Start a business in a small town. What is the best profitable business to open in a small town from scratch

  • 16.10.2019

Opportunities for opening a profitable business in a small city are no less than in a metropolis. There is an opinion that starting a business and making it profitable in a small town is almost impossible.

People do not see the positive aspects and believe that their idea will fail. In fact this is not true. Consider the most promising small town business ideas.

Promising business ideas for a small town

In the mind of many people, the word “business” involuntarily brings up the stereotypical image of a middle-aged business man leaving the chic office of a large company. At the same time, it is precisely the metropolis with dozens of skyscrapers that appears.

However, many businessmen do business in small towns and don't necessarily wear a business suit. In a small town it is possible to open at least profitable business than in the capital.

Until now, there is no consensus on which cities are small and which are not. It is generally believed that the population of a small town should be no more than 50,000 people. But for business people, it can also be cities with a population of half a million or more. However, do not forget about some features of doing business in small towns.

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Differences between small towns and big ones

If you have business ideas for small towns, consider the following features:

  • life in a small town is not as frantic as in a metropolis, so the population can take a long and conscious approach to the decision to purchase goods or services;
  • fashion trends are not critical for people from small towns. The main thing is a product at an affordable price, which people are willing to spend a lot of time searching for;
  • small distances. Objects are next to each other;
  • the ecological situation here is much better than in megacities;
  • stress has a much lower impact on the population;
  • public transport is used less frequently, indicating some cost savings;
  • in small towns there is almost everything that in a large city. As a rule, people can visit any place by private car or public transport if the need arises;
  • the way of life is significantly different from the mentality;
  • each small town has its own values ​​that influence the way of life;
  • crisis and globalization have much less impact on small towns compared to megacities;
  • subject to a decrease in demand, protection from bankruptcy is higher than in a large city.

Disadvantages of doing business in small towns

When exploring business ideas for a small town, pay attention to the disadvantages that exist in a small town. These include:

  1. Small income.

You should not think about huge profits expressed in millions, because the income of people from your target audience is quite modest.

  1. Opportunities for growth are limited.

If you have a great business idea, then there are much more opportunities for its implementation and development in a metropolis than in a small town. The number of clients of your company will grow and stop at a certain level. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the possibility of expanding your activities. For example, it could be opening a branch office in a suburban area or some related business. It happens that entrepreneurs find promising industries in the course of working on existing businesses. In this case, you can create something new, thereby increasing the range of your possibilities. However, it is not always worth hoping for an increase in the number of the average check, since residents of small towns, again, receive small incomes.

  1. Narrow market.

Extraordinary small business ideas in small towns are not always possible to implement. They may be in low demand. Even a standard business idea will not always work. For example, if in megacities you can open your own pizzeria, despite the fact that there are already hundreds of them, and at the same time count on a good profit, then in a small town no one will visit your establishment, preferring a long-familiar and favorite place.

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The advantages of small towns as objects for doing business

  1. Easy market entry.

You need much less money to start your own business. much easier to implement. Renting real estate is cheaper than in metropolitan areas. The wages will also be lower. Thanks to these two conditions, your fixed costs will be significantly lower.

  1. Low level of competition.

In a tiny city, small business develops poorly, so you can count on a large number of competitors in your industry. It is also possible to occupy that niche that is in demand, but is not occupied by anyone. It will be much easier to do this than in a metropolis, since all points of trade and companies can be visited by yourself.

  1. support programs.

This advantage is in some way related to the above point. Due to the weak development of small business in small towns, the authorities are willing to meet halfway. Entrepreneurs are offered various subsidies and grants. Your business ideas will not be left without government support.

In the case of a business in small towns, there are also several controversial points that can be turned both to the benefit of one's business and to the detriment.

In small towns, the word-of-mouth effect works very well. This can be an excellent advertisement for you or, conversely, ruin your reputation, especially if significant shortcomings were identified at the beginning of doing business.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the number of your customers in a small city may be limited. However, here it will be much easier to study and build a portrait of your consumer.

33 profitable small town business ideas

Before proceeding with the implementation of a business idea, consider the following points:

  1. Study in detail the consumers in your locality. Pay attention to the level of competition.
  2. Select competent employees with a responsible approach to work.
  3. If your business involves working with suppliers, treat them carefully and seriously.
  4. Look for suppliers in your immediate area. If you attract them from large cities, then it will be unprofitable for you.
  5. Develop a business plan, find funds to start your own business, while assessing your capabilities in advance.

Whether your business will pay off or not depends on a number of conditions. However, you should not count on quick profits. It may take several years before your initial investment pays off. This will largely depend on the demand for the offered goods or services.

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Profitable business ideas for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in a small town:

№1. In small towns, it is logical to open stores with socially low prices. So you can provide yourself with a stable profit, although it may be small. Those products that consumers use daily are always in demand.

№2. In the age of the Internet, you can open your business online. Online stores sell goods from all over Russia and neighboring countries. Here you can trade whatever you want: children's clothing, auto parts, jewelry and much more.

№3. Opening a small cafe would be a good idea. Just choose a menu familiar to residents and pay attention to the number of such establishments in the city (as a rule, there are few of them).

№4. A canteen with low prices or a mobile cafe will also be in demand.

№5. Entertainment services can also be popular: organization and holding of weddings, corporate parties, holidays for children.

№6. The audience will be interested in a club for people over 30 or a disco for young people. All you need is a room with a pleasant interior and lighting. If there is already something similar in the city, you can always open a nightclub and invite popular DJs there, which will be your competitive advantage.

№7. In a small town, many parents are looking for an opportunity to give their children an education that will be no worse than in a metropolis. They hire tutors, look for teachers. Opening a language course is a profitable business in a small town that can be started using ready-made ideas(buying a franchise, etc.).

№8. For kids, you can create an educational and leisure center for the purpose of development and learning.

№9. All women want to be beautiful, so opening your own barbershop with standard services is a good idea to start with.

№10. Residents of small towns do not always use public transport. Many require the services of taxi drivers. This is especially true in winter. Find drivers with private cars and you can safely start your own business.

№11. You can sell at major cities products grown independently without the use of toxic fertilizers. Ecologically clean vegetables and fruits are always in demand among residents of megacities.

№12. A small room can be used for the work of an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes or for other purposes (fixing shoes, making keys).

№13. Waste disposal is a pressing issue in many small towns. You can create your own business that will solve this problem.

№14. Taking into account the traditions and life of the inhabitants of your city, you can create decorations that correspond to the culture.

№15. In any locality, there is always a demand for cleaning clothes that are difficult to wash at home. You can open an institution with the provision of such a service.

№16. You can open a company sweet shop with a tasting offer. Many will not be able to pass by without trying delicious products.

№17. Shop with gift products. You can stylishly and beautifully design a boutique in which you will sell gift sets and cards for all occasions. Most importantly, treat your customers with respect, go forward. You also need to always be able to offer the buyer a product for a specific event and for a specific person. Assess the financial capabilities of the residents of your city and, taking this factor into account, indicate the price of products.

№18. When exploring business ideas for a small town, you should pay attention to the sale of essential goods. You can open a small bakery where there will always be fresh and tasty bread. This will be to your advantage, as bread from the metropolis does not always meet these criteria. The assortment can be expanded with any kind of bakery products: rolls, puffs, pies and so on. This type of business has more prospects for development in a small town.

№19. Modern technology is also popular in small towns. Businesses such as the repair of mobile phones, computer equipment, the sale of satellite dishes and related equipment will be in demand.

№20. For residents of a small village, dental services are also relevant and necessary. By opening a dental clinic, you can earn big money.

№21. Private driving courses for future motorists may be in demand.

№22. Minor repairs and work with equipment. You just need to have a few men on staff who can do all the necessary household work.

№23. A private kindergarten is more relevant in a small town, as well as in a big one. Babysitting services are also always in demand. Many parents have no one to leave their children with during school holidays or weekends. You can easily select staff, using the feedback of the local population, since the city is small and everyone knows each other.

№24. Since almost every family has a car in a small town, opening a tire shop would be a good idea. You need to have a large room equipped with equipment. Find good locksmiths who will attract people by doing quality work. Nearby you can create a car wash and a small cafe.

№25. If your house is near the village, then you can take tourists. Many residents of megacities miss the silence and want to relax in a real village, taking care of their pets and gardens.

№26. Sports complexes and GYM's. By opening such an institution, you can earn good money.

№27. Shops from modern technology(computers, mobile phones, etc.).

№28. Opening of a furniture workshop. This may include the manufacture and repair of furniture. All you need is to find good craftsmen and invite them to work for you. This will bring great success.

№29. If you have a room from which you can create a small hotel, this will be a good move. You can offer rooms at any time, working around the clock. With all the nuances and good advertising, you will quickly achieve success.

№30. Service "husband for an hour". The better you do your job, the more customers you will have. The main task is to solve a domestic problem, be it minor repairs, connection of equipment, plumbing or electrician services. All you need are tools and the ability to do any housework. To open a business, you will need no more than 5 thousand rubles.

№31. Creation of products self made and their subsequent sale. It can be jewelry, toys, soap, paintings and much more. The initial investment may not exceed 3 thousand rubles. Skills and abilities can be acquired for free by watching videos on websites and talking on thematic forums.

№33. Translations. If you know a foreign language at an advanced level, translate by placing ads on the Internet or in offline advertising channels.

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Expert opinion

Entrepreneurs in the regions should not be afraid to work ahead of the curve

Alexey Kanevsky,

President of Interportfolio, Moscow; PhD in Chemistry

My advice to entrepreneurs: be more attentive to the service and sales sectors. These industries in Russia are seriously lagging behind the world level in terms of quality and quantity of offers.

  • Cafes and restaurants. Even in the capital, many catering establishments do not reach the European level.
  • Inexpensive and compact shops. There is a shortage of good shops located near the house and selling quality products.
  • Specialized workshops. Shoe repair shops are in high demand. In connection with the development of modern technologies, such a direction as the repair and maintenance of electronic devices is gaining popularity.

In provincial cities, small business is less developed than in the capital. However, after a while, all Moscow tendencies come there. For this reason, entrepreneurs from the regions should pay attention to the capital's novelties and introduce trends ahead of their competitors.

5 business ideas for women in a small town

You may have a talent that everyone admires. For example, you knit well, sew beautiful high-quality clothes, embroider beautiful pictures. Why not consider making money from your hobby?

It may happen that a lot of people are already doing what you love in the city. In this case, advertise and sell your creations on the Internet.

You will need to create your website, add photos of your work and invite your target audience to purchase your products, which can be mailed to customers. You will be pleasantly surprised by the number of responding residents of megacities who missed manual work.

All you need to start a business is the Internet and email. You can create a simple website yourself or entrust a friend who knows the specifics of this issue. Here are promising business ideas for beginners in a small town.

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Business idea 1. Hand-made products

These can be paintings, a sewn dress, gifts to loved ones with their own hands and much more. Using your skills, you can open your own business.

Business ideas for a woman in a small town:

  • weaving from beads and embroidery;
  • creation of bouquets both from flowers and from various sweets and other items;
  • manufacturing beautiful postcards, posters or collages;
  • sewing bags, wallets;
  • making boxes.

Your crafts will be willingly acquired by friends and acquaintances. Also, you don't need to buy gifts in the store, as handmade items are more valuable than any purchase from the supermarket. The cost of making one creation, as a rule, is no more than 500 rubles.

If you, for example, purchase materials for the manufacture of your fake in the amount of 300 rubles, then you can sell for at least one thousand or even more. Business ideas for a small town from the handmade sphere can be absolutely unique.

If you think that all income can be related only to the sale of your creations, then this is not so. You can also train others to do the same, thereby increasing your earnings.

Business idea 2. Art studio for kids.

Alas, today parents devote little time to the development of their child. Usually they just take them to kindergarten in the morning and pick them up in the evening. However, in many such institutions, children are practically not taught real creativity.

You can open your own business in a small town by creating an excellent creative studio for children. Ideas for the development of children's creativity can be very different. For example, you can teach children pottery or knitting or sewing. In general, everything that you own.

Business idea 3. Various courses for women.

This direction of activity is, as it were, a continuation of the previous idea. You can organize any courses for women in the field in which you are well versed. It can be several areas depending on your skills and experience.

Many women would like to learn how to sew and cook, to learn the psychology of raising children. Modern girls are interested in such a topic as relationships with the opposite sex. And if there is a demand, then you need to create an offer. Look at the people around you and see what you can do for them. If you are considered an excellent employee at work, and you have leadership qualities and a strong desire, then most likely you can easily organize courses for women.

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Business idea 4. Clothing and underwear store for women.

Many small town small town business ideas for girls are related to women's trade. underwear and clothes. In the future, you will be able to sell other women's products in your store in addition to clothing. For example, it can be cosmetics and various accessories. This type of business requires the creator to have certain funds to start, time and experience in commerce.

Before starting a business, we advise you to analyze existing stores for women. You can introduce yourself as a customer at a point of sale and find out which products are in high demand and why. This way you will be more successful in your store.

Women with young children are not recommended to take out a loan and open a similar business, especially if there is no experience. Rather, look at small town business ideas from scratch and choose a project where you can gain experience in order to take on more complex business in the future.

Business idea 5. Services from the sphere of "Beauty and Health".

If you like to take care of yourself, do not have bad habits and are ready to provide beauty services for other women, then this business is for you.

Expert opinion

When can a hobby become a business?

Pavel Shubin,

general director of the branch of the Belousov group company, owner of the knitting production "Azhur", Nizhny Novgorod

It so happened that until 2012 I was passionate about the field of information technology, but then I suddenly wanted to change something in my life. One day I was visiting my friend and noticed a very knitted funny doll. My friend said that the doll is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. At that moment, I decided to start making such toys that would bring joy to people.

I do not have the ability to knit, so I had to turn to experts in this field. It turned out that such a doll is not easy to tie. For this reason, I rejected my first idea and concentrated on knitted Christmas toys (or rather, a wrapper for a Christmas ball). I managed to find a woman on a knitting forum in Nizhny Novgorod. I explained my idea to her and she did the first job I liked. At that moment, I decided to order 70 balloons from her, made in the corporate style of the IT company where I worked. We gave balls to our clients and partners. People were delighted and said that they had never seen anything like it. Then I realized that this idea is worth developing.

Later I turned to other knitters, but they made much worse wraps. I decided to offer the first craftswoman for a certain amount to complete several options for the sample and make a description of their creation. Using the instructions, other knitters also began to turn out beautiful products. Two months before the end of the calendar year, I had half a thousand of these balloons. Some I gave away, and most sold very easily. Those who managed to see photos of products contacted me with the question “Where can I buy them?” I am currently trying to automate the process by choosing a knitting machine. This is something like my hobby, I do not treat this topic as a serious matter, but I think my friends will not have questions about choosing New Year's gifts for a long time.

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Ideas for a small business in a small town mostly involve minimal start-up costs and a quick payback.

Tip 1. Find a field that is in demand and interesting for people. Once you have identified a need, think about how it can be met.

Tip 2. Develop a detailed business plan, think it over carefully. Do not throw all your resources into an area about which you know little or nothing.

Tip 3. Assess the level of prosperity of the inhabitants of your city. As a rule, there are few jobs in small towns, and most people work in one enterprise. The owners of city-forming enterprises take advantage of the situation and pay employees little money. For this reason, in tiny towns, residents very rarely have a good income.

Tip 4. Explore qualitative composition cities. It is possible to open a small business in a small town focused on tourists if there are many interesting places. You should not use extravagant ideas if your city is not popular with visitors.

Tip 5 Pay attention to the labor market. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a narrow specialist or a highly qualified employee in a small town. Therefore, you should not take risks and open a business that requires exclusive personnel to develop.

Tip 6 Shortage of demanded goods. For example, there is no store of a well-known inexpensive clothing brand, or there is only one grocery supermarket with social prices in the entire city. In this case, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening a store that will fill the existing deficit will be successful.

Tip 7. Consider the effect of word of mouth in a small community. Information in a small town spreads very quickly. If you sell a quality product, word of mouth will help you do without advertising, if your business has significant flaws, then you risk losing all your customers.

Tip 8 Small business should use relatively new ideas for a small town. But at the same time, your case should be understandable to the majority. However, you should not adopt everything from someone else's business.

Tip 9. Pay attention to the demand for the idea. In the best case, your case should solve the problem of the majority of the inhabitants of the city. However, her character is not known. You will have to discover it yourself.

Tip 10. If you managed to find any need of the inhabitants of the city, then organize benchmark marketing. Evaluate the work of the best companies in your industry and use a successful example of their work in practice.

Tip 11. You can organize a small business by choosing ideas for a small town that are profitable to implement, since they involve the sale of goods that are in high demand. It can be both grocery kiosks, and construction, car shops and so on. This also applies to services. In a small town, ateliers, dry cleaners, car repair shops, etc. can be popular places.

Tip 12. Choose the legal form for registration and resolve all monetary issues. Here you can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you work without registration, you risk falling under the watchful eye of the tax, since you are in a small town. What the tax system will be depends on the type of your business. If it is small, then you need to choose the option where you need to pay taxes less.

Tip 13. initial investment. You cannot open your own business without any investment. Here, either personal or borrowed funds are used. If you find an industry with low level competition and high demand, then you will quickly be able to make a profit and recoup your investment.

We conclude that it is not difficult to organize a profitable business in a small town if your ideas are promising and you have taken into account all the nuances.

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Information about experts

Alexey Kanevsky Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. THEM. Gubkin (now the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin) and postgraduate studies at this university. Since 1995 - commercial director of the group of companies "Kentavr". Since 1996, he has been developing and promoting exclusive brands of imported beer. Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Moscow city branch of the public organization Opora Rossii.

Pavel Shubin at the end of 2012, he headed the branch of the diversified company Belousov Group, which opened in Nizhny Novgorod, before that he was CEO IT companies NS Labs. In 2011, he founded his own knitting production "Azhur", to which he devotes his free time from his main work.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

What kind of business can be opened in a small town with minimal investment? In this collection you will find 25 ideas for your business in small towns, as well as detailed guides on launch.

Key making shop

To open a point for making keys, you will not need any impressive investments: 150 thousand rubles will be enough, most of which (about 90 thousand rubles) will be required for the purchase of machine tools. The main service in the workshop will be the production of duplicate keys to the front doors, garages, cars, porches and intercoms. Additionally, you can earn money by sharpening knives, scissors and drills, selling locks, key fobs, performing emergency opening of locks, etc. It is possible to recoup a point for making keys in six months of work. To accommodate the workshop, 4 square meters is enough. meters.

Kindergarten at home

If you are looking for a home-based business option and have experience raising children, then consider opening private day care centers at home. This is a socially responsible business that reduces queues for kindergartens and is subsidized in many regions of the country. Private kindergartens are most in demand in new high-rise districts, where local authorities often do not have time to meet the population's need for public kindergartens. In such places, parents are looking for an opportunity to leave the child under the supervision of at least someone. The profit of a kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

Carpet cleaning

The carpet cleaning business is one of those activities that require minimal investment. Its essence is simple - you organize the cleaning of customers' carpets on-site or provide services for the removal / delivery of carpets to your own workshop, where you carry out the cleaning. The second option is more suitable for serious business, as you can significantly increase the number of orders and productivity. When working at home, you can get by with a minimum amount of equipment, household chemicals and small cleaning appliances (you can even meet 100 thousand rubles). With 4-5 orders per day, net profit can reach 90-120 thousand rubles.

Production of decorative candles

Candlemaking is a fun and relaxing activity to do for fun or in retirement. To start, you need a minimum of funds and skills, and all training materials can be found on YouTube and needlework sites. Simple calculations make it clear that a hobby in this business is much more than a business. If we assume that the price of one candle will be about 270 rubles (the average price for decorative candles), then when selling 200 candles per month, you can earn 54 thousand rubles. Then, taking into account the costs, the profit will be about 40 thousand rubles. Another thing is whether you will find so many buyers and distribution channels for your candles.

Making handmade soap

A business that can be opened with a minimum of funds is the production of natural handmade decorative soaps. The main investments will be spent on raw materials: soap base, fragrances and essential oils, dyes. Soap making is a creative process from start to finish, right up to the packaging and sale of products. Business is possible both as a side job and in large-scale formats.

Sale of seedlings

Selling seedlings can be a good seasonal business. Seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and other vegetables are in the greatest demand. You can grow seedlings even at home: on windowsills or on a balcony, in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If you grow seedlings on several levels, then even on 18 square meters, you can fit about 7.5 thousand cups with seedlings. If each cup is sold for 10 rubles, the revenue will be 75 thousand rubles, the profit, taking into account costs, will be about 50 thousand rubles.

Fish smoking

Fish is one of the most beloved products in domestic and foreign cuisine, but few people offer it to customers ready-made. Opening a smokehouse does not require large investments. The purchase of smoking equipment, freezers and a container for raw materials will require about 250 thousand rubles. The main conditions for success are a competent recipe and the presence of fresh fish suppliers nearby.

Sale of beer bouquets

A popular idea today to earn money is the sale of all kinds of edible bouquets, including the so-called beer bouquets and baskets for men. Usually this is a beautifully decorated set of beer and beer snacks: sausages, fish, crayfish, squid, chips, and so on. The whole thing is decorated with chili peppers, garlic, cherry tomatoes. There are a million possibilities here - you just have to look at ready-made ideas.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Car rental for weddings and events

If you have a presentable white premium car or a retro style car, this is a great opportunity to earn money by renting your car for weddings and other celebrations. You can earn 1-2 thousand rubles on rent. per hour, and extract additional profit from the rental of decorations for the car. All that is required is to find a good and advertising platform or classifieds site so that the client can find you.


A donut shop is a great option for a mini cafeteria or mall food court department. The margin on these products without much damage to demand can reach 1000%. The technology for baking donuts is quite simple, and there are many both manual units and automated systems that can improve performance. In addition, donuts are a product that will leave you room for creativity.

gingerbread houses

The gingerbread house business has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, recipes for their preparation can be easily found on the net and mastered for free. Secondly, you can make them at home. And thirdly, gingerbread is stored for a long time, which allows you to stock up for future use before the holidays. You can offer your products through social networks.

Sale of shawarma

Street food is considered one of the best destinations in terms of the “low investment / high return” ratio. For example, to open your own business selling shawarma, 270 thousand rubles and two employees are enough. When choosing good place a small outlet will be able to bring 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

Mobile planetarium

Today it has become possible to open a planetarium for anyone who has at least 250 thousand rubles. Mobile planetariums are spherical domes, inside which spherical films with a 3D effect are shown using a projector and a special coating as a screen. As a rule, the work of planetariums is aimed at children. school age. Such a business can pay off in 2-3 months, and its profitability can reach 150%.

Sale of worms and biohumus

Worms farming is a money-for-nothing idea, if we're only talking about single sales of worms to fishermen, of course. Such earnings can be completely easy: after all, you do not need to monitor the worms, and they can eat manure and food waste. It is especially good if your personal area is located on the way to the reservoir: hang the “worms” sign in a conspicuous place - and you're done. You can also sell vermicompost produced by worms. It can even be produced on an industrial scale. But keep in mind - according to the reviews of people with experience, it is not worth betting on one vermicompost. It is better to sell biohumus only in combination with other activities, for example, if you have a rabbit farm, whose droppings can become food for worms.

Conducting a fire show

Let's start with the most interesting - all in 5 minutes of a fire show you can earn 10-15 thousand rubles. Fire show is an opportunity to receive orders for holidays, weddings, celebrations and get good money for it. Large investments are not required: to buy basic equipment (poi, staffs, fans and other devices for “spinning” fire) 5-10 thousand rubles will be enough. You will also need to purchase or tailor-made stage costumes. The main thing in this business is mastering the skill of fire, as well as working on promotion in social networks. Another hurdle is competition. In large cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult to surprise people, which forces the organizers to look for new directions, combine fire shows with light shows, Tesla shows, and so on. But in small towns, you can still be the first.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mobile 3D cinema

For some reason, when they talk about the entertainment business, they mean only large cities with a million population or cities with a population of 500 thousand people. However, a huge audience living in small towns and villages, where there is simply no entertainment, but the need for them is huge, remains completely uncovered. An interesting idea in this area could be the organization of a mobile 3D cinema, working in collaboration with local schools, rural houses of culture and other organizations that provide free and happy space for such events to the organizers.

Meat trade

Meat is a commodity of daily demand. Even with the appearance of a large retail chain in the neighborhood - “death with a scythe” for any grocery store, a butcher shop can not only stay afloat, but also thrive due to the ability to vary the assortment and offer customers fresh and unique products that you will not find in a supermarket. A butcher's shop can be opened with an investment of 600 thousand rubles, the profit of small outlets is 75-100 thousand rubles.

beer shop

Beer is the number one drink in Russia, which will never leave an entrepreneur without a profit. To open your own beer store with equipment for bottling 10 types of beer, you will need about 500-600 thousand rubles. of which equipment costs will amount to about 240 thousand rubles. You can save money by renting equipment from local beer producers. The store's turnover of 300-350 thousand rubles will allow reaching a net profit of 50-70 thousand rubles.

Women's clothing store

Selling women's clothing is a business that will always be relevant. Even in the face of fierce competition, the new store has the opportunity to find its audience thanks to its unique assortment. Womenswear is the largest segment in the apparel industry, accounting for about 60% of the market. 400 thousand rubles may be enough to open a small women's clothing store.

mini bakery

The bakery is one of the most popular small business destinations. You sell a product of daily demand, investments in opening are small, and if consumer tastes change, you can instantly adapt to new trends and requests. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can really be recouped within 7 months of work.

Tool sharpening

To make money on sharpening tools, no special investments are required. At the same time, the service is in great demand both among ordinary housewives and among hairdressers, manicurists, cafe staff. Investments in the arrangement of a small room and the purchase of equipment will amount to about 130 thousand rubles.

Geological exploration and well drilling

Geological exploration and drilling is a business with a wide choice of formats and scales of activity. With minimal investment (about 450 thousand rubles), it is possible to engage in private orders - shallow drilling during the construction of wells and the launch of installations for the extraction of groundwater. It is also possible to work for legal entities in large-scale construction.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Split system installation

Air conditioners today are almost a mandatory unit of any houses and apartments. Although this business is frankly seasonal, it is extremely in demand: after all, split systems can be needed by everyone. Depending on the characteristics of the premises, the installation time can be from 2 to 6 hours. With the cost of services from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, you can earn from 2 to 12 thousand rubles a day on installation.


A barbecue is a one-dish establishment, which makes running such a business a little easier than, say, running a restaurant or cafe. By focusing on one dish, you can “know” all the secrets of cooking barbecue so much that you can collect a base of eternal customers with whom you can not be afraid for the fate of your business. To open a barbecue in the format of a cafe for 12 people, preparing various types of barbecue and snacks, as well as working to take away, it will take about 1.1 million rubles, which can be recouped by the middle of the second year of operation.

pancake stall

Pancakes are a product that is easy to prepare, but extremely promising in its capabilities. You can fill the pancake with anything, and this leaves a wide scope for culinary creativity. Your business selling pancakes is attractive with low investment in equipment and the ability to set a markup of up to 300%. To open a pancake cafe on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 1.25 million rubles. For a small town, the format of a pancake kiosk is ideal, the opening of which will require about 500 thousand rubles.

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The text is the main carrier of information, and there are countless ways to make money on it. We have collected the most trendy and interesting ones for you in a selection.

Building a profitable business in a small town is as easy today as starting a business in a big city. Unless, of course, you understand and take into account all the features of the area. In this article, we have described in detail the features of a business in small towns, how much you can earn in such a city and compiled a list of 21 business ideas for small towns.

How much can you earn by implementing one of the business ideas in a small town

The amount of earnings will directly depend on 2 things - 1) what kind of business you decide to implement, 2) how well you implement it. To get started, we suggest watching a video where you can see the size of the average check in each of the following niches.

As for the first point, here preference should be given to areas in which you already have some experience. If there is no experience, but there is a desire to master new sphere, it's okay, below we offer a selection of 21 actual business ideas selected specifically for small towns, if you don’t like them, you can choose an idea from the list - “" or " ", and if you decide to create a family business, you should read the article" ».

After you have found an interesting niche for yourself, you should move on to point number two. This stage implies the preparation of a business plan and the creation of your own unique style, this is an equally important stage and you also need to approach it as responsibly as possible, since your further expenses for promotion, advertising, etc. will depend on the correctness of such a plan. How to draw up such a plan, you can read here - " ". A well-written business plan is the key to a successful business. But do not forget about the uniqueness of the business, it is often also called a feature or a highlight, we read more about this in the article - “ ».

Advantages and disadvantages of doing business in a small town

Of course, all the pros and cons, this is a rather subjective thing, so everyone decides for himself what to include in which column. We can only say that the minuses are not so significant and most of them can be turned into pluses, how to do this can be read below.



  • small competitiveness (opportunity to become a monopolist in the field);
  • small rent;

    there is no need to have a large start-up capital;

    low profit (due to low solvency of customers);

    not every business will be able to take root (for example, an elite hairdresser, a scab club, and the like);

    lack of qualified staff;

    limited demand for a particular product or service.

If desired, almost any minus can be turned into a plus. For example - "lack of qualified employees", you can find an employee from another region, moreover, in most of the ideas, it is not required to hire highly qualified professionals. Limited demand - can be solved by expanding the business to other regions.

Features of business in a small town

Of course, a business in a small town has a number of its own characteristics, which must be taken into account if you want to have a successful business. These are the 7 main points that any businessman should know when deciding to open a business in a small town.

    Lack of basic things for which residents are forced to travel to big cities. Depending on the size of the city, these can be different things - limited choice of food, lack of entertainment places for children and young people (sushi bars, playgrounds, nightclubs, etc.);

    Reputation canopy of gold. If the staff is rude to customers or perform their duties poorly, rumors about this will quickly spread throughout the city. And such an institution will be bypassed, and this is tantamount to suicide in a city where every client is important;

    The solvency of an ordinary resident in a small town is much lower than that of a resident of a large city (this is due to the fact that salaries in small towns are much lower);

    It is much easier to register an IP, whoever does not know how to register it correctly should definitely read - « »;

    The sales market is much smaller (therefore, you need to be very careful in analyzing and drawing up a business plan);

    It is difficult to find a highly qualified specialist in a narrow field. Therefore, if one is required, one will have to look for it in a large city. But few businesses need such specialists;

    If possible, you need to hire, the local population will not only cost less, but will also have a positive effect on the reputation of the institution. For example, if this is a cafe, acquaintances and friends will visit the employees and, for sure, they will order something, and most likely become regular customers of such an institution.

Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of the sales market and the way of life of people in this region (which products and services they prefer, etc.). Based on these needs and you need to proceed when choosing a business.

What kind of business to do in a small town

It all depends on your goal, if the goal is money (then you need to look for the most profitable area, if the goal is pleasure and making money for living - everything will be much easier here). For those who do not know where to start, it is worth reading the article - « » . Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

If the goal is maximum profit. First of all, you need to analyze the market and find the 5-10 most profitable areas in your area. Then choose the most optimal option from this list and undertake to implement it. But remember 1 simple rule, the quality of your services should be an order of magnitude higher than that of competitors, or at least at the initial stage no worse. As a result, quality and price will be the determining factor for the client, who will make a choice to whom he should go, to you or to your competitors.

If the goal is "business as a hobby". Just choose any idea from the list that you like. Mentally look a few years ahead, whether you have the desire to run such a business in 3-5 years. If the answer is yes, then you can safely proceed with the implementation. But before implementing ideas, you need to register as a private entrepreneur or LLC, how to do this can be found in the article - "".

It is worth saying that even in option 2, you can make very good money. Becoming leaders in this area, you will receive maximum profit. But still, it will not be as effective in terms of profit as in the first option.

Top 10 Profitable Ideas for a Small Town

We made a small selection of 10 ideas that can be easily implemented in a small town. You already know the size of the average check for them if you watched the video at the beginning of the article. Almost every idea from the list can be implemented without investments.

Today, selling goods through an affiliate program is a fairly common practice. And no wonder, because to start you do not need to invest your money in the purchase of goods, renting premises, etc.

Most of these products are sold online. You can earn from 1 product from 50 rubles to 500 for one product, this is an approximate amount. In real life, the amount will differ depending on the product that you will sell and the percentage of the affiliate program.

You can sell anything, from mobile phones to household appliances. You can sell a product in dozens of ways, the most common ones are creating a website for a specific product, opening an online store, selling on social networks. This is a great business for a small town, since you can sell goods to any city, and living in a small town is cheaper than in a metropolis.

Read more about how it works and how much you can earn on it, read in the article "" and "".

#2 Creating a YouTube channel

This type of activity came to us from the West, but many people have already mastered it and are earning good money. The essence of earning is to upload interesting video clips, shot or made by yourself, and upload them to your channel.

The more people view your videos, the more money you get from ads. Ads appear in video clips automatically. In order to receive money you need to apply and become an affiliate, after that you will be able to include paid advertising in your videos. As we have already said, earnings depend on the number of impressions, on average it is 50-300 rubles per 1000 impressions, it all depends on the subject of the channel, for example, a knitting lesson channel will earn less than an entertainment channel, etc.

In order to collect a large number of views, you need to get subscribers. To do this, you need to promote your group. Advertise on social networks, send to friends, post on other resources and much more, there are many options.

The video format can be completely different - video lessons, master classes, game reviews, movie reviews, book reviews, camera jokes and much more. There is no ideal format here and it is quite difficult to predict what to shoot. You can only achieve good results if you experiment.

You can find out how to start making money on YouTube in the article - "".

This idea is as simple as possible, it's no secret that most people throw away things they don't need. And not always because they are broken and beyond repair. Sometimes this is because they have new thing and the old one has minor damage.

It is not difficult to repair such a thing, if it is, for example, a sofa, it is enough to change the upholstery or repair the legs and you can sell it. You can earn on such a thing from 50% of its initial cost. That is, after doing a little work, you can sell the same sofa for 10,000 rubles. This idea for a business in a small town is interesting because there has probably never been anything like it.

You can sell both via the Internet to other cities and open your own small store. Do not overestimate the value, if you sell good things at conservative prices, you will definitely find customers.

This business is more suitable for girls and women. Almost any girl knows how to do a manicure or pedicure. On this, you can earn money by opening a small beauty salon at home and providing these services, you can also make various masks, hair coloring and other services.

Your girlfriend and girlfriends of your girlfriends can become your customers, and then, thanks to word of mouth, you can get new regular customers in a short period of time. You can earn from 50 to 300 rubles for 1 procedure.

You can advertise your services on social networks, by creating a group you can attract new customers, just ask your friends to repost your group. There are also paid options for promoting groups, but at the initial stage, free ones should be enough.

If you have start-up capital, you can open a store, in the article - "", you can find out how much you need to start.

#5 Tutoring

Even in a small town, this idea is very profitable. If you are fluent in a foreign language or some subject, you can make good money on it. In addition, now you can teach online, anywhere in the world. It expands your possibilities on an incredible scale.

Today, online lessons via Skype are very popular, you can earn from 500 rubles for such an hour. Also, many people use YouTube, this makes it possible to get new customers and make themselves felt. It works like this - shoot a video lesson and post it on your channel.

This idea is suitable for rabbit lovers, it is not difficult to breed them, but you still need to master the basics, nutrition, breeding, etc. This can be done using special literature. If you get one female rabbit, she can bring up to 22,000 thousand rubles a year, but not much, but you can breed several of them. Of course, this amount is still quite relative, you can sell offspring for good money.

One female can bring up to 16 rabbits for one offspring. This business should rather be considered as an additional business, because in order to earn at least 20,000 rubles a month, you will have to have 12 females and constantly sell their offspring, which will be very laborious. But as an additional income, this is a completely justified business. Read more about rabbit breeding .

Anyone can make soap with their own hands. To make your own soap, you need to buy the most common baby soap and put it in a pot and put it on the stove. When it melts, the mixture should be seasoned with vanilla, honey or other ingredients.

After that, the resulting mixture must be poured into molds and wait until the whole thing cools down. Now it remains only to get the soap from the mold and pack it beautifully. The profitability of such activities is from 50%.

You can sell such products on the Internet (by creating your own website or group on a social network), offer soap for stores selling household chemicals, or simply open a point yourself or rent a store. In big cities, this business has been doing for a long time.

Almost any girl knows how to weave pigtails. You can earn on this. Opening a small beauty salon. The first clients of course will be girlfriends and acquaintances and friends of the mother. You can make a discount for them or even braid it for free, if they like it, they will definitely contact you. And their hairstyle will become your business card. You can earn for 1 hairstyle from 200 to 400 rubles.

Further, you can advertise your services through a social network, create a group and upload photo reports of your work. In addition, you can create a YouTube channel and upload your video lessons there, after some time you will get a permanent audience, you can offer paid master classes and much more and earn extra money on it.

This is not the most profitable idea for a small town, but still it has a place to be. For a long time, schoolchildren abroad have been earning good money on this. The bottom line is to walk animals and get paid for it. You can walk with 3-5 animals at once (the main thing is that they get along with each other). You can earn on this from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the number of animals.

You can find clients at dog walks, in parks, online, or through people you know. You can even start a pet walking company if everything goes well. This service is mainly used by busy pet owners who live in high-rise buildings. You can also train dogs in addition, this will give you additional clients. Since the owner can walk and eat when, but he would not refuse to train his pet.

№10 Renting a garage

This is a wide area of ​​activity, you can rent a garage according to different schemes. You can rent a garage for long-term or short-term (daily or hourly). You can rent it out with the condition that the garage will be converted into a workshop or a car wash, etc., etc.

You can rent a garage not only for cars, as many are used to, it can be used as a warehouse, for example, for an online store or for a company that does not have its own warehouse. What other business in the garage you can have, you can read .

11 bonus ideas

Watch the video and find out how much you can earn in a small town and how much you need to start:

    - this is what is in demand in any city. But if your city is full of shops, then you should think about the narrow specialization of the store. For example, you can open a shop with pastries or specializing in fish and the water world in general. The idea of ​​a shop specializing in condiments and various spices should also be considered.

    Very relevant and interesting, if you are "friends" with sports, there will be an option with a fitness center, a gym.

    Such a business will always be profitable, because no one has yet canceled beauty and perfection.

    "Organization for helping housewives" - electricians, mechanics, plumbers, etc.

    Computer help.

    Growing vegetables or selling agricultural products. Such a business will be relevant if your city is rural.

    Nanny on call.

    Hotel business. This business can be considered not only under the idea of ​​creating conditions for people to live. It will be relevant to create a hotel for animals or plants, if there is no such hotel in the city yet.

    vending business. In such machines, you can sell not only coffee and chocolate bars, but also various food products, clothes and shoes, umbrellas or even cars.

What you need to know before starting a business:

Thus, you see that it is possible to create your own business, no matter where in a small town or at home. To do this, you need to have the right goals, desire and perseverance, and a little more imagination. If you have read this article to the end, you should not have any idea how to open your own business and what you need to do for this.

Not only residents of the metropolis want to make good money. The inhabitants of the province also hold their own business in high esteem. For a small town, of course, there are not so many suitable ideas that help. However, there is always a way out. And you need to start by finding a business with low competition that will provide the right boost at the start.

A small town is characterized by a small number of inhabitants, usually from 15 to 60 thousand people. In such settlements, retail trade is highly developed, there are small markets and small wholesale networks. The range of services provided by small organizations and private entrepreneurs occupies the bulk of all business areas.

Very often, a newly minted private entrepreneur who does not know which business is the most profitable in a small town and does not have a clear plan of his own begins to test himself in a competitive area, which in many cases turns out to be a failure for his activities. To prevent this from happening, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of such a business, as well as identify an unpromoted, but profitable area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

Profitable business in a small town - your profitable plan

First, you must give an objective assessment of the modern market. What new product or service would you like to see in your city? What do consumers need and want? What kind weak sides characterize your future competitors? And, of course, the main question: “What is the most profitable business in a small town?” Each locality may have its own, different answers, so it would not be entirely correct to advise something specific in this case. A sparsely populated city is good because all its inhabitants are more or less familiar with each other, so finding out what your neighbors and acquaintances want and are willing to pay for innovations is the easiest thing. You can do a little research: interview the townspeople about what is missing in the city and what they would like to see. Perhaps in this way they will give you an idea and open your eyes on how to choose a profitable business for a small town.

You cannot open a business if you are not familiar with the subject of its activities, if its specifics are far from your interests. As a rule, such enterprises never end in success. On bare enthusiasm far, as they say, you will not leave.

The main disadvantages of doing business in a small town

First of all, I would like to focus on the disadvantages that affect the potential and profitability of a working business. Perhaps, after reading them, you will get scared and lose interest in the topic “What is the most profitable business in a small town”, but do not rush, it is better to read the article to the end.

  • The main disadvantage of such a business, of course, is a small cross. So, if, for example, we take a more passable place in a city with a population of about 20 thousand people, then it will still have less efficiency than an ordinary ordinary place in a large settlement, for example, with a population of 150 thousand people. Therefore, the most passing places of a small town should be considered.
  • The second - no less significant minus - the small salary of the townspeople. It is no secret that the inhabitants of the provinces receive less for their work than their counterparts in larger settlements. Therefore, we can draw a fairly simple, but logical conclusion: the lower the salary of people, the less likely it is that part of the money earned will go to the purchase of your goods and services.
  • Do not forget about the competition, without it nowhere! The small town, profitable areas, offering essential goods are already packed, there are enough people who want to have a good income. And yet, on top of that, large regional and federal chains are everywhere climbing with their goods and ruining the lives of local merchants.
  • The last disadvantage is the widespread shortage of qualified personnel. Of course, professionals are everywhere and always, but finding them can take a long time, and sometimes you even have to poach them, promising a higher salary.

...and pluses

Of course, there are a lot of minuses, but each drawback can be turned into an advantage if desired. If you are still wondering what business is better to open in a small town, then you are ready to fight for your place in the sun.

  • The main advantage, which in its importance takes the first place of honor, is a rather low price per square meter of rented premises. A profitable business with minimal investment in a small town implies a reduction in the costs of entrepreneurial activity, and therefore an increase in the potential income of the entrepreneur. And this plus just contributes to this alignment.
  • In order to turn competition into a big plus, you need to become a beginner in your business. Find a business area that is not yet in the city. No competitors - no headaches.
  • To make the working staff a plus, you need to determine which business (the most profitable in a small town) does not need professional staff. In fact, there are a huge number of niches that require conventional labor to operate. And usually cheap.
  • Finally, I would like to highlight a plus, which is quite difficult to get, but it is possible by providing the population with quality goods or services. This is the trust of citizens in your business. It is necessary to plan correctly and offer residents the optimal ratio of price to quality of goods and services provided. And laudatory popular reviews will not leave you without a good monthly income!

As mentioned above, a sparsely populated area is characterized by a minimum level of demand, a small average check amount, a limited number of potential buyers and a territory for business expansion. However, in such towns there is a stable demand for products and services of mass consumption.

You can start a business in any city. But in order to succeed, you must consider the following features:

  • Properly choose a niche for your business in a small town. Opportunities and implementation of the idea in the metropolis are more real. And what is lucrative in a large community may not be as profitable in a small town.
  • Approach correctly to planning your activities: optimize costs, let incomes develop.

The most important thing is to have a desire to work, to work tirelessly, without being distracted by various holidays and weekends, to learn to ignore various ridicule, especially in case of possible failures at the start. If your activity is focused on the population, then you can build a profitable business in a small town. The main ideas will help you with this.

Business idea number 1. Private kindergarten

Today, in the current demographic situation, in small towns there are often problems with finding a kindergarten for a child. This is due to the fact that the number of open public institutions is extremely small, and some of them are also closed. Working parents will be happy to entrust their child to you if you offer them the best price tag and quality service. The amount of start-up capital here is quite large, and the payback will take some time, but this project has repeatedly confirmed its success. The main thing is to do your job with high quality, and reviews of a good private kindergarten will instantly spread around the city, you can be sure.

Business idea number 2. Solving small household problems

This idea can be safely attributed to the category "The best business ideas for a small town." After all, the opening of an agency called "Man for an hour" or "Wife for an hour" is a quickly paid off activity, the organization of which does not require large finances. The activities of such firms are related to solving household chores, for example, cooking, washing, assembling / disassembling furniture and other household chores. It is very convenient that for this business you do not need to rent a room and immediately hire staff. It will be enough at the first stage to buy the necessary tools, register an IP and place an advertisement so that as many people as possible learn about your service. Basically, you can do financial investments in the amount of 25,000 rubles. It should also be noted that this business is ideal for people who love to work and are not afraid to do the work themselves, agree on a small, but very stable income.

Business idea number 3. Bakery

Starting a small bakery business is another good business idea in a small town as quality bakery products are always in high demand. True, expensive equipment and the necessary collection of a whole package of permits can be a strong argument to make a choice in favor of another business project. But if you still decide to open your own bakery, then you will need start-up capital, the amount of which will be approximately 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, it should be expected that the project will pay for itself in full not earlier than in a year. If you correctly invest this amount in a bakery, you will achieve a truly high-quality line for the production of bakery products.

Business idea number 4. Organization for the repair and production of keys

In order to open such an organization, you do not need to be a great specialist. And all because the latest equipment in the form of a key cutting machine will do all your work on its own. You can work in the workshop yourself, besides, a small room is enough. Such a business allows you to save both on employee wages and on rent. If desired, you can engage in the production of keys at home. This will completely save you from the rental expense item. If you are more or less skilled at repairing things like irons, umbrellas, food processors, and other small things like that, then you might consider providing a repair service as well. This will increase the client flow and the amount of revenue received. The cost of opening a workshop will be approximately 70,000 rubles.

Business idea number 5. Online store of handmade goods

If you are a creative person and have good skills in sewing, knitting and other types of needlework, then you can easily answer the question of which profitable one your creative nature will tell you. After all, you can put your abilities to use and make good money on it. The problem of a small town in this situation lies in the small demand for the results of your creativity. But modern technologies help to resolve such nuances. It is enough to create an online store where you will take orders for the manufacture of exclusive hand-made products and sell those that are in stock. Sending to other cities should be cash on delivery by mail, while the price tag for shipping must be included in the cost of the goods. The demand for quality and creative products is always high. All that is needed to organize an online business is a website, you can order it from a professional or you can take care of creating it yourself, if, of course, you have some skills. You should also pay due attention to the promotion of the resource in search engines to increase the number of customers. The required amount of starting capital in this case may be limited to 25,000 rubles.

Business idea #6: Opening courses (dance, martial arts, etc.)

Today, many parents are thinking about where to attach their child so that the child not only learns the school curriculum, but also develops additionally, gaining new knowledge and skills. This contributes to a fairly high demand for all kinds of courses. When choosing a direction, you should be guided by what you understand and what classes you can conduct on your own. Dance courses are very popular at all times. The initial capital for such a business project is highly dependent on the planned number of students and on your teaching abilities. For example, by agreeing on cooperation with the House of Culture, you can significantly reduce the cost of renting a room. You should also not neglect fashion trends, you need to teach current areas of dance. You should also develop a good advertising campaign to recruit the required number of students in the group that you can handle.

Summing up

As can be seen from the article, there are more than enough opportunities for active residents of small towns. And the above list of ideas is far from definitive. If you think about it, then everyone is likely to find many more relevant entrepreneurial ideas that can solve the problem. Several of the project options given in this article have already proven their viability more than once. However, if you still haven't found a business you love, then there is a great opportunity to start your own business on the Internet. Here you can simply work, sell, enter into contracts with online customers. Besides, knowledge of English language makes it possible for you to interact with citizens of other countries.

Perhaps your path lies a little different from the usual route. And it is you who will be able to open a different, unlike anything profitable business in a small town. New business ideas appear at an enviable rate. Who knows, maybe you can come up with something that no other person has thought of. Don't be afraid to step aside. And do not try to find a commercial component in every idea. Just start changing the reality around you. At first mentally, and over time in practice, and then it will become much more interesting and brighter, and your life will become richer. In all senses.

Thus, it is quite possible to find a profitable business idea and implement it in your small town. But in order for the idea to succeed, it is necessary to take into account the location of your settlement. And by making some effort and making an accurate calculation, you can benefit not only yourself, but also make life easier for your fellow countrymen.

What kind of business can be opened in a small town, town or countryside with minimal capital?

What kind of business to open in a village, town or small town - basic rules

Starting your own business in a small town is a rather difficult task that comes with many risks.

For example, or sports, which are hardly profitable even in a big city, are unlikely to become successful in a small town. The specificity of small cities is that a business that will be useful and interesting to the population can become truly profitable.

To avoid fierce competition, the lack of a sufficient number of customers and a minimum profit, it is necessary to choose the right business idea that best meets the needs and requirements of a small city.

Advice! To start a business, you can limit yourself to minimal investments - an initial capital of 100 thousand rubles will allow you to organize a profitable business in a small town, town or village. At first, you can work from home or use an empty room, such as a garage.

If you already have ideas for starting your own business from scratch, and you are ready to seriously consider these options now, make sure that they all comply with the “three NOTs” rule:

  1. in a small town, village or rural area should not require a large number of highly qualified specialists. Of course, there are a few smart employees in every locality, but most of the well-educated professionals with experience in a certain field are looking for work in large cities. For example, if you open a company that provides software development services, you will not feel the pressure of competitors, but you cannot do without a good team of competent specialists. In addition, this type of business is designed for large cities.
  2. Your business does not have to be narrowly specialized. A business can become profitable only if there is a demand for it, that is, a sufficient number of customers. So, opening an elite cosmetics store or yoga courses in a small town or village, you will not be able to get the large customer base necessary for the business to flourish.
  3. The idea you have chosen for implementation should not raise many questions and doubts - the goals and directions of your own business should be as clear and interesting as possible to a businessman. Uncertainty often leads to serious mistakes, therefore, before starting a business, you need to carefully consider an action plan, take into account all possible risks and troubles.

What bonuses does a business owner in a small town receive?

Despite the large number of difficulties, a business in a small town or in a rural area can be profitable with the right approach and quality work.

  1. To organize your own business in a village or village, you can get by with minimal capital. The cost of renting a room in small towns is always less than in large cities. Besides, wage lower for employees. There is also an opportunity to save on advertising - just a couple of weeks of high-quality and conscientious work and almost everyone will know about you!

Important: organizing a business in small towns is possible with minimal investment - having an initial capital of 100 thousand rubles, you have the opportunity to open a profitable and growing business!

  1. In small towns or villages, large and famous companies rarely open their representative offices. The businessman has a chance to fix this and start a profitable business. By becoming the only distributor of quality branded products, you will protect yourself from competition and ensure your own business.

This idea cannot be implemented without a formal agreement between the entrepreneur and the owners of the company whose products the businessman will sell.

The contract clearly prescribes and regulates the sale of branded products.

  1. With a favorable environment and a successful state of affairs, you can always outsource and expand the boundaries of your business, providing services or products to customers from large cities. It is much easier to open a profitable business in a small town than in a metropolis, and over time it can be developed and expanded the geography of activities.

Business ideas for 100 thousand rubles

Entrepreneurship is becoming more and more popular not only among residents of big cities, but also in small towns.

Any business, even the most modest, requires certain investments. In modern realities, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish a profitable business in a big city, having only 100 thousand rubles as a start-up capital, while in a provincial town or in a rural area, a fairly profitable business can be organized with these funds.

Business ideas for 100,000 rubles in a small town:

  • Mini real estate agency. This type of business is suitable for people who have some experience in this field, for example, former realtors, while the entrepreneur does not need to hire a large staff. To start the agency's activities, it is enough to rent a small room. An initial capital of 100 thousand rubles is enough to organize an agency in a small town.

Advice! Even though the services of real estate firms are becoming more in demand every year, before setting up a business, you need to make sure that you will have a sufficient customer base in your city.

  • Atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes. There are not many such services in small towns, however, there is always a demand for them. Opening your own atelier is a good idea for those who are interested in this area. In addition, in small towns, you will certainly assemble a good team of employees for your organization.

Advice! In the first couple, it is not at all necessary to rent a room to found a small atelier - work can be quite successfully done at home.

  • Creative agency. For 100 thousand rubles in a small town, you can open a good creative agency that will specialize in advertising. Even in a small town, the advertising industry is developing and unusual, interesting ideas will always come in handy. To organize such a business, it is absolutely not necessary to have a specialized education, and the team itself may consist of only a few or even one person for the first time. In addition, you can open such a business with even less investment, for example, having a starting capital of 50 thousand. With a minimum amount of money, you can start an agency from home.

What business to open in a village for 100,000?

Living in a rural area, in a village or in a small village, for 100 thousand rubles you can organize a fairly profitable and quickly paid off business.

  • One of the best ideas for implementation in the village is opening. With a starting capital of 100 thousand, you can open a grocery store or a household chemicals store. Such a business option will certainly be profitable and pay off in a short time;
  • Installation of satellite dishes or the Internet. In rural areas, an organization providing the services of a high-quality Internet provider will come in handy. To implement such an idea, the entrepreneur should conclude an agreement with big company, which is engaged in conducting the Internet or television, and organize a small representative office in your town or village. A capital of 100 thousand will allow you to purchase the minimum set of equipment necessary to start activities. This type of business can also be carried out at home.
  • Auto repair shop. To open your own in the countryside, it is enough to manage with capital even less than 100 thousand. An entrepreneur is able to carry out this type of activity at home - in his own garage.

What business to open in a small town for 500,000 rubles

In a small town or countryside for an organization own business with a capital of 500,000 rubles, there are many useful and profitable ideas, for example:

  • Auto parts store in the garage. This business option pays off well in small towns and villages. In addition to selling ordinary auto parts, which are also sold in other stores, you can start franchising, for example, automotive chemicals from a foreign manufacturer, which is not freely available in your locality. You can start such a business at home or rent a small room;
  • 500,000 rubles is a sufficient investment for a car wash. This option of own business is also possible at home by equipping your own garage. However the best option will rent specialized premises;
  • Flower shop - to open such a business, it is enough to have an initial capital of 500,000 rubles, which will allow you to rent a good room, purchase necessary equipment, for example, refrigerators for flowers. The recommended starting capital is 1,000,000 rubles.

Advice!For more profitability flower shop, it is worth organizing the order of bouquets on the Internet and providing customers with prompt and high-quality delivery.

What business to open in a crisis with minimal investment?

It is generally accepted that a crisis is the best time for change. Even during a difficult economic situation, competent entrepreneurs have the opportunity to establish a profitable business from scratch and with minimal investment, the main thing is to choose the right idea and implement it with the highest quality.

In a crisis, it is worth giving preference to those business options that best meet the needs of society, that is, to analyze which goods or services are most popular during a crisis period.

Ideas for your own business from scratch with minimal investment:

  • Grocery store - food is always in demand, so this business option will quickly pay off and begin to make a profit even in a crisis. To open a small store, it is enough to have a starting capital of 500,000 rubles;
  • Repair of apartments or private houses - oddly enough, but in a crisis, this type of business is developing well and brings a stable income. A company providing repair services will be in demand both in a small town, and in a village, and even in rural areas. To start repair activities, you can get by with minimal investment;
  • Car service. In a crisis, when the services of official dealers are becoming very expensive, many car owners prefer to repair cars in private services. If you have an initial capital of 500,000 rubles, you can rent a good room and purchase a minimum set of equipment that will be needed in the first stages;
  • Internet business at home. The basis for the implementation of this type of business can be the writing of advertising texts or translations from foreign languages. Experienced programmers can provide skilled services while working from home and with little to no investment.

To open a business in a small town or village, there are a large number of interesting and profitable ideas that are implemented with minimal investment, alone or with a team of like-minded people, at home.

It is important to approach the task as responsibly as possible, analyze the specifics of doing business in a particular locality and develop a high-quality action plan.

How to build a business in a small town?