Hillary Clinton - biography, personal life, photo: Being a wife or president. Bill and Hillary Clinton: open relationship and tears of the former first lady

  • 13.10.2019

Hillary Rodham Clinton- American politician, currently one of the main contenders for the "throne" of US President Bill Clinton. Prior to that, she was already the first lady of the United States (1993-2001) when her husband Bill Clinton was the head of the country. US Secretary of State (2009-2013). Member of the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton (Hillary Rodham Clinton)
67th U.S. Secretary of State January 21, 2009 - February 1, 2013
Senator from New York State January 3, 2001 - January 21, 2009
44th First Lady of the United States January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
Citizenship: USA
Religion: Methodist Protestant
Birth: 26 October 1947
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birth name: Hillary Diane Rodham
Party: Democratic Party
Education: 1) Wellesley College
2) Yale Law School

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago. She received her B.A. from Wellesley College in 1969 and entered Yale Law School. In 1973 she received her doctorate in law.
It is at the university Hillary Clinton Met her future husband, Bill Clinton. They got married in 1975. Prior to her marriage, she worked for the Children's Defense Fund and for the House Judiciary Committee. Then she moved to Arkansas, where Bill Clinton began his political career.

Since 1975 Hillary Clinton She has taught at the University of Arkansas School of Law and has been with the Rose Law Firm since 1976.
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Hillary Clinton Member of the Board of the Legal Services Corporation. That same year, Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas.

Being First Lady of the State for twelve years (1979-1981 and 1983-1993), Hillary Clinton did not stand aside and very actively participated in the public life of the state. In particular, in such areas as education, health care and the protection of children's rights.
Becoming First Lady of the United States after Clinton's victory in the 1992 presidential election, Hillary Clinton at the request of her husband, in 1993 she headed the operational committee on health care reform, but a year later she resigned from her position.
In 1998, during a major scandal surrounding Bill Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, which almost ended in the impeachment of the president, Hillary Clinton she supported her unfaithful husband, and did not want to part with him.
At Hillary Clinton and her husband have a daughter, Chelsea (b. 1980).

Political career

Presidency of Bill Clinton
According to many, Hillary Clinton was the most influential hostess of the White House in the history of the United States. She is an ambitious woman, well aware of her competence and her importance. She is considered more intelligent, calm and prudent in her choice of words compared to her husband. Those who know her better appreciate her wit and sense of humor. She can imitate other people amazingly. Hillary Clinton is also financially independent. In 1990, her annual income was $ 190,000, in 1993 - already $ 250,000, her husband's governor's income was $ 35,000 a year. From 1986-1992, she served as a board member of Wal-Mart.

Despite her lack of experience at the federal level, Hillary was actively involved in political life The US in particular made a generally unsuccessful attempt to reform the country's healthcare system (1993-1994). In January 1993, Bill appointed her head of the health care reform task force. He sought health insurance for all US citizens and offered to lay some of the costs on the shoulders of employers and manufacturers of medical products. The opposition of medical manufacturers, the lack of support in Congress (especially after the defeat of the Democrats in the congressional elections in 1994) made the implementation of the reform impossible. Hillary Clinton has resigned from her post.

Senator from New York[edit | edit wiki text]
In 2000 Hillary Clinton Elected Senator in the State of New York. Her campaign manager was Bill de Blasio, a New York City public attorney. Having confidently won reelection to the Senate in November 2006, Hillary Clinton has long been considered one of the favorites of the 2008 presidential campaign.

2008 election campaign[edit | edit wiki text]
After the official start of the presidential race in the fall of 2007, Hillary was one of the most well-known candidates for the presidency of the United States and enjoyed significant support from Democratic voters. With the support of her husband Bill Clinton, as well as a huge investment in advertising (over $5.3 million by January 2008), Hillary dominated the polls and ratings. Up until November 2007, 40% of all left-wing and democratic-liberal voters were ready to vote for it. But the situation changed dramatically at the end of 2007, when many voters began to suspect the couple and the entire US system of nepotism, the mafia dominance of a narrow circle of big business. As a result, the Iowa Caucuses on January 3, 2008 revealed the desire of voters to see change and new faces in politics. Hillary won just 29% of the Democratic vote, trailing Edwards (30%) and Obama (38%). After that, she decided to simultaneously soften her chiseled image of a cold and calculating lady to a softer one emotionally with the help of the presence of her daughter, emotional moments where she even shed tears. However, polls among female voters show that again, the majority support Obama (35%), not Clinton (30%).

Democratic primary results by state. Lilac color States that supported Obama are shown, Clinton is shown in green.
In the primaries, in early 2008, Hillary confidently defeated Barack Obama in Ohio and Rhode Island and narrowly won in Texas, but lost to Obama in Mississippi and Vermont. On April 22, Clinton wins a major victory in the Pennsylvania primary.

On June 7, 2008, she refused to continue the intra-party struggle and announced her support for Obama's candidacy.

US Secretary of State[edit | edit wiki text]
Nomination and approval[edit | edit wiki text]
After Barack Obama's victory in the 2008 presidential election, he invited Hillary Clinton to take the post of US Secretary of State. On November 21, Hillary Clinton agreed to take the post, which Barack Obama officially announced on December 1.

On December 10, Congress passed a special bill to cut the Secretary of State's pay so that (under the so-called Senator Saxby Rule) an incumbent senator could become secretary of state. The law was signed into law by George W. Bush on December 19. Simultaneously, Senator Hillary Clinton was stripped of all pay increases effective January 1, 2007.

Hearings on the candidacy of Hillary Clinton for the post of Secretary of State began in the Senate, in the Committee on Foreign Relations on January 13, 2009. Two days later, the committee approved her candidacy (by a majority of 16 to 1).

After the inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20, the Senate postponed a decision on the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. The decision was taken by the full Senate on January 21 and approved by a majority of 94 votes to 2. On the same day, Hillary Clinton took the oath and resigned as a senator from the state of New York. The new Secretary of State arrived at the State Department on January 22.

Activities as Secretary of State[edit | edit wiki text]
On the very first day of Hillary Clinton's work on January 22, 2009, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden visited the State Department, in whose presence the Secretary of State announced the appointment of new special envoys. Former Democratic Senator George Mitchell has been appointed special envoy for peace in the Middle East, while Richard Holbrook, a former US representative to the UN in the Bill Clinton administration, has been appointed ambassador to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

She published a memoir, Hard Choices, about her activities and thoughts during her four years as Secretary of State, 2014. Clinton, as a likely candidate for the US presidency, believes that the US should develop a full-scale strategy to combat Islamist extremism, similar to the one that the US had in relation to the communist ideology of the USSR, not embarrassed in choosing means to achieve the goal and decisively overthrowing secular regimes to replace them. non-extremist Islamist regimes so that the power vacuum is not occupied by anti-American Islamist extremism. "We have done Good work under containment Soviet Union although we made a lot of mistakes, we supported various rascals, we did some things that we are not particularly proud of, from Latin America to Southeast Asia, but we had an overarching strategy in everything we tried to do, which led to the defeat of the USSR and the collapse of communism. That was our goal, we achieved it.”

Election campaign 2016[edit | edit wiki text]
On April 12, 2015, she announced her candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential election.

Interesting facts[edit | edit wiki text]
Hillary Clinton became the first former First Lady in US history to serve as Secretary of State.
During a visit to Georgia in June 2012, she received a Georgian passport from President Saakashvili.
Hillary Clinton's face appeared at the Statue of Liberty in GTA game IV.
On January 7, 2008, Hillary Clinton recalled the statement of George W. Bush that he looked into the eyes of Russian President Vladimir Putin and saw a soul in them, reports Reuters. “I would remind him that Putin was a KGB officer. By definition, he cannot have a soul,” the presidential candidate said.
After reading the message about the capture of Gaddafi by the rebels, Clinton exclaimed: "Wow!". Later, when information about the assassination of Gaddafi came, giving an interview, the Secretary of State said: "They came, they saw, he died."
At the OSCE meeting in Dublin in December 2012: “The process of “Sovietization” can be presented under such names as the Customs Union and the Eurasian Union. You can't make a mistake. We know what the goal is and we try to find effective method slow down or prevent this process.
As the US Secretary of State, she used a personal (home) server to send official letters. On October 28, 2014, the Commission of the US Congress, as part of the investigation of terrorist acts, issued an order to Hillary Clinton to seize this correspondence in the interests of the investigation. At the end of March 2015, Hillary's lawyers wrote in writing that all of Mrs. Clinton's correspondence had been destroyed.


This presidential couple was called "Billary" in America. Hillary married Bill not to spend her life in the bedroom, much less in the kitchen. Their tandem formed to move up the ladder of life, and over time, the couple climbed one of the highest rungs of power.

Many have argued that the Clinton marriage is just a mutually beneficial contract between two ambitious people who dream of reaching the pinnacle of power. According to friends, such dissimilar people simply could not come together for love. Hillary was brought up with puritanical austerity. Her father was very harsh with her, never complimented her, and always turned off the heating in the house at night. He believed that the cold hardens the character. In her youth, she was very religious, and in college she was nicknamed a militant feminist, as the girl did not let young people close to her for a kilometer.

Little Bill Clinton was often taken by his mother to nightclubs, where he could observe all the charms of adult life. When he grew up, he began to suffer due to the absence of his father and suffered from an inferiority complex.

It seemed to him that he was a fat, slow-moving young man, for whom nothing in this life shines. In order to somehow assert himself, Clinton started countless novels and was known as the first guy in the village.

In a book recently published in the United States by well-known journalist Christopher Andersen, nicknamed by critics as a "mudraker", a rather original portrait of the former mistress of the White House is drawn. According to the author, for almost 20 years Hillary herself has been successfully "cuckolding" her hubby and at the same time rolling up terrible scandals to him when the president's adultery began to threaten her high social status. The book contains the testimonies of many people who closely observed the Clinton family life, but the most “fried” facts were provided by former security guards who retired and were no longer bound by a professional vow of silence. Andersen claims that since 1977, Hillary had a very serious affair with Bill's childhood friend, law firm employee Vince Foster.

They met in Little Rock, the capital of the state of Arkansas, where Clinton was then beginning his political career, preparing to become the governor of this state. Tall, imposing, women liked Vince, although he seemed to be happily married. Fatal passions were seething in Little Rock: “Only a blind man could not notice their connection. Hillary's friends were perplexed: maybe she wants to provoke Bill into a divorce in this way? According to bodyguard L. Brown, whenever the newly-made Governor Clinton left his house on business, Foster immediately appeared there and, if circumstances allowed, stayed at Hillary's until the morning.

“They were passionately in love with each other. I often saw them kissing and hugging furtively, ”Brown recalled. Once Hillary, as if in excuse, told him: “Sometimes you have to look outside of marriage for what you could not get in marriage.” Another security officer, L. Patterson, recounted the episode when Foster, in a dark corner of one of the restaurants in Little Rock, gently hugged the stunned Hillary and "gave free rein to his hands." Subsequently, the bodyguards more than once took the governor and her lover to a remote cottage in the mountains, which was rented for its employees by the company where Foster worked.

It would seem that nothing in Arkansas overshadowed the happiness of the Clinton family. Hillary moved her lover to Washington. But the romantic story received a terrible and mysterious conclusion. After Clinton became President of the United States, Hillary persuaded Foster to take the position of White House lawyer: "We need you, I need you, Vince." He reluctantly accepted the offer of the first lady, although he had a premonition that something was wrong. With each month of work in the presidential apparatus, he became more and more depressed. He explained this to those around him by saying that he did not like his work, that he yearned for his wife and children who remained in Little Rock.

Bill Clinton consoled an old friend, who hid his eyes... On July 19, 1993, Vince Foster drove his Honda to Fort Marcy Park near Washington, sat down on a green hill next to a Civil War cannon, pulled out a .38 caliber pistol from his pocket and shot himself in the mouth ... When Hillary was told the terrible news by phone, she screamed so much that her press secretary Lisa Caputo, who was nearby, decided that the president himself had died ...

Hillary Diana Rodham was born October 26, 1947 in a suburb of Chicago. Her father, Hugh, was an ardent Republican who chewed tobacco and ran a small curtain business. Mother, Dorothy, who married before graduating from college, taught three children to be brave, independent and not afraid of anything. Once, when Hillary was 4 years old, she was hit by a girl next door. The mother, who ran out of the house, gave her daughter a good thrashing, saying: “There is no place for cowards in this house. In a situation like this, you have to be ready to fight back.” A week later, to the noisy exclamations of admiring boys, the future first lady of the United States beat her neighbor and, running home, boasted to her mother that the local punks had accepted her into their company.

Hillary realized early on that victories are followed by defeats and you should not be upset over trifles. This life motto helped her survive the disappointment at the age of 14, when she received an answer to a request to the National Aerospace Agency that she should not, as a woman, even dream of astronautics. This was probably one of the reasons for Hillary's subsequent feminist sentiments. At school, she was a straight A student - her friends jokingly called her "refrigerator sister." In 1965, she entered the women's higher educational institution Wellesley College and became seriously interested in politics. After Hillary's prom speech, she was considered a bright intellectual personality, savvy in matters of politics and economics, and her speech was published in Life magazine along with a photograph.

While studying law at Yale, Hillary was already a supporter of the Democratic Party. She became the editor of the Eil Low magazine, had her own key to the library, where she worked until late at night. Professors remembered her as an intelligent, smart and diligent student. One day in 1970, while Hillary was sitting in the library as usual, reading books, she noticed a student staring at her intently. In the end, unable to stand it, she said: “Listen, if you don’t stop looking at me, I will turn my back on you. Or maybe we should get to know each other? My name is Hillary Rodham." The student was so stunned that he forgot to give his name. It was Bill Clinton.

The future 42nd US President William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 into a poor family in the small town of Hope (Arkansas) a few months after his father William J. Blythe died in a car accident. Two years later, Bill's mother, Virginia, left Hope and left her son in the care of her parents, Elridge and Edith Cassidy. In 1950, she married car dealer Roger Clinton, whose surname Bill later adopted, and took the boy in with her.

In 1964, he graduated from high school and entered the Catholic Georgetown University on the faculty foreign policy, where he was immediately elected first-year president. Over the next two years, in parallel with his studies, Bill worked in the office of Senator William Fulbright (an ardent opponent of the Vietnam War) and, sharing his position, did not serve in the army. Upon graduation in 1968, the exemplary student was awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship and a trip to Oxford University. Returning two years later from the UK, he entered the Yale University School of Law, where he met his future wife, Hillary Rhodem.

When he first saw her, she was to him "a nutcase on two legs." Hillary, when asked what attracted her to him, said: "He was not afraid of me." It turns out that they have common topics for a conversation. They were both simply in love with politics, and on this basis they agreed. They could spend hours discussing the state of the social sphere in the United States, the growth of crime, and then they came to the conclusion that they wanted to change the world. Why not do it together? No sooner said than done, and in October 1975 the young people got married. A year later, they moved to the capital of Arkansas, Little Rock, where Bill became the state's attorney general, and then repeatedly elected its governor.

Having decided to marry Clinton and leave Washington, Hillary put an end to her personal career (she was predicted to be the future of the country's outstanding lawyer). But it is wrong to believe that she put her husband above success in life and career. In a lengthy interview timed to coincide with the 1992 presidential election, two days before the first lady of the United States admitted: “I was delirious with incoherent dreams like “World Peace!”, While Bill focused on real social activities.”

At the same time, Clinton himself stated his goal more specifically. The head of his training practice at a California law firm recalled: “When he [Bill] came to me, I immediately told him: you must have many offers from rich companies and firms in best cities America. And he replies: no, I'll go home and be the governor of my native Arkansas. So - I will not fight for this post, namely, I will be the first person, period. Arkansas so Arkansas - Hillary decided, because the most important thing is that Bill wants to be the first, and where to start - did not matter. As a result, they moved to the southern agricultural state of America, where they spent 18 years before conquering Washington and the White House.

His wife did a lot for Clinton, not only in terms of moral support, but also helped with money when he was just “promoting” in big politics. Bill also understood that it was necessary to justify the trust of his wife, who did not agree to any other role, except for the “first among the first”. As a result, Hillary developed amazing ability to separate their personal claims, dissatisfaction with the husband on some specific issues from the desire to assist the spouse in success at the global level.

During the 1992 election campaign, Clinton once said: "If I am elected president, there will be an unparalleled partnership between my wife and me, even stronger than that between Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt." And when Hillary was asked if she would like to become her husband's vice president, she jokingly remarked: "I'm not very attracted to the prospect of taking part in funerals around the world," but then seriously added that she would willingly contribute to solving many problems. Hillary later denied reports on US television that she allegedly told her attendants to refer to her as "president's partner" rather than "first lady."

At first everything was just great. The wife was always next to Bill and rejoiced at the success of her husband, but after some time his numerous love affairs surfaced. In general, Clinton is considered the record holder among American presidents for the number of extramarital affairs that have become public. Every now and then, his former mistresses appear in public and share colorful details of his adventures. One lady said that the head of state liked to wear her nightgown and played the saxophone all night. Played, by the way, disgusting.

It is still not clear why the senators clung to Monica Lewinsky and her ill-fated dress, because even worse stories happened in Clinton's practice. He even had affairs with the wives of congressmen, with whom some intern from the White House is no comparison. And in general, Clinton himself did not even consider what had happened a betrayal. About this case, political scientists wrote: “Bill loves women, and women love him. What happened to Monica Lewinsky is absolutely true. In this known case, he showed practically no activity. He was not undressed, he was stripped naked and they did what they did to him. He did not see physical betrayal in this. And when he said that he had not cheated on his wife, he was absolutely sincere. But be that as it may, in 1996 he was impeached precisely because of an affair with Monica.

This story with a loving intern brought the spouses to a fight. When the scandal erupted and jubilant Republicans set out to overthrow the Democratic president through impeachment proceedings, Hillary was beside herself with rage. Former Secret Service agents told reporters that the Clintons had loud quarrels almost every evening. Moreover, the first lady was not limited to swearing, but also beat her husband with her fists in the face. On a couple of occasions, the President has rushed out of his private quarters with fresh red marks on his cheeks. Once, through the half-open door, the guards heard Hillary screaming at her husband: “Stupid, stupid, stupid bastard!!! My God, how could you risk everything because of this?!" All these disgusting scenes hit the Clintons daughter, 18-year-old Chelsea, the hardest. According to the press, she experienced such stress that she had to be hospitalized at least three times with serious nervous disorders.

Now the daughter of the ex-president of the United States is 23 years old. She graduated from Stanford University with a degree in history and is currently continuing her studies at Oxford University. In March 2003, she was hired by the New York branch of McKinsey and Company, a major British management consulting firm. Chelsea Clinton entered the position of junior consultant with a salary of $10,000 a month and received $10,000 a month as a bonus for agreeing to join this particular company. The press considers the decision of the firm "a great investment", since Chelsea can rely on the connections and image of their famous parents in their work: "Anyone wants to call Chelsea Clinton back."

Today, Bill Clinton is no longer the president of the country, he is resting from the works of the righteous, but his wife is actively involved in politics. Her decision to run for the New York state senator was a smart move, and a reasonable one, because she's so popular. Sympathy, especially female, too. Even those who had a bad attitude towards the Democrats sympathized with her, they sympathized with her as a wife, to some extent a deceived wife, and she became the first wife of a president in the history of the United States, who not only decided to compete for a high elective position, but also achieved the coveted post.

The former first lady diligently creates for herself the image of a workaholic legislator who does not care different kind scandals dating back to her husband's presidency. Almost all of Hillary's life is spent in Congress. Leaves by 8.30 am and returns at best by 8.00 pm. Friends and detractors alike are amazed at how quickly she stepped into the role of legislator. She did not boast of her fame, did not shy away from labor-intensive and unattractive cases in terms of political dividends. Senator Clinton sits on three committees - on the budget, environmental protection and public works. Is the initiator of 72 legislative acts or amendments. She especially had to work hard in connection with the tragedy that befell New York on September 11, 2001. President Bush noted her contribution to the preparation of the law on federal assistance to the affected city and the enviable perseverance with which she sought the speedy passage of this bill.

In the role of a public politician, Hillary feels quite confident. “My current life is one-dimensional: I vote, participate in various hearings and make speeches,” she says and asks not to be understood as a complaint. She loves the backstage of politics, where the real levers of power are. She is happy that she is free from the conventions that fettered her when she was first lady, can express her opinion without regard to her husband's advisers and not run to the west wing of the White House to coordinate any of her public statements.

That's just not paying attention to a pile of facts and gossip about the life of her husband in New York, Hillary Clinton, who spends most of her time in Washington, is much more difficult. Either he begins to discuss with friends from Hollywood the prospect of playing in the film, then, as if there was no story with Monica Lewinsky, he orders to advertise that his office is recruiting interns and interns at New York colleges ...

A pensioner of federal significance, unlike his wife, for a long time fails to find a serious sphere of application of forces (except, of course, looking after the New York house, where he takes his wife on weekends). Lately, however, he has managed to find something to his liking. Clinton refocused on show business and took part in an unprecedented project: in late 2002, he, along with Sophia Loren, accompanied by the Romanesque Switzerland Orchestra and his own saxophone, performed several texts that were recorded on a CD. Negotiations are also underway with the ex-president regarding his participation as a TV presenter of one of the programs representing a mixture of information and entertainment genres. Perhaps Bill will be more successful as a showman than as a politician.

In the meantime, in the press, his name often appears not in connection with some political actions, but in the gossip section. One of the ex-president's new romantic hobbies is 30-year-old blonde Julia Bowen, an actress who starred in the television series Ed. Newspapers made the rounds of a photograph of Clinton hugging a laughing Bowen, more below the waist than above. And at a recent New York high society gathering at a trendy restaurant on Madison Avenue, the former president was with the charming Ghislaine, daughter of the late British media mogul Robert Maxwell. In addition, the ex-president was seen in prestigious bars with 28-year-old British actress Sefron Burrows, as well as with Sally Johnson, the former wife of multimillionaire Robert Wood Johnson.

All this, to put it mildly, does not please Hillary Clinton, but it does not affect her prospects as a politician in any way. On the contrary, the turmoil of life is an excellent occasion for a senator aspiring to the presidency to demonstrate the image of an iron lady that appeals to voters. The main thing is not to bring the matter to a scandalous divorce. Hillary only blackmails her husband with such a prospect, trying to control all his actions. She intends to personally edit Clinton's memoirs and is rumored to have even hired a private detective to keep an eye on him. In her own memoirs, the former first lady intends to present several sensations to the public. Firstly, she is not going to present herself as a silent simpleton who meekly endured the amorous pranks of her husband. The story of Lewinsky was not new to her, and only caring for her daughter Chelsea, who adores her father, kept her from taking radical steps. Secondly, another confession promises to be a real bomb: Hillary did not shed tears from grief and loneliness, but found men who gave her comfort and spiritual comfort. True, she will not name names.

Many experts see in the actions of the wife of the ex-president all signs of a well-thought-out PR campaign. Hillary, in fact, uses the scandals that haunt her husband to win the sympathy of voters in the future presidential race. There is even an opinion that Bill deliberately demonstrates to the public his high-society adventures in order to maintain the close interest of the press in the former presidential couple. As for the speculation about the Clintons' family life, some observers who know the couple intimately paint a more complex picture. They agree that Bill's all-too-well-known "pranks" certainly hurt his wife. At the same time, their mutual attraction is natural, since to a large extent it rests on a common love of politics.

“They see the world the same way,” says one former senior White House official of the ex-president and his wife. - It seems to me that they are both convinced that each of them is the smartest in the whole world. When it comes to politics, they believe that only they can understand the complexity of what is happening around ... This is what connects these two people and helps to overcome the steepest hills in their lives.

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Hillary Clinton is considered one of the most influential women politicians in the world, who was able to reach incredible heights in her career, but could not avoid grandiose international scandals. Today we will figure out how the fate of the prudent iron lady developed, and what secrets of her appearance she hides.

Childhood Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (actually her surname Rodham) appeared to the world on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, one of the largest American cities in the family with strict, conservative principles.

  • Hugh Rodham's father was a successful small textile business, and Dorothy's mother was a housewife. Hillary was born first, and besides her, 2 more brothers Hugh and Tony grew up in the family.

  • From an early age, the girl was distinguished by strong willpower and an unbending character inherited from her father. At school, teachers called her the best student, in addition, in her free time, the schoolgirl earned diplomas in basketball, volleyball and swimming.

  • In 1965, after graduating from high school, the future first lady of the United States entered Wellesley College, and then Yale University Law School. There, the student launched a stormy social activity, and became the head of the Wellesley Young Republicans movement.

  • She received her doctorate in law in 1973, after which she joined the Children's Defense Fund. Only now the passion for law and acquaintance with her future husband Bill became a turning point in Hillary's life, and took her away from her first job.

Hillary Clinton in politics

Hillary's biography is replete with merits in politics:

  • Hillary Clinton became interested in politics in her youth, and after her marriage in 1975, she began to actively promote her husband to the highest echelon of power. Due to the competent campaign of his wife, Bill became the chief prosecutor in 1976, and in 1978 he headed the state of Arkansas.
  • In 1978, a woman became a board member of the Legal Services Corporation. At the same time, she worked for 12 years in the field of health care and protection of children's rights.
  • After Bill Clinton's victory in the 1993 election, Hillary headed the Health Reform Committee, but after less than a year, she was forced to leave the post due to an avalanche of criticism against her.
  • The interests of the first lady spilled over to the protection of children and women in the United States. In addition, she went into business and became the head of the Wal-Mart retailer, gaining complete financial independence from her husband. Her earnings were about $250,000, while the salary of her husband, the governor, was only $35,000.

  • In 2000, Hillary became a New York state senator, making her the frontrunner in the 2008 presidential race. And just before the election, a couple of Clintons were accused of corruption and nepotism, so the woman refused the chair and supported rival Barack Obama.
  • In 2009, Clinton was elected US Secretary of State, which was the first time in history that a former first lady got into the State Department of the country. Many considered it a "hawk" because of its aggressive policy towards Afghanistan and Iraq, while others - "America's mistake" because of the course towards rapprochement with Russia.
  • The grand experience as the first lady allowed America's mistake to declare its intention to run for president in 2016. According to the voting results, a competitor won, but Hillary did not leave public activities.

Hillary Clinton scandals

By the nature of her work, the Secretary of State and ex-First Lady has repeatedly found herself in the center of grandiose scandals.

  • The most striking episode is the husband's sexual relationship with the secretary Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, only lazy people did not discuss this news. Only cold prudence and unwillingness to slide down from the political Olympus made our heroine support her husband and call his betrayal nothing but a conspiracy against the President of America.

  • Making data public with Email, which she used at the post of the State Department. Now this fact is called a crime, and most of the letters were classified.
  • The ex-senator said she was talking to the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • In 2016, a video with the telling title "Hillary Clinton's leaked sex video with a black guy" blew up the Internet. The latest news has shown that these are hacker actions aimed at reducing the number of Hillary's electorate.
  • In 2017, Bill's wife spoke sharply about Putin, accusing the Russian president of lack of heart.

The personal life of the former first lady

Hillary's personal life looks perfect.

  • In 1975, she married a fellow student, Bill Clinton, whom she met in the library.

  • In 1980, a daughter, Chelsea Victoria, was born in the family, and Bill selflessly attended the birth. The girl has already graduated from Stanford University, and is working in charitable foundation father.

  • At the end of 2014, Bill and his wife became happy grandparents, as their granddaughter Charlotte was born, and in 2016 they confirmed the title for the second time, since their second grandson, Aidan, was born.

Interesting! In 2016, Americans decided that Clinton was having a hard time in terms of health. At a ceremony to commemorate the victims of September 11, a woman almost fainted, which provoked an avalanche of gossip that the politician's age and fatigue were to blame. When asked what happened to Hillary Clinton, the woman herself said that the cause of poor health was short-term pneumonia.

  • The second name of the woman is Diana.
  • She is the only 1st lady of America to testify in court about an illegal real estate transaction and tax evasion. The young lady was acquitted.
  • The Clintons attended Donald Trump's wedding.
  • "Affectionately" representatives of the special services called her "evergreen", but her husband's call sign was simply "eagle".
  • Hillary hasn't driven a car in 20 years.
  • In 1997, a woman received a Grammy Award for the audiobook Is a Entire Village Needed?
  • The politician is an ardent opponent of same-sex marriage.
  • In 2004, in a tavern in Tallinn (Estonia), Hillary drank another senator, John McCain.

Hillary Clinton's appearance

Appearance and likely plastic surgery Hillary Clinton is discussed no less than her political successes. Your attention to the opinion of Susan Evans, a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills, about the appearance of a famous politician:

  • Blepharoplasty. Hillary Clinton, after the start of the struggle for the presidency, made a lift of her eyelids, as they began to sag and become covered with folds, which greatly aged the woman.

  • Botox injections in the forehead area. Photos of Hillary Clinton clearly testify to this fact, since the eyes of a business woman are always wide open with a smooth and motionless forehead.
  • Vitamin A injections As the years passed, Mrs. Clinton's youth began to fade, so vitamin A injections were designed to moisturize parchment-thinned skin and have a beneficial effect on the presidential candidate's hair.

  • Correction of the face oval with radiofrequency lifting. The woman's skin still tightened up, relative to the early photos, but now the ex-senator looks young and fresh. Hillary Clinton's plastic surgery, according to surgeons, is minimal, and for her 70 years old, it is almost invisible.
  • Neck correction. Hillary Clinton is now in her 80s, but her neck shows no signs of age. After lifting and removing skin waves, the American activist lost a dozen years.

  • Hyaluronic acid injections near the mouth. As you know, the area near the mouth becomes a litmus test that gives out a woman's age. Ideal smoothness and the disappearance of wrinkles speak precisely of hyaluronic acid injections.

Interesting! Photos on the beach, which depicted Hillary Clinton in a bathing suit, pleasantly surprised fans of the presidential couple. The couple dances, laughing merrily and hugging. Note that both Bill and Hillary Clinton on the beach look not only happy, but also fit for their age. There were no traces of plastic surgery on the body of both partners.

One of the most influential women on the planet - Hillary Clinton continues to be active in social activities, helps her daughter and enjoys spending time with her family. What do you think of this representative of the highest echelon of power? Share your opinion with readers in the comments.

Video: Secrets of Hillary Clinton

One of the most influential women politicians Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago. Hillary Clinton's family was the simplest: her father was engaged in the supply of fabric, and her mother was a housewife who raised three children - in addition to her daughter, sons Hugh and Tony grew up in the family. Hillary Clinton's maiden name is Rodham.

While studying at school, the girl was involved in many clubs: she was interested in the social and religious life of the city. After leaving school, as a finalist in the program for gifted children, she chose to study at Wellesley College and began to study liberal arts and political courses there. Growing Hillary stood up for conservative beliefs. She was elected president of the Wellesley Young Republicans, and later to the post of head of the State College Association.

In 1973, the girl becomes a bachelor in political science and enters the law school, which belonged to Yale University. It is here that Hillary meets Bill Clinton, who later married her. In 1973, Hilary received a doctorate in law, and then studied the course of pediatric medicine. She is invited to work at the Children's Defense Fund as a lawyer.

In 1975, Hillary married Bill, and the couple moved to Arkansas: Bill planned to build a political career. He is running for and holding the post of state attorney general. Hillary is a faculty member at the University of Arkansas teaching law students. Her outstanding analytical skills did not go unnoticed, and Hillary Clinton is invited to the board of the Legal Services Corporation. Occupying this post, over the years she increases the fund's cash reserve by 210 million dollars. In 1979, Hillary Clinton's husband becomes the governor of the state, and she becomes the first lady. Hillary actively addresses the shortcomings in the education sector, lobbies for the interests of women lawyers, denouncing the problem of gender inequality.

In 1992, Hillary Clinton's husband, thanks to the support of supporters, takes the post of 42nd President of the United States. Then Hilary planned her husband's election campaign, was engaged in its analytics and even received the comic nickname "co-president". Soon, a scandal erupted against the Clintons in the case of financial fraud at the Whiwater Corporation. The court did not prove their guilt, but then a new scandal followed - about the president's love affair with the young Monica Lewinsky. Hillary sided with her husband, saying in the press that it was all a conspiracy. However, Bill left the presidency. And Hillary, on the contrary, showed herself with an unexpected and forte: She ran for New York Senator and won the election. In 2007, Hillary Clinton enjoyed huge voter support and wanted to become the new US president, but the victory went to Barack Obama. He offered Hillary the post of US Secretary of State, and she took it from January 2009. Hillary wrote about her work in this post in books, in one of which she named one of the main goals achieved - the defeat of the USSR and the collapse of communism. In March 2013, Hillary left the post of Secretary of State, and in 2015 she announced her candidacy from the Democratic Party for the 2016 Presidential election. Now she is one of the leaders of the election race.

Hillary Clinton's personal life

As a young student, Hillary met her future husband, Bill. A passion for law and politics led them to the Yale University Library, where young people first saw each other. A serious relationship led to marriage. In 1980, the couple had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria. When there was a sensational scandal with her husband's confirmed infidelity, Hillary saved her family and did not divorce Bill. In 2014, Hillary became a grandmother - her daughter Charlotte was born.

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guess the star

Date of birth: October 29, 1947 (this year - 72 years old)

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Family status: Married, no children
Official site: http://www.hilaryduff.com/
Hillary's interview in V. Pozner's program: http://www.1tv.ru/sprojects_edition/si=5756&fi=3592

Occupation:, US Secretary of State

Real name: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton

To My World

A successful image of a confident woman and an excellent politician, Hillary Clinton was able to create largely thanks to the huge work on her appearance. In addition to the work of stylists, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons have worked hard on her image. Hilary has had Botox and Restylane injections more than once. In addition, her face and neck have been tightened, blepharoplasty and chemical peeling have been done. A worthy result for a worthy politician!

Hillary Clinton turns 72 in 2019

Hillary Clinton rejuvenates to win

This woman has come a long way in politics. Disgraced by her husband's infidelity, she managed to endure and continue the struggle for freedom. Either with age, or really it had such an effect on her that they preferred another, younger, Hilary Clinton began to do plastic surgery. It all started with skin rejuvenation, getting rid of wrinkles. Interestingly, she did not change the severity of the costume, so she often hears attacks from famous fashion designers, such as Donatella Versace, that she is somewhat masculine. Well, Versace know better. And if we talk about Danatella herself, then here she just resembles a man with long hair, and the nose in general should be shortened. Hilary, of course, has no such problems. She has problems - the age and complexity of the political struggle, where men mainly reign. Naturally, in order to be a worthy opponent, you need to become a man yourself a little and have a haircut like a boy. As well as men's suit and a hard smile.

Plastic surgeons made Hillary Clinton a politician

Plastic surgery is a common thing not only for show business stars and film actors. Much attention is paid to plastic surgery by representatives of political elite- whether abroad or in our country. Moreover, plastic surgery is traditionally considered one of the true and even indispensable means of creating the necessary image of a political figure.

A prime example is Hillary Clinton. The wife of the infamous American president received very dubious fame, but did not lose heart and decided to use it wisely. Hilary went into politics and achieved considerable heights in it (suffice it to say that in the last presidential election, the former first lady of the United States claimed the presidency, and now successfully holds the post of US Secretary of State). However, in order to always look great, Hilary had to reschedule an entire series. plastic surgery. Among them are face and neck lifts, blepharoplasty and a variety of peels, Botox and Restylane injections. Thanks to plastic surgeons, Hillary Clinton looks very good today and is ready to further conquer the political Olympus.

One of the most famous American women politicians, the First Lady of the United States

One of the most famous American women politicians, the First Lady of the United States during the 42nd President of the United States. She put forward her candidacy for the post of President of the United States, and after the election of Barack Obama as president, she was asked to become the US Secretary of State, to which she agreed.
