Profitable service industries. Demanded business in the field of service provision

  • 23.09.2019

1. Manufacture of semi-finished products, assemblies, parts by order of firms, clothing accessories, badges, etc.

2. Knitting socks, gloves, clothes.

3. Tailoring.

4. Making hats.

5. Making shoes.

6. Lacework.

7. Embroidery.

8. Manufacture of products "objects of folk art."

9. Baking bakery products.

10. Flour production, vegetable oil, pasta, sausages, soft and alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise.

11. Preparation and sale of pies, pancakes, barbecue, grilled chicken, shawarma, etc. on the spot.

12. Collection of old household appliances, repair and sale to people with low incomes.

13. Minor repairs streets and roads.

14. Construction work.

15. Construction of playgrounds, yard complexes.

16. Production of piece furniture.

17. Blacksmithing.

18. Artwork.

19. Architectural and building design.

20. Design work.

21. Breeding purebred cats and dogs.

22. Dressing of animal skins.

23. Manufacture of stuffed animals and birds.

24. Collection of forest gifts - nuts, berries, cones, mushrooms.

Services to the population.

25. Washing sinks, bathtubs.

26. Cleaning clothes.

27. Shoe repair.

28. Repair of plumbing, electrical equipment, gas equipment.

29. Apartment renovation.

30. Cleaning of entrances, corridors, elevators.

31. Cleaning the area around the house.

32. Delivery of medicines to the population.

33. Collection of junk for recycling.

34. Hairdressing services.

35. Cleaning of premises and territory after repair or construction.

36. Funeral services (funeral, wreaths, ribbons, orchestra, tombstones, fences, care of graves).

37. Sharpening of cutting tools (knives, saws, drills, manicure tools, scissors).

38. Production of keys, repair of household hardware.

39. Finding personal service providers (assistance to the population) using their own database (transportation of things, housekeeper, nanny, piano tuning, apartment renovation, etc.).

40. Furniture repair.

41. Photographing, developing photographic films and printing photographs.

42. Photocopying.

43. Production of audio and video recordings.

44. Installation of television antennas.

45. Installation of automatic washing machines and dishwashers.

46. ​​Broker for the selection of options for renting, buying, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

47. Activity of pawnshops.

48. Services for the protection of motor vehicles.

49. Repair of motor vehicles.

50. Repair of boats, boats.

51. Repair of sports equipment.

54. Rental (household appliances, tools, children's bicycles, toys).

55. Rental of audio and video cassettes.

56. Private paid library.

57. Rental of household appliances, items for tourism, tools, inventory, etc.

58. Renting out housing, a garage, a barn, a basement, a plot of land, a garden, a kitchen garden, a car.

59. Medical care.

60. Dental care.

61. Veterinary services.

Services in large shopping centers and shops under an agreement with them.

62. Expert advice.

63. Packaging of goods.

64. Delivery of bulky goods to customers.

65. Cutting fabrics and hemming curtains purchased at the store.

66. Minor alteration, purchased in a clothing store.

67. Stretching shoes and hats.

68. Performance of engraving works.

69. Installation at the buyer's home of technically complex goods purchased in the store.

70. Storage of things of buyers.

71. Storage of prams.

72. Organization of rest places for buyers.

73. Organization of children's leisure.

74. Organization of the cafeteria.

75. Providing information about the availability of goods for sale.

76. Order a taxi, etc.

77. Acceptance of orders for the repair and maintenance of technically complex goods.

Leisure organization.

78. Organization of recreation for the population: excursions, attractions, boating, boats, horseback riding, etc.

79. Off-site photo-film services: public places, kindergartens, schools, family celebrations, events at enterprises, etc.

81. Dating service.

82. Tour guides, instructors, guides in cities, in countryside, in fishing and hunting grounds, in the mountains, etc.

83. Organization of the show, production and director's work.

Educational services.

85. Tutoring.

87. Private courses, schools.

88. Preparation of abstracts, term papers, dissertations.

89. Learning to dance.

90. Teaching good manners, business protocol.

91. Training service and hunting dogs.

92. Dressage of horses.

93. Training of children's groups.

94. Yard coach of children's teams: football, volleyball, hockey, Athletics etc.

95. Organization of aerobics classes, etc.

96. Training of athletes.

97. Learning to swim.

98. Personal training in the craft.

Services to enterprises.

99. Washing windows.

100. Territory care: green spaces, fountains, gazebos, etc.

101. Laundry and dry cleaning of overalls, curtains, tablecloths, carpets, etc.

103. Bicycle, motorcycle courier service for the delivery of correspondence, parcels, small cargo within the city, district.

104. Broker for the selection of options for renting, buying, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

107. Information desks on specific topics providing information by telephone or via the Internet.

108. Announcement bureaus providing services for placing announcements in thematic publications, on the Internet, in public places.

109. Preparation of books of a technical profile: operation manuals, repair instructions, practical aids, etc.

110. Mashburo, computer typing, scanning.

111. Printing documents on printers.

112. Photocopying.

113. Bookbinding.

114. Thematic clippings from newspapers on the orders of clients.

116. Repair of wheeled and tracked vehicles.

117. Repair of production equipment.

118. Cleaning of pipes and chimneys of industrial enterprises and residential buildings.

119. Audit activity.

120. Procurement and processing of secondary raw materials.

121. Warehouse operations in ports and stations.

122. Water well drilling activities.

123. Activities for the disposal of production and consumption waste.

124. Description, conservation, restoration of archival documents.

125. Activities for the repair and restoration of cultural heritage sites.

126. Activities for the restoration of museum objects.

127. Repair of cash registers.

128. Operation of gas stations.

129. Carrying out disinfection, disinsection and deratization works.

130. Real estate activity.

131. Publishing activity.

132. Printing activity.

Transport and related servants.

133. Transportation and transport-operational activities.

134. Transportation of passengers and goods by water transport.

135. Activities for the implementation of freight operations.

136. Freight forwarding services.

137. Servicing passengers in the territories and waters of seaports and roadsteads.

138. Transshipment activities in water transport.

139. Forwarding activities in water transport.

140. Agency activity in water transport.

141. Pilotage of ships on water transport.

142. Loading and unloading activities in railway transport, in sea and river ports.

Small wholesale and retail.

144. Traveling trade.

145. Peddle trade (peddlers, traveling salesmen).

146. Street trade.

147. Small trade by mail.

148. Commercial intermediary or agent.

149. Sale of newspapers and magazines.

150. Sale of flowers, maintenance of pharmacy stalls, etc.

1.7 billion people on Earth work in the service sector

Irina Milovanova

Canine Center "Elite"

Despite all the pluses, business in the service sector is far from the easiest.

Of course, working in services is somewhat easier than in the same production: no technological requirements, a minimum of approvals from regulatory authorities. But if you thought that the entrance to the service sector is available to everyone, we have to disappoint you: this is far from the case. In order to provide a quality service, you need to make no less effort than in any other area.

The main difficulty in this matter lies in the fact that the influence of the human factor is very strong in the service sector. Let's face it: if you are a mediocre specialist, or do not know how to politely communicate with clients, while providing services on your own, your business will not last long. It will be no less difficult if you hire third-party specialists. It is often difficult to select them, and it is not easy to monitor how they perform their duties.

Another disadvantage of working in services is a lot of competition. Where there is good demand and it is relatively easy to start a business, you run the risk of running into a lot of equally resourceful start-up entrepreneurs. Therefore, in services, as nowhere else, it is important to find your niche and create a unique selling proposition. Don't be afraid to experiment and do things that no one else is doing yet. But do not forget about the sense of proportion: services must remain in demand, and not scare away consumers with their insanity.

And of course, due to the great competition in the service sector, it can be quite difficult to "unwind". This means that it can take many years to earn a name for yourself and charge above the market average. But you have to start small: in the most competitive service industries, newcomers are often forced to work for little pay, hoping for good recommendations and the work of "word of mouth".

Services in Russia: what can the market expect?

But still, not in all types of services, entrepreneurs are faced with a decrease in demand. For example, pawnshops and microloans only benefited from the crisis.

Things have improved for most services that ultimately help save money. For example, companies operating in the personnel outsourcing market feel great: it is cheaper for a business to hire an outside person to perform irregular work, rather than keep someone on the staff, constantly paying him a salary.

Real growth is also experienced by the business of helping credit debtors.

All these changes are somehow connected with the worsening economic situation. At the same time, the inhabitants of Russia do not expect that the economic situation will change soon, and are set to save money. According to the Romir research holding, 11% of Russians intend to save on various expensive services, including those related to treatment or education.

Although the participants in the education market themselves do not notice a significant decline in demand. For example, the London Express network of foreign language schools noted that the number of students studying has decreased only slightly, and in the future demand will not drop much: there are more those who intend to get a job abroad or improve their skills in order to look better in the labor market .

But the data presented by the National Agency for Financial Research shows that 48% of Russians save on vacations and vacations, 18% - on transport.

From these figures, we can conclude that in the near future the demand for services in the field of tourism, car maintenance, as well as for expensive and unnecessary services will not grow. Therefore, it is necessary to open a business, one way or another connected with these types of activities, after weighing all the possible risks. Or perhaps you should completely abandon this idea and look around in search of new, more sought-after areas in the service sector.

Dmitry Zasukhin

Legal Marketing Laboratory

For all its peculiarities, the service business is now very popular. By opening it, we begin to actively earn on our professional knowledge and skills. All this brings, in addition to income, the true joy of work.

In my opinion, narrow specializations will be in demand in the near future. For example, lawyers who protect the rights of fathers, or food photographers. The narrower the specialization becomes, the easier it is for you to attract customers and find your niche.

Irina Milovanova

Canine Center "Elite"

I believe that small businesses need to work in at least three areas close to each other. Then monitoring the market will allow you to develop what is in demand at the moment and maintain a stable income.

It is also worth turning your attention to the services of everyday demand, which either did not suffer much from the crisis, or, on the contrary, experienced an increase. At the same time, it is best to work in the economy segment.

The times when small towns suffered from an acute shortage of goods and services are long gone. Large companies and enterprising townspeople are securely entrenched in their territory. Entrepreneurs who have maintained business since the early 90s and 2000s are holding their positions especially well. This leads to the question of what services can be provided to the population in small town where is everything? Let's try to give an objective answer to it.

Popularity and competition in the service sector

Demand creates supply. The more popular this or that product is, the denser the competition becomes within the boundaries of its specialization. In order to ensure stable growth for a business, an entrepreneur has to choose from two options:

  • Discover something new and promising. Something that is not available in a small town, despite good demand indicators in other regions.
  • Invest in a business that is in demand among the population of the territory. Enter the competition by developing a strategy and investing heavily with the expectation of long-term payback.

The decision on one or another way to enter the service market is made by the company individually. Proceeding from material possibilities, experience of aggressive business dealing, calculation of material receipts of the future periods.

When deciding to open a business in a small town, an important parameter for you will be the break-even point. The moment at which the enterprise will begin to make a profit, and not repay the costs of past and present periods.

Aggressive policies can be afforded large companies. Federal networks, whose activity in trade is noted more often than in the service sector. The latter prefers to occupy promising territory gently. For example, by offering to open a franchise business. A partnership based on the experience of the franchisor and the limits of responsibility between the parties, as well as the franchisee's clients and third parties.

What services are in demand in a small town?

Fighting competitors involves more than just injecting cash. An important advantage of the new enterprise will be the quality of service. Give customers more than what they expect when they contact your company. By increasing the level of work with the consumer, the organization will be able to gain a foothold even in an oversaturated market.

A modern company prioritizes customer satisfaction and comfort. Polite and courteous attitude, creating conditions to simulate a comfort zone. Remember the old phrase: "Make yourself at home." It fully reflects the development vector of the latter. So the main thing in the question of what services are in the greatest demand will be the answer: quality.

Popular types of services in Russia

According to Rosstat for 2016, the leading positions are occupied by the following areas:

  • utilities,
  • transport,
  • communications,
  • household,
  • medical,
  • educational,
  • housing.

The indicator is based on monetary terms and reflects the net level of demand without adjustment for seasonality, territorial characteristics and the like.

In the article of the same name on our portal, we examined in detail the types of commercial and non-commercial services. We recommend that you read the information contained in it. At the end, you will find five popular destinations that you can pay attention to.

Regarding the demand in small towns, we recommend paying special attention to educational, transport, medical and consumer services. The first three varieties are part of mixed or social services. Household are considered by Rosstat as a set of proposals.

Business ideas in the service sector

First of all, we propose to consider directions based on a statistical indicator of popularity. The density of competition with high demand for the product often becomes a guarantor of enviable liquidity. ROI and risk minimization without having to reinvent the wheel.

1. Educational services

If you have a sufficient budget and are used to thinking big, pay attention to the offers in the field of education:

  • preschool institutions;
  • colleges;
  • universities;
  • advanced training centers;
  • training courses and trainings.

Searching the net will result in at least 10 offers of representation or assistance with the opening of a branch. Least investment centers will need preschool education, institutes for advanced training. Preparing for the opening of higher educational institution will require a special approach. Compliance with legal norms, requirements for premises, staffing, etc.

From the beginning of 2013 to the present, private kindergartens have been in stable demand. Children learn, play educational games, and parents get the opportunity to leave the child in a small group of peers under the supervision of a mentor-educator. Leaders in this direction have already appeared in Russia. They open representative offices in other cities on a franchise basis.

As a self-employed professional, you can provide home tutoring services. The presence of higher specialized education or other confirmation of your competence is required.

There are many areas in which you can excel. Cooking courses, needlework, training in web design and programming, the tricks of shooting and photo processing are especially popular. In a word, any applied skill that yields results will be able to find an appreciative audience. If you are really good at something, teach it to others!

2. Medical services

According to the statistics of the City Services portal, this type is one of the most popular. In conditions of imperfection of the medical system, private clinics are in stable demand. Modern equipment and qualified narrow-profile specialists justify the cost of the services provided.

The doctor also has the right to private practice. To do this, he will need a license issued by the competent authority in accordance with the Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. What is stated in Article 56 of the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on the protection of public health.

The process of opening a private medical practice in the Russian Federation is carried out in several stages:

  • State registration;
  • Selection and preparation of the place of medical activity;
  • Passing the inspection by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor;
  • Submission of documents and obtaining a license in Roszdravnadzor.

It takes about 4-6 weeks from the moment the official application for licensing of private medical practice is accepted to the receipt of the approval document.

3. Transport services

An up-to-date and demanded idea for a business in the service sector. Transportation is divided into freight and passenger. Worthy attention use courier delivery services, which are informally classified as transport.

For the needs of a small business in the field of transportation of small-sized cargo, it is enough to have a driver's license and a vehicle:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur,
  • purchase a truck on credit or leasing,
  • find movers who are ready to cooperate with you on mutually beneficial terms,
  • place an ad on the service website, in the newspaper and other sources of information.

You can transport people by car or bus.

This service sector is quite extensive, subdivided into several areas. You can:

  • work in a taxi service on your own car, as a private person;
  • organize field trips to museums or sightseeing tours within a certain territory;
  • engage in intercity transportation.

Without any hassle, you will be able to provide transport services by priority areas. The exception will be transportation dangerous goods and other items requiring special permission, licensing or proven qualifications.

4. Household service

Paid services to the population, including manufacturing, repair, production and provision for use, are household. As part of a small and medium business, you can work as a private master or organize small company. In the first case, you need to have sufficient experience and be able to confirm your own knowledge and skills. For example, a small portfolio with photos, examples and customer reviews.

How to start offering your services?

  • analyze the sphere of consumer services in your region,
  • decide on the desire to connect your life with a particular species,
  • place an offer on your city's service portal and start working.

Please note that the services provided legal entities, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are not household. In this case, your activity does not fall under UTII.

Entrepreneurial activity with the payment of a single tax is permissible only when working with individuals.

5. Intermediary services

In order to open an intermediary business, you do not need to be able to perform certain jobs yourself. An intermediary, as a representative of the parties, trades in information. He assumes the risks in accordance with the Agreement, as well as federal and municipal laws. Customer orders are redirected to resources at a premium or for a certain fee.

Intermediary services include real estate agencies, travel companies, organizers of holidays and corporate events. Formally, any company or person that engages third parties to fulfill the order of one party is an intermediary.

Starting a service business based on intermediary relationships is not easy. First of all, you need to decide on the responsibility that you are willing to place on your company. As well as the risks of loss or loss of profit associated with a legal claim on the part of the client. So travel agencies, receiving an income of 5-10%, are responsible to the buyer in the amount of 100% of the cost of the paid tour.

The next step is for you to collect the information you need to carry out the mediation activity. Do not rush into the pool with your head, prepare for the opening, think over a promotion strategy. Conclude an agreement with private specialists and partners.

6. Freelance, outsourcing, remote work

Speaking about the provision of services to the population in a small town, one cannot ignore the possibility of remote work. The freelancer does not limit or exclude his activities to a specific territory. As a self-employed professional, you can work with individuals and companies in your city. At the same time entering into negotiations and performing work for customers from other regions.

In terms of outsourcing, you are given the opportunity to open a small company consisting of narrow specialists. For example, an accounting firm, a telephone service, and even a small production. This direction is actively developing in Europe. Companies prefer to delegate part of the work to a third-party organization, saving themselves from unnecessary trouble. As a result, the company saves on the maintenance of its own personnel, deductions to Pension Fund and taxation.

Organizations providing outsourcing services are more often opened in small towns. The solution is justified by relatively small costs, and in some cases even tax incentives. Pay attention to the provision of highly specialized services. Having gained a good customer base, in 5-10 years you will not regret your decision.

Your business in the service sector has every chance of becoming profitable, the main thing is to learn how to skillfully sell your abilities to other people.

What services can be provided to the public? Yes, in fact, any that you can offer and perform with high quality. Each work is valued in its own way, you need to understand this and competently use it to your advantage. - this is a field of activity in which everyone can succeed, both a novice entrepreneur and an experienced businessman.

How to start your own service business?

First, choose a profitable idea that you can implement. Do not overestimate your capabilities, do not take unnecessary risks, learn to think sensibly and evaluate the profitability of the case at the initial stage.

Start-up capital

No start-up capital? This is not a problem, but only an excuse, so as not to change your usual, measured life. Even without money, you can open your own business in the service sector. At first, it will be a small business, but with a little effort and work, you will get a profitable business.

You can open your own public service business in major city, and in a small village or even in a village. Therefore, do not say that the place of residence somehow interferes with your plans to organize earnings. If you want, you can find a profitable idea anytime, anywhere.

Demanded services

An important criterion both when choosing an idea and for the final result. The more successful your project is, the faster the profit will be. And calculating profitability is not difficult at all. Analyze the market situation, competition and people's needs and understand in which area it is worth starting a business.

It is not necessary to quit your main job in order to be realized in the service sector. You can earn extra money, make a job out of a hobby. For example, you know how to repair appliances or bake cakes, embroider, or get along well with children. So what's stopping you from trying something new? The experience gained will never be superfluous, even if nothing happens.

The most popular services that can be provided to the population:

Child and Elderly Care Services

This type of activity abroad is highly valued. Wage for the services of a nanny or a nurse depends, of course, on the duties that a person must perform, the qualifications of the employee, and work experience. If you find it easy mutual language with children or have enough patience to take care of the elderly, then feel free to proceed with the implementation of your project. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to do this on your own, you can find people who will do it for you. But organizing your own agency for the care of children or the elderly is unrealistic without experience in this field of activity. Therefore, first, work, find out all the nuances of this type of earnings, and having collected enough money to organize a business, proceed to implement your idea.

Cleaning Services

This type of earnings implies the receipt of income by providing cleaning services, cleaning of premises, offices, apartments, individuals or legal organizations. The work of a cleaning lady may seem humiliating and unpromising to many. On the one hand, this is true, but if we wisely analyze this type of income, we can conclude that the cleaning business is not as unpromising as it might seem at first glance. Even despite the high competition in this field of activity, cleaning services are not provided on high level. Few companies can boast of qualified employees and professional approach to cleaning the premises. Therefore, if this idea interests you, then you can try your hand in this direction.

Transportation services

Transport services for the transportation of furniture, building materials, household appliances will always be in demand. Despite the great competition, not many companies provide this service with high quality. Therefore, if you recommend your company as a professional in the field of cargo transportation, then you will always have customers, even despite the crisis.

If you liked these types of earnings, then see others in our section dedicated to this topic.

Do not be afraid of failure, boldly go to your goal, overcoming all difficulties. I wish you success.

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Providing quality services to the population is a profitable idea for building profitable business. In order to understand which services will be in demand and which will not, it is necessary to analyze the economic situation in the country.

It is quite obvious that during periods of economic growth there will be enough demand for business related to entertainment and pleasant pastime.

When there is a crisis in the economy, the business that allows you to save money comes to the fore. But there is whole line services that are popular at all times. Let's figure out what services are in demand among the population.

Help for businessmen

Providing assistance to businesses is a fairly sought-after niche. So, for example, in the conditions of the economic crisis, even fairly large companies prefer to reduce personnel costs. Here, the services of “coming” accountants or lawyers will come in handy. In addition, this niche can also include the development of corporate websites, the delivery of water and food to offices, or even stationery.

In order to provide legal or accounting services you need to have the necessary knowledge. In order to provide delivery services, it is enough to have vehicle. These are all highly demanded services for businesses.

Traffic Accident Lawyer

Separately, it is worth highlighting such a popular business as providing legal assistance at an accident. Given the huge number of cars moving on the roads of our country, such a business will be on the crest of a wave.

The activity of a car lawyer or an accident commissioner, as they are also called, consists in representing the interests of the car owner in various state bodies - the courts and the state automobile inspection. In addition, a car lawyer will be able to competently negotiate with the insurance company and help get maximum payments from it.


The services of notaries are in great demand among the population, and regardless of the state of the economy. It is clear that not everyone can be a notary, for this work the selection is quite strict.

In this type of business, the profits are huge. Notaries do not even need advertising - there are quite a few of them and competition in this environment is low. Even sitting in the office, notaries earn very good money. But there is an option to increase profits by saving on office rent - an exit notary. Prices for such services increase by 2-3 times compared to similar services provided in the office. Probably the help of a notary is the most demanded services to the population.

Shoe repair services

At a time when economic growth is slowing down and an economic recession begins, people are in no hurry to spend money and try to save. Then, when choosing between buying another pair of shoes and repairing the old one, there is a choice in favor of repair.