dust at all and does not stick to the paws and coat.

The only drawback, according to cat owners, is that when wet, the raw material makes a crackling sound that can frighten many cats, and when buried, it makes rustling. But it is worth noting that over time, cats get used to it and their owners continue to use silica gel filler on an ongoing basis, as it is effective in combating odors and fully justifies its cost.

2 PrettyCat Purity Crystals

No allergic reactions
Country Russia
Average price: 560 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

High-quality Russian-made silica gel filler, made from a mixture of several types of silica gel, with the addition of flavoring, using technologies similar to European ones. Instantly blocks an unpleasant smell and interferes with distribution of bacteria and microbes. The long-term positive rating is deserved due to the absence of allergic reactions in animals and people.

A complete replacement of the filler in the tray will be required only after a month of use, but it is recommended to stir it daily to evenly distribute wet granules and absorb odors. The raw material does not spread around the house, as it does not stick to the cat's paws at all. The shape of the granules does not have sharp uneven edges, so the possibility of injuring the paw of the animal is excluded.

1 Siberian cat Elite

Country Russia
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Filler with increased level absorbency, made of silica gel, in the form of crystals of a rather large size, has an environmentally friendly origin. Instantly absorbs moisture and odors, preventing them from spreading. It is well suited for use in trays without a grate, as the special shape of the crystals does not allow them to crumble when instilled.

It is impossible to throw out the silica gel composition into the sewer, however, it does not require too frequent replacement, therefore it is spent very reasonably and economically, one pack will last for a long time. In reviews, they often complain that the filler is quite difficult to find on store shelves, so it is quickly dismantled. Otherwise, "Siberian Cat Elite" is the best raw material, combining an affordable price and the effectiveness of odor neutralization.

The best clay fillers

5 Pi-Pi-Bent Classic

Close to natural environment
Country Russia
Average price: 455 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The natural composition of the Pi-Pi-Bent Classic safe filler contains only natural clay, processed using a special high-temperature technology, without the addition of synthetic components. With everyday use, in places where moisture gets in, dense lumps are formed, which are easily removed without replacing the entire contents of the tray, one package of raw materials is enough for a long time.

Effectively and quickly eliminates all unwanted odors, keeps the cat's litter box and the whole house clean and tidy, as it does not spread dust and does not remain on the cat's fur. "Pi-Pi-Bent Classic" is extremely easy to replace and safe for the pet even if accidentally swallowed. In the reviews, they notice that cats immediately get used to the raw material, as it is as close as possible to the natural habitat of animals.

4 Zoonic

Best Cast
Country Russia
Average price: 205 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Zoonik has created a high-quality clumping filler made of heat-treated bentonite clay, which instantly absorbs moisture that falls on it and masks odor without releasing any harmful substances. The composition does not require long-term habituation of the cat, as it corresponds to the outdoor natural soil. Clay "Zoonic", in addition to excellent absorption, is characterized by effective odor retention, hygiene and lack of dust.

Does not stain the cat's hair and the space around the tray, does not stick to the walls. Environmentally friendly granules will not cause unwanted reactions, as they do not contain glue and other toxic chemical compounds. The resulting lumps are easily removed locally, which allows you to maintain the cat's toilet at the proper sanitary level. Reviews indicate the rapid addiction of pets to this raw material.

3 Barsik Standard

With the addition of wood
Country Russia
Average price: 105 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Barsik Standard" is created from the most natural natural ingredients - processed mineral clay, with the addition of natural wood to improve absorbency. It has pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties, natural clay helps to relieve inflammation and even heal injuries on the paws of the animal. It does not require continuous care of the cat's toilet and is very economically consumed.

Barsik Standard has been considered a bestseller for several years, occupying a leading position in the rating of fillers in the Russian market. The raw material does not cause allergic reactions, suitable even for sensitive cats. Reviews confirm its ability to quickly absorb moisture that falls on it and not spread odor, while maintaining comfortable conditions both for pets and their owners.

2 Ever Clean Fast Acting

Best granule formula
Country: USA
Average price: 870 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Ever Clean Fast Acting" is a popular bentonite clay filler, with a unique formulation technology. Each of its granules is clad in its own shell, which gives the contents a protective effect against bacteria and microbes. Inside, there is a mixture of activated charcoal, basil and natural eucalyptus extracts, which quickly blocks unwanted odors while releasing a refreshing, unobtrusive aroma.

The raw material has low level dust formation, does not contain allergy-causing components, and does not dry the skin on the paws, so the filler is suitable even for the smallest kittens. The main advantage in the reviews is the absence of the need to frequently replace the contents of the tray, since when used, the clay composition forms dense, small lumps, which allow not to affect other granules around and point-wise remove the spent part of the raw material.

1 Fresh Step Extreme Clay

Instant odor control system
Country: USA
Average price: 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Premium filler, made from high quality clay with high level absorption and light weight granules. "Fresh Step Extreme Clay" has implemented a patented odor neutralization system that is immediately activated as soon as the cat begins to use the tray. In the process of direct application, the filler is converted into dense lumps that are easily removed without requiring the replacement of all raw materials at once.

The composition consists of granules of three different colors, each of which has its own properties. Gray granules perfectly absorb moisture, holding it securely inside and preventing liquid from accumulating at the bottom of the tray. Green - completely block all emerging odors; blue - aromatize the air in the room. Fresh Step Extreme Clay is also enriched with antimicrobial ingredients that prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms in the cat's toilet.