The work is not to your liking. Work to your liking for the slow and scrupulous

  • 24.09.2019

This question is really important, because work takes 80% of our life. Not so little depends on work as it seems at first glance. This is not only earnings, but also mood, state of mind and emotional stress.

It is a great happiness for a person not to “adjust” working hours and not look longingly at the time. If, nevertheless, this happened to you, then it's time to think about changing jobs. But changing the awl for soap is also not worth it. Better start looking for the job of your dreams.

If you find a job you love, you are one step closer to fulfilling your life.

7 steps to your calling


The first thing to remember is the fair expression "start with yourself." No need to sin for the whole the world, and it is worth doing self-analysis. This will give you a clear idea of ​​yourself, your qualities, capabilities and desires.

Since introspection is a serious matter, you will need a few pieces of paper and a pen. We divide the first sheet into two columns and write down everything that you like about work and what you don’t like about it:

You must clearly understand what you like about work and what is unacceptable for you

On the next piece of paper, honestly write all your strengths and weaknesses. For example:

Personal qualities play an important role in choosing a job

Now write down all the activities that are close to you. Think about what attracts you the most, what you truly want to do.

You must identify all professions that are of interest to you.

Work by character

Before you rises very serious task- based on all your notes, determine which type of activity suits you best. It is unlikely that you will be able to work as a PR manager if you are a closed person and you have frequent mood swings. Approach the analysis with all seriousness, because your career depends on your honesty with yourself.

Choosing the type of activity without analyzing your character, you can make a mistake with the choice of profession. Routine work will certainly disappoint you.

After analyzing the qualities of your character and your desires, you can find a job to your liking.

It's time for experiments

If you have chosen something more suitable from the entire list of activities that attract you, act. You should definitely try your hand at the desired profession. As the saying goes: “If you don’t check, you won’t know.” Through trial and error, you can find your place in the sea of ​​professions and become a happy person. If you sit at home with your hands folded, your dream job will not knock on your door and offer an interesting job.

To find a job you like, you need to try several professions.

Don't give up on probation

If, when applying for a job, your probationary period is not two weeks, as you expected, but a whole three months, this is not a reason to refuse work. The trial period gives you a great opportunity to see if you like your new job or if it could be better. You have time to take a closer look, test yourself for strength, delve into all the working nuances. If you like the job, then you will realize that you have finally found your calling. If not, then you should keep looking.

The probationary period makes it possible to determine the place of work without concluding an employment contract

Money can not buy happiness

If, when choosing a job, you are guided by the level of wages for the proposed vacancy, then this will not lead to anything good. You can look for a job you like, choosing it according to earnings, for many months, and maybe even years. Remember that everyone starts small. Of course, this does not mean that you need to go to work for a penny, working hard 18 hours a day. Having a high salary, but a job that depresses your emotional state, you will soon run away from such a position. The main thing is not to chase money, work should be a joy.

You will never find a job where you mess around and get paid for it.

Personal opinion

In order to find a job you like, stop listening to others. Your dream job is your reflection, your essence, your present and future. Your environment cannot know what is best for you, what attracts you and what you will like. Only you can decide for yourself. You can seek advice and take it into account, but it is up to you to decide. Only in this way will you be able to find the job that you like.

Continuing to listen to others, you will not be able to find the job that you like.

Goals in life

Focus on your life goals. If your goals are directly related to the job you are looking for, then you are on the right track. It is the kind of work that intersects with your tasks for life that you need. You will be able to gradually climb up the steps of life to that happiness and regularity that 80% of people dream of.

Relying only on life goals you will find a job to your liking

Psychologists have created many career guidance tests: Russian, European, American. They are focused on abilities, desires and human capabilities. Such tests are widely distributed on the Internet, and you can take them yourself. Also, tests are often carried out at the labor exchange in order to find a job that is more suitable for you. These tests are useful if you don't fully understand what you want and expect from a job.

You can try to take tests, which will help you understand what you desire more.

These tests look like this:

Test for career guidance according to the method of academician E.A. Klimov

5 reasons why you can't find a job you love

If you're having trouble finding your dream job, there are a few factors that could be causing you to fail:

  1. Lack of purpose. The fact of looking for a job is not the goal. You must clearly define for yourself what it means to work to your liking for you.
  2. Uncertainty. Remember, self-doubt is the worst thing that can happen to you when looking for your dream job. Low professional self-esteem will not allow you to find the job that you like. Learn to present your professional merits in a favorable light for yourself.
  3. Fear. Neither lack of experience nor age should be an obstacle for you to find a job. Fear of the unknown is yours the main problem. Do not be afraid of change, get off your familiar place and move forward.
  4. Passivity. Good work will never come to you. To do this, you need to take active steps, and not wait for "weather by the sea."
  5. Irresponsibility. If you have found an attractive vacancy for you, take the trouble to write a resume with high quality and competently. After all, the impression of you depends on your actions.

5 signs you've found a job you love

Psychologists note several signs that will help determine that you are doing what you love:

  • To work is like a holiday. You are always in a great mood to go to work.
  • You do not count the minutes until the end of the working day.
  • Money is important, but it's not the most important thing.
  • You can do the job in any circumstance.
  • When you are busy with work that you love, you experience happiness from this type of activity.

In life, it is very important to do what you really want. Finding a job to your liking, based on the above tips, is really possible. The main thing is your desire, activity and aspiration. Work is 80% of our daily time, which is why it is so important to find a job for yourself. Doing what you love is part of true happiness.

For many people, the morning begins with an alarm clock, which, as usual, rings too early and at the wrong time. Slowly opening our eyes, we think that this day will bring us many new and interesting things. We get up, go to wash, have breakfast and go to the office. The morning city is always beautiful. Modern high-rise buildings and skyscrapers give way to buildings from the Stalinist era, and multi-colored signs and restaurants shine and attract attention.

The morning rays of the sun, still with shades of pink, are reflected in the windows, which makes the city look like Magic world where everyone lives in peace and harmony, and all dreams become reality. But we don't see it. We run, . As if on a machine, we drive through familiar streets, slow down at traffic lights and swear at stupid passers-by and drivers who are also in a hurry to their boring work. I think a lot of people are familiar with this situation. It's time to find your calling and learn how to find a job you love.

Why it's important to strive for more

We often choose our vocation after the age of 25, when we have higher education, imposed by parents, a girl / wife and children who need to be looked after and provided for. With all this in mind, we simply do not have time for self-improvement. All parents are sure that their child will embody their own dreams, but few people thought that in the future the child would have his own dreams and plans for later life. The psychology of adults is understandable, but often it harms children.

Some even have to go to boring jobs. However, not many dare to change it and find their calling in another. Most often, the reason is our psychology, and it lies in fear and indecision. But one has only to find one's vocation, so the morning will seem joyful and serene. It will be pleasant to stay at work, as brilliant thoughts will visit you again and again. That is why we conjure you first of all: dream, think about what you need, choose your own destiny, reject all barriers - because there are no barriers, this world can and should be changed for the better, because to change the world for the better very simple!

Where to begin

Many people ask the question “How to find a job to your liking?”. There is an answer. The only important thing from you is the desire to get rid of the routine. It is not harmful to dream, it is harmful not to dream.

Everyone had a dream in childhood. Someone wanted to be an astronaut, someone a president, and someone even now loves animals very much. Do not assume that these are all childhood fantasies that will never come true. It is important now, already having experience behind you, to dream again and soberly assess your abilities and capabilities. Yes, it is unlikely to become a president, however, most likely, you love and can competently manage people, you can become a good speaker and organizer. Then why not try yourself in the role of a personnel manager, director? The main thing is to say to yourself: “I can!”. And start taking action.

Perhaps you love animals and hope to become a veterinarian or volunteer. It is best to write down your desires on paper and rethink it again a day later in order to decide exactly. Perhaps the subconscious mind will help determine what you can actually achieve, but no one can read your thoughts except yourself. “I can,” you will say to yourself and make your life exactly the way you imagine it in your dreams.

Assessing the reality of a dream

Looking at the sheet on which you wrote your thoughts and desires, it is worth crossing out what seems completely inadequate or impossible to fulfill. As a result, you should get 7 points on the strength that evaluate your capabilities. The main thing is to decide for yourself "what I can do." And it is better to understand what you do better than others. The science of psychology recommends writing your favorite activities:

  • Cook,
  • shop,
  • speak foreign languages
  • sewing or doing something with your hands,
  • take care of animals
  • make bouquets,
  • spend time with children
  • to understand computers / technology,
  • organize holidays.


If you know that your calling, for example, is to take care of animals, but you think that no one needs it, you may be mistaken. Even animals need love. You can organize a volunteer club, and then work in a veterinary clinic, sell products for cats or provide grooming services. It is important to realize how exactly you can realize your abilities. Even ordinary clothes shopping can be an alternative to working in an office. Get a profession of a mystery shopper, make your own website where you will write reviews about new products. It is important to understand that money is not the main thing. If you do what you are interested in, you can easily find a way to get a good profit from it.

Help from outside

If you yourself find it difficult to decide what you do best, then you can turn to close friends and family for help. They say that it is more visible from the side. Perhaps you just do not notice some qualities in yourself. Such a simple approach, but gives a very good result. Parents will help you remember your interests in childhood, which you for some reason abandoned. And friends will tell you what traits they would like to adopt from you. Perhaps it will be oratorical skills, dedication, the desire to learn new languages. In addition, close people will help you find your friends in this field or suggest good ideas that you can bring to life. In any case, an opinion from the outside will not be superfluous.

Future plans

Any plan must have a certain sequence of actions. Therefore, it will be correct not to shout “I can!” and run to try to embrace the immensity, and gradually think over each step. It is better to keep a diary in which you will write down your thoughts and plans for the day. Human psychology is such that when changing activities, the body quickly gets used to the changes. It has to do with the instinct of self-preservation. Therefore, it is important to listen to yourself.

The best step is not to abruptly stop the usual life, but to gradually build a new one: do something new for yourself every day. Thus, after a while, you will be doing exactly what you want, and it will only bring you positive emotions. You will understand your calling immediately. You will want to do this all day long, forgetting about food and the need to sleep. And you won't recognize yourself after a while. You will become a completely different person who loves his life and is ready to bring something new and beautiful into it. The slogan "I can!" will become your eternal companion.

If you want a lot, then try everything and gradually. One day one thing, another another. Gradually you will understand where your calling is and what you want from life. How to find a job to your liking? - It is important not to stay where it is boring. Do not even hesitate and start searching right now - do not sit at home, dream, and then make your dreams come true, this is simple psychology!

If you want to find a job that you really enjoy, try imagining what you already have a large number of money, and there is no more need. Think about what you would like to do in this case? It is difficult for many people to answer this question. Most people answer that they will rest and do nothing. However, idleness cannot be endless, sooner or later a person will get bored with rest, and he will begin to look for an interesting activity. This is what you need to think about.

As soon as something comes to mind, think about why you are attracted to it? Make a list of what you like most about this activity, what feelings you experience from this process. Perhaps this is communication with people, work for outdoors, frequent change of scenery, bound or a feeling of freedom, when the result of your activity depends only on you and you are accountable only to yourself, etc. Look at your current job. Doesn't she give you such opportunities? Is it really necessary to look for a new occupation?

Work searches

Having determined what exactly you expect from a new job, try to consider all the offers available on the market today. Finding what you really like will now be easier. For example, if you love interacting with people, you might want to consider job openings, sales manager, teacher, service professions, etc. If you value independence and freedom, pay attention to your hobbies or hobbies, if you have them. Perhaps you can monetize them and open own business.

Also pay attention to your real financial needs. If you have high running costs, no job chosen in this way will please you if it does not bring you enough money. When looking for a job, be guided by your feelings and expectations from her, but do not forget about the financial side of the issue.


If you have found vacancies that match your criteria, do not rush to get a job. Try to find representatives of this profession who have been doing their job for more than one year. Find out what skills are important, what you need to pay special attention to, etc. Decide if this is really what you want to do. Also pay attention to your qualifications. Are you ready to start working now or do you need to take refresher courses?

Apparatus employed

It is very easy to make a mistake in choosing a job that would be to your liking. Only practice can show if you made the right choice. If you still settle on a particular option, try taking a trial period or getting an internship, if possible. Feel what you have to do, and only then make the final decision.

We all love articles in the style of "twenty ways of this" and "thirty ways of that": structured lists, concentrated information - just what you need to read on the run or at lunchtime.

Today I want to write an article in the same style based on personal experience and refuting the traditional ways of finding a job for the soul.

When I got tired of working in the financial sector, then, like many in a similar situation, I thought - what would I really like to do? Without answering this question on my own, in the spirit of the times, I dumped it on the Internet: OK, Google, how can I find a job I like? Google gave out a bunch of information. Only it didn’t help me much, and here’s why.

What is usually advised in such articles?

Remember who you wanted to be as a child?

Childhood, they say, is disinterested and not obscured by everyday problems, and therefore, it is childhood dreams that will lead you to your true calling. Great, I remember very well what I wanted to be as a child. An astronaut and a princess. I don’t remember exactly whether it was at the same time or not, but both professions at my current 38-year-old age look a little doubtful for implementation.

I wanted to become an astronaut when I re-read the science fiction books of Belyaev and Krapivin: to search for new worlds, surf the universes, heroically create a bright future for earthlings - it seemed like a romantic and right thing to do.

I dreamed of becoming a princess solely to wear beautiful dresses to the floor and ride a horse, always white, through your own kingdom. In my opinion, this dream appeared after the movie "Three Nuts for Cinderella", if anyone remembers this.

What now? Now I am not very drawn to explore space, I prefer earthly nature; I don't really like long dresses - I prefer jeans with sneakers. So both of these dreams, although they remained touching memories, did nothing to help me find a new occupation.

Ask yourself: what do you love the most?

Write a list of three to five to ten favorite hobbies and think about how you could make money with this? What are the professions related to your hobbies?

Write book reviews? To be honest, I'm not sure that you can make good money with this, but this is also not the kind of thing to which the soul lies. I do not want to translate reading into the category of duties.

Write: writer, copywriter, translator.

Copywriting, by the way, is the closest occupation for me to my liking. I thought about it for a long time, studied content exchanges, demand, and literature. But something in my heart was categorically against it. I realized that: since writing has always been my biggest and most reverent dream, then writing to order advertising texts and articles for me is akin to betraying this dream.

Do not misunderstand me, I consider high-quality copywriting to be a very worthy occupation. But this is just my cockroach: I'm afraid to write texts to order. I'm afraid that this will become a routine, kill the magic and the desire to write what you want.

Travel: By the way, there are many options here.

Travel journalist for magazines like GEO National Geographic (that's cool, yes; it also implies epic photography skills).

A tour guide or guide in another country (but this is more likely not a job while traveling, but an opportunity to earn money abroad).

Photographer. Stewardess. Cruise ship employee...

All these professions mean that most of the time will have to be spent traveling and being practical about the environment: looking for angles, interesting places for reviews, non-trivial sights for tourists. It's all great, yes. But what I like most about traveling is the unhurried contemplation of nature and architecture, away from the tourist trails and in the most touristic off-season. In addition, with a teenage son and a Siberian cat, I can’t afford to constantly travel around the world now. Alas.

Kittens: veterinarian or breeder. Oh no. Both professions - not at once. The vet out of me is like a ballerina out of an elephant. Everything that is connected with treatment, injections and, God forbid, blood, I am afraid of panic. There is no breeder either: otherwise, all the kittens will simply stay with me, because I won’t be able to part with a single fur ball.

What is the result? Everything I like is not very suitable for a dream job. It turns out that it is not enough to look for an occupation in the sphere of your hobbies, it must also intersect with character traits, personality type and personal cockroaches. This is where the following common advice comes in.

Pass career placement tests

Passed. In principle, a good way. Gives a wide variety of options. Various tests offered me work: a journalist, a lawyer, a scientist, a creative manager, an interior designer (which is completely “hot”), but they did not find out the main thing: I am a terry introvert. Any work with people I prefer to work alone, ideally - remotely and with correspondence on Skype.

One of these tests gave me the following verdict:

“People of this type are distinguished by analytical abilities, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, and generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work and conditions that give freedom for creativity. Work is able to captivate them so much that the line between working time and leisure is blurred. The world of ideas for them may be more important than communication with people. Material well-being for them is usually not in the first place.

And as suitable profession I was offered the profession of a web analyst. Let's say it looks like the truth, but still not the same. I have always dreamed of creativity, and if you choose a business to your liking, then it should definitely contain a decent share of creativity.

Other common methods

Asking the opinion of relatives and friends, moving forward a year or five years and presenting myself in a new capacity, thinking about what I would like to learn - also did not work very well for one reason or another.

How to proceed? I don’t know, I was just lucky or the system worked, but I was lucky enough to find my favorite thing. I am in love with my new profession as an interior 3D visualizer, and every new day that I spend creating my 3D worlds, I am infinitely happy. But when I started looking for a job I liked, I had no idea about such a profession.

How did I come to her? I tell and invite you to try to repeat my path.

Create an image

Find a time and place where no one and nothing will distract you. Forget about childhood, about “it is necessary” and “it is customary”, about loans and rent, about your education, about red diplomas and other crusts, about many years of experience in the profession, forget about everything. If you are reading this article, it means that not everything in your life suits you and it's time to imagine a new life.

So, imagine that you have already found your dream job, no matter what it is called at this stage. Take a piece of paper (it’s better to write by hand than to type on a computer, special neural connections of the brain turn on here) and describe: how do you imagine yourself in a new capacity?

For me, the ideal job is me, laptop, cat, quiet workplace in my apartment or small house, my family is near, and nothing else. No tiresome trips to the office, no traffic jams, no more God forbid open-space, meetings, conferences, business meetings, dozens of colleagues, hundreds of reports and heaps of bosses. No more overtime and staying up late - how many years of my life have I killed for this!

Type of work: something highly technical to use the brain; something creative enough that it is not crowded and not boring within the given limits; something big enough that you never stop learning and that there is no limit to perfection. Something like this.

What is the ideal job for you?

Find out what it's called

Now that you have formulated a future image for yourself, try to determine the work that will lead you to this image. There are several ways. Try everything.

If you are comfortable working for a full-time or part-time permanent employer, look at the vacancies on the largest job search sites: and

It's all about filters. If you already know what industry you would like to work in, look for it. If you don't know, check everything. Most likely, you can hardly imagine what a variety of professions are now required and you will be very surprised by their assortment.

The main thing at this stage is to crush in yourself “I can’t do it” and “I can’t do it”. Now you just need to determine the name of the profession of your dreams.

Here are the vacancies offhand (in brackets - wage) in the section "Work in the field of entertainment, art, mass media in St. Petersburg": copywriter / content marketer (50,000 rubles), dancer of exclusive dance shows / dancer (90,000 rubles), instructor-potter studio (45,000 rubles), lyricist/copywriter (in English) (60,000 rubles), doll decorator (45,000 rubles), quest administrator (50,000 rubles), wedding planner (40,000 rubles) , actor (Santa Claus / Snow Maiden) (15,000 rubles). The quest manager made me especially happy!

Search using different areas and filters, not even limited to the search city.

If your dream is freelancing, look for your dream job on freelance exchanges.

I recommend monitoring demand on four exchanges:,,, The last two are international, suitable for searching if you own English language at least at the student level. But it will greatly expand your opportunities in the search.

See what projects customers require, how much they are willing to pay for them, what are the main requirements. Something from the demand you will definitely like.

Here is a selection of the most popular queries at a glance: website design, landing pages creation, video editing, online store promotion, group management in social networks, copywriting, logo design and many, many others. Of the non-trivial ones, I came across the following: make a smoke removal calculation, create a car booking system, go to the library ... but this vacancy made my day: “Sex toys 3D modeling for 3D printing, only advanced level” ...

If you have a specific goal, such as living and working while constantly traveling, start by finding and reading blogs that inspire you from people who are already doing it.

Most often, in their blog, the authors directly or indirectly indicate their occupation, you just need to carefully read. For example, for those who dream about traveling, there is a fairly well-known blog by Masha Dubrovskaya, which contains a huge amount of useful information. Read, learn, be inspired!

If you are bold, original and dream of doing something completely unique, look for lists of unusual professions.

Professions such as dream seller(wish fulfillment company is located in the USA, in Chicago), brain extractor(this is such a specialist who has to get the brain out of the heads of dead animals and send it to restaurants for cooking delicacies), brader(braid braider) train pusher(such a profession has already appeared in Japan and the USA, payment is made for each person packed into the train), professional dormouse(for testing the comfort of hotel rooms), tropical island caretaker, water slide testers and ocean depth explorers- in fact, they exist and they periodically invite applicants. Dare :)

If you are not 100% satisfied with anything, select as starting point the most suitable job for you, even if you are not satisfied with everything in it. There is one trick here, described in the next paragraph.

Believe in the universe and the space of options

It's difficult at first. The secret is that as soon as you start walking the road from point A to point B - to the job of your dreams, completely new opportunities and options open up for you that could not open up at the starting point A. You meet someone, you learn new information, you get new offers that you would never have received without moving. Therefore, if you did not manage to find the right option right away, and you could not plan your entire path to the end, but you intuitively feel that you are walking in the right direction - trust this feeling.

It was this step that led me to the profession of my dreams. I started my journey as an interior designer. Understanding its basics, requirements, ways of learning, I came across a description of the specialization of an interior 3D visualizer, and insight came right away - that's it!

So do you: you will start the journey, start learning, communicating with new people, with professionals and mentors, and this path will open many other forks for you. You will definitely have plenty to choose from!

Try on a profession

Try new job profession. Sign up for training courses. Get an internship, an intern, an assistant to a professional. Feel your feelings. The feeling of joyful excitement, the desire to learn more and more nuances, the desire to grow and develop in the chosen direction did not leave you before the end of the course or practice? Hooray, you found your business!

If it left and you were disappointed - well, it doesn’t matter! It's great that you tried it, otherwise how else would you know that it's not for you? Crossing out the options brings you closer to the very cherished one. In addition, you have purchased useful experience and new acquaintances! You can take a break and try something else.

Take a big step towards your dream

So, have you found a job that you love? Congratulations! The most important thing remains: to take a step from a dream to its fulfillment. Do it! Just be prepared first. Work in your chosen field in the evenings, on weekends, on holidays (this is temporary), earn your first money, your first clients and your first experience.

At your current job, make savings in the form of a financial pillow for the first time (ideally for six months). Stock up on patience and support of household members. Believe in yourself. Remember that at first it will be difficult, very difficult and unusual, but if you do not give up at this stage, then everything will work out.

All done? Bingo! Get a bonus as a gift - happiness. I'm not joking, doing the business of my dreams, accepting positive feedback from customers, growing and developing professionally in the chosen field, earning what I love - this is real happiness, available, in general, to each of us.

Join now! Share your achievements, doubts, victories and difficulties.

The most wonderful work is the one that brings pleasure. When you do what you love, you don’t feel tired like that, it’s always inherent good mood and a desire to do more. But the problem is how to find a job you like?

Where to start

First of all, you need to figure out what is happening in the soul, what it wants. To do this, ask yourself a few simple questions:

  1. What does "work for the soul" mean?
  2. Is the financial side of the work of any importance?
  3. Will I be able to make some sacrifices for the sake of what I love?

It is important to analyze your “want” and understand what exactly is important: the financial side, recognition, self-realization, etc.

If you look inside yourself and be honest, the answers to these questions will be easy. A clear answer to the question will certainly tell you in which direction you should move, in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity you should look for yourself.

Oddly enough, but in order to decide on the choice of business, you can just dream. To do this, sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine what brings you the most pleasure. It will help if you remember what you wanted to be when you were little, and why this did not happen.

All desires and memories will need to be written down on paper, but it is better to do it. Write down even those that seem ridiculous: later there will always be time to cross them out. After everything has been written down, reread it carefully. Every hobby or interest has something to offer.

The main thing here is that work performed with interest and love will certainly bring income.

Analysis of existing work

The work you are already doing can give you a lot of clues. You can turn to colleagues and ask them questions such as:

  • What exactly do they love about their job?
  • Do they enjoy it.
  • What kind professional quality they see in you.

Sometimes the state of depression or problems in other areas of life (family, health, etc.) do not fully appreciate what you already have. Try to look at your activities from the other side, it may turn out that everything is not so bad. If you still don’t like the job, you should determine what specifically you don’t like about it.

You don't have to quit right away - you can always do it. Sometimes a simple transfer to another position or change of department can solve the problem. If even this does not help to have fun and find harmony with oneself, then a change of activity is simply necessary.

How to find a job to your liking? Sometimes it’s enough just to look at the existing one with different eyes.

The importance of doing what you love

Not getting pleasure from work, you can very quickly lose any interest in it. The goal will remain the same - to earn money so that you can pay bills, get dressed, buy groceries, etc. With such a course of life, you look at your watch all the time so that the working day ends soon and mark the days on the calendar with crosses until the holidays.

It must be remembered that it is almost impossible to make good money and succeed in a job that you do not like. After all, there is neither the strength nor the desire to work at 100%.

It has been repeatedly proven that those who work with love and enthusiasm achieve much greater success in life. Therefore, it is very important to find a field of activity to your liking. So that every morning the thought “I want to work” arose.

The secret of success lies not in the work, but in the person, as far as he is revealed. The more you like what you do, the more active you will be. The desire to work makes you develop and improve.

Work at home

It is often found that family circumstances limit in areas of activity. It's not a problem. Listening to your inner voice and after analyzing your hobbies and hobbies, you can find a job at home. It will bring not only pleasure, but also income.

Of course, the first place of work at home is occupied by the Internet. There are enough activities to choose from. For those who love needlework, you can take pictures of the process, and then sell photos of master classes. Curious people will definitely like copyright and rewrite.

Blogs are widespread on the Internet, you can create your own project on a fascinating topic - this is interesting and profitable. In the world wide web there is work even for an accountant. The main desire.

Network marketing is widespread on the Internet. If the soul lies in this kind of activity, then with right choice you can improve your financial situation.

It is very important, when working on the Internet, not to fall for scammers who are trying in every possible way to lure money.

And it should be remembered that even in order to earn money at home, you need to study, because water does not flow under a lying stone.

Where can you find the job you want?

After an analysis of the existing work was carried out, and the reasons for the unwillingness to conduct such labor activity, you can safely start looking for a new one.

With active search, new ideas will be born, do not ignore them. Don't be afraid to experiment. The path can be thorny, with mistakes and failures, but it does not matter. Sometimes, at first glance, the lesson seems exciting, but in fact everything is boring and uninteresting, and vice versa. What matters is the end goal.

If a new occupation is at least a little interesting, do not ignore this moment, develop. When it gets boring and tiring, don't hesitate to leave. We must never forget that work for the soul should bring pleasure and make happy. Over the "need" should prevail "I want."

Important to remember

When choosing a job, you do not need to be lazy and afraid. If it suddenly turns out that your education is very different from what you like to do, do not despair. It is never too late to study, and several educations are prestigious. Psychologists advise changing the field of activity every seven years. Do not be afraid to change something, try, in a word - make up your mind! In fact, it is a great happiness to make a living doing what brings pleasure.

If you don’t like your current job, leave, don’t wait until your patience runs out completely. It is important to move forward, not sit in one place. Leave your comfort zone and go in search of what you love.

In the pursuit of prosperity and stability, many often forget about family responsibilities. This moment is very important, because relatives and friends, especially children, need more care and love than, for example, material wealth or the most elite school.

Working to your liking will help not only to gain prosperity, pleasure, but also to see the goal in life. To do this, you need a little: just look into your inner world and understand what desires lie in it.