Coursework: Requirements for a manager. Sales manager requirements

  • 12.10.2019

The manager carries out managerial activities and solves managerial tasks. Being a member of the labor collective, he achieves the results of labor by influencing other members of the collective (performers).

Not all managers play the same role in the hotel, which is primarily related to the level of management, their tasks and functions.

Of the variety of roles that managers play hotel business, it is necessary to single out the main ones - those that do not depend on the type of hotels and the differences in the guests they serve. These main roles include:

1. Preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions. This is the main function of a manager. Being endowed with a special right to make managerial decisions, the manager at the same time bears responsibility for their consequences.

2. Information role. In order to make an effective management decision, it is necessary to obtain and process reliable economic and management information about the development of the hotel complex management system. No wonder they say: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." The result of his work strongly depends on how complete information the manager has, how clearly and precisely he can convey the necessary information to the performers.

3. Work as a leader who forms relationships inside and outside the organization, motivating members of the workforce to achieve the practical and strategic goals of the organization.

Effective leadership involves the ability to share your vision of problems with others, motivate them to achieve their goals, that is, manage with people, and not manage people. People want their leader to be not only and not so much a professional technocrat focused exclusively on the production process (a type of manager 9.1 on the GRID management grid), but a leader with a "human face" who has the appropriate socio-psychological training. In his managerial activity, the focus on the person should be in the foreground, which is especially important for the hotel industry (belonging to the "person-to-person" system).

Because both people and situations are constantly changing, a manager must be flexible enough to adapt to the ongoing change. Understanding the situation and knowing how to manage human resources are critical components of effective leadership. All this indicates that managerial work is one of those types of human activity that require specific personal qualities that make a particular person professionally suitable for management activities.

In the former USSR, the selection of managerial personnel was guided by four basic requirements: political literacy, moral stability, competence, and organizational skills.

Modern theory and practice of management in the hotel and restaurant industry has revealed a number of requirements , presented to management. These are:

Certain personal qualities;

Compliance with ethical standards;

Skills and organizational skills.

Manager knowledge. Since the manager achieves the result of his work by influencing other people, he needs, first of all, knowledge in the field of social psychology, knowledge of modern management approaches and knowledge of the characteristics of the profession.

Personal qualities - non-standard thinking, determination and perseverance in achieving the goal, initiative, the ability to fulfill obligations and promises, high level erudition, firmness of character, justice, tact, accuracy, the ability to win over, a sense of humor and good health.

ethical standards. The principle of the manager's work should be compliance with the norms, first of all, of business ethics, including the following rules:

Profit maximization should not be achieved at the cost of destruction environment;

In the competitive struggle, one should use only "allowed" methods, that is, observe the rules of the market game;

Fair distribution of benefits;

Personal example of compliance with ethical standards at work and at home;

discipline and moral stability.

Managerial skills and organizational skills. Skillfully using information, time and people, the manager ensures high results, constantly increasing the competitiveness of the company he leads. Management effectiveness can be affected by:

Ability to determine the temperament and character of subordinates;

The ability to manage oneself;

Ability to evaluate and select efficient staff;

The ability to see and provide a perspective for the development of your team;

Ingenuity and initiative;

High ability to influence others, charge them with energy.

If there is a discrepancy between the manager's qualities and any of these requirements, then they speak of a certain limitation (lack) of the manager's capabilities.

Having identified such limitations, one can focus on those factors that prevent the full realization of all the personal qualities of a manager. The following potential restrictions on leadership.

1. Inability to manage yourself. Those leaders who do not know how to "discharge" properly, deal with conflicts and stresses, use their time, energy and skills effectively, are not able to effectively manage other people.

2. Blurred personal values. If personal values ​​are not clear to oneself and others, then they will be perceived in a distorted form. As a result, the efficiency of making and implementing management decisions will decrease.

3. Unclear personal goals. A manager who is not able to define his goals cannot achieve success in managerial activities.

4. Retarded personal development. It is important for a manager to gain recognition, and for this you need to constantly improve your overall development. The ability for self-development is characterized not only by constant study, but also by the ability to put into practice the acquired knowledge. Leaders who do not develop their abilities do not have prospects.

5. Inability to solve problems (make decisions). Solving problems is never easy, but skills can be developed to a great extent. A manager who suffers from the limitation of lack of problem-solving skill constantly allows himself to leave unresolved issues for tomorrow. As a result, a wide range of problems accumulate that the manager is no longer able to solve. Naturally, such a manager fails.

6. Lack of creativity at work. A creative person is prepared to work in conditions of uncertainty. Managers who use a situational (unforeseen) approach in their activities are able to play many roles, timely adjust their actions depending on the situation. To achieve the strategic goals of the organization, they can break with tradition, use innovative ideas, take justified risks. A manager who is unwilling to experiment, take risks, or save creativity at work, unable to manage effectively.

7. The inability to influence people. The personal factor plays a key role in matters of influence. Many people are impressed by authority, demeanor, non-verbal forms of influence (gestures, appearance etc.).

8. Lack of understanding of the specifics of managerial work. The manager must achieve results not by personal labor, but through the labor of others. As long as the leaders do not concentrate their efforts on management itself, they will not achieve high results in the organization's activities.

9. Low organizational skills (inability to lead). We are talking about the manager's ability to "charge" the members of the team with energy, the ability to optimally organize the labor process. The arrhythmia of the labor process and the inefficiency of the applied methods of work lead to the fact that people feel insecure about the future, do not receive satisfaction from labor activity and consequently work below their capabilities.

10. Failure to teach. Every leader must take care of increasing the competence of those whom he leads. A good leader acts, among other things, in the role of a teacher. Professional development, in whatever form it takes, essential element management activities.

11. Failure to form a team(see paragraph 6.3).

Thus, the market economy requires the manager to:

Ability to manage yourself;

Reasonable personal values;

clear personal goals;

Constant personal growth (development);

Problem solving skills;

Resourcefulness and ability to innovate;

The ability to influence others;

Knowledge of modern management approaches;

organizational skills;

Ability to train subordinates;

Ability to form and develop a workforce.

The concept of "manager" has a very broad meaning and is used in relation to:

The organizer of specific types of work within individual departments or program target groups;

The head of the enterprise as a whole or its divisions (departments, divisions, departments);

Leader in relation to subordinates;

An administrator of any level of management who organizes work, guided by modern methods and etc.

In world practice, it is customary to distinguish three levels of managers:




In accordance with these levels, managers are presented with different requirements. These requirements are high for any level of managers. In general, line managers of the middle level are engaged in the solution of the tasks set, the lower level - the elimination of problems associated with the achievement of goals, and top management- setting common goals. Thus, although it seems that responsibility is distributed evenly, most of it lies with the leaders of the highest order. It is so established that if some enterprise fails, then the leader is blamed for everything, and if the company succeeds, then this success belongs exclusively to the employees of this organization.

However, one can list General requirements applicable to managers of all levels. So, the requirements can be divided into 6 main blocks:

1. Knowledge of the specialty:

Knowledge of technology production process and its functioning;

Knowledge of management theory, basic laws and techniques;

Knowledge of general economic theory;

Knowledge of marketing theory;

As well as general erudition in the specialty;

Knowledge of the science of psychology (very important when working with people);

2. Personal qualities:

Ability to be in shape;

Endurance in a state of uncertainty and stress;

Endurance in any conflict situation;


Listening skills;


Adaptability to the situation;

Susceptibility to criticism, self-criticism;

Striving for success and willingness to work for it;

Age and external data;


3. Personal ability:

The ability to convince, break through your ideas (charisma);

Ability to assign responsibilities and give clear instructions;

Ability to stimulate and motivate employees;

Ease of communication, tact and diplomacy;

4. Intellectual ability:

Mind and prudence;

Creative potential;

The ability to make the right decision;

Logical, structural, systemic thinking;


5. Working methods:

Rationality and consistency in work;

The ability to concentrate as much as possible;

Ability to make decisions and solve problems;


Ability to express your thoughts, negotiate;

6. Physical capability:

Activity and mobility;


Strength and health.

The personality of the leader, his experience, business and character traits play a leading role in the management of organizations. But the requirements and qualities of the leader's personality cannot be considered separately from the type of his activity. So, for example, some qualities that are encountered in the analysis of the activities of production managers are absent in the characteristics of the leaders of scientific teams, and vice versa. In addition, the mutual correspondence of the leader's personality and his activities are characterized by certain dynamics. The question of the manifestation and formation of the qualities of the leader's personality and his activities should be considered in direct connection with the fact that the leader's activity itself also changes significantly as a result of the acquisition of new qualities and changes in existing ones. However, the foregoing does not exclude the possibility and need to determine in the most general form the requirements that a leader of any managerial rank in various social organizations must meet. Consider the main properties of the leader:

one). Social orientation of activity.

The head, as an official, must be well aware of the legislative and regulatory acts that regulate the activities social organizations. He must have a good understanding of the main trends in development contemporary politics, economics, law and other spheres of state life.

2). High competence in certain professional activities in accordance with the profile of the managed team (politics, science, production, law enforcement, etc.), since the leader does not generally manage people, but manages their activities to solve professional problems. However, by virtue of their work related to the organization of people, the leader must possess a system of knowledge in a number of related areas: modern economics, law, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, etc. Such leaders are able to communicate with people, connecting word and deed. They often set activity goals, know how to substantiate them, make people believe in the need to achieve them.

3). Organizational skills.

One of the main qualities of a leader is the ability to organize the joint work of people. However, it is not so easy to combine solutions of organizational and technical problems with people. Many leaders find it easier to do something themselves than to get others to do it. This is the easiest, but the most unpromising way, since you can’t do everything yourself, and over time, the leader discovers that his subordinates have lost the habit of independence, cannot or no longer want to make decisions on their own. Meanwhile, at present, one of the central tasks that leaders have to solve in their teams is to create conditions for the manifestation of activity, initiative, creativity of people, and the development of their active motivation.

A number of studies have shown that organizational skills include the following psychological properties of a person:

The ability to reflect with sufficient completeness the psychology of the controlled group in the course of solving joint problems;

The practical orientation of the mind is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of practical psychology, the willingness to apply them in the process of solving organizational problems;

Psychological tact - the presence of a sense of proportion in relationships with people;

The presence of vigor - the ability to charge organized people with their energy;

Demandingness - the ability to make adequate demands on people, depending on the characteristics of the situation;

Criticality - the ability to detect and express deviations that are significant for a given activity from the conditions dictated by the task;

The propensity for organizational activity is the need for it.

4). High moral qualities: justice and objectivity in assessing employees, humanity, sensitivity, tact, honesty. Not only in terms of their business competence, but also in their moral character The leader should be a model for subordinates. It would be a mistake to limit communication with subordinates to only official matters. It is necessary to be interested in their personal problems, family, living conditions, health, the opinion of employees on various issues, listen carefully to them, even if their opinion seems erroneous.

The character of the leader is manifested in the style of leadership, because it also serves as a standard of behavior for subordinates. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the properties of character when appointing a person to a leadership position. Employees of production teams believe that it is difficult and unpleasant to work with a leader if he is not balanced, rude, unfair. This significantly reduces labor productivity.

five). Emotional-volitional character traits: purposefulness, adherence to principles, perseverance, determination, discipline, dedication, the ability to show these qualities to your subordinates and lead them. The volitional qualities of a person have long been considered his main skills to manage. Socrates, for example, believed that the main advantage of a leader is to be able to command people, and the main enemies of a leader are gluttony, laziness, passion for wine, weakness for women. Volitional qualities include self-criticism, necessary to realize one's weaknesses, and self-control, necessary to suppress them. An important role in the structure of these qualities is occupied by a sense of responsibility, which the leader must constantly experience, for the moral and physical condition of his subordinates, for the results of the activities of the team he leads.

6). Intellectual abilities: observation, analytical thinking, ability to predict situations and results of activities, efficiency and logic of memory, stability and distribution of attention.

The leader must constantly replenish and update his knowledge and be able to creatively, quickly use them in frequently changing, sometimes extreme situations that are characteristic of his non-standard activities.

There is an opinion that people with high creative intelligence prefer to work in solitude. People of average ability are more inclined to work in a team, to lead people. In difficult modern conditions, a person who claims to be a leader must have highly and harmoniously developed characterological and intellectual properties.

The official status occupied by the head (position and power);

Recognition of his superiority and the right to make responsible decisions in the conditions of joint activities.

8). The image of a leader is an important component of his authority. The concept of image reflects modern requirements for appearance a leader who not only communicates with subordinates, but also performs the function of representing the group he leads in front of other social organizations. Therefore, the appearance of the leader, the culture of speech, manners - all these are elements of his image. In modern conditions, there are image makers who create the image of a leader, shaping this image in accordance with the expectations of the public.

nine). Good health. Activity modern leader characterized by extremely high nervous and physical stress. The causes of occupational diseases of managers are increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbance, and cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, it is believed that no matter how strong a person is, his health in a managerial position will last no more than 8 years. But many leaders treat their health with disdain, trying to show the team an example of service zeal, not considering that their health is a factor that largely determines the effectiveness of the teams they lead. In addition to the fact that the leader must lead a healthy lifestyle, he must undergo systematic medical examinations. After all, the health of a highly competent, experienced leader is not only his personal asset, but also a social value for the team, organization and state.

An important problem is the selection and certification of leading personnel. The tasks of studying the personality traits of managers, their psychological suitability for performing complex functions of managing people are of particular importance in the modern conditions of highlighting the social theory of management (management) as a special applied area of ​​psychology. The most reasonable ways to assess the personality of a leader are to use a set of methods, among which should be highlighted:

Observation and analysis of the specific activities of the head;

Poll - a survey to identify the self-esteem of the manager and his assessment by the group;

Natural experiment (business, role-playing games);

Expert assessments of management specialists;

Psychological testing using intellectual personality and professional tests;

Sociometry in order to establish prestige in the group and psychological compatibility;

Biographical method (study of documentation, personality analysis).

It is known that a person is a complex system of various properties, therefore, the use of one method, even such as testing, cannot give a correct prediction regarding a person’s suitability to perform leadership functions.

In the light of recent years, the requirements for the personality of a manager have increased significantly. The world practice of training and retraining of managers includes active teaching methods.

In the process of solving experimental problems, group members establish certain relationships, due to which the role differentiation of people is determined:

Leaders who are able to lead, organize and direct the actions of the entire group, set a personal example;

Collectivists who care about the success of the entire group;

Individualists who prefer to work in isolation;

Persons capable of being only led.

The use of such active methods helps to accelerate the adaptation of managers to changing working conditions or work in a new place, allows you to more reasonably establish the organizational potential of applicants for a certain leadership role, assists managers in organizing their activities and self-education. But specifically what an experienced manager should and should not do:

1. The leader is a manager, not a driver, so he must:

Lead a team, not drive;

Rely on the cooperation and assistance of employees, and not only on their own power;

Keep employees up to date, interest them in solving problems, and not solve everything yourself;

To say "we", uniting oneself with the collective, and not to always say "I";

Setting an example to come on time, and not to demand it only from others;

Correct your mistakes, and not look for those responsible for them.

2. A leader needs faith in his work, courage, determination, determination and the ability to show these qualities to his subordinates.

3. Must be able to value the time of subordinates.

4. Be strict and demanding, but not picky.

5. Must be able to accept criticism and criticize, as well as be able to encourage and punish.

6. Be friendly and tactful, have a sense of humor.

7. Be able to debate and negotiate.

A manager must serve his organization to the best of his ability if he is to achieve personal success in a leadership position. If there is a desire to serve his organization well, the manager must reckon with colleagues. Demanding to oneself is necessary in terms of attitude to business and to the rights of other people. This is exactly what requires initiative, the definition of a personal goal and the determination to achieve it. If others are striving for the same goal, then the manager must show more perseverance and perseverance in achieving it.

3. Practical part.

Each person is involved in a "thin web" social relations with people who want to keep their investment in a given person unchanged: they need a person they know. Any change that occurs in him can threaten them and bring discomfort into their lives.

Work craves all the energy of a person, mainly psychological. It can be used in a positive, constructive direction, or it can be used in a negative and destructive direction. The first is inherent in an emotionally mature person. And for management activities, only emotionally mature people are needed (suitable).

Psychological maturity is an important part of the image of the head of the organization, because. top manager must be mentally prepared for non-standard situations. He must react with restraint to changes in the environment and promptly make serious decisions.

To identify the psychological maturity of managers of lower and middle levels to work in higher leadership positions, a survey was conducted of three specialists from various organizations on the following issues:

1. Do you know how to restrain yourself, not to “pour out” your irritation, anger, resentment, bad mood on others?

2. Are you able to patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if you have to repeat it several times?

3. Can you communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it?

4. Are you able to listen carefully, patiently, without interrupting, to listen to people?

5. Are you able to organize people for any business or event?

6. Can you do a job that requires you to interact with a lot of different people?

7. Do you know how to influence people: convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes?

8. Are you able to empathize with people (even those who are not very close), understand their problems, and provide all possible assistance?

An analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that positions at higher levels of management are occupied by people who are more mature from a psychological point of view. They are distinguished by high communication skills, self-organization and self-control. Also, higher-level managers are better able to prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, and make more meaningful and informed decisions.

The structure of the manager's personality is projected onto the activities of the organization he manages, therefore, all the qualities of a manager are important for the success of management. They cannot be divided into professional and individual qualities of a manager that are important for management efficiency. This is one of the characteristics of the managerial profession.

The moral qualities of a manager are of key importance for the effectiveness of a manager's activity.

Some qualities of a person are of particular importance for different areas manager's activities (practical guidance, management consulting, scientific activity in the field of social management), including: leadership, organizational skills, communication skills.

The profession of a manager not only requires certain qualities in a person for effective management, but also forms these qualities over time.

7.1. Requirements for managers

Manager is a member of the organization that manages people, determines the goals of activities and makes management decisions.

Managers are subjects of managerial activity and play three role groups In the organisation.

Firstly, The manager acts as a manager who forms relationships inside and outside the enterprise, motivates employees to achieve goals, coordinates the efforts of his subordinates and acts as a representative of the enterprise. The manager must play the role of a leader, a leader for all his subordinates. This role is determined not only by his position in the management hierarchy, but also by a special type of relationship with a subordinate, as well as the leadership style.

Secondly, these are informational roles, consisting in the fact that the manager collects information about the internal and external environment, disseminates it in the form of facts and regulatory guidelines, and explains the policy and main goals of the printing enterprise. Being a "converter" of information is the second important role of a manager. This role corresponds to the position of a manager in an enterprise and consists in a complex creative process of transforming the various information received.

Thirdly, these are roles in the development and implementation of management decisions, expressed in the fact that the manager determines the direction and prospects for the development of the enterprise, decides on the distribution of available resources, makes operational adjustments to plans, etc.

Thus, another role of a manager in an organization is the development, adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. Performing this role, the manager organizes the work to select the necessary means to achieve the set goals. Depending on the position of managers in the enterprise, the tasks they solve, the nature of the functions being implemented, these roles may be inherent in them to a greater or lesser extent. At the same time, each manager necessarily makes decisions, works with information and acts as a leader in relation to his subordinates.

The term "manager" is quite widespread and is used in relation to:

To the organizer of specific types of work within the framework of individual divisions of the printing company;

To the head of the enterprise as a whole and its divisions;

To the leader in relation to subordinates.

The following requirements apply to the manager of a printing company:

1) availability general knowledge in the field of enterprise management;

2) competence in matters of economics and production technology;

3) the ability to control the situation, take the initiative and actively redistribute the resources of the enterprise in the most efficient areas of activity;

4) development, adoption and implementation of sound and effective management decisions based on agreement with lower managers and subordinates;

5) availability practical experience and knowledge in the field of analysis of the economic situation at printing enterprises;

6) the ability to analyze the activities and actions of competing enterprises.

And yet the most important requirement for a manager of any level is the ability to manage people. This skill includes:

Knowledge in perfection of their immediate subordinates, their abilities and capabilities to perform the specific work assigned to them;

Knowledge of the conditions that bind the enterprise and employees, protecting the interests of both on a fair basis;

Elimination of incapable workers in order to maintain the unity and clarity of the functioning of the enterprise.

The success of a manager's work largely depends on his abilities, personal and business qualities and experience.

The effectiveness of the manager's managerial activity is determined by some integral characteristic called general ability for managerial activity (OSUD).

A strong manager can be distinguished from a weak one by the degree of heterogeneity of the techniques and management methods used. An important consequence of OSUD is the ability of a manager to solve non-standard problems and successfully resolve conflict situations. The presence of an OSUD is evidenced by the ability of a manager to think big; rationally solve personnel problems; develop, adopt and implement effective management decisions.

It should be noted that a knowledgeable and self-confident manager usually selects capable and promising subordinates. At the same time, the manager, who is not very confident in his abilities and therefore afraid of competition, tries to select less qualified subordinates for himself.

This shows a double harm for the printing company where such a manager works: the return from the manager himself is low and the efficiency of the management activities of the employees selected by him is extremely low.

Another important aspect of the OSUD is the ability to clearly and objectively evaluate the activities of one's subordinates, redistribute functions and individual tasks between them, and delegate individual powers to subordinates.

Under personal and business qualities managers understand stable characteristics that have a major impact on management activities. These qualities are determined by the abilities and knowledge of the manager, psychological structure personality, its orientation, character traits, temperament, accumulated work experience.

The conducted research and study of the activities of effectively working managers of printing enterprises allow us to assert that the most important of these qualities are:



Stress resistance,


Ability to creatively solve problems

Courage in making decisions.

Competence implies that the manager has a special education, broad erudition in various fields, and the constant improvement of his professional qualifications. The mandatory conditions for competence include the systemic thinking of the manager and the presence of appropriate organizational skills.

Sociability depends on temperament (sanguine people have the best communication skills), activity orientation, adaptive qualities, behavior in extreme situations. An important manifestation of the manager's sociability is the ability to listen to the interlocutor and establish business and sometimes friendly contacts with him.

It is known that the manager carries out three types of communication:


Service and comradely,


The choice of the preferred type of communication in a particular situation largely characterizes the manager's sociability.

Under stress resistance understand the ability to withstand strong negative emotional influences that cause high psychological tension. Unfortunately, stress is a necessary evil in the activities of all managers. Stress resistance depends on individual features person and, in particular, on his temperament. So, for example, sanguine people react much more calmly to any stressful situations than phlegmatic and even more melancholic.

At the same time, we must remember that stress resistance can be developed with the help of autogenic training, using the methods of psychological self-regulation, as well as psychotherapeutic effects.

TO moral (moral and ethical) qualities manager in the first place should include honesty, decency, adherence to principles.

Along with these qualities, a manager must be fair, obligatory, friendly, affable, restrained, balanced. It should be emphasized that if a manager does not have high moral and ethical qualities, then he most often lacks many business qualities, such as objectivity, organization, discipline.

Moral and ethical qualities, along with business qualities, largely determine the manager's leadership style. The style should be considered the best, the characteristic features of which are: clarity, clarity, timeliness in setting goals and objectives; rational definition rights and obligations of employees; perfection of applied management methods; knowledge of the abilities and qualifications of their subordinates; constant search production reserves; efficiency and accuracy in work; ability to maneuver resources; well-established system of effective control.

Manager's ability to solve problems creatively allows him to work effectively in situations of uncertainty, which quite often arise in modern conditions at printing enterprises.

As you know, all types of creative work, including the work of a manager, require the development of ideas. There are several ways to generate such ideas. The most widely used method "brain attack". This method provides for a relaxed atmosphere, people should be relaxed, no criticism of the hypotheses expressed is allowed, i.e. the opinion of each participant is considered valuable and is not discussed. Consideration of the problem lasts, as a rule, 30-40 minutes, during this time several ideas are put forward, everything is recorded on a tape recorder, and then subjected to careful analysis.

Preferably, participants should be representatives different professions, as ideas from different fields of knowledge can lead to unexpected solutions.

Each idea is analyzed according to three criteria: how likely is its fruitfulness, whether it can be made to "work" in a given situation, whether it is the best among other possibilities.

Courage in making decisions is another important professional quality manager. In the decision-making process, the manager needs to clearly understand the problem that has arisen, clearly formulate the corresponding goal, comprehensively consider alternative possibilities and, finally, choose the most effective solution.

In carrying out his duties, the manager acts in a certain social role, the nature of which changes with the development of society.

In a period when the performers were mostly a gray faceless mass, they had low level education and universal skills, constantly in fear of being fired and at the same time in constant readiness to rebel against unbearable working and living conditions, the manager must be a ruthless dictator who controls the staff through coercion.

With an increase in the cultural level of workers, their awareness of themselves as individuals, the role of a dictator ceased to meet the real needs of management practice. Under these conditions, a new role arose - the father of the family, who not only gives orders, punishes or rewards, but also creates a favorable moral and psychological climate, decides interpersonal conflicts supports his subordinates.

Modern technological and social processes have become extremely complicated, and the knowledge and qualifications of performers, their independence have grown so much that dictatorial habits and paternalism are practically excluded, unacceptable, business cooperation and consulting now dominate. The manager becomes the organizer independent work subordinates organized into teams.

The evolution of requirements for leaders is quite interesting. So, F. Taylor, one of the founders of the science of management, considered intelligence, education, special and technical knowledge, physical dexterity or strength, tact, energy, determination, honesty, prudence and common sense, good health to be the most important features.

A. Fayol defines the requirements for the manager as follows: "The first requirement that the head of a large enterprise must satisfy is to be a good administrator, that is, to be able to foresee, organize, coordinate and control. The second condition is that he be competent in a special technical function inherent in this enterprise.

Other qualities and knowledge that it is desirable for all leaders to have:

1) health and physical strength;

2) intelligence and mental strength;

3) moral qualities: prudence, persistent energy, courage, a sense of responsibility, duty and concern for the common interest;

4) a high level of general culture;

5) a general idea of ​​all the most essential functions of the firm.

In the Soviet Union, the selection of managerial personnel was guided by four basic requirements: political literacy, moral stability, competence, and organizational skills.

For comparison, here are the qualification requirements for a manager in the UK:

♦ understanding the nature of management processes, knowledge of the main types of organizational management structures, functional features and work styles, possession of means to improve management efficiency;

♦ ability to understand modern information technology and means of communication required for management personnel;

♦ oratorical skills and the ability to express thoughts;

♦ mastering the art of managing people, selecting and training personnel, regulating relations among subordinates;

♦ the ability to build relationships with the company's clients, manage resources, plan and forecast the company's activities;

♦ the ability to self-evaluate one's own activities, the ability to draw the right conclusions and improve one's qualifications.

The Institute for Management Diagnostics (Hamburg, Germany) offers the following list of requirements for a manager:

♦ Mental abilities: the ability to evaluate, creative, complex, systemic, analytical thinking.

♦ Attitude towards others: contact, sociability, persuasion, perseverance, cooperation, ability to work in a team.

o Personal qualities: interests, motivation, striving for success, flexibility, sociability, reliability.

o Attitude towards work: perception of workload, initiative in decision-making, ability to plan, organization.

In the USA (Gallup Institute) there are five main requirements:

1. knowledge of the matter;

2. common sense;

3. self-confidence;

4. high overall level of development;

5. the ability to bring what has been started to the end.

In this regard, the concept of restrictions is of particular interest. The idea is that all managers have the opportunity to develop and improve their performance. But competence in different areas is somewhat different, to a certain extent limited. Having discovered such limitations, one can focus on those factors that prevent the full realization of all the personal capabilities of the manager.

11 potential limitations in the activities of a manager:

1. Inability to manage oneself. Every manager must learn to manage himself and treat himself as a unique resource. Leaders who do not know how to do this (correctly "discharge", resolve conflicts, avoid stress, use time, energy and skills efficiently) are not effective.

2. Blurred personal values. Managers must make a large number of decisions every day that are based on personal values ​​and principles. If personal values ​​are not clear to oneself and others, then they are perceived in a distorted form. As a result, the efficiency of making and implementing managerial decisions will decrease.

3. Unclear own goals. A manager who is not able to define his own goals cannot achieve success in managerial activities.

4. Inhibited own development. The ability to self-development is characterized not only by constant study, but also by the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

5. Inability to solve problems (make decisions). Solving a problem has never been easy, but the relevant skills can be greatly developed.

6. Lack of creativity at work. A non-standard approach to their own activities is especially necessary for modern managers. A creative person is prepared to work in conditions of uncertainty. In turn, a manager who has a relatively low creative potential, rarely puts forward new ideas, is not able to stimulate the creativity of subordinates, and does not want to experiment.

7. Inability to influence people. The personal factor plays a key role in matters of influence. Managers who have influence, have a convincing appearance, behavior, clearly express their thoughts, are confident in themselves, give clear instructions, have non-verbal forms of influence (gestures, facial expressions, etc.) have significant advantages in managing people. A manager who does not have mutual understanding with others, does not know how to prove himself, has low influence, will not enjoy authority among his subordinates and colleagues.

8. Misunderstanding of the specifics of managerial work. The manager achieves the result not by his own work, but through other persons - understanding the need to motivate subordinates determines the effectiveness of the activity.

9. Low organizational skills (inability to lead). We are talking about the manager's ability to "energize" the members of the team, the ability to optimally organize the labor process, distribute knitting responsibilities and ensure control and discipline of execution.

10. Inability to teach. Every leader must take care of increasing the competence of those whom he leads. If a manager lacks the ability and patience to help develop others, managerial activity is hindered.

11. Inability to form a team. If the leader is not able to turn the group into a qualified and effective team, form and develop it, provide harmonious combination interests of employees, groups and organizations - the achievement of the goal will not be ensured.

Management refers to such types of human activity that require specific human properties that make a particular person professionally suitable for management activities.

These properties cannot be considered in isolation, since they characterize one person, albeit from different angles. Only by considering them in interrelationships, one can get an idea about the employee, his suitability or unsuitability for managerial activities. It is an integrated approach to determining the composition and content of properties that together are able to ensure the manager’s high-quality performance of his functional duties, provides a model of a modern manager.

In order for a manager to be able to effectively manage, to perform the functions of a central figure in management, he must comply with modern model. First of all, it is necessary to highlight some general prerequisites that determine the suitability of a person for a leadership position, and only then formulate the requirements for it.

The most significant general prerequisites are the motives that guide a person striving for managerial activity, and his mental abilities.

The various requirements for managers can be summarized in two groups:

1. Business qualities that combine competence and organizational skills.

2. Personality traits, which consist of three subgroups: volitional properties, moral and psychological properties, requirements for the health of the self and lifestyle.

The combination of organizational skills and volitional properties determine such an integrated characteristic as entrepreneurship.

Volitional properties and moral and psychological traits in their combination determine the phenomenon leadership.

General requirements for a manager are contained in labor legislation, in the system of state standards and other documents, and special requirements are set out in qualification guides, service instructions and other regulations. But they must be specified in relation to a specific position and the conditions in which the manager will have to work.

These traits of a manager are the unity of the natural characteristics of a person and the result of his assimilation of social values ​​in the process of training and education.

To date, specialists from foreign assessment centers have developed from 30 to 100 requirements for modern managers - professional leaders. But there is no person in the world who would possess all the qualities that are formulated as requirements for a manager. At the same time, thousands of managers are working successfully, ensuring the high performance of organizations. This is explained, firstly, by the ability of individuals, under certain circumstances, to compensate for the absence or underdevelopment of some traits by others and, secondly, by constant self-improvement.

The formation of individual personality traits is possible in the process of training, education and self-education. At the same time, the main condition is: the manager must have a desire to improve himself, and as soon as there is a pause in self-development, the already established managerial skills and abilities are destroyed.

Fundamental changes in society have also led to changes in managerial activity - it has become much more complicated in modern conditions and will not be simplified in the future. The manager's activity is determined by complexes of stimulating and destimulating trends in the development of political, social, economic and psychological factors.

Stimulate activity is a wide field of choice and manifestation of initiative, increased competition, the possibility of self-expression in the creative meaningful work.

Destimulate- stress, pressure and uncertainty both in society and within individual organizations, the erosion of traditional values, the quantitative increase and qualitative complication of problems that need to be addressed in the face of limited funds for this.

The most important requirement for a manager is the ability to constantly work on himself. Only in this case is it possible to successfully adapt to changes in society. A manager who has stopped working on himself cannot successfully solve modern problems.

Municipal educational institution Gymnasium No. 3 of the urban district of the city of Sharya, Kostroma region

Abstract topic

Manager: functions, tasks, requirements for a manager,

Ulanova Maria Nikolaevna,

8th grade student

The main part…………………………………………….5-20 pages

The manager and the requirements for him………. 5-6 pages

- perfect knowledge of their direct subordinates, their characteristics and capabilities to perform the specific work entrusted to them;

Knowledge of the conditions binding the enterprise and the employee - k0B) and protection of the interests of both parties on a fair basis;

♦ elimination of the incapable in order to maintain the unity and correct functioning of the firm.

According to A. Fayol, the leader must eliminate or propose the elimination of any functionary who, for any reason, has become unable to perform the tasks assigned to him. This demand of duty is always difficult, often painful. This duty calls to the highest moral qualities of the chief and, in particular, to the well-known civil courage, which is sometimes more difficult to show than military courage.

The market economy creates a need for managers who are creative, well-informed, able to make the best use of resources and ensure the efficiency of the firm.

Among the main manager functions allocate:

* Planning - defining the goals of the organization and actions to achieve them;
* Organization - structuring the work of employees, increasing the efficiency of work;
* Management is the process of bringing decisions from the manager to his employees;
* Coordination - coordination and establishment of relationships to achieve the goals;
* Motivation - the creation of conditions that encourage employees to effectively perform work in accordance with their duties;
* Control - ensuring the achievement of goals by monitoring the process of work, the timing of its implementation and timely correction of errors.

The management of an individual employee (junior manager or specialist) includes the following minimum set of actions and procedures performed by a manager:

* Transfer of rights and resources: subordinate managers are transferred the right to manage employees and the right to dispose of resources, subordinate specialists - only the right to dispose of resources.
* Analysis of the results and the formation of an assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of subordinates.
* Preparation and implementation of corrective management actions.

Experts note that in functional terms, all the actions of a manager can conditionally be divided into three groups. We can assume that the performance of functions assigned to one of the three groups corresponds to one of the three roles of the leader.

In this system, the main place is occupied by the "Administrator", who performs the necessary actions to manage subordinate employees and create the necessary microenvironment. The "technologist" provides technological support for the manager's actions and the preparation of decisions, while the "specialist" is engaged in related activities of a non-managerial nature.

In some cases, the specific actions of the manager cannot be unambiguously attributed to one or another role. The conventionality of the role approach is manifested in situations where the manager has to solve tasks that are simultaneously the responsibility of different roles. For example, decision making is an action in which both "Administrator" and "Technologist" participate. However, the distribution of the manager's functions in the form of a system of three roles allows, in the ideal case, to provide all the functional needs of the manager.

A manager's resources are a set of tools that he has at his disposal and that can be used by him in the process of managerial activity. The manager's resource system is formed from several sources and includes: administrative, professional resources and psychological resources of the individual.

The source of administrative resources is the managerial hierarchy. The personal administrative resources of a manager include the right to manage subordinates and manage resources corresponding to his position. The acquisition of this resource occurs at the moment when the manager "enters the hierarchy", this process can be called the manager's hierarchization.

The manager's professional resources include accumulated experience in practical management activities and special knowledge.

The structure of professional resources should be focused on providing role requests. One of the sources of these resources is the personality itself, which independently initiates the processes of obtaining knowledge, and the hierarchy as a source of managerial experience and knowledge.

The psychological resources of a manager include the style of business behavior and the way of thinking. The source of this resource is the personality itself, given by the structure of the basic components, including abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions and motivation.

The balance of the resource system is one of the conditions for a good manager's work: the manager's professional and psychological resources must correspond to the administrative resources that will be provided to him as a result of hierarchization.

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