Presentation on general ecology on the topic "environmental pollution and their classification". Presentation on general ecology on the topic "environmental pollution and their classification" The main sources of environmental pollution presentation

  • 29.07.2020

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Sources of environmental pollution Tikhonova Tatyana Alekseevna teacher of technology, MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", Cheboksary

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Physical (energy) pollution: noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation of radioactive substances, thermal radiation resulting from anthropogenic activity. Chemical pollution: pollution of the environment with all kinds of chemicals (xenobiotics) that enter it with gaseous, liquid and solid emissions and waste.

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Route of entry Physical form of the pollutant Scale of pollution Air emissions Gases, aerosols, solid particles Local, regional Discharges into water bodies, direct contamination of soils and vegetation Liquid soluble and insoluble compounds Local, regional Waste disposal Solid and liquid wastes Local

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Atmospheric pollution Atmospheric air is one of the most important components of the environment. The main sources of air pollution are: thermal power plants and heating plants that burn fossil fuels; motor transport; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy; mechanical engineering; chemical production; extraction and processing of mineral raw materials; open sources (extraction of agricultural production, construction).

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Study the following table and conclude which sources of pollution have the greatest negative impact on the environment.

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Sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere Impurities Main sources Average concentration in air mg/m3 Natural Angrogenic Dust Volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest fires Fuel combustion in industrial and domestic conditions in cities 0.04 - 0.4 Sulfur dioxide Volcanic eruptions, sulfur oxidation and sulfates dispersed in the sea Combustion of fuel in industrial and domestic installations in cities up to 1.0 Nitrogen oxides Forest fires Industry, vehicles, thermal power plants In areas with developed industry up to 0.2 Carbon oxides Forest fires, natural methane Motor transport, evaporation of oil products In areas with developed industry up to 0.3 Volatile hydrocarbons Forest fires, natural methane Road transport, evaporation of oil products In areas with developed industry up to 0.3 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - Motor vehicles, chemical and oil refineries In areas with developed industry up to 0.01

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Many branches of energy and industry generate not only the maximum amount of harmful emissions, but also create environmentally unfavorable living conditions for residents of both large and medium-sized cities. Emissions of toxic substances lead, as a rule, to an increase in the current concentrations of substances above the maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs).

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MPCs of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of populated areas are the maximum concentrations related to a certain averaging period (30 minutes, 24 hours, 1 month, 1 year) and do not have, with a regulated probability of their occurrence, either direct or indirect harmful effects on the human body, including long-term consequences for the present and subsequent generations, which do not reduce a person's working capacity and do not worsen his well-being.

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Pollution of the hydrosphere Water, like air, is a vital source for all known organisms. The main sources of pollution of the hydrosphere are discharged wastewater generated during the operation of energy, industrial, chemical, medical, defense, housing and communal and other enterprises and facilities; disposal of radioactive waste in containers and containers that lose their tightness after a certain period of time; accidents and catastrophes occurring on land and in water spaces; atmospheric air polluted by various substances and others.

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Water pollution leads to the suppression of ecosystem functions, slows down the natural processes of biological purification of fresh water, and also contributes to a change in the chemical composition of food and the human body.

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Regulatory documents regulating hygienic and technical requirements for water sources GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules”; SanPiN “Requirements for water quality of non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of springs”; GN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Bodies of Domestic Drinking and Cultural Water Supply”, etc.

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When determining the quality of drinking water, the following parameters are taken into account: the content of impurities and suspended particles, taste, color, turbidity and temperature of water, pH, composition and concentration of mineral impurities and oxygen dissolved in water, MPC of chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. MPCv is the maximum allowable pollution of water in reservoirs, at which safety for human health and normal conditions for water use are maintained. For example, for benzene MPCv is 0.5 mg/l.

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Soil pollution Soil is a habitat for numerous lower animals and microorganisms, including bacteria, mold fungi, viruses, etc. Soils are most important for accumulating organic matter, various chemical elements, and energy. The soil cover functions as a biological absorber, destroyer and neutralizer of various contaminants. If this link of the biosphere is destroyed, then the existing functioning of the biosphere will be irreversibly disrupted.

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Environmental pollution

WATER POLLUTION Settlements. The most well-known source of water pollution, which has traditionally been the focus of attention, is domestic wastewater. Soap, synthetic washing powders, disinfectants, bleaches and other household chemicals are present in dissolved form in wastewater. Residential buildings receive paper waste, including toilet paper and baby diapers, plant and animal waste. Rain and melt water flows from the streets into sewers, often with sand or salt used to accelerate the melting of snow and ice on the roadway and sidewalks.

Industry. In industrialized countries, industry is the main consumer of water and the largest source of wastewater. Industrial effluents into rivers are 3 times higher than domestic ones. Due to the growing volume of industrial waste, the ecological balance of many lakes and rivers is disturbed, although most of the effluent is non-toxic and not fatal to humans.

Agriculture. The second main consumer of water is agriculture, which uses it to irrigate fields. The water flowing from them is saturated with salt solutions and soil particles, as well as chemical residues that contribute to increased yields. These include insecticides; fungicides that are sprayed over orchards and crops; herbicides, a famous weed control; and other pesticides, as well as organic and inorganic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical elements.

Soil pollution Residential buildings and public utilities. The composition of pollutants in this category of sources is dominated by household waste, food waste, construction waste, etc. All this is collected and taken to landfills. Burning garbage in city dumps is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that settle on the soil surface and are difficult to wash off with rain.

Agriculture Soil pollution in agriculture occurs as a result of the introduction of huge amounts of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Some pesticides are known to contain mercury. The desire of a person to take more and more from the soil leads to the irrational use of land, and often to the complete disappearance of their fertility. Excessive application of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products from weeds and pests to the soil leads to its pollution. Heavy metals (for example, mercury) and radioactive substances emitted by some industrial enterprises accumulate in the soil. From the soil, these toxic substances enter living organisms, which can cause their irreversible changes.

Air pollution The main cause of air pollution is the ingress of uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into it, as well as changes in their natural concentration. This happens as a result of both natural processes and human activities. Moreover, it is people who play an increasing role in air pollution. The cause of a large part of chemical and physical pollution is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the production of electrical energy and during the operation of vehicle engines.

One of the most toxic gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity is ozone. Poisonous and lead contained in the exhaust gases of cars. Other hazardous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and fine dust. Every year, as a result of human industrial activity (when generating electricity, cement production, iron smelting, etc.), 170 million tons of dust enter the atmosphere.

The presentation was made by a student of the 11th grade Victoria Gushchina Checked by the teacher of technology Kalmykova T.S.

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GENERAL CONCEPTS Environmental pollution is an unfavorable change in our environment, which is wholly or mainly a by-product of human activity (B. Nebel, 1994)

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GENERAL CONCEPTS Environmental pollution is any solid, liquid and gaseous substances, types of energy (heat, sound, ionizing radiation) in quantities that have a harmful effect on humans and the environment as a whole, both directly and indirectly.

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CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION Natural (natural) pollution - pollution caused by natural sources volcanic eruptions forest and steppe fires dust storms floods mudflows tornadoes, etc. Natural sources of pollution are scattered around the planet Background pollution - natural concentration and degree of impact of natural pollutants

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CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION Anthropogenic pollution - pollution caused by human activity Anthropogenic sources of pollution: organized - permanent, operating stationary sources unorganized - one-time emissions from industries mobile - emissions from vehicles

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SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION POLLUTION OBJECTS Extraction of solid minerals Solid waste (waste rock, sludge) Waste water (mine and mine water, runoff from processing plants) Gas emissions (blasting, enrichment processes) Noise, vibrations Soil Water Atmosphere Oil production Oil leakage Wastewater Gaseous hydrocarbon emissions Noise, vibrations Soil Water Atmosphere

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SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Industrial production Solid waste (slag, residues of raw materials and materials, spent catalysts, dust, defective products, obsolete equipment, sludge from treatment facilities, etc.) Liquid waste (waste liquids and solutions , flushing liquids) Gaseous emissions (exhaust and flue gases, ventilation emissions) Noise, vibrations Atmosphere Water Soil

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SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Energy production Gaseous emissions (fuel combustion products) Solid waste (ash) Wastewater Thermal pollution Noise, vibrations Emissions Atmosphere Water Soil Transport Gaseous products of combustion with an admixture of aerosols Wash waters with hydrocarbons Noise, vibrations End-of-life vehicles Air Water Soil

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SOURCES AND OBJECTS OF POLLUTION TYPE OF ACTIVITY GENERAL TYPE OF POLLUTION OBJECTS OF POLLUTION Agriculture Fertilizers Pesticides Genetically modified plants Soil Water Air Livestock and poultry Effluents containing organic substances Odors Water Soil Air Public utilities Waste water (domestic sewage, storm water) Solid waste (domestic and construction waste) ) Gas emissions (garbage incineration) Water Soil Air

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CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION By their nature, pollution is divided into: Physical (dust, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, thermal pollution, noise, vibration) Physical and chemical (aerosols, odors) Chemical (various chemicals that have carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, allergenic, etc. impact on living organisms) Biological (viruses and bacteria that cause infectious diseases, as well as allergic reactions; introduction of alien species of organisms into the ecosystem)

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CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTION According to the nature of the impact on the environment, pollution is divided into primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the environment directly from sources (natural or anthropogenic), for example, volcanic gases, flue gases from power plants, wastewater from enterprises, municipal solid waste, etc. Secondary pollutants are formed during transformations (transformations) of primary pollutants and natural substances in the environment, for example, acid rain

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IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Local pollution - pollution of a small area around an industrial enterprise, settlement and other places Local pollution is typical for cities, large industrial enterprises, large livestock and poultry complexes, mining areas

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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POLLUTION Regional pollution is pollution found over relatively large areas. Regional pollution covers large areas of land and water bodies. Examples are the pollution of the Baltic and Mediterranean seas.

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IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Global pollution is pollution of the natural environment or its components, which is found far from sources of pollution almost anywhere in the world. Most commonly caused by emissions to the atmosphere, they travel long distances from the point of release and affect large regions and the entire planet. For example, an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere led to an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet, emissions of freons into the stratosphere - to the destruction of the ozone layer.

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IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT STATE OF ECOSYSTEMS EQUILIBRIUM The rate of recovery processes is higher than or equal to the rate of anthropogenic destruction CRITICAL The limiting state of equilibrium of an ecosystem (on the border of its stability area) CATASTROPHIC Hardly reversible process of fixing unproductive systems, which can end in an ecological catastrophe

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IMPACT OF POLLUTION ON THE ENVIRONMENT An ecological catastrophe is understood as a non-equilibrium, non-stationary transformation of the environment, which results in a loss of stability (balance) as a result of changes in its own parameters and / or a rapid change in external variables. As a result of an ecological catastrophe, the complexity of ecosystems, energy and biological potential decreases. An environmental catastrophe often occurs as a result of direct or indirect anthropogenic impact, or an unfavorable and dangerous natural phenomenon.

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CONCLUSION Almost all aspects of modern human activity lead to biosphere pollution: industry, energy, transport, agriculture and life, rapid population growth and urbanization. Environmental monitoring should provide information about the initial state of the biosphere and identify anthropogenic changes.

Boyko Elena

This presentation was developed on the topic: "Environmental Pollution". Can be used in technology lessons in grade 10.



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POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT The presentation was made by: 10th grade student Elena Boyko

Environmental pollution Pollution is a process of negative modification of the environment - air, water, soil - by its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms. Types of pollution Biological - pollutants are organisms not characteristic of the ecosystem. The most well-known example is the out-of-control rabbit breeding in Australia. - Microbiological Mechanical - pollution by chemically inert garbage, trampling of paths and other mechanical impact on the environment. Space debris Chemical - pollutants are harmful chemical compounds. Aerosol pollution - aerosol pollutant (system of small particles) Physical Thermal - excessive heating of the medium. Light - excessive lighting. Noise Electromagnetic - radio pollution; can interfere with both the vital activity of some organisms and radio reception. Radioactive - excess of the natural radioactive background. Visual pollution - damage to natural landscapes by buildings, wires, debris, aircraft plumes, etc.

Soil pollution Soil pollution is a type of anthropogenic soil degradation, in which the content of chemicals in soils subject to anthropogenic impact exceeds the natural regional background level of their content in soils. The main criterion for environmental pollution by various substances is the manifestation of signs of the harmful effects of these substances in the environment on certain types of living organisms, since the resistance of certain types of the latter to chemical exposure varies significantly. An environmental hazard is the fact that in the natural environment, in comparison with natural levels, the content of certain chemicals is exceeded due to their intake from anthropogenic sources. This danger can be realized not only for the most sensitive species of living organisms. Ecosystem pollution is one of the types of its degradation, soil pollution is one of the most dangerous types of soil and ecosystem degradation as a whole. Pollutants (pollutants) are substances of anthropogenic origin that enter the environment in quantities exceeding the natural level of their intake.

Pollution of fresh water Pollution of fresh water - the ingress of various pollutants into the waters of rivers, lakes, groundwater. Occurs when contaminants are introduced directly or indirectly into water without adequate treatment and removal of harmful substances. In most cases, freshwater pollution remains invisible because the contaminants are dissolved in the water. But there are exceptions: foaming detergents, as well as oil products floating on the surface and untreated sewage. There are several natural pollutants. Aluminum compounds found in the ground enter the fresh water system as a result of chemical reactions. Floods wash out magnesium compounds from the soil of meadows, which cause great damage to fish stocks.

Pollution of the Earth's atmosphere Pollution of the Earth's atmosphere is the introduction of new uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into the atmospheric air or a change in their natural concentration. According to the sources of pollution, two types of atmospheric pollution are distinguished: natural, artificial. According to the nature of the pollutant, atmospheric pollution can be of three types: physical - mechanical (dust, solid particles), radioactive (radioactive radiation and isotopes), electromagnetic (various types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves) , noise (various loud sounds and low-frequency vibrations) and thermal pollution (for example, emissions of warm air, etc.) chemical - pollution by gaseous substances and aerosols. To date, the main chemical pollutants of atmospheric air are: carbon monoxide (IV), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, heavy metals, ammonia, atmospheric dust and biological radioactive isotopes - mainly microbial pollution. For example, air pollution by vegetative forms and spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, as well as their toxins and waste products.

Pollution of the oceans Land and ocean are connected by rivers that flow into the seas and carry various pollutants. Chemicals that do not break down on contact with the soil, such as petroleum products, oil, fertilizers (especially nitrates and phosphates), insecticides and herbicides, are leached into rivers and then into the ocean. As a result, the ocean turns into a dumping ground for this "cocktail" of nutrients and poisons. Oil and oil products are the main pollutants of the oceans, but the damage they cause is greatly exacerbated by sewage, household garbage and air pollution. Plastics and oil washed up on beaches remain along the high-tide mark, indicating that the seas are polluted and that many wastes are not biodegradable. A study of the North Sea showed that about 65% of the pollutants found there were carried by rivers. Another 25% of pollutants came from the atmosphere (including 7,000 tons of lead from vehicle exhausts), 10% from direct discharges (mostly sewage), and the rest from discharges and discharges of waste from ships. Ten US states are dumping waste into the sea. In 1980, 160,000 tons of waste were destroyed in this way, but since then this figure has decreased.

A presentation on the topic "Environmental Pollution" was prepared by Elena Boyko, a student of class 10 "a".

"Environment pollution" - Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and other chemicals) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) Informational (information noise, false information, anxiety factors ). Presentation in biology on the topic "Environmental pollution" by a student of class 8 "B" Vdovenko Vitaly.

"Waste incineration" - Solid waste incineration chamber. Installation structure. Due to the rapid cooling of the smoke, re-synthesis of dioxins is prevented. Combustion products cleaning chamber. Water tank. Due to the high toxicity of solid waste incineration products, a number of problems arise. The installation uses afterburning of smoke. Large wooden and non-combustible components are removed from loaded MSW.

"Radioactive Contamination" - Zoning. Leningrad NPP. Explanatory note. Balakovo NPP. radioactive releases. Kursk NPP. Rostov NPP. Novovoronezh NPP. Kalinin NPP. cross-border impact.

"Reducing energy intensity" - 7. Development of the regional section of the State Program. Rub. Documents defining the need for the development of the State Program and regional programs. Number of entities, pcs. The rate of decrease in the energy intensity of the GRP of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Building an energy efficient economy in the Russian Federation is based on two key documents.

"Global problems of the world" - Classification of global problems. Map "Nuclear Powers of the World". The most important global problems. Symbols: - Tropical deforestation zone. Yasser Arafat is the leader of the Palestinian Authority. The concept of global problems. Nuclear winter. Mortality. Symbols: ----------- - arc of instability; - Hotbeds of conflict.

"Global environmental problems" - Tin smelting. The ecological problem of the ozone layer is no less complex in scientific terms. In the atmosphere, aerosol pollution is perceived in the form of smoke, fog, mist or haze. The human impact on the environment has taken on alarming proportions. Waste production of synthetic fibers. The problem of the greenhouse effect.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic