What does machine tool manufacturing. About the Russian machine tool industry. The market is growing, the share of imports is decreasing

  • 06.06.2019

S. Terpugov from PSZ characterizes the Russian machine tool market as highly competitive. It is still attended by most of the world's leading manufacturers: the introduction of restrictions stimulated foreign players to localize production on the territory of the Russian Federation. Simply put, the domestic consumer has a choice, and manufacturers should not relax.

Conversely, ever more complex and powerful machines require even greater ease of use and a clear and intuitive interface. Reliability has also improved by reducing components and making them more environmentally friendly. All this combines a significant improvement in usability through touch screens and simple and intuitive video pages that are easily customized and edited according to the needs or preferences of the manufacturer or user.

A group of people with strong motives, high professionalism and a great propensity to work in the field is one of the key elements the work of Phidias. At the same time, the virtual and real worlds of production are merging. This is the central moment for the path of the new industrial age. Even now, machine tool builders and manufacturing companies can take advantage of digitization, which significantly increases their competitiveness through integrated products and solutions. Moreover, today more and more complex products are introduced to the market in the context of ever shorter innovation cycles.

But, apparently, the enterprises - the heroes of our article feel confident. Partners emphasize the advantages of F.O.R.T. Firstly, the availability of production and a warehouse of components in Russia allows you to save on logistics and reduce delivery times, as well as quickly manufacture a machine “custom-made” with the required equipment. Secondly, thanks to the presence in the partnership of the design base, the machines can be adapted to solve non-standard and specific tasks. Thirdly, taking into account the fact that many components and parts of machine tools are already produced in Russia, and therefore in the ruble zone, their price will be more attractive than that of imported samples, on average by 15-30%.

This is also due to the need to process ever-increasing volumes of data. In addition, performance expectations have risen significantly as customers, who have to deal with highly volatile markets, are increasingly focusing on specialty manufacturing rather than obscure mass products. And, of course, the conscious use of energy and resources plays an important role in a competitive market. Product digitization will reduce product launch time, increase flexibility, and improve efficiency.

With digitization, a progressive chain of processes and applications between the virtual and real world is achieved both horizontally and vertically. Large-scale, process-oriented manufacturing companies strive to network their entire manufacturing infrastructure. New features can be easily installed on the server. In addition to the networking of machines, vertical integration is equally important, i.e. connecting to systems more than high level. This makes it possible to make business data available at the enterprise level and to know in which positions to produce the company's production sites.

F.O.R.T equipment is in no way inferior to modern Western counterparts, such as DMG-Mori (Germany), HAAS (USA - China), DMC ( South Korea), and in some cases has obviously better specifications and solutions, in particular due to individual configuration, Rosatom notes.

Today, partners are provided with orders for several months in advance, our interlocutors say. F.O.R.T. machines in demand in all key areas of industry: at enterprises of the military-industrial complex, aircraft and rocket manufacturing, automotive, shipbuilding, transport and other large industries.

In addition, inventory, logistics processes and tool availability can be effectively controlled and coordinated. In technological innovation, we are at the forefront. However, in many other areas, the main interlocutor is the designer who seeks to build more accurate, versatile, complex, competitive and safe machines. Accuracy, flexibility, complexity are often synonymous with expensive. Electron, as Francesco Dreoni says, specific requests from machine builders can be summarized in terms of great facility flexibility and great simplicity. Greater flexibility is needed to cope with combined or high performance machines that can perform multiple types of processing with only one placement, while greater ease of installation, possible reconfiguration and maintenance is a necessity that arises from the greater complexity of machines and installations. .

“We understand where today we have production competencies that may be in demand in the machine tool industry, and what will have to be created anew. Market research was carried out, and today we can quite accurately predict the needs of our customers in equipment for a period of five or more years,” comments the Deputy General Director of PSZ. According to him, the main demand is still observed in the military-industrial complex, and primarily from the enterprises of Rosatom, Roskosmos, Rostec, as well as UAC, USC, the Almaz-Antey concern, Uralvagonzavod and others - those who have programs for the technical re-equipment of their production . Speaking about interesting market trends, he noted the prospect of increasing the centralization of purchases within corporations.

As far as the most innovative technology requirements are concerned, the requirements of builders and end users often overlap and are not easily distinguishable. We find demand for more and more intelligent machines. High-speed and 5-axis machining technology, which requires continuous improvement and dedication, has spread to a large number of machines, and it is difficult to consider it the frontier of innovation. However, there is a desire for evolution towards machines that automatically adapt to the conditions through adaptive variations in the technological parameters of the machine depending on the dynamic operating conditions.

“The main assistance within the framework of state support will be provided to the aviation and automotive industries, agricultural, transport and heavy engineering, defense industry. It is the enterprises of these industries that will become the target consumers in the domestic market,” believes A. Steshkin.

Russian machine tool building, the most important industry, without which it makes no sense to talk about import substitution and reindustrialization in general, is finally showing its first successes. Thanks to Western sanctions, which put the government in front of the need to restore the foundations of the industry, the machine tool industry received significant support from the authorities. State investments amount to tens of billions of rubles, new production facilities are being opened (about 100 large enterprises will be launched in 3-4 years), unique machine tools are being created, and the share of imports is being reduced (from 88% to 80%). For the first time in 20 years, the volume of processed goods in Russian exports exceeded 50%. Thus, the long-awaited structural changes in the economy have been launched in Russia.

With regard to users, as well as providing them with more reliable and increasingly reliable facilities, we are trying to provide them with a more convenient interface to make the machine operator more autonomous when programming parts of the machine, and not just one operator who can press the "Start" button. Starting with the end customer, we noted that the required performance they are geared towards increasingly simple yet powerful programming. In milling technology, there are often situations where programming becomes the basis, where an important technological advantage can be obtained.

From the leader of the machine tool industry to the "gas station country"

The importance of the machine tool industry for a sovereign economy can hardly be overestimated. Without it, there will be no planes, no combines, no tractors, no gas pipelines to Europe and China, no high-tech gadgets - all this is simply impossible to do if there are no machines on which all this should be made.

In this area, the latest innovations are the self-calibration cycles of head and table theaters. For the builder, this is a double advantage: the detection is very fast and the accuracy of the calibration is guaranteed. Single column machining centers are among the most commonly used in mechanical engineering. The usual is a column, a vertical body on which guides are guided to move along one of the linear axes of the machine.

Historically, these are the first objects of machining centers that arose in the late 1950s. They are based on widely used single-row milling, drilling and, most importantly, boring machines. Today, single-lever machining centers have counterpoint in the face of various types portal and non-column functions, but a number of their advantages make them a significant share in the modern machine park.

In the postwar years, the USSR competed with the United States for first place in the field of machine tool building. Already in the 50s, a program was launched to develop the production of new metal-cutting machine tools - the most demanded products in those years. At that time, the production of more than 250 new types of general-purpose metal-cutting machines, more than a thousand standard sizes of special and modular ones, was launched. Soviet Union lagged far behind Europe and the USA in this regard and was forced, like Russia now, to import such machines. But by the 1970s, large machine tool centers with factories, numerous design bureaus, research organizations were created, and the share of imports in this segment was reduced to 3% (now - 88%).

Main characteristics Depending on the number of axles, the machines are 3, 4 - and 5-axle. 3-axes have working movements on three linear axes and are designed for one-sided processing of the workpiece. By adding one or two rotary axes, 4 and 5 axis multicutting machines are produced.

The drives use asynchronous and synchronous motors. The spindle in which the cutting tool is attached is directly connected to the main motor, belt driven or as a motor spindle. Linear axes are paired with balls, and a linear motor is preferred for high speeds and accelerations. Rotary axes are driven directly by high-torque, non-moving motors or intermediate worm gears.

After perestroika, during the “heyday of democracy”, everything was allowed to Western companies and NGOs, and they gladly used the freedom to destroy the economic basis of our country. Under the slogans of a free market, the machine tool industry was literally killed - precisely and comprehensively. Respected consultants and invited experts did a good job in ensuring that the production of machine tools and devices was destroyed to the ground. The stock of machining equipment that provides Russian machine-building production has decreased by 1 million units since 1990.

The single row coupler concept is used in both the smallest type and the larger uniqueness centres. But the most typical application for single axis machining centers is the average size. Most important factors that determine the applicability of single-row machines are the properties of the company and resistance. Their main consumer properties stem from them: technological capabilities, accuracy, productivity, price, production area, etc.

Horizontal single-column machining centers. Horizontal Machining Centers are preferred in their 4-axis embodiments, which allow the processing of complex body parts, including milling and contour milling of pockets and islands of various configurations, full hole machining. The tool shop is a chain with a capacity of up to 150 sockets, the switch is a car. When changing preforms, it is preferable to be a two-roller, less often a multi-storey pallet store.

Ivan Andrievsky, First Vice President of the Russian Union of Engineers, recalls:

“It got to the point that foreign machine tool builders, under the guise of investors, entered our enterprises and then sold them, as was the case with the Ordzhonikidze plant, for example. Thus, we have cleared the market for ourselves.”

T-shaped components T-shaped compasses of the classics. In their opinion, most of the released models are built. They are mainly used in medium sized machines and in some cases are also used in the lower end. big size. The spindle box is built into the column. It provides 4-way processing, sufficient for most body parts.

The car is convenient for automatic change of preparations, most often in the form of front two-panel station. For processing large workpieces, the rotary table is integrated into the rectangular worktable. In this case, only 3-axis machining can be performed. In the case of workpieces embedded in the built-in rotary table sensor, full 4-axis machining is performed.

Ivan Andrievsky

In subsequent years, despite the positive changes in the Russian economy, the industry was in the “pincers” of the market situation. On the one hand, with a total focus on imports, caused by high oil prices, there was no demand for the production of domestic products, and, consequently, no demand for machine tools. On the other hand, there were no people willing to invest in machine tool building until its products were in demand. In such conditions, a double investment of funds is required: someone must first invest in the domestic industry in order for it to work, there is a demand for machine tools; after which it is necessary for someone to invest in the machine tool industry. It is possible not to explain why, under such conditions, the industry was in complete decline and there was not even close to a tendency to revival.

On fig. They occupy smaller and medium sizes. For 5-axis machining of heavier workpieces, the rotary table version with tiltable spindle head is an advantage. The processing of heavy and bulky workpieces is assigned to machines with a fixed table. In some cases, the machine is formed as a separate module, including working bodies that move along linear axes.

This gives the user the freedom to choose the configuration of the node containing the table. For this reason, the company is suitable for flexible automated modules and systems - it has a high degree of independence from the specifics of the prepackaging system.

It is noteworthy that they - those who destroyed from the outside, and those who supported inside - now joyfully and proudly call Russia a "gas station country", forgetting for some reason at the same time to take on the "honorable" responsibility for turning it into one from the advanced countries of the world. They also forget that it began to transform under Yeltsin and Khodorkovsky, and began to revive under Putin - but the latter is credited not with positive developments, but only with the sad legacy of the “dashing nineties”.

In practice, there is a horizontal machining of the side spindle, similar to conventional horizontal drilling machines. This solution is used in large scale and unique horizontal machines. Vertical single column machining centers. Their advantage lies in the relatively good performance of their resistance properties, in their compactness, which allows for a small production footprint at a lower cost, eliminating the deflection of the tool set under its own weight.

Insert details, flange type, i.e. parts of small height are suitable if their length and width can be significant. Various parts can be processed with complex three-dimensional surfaces such as presses, molds, turbine blades, monolithic turbine wheels, medical and dental implants.

Respawn Mechanism

To create demand for machine tool products, the state first of all, through reorganization, merger and re-profiling, formed the flagship companies of the domestic engineering industry: Rostec, Rosatom, United Aircraft Corporation, military-industrial complex enterprises, and also partly Gazprom and Rosneft, which, although they do not produce industrial goods, are direct consumers of the machine tool industry and pipe rolling, again returning us to machine tool building.

Small dimensions are used for the manufacture of parts for fine mechanics. The tool shop is usually small in size - up to 30 pockets. "Drum" with a car and an umbrella is offered without a car operator. The spindle box is located with a strong consistency outside the column. This provides a large distance of the spindle axis from the column and access of the tool to any point of the working surface of the table. This is also disadvantageous in terms of static stability, since it creates a large cutting force arm.

They are available with fixed and removable column. Fixed columns They come in two versions - vertical guides and guides for horizontal movement. This 3-axis device is used by almost all manufacturers of vertical machining centers and can be classified as a classic for this type of machine. From it, it is easy to switch to a 5-axis turntable machine and tilt the spindle head. A 4-axis machine is achieved by adding a turntable with a horizontal axis.

Thus, the initial groundwork for the reindustrialization of the country was created, when in many industries there were powerful and stable large producers. But at the same time, they still used imported machine tools, instruments, technologies, and even finished product units. For too long, ultra-high oil prices have allowed them not to develop these areas, but to rest on the laurels of raw material rent. The crisis and sanctions have changed this situation.

The inability to continue to rely on energy imports, the shocks in the currency sphere, which made imports completely unprofitable, as well as the regime of direct sanctions bans, finally returned our government to the need to continue the course it once started. As the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin notes:

“For the first time in 20 years in 2014, the share of non-primary exports amounted to 51.5%, and for 8 months of 2015, the volume of exports of processed goods has already reached 54.2%. There were investors in the industry. We also have projects in the machine tool industry, we have machine tools, including unique machines, which in recent years seem to have disappeared from our market, from production, at least.”

Sergei Katyrin

Western sanctions - both direct and financial - have created a de facto protectionist regime for the restoration of domestic industry and, above all, the machine tool industry, where we are extremely dependent on imports. However, new market conditions and government activity are creating new opportunities. Domestic machine tool industry is rapidly gaining momentum, restoring past achievements.

Vadim Sorokin, general manager machine tool company, says with satisfaction:

Returns to the issue of industry support from the oil and gas industry Sergey Volkov, Deputy executive director NPO "Machine Tool":

« New machine with numeric program management, can process the world's most powerful oil and gas pipes and bends with a diameter of about one and a half meters with a wall thickness of up to 40 millimeters, capable of withstanding pressures up to 25 atmospheres. They are rolled up from huge steel sheets 5 meters wide. Such welded pipes used only in Russia, so they are called "Russian standard". This means that Russian machine tools are easier, faster and much cheaper to design, manufacture and deliver.”

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, about 100 large enterprises will be launched in 3-4 years. The share of Russian machine tools with numerical control (CNC) in the domestic market will increase from 10 to 33%.

The first to support the new course will be the flagships of our industry: for example, at the facilities of the United Aircraft Corporation, it is planned to replace up to 33% of the fleet of machine tools with new domestic production.

Governmental support

In pursuance of the adopted law on industrial policy, a unique Industry Development Fund (IDF) was created, which provides enterprises that have passed the selection with loans on unique terms: at 5% per annum for a period of 5-7 years in the amount of 50 to 700 million rubles. The total volume of the fund's program for the past year was 20 billion rubles, of which a significant share - almost 7.33 billion - was received by enterprises in the engineering industry.

In total, thanks to positive economic processes, the size of the machine tool market in Russia increased from 62 billion rubles in 2014 to 100 billion rubles in 2015. At the same time, the volume of imports has already decreased from 88 to 80%. And according to the adopted import substitution program, this figure should be reduced even more to 58% by 2020. So far, the dynamics indicate that there are opportunities to fulfill the plan.

The state is gradually increasing the capacity of the system integrator of the industry "Stankoprom", which is an analogue of "Rostec". He controls the import of equipment, combines foreign developments with Russian assembly, tries to develop domestic R&D and implement them.

The subprogram “Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry”, adopted earlier in 2011, with a volume of more than 50 billion rubles, made it possible to save factories in Sterlitamak, Ryazan, Ivanovo, Krasnodar from bankruptcy, the Sasta plant in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan Region, Savelovsky machine building plant in Kimry, Tver region, Kirov-Stankomash in St. Petersburg.

UAC intends to replace obsolete imported samples with the machines of the Sterlitamak plant. Mikhail Pogosyan, ex-president United Aircraft Corporation, explained:

“In total, we allocate 40 billion for the program of modernization and technical re-equipment. We opted for domestic machine tool builders for several reasons. Now the level of equipment is already sufficient to ensure the quality and durability of parts and components. That is, the ratio of price and quality suits us, and then the matter lies in such advantages as logistics - our equipment is faster to deliver, easier to install, and adjust. For example, earlier we held a competition in which the Sterlitamak Machine-Tool Plant won. As a result, its products turned out to be 30% cheaper than those of the global machine tool builder DMG with comparable characteristics.”

Mikhail Pogosyan

That is, yesterday's bankrupt, who was pulled out by the targeted state financing program, in just a few years managed to restore production, which, in terms of price / quality ratio, surpassed the analogues of world leaders! Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov is talking:

“Under the machine tool subprogramme, we have already created more than 100 new machine tools that need to be introduced into the industry. The volume of state investments for the development of the domestic machine tool industry in 2014-2016 will amount to more than 5 billion rubles, and attracted extra-budgetary funds - more than 10 billion rubles. Due to this, by 2020 the share of CNC machine tools produced in Russia in the domestic market will increase by more than three times, which will contribute to the modernization of industry and the development of a competitive Russian machine tool industry.”

Manturov Denis Valentinovich

In addition, adds Ivan Andrievsky, First Vice President of the Russian Union of Engineers, “The technical equipment of enterprises is still far from being at the proper level, because of the imported equipment they sell us only that which will become irrelevant in five years. High-precision equipment falls under long-established international sanctions by many countries.”

Unique machines

And there are areas where they will not help us even for money. In addition to the military-industrial sphere, which is obvious, one should not rely on foreign technologies for the development of the territories of the Far North - they are now under sanctions, and further, obviously, the list of closed technologies will only grow as the relevance of the development of the Arctic grows. The situation is the same in traditional and nuclear energy - here we are fiercely competing with the West, and it will definitely not help us with technologies and equipment. And, of course, space technologies and IT.

In all these areas of machine tool building, we have to rely only on ourselves. As we wrote earlier, the project of a mobile nuclear reactor is now being revived - it is very important for the tasks of developing the Arctic. The creation and operation of all types of nuclear power plants always entails the creation of a whole industrial chain of the most complex equipment, which is used both during the entire life of the nuclear power plant and after it has been shut down.

Or, for example, the newest all-terrain vehicle "OTZ-140 Amphibia" - a unique vehicle capable of moving on land and water. With a mass of 12 tons, the device can carry 4 tons of cargo in any off-road conditions and in the most severe environmental conditions.

The chief designer of the plant, Viktor Zaitsev, says:

“The machine was created for the conditions of the Far North, for places sparsely populated by people, where there are no roads, where there are a large number of different reservoirs. The car turned out to be extremely successful: it overcomes pits, ditches up to 3 meters wide, slopes, slopes up to 30 degrees.

The machine will be assembled from domestic components created at domestic factories. To date, this all-terrain vehicle has no equal in the world.

Thus, before our eyes, the cliché about the “petrol station country” is gradually becoming irrelevant. All that was needed was for the critics to convince everyone, including the patriotic audience, that nothing would come of the idea of ​​import substitution, as it gradually began to work. The first results obtained in such a short period of time (since 2013-2014) are already impressive and noticeable statistically. And until 2020, when the completion of the first stage of state programs is scheduled, there are still a few years.

Russia continues to demonstrate persistent and consistent movement towards the development of industry and overcoming the crisis. At the same time, one must understand that disappointments due to the lack of great results are due to the fact that many would like to see everything at once and by magic. But this does not happen - a serious result in such a fundamental industry as machine tool building usually becomes noticeable not earlier than in 5-6 years.