Aquarium fish Labeo: compatibility, care, reproduction in an aquarium. Labeo green (Labeo frenatus) Fish green

  • 31.10.2020

Labeo green(Labeo frenatus, Epalzeorhynchus frenatus) - aquarium fish of the Cyprinidae family (Cyprinidae). Latin name: Labeo frenatus Fowier, 1934.


Labeo green found in small rivers and streams of northern Thailand. It was brought to our country in 1961.

Appearance and gender differences

Labeo green has an elongated body with a curved back line and flattened sides. His head is small, but his eyes are large. The lower mouth, with horny villi and two pairs of whiskers, looks like a scraper-suction cup. With his help labio green collects algae and various microorganisms from the bottom. Color labeo green actually dark olive, with a bronze sheen. The abdomen of this aquarium fish bronze-silver. A dark strip extends along the stigma, crossing the eye, to the posterior extremity of the operculum. At the very base of the tail is a black spot. All fins Labeo frenatus painted in bright red, of which the caudal fin stands out especially. Gender differences labeo green: the female has a torpedo-shaped body, she is more well-fed, the male has a pronounced keel and is more slender. Its dorsal fin is sharper and higher than that of the female, and during the spawning period, the anal fin is edged with black. In their natural habitat, these fishes grow up to 18 cm in length, and in - about 8 cm.

Conditions of detention

Labeo green - territorial small fish, very active. males Labeo frenatus always very zealously defend their territory, while attacking both their fellows and others fish having a reddish color. These fish fight very often. There are strict hierarchical relations in their community: the strongest small fish can swim anywhere, but does not allow anyone to swim into its territory. Most often, green labeo floats in free space, in the middle and lower layers of water, periodically hiding among thickets aquarium plants. For contents of Labeo frenatus big aquarium volume from 150 l, for one adult fish requires at least 50 liters of water. V aquarium certain conditions must be observed: make shelters from snags, stone caves in which fish will be able to be upside down or upside down, plant large-leaved plants in such a way as to distinguish between separate areas on which shelters are equipped, then settled in them fish will not be able to see each other. V aquarium there should be weak, diffused lighting, the soil is best of a dark color. Water parameters for content of labeo green the following must be observed: water hardness - 4-20 °, pH 6.0-7.5; water temperature - 24 - 26 ° C. Provide aquarium filtration, aeration and change the water up to 20% of the volume once a week. Eats labeo green live food: tubifex, bloodworm and coretra, also consumes crustaceans, plant foods and substitutes. If fish began to eat heavily plants in aquarium then plant lettuce leaves in the ground. Sometimes labeo green eats the dead fish decomposing into aquarium acting as a nurse.


Puberty at labeo green occurs at the age of 1.5-2 years. Breeding Labeof renatus very problematic at home. The aquarium itself should be about 150 liters in volume for two males and one female, with a water level of no more than 40 cm, with dim lighting and various shelters made of stones and planted plants. Ordinary tap water is suitable, only fresh and slightly peaty, previously settled for several days. Water parameters for breeding labeo green: water hardness - up to 4 °, pH 6.0-6.5; water temperature - 26 - 28 ° С. Active aeration is also required. Before spawning, producers are kept separately for 1-2 weeks. At the same time, the water temperature in aquarium maintain at 23-24°C, and add fresh water 3-4 times a week. At this time, the fish are actively fed with live food and vegetable food is added. Spawning occurs with the use of hormonal injections, which can be a suspension of the pituitary glands. carp fish and chorionic gonadotropin. The fish are given an injection in the dorsal muscles, selecting the dosage depending on their age and physiological state at the moment. As a rule, green Labeo males already carry mature sperm in themselves by this time, and it can leak out if the fish slightly presses on the abdomen. The abdomen of females should be only slightly enlarged, since it is almost impossible to get caviar from too full females and it is better to immediately remove them from aquarium. Only the above-described producers are suitable for spawning. The female is injected with 2-3 mg of pituitary glands, distributing the dose into 1/3 and 2/3 with an interval of 12-14 hours. The male is injected with 1-1.5 mg once at the moment when the second injection is given to the female. Spawning occurs after 3-5 hours, while the water temperature is 28°C. The duration of spawning is from 0.5 to 1.5 hours. It passes quite rapidly: the female swims away, and the male catches her and knocks out a fairly large amount of eggs. The remaining eggs of the female must be drained, and only after that they are deposited small fish from the spawning ground. After the end of spawning fish become lethargic. In total, the female spawns about 1.5 thousand eggs in several visits, which swell after a few minutes. The color of the eggs is transparent. With any movement of water, caviar easily rises up and soars. The eggs should be transferred to a 20 liter incubator using spawning water and provided with low aeration. After about 14 hours the larvae labeo green begin to hatch, while the shell of the eggs dissolves in water, it begins to become cloudy and the larvae may die. To prevent this, you need to change the water. For 3-4 days, fry are obtained from the larvae, which begin to swim and feed on their own. They feed them with live dust, rotifers, infusoria and algae taken from the walls. aquarium. The fry grow quickly and unevenly, and therefore they need to be sorted out after a month. The coloration of the fry is lighter, there is a dark spot near the caudal fin. With age fish darken and become more contrasting.

Habitat: found in small rivers and streams of northern Thailand. It was brought to our country in 1961.


The body of the green labeo is elongated, flattened from the sides, the line of the back is arched. On a small head are large eyes, the lower mouth is in the form of a scraper-suction cup (necessary for collecting various organisms and algae from the bottom) with two pairs of antennae and horny villi. Labeo green is painted in dark olive color with a bronze sheen.
Belly bronze-silver. A dark stripe runs along the snout, through the eye to the posterior edge of the gill cover, and a black spot at the base of the tail.
All fins are colored red, the caudal fin stands out especially brightly. Sexual differences: the female is more well-fed and torpedo-shaped, the male is slender with a pronounced keel.
Its dorsal fin is taller and sharper; during spawning, a black border appears on the anal fin. In an aquarium, this fish grows no longer than 8 cm. Labeo green reaches puberty at 1.5 - 2 years.

Gender differences:

The female has a torpedo-shaped body, she is more well-fed, the male has a pronounced keel and is more slender. Its dorsal fin is sharper and higher than that of the female, and during the spawning period, the anal fin is edged with black.

Labeo green - territorial fish, very active. Males of Labeo frenatus always defend their territory very zealously, attacking both their fellows and other reddish-colored fish. These fish often fight. There are strict hierarchical relationships in their community: the strongest fish can swim anywhere, but does not allow anyone to swim into its territory. Most often, green labeo floats in free space, in the middle and lower layers of water, periodically hiding among thickets of aquarium plants.
To keep Labeo frenatus, a large aquarium with a volume of 150 liters or more is required; one adult fish requires at least 50 liters of water.
In an aquarium, certain conditions must be observed: to make shelters from snags, stone caves in which fish can be upside down or upside down, plant large-leaved plants in such a way as to distinguish between separate areas on which shelters are equipped, then the fish that settled in them will not be able to to see each other.
The aquarium should have weak, diffused lighting. The soil is best of a dark color. Provide the aquarium with filtration, aeration and water changes up to 20% of the volume once a week.


Breeding labeo green at home is extremely difficult. The aquarium should be at least 150 liters, in which 1 female and 2 males are planted, with subdued light, various shelters made of stones and plants and a water level of 40 cm. Use fresh tap, slightly peaty water, which settles for several days. Water parameters: hardness up to 4 o, pH 6.0 - 6.5, temperature 26 - 28 ° C, active aeration.

Before spawning, producers are kept separately for 1 - 2 weeks at a water temperature of 23 - 24 ° C, three to four times a week it is necessary to add fresh water and feed abundantly with live food with the addition of vegetable. Spawning of Labeo green occurs with the use of hormonal injections (suspension of pituitary glands of carp fish or chorionic gonadotropin) into the back muscles. The dosage depends both on the age of the fish and on their physiological state at the moment. As a rule, male labeo greens already have mature reproductive products, and sperm can easily flow out with a slight pressure on the abdomen.

In females, the abdomen should be slightly enlarged, it is almost impossible to get caviar from overly full females, so they are immediately removed. For spawning it is necessary to take only such producers. For females, the optimal dose is 2-3 mg of pituitary glands, fractional injection: 1/3 and 2/3 doses at intervals of 12-14 hours, for males - 1-1.5 mg, the injection is done once simultaneously with the permissive (second) injection females.

After 3-5 hours, at a water temperature of 28 ° C, spawning begins, which lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. It proceeds quite rapidly: the male of the green labeo catches the floating female and knocks out a fairly large portion of caviar from her. Before weaning the spawners from the spawning ground, the residual eggs in the females are decanted. The activity of fish decreases with the end of spawning. The female lays more than 1.5 thousand eggs in several steps, which swells in a few minutes. Labeo green caviar is transparent and at the slightest movement of water it easily rises and soars. The eggs are transferred to a 20-liter incubator using spawning water and low aeration.

After about 14 hours, the mass hatching of the larvae of labeo green occurs, the shell of the eggs dissolves and the water begins to become cloudy, and this can lead to their death. To prevent this from happening, the water must be changed. After 3-4 days, the larvae turn into fry, begin to swim and feed. They feed: live dust, ciliates, rotifers, additionally a flooring of algae from the walls of the aquarium. Labeo green fry grow very quickly and unevenly, so after a month it is necessary to sort them. Their color is lighter, becoming darker and more contrasting with age, the caudal fin has a dark spot.

Water parameters:

Hardness from 4 - 20°dGH, pH 6.0-7.5, water temperature 24-26°C.


The green labeo feeds on live food: tubifex, bloodworms and coretra, it also consumes crustaceans, plant foods and substitutes. If the fish began to strongly eat plants in the aquarium, then plant lettuce leaves in the ground. Sometimes the green labeo eats dead fish decomposing in the aquarium, acting as a nurse.

Labeo frenatus var. albino

Labeo white albino

Detachment, family: carp.

Comfortable water temperature: 24 - 31°С.

Ph 6,5-7,5.

Aggressiveness: 30%.

Albino Labio Compatibility: fish of the same size and character (small cichlids, modesta botia, gourami).

Helpful Hints: The fish is very cocky and it is not advisable to plant it on a “small fry”. The fish performs the function of an aquarium orderly.


This fish is an albino version of the green labeo. It is thinner and more elongated than ordinary green labeos. The body is elongated, flattened from the sides, the line of the back is arched. On a small head are large eyes, the lower mouth is in the form of a scraper-suction cup with two pairs of antennae and horny villi. Labeo white has an albino (white) color with a pink tint. The fins of the white labeo are painted red.

Labeo is an active and territorial fish. Males are very jealous of strangers on their territory and attack not only representatives of their own species, but also other fish. Labeo is best kept with fish of a similar size and habits. It is worth noting that this albino is the most peaceful of all the Labeo genus.

Fish swim in the lower and middle layers of water in open space, and also hide in thickets of plants.

Comfortable parameters of aquarium water for keeping labeo: hardness up to 15, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 24 - 31 C. Aeration and filtration are required, up to 20% of the water volume is changed weekly. Lighting should be weak and diffused, the ground is dark.

Labeo consumes live food, vegetable and substitutes. If the fish in the aquarium strongly eat plants, you can plant lettuce leaves in the ground. Labeo also does not disdain to eat dead decaying fish, performing the function of an orderly in the aquarium.

Breeding Labeo is extremely difficult.

Labeo bicolor (Labeo bicolor)

Family Carp (Cyprinidae).

Labeo bicolor lives in streams, small rivers and lakes in Thailand. This fish was brought to Europe in 1952, to the USSR - in 1959. Most often in aquariums you can meet the species Labeo frenatus. African species are represented by Labeo variegatus, Labeo forskali and Labeo wecksi. In Thailand, there are special fish farms in which the two-color labeo is bred in a semi-artificial way.

The body of the labeo bicolor is slender, elongated, with flattened sides and a curved back. On a small head there are large red eyes, a lower mouth in the form of a sucker-scraper (necessary for collecting various organisms and algae from the bottom) with two pairs of antennae and horny villi. Labeo bicolor painted in a pleasant velvet black color.

Large black fins: dorsal high and sharp, anal, ventral and pectoral (transparent) are well developed. The caudal fin is long and forked, fiery red. The females of the bicolor labeo are much larger and paler than the males. In nature, these fish can reach a length of 30 cm, in an aquarium they grow no more than 12 cm.

Labeo bicolor - bright, active and territorial fish. Males are very zealous in protecting their territory, attacking not only representatives of their own species, but also other fish with a reddish color. They fight all the time(And with age, their fights only get worse). Hierarchical relationships are formed in the community, and the strongest fish can swim into someone else's territory, but does not let anyone into its own.

Labeo bicolor is best kept with inhabitants of similar sizes and habits. They prefer to swim in the lower and middle layers of water in open space, periodically hiding in thickets of plants. In nature, labeo prefer ponds, the bottom of which is covered with stones and trunks of fallen trees.

To keep a two-color labeo, a spacious aquarium is required from 80 liters of water per adult. These fish just need to create certain conditions: the aquarium should have shelters made of snags, caves made of stones (the fish can be there head down or up), plants with large leaves that form shady places (they are seated so that separate areas with shelters are demarcated and the fish that settled there did not see each other). Lighting should be weak and diffused, the ground is dark. Water parameters: hardness 5-15°, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 23-27°C. Filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of up to 20% of the water volume are necessary.

Labeo bicolor uses live (bloodworm, tubifex) and vegetable food, substitutes. It is necessary to periodically bring into the aquarium and lean a sheet of glass overgrown with algae against one of its walls.

Breeding labeo bicolor is a very difficult process due to the small number of males in litters(this makes it necessary to grow a large number of fish to get 1-2 males) and large spawning tanks. Use containers from 500 liters with subdued light, various shelters made of stones and plants. Water parameters: hardness up to 4 °, pH 6.0-7.0, temperature 24 - 27 ° C, good aeration and flow. Use fresh tap, slightly peaty water, which settles for several days.

Before spawning, producers (two males are planted per female) are kept separately for 1-2 weeks and fed with bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia, cyclops, frozen spinach and scalded lettuce. Spawning of the two-colored Labeo occurs, as a rule, using hormonal injections (into the back muscles), after which the producers are kept 3-4 hours apart.

After about 5-6 hours, spawning begins. At this time, you need to significantly weaken the flow of water. The productivity of a female labeo bicolor is up to 1000 eggs. The fish begin to eat the eggs that are at the bottom, and do not touch the ones floating in the water column. Immediately after the end of spawning, producers are deposited.

Caviar is sorted: whitened unfertilized eggs (visible after 1-2 hours) are removed, the rest is transferred to an incubator (20 liters) with the same water and weak aeration. The incubation period is 14 hours, after 2 days they turn into fry, begin to swim and eat.

They feed: live dust, ciliates, rotifers, additionally a flooring of algae from the walls of the aquarium. The first 2 weeks, about 50% of the fry of the two-colored Labeo may die, but there will be no special difficulties in growing with the rest.

Labeo bicolor reaches puberty at 1-1.5 years.

Description of the genus "LABEO GREEN (Labeo)"

Order: Cypriniformes (Cypriniformes)
Suborder: Carp (Cyprinoidei)
Family: Cyprinidae (Cyprinidae)

They inhabit Africa and southern and southeastern Asia. They live in shallow, overgrown with plants ponds with clear water.

The body is long, the profile of the back is more arched than the belly. The mouth is lower, horny villi near the mouth are characteristic. Usually 2 pairs of antennae. The fins are large, melted. The caudal fin is two-lobed.

The fish are mobile, territorial, become aggressive with age, attack fish of other types of red color that have entered their territory, stay in the middle and lower layers of the water. Young people, having reached a length of 5 cm, begin clashes over territory.

In the aquarium, the plants should be positioned so that separate areas with shelters are demarcated and the fish do not see each other.

Water: 24-26°C, dH 5-20°C, pH 6-7.5.

Feed: live, vegetable, substitutes. A. Polonsky (14) recommends periodically introducing a sheet of glass overgrown with algae into an aquarium and leaning against one of its walls to feed fish with plant food.

Natural spawning without hormonal injections is very rare. I. Petrovitsky (12) recommends an aquarium from 500 liters with shelters and soft water, KH less than 1°, temperature 24-27°C. A. Nozhnov (PiR 5/76) reports spawning green labeo in the general aquarium 450 l with water 28°C, dH 5° and pH 7.

A couple or 1 female and 2 males at the age of about 1.5 years are usually planted for spawning. The female, ready for spawning, has a rounded, convex belly. Before planting, the female is kept separately, and in the aquarium with the female, the temperature is increased by 2-3 ° C (up to 28 ° C).

Spawning aquarium with a length of 100 cm with a water level of 30-40 cm, with plant bushes and shelters (some aquarists do without them). Be sure to create a movement of water that stimulates spawning. O. Rybakov (16) recommends a flow rate of 1500 l/h.

Water: 26-28°C, dH up to 5°C, pH 6-7.

Before landing for spawning, hormonal preparations are injected into the muscles of the back. The following dosages justified themselves:

- 2 injections of a suspension of a mixture of carp hypophile, bream and stellate sturgeon with a gap of 24 hours (2 mg per 100 g of fish weight).
- Preliminary injection of choriogonin to the female (5 UNITS per 1 g of fish weight), after 24 hours a resolving injection of the carp pituitary gland, for the female 2 mg per 100 g of weight, for the male 2 mg per 200 g of weight.
- Preliminary injection of the pituitary gland of a carp to a female (0.3 mg per 100 g of mass), after 24 hours a resolving injection to a female and a male (3 mg per 100 g of mass).

Some aquarists keep the female and male separate for 3-4 hours after injections. Spawning begins after about 5-6 hours. At this time, the movement of water is weakened. The female lays up to 1 thousand eggs. The fish do not touch the caviar floating in the water column, they pick up only those that have sunk to the bottom. After spawning, which lasts 1-1.5 hours, the fish are removed, whitened unfertilized eggs, which become visible after 1-2 hours, are removed, the remaining eggs are transferred to an incubator (about 20 liters) with the same water and weak aeration.

The incubation period is 12-15 hours, the fry swim after 2-4 days.

Starter food: live dust, additional algae on the walls of the aquarium.

Sexual maturity at 1-1.5 years.

Size up to 12 cm.

It lives in the Mekong River basin, Thailand.

Sex differences are weakly expressed.

Labeo In nature, they feed on fouling and microorganisms. Mouth labeo, which has a suction cup with horny plates, allows them to scrape off fouling from stones and snags. In the aquarium with a great desire to take any live, dry and vegetable food. They like aquariums densely planted with plants, with many snags and shelters. They constantly feud with each other because of the territory, but do not cause damage to each other. However, the smallest of the fish is constantly oppressed and begins to lag significantly behind in growth. Labeo also aggressive to any kind of fish with a red tail, but live peacefully with other fish. Though labeo prefers moderate lighting, it is desirable to maintain high light in the aquarium. This contributes to intensive fouling of the walls and shelters with algae, which are food for fish.

water for maintenance: dH up to 20°; pH about 7.0; t 22-24 ° С. Labeo does not tolerate acidic water well, at pH less than 6.0 the fish dies.

Breeding is possible by pituitary injections.

Breeding water: dH up to 8.0°; pH 7.0; t 25-27 ° С. Carbonate hardness is minimal.

We need a spawning tank for 100 liters or more, a sprayer for 2 or more points, filtration, and it is imperative to create a current. Several shelters and plant bushes are installed in the spawning ground. caviar is not sticky, swells strongly and floats freely. During spawning, spawners actively eat eggs that have fallen to the bottom, and usually do not touch the floating ones. After spawning, the water is heavily polluted, and it must be replaced or filtered through activated carbon. The larvae appear after 2 days and after 5 days turn into fry.

Starter feed- rotifer, cyclops nauplii.

When breeding and keeping, it is necessary to regularly remove organic deposits from the water.

Almost all aquarium fish breeders sooner or later want some exotic individuals in their aquarium. A very simple, but at the same time bright option is the green labeo fish. A very interesting detail is that labeo green is found in nature even as an albino.

And their habitat and breeding gives them exoticism - one of the provinces in the north of Thailand. The usual species was brought to Russia in the 60s, but albinos appeared among fish lovers not too long ago - somewhere in the mid-80s.

The body of the fish is dense, in the form of a torpedo, it has not just green, but a dark olive color on the abdomen, turning into silver. The body of albinos ranges from milky to golden in color. Large eyes are located on a small head, arched back, small and swift fiery-colored fins.

The mouth is located below, in addition, the antennae are located nearby. The female can be distinguished from the male by the shape of the fins - they are more rounded in her. The length of aquarium species is 8 cm, but in Thailand the green labeo can grow up to 18 cm.

These fish are distinguished by their activity and pugnacity. Labeo green is a territorial species and is maintained in a certain hierarchy in the aquarium - only the strongest fish can move around the aquarium.

If another fish swims into his territory, then she will be driven out of there with a fight, while he himself calmly swims throughout the space. Moreover, the bright red color of another fish can also serve as a reason for the attack.

Labeo green should live in a large aquarium. It is advisable to populate with different algae, lay pebbles with targets and snags.

The light should be weak, and the space delimited in such a way that the fish (labeo green) do not see each other if possible. The fish are very unpretentious to the hardness of water, but prefer it warm.

They prefer live food, and they do not disdain to pick it up from the bottom. If any fish dies, there is a chance that it will be eaten.


Breeding labeo green is very difficult. The very first thing to do is special hormonal injections. In addition, stringent aquarium conditions are required. Spawning lasts 3-5 hours, the larvae appear after another 14 hours, and after 3 days, rapidly growing fry appear in the light. During growth, certain conditions must also be met.


Males are conflicting, especially with each other. They stay at the bottom and in the middle layers of the water. There is an albino form (red eyes and fins).

Aquarium from 70 liters planted with shelters. Lighting is moderate. Aeration, filtration and regular water changes. The water is preferably peaty, the temperature is around 25 ° C, pH 6.5-7.2.


Food: live (bloodworm, tubifex), vegetable, dry. They become sexually mature at 1-2 years. Spawning at home requires a spacious spawning area (from 120 liters) and active aeration. Spawning is usually stimulated by hormonal injections. Temperature around 27°C, hardness up to 4°, pH 6.5. Fertility up to 5000 eggs. Caviar is incubated in 20-liter vessels with constant aeration. The incubation period is 14-16 hours. Fry after 3-4 days begin to swim and eat. They are fed with ciliates, rotifers, algae from the walls of the aquarium, boiled yolk.

see also

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  • Labeck, Katya
  • Labican road

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