Directional conflicts do exist. Types of conflicts, their characteristics

  • 04.03.2021

There are four types of conflicts:

1. An intrapersonal conflict occurs when conflicting demands are made on one person. For example, the teacher gives the task to do a test, and allows the use of notebooks with notes and leaves the class. Upon his return, he takes away a notebook from one of the students and gives him a “pair” for cheating. Often this conflict becomes interpersonal.

Intrapersonal conflict can also arise as a result of the fact that production requirements are not consistent with personal needs or values.

2. Interpersonal conflict is the most common. Most often, this is the struggle of the leader for limited resources, labor, finance, etc. Everyone believes that if resources are limited, then he must convince the higher authorities to allocate them to him, and not to another leader.

Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities, i.e. people with different characters, incompatible temperaments are simply not able to get along with each other.

3. Conflict between the individual and the group. Due to the fact that production groups establish their own norms of behavior and rules, it happens that the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual. Thus, a conflict arises between an individual and a group if this individual takes a position that differs from the position of the group.

4. Intergroup conflict. Since structurally organizations usually consist of many both formal and informal groups, conflicts can arise between groups.

According to the degree of manifestation, conflicts are hidden and open.

Hidden conflicts usually involve two people who, for the time being, try not to show the appearance that they are in conflict. But with an increase in emotional tension, the conflict situation gets out of control and turns into an open conflict.

As a kind of conflict, intrigue is also distinguished. Intrigue is understood as “a deliberate dishonest action, beneficial to the initiator, which forces the collective or the individual to certain actions and thereby damages the collective and the individual” Kabushkin. N.I. Fundamentals of management: textbook. allowance / N.I. Kabushkin. - M .: New knowledge, 2006. - S. 280. Intrigues are usually carefully thought out and planned, and have their own storyline.

Causes of conflicts

Every conflict has its own cause. N.I. Kabushkin identifies the following groups of causes that give rise to conflicts:

1. Insufficient coherence and inconsistency of the goals of individual groups and employees.

To avoid conflict, it is necessary to clarify the goals and objectives of each unit and employee by transmitting the relevant instructions orally or in writing.

2. Fuzzy delineation of rights and obligations. The consequence of this is a double or triple subordination of performers, when the subordinate is forced to:

a) himself to rank the received orders according to their degree of importance at his own discretion;

b) demand this from his/her immediate supervisor;

c) grab everything.

3. Limited resources. Even in the largest organizations, resources are always limited. Management decides how to properly allocate materials, human resources, finances, etc. between different groups in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Giving more resources to one will cause resentment and lead to all sorts of conflict.

4. Insufficient level of professional training. Due to the unpreparedness of the subordinate, he is not trusted to perform certain types of work that is performed by another employee. As a result, some workers are underloaded with work, while others are overloaded with it.

5. Unreasonable public censure of some and undeserved praise of other employees - "favorites". This situation always provokes conflict.

6. Contradictions between the functions included in the terms of reference of the employee and what he is forced to do at the request of the head.

7. Differences in behavior and life experience. There are people who constantly show aggressiveness and hostility towards others and are ready to challenge every word. Such people create a nervous atmosphere around them, leading to a conflict situation. Differences in life experience, values, education, seniority, age and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation.

8. Uncertainty of growth prospects. If an employee has no growth prospects or doubts its existence, then he works without enthusiasm, and the labor process becomes painful and endless for him.

9. Unfavorable physical conditions. Extraneous noise, heat or cold, poor layout of the workplace can cause conflict.

10. Lack of benevolent attention. The cause of the conflict may be the intolerance of the leader to fair criticism, inattention to the needs and concerns of subordinates, etc.

11. Psychological phenomenon. Feelings of resentment and envy (everything is better for others, others are more successful, happier, etc.).

Considering the causes of conflicts, it is necessary to take into account that in certain situations the leader is the source of the conflict. Many unwanted conflicts are generated by the personality and actions of the leader, especially if he allows himself personal attacks, is vindictive and suspicious, does not hesitate to publicly demonstrate his likes and dislikes.

The reasons for the conflict can also be the unscrupulousness of the leader, his false understanding of unity of command as a principle of management, vanity, harshness and rudeness in dealing with subordinates.

To date, there are many classifications of types of conflicts. Let's take a look at some of them.

D. Dehn's classification divides conflict situations into skirmish, clash and crisis. A skirmish is a small situation at the level of everyday interaction that does not affect important parties, does not threaten the interaction.

By collision, the scientist understands a series of repeated skirmishes united by one contradiction. At the same time, the desire to cooperate decreases among the participants in the conflict, and the belief in the continuation of positive relations decreases.

During a crisis, negative emotions are experienced not only by the direct participants in the conflict, but also by the immediate environment. At this stage, it becomes difficult to identify a conflict of interest. In particularly aggressive forms, there is a threat of violence.

Rapoport's classification also suggests three types of conflict: fight, debate, game.

During the fight, the irreconcilability of relations is revealed, it suggests a “win-lose” model. The state of neutrality is basically impossible.

In "debate" both parties count on a compromise, which is resolved in the form of a dispute and involves maneuvers.

"Game" assumes that the parties are within the rules they have set for their relationship.

The concept of conflict.

The word conflict comes from the Latin verb, which, translated into Russian, means to resist, to oppose. Like many concepts in management theory, conflict has many definitions. In psychology, conflict is understood as "a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of opponents or subjects of interaction." In this regard, it is possible to give the definition of conflict as one of the forms of human interaction, which is based on various kinds of real or illusory, objective and subjective, to varying degrees, perceived contradictions between people, with attempts to resolve them against the background of the manifestation of emotions.

Types of conflicts.

Conflicts are very diverse, and they can be classified according to various criteria. At present, there are:



Between the individual and the group (intra-group);

Between two or more groups of people (intergroup). Intra-personal conflict. It can appear when production requirements are in conflict with personal needs or values. For example, an employee plans to spend the weekend at home with his family, and the boss asks to get out to work to solve a difficult issue. Intrapersonal conflict may also be related to the degree of job satisfaction.

The structure of the conflict.

Each conflict also has a more or less clearly defined structure. In any conflict, there is an object of a conflict situation, associated either with technological and organizational difficulties, peculiarities of wages, or with the specifics of business and personal relations of the conflicting parties.

The second element of the conflict is the goals, the subjective motives of its participants, due to their views and beliefs, material and spiritual interests.

And, finally, in any conflict it is important to distinguish the immediate cause of the collision from its true causes, often hidden.

It is important for a practitioner to remember that as long as all the listed elements of the conflict structure exist (except for the reason), it cannot be eliminated. An attempt to end the conflict situation by forceful pressure or persuasion leads to its growth, expansion by attracting new individuals, groups or organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate at least one of the existing elements of the conflict structure.

conflict functions.

Constructive (positive) functions of the conflict. These include:

the function of discharging tension between antagonists, the “exhaust valve”;

"communicative-informational" and "connecting" functions, during the implementation of which people can check each other and get closer;

function as a stimulator and driving force of social change;

the function of promoting the formation of a socially necessary balance;

guarantees of the development of society by revealing opposing interests, the possibilities of their scientific analysis and determination of the necessary changes;

assisting in the reassessment of old values ​​and norms;

assisting in strengthening the loyalty of members of this structural unit.

Destructive (negative) functions of the conflict, i.e. conditions that hinder the achievement of goals. These are such as:

dissatisfaction, poor state of mind, an increase in staff turnover, a decrease in labor productivity;

a decrease in the degree of cooperation in the future, a violation of the communication system;

absolute loyalty to one's group and unproductive competition with other groups in the organization;

the idea of ​​the other side as an enemy, of one's own goals as positive, and of the other side's goals as negative;

curtailment of interaction between the conflicting parties;

an increase in hostility between the conflicting parties as communication decreases, an increase in mutual hostility and hatred;

shifting emphasis: giving more importance to winning the conflict than solving the problem;

the possibility of preparing for a new round of conflict; consolidation in the social experience of an individual or a group of violent ways of solving problems.

However, when evaluating the constructiveness and destructiveness of conflict functions, the following should be kept in mind:

lack of clear criteria for distinguishing between constructive and destructive conflicts. The line between constructive and destructive functions sometimes loses its unambiguity when it comes to assessing the consequences of a particular conflict;

the vast majority of conflicts have both constructive and destructive functions;

the degree of constructiveness and destructiveness of a particular conflict may change at different stages of its development;

it should be taken into account for which of the participants in the conflict it is constructive, and for which it is destructive. It is not the opposing sides themselves that may be interested in the conflict, but other participants (instigators, accomplices, organizers). Therefore, the functions of the conflict from the standpoint of different participants can be assessed differently.

Types of conflicts


Snezhana Ivanova

Any conflicts can conditionally be divided into types. Each type of conflict reflects the degree of severity of the existing disagreement, emphasizes the degree of involvement of the individual in it, his further behavior.

Conflict is an integral part of everyone's life. Interacting with different people, we, one way or another, enter into relationships with them, which are sometimes accompanied by conflicts. In itself, the presence of a conflict does not say anything, but only indicates that there are certain disagreements between people. Sometimes conflict resolution can be easy and painless. This happens when the cause of the conflict has lost its relevance. In other cases, it will take considerable time to restore relations, to form mutual understanding.

Main types of conflicts

Any conflicts can be conditionally divided into types, each of them reflects the degree of severity of the existing disagreement, emphasizes the degree of involvement of the individual in it, his further behavior. The main types of conflicts can be classified into two large groups.

intrapersonal conflict

Each of us experiences it from time to time. Suddenly, the desire to act actively disappears, hands drop, faith in one's own abilities fades away. Intrapersonal conflict is characterized by manifestations of general anxiety within the person himself. This type of conflict provokes the development of self-doubt and the future. It becomes very difficult for a person to trust others, because he is constantly afraid of making a mistake himself. This type of conflict occurs when an individual cannot choose between two needs that are equally important to him. It seems that a person is trying in vain to fight with himself and is unable to make the right decision. Intrapersonal conflict can lead to the formation of a persistent distrust of the world as a whole. If a person constantly finds himself in a situation of choice, then he inevitably has to sacrifice something.

interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict is a tangible disagreement that occurs against the background of interaction with other people. This type of conflict is characterized by the need to defend their interests. Conflict with the environment in this case is not uncommon. Sometimes a person has to endure significant difficulties on himself, it becomes difficult to communicate with others. What causes interpersonal conflict? Social interactions do not always flow smoothly and smoothly, as we would like them to. The fact is that each person has his own circumstances, his own values, which he often seeks to defend at any cost. Social conflicts often take on the type of progressive hostility. To eliminate them, it is necessary to change the line of behavior, to reconsider one's attitude to the situation. In order for the behavior in the conflict to be conscious, a lot of patience and wisdom are required from a person.

Types of social conflicts

What are the types of social conflicts? As you know, significant social contradictions that arise between people are characterized by various manifestations of discontent. Social contradictions, as a rule, are resolved in working order. As they accumulate and mature, people can become nervous, irritable, anxious, overly impressionable.

Conflict of Needs

Such disagreement arises because of the difference of interests. In this case, it becomes quite difficult for people who are in the same team to understand each other. If one employee adheres to one opinion in the work, and his opponent is completely opposite, there will be no benefit. This type of disagreement means that chaos can ensue in the organization. This happens when everyone wants to demonstrate to the other that it is he who is right and does not seek to change the way of behavior. The conflict of needs affects the social interaction between members of the same team. In the organization, as a rule, there is a serious tense situation, which subsequently is not so easy to smooth out. A lot depends on the behavior of the participants in the conflict. Each person must understand that by joining the team, he becomes an integral part of it. That is why the habit of defending your interests in the workplace too violently can lead to irreparable consequences.

Conflict of social norms

This type of conflict implies that the behavior of the participants needs attention and timely correction. Every society has its own social norms. If an individual does not agree with some of them, then an internal contradiction gradually begins to grow. When social rules are violated, conflict inevitably arises. In an organization where omissions and quarrels reign, it becomes very difficult to work. The social climate in the organization is a very important component, without which it is impossible to achieve overall success. That is why all employees must carefully control their behavior.

Types of conflict in an organization

In an organization, contradictions arise from time to time. They can concern both the nature of the activity itself, and affect the line of conduct of individual employees. Social conflicts are characterized by the appearance of understatement, secrecy between the participants in the process. What types of contradictions exist here?

Industrial conflicts

This type of disagreement manifests itself directly in the workplace. Often misunderstanding arises between the boss and the subordinate, as they are in different working conditions. Their financial situation is also, as a rule, not the same. The type of such conflicts gives people a lot of trouble and problems. The fact is that at work a person on average spends up to eight to ten hours a day. If there is a vivid misunderstanding between colleagues, this time can turn into a heavy burden. Social disputes need to be resolved as quickly as possible, not dragged out.

Labor conflicts

This type of conflict can manifest itself when a person experiences certain difficulties with social interaction. Labor conflicts, as a rule, affect the sphere of social relations between people. As you might guess, each of the employees has its own distinctive disposition. The clash of characters in the course of performing duties and provoke the development of misunderstanding.

Types of behavior in conflict

How an individual will react to a conflict often determines its outcome. What types of behavior should be noted? Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish five methods.

Avoidance characterized by the desire to get away from disagreements at any cost. Often such a person is even ready to endure significant inconvenience, just so as not to get involved in a quarrel. At the same time, his interests are infringed.

Competition is a type of behavior in a conflict that makes a person neglect the opinions of others. It becomes important for a person to satisfy only their needs, while not caring a lot about how others feel.

Adaptation is a type of behavior that involves listening to the words of the interlocutor. However, often under this position lies the inability to understand what the person himself wants.

Compromise is a type of behavior that implies the search for alternative ways to resolve a contradiction. Compromise is aimed at a constructive solution to the problem. At the same time, the participants in the process tend to give in to each other and at the same time defend significant moments for themselves.

Cooperation is a type of behavior in which the participants in the process are looking for the most beneficial option for both of them in social interaction. Collaboration is always the choice of a mature person who takes responsibility. Only in this case, there is a rejection of endless accusations and a focus on the existing prospects.

Thus, the types of social conflicts and ways of behaving in moments of significant disagreement show how self-confident a person is, how much he accepts and respects the needs of those around him.


INTRODUCTION .................................................. .................... 2

1. PSYCHOLOGY ............................................... ............... 5

2. CONCEPT OF CONFLICT .............................................. ... 6

clause 2.1. Determining Conflict .................................................. 6

p.2.2.Typology of the conflict. Causes of conflicts .......... 7

Clause 2.3. The main stages of the course of the conflict .................... 8

p.1.4.Structure of the conflict............................................... 8


4. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT............................................... 13



7. CONCLUSIONS ............................................... ............ 26

8. LITERATURE ............................................... ..... 32

Annex No. 1 .............................................. .... 33

Appendix No. 2 ............................................... .34

Annex No. 3 ............................................... .35

Appendix No. 4 ............................................... .36


The atmosphere of interpersonal relationships is created by people themselves. The feeling of dissatisfaction with communication is inherent in people in whose lives two important phenomena appear too often and with excessive intensity: collision and alienation.

Collision is the most commonly described and encountered form of contact between people. The manifestations of this form are very diverse. In some cases, the clash manifests itself exclusively in the struggle, in the attempts of opponents to disarm each other. An example of this would be a situation where someone is trying to be discredited through intrigue, persecution, false accusations, and so on. Other forms of clashes are more like boxing or swordsman duels - the main thing partners strive for is to prove their superiority over the other. Sometimes the main goal is to establish dominance over other people in order to subordinate them to one's interests or use them for one's own benefit.

Among the various forms of clashes, one can also find those that contain constructive and valuable beginnings both for the participants in the clashes, and for other people and even entire communities. Constructive intellectual disputes, confrontations of different positions can bring certain benefits and satisfaction, can help improve the situation in the world. Communication in the form of clashes is the result of individual differences between people and occurs when the actions of individuals participating in one situation have a similar focus. Clashes are the result of a mismatch of attitudes, feelings, aspirations, goals, behaviors and ways of thinking.

In life, disagreements, contradictions and conflicts cannot be avoided. However, in reality, most often it is not the conflicts themselves that have a destructive effect on people and make it difficult for them to live together, but the consequences of certain forms of behavior in a conflict situation: fear, hostility, threats. If these experiences are excessively intense and prolonged, a defensive reaction may arise and become fixed in people, i.e. behavior that is woven into the structure of the personality and distorts the nature of thinking, actions and feelings

The negative consequences of fear, hostility and a sense of danger extend to other situations in which this subject becomes a participant. Thus, something like a chain reaction occurs, which covers ever wider areas of interpersonal relationships. For example, a person brought up in an atmosphere of fear and danger can later become the source of this atmosphere himself, raising his children or leading his subordinates. At the same time, he acts not quite consciously, not guided by the so-called malicious intent. He only reproduces some stereotype of interpersonal contacts, which was fixed on him sometime in the past as part of his personality.

The defensive reaction in response to feelings of fear and threat can appear in various forms of behavior. Sometimes, under the influence of fear, a person tries to become “small and inconspicuous” so as not to catch the eye of those who are a source of threat to him. Often there are people who once in the past have chosen for themselves a similar style of response and behavior and behave in this way, although the original source of danger no longer exists.

Another type of defensive behavior is the constant readiness for an attack, for the destruction or neutralization of a source of danger. Often for that. To avoid the potential threat from other people, they resort to attempts to subjugate them to their power or constantly control them. This behavior is not dictated by evil intentions. People who often act in this way are solely concerned with feeling confident and safe.

Another way to deal with your own sense of fear and impending danger is to master a set of tricks, games, and manipulations to keep the other person at a safe distance. Constant readiness for defensive-offensive and manipulation requires changing various "masks" and "suits" that should deceive the enemy. However, it often happens that the one who plays or pretends too often in front of other people himself ceases to understand what is true and autistic in him, and what is artificial.

Sometimes the collision is transformed into another form of contact, which can be called alienation. Alienation can be seen as a specific form of self-defense in the form of a truce, often associated with a feeling of powerlessness or fatigue that comes as a result of the previous struggle. Alienation can be characteristic not only for relations between people who know little of each other and have few common interests, but also for relations between those who are united by a common work, joint scientific activity, belonging to the same family or group. The tact of the relationship is distinguished by distance, indifference or a sense of alienation.

A slightly more relaxed form of alienation is the so-called conventional correctness. It is based on the observance of some rigidly set boundaries, within which one should keep one's own behavior and the behavior of another person. These boundaries are established under the influence of conventional norms inherent in a given environment or as a result of the operation of unwritten laws in the performance of social roles.

Thus, we can conclude that each person has personal qualities, his own habits and prejudices, which inevitably affect the nature of contacts with other people. Therefore, communication in the form of collisions is the result of individual differences between people and occurs when the actions of participants in one situation have an antagonistic orientation.


Psychology in the literal sense of the word is the science of the soul. Its history, as the study of the human soul, his mental world by the method of self-observation (introspection) and introspection, goes far into the depths of centuries, into philosophical and medical teachings. Psychology as an independent science established itself only at the end of the last century, after it received an experimental base and a natural scientific physiological basis.

The date of the beginning of scientific psychology is considered to be 1879, when Wundt opened the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig.

What is the essence and features of practical psychology?

The difference between theoretical (research) and scientific-practical psychology lies primarily in the subject and object of study. Scientific and practical psychology always deals with a real object that has everything: a personal structure, a system of mental processes, properties, functions, and a system of functional and other mental states with their own dynamics.

Understanding the nature of a real object in the work of a practical psychologist should be based not only on a separate subject representation that exists in psychological science (or its field), but also on the reality in which this real object is included - a person.

The focus of practical psychology should be a real living person with all his features, included in the real sphere of life (professional, domestic and personal) and filled with various life problems that can please and torment him.

The task of psychology and psychologists is to help a person understand himself, his complex problems and find a rational way out of current situations without significant neuropsychic stress.

This is the essence of practical psychology, which we understand as the integration of knowledge and methods from various areas of psychology in order to solve problems that arise in a person in various areas of his life.

In accordance with this understanding, we consider the structure, methods of practical psychology and the result that can be achieved using the recommendations of practical psychology.

Practical psychology consists of four parts:

  1. psychology of individuality;
  2. psychology of relationships and interactions in a group;
  3. psychology of professional activity;

4) psychology of personal and everyday life.

The logic of this division lies in the fact that in the center stands a person with his unique individuality, who must know and understand another person. But a person is rarely alone, usually he is included in group relations. The latter can be very different, but at the same time there are certain patterns of relationships and interactions in a group, the knowledge of which helps a person rationally build his behavior. The other two parts of practical psychology reveal the possibilities and abilities of human behavior in the main areas of his life: professional, personal and everyday life. In general, we are approaching an understanding of what inner harmony of a person is, how a person himself can contribute to its development and strengthening of mental health.


clause 2.1. Definition of conflict.

What is conflict? In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people, associated with negative emotional experiences.

This shows that the basis of conflict situations in a group between individuals is a clash between opposing interests, opinions, goals, and different ideas about how to achieve them.

p.2.2.Typology of the conflict. Causes of conflicts.

In social psychology, there is a multivariate typology of conflict, depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis. So, for example, the conflict can be intrapersonal between kinship sympathies and a sense of duty of the head), interpersonal (between the head and his deputy about the position, bonuses between employees); between the individual and the organization to which he belongs; between organizations or groups of the same or different status.

It is also possible to classify conflicts horizontally (between ordinary employees who are not subordinate to each other), vertically (between people who are subordinate to each other) and mixed, in which both are represented. The most common conflicts are vertical and mixed. They average 70-80% of all the rest. They are also the most undesirable for the leader, since in them he is, as it were, "tied hand and foot." The fact is that in this case, every action of the leader is considered by all employees through the prism of this conflict.

Classification is also acceptable according to the nature of the reasons that caused the conflict. It is not possible to list all the causes of the conflict. But in general, it is caused by the following three groups of reasons, due to:

  • labor process;
  • psychological characteristics of human relationships, that is, their likes and dislikes, cultural, ethnic differences of people, the actions of the leader, poor psychological communication, etc.;
  • personal originality of group members, for example, inability to control their emotional state, aggressiveness, lack of communication skills, tactlessness.

Conflicts are also distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as the way they are resolved. There are constructive and destructive conflicts.

Constructive conflicts are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, the problems of the life of the organization and its members, and the resolution of which brings the organization to a new, higher and more effective level of development. Destructive conflicts lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the group or organization.

Clause 2.3. The main stages of the course of the conflict.

Conflicts, despite their specificity and diversity, generally have common stages of flow:

  • the stage of potential formation of conflicting interests, values, norms;
  • the stage of transition of a potential conflict into a real one or the stage of awareness by the participants of the conflict of their correctly or falsely understood interests;
  • the stage of conflict actions;
  • the stage of removing or resolving the conflict.

p.1.4. The structure of the conflict.

In addition, each conflict also has a more or less clearly defined structure. In any conflict, there is an object of a conflict situation, associated either with technological and organizational difficulties, peculiarities of wages, or with the specifics of business and personal relations of the conflicting parties.

The second element of the conflict is the goals, the subjective motives of its participants, due to their views and beliefs, material and spiritual interests.

And, finally, in any conflict it is important to distinguish the immediate cause of the collision from its true causes, often hidden.

It is important for a practitioner to remember that as long as all the listed elements of the conflict structure exist (except for the reason), it cannot be eliminated. An attempt to end the conflict situation by forceful pressure or persuasion leads to its growth, expansion by attracting new individuals, groups or organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate at least one of the existing elements of the conflict structure.

Lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups - is the main cause of conflict in the team.

The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc. However, as already noted, it is not always expressed in the form of a clear collision, conflict. This happens only when the existing contradictions, disagreements disrupt the normal interaction of people, impede the achievement of goals. In this case, people are simply forced to somehow overcome differences and enter into open conflict interaction. In the process of conflict interaction, its participants get the opportunity to express different opinions, to identify more alternatives when making a decision, and this is precisely the important positive meaning of the conflict. This, of course, does not mean that the conflict is always positive.

Intergroup and interpersonal Conflicts are the clash of individuals with a group or groups among themselves.

The division of conflicts into types is rather arbitrary, there is no rigid boundary between different types, and in practice conflicts arise: organizational vertical interpersonal; horizontal open intergroup, etc.

The considered conflicts can perform a variety of functions, both positive and negative. The main functions of conflicts are presented in Appendix No. 1.

The causes of conflicts are as diverse as the conflicts themselves. It is necessary to distinguish between objective causes and their perception by individuals.

Objective reasons can be relatively conditionally represented in the form of several fortified groups:

  • limited resources to be distributed;
  • difference in goals, values, methods of behavior, skill level, education;
  • interdependence of tasks; incorrect distribution of responsibility;
  • bad communications.

At the same time, objective reasons will only then be the causes of conflict when they make it impossible for an individual or a group to realize their needs, and affect personal and / or group interests. The reaction of the individual is largely determined by the social maturity of the individual, the forms of behavior acceptable for her, the social norms and rules adopted in the team. In addition, the participation of an individual in a conflict is determined by the significance of the goals set for him and by the extent to which the obstacle that has arisen prevents them from being realized. the more important the goal is for the subject, the more efforts he makes to achieve it, the stronger will be the resistance and the tougher the conflict interaction with those who interfere with this.

The choice of a way to overcome obstacles will, in turn, depend on the emotional stability of the individual, the means available to protect their interests, the amount of power at their disposal, and many other factors.

The psychological protection of the personality occurs unconsciously as a system of stabilization of the personality to protect the sphere of consciousness of the individual from negative psychological influences. As a result of the conflict, this system works involuntarily, against the will and desire of a person. The need for such protection arises when thoughts and feelings appear that pose a threat to self-esteem, the formed “I-image” of the individual, the system of value orientations that reduce the self-esteem of the individual.

In some cases, the individual's perception of the situation may be far from the real state of affairs, but the person's reaction to the situation will be formed based on his perception, from what he thinks, and this circumstance makes it much more difficult to resolve the conflict. The negative emotions that have arisen as a result of the conflict can quickly be transferred from the problem to the personality of the opponent, which will complement the conflict with personal opposition. The more the conflict intensifies, the more unattractive the image of the opponent looks, which further complicates his solution. There is a vicious circle that is extremely difficult to break. It is advisable to do this at the initial stage of the event deployment, until the situation gets out of control.


There are several ways or methods to determine the causes of conflict behavior. As an example, consider one of them - cartography method conflict, developed by H. Cornelius and S. Fair. Its essence is as follows:

  • define the problem of conflict in general terms. For example, if there is a conflict over the amount of work to be done, draw up a load distribution diagram;
  • find out who is involved in the conflict (individuals, groups, departments or organizations);
  • identify the true needs and concerns of each of the main actors in the conflict.

This map will allow you to:

1) to limit the discussion to certain formal frameworks, which will greatly help to avoid excessive manifestation of emotions, since people can restrain themselves during the compilation of the map;

2) to create an opportunity for joint discussion of the problem, to express to people their requirements and desires;

3) to understand both their own point of view and the point of view of others;

4) create an atmosphere of empathy, i.e. the opportunity to see the problem through the eyes of other people and to acknowledge the opinions of people who previously believed that they were not understood;

5) choose new ways to resolve the conflict.

The work consists of several stages.

On the first stage, the problem is described in general terms. If, for example, we are talking about inconsistency in work, that someone is not “pulling the strap” along with everyone, then the problem can be displayed as “load distribution”. If the conflict arose due to a lack of trust between the individual and the group, then the problem can be expressed as “communication”. At this stage, it is important to determine the very nature of the conflict, and yet it does not matter that this does not fully reflect the essence of the problem. More on this later. The problem should not be defined in the form of a double choice of opposites “yes or no”, it is advisable to leave the possibility of finding new and original solutions.

On the second stage, the main participants in the conflict are identified. You can enter individuals or entire teams, departments, groups, organizations into the list. To the extent that the people involved in the conflict have common needs in relation to this conflict, they can be grouped together. The death of group and personal categories is also allowed.

For example, if a conflict map is drawn up between two employees in an organization, then these employees can be included in the map, and the remaining specialists can be combined into one group, or the head of this unit can also be singled out separately.

Third the stage involves listing the main needs and fears associated with this need, all the main participants in the conflict interaction. It is necessary to find out the motives of behavior behind the positions of the participants in this matter. The actions of people and their attitudes are determined by their desires, needs, motives, which must be established.

As a result of drawing up the map, the points of convergence of interests of the conflicting parties are clarified, the fears and concerns of each and the parties are more clearly manifested, and possible ways out of the situation are determined (example Appendix No. 2).


The conflict management process depends on many factors, many of which are difficult to control. For example, the views of the individual, the motives and needs of individuals, groups. The prevailing stereotypes, ideas, prejudices, prejudices can sometimes nullify the efforts of those who develop solutions. Depending on the type of conflict, different services can be engaged in the search for solutions: the management of the organization, the personnel management service, the department of psychologist and sociologist, the trade union committee, the strike committee, the police, and the courts.

Conflict resolution is the elimination, in whole or in part, of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or a change in the goals of the participants in the conflict.

Conflict Management- this is a targeted impact on the elimination (minimization) of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or on the correction of the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

There are many ways to manage conflicts. Enlarged, they can be represented in the form of several groups, each of which has its own scope:

  • intrapersonal, i.e. methods of influencing an individual;
  • structural, i.e. methods to eliminate organizational conflicts;
  • interpersonal methods or styles of behavior in conflicts;
  • negotiation;
  • response aggressive actions, this group of methods is used in extreme cases, when the possibilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

Intrapersonal Methods consist in the ability to properly organize one's own behavior, to express one's point of view without causing a defensive reaction from the other person. Some authors suggest using the "I - statement" method, i.e. a way of conveying to another person your attitude to a certain subject, without accusations and demands, but in such a way that the other person changes his attitude.

This method helps a person to hold a position without turning the other into his enemy. “I am a statement” can be useful in any situation, but it is especially effective when a person is angry, annoyed, dissatisfied. It should be noted right away that the application of this approach requires practice and skills, but this can be justified in the future. “I am a statement” is constructed in such a way as to allow the individual to express his opinion about the situation, to express his wishes. It is especially useful when a person wants to convey something to another, but does not want him to take it negatively and go on the attack.

The assembly of statements from the "I" consists of: the event, the reactions of the individual, the preferred outcome for the individual.

Event. The created situation, taking into account the applied method, requires a brief objective description without the use of subjective and emotionally colored expressions. You can start the phrase like this: “When they shout at me ...”, “When my things are scattered on my table ...”, “When they don’t tell me that I was called to the boss ...”.

The reaction of the individual. A clear statement of why exactly such actions of others annoy you helps them understand you, and when you speak from “I” without attacking them, but such a reaction can push others to change their behavior. The reaction can be emotional: “I am offended by you ...”, “I will assume that you do not understand me ...”, “I decide to do everything myself ...”.

The preferred outcome of the event. When an individual expresses his wishes about the outcome of the conflict, it is desirable to offer several options. A correctly composed “I am a statement”, in which the wishes of the individual are not reduced to the fact that the partner does only what is beneficial for him, implies the possibility of discovering new solutions.

Structural Methods, i.e. methods of influencing mainly organizational conflicts arising from the incorrect distribution of powers, organization of work, the adopted incentive system, etc. These methods include: clarification of job requirements, coordination and integration mechanisms, corporate goals, use of reward systems.

Job Requirements Explained is one of the effective methods of managing and preventing conflicts. Each specialist must clearly understand what results are required from him, what are his duties, responsibilities, limits of authority, stages of work. The method is implemented in the form of drawing up appropriate job descriptions (position descriptions), distribution of rights and responsibilities by management levels,

coordination mechanisms represent the use of structural units in organizations that, if necessary, can intervene and resolve disputed questions between them.

Corporate Goals . This method involves the development or refinement of corporate goals so that the efforts of all employees are united and directed towards their achievement.

Reward system . Stimulation can be used as a method of managing a conflict situation; with proper influence on people's behavior, conflicts can be avoided. It is important that the reward system does not encourage non-constructive behavior of individuals or groups. For example, if you reward sales executives only for increasing sales volume, then this can lead to a conflict with the target level of profit. The leaders of these departments can increase sales by offering large discounts and thereby reduce the company's average profit level.

Interpersonal Methods. When a conflict situation is created or the conflict itself begins to unfold, its participants must choose the form and style of their further behavior so that this will have the least impact on their interests.

There are five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation:

  • adaptation, compliance;
  • evasion;
  • confrontation;
  • cooperation;
  • compromise.

The classification is based on two independent parameters: 1) degree of realization of one's own interests, achievement of one's goals,

2) level of cooperation, taking into account the interests of the other side.

If we present this in graphical form, we get the Thomas-Kilmenn grid, which allows us to analyze a specific conflict and choose a rational form of behavior (Appendix No. 3).

Let's take a closer look at these behaviors.

Evasion (avoidance, withdrawal) . This form of behavior is chosen when an individual does not want to defend his rights, cooperate to develop a solution, refrains from expressing his position, avoids a dispute. This style suggests a tendency to avoid responsibility for decisions. Such behavior is possible if the outcome of the conflict is not particularly important for the individual, or if the situation is too complicated and the resolution of the conflict will require a lot of strength from its participants, or the individual does not have enough power to resolve the conflict in his favor.

Confrontation, competition characterized by the active struggle of the individual for his interests, the use of all means available to him to achieve his goals: the use of power, coercion, other means of pressure on opponents, using the dependence of other participants on him. The situation is perceived by the individual as extremely significant for him, as a matter of victory or defeat, which implies a tough stance towards opponents and irreconcilable antagonism towards other participants in the conflict in case of their resistance.

Compliance, adaptation . The actions of the individual are aimed at maintaining or restoring favorable relations with the opponent by smoothing out differences at the expense of their own interests. This approach is possible when the contribution of the individual is not too great or when the subject of disagreement is more significant for the opponent than for the individual. Such behavior in a conflict is used if the situation is not particularly significant, if it is more important to maintain good relations with the opponent than to defend one's own interests, if the individual has little chance of winning, little power.

Cooperation means that the individual is actively involved in the search for a solution that satisfies all participants in the interaction, but not forgetting his own interests. An open exchange of views is expected, the interest of all participants in the conflict in developing a common solution. This form requires positive work and participation of all parties. If the opponents have time, and the solution of the problem is important for everyone, then with this approach it is possible to comprehensively discuss the issue, the disagreements that have arisen and develop a common solution while respecting the interests of all participants.

With a compromise the actions of the participants are aimed at finding a solution through mutual concessions, at developing an intermediate solution that suits both parties, in which no one really wins, but no one loses either. This style of behavior is applicable provided that the opponents have the same power, have mutually exclusive interests, they do not have a large reserve of time to search for a better solution, they are satisfied with an intermediate solution for a certain period of time.

Styles avoidance and compliance do not involve the active use of confrontation in conflict resolution. At confrontation and cooperation confrontation is a necessary condition for a solution. Taking into account that the solution of the conflict involves the elimination of the causes that gave rise to it, we can conclude that only the style of cooperation fully implements this task. At avoidance and compliance the solution of the conflict is postponed, and the conflict itself is translated into a latent form. Compromise can bring only a partial resolution of conflict interaction, since there remains a fairly large zone of mutual concessions, and the causes have not been completely eliminated.

In some cases, it is believed that confrontation within reasonable, controlled limits is more productive in terms of conflict resolution than smoothing, avoiding, and even compromise, although not all specialists adhere to this statement. At the same time, the question arises of the price of victory and what constitutes defeat for the other side. These are extremely complex issues in conflict management, since it is important that defeat does not become the basis for the formation of new conflicts and does not lead to an expansion of the zone of conflict interaction.

Negotiation represent a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of an individual's activity. As a method of conflict resolution, negotiations are a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties.

In order for negotiations to become possible, certain conditions must be met:

  • the existence of interdependence of the parties involved in the conflict;
  • the absence of a significant difference in the capabilities (strength) of the subjects of the conflict;
  • correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict to the possibilities of negotiations;
  • participation in the negotiations of the parties that can actually make decisions in the current situation.

Each conflict in its development passes several stages(Appendix No. 4).

It is advisable to conduct negotiations only with those forces that have power in the current situation and can influence the outcome of the event. There are several groups whose interests are affected in the conflict:

primary groups - their personal interests are affected, they themselves participate in the conflict, but the possibility of successful negotiations does not always depend on these groups,

secondary groups - their interests are affected, but these forces do not seek to openly show their interest, their actions are hidden until a certain time. There may also be third forces that are also interested in the conflict, but even more hidden.

Properly organized negotiations go through several stages in sequence:

  • preparation for the start of negotiations (before the opening of negotiations);
  • preliminary selection of a position (initial statements of the participants about their position in these negotiations);
  • search for a mutually acceptable solution (psychological struggle, establishing the real position of opponents);
  • completion (way out of a crisis or negotiation impasse).

Preparing to start negotiations. Before starting any negotiations, it is extremely important to prepare well for them: to diagnose state of affairs, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the parties to the conflict, predict the balance of power, find out who will negotiate and the interests of which group they represent.

In addition to collecting information, at this stage it is necessary to clearly articulate your purpose participation in negotiations. In this regard, the following questions should be answered:

  • What is the main purpose of negotiations?
  • what alternatives are available? In reality, negotiations are carried out to achieve results that would be the most desirable and acceptable;
  • if an agreement is not reached, how will this affect the interests of both parties?
  • what is the interdependence of opponents and how is it expressed outwardly?

Also being worked out procedural questions: Where is the best place to negotiate? what atmosphere is expected in the negotiations? Is a good relationship with an opponent important in the future?

The second stage of negotiations - the initial selection of a position(official statements of the negotiators). This stage allows you to realize two goals of the participants in the negotiation process: to show opponents that you know their interests and you take them into account; determine the room for maneuver and try to leave as much room for yourself in it as possible.

If the negotiations are held with the participation of an intermediary (leader, negotiator), then he must give each party the opportunity to speak and do everything in his power so that the opponents do not interrupt each other.

In addition, the facilitator determines and manages the deterrents of the parties: the allowable time for the issues discussed, the consequences of the inability to reach a compromise. Suggests ways of making decisions: simple majority, consensus. Identifies procedural issues.

Third stage of negotiations consists in finding a mutually acceptable solution, psychological struggle.

At this stage, the parties determine each other's capabilities, how realistic the requirements of each of the parties are and how their implementation may affect the interests of the other participant. Opponents present facts that are beneficial only to them, declare that they have all sorts of alternatives. Here, various manipulations and psychological pressure on the leader are possible, to seize initiatives in all possible ways. The goal of each of the participants is to achieve balance or slight dominance.

The task of the mediator at this stage is to see and put into action the possible combinations of interests of the participants, to contribute to the introduction of a large number of solutions, to direct the negotiations towards the search for specific proposals. In the event that the negotiations begin to acquire a sharp character, affecting one of the parties, the leader must find a way out of the situation.

Fourth stage- completion of negotiations or a way out of an impasse.

By this stage, a significant number of different options and proposals already exist, but agreement on them has not yet been reached. Time begins to run out, tension increases, some kind of decision is required. A few final concessions on both sides could save the day. But here it is important for the conflicting parties to clearly remember which concessions do not affect the achievement of their main goal, and which nullify all previous work.

The presiding officer, using the power given to him, regulates the last disagreements and brings the parties to a compromise.

  1. 1. Acknowledge the existence of conflict those. to recognize the existence of opposite goals, methods of opponents, to identify these participants themselves. In practice, these issues are not so easy to resolve, it can be quite difficult to confess and say out loud that you are in a state of conflict with an employee on some issue. Sometimes the conflict has existed for a long time, people suffer, but there is no open recognition of it, everyone chooses their own form of behavior and influence on the other, but there is no joint discussion and a way out of the situation.
  2. 2. Determine the possibility of negotiations. After recognizing the existence of a conflict and the impossibility of resolving it “on the move”, it is advisable to agree on the possibility of negotiations and clarify what kind of negotiations: with or without a mediator and who can be a mediator that equally suits both parties.
  3. 3. Agree on a negotiation process. Determine where, when and how negotiations will begin, i.e. stipulate the terms, place, procedure for negotiating, the time of the start of joint activities.
  4. 4. Identify the range of issues that make up the subject of the conflict. The main problem is to define in shared terms what is in conflict and what is not. Already at this stage, joint approaches to the problem are developed, the positions of the parties are identified, the points of greatest disagreement and points of possible convergence of positions are determined.
  5. 5. Develop solutions. The parties when working together offer several options decisions with the calculation of the costs for each of them, taking into account the possible consequences.
  6. 6. Make an agreed decision. After considering a number of possible options, with mutual discussion and provided that the parties come to an agreement, it is advisable to submit this general decision in writing: a communiqué, resolutions, a cooperation agreement, etc. In particularly complex or responsible cases, written documents are drawn up after each stage of the negotiations.

Put the decision into practice. If the process of joint action ends only with the adoption of a well-thought-out and agreed-upon decision, and then nothing happens or changes, then such a situation can be the detonator of other, stronger and more prolonged conflicts. The causes that caused the first conflict did not disappear, but were only intensified by unfulfilled promises. Re-negotiations will be much more difficult.


If a person is appointed a leader, does he always think about how relations between people in the group he will lead will develop. Do his future employees understand each other and will they understand the new person - the leader. The mood of each of us to a large extent depends on the behavior and attitudes of the people with whom we communicate. A good attitude pleases, a bad one upsets, disturbs, alarms. It is even more difficult for a leader, because according to his social status, he, as it were, opposes a group of people united by a common “we”. And such an interaction of the human “I” and the group “we” is very complex and contradictory, changeable and unstable. We often, speaking of the collective, consider this interaction as a ratio of individuality and collectivity, while, as a rule, we give preference to collectivity. Hence - the desire for averaging, equalizing people and dislike for "upstarts", the desire to put them "in their place."

This trend is very harmful to the development of society, especially its creative, intellectual potential. It turns out that the brighter and richer the individuality, the higher the level of development of each member of the team, the more capable, humane the team as a whole is. Therefore, it is so important to penetrate into the peculiarities of the relationship between “I” and “we” that develop in a social group, i.e. in the team that we lead or are going to lead. Psychology can be a good help here.

Psychologists distinguish three types of attitudes towards the perception of another person: positive, negative and adequate. With a positive attitude, we overestimate positive qualities and give a person a big advance, which manifests itself in unconscious gullibility. A negative attitude leads to the fact that mainly the negative qualities of another person are perceived, which is expressed in distrust, suspicion.

The best thing, of course, is an adequate attitude to the fact that each person has both positive and negative qualities. The main thing is how they are balanced and evaluated by the person himself. The presence of attitudes is seen as an unconscious predisposition to perceive and evaluate the qualities of other people. These attitudes underlie the typical distortions of the idea of ​​another person.

When selecting personnel, employers deal with people who seek to realize their goals by choosing one organization or another. Similarly, managers seek to realize their goals by selecting a candidate. In addition, it must be borne in mind that people are looking not just for any kind of work, but for the one that suits them. The wrong choice of work can have irreparable consequences for both the employee, the manager, and the organization as a whole.

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

Based on the degree of this correspondence, the following tasks are mainly solved:

  • choosing a place in the organizational structure and establishing the functional role of the assessed employee;
  • development of possible ways to improve the business or personal qualities of an employee;
  • determination of the degree of compliance with the specified criteria for remuneration and the establishment of its value.
  • In addition, the business assessment of personnel can help in solving a number of additional tasks:
  • establishing feedback with the employee on professional, organizational and other issues;
  • meeting the needs of the employee in evaluating their own work and quality characteristics.

Business appraisal is an essential component of the personnel selection and development process. Distinguish There are two main types of business valuation:

  • evaluation of candidates for a vacant position;
  • ongoing periodic evaluation of the organization's employees.


However, the leader has to resolve conflicts not only in a businesslike manner, but also in personal-emotional sphere . When resolving them, other methods are used, since, as a rule, it is difficult to single out the object of disagreement in them, there is no conflict of interest. How to behave as a leader with a "conflict personality"? There is only one way - "pick up the key". To do this, try to see in him a friend and the best features (qualities) of his personality, since you can no longer change either the system of his views and values, or his psychological characteristics and characteristics of the nervous system. If they could not "pick up the key to him," then there is only one means left - to transfer such a person to the category of spontaneous action.

Thus, in a conflict situation or in dealing with a difficult person, you should use an approach that is more appropriate for specific circumstances and in which you can feel most comfortable. The best advisers in choosing the optimal approach to conflict resolution are life experience and the desire not to complicate the situation and not bring the person to stress. You can, for example, reach a compromise, adapt to the needs of another person (especially a partner or loved one); persistently pursue their true interests in another aspect; avoid discussing a conflict issue if it is not very important to you; use a collaborative style to serve the most important interests of both parties. Therefore, the best way to resolve a conflict situation is to consciously choose the optimal strategy of behavior.


Consider the behavior of a person in a conflict situation from the point of view of its compliance with psychological standards.

It is considered that constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

  • the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, that is, a fairly accurate assessment of the actions, intentions of both the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal predilections;
  • openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and ways out of the conflict situation,
  • creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a leader to know what character traits, features of human behavior are characteristic for conflict personality.

These qualities include the following:

  • inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be either overestimated or underestimated. In both cases, it may contradict an adequate assessment of others - and the ground for a conflict is ready;
  • the desire to dominate at all costs where possible and impossible;
  • conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;
  • excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire to tell the truth at all costs;
  • a certain set of emotional personality traits: anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

There are five main styles of behavior in conflict: accommodation, compromise, cooperation, ignoring, rivalry or competition. The style of behavior in a particular conflict, they point out, is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually.

Style of competition, rivalry can be used by a person with a strong will, sufficient authority, power, not very interested in cooperation with the other side and striving first of all to satisfy his own interests. It can be used if -

  • the outcome of the conflict is very important to you and you make a big bet on your solution to the problem that has arisen;
  • you have sufficient power and authority and it seems obvious to you that the solution you propose is the best;
  • you feel that you have no other choice and you have nothing to lose;
  • must make an unpopular decision and you have sufficient authority to choose this step;
  • interact with subordinates who prefer an authoritarian style.

However, it should be borne in mind that this is not a style that can be used in close personal relationships, since it cannot cause anything other than a feeling of alienation. It is also inappropriate to use it in a situation where you do not have sufficient power, and your point of view on some issue is at odds with the point of view of the boss.

Collaboration style can be used if, in defending your own interests, you are forced to take into account the needs and desires of the other side. This style is the most difficult, as it requires more work. The purpose of its application is to develop a long-term mutually beneficial solution. This style requires the ability to explain their desires to listen to each other, to restrain their emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective. This style can be used to resolve a conflict in the following situations:

  • it is necessary to find a common solution if each of the approaches to the problem is important and does not allow compromise solutions;
  • you have a long-term, strong and interdependent relationship with the other party;
  • the main goal is to acquire joint work experience;
  • the parties are able to listen to each other and state the essence of their interests;
  • it is necessary to integrate points of view and increase the personal involvement of employees in activities.

Compromise style . Its essence lies in the fact that the parties seek to resolve differences with mutual concessions. In this regard, it somewhat resembles the style of cooperation, however, it is carried out at a more superficial level, since the parties are somewhat inferior to each other. This style is the most effective, both parties want the same thing, but they know that it is impossible to do it at the same time. For example, the desire to occupy the same position or the same premises for work. When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties, but on an option that can be expressed in the words: "We cannot fully fulfill our desires, therefore, it is necessary to come to a solution that each of us can agree on" .

This approach to conflict resolution can be used in the following situations:

  • both sides have equally persuasive arguments and have the same power;
  • the satisfaction of your desire is of little importance to you;
  • you may be satisfied with a temporary solution, since there is no time to develop another, or other approaches to solving the problem have not been effective;
  • compromise will allow you to gain at least something rather than lose everything.

Evasion Style usually implemented when the issue at hand is not important to you, you do not stand up for your rights, do not cooperate with anyone to develop a solution, and do not want to spend time and effort on solving it. This style is also recommended in cases where one of the parties has more power or feels that they are in the wrong, or believes that there is no good reason to continue contact.

  • the source of disagreement is trivial and insignificant for you compared to other more important tasks, and therefore you think that it is not worth wasting energy on it;
  • know that you cannot or even do not want to resolve the issue in your favor;
  • you have little power to solve the problem in the way you want;
  • want to buy time to study the situation and get additional information before making any decision;
  • trying to solve the problem immediately is dangerous, since an autopsy and an open discussing the conflict can only worsen the situation;
  • subordinates themselves can successfully resolve the conflict;
  • you had a hard day, and solving this problem can bring additional trouble.

This style is not about running away from a problem or avoiding responsibility. In fact, leaving or postponing may be a very appropriate response to a conflict situation, as it may resolve itself in the meantime, or you can deal with it later when you have sufficient information and a desire to resolve it.

Fixture Style mean that you are acting in concert with the other side, but at the same time you are not trying to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal working atmosphere. This style is most effective when the outcome of the case is extremely important to the other side and not very important to you or if you are sacrificing your own interests in favor of the other side.

The fixture style can be applied in the following most typical situations:

  • the most important task is to restore calm and stability, not to resolve the conflict;
  • the point of contention is irrelevant for you or you are not particularly worried about what happened;
  • you think that it is better to maintain good relations with other people than to defend your own point of view;
  • realize that the truth is not on your side;
  • feel like you don't have enough power or a chance to win.

Just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the conflict resolution styles discussed can be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.


  1. 1. PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR MANAGERS. Information and publishing house "FILIN". MOSCOW 1996. The team of authors. Managing editor professor Tutushkina M.K.
  2. Ethics in jurisprudence and entrepreneurial activity. SOCIETY "KNOWLEDGE" OF RUSSIA. St. Petersburg 1995. Professor V.L. Vasiliev.
  4. 4. Brief psychological dictionary / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky, N.G. Yaroshevsky. -M.
  5. Krichevsky R.L. If you are a leader ... - M .: Delo, 1993.
  6. Cornelius H., Fair S. Everyone Can Win. -M., 1992.

Application No. 1.

Conflict functions

Application No. 2

An example of a conflict map

Application No. 3

Forms of behavior in conflict

Application No. 4

The possibility of negotiations depending on the stage of development of the conflict

Conflictology today is preparing to be separated into a separate science. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define what it is, what types and types are, in other words, to designate the object of study of this science.

Going deeper, you need to understand the causes and differences of various disputes, on what basis they arise and in what ways they can be resolved. After all, everyone knows that there are no unsolvable situations, you just need to know what we are facing.

First, let's look at the very concept of conflict. Types of conflicts in society after that will become more understandable and obvious to us.

So, a conflict is often a discrepancy between the interests of two or more people whose interests do not coincide with respect to a particular case, event, goal, and so on. This is a situation where there is a difference of opinion that cannot be satisfied at the same time. As you know, such disagreements can have both positive and negative consequences that affect our lives and decisions.

Causes and types of disagreements

The causes and types of conflicts are closely interrelated. The former mainly influences how the situation will be resolved. It is the identification of the cause of the conflict that will help not only resolve it, but also prevent it in the future. It is clear that without knowing the true essence, we will not be able to fight this effectively, and, based only on theory, this cannot be done either. You will definitely need special knowledge of the psychology of the interlocutors, if we talk about interpersonal disputes.

Practice shows that it is not worth interfering in someone's dispute, since an attempt to resolve someone else's conflict can only aggravate it. Nevertheless, sometimes it can help resolve it: a fresh opinion and a look at the situation can lead conflicting interlocutors to a single solution, which will end the disagreement.

First of all, consider those types of social conflicts that are very familiar to us. We all live in society. Every day we communicate with dozens of people, and some people tend to spend their day exclusively among people. And for society, disagreement is a natural phenomenon, without which not one of our days can do.

There are two types of personality conflicts:

  1. Intrapersonal.
  2. Interpersonal.
  3. Personality and group.
  4. Group.

intrapersonal conflict

This type of conflict can be described as one's own, personal confrontation. In this case, only one person takes part in it - you. We are talking about our feelings, needs, certain goals and motives, which do not always work smoothly and together. After all, you see, often we have a desire that is not feasible for a number of reasons, and the point is not even in the availability of opportunities, but in certain of our thoughts and feelings.

Here a conflict arises with oneself, which pushes us to rash acts, or, conversely, to renunciation of action, which we may later regret. This is the inconsistency of the mind and heart, physical needs and moral principles, and so on.

Quite often, such a conflict can arise in connection with the work of a person. When his position or role in the organization makes too high demands that cannot be met for "own" reasons.

We can consider an example: the opposition of the role of "family man" and "good worker". It is present, and is characteristic of many of us. When you want to spend more time with your family, pay due attention to your relatives, work makes you stay up late, makes you stay late, which gives rise to an intrapersonal conflict.

interpersonal conflict

Different types of conflicts flow into our lives in different ways every day. But this view, one might say, is the most relevant and "popular" today.

An interpersonal dispute is a quarrel that occurs between two people for any reason, be it moral or material. If we talk about the sphere of work, then these are often disputes between managers and subordinates, colleagues or candidates for the same position, competition is also a kind of conflict.

The described situations can also be characterized as types of conflicts in the organization, since any organization has its own staff, which in essence are completely different people - individuals. Therefore, it is not surprising that disagreements and disputes arise quite often. It is common to argue that it is the differences in people that are the ground for the emergence of confrontations.

Conflict between the individual and the group

These types of conflicts are less common, but still present in our lives. In this case, the worldview or, more simply, the position of one person is contrary to the opinion of the rest of the group of people, for example, among employees of one team, or family members.

On the other hand, such a dispute may arise on the basis of non-compliance with established rules. As we know, each established team has its own rules and moral foundations that develop over time. When a new person comes, he is implicitly obliged to obey the general rules, and any deviant behavior is regarded as an attempt to discord the team (of course, on a subconscious level), because of this, disagreement arises between people.

group conflict

If we call the types of conflicts in the organization and personal, then this type of disagreement can also be called general, which can occur everywhere.

This is a confrontation between groups, both formal and informal, which are present both in every company and in the whole society in general.

In this situation, different branches of the organization can resist, for example, management and subordinates, informal associations within the team (everyone is familiar with the situation when the team, during the discussion of a particular problem, is divided into several groups united by one opinion).

Other types of social divisions

The above are the main types of conflicts. These are the most common situations in life, the way out of which, whether we like it or not, we often find on our own and on the basis of this we build our personal experience and gain knowledge.

Types of social conflicts also imply a different classification, according to the spheres of human life, according to which contradictions are divided into the following groups:

  1. Political.
  2. Socio-economic.
  3. National-ethnic.
  4. Interstate.

political conflict

Such a conflict can arise at moments of power sharing, achieving the desired heights in this area, the struggle for influence and authority. Just the same, these disagreements almost always arise, and we are all watching them.

The bottom line is that politicians are purposeful people who clearly formulate their goals and aspirations. And there is always competition and widespread struggle. It can take place both between certain branches of government, certain groups (which is the group conflict that we considered above), within the parliament itself, and so on.

Socio-economic conflict

These types of conflicts are connected, first of all, with the material well-being of every citizen of the country, and, in fact, of any person in the world.

They primarily concern employed people who are very concerned about the level of their wages, any payments, pension and social. In this case, the conflict is often caused by a discrepancy between wages and the forces invested in it, intellectual capabilities, personal qualities and ambitions, and so on.

National-ethnic conflict

Such disagreements arise on the basis of protecting the interests of races and nations. Here appears the concept of racism, which, unfortunately, will never be eradicated. There are and will be people in the world who despise other nations because of the difference in religions, skin colors, traditions and customs. This is very wrong, but nothing can be done about it. Fortunately, most people are absolutely peaceful and treat everyone equally.

It is also worth noting that these conflicts are conditionally divided into two subspecies - horizontal and vertical. Horizontal ones arise between ethnic groups, and vertical ones are disagreements between the state and a group, for example, Chechen.

Interstate conflicts

A separate group is to highlight the conflicts between states. The reasons for them can be all of the above conflicts, and other factors that together lead to a conflict of interests of two or more countries.

It's a shame, but such disputes, which often arise between the dominant branches of states, lead to the responsibility of all citizens. The consequences of such disagreements are wars, crises and defaults, limited cooperation between countries, and much more.

In this situation, the regulation of all such disagreements is handled by the UN, which is international and has the authority to do so. This organization is called upon not only to resolve conflict situations, but also to prevent them.

Now let's move on to the conflict resolution process. Based on the information provided above, we have gained knowledge of their possible types, and now it will be easier to work on one particular one. After all, the ability to distinguish between types and types of conflicts will greatly help us in this matter.

Basically, the classification of types of disagreement resolution is based on the behavioral strategies that a person uses for this purpose. You can follow different paths, but, accordingly, the result will be different.

Types of behavior in conflict

Behavior can also be different in the process of maturing, staying and resolving conflicts.

In a dispute, it is worth highlighting several behavioral strategies that entail different consequences.

What needs to be done to resolve the conflict

We will now present an indicative step-by-step outline for resolving interpersonal disagreements. It is important to remember that such situations are not resolved by shouting or assault. It is necessary to treat the person with understanding, because he may not even know that the conflict was brewing, and did everything not from evil.

You can describe specific actions through a banal situation: talking too loudly on the phone of your colleague in the office.

  1. Determine that the problem still exists for you, and it can provoke disputes (noise distracts from work).
  2. Consider what you will say. Remember that you need to speak absolutely calmly and measuredly, showing frustration rather than anger or hatred towards another person. The irritated tone has never led to a peaceful resolution of conflicts without consequences.
  3. Let the other person know that there is a problem that needs immediate resolution. Base on the three sides of the expression: behavior (when the phone rings and the conversation starts...), consequences ( can't get yourself together and work efficiently...) and feelings (...which takes more effort and energy and ruins the mood).
  4. Do not let the person change the subject of the conversation, as he may begin to evade and not recognize the existence of a conflict, explaining in our situation that "everyone does it."
  5. Next, it is worth offering a way out of the situation, pointing out that this is unpleasant for any person. Say, for example, that a person can leave the room on personal matters. Take this as a rule in your team, agree together.

So, according to this situation, we can conclude that any conflict can be resolved through negotiations and reaching a compromise, a common denominator, which brings the dispute to "no". In this way, any type of conflict can be resolved.