What professions are suitable for scorpions. Career and professions

  • 26.09.2019

Scorpion- sign zodiac v professions confident and purposeful person. Even as a child, having promised himself to conquer the whole world, he will definitely achieve this. Scorpios have an analytical mindset and intuition. They choose the type of their activity thoroughly, but quickly. They do not tend to be questioned, they are incredibly energetic. For this reason, in every specialty they are ready to express themselves. They are always very important workers.

Astrologer's advice: For most individuals, manifestations of qualities that are not characteristic of him may be noticeable. This is due to the fact that the majority have a dependence on celestial phenomena, for example, the speed of movement celestial bodies, new moon or full moon, etc.

Scorpios have a gift for persuasion. They can carry some kind of nonsense with a smart look, but everyone believes them.

The characteristic features of Scorpio are potential freedom and energy, a heightened sense of self-esteem, inner harmony and pride. The temper of those born under the sign of Scorpio is extremely specific, difficult and problematic. All their lives they have to confront between the zeal for something noble, on the one hand, and extremely low motives on the other. This conflict is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a struggle to achieve life goals, on the other hand, outbursts of anger, anger and revenge. Such a duality in character is manifested in a craving for mysticism and magic, or for material values ​​\u200b\u200band benefits.

Astrologer's advice: Knowledge of small but important data sometimes has a significantly greater effect on achieving a dream than recommendations from friends. Take an individual and achieve more than you currently have!

Scorpio Principles

scorpio zodiac v professions quite versatile and diverse, able to get the final result. He can work alone or in a team. It is quite common for a Scorpio to switch from one job to another, develop a plan for the future and implement it. If there is no such plan, then it will not work. Why waste it.

The main principles of the Scorpio zodiac in the profession:

  • Purpose, as they say: the end justifies the means.
  • Necessity, as they say: it is impossible, but it is very necessary.
  • Achieving a result, at any cost, as they say; winners are not judged.
  • Misunderstanding of pressure from the authorities: do not stand above the soul

Astrologer's advice: In order to explore and more accurately understand the nature and features of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from many angles, and the section will help you with this.

Scorpio Professions

Scorpio will give preference in choosing a profession to specialties that require action, stress, control of emotions and physical effort:

  1. stuntmen
  2. Testers
  3. detectives
  4. Psychologist
  5. Engineers
  6. electricians
  7. Constructor
  8. surgeons
  9. Entrepreneurs
  10. Artisans
  11. trainers
  12. military personnel

scorpio zodiac v professions miserly and never takes risks in the distribution of profits.

Quite unsuccessful for a Scorpio man will be the choice of profession: an accountant and a banker, a librarian and a janitor.

Astrologer's advice: We suggest you read horoscopes for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will help you make positive decisions on many issues. Curious and helpful. Go to .

Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman, thanks to her natural ability to communicate and teach, will become an excellent teacher or educator. In view of the gift of self-sacrifice, medicine is overflowing with Scorpio women: surgeons and pediatricians, gynecologists and obstetricians, psychotherapists and herbalists, radiologists, nurses and laboratory assistants, masseuses and methodologists. Natural insight, analytical mindset, intuition will make a detective, reporter or journalist out of a Scorpio woman.

For women born under this sign, it is not advisable to choose a specialty: biologist, secretary or cosmetologist.

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In work, Scorpios manifest themselves as active and energetic people. They are suitable for those areas of activity where they can independently make decisions, take the initiative and improve. They never stand still. For Scorpios, development at work is very important and career growth. In a team, they are friendly, can help colleagues and give them advice. But when it comes to career opportunities, Scorpios often forget about moral standards, they try by all means to get ahead of their colleagues and get the desired position.

If Scorpios occupy a leadership position, then for the whole team they become a “dark horse”. Usually, almost nothing is known about Scorpio bosses at work. They are restrained, calm and polite, they try to keep their distance with the team.

For representatives of this constellation, work related to the analysis of information is suitable. They are also interested in areas of activity in which they can show their insight and tough character. There are many psychologists, criminologists and lawyers among Scorpios. In addition, Scorpios excel in the field of educational work with children. Working in this area, they can fully satisfy their interest in the formation of personality.

Scorpios are interested in comprehending the secrets of the world around them. Therefore, the professions of a forester or a farmer are also suitable for them. Scorpios are sociable and love to be among people, so very often they choose conversational professions, such as a translator, guide, dispatcher. The strong character of Scorpios gives them a chance to become successful businessmen.

Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac have a large supply of vital energy, are not afraid of failure, rarely become discouraged and are endowed with quite flexible thinking and insight. Scorpios like professions in the field of physics, chemistry and medicine. They make excellent doctors and scientists.

With regard to money, Scorpios are very lucky. They feel them and attract them to themselves, like a magnet. With their finances, the people of this constellation handle skillfully. A high level of intelligence and insight make Scorpios successful financiers. They always know where to invest money to make a profit. Passion for the accumulation of funds in Scorpions quickly passes. After they have provided themselves with everything they need, earnings for them become only a means of expanding their capabilities and power.

Scorpions are able to take risks, can lend, act as patrons and sponsors. Money for Scorpions is not a cult. They like to spend finances, but very rationally. Perhaps this is one of the few zodiac signs that money loves, and not vice versa.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
A girl who was lucky enough to be born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio cannot be called easy to communicate with. But if you find the right approach to her, then she will be ideal both as a friend and as a colleague. And even the woman leader Scorpio is not a terrible despot, but a demanding and hardworking boss.

Of course, the character determined by the horoscope manifests itself in the Scorpio woman in all areas of activity. If she gives herself to love without a trace, does not tolerate lies and chooses strong personalities as partners, then she behaves in a similar way in work.

It doesn't matter who's in front of you : manager or simple employee-Scorpio. More than likely it won't work:

  • Cheat. Such a director or colleague senses deceit from afar. But if the lie is successful, this fact will quickly come out, and the rogue will not do well;
  • To find yourself exhausted and devastated. Work for a Scorpio woman is not a routine duty, but a creative and exciting process. It is distinguished by enviable energy and performance. The performance of this sign is phenomenal;
  • Frighten challenging task. Any super-important assignments and extraordinary tasks only inflame the excitement and make you think faster and more clearly.

In general, a scorpio woman at work is a godsend for management. Her progress can be stopped by the habit of categorically expressing her thoughts. Added to this is sometimes offensive arrogance. But behind the rudeness is nothing more than a tough program - no fawning. And observance of subordination, polite treatment of management is perceived by such women as an attempt to curry favor. The opinion is erroneous, but Scorpio cannot be persuaded.

Scorpio at work

If the boss understands that the subordinate is harsh in communication not because of a lack of respect, then the career of the obstinate worker will quickly go up. And it doesn’t matter at all who the Scorpio woman works with, she is rightfully considered successful in the most different areas activities.

What professions are suitable for Scorpios

It is known that this female sign not limited to one area of ​​activity. In the horoscope there are references to its compatibility with the fields of science and culture.

Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to remember Scorpio:

  • Medica,
  • financier,
  • scientist,
  • insurer,
  • social worker,
  • psychologist,
  • Policeman.

Perhaps only Lady Scorpio does not favor the world of fashion. She has no interest in fashion design at all. Otherwise, the range of potential professions is large, and it is hard to believe that one sign has so many predispositions.

In all these areas, a similar set of qualities is required, and the Scorpio girl has it in full. Here is the analytical mind, and critical thinking and the ability to make quick decisions and follow them.

Scorpio career

This zodiac sign always has big ambitions. Its representatives are ready to sacrifice much, if not all, to advance. And in contrast to such aspirations, Scorpios have a philosophical attitude to failures in this field: if a career does not work out, it does not matter. The employer will receive a great performer who can be relied upon.

Why should management pay attention to this employee and start promoting him?

  • Scorpio is stubborn and fearless at work. He is able to quickly develop a strategy of behavior, clearly follow it, despite the difficulties. Stubbornness in his case borders more on perseverance, so you can’t do without such a person if the company overcomes the crisis.
  • You can talk about the ingenuity of this zodiac sign for a long time. A Scorpio woman in working on any problem will offer the most extraordinary and optimal solution. Be sure that competitors will not calculate this move, they will not wait "at the top" and certainly will not be offered by other colleagues.
  • Don't knock her out of the loop. Despite any collisions, such women will move forward, according to the built route. It is they who are able to come to the rescue in difficult conditions, at the moment of time pressure, at inopportune times.

Perhaps, the rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies can be added to the list of “Who work for a Scorpio woman” 🙂

Scorpio boss

These ladies have pronounced leadership qualities. They are able to captivate everyone with a common idea and lead the entire large team behind them. Therefore, the head-Scorpio woman will definitely be in her place. She knows how and loves to lead, coordinate, encourage and set goals.

What else can be said about such a leader?

  • She can plan well due to the fact that she calculates and anticipates the situation well. It is difficult to take her by surprise, and such a leader will quickly turn any unexpected circumstances in her favor.
  • Attempts to flatter, open flattery and ostentatious manner to gain recognition and praise will fail. While still a subordinate, such a leader did not even allow the thought of fawning. All the dirty tricks of those who like to advance not at the expense of their mind and work are known to her. If you want to get promoted, just do a good job. Efforts will be noticed and rewarded.
  • The Scorpio woman in work does not know the measure. She is one of those executives who, if necessary, will live in the office. And the same dedication will be required from subordinates.
  • The diversified development of the boss obliges her interlocutors, employees and partners to be by no means stupid people. Team members are required to be at least erudite in order to keep up with the director's train of thought. But this is not bad - in addition to self-development, such a zodiac sign takes care of raising the level of skills of employees.

The workaholic boss also knows how to relax. Her character is such that she rests to the last, as she works. Have fun until you drop at a corporate party? You are welcome. Spend on the organization of recreation with hard work and perseverance earned finances? No problem. The Scorpio female leader will entertain her team as if she were her own: sparing no expense, balancing on the verge of extravagance.

Scorpio subordinate

What can you wish to an employer who was lucky enough to have this difficult woman as a subordinate? He will definitely need calmness, prudence and wisdom in order not to see sabotage in the actions of Scorpio.

You need to be prepared for:

  • This lady is able to carry out assignments with all the inherent zeal, but in no case should she be offended in a playful, and even more so in a humiliating way. Do not scoff at the fruits of her labors, openly point out the failure of the plan drawn up. This female sign will not forgive such behavior, will respond in a similar manner and will take cruel revenge, regardless of the level of the leader. Moderate criticism and one-on-one analysis will solve the problem peacefully.
  • Energy and zeal are one of the main components of work for a Scorpio woman. And in her striving, she is able to abstract too much from the real task and plunge into dreams. But who is perfect? It will be enough to gently lower it from heaven to earth - to the annual report, for example.
  • The inability to establish contact with management is perhaps the main drawback of this woman. The Scorpio subordinate recognizes authorities, but does not accept flattery, flattery and frank attempts to curry favor. Therefore, it is natural for her to stay cold and distant with her boss. And this is perceived by many as rudeness or disobedience. And, yes, she can be ironic, give out barbs and even insolence. So this sign shows the rest: look, I'm not a sucker.

Lack of subservience is an additional attempt to show their independence and viability. There is no intention to offend the boss.

Scorpio compatibility with work colleagues

A darling colleague will not come out of this zodiac sign. At the same time, there are no clear indications of who a Scorpio woman can work with, and with whom it is not recommended.

In relation to the team, it can be characterized as follows:

  • Secretive. She will not share emotional experiences and family troubles, as well as achievements in personal life. This worker will be able to talk about painful or intimate things only with the most trusted and close people. Colleagues are not included in this circle;
  • Neutral. Work for a Scorpio woman is not a place for idle conversations. She will not talk about herself, but she will not listen, collect and pass on gossip about others.
  • proud. Such a colleague knows his strengths and dignity. She has 100% confidence in her rightness, genius and ingenuity. Do you want to ruin your relationship with her? Criticize any of her suggestions. Preferably as rough and unrestrained as possible. And then ... run as far as possible ... out of the country.
  • Responsive. Scorpio will not refuse other members of the team to help if asked. She may occupy the most modest post, but she is always willingly approached for advice. This woman does not become the soul of the company, but is an indispensable employee. She is respected and appreciated.

They strive to be closer to her, because such a principled colleague does not like injustice, and will rush to defend violated rights without fear of her superiors. Her directness can be unpleasant, but you can be sure that you won’t get a dagger in the back from her, attempts to sit, frame, slander. She utters all her claims and praises, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Working with Lady Scorpio is a difficult task. But it is better to accept it for what it is than to avoid it. She is not looking for friendship and is unlikely to become anything more than a reliable colleague or friend. But all who share her ideals and aspirations will benefit from such an alliance.

Compatibility horoscope: scorpio zodiac sign professions which are suitable - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Scorpios are so self-confident and purposeful individuals that any profession can be boring for them. Professions of the zodiac sign Scorpio are usually associated with analytics. They tend to achieve their goals, and if Scorpio decided to conquer the world as a child, then sooner or later he will do it.

Professions of the zodiac sign Scorpio

They have an analytical mindset and at the same time they have a highly developed intuition, so they choose their activities very carefully, but quickly. They do not tend to doubt, they are very energetic. Therefore, in any profession, they are able to prove themselves. They are always valuable employees.

Scorpios have developed the ability to inspire. They are able to convince anyone, while they can prove nonsense with a most serious face and people believe them. These people are very demanding of themselves and others, while they can arrange serious conflicts and competently get out of them.

In general, the personality of Scorpio is quite multifaceted, they try to develop in all areas of life and they succeed. In general, everything they undertake sooner or later brings not only income, but also recognition.

Professions that fit the zodiac sign Scorpio

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not always like children, although they usually make excellent teachers. In general, Scorpios can master any profession. Among them are excellent psychologists, medical workers. They know how to feel people and their needs. They are able to help, teach, etc.

Also, Scorpios often choose for themselves education in the field of natural sciences. Their desire to know all the deep processes and fundamental principles pushes them to study the world around them, they are interested in knowing what everything consists of and how it works. Scorpions are able to classify any observation of something and skillfully use it.

Hard physical labor is not alien to Scorpios. Of course they are people high level intelligence that can manifest itself in the field of science and politics. But Scorpios also make excellent electricians, engineers, and architects.

True, this kind of work for themselves is more often chosen by Scorpions men. Scorpions have a penchant for learning languages ​​and in general they have a well-developed speech since childhood. Therefore, they can manifest themselves in literature, they can easily engage in translations.

It turns out that everything that Scorpio only thinks to take on, he quickly and easily submits to him. His internal energy and natural forces help Scorpio any difficult situation turn into an ordinary obstacle that he can overcome.

scorpio zodiac sign professions which are suitable

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Professions for Scorpions

Those born under this constellation are very different from each other, so the question of what professions are suitable for Scorpions involves a considerable variety of answers. At the same time, their tendency to everything extreme, to the choice of the sharpest facets of a particular profession, was noticed. For example, if Scorpio becomes a doctor, he can choose the specialty of a resuscitator, oncologist, or even a pathologist, Scorpio-military can become a sapper, Scorpio-worker can become a high-altitude fitter, etc. They are drawn to danger, they are brave, so they can achieve results that others are not capable of.

People of the Zodiac sign Scorpio skillfully work with information and love related professions, respectively, work with databases, network administration, etc. will be acceptable for them. Scorpios are well suited to specialties that are associated with logic, deduction, they love mysterious cases, have great insight, can easily calculate the course of other people's thoughts and motives for actions, so they can be, for example, excellent forensic scientists and operatives, and thanks to the rigidity of character - prosecutors or bailiffs. These same character traits make professions such as a psychologist, a sociologist suitable for Scorpios. They are naturally given the ability to influence other people, they are often very eloquent, have oratorical skills, so among them you can meet many politicians, as well as salesmen, consultants or insurance agents.

There are many Scorpios among inventors, but others are most often involved in the implementation of their ideas. If Scorpio has a good assistant performer, then he will be able to achieve success in scientific activities.

The field of medicine suits Scorpions well, in particular, diagnostics, alternative methods of treatment. Scorpio surgeons are often the first to perform risky, innovative surgeries.

As a rule, these people are very fond of communicating, and are able to find mutual language even with the most demanding interlocutors, so the work of an operator, translator, telephone operator, radio DJ is well suited for them. Professions of Scorpio can be associated with nature and the earth - representatives of this zodiac sign are able to become successful farmers, etc.

These multifaceted personalities have all the prerequisites to become talented artists and performers. A good profession for Scorpio, especially a woman - a teacher, educator, their ability to communicate should help them in this, moreover, this specialty opens up wide scope for studying human nature and the influence of various factors on personality formation.

Many of the traits inherent in the Scorpio horoscope, such as assertiveness, determination, fortitude, critical thinking and a large supply of energy, allow them to become successful businessmen. Such people usually have a good sense of what consumers need, quickly grasp fashion trends, and have a “smell” for money.

Whatever path Scorpio chooses, his profession should make it possible to realize his natural potential, not to stagnate for a long time in one place, and also to see his contribution to the development of a common cause. People of this sign do not like beaten paths, stagnant constancy in work; prefer activities that change the world around rather than preserve it in its original form.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Career, professions, work and business according to the horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio

What kind of job is suitable for a Scorpio?

Representative of this zodiac sign endowed with the gift of persuasion and excellent oratory skills.

Due to this, a Scorpio career may turn out to be the most successful in the specialties of a consultant, seller or agent of an insurance company.

It should be borne in mind that the personality of this person is multifaceted and he can achieve success both in politics and philosophy, as well as in art. In this regard, he can make a creative designer or illustrator.

In addition, among the representatives of the Scorpio sign, you can meet inventors and occultists.

The career horoscope of Scorpio suggests that this person can become an excellent specialist in the field of medicine, especially in diagnostics. It must be remembered that in addition to traditional medicine, he is often fond of non-traditional treatment.

What professions are suitable for Scorpio?

The main characteristics of the representative of this sign: composure, fearlessness, endurance, the ability to recognize hidden emotions and intentions of people. When considering what professions are suitable for Scorpios, the above qualities should be considered. Scorpions make excellent diplomats, miners and surgeons.

One more feature this person is the ability to hide his true plans, thanks to which he is able to negotiate any complexity.

Scorpio is a very purposeful person who sees no obstacles on the way to his goal. Assertiveness and the desire to always win helps this person achieve what he wants, regardless of the opinions and actions of others. In general, work for Scorpio is an area in which he prefers to rely only on his own strength.

When wondering what profession to choose for Scorpio, one must take into account the fact that this person is very ambitious and will not be satisfied with the role of a subordinate for long.

The desire for leadership usually helps him get the position of leader, in the role of which he is not always objective in relation to his subordinates.

Representatives of this zodiac sign can reach the same career heights as men. The best professions for Scorpio women are detectives, reporters or journalists, and participation in scientific experiments or expeditions will help to reveal their abilities to the fullest.

Before becoming a partner of a representative of this sign, one should take into account the fact that business for Scorpio is an area in which he wants to be an absolute leader.

In this regard, it will be difficult to work with him on an equal footing if he does not respect his companion and consider him his equal.

The representative of this sign is stingy and does not like to take risks when it comes to the distribution of accumulated capital. However, the Scorpio business horoscope suggests that he is able to find a way out of almost any situation, is insightful, is a reliable person who attracts finances.

Scorpio: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Scorpio. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

What professions are suitable for Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Ambition, organizational talent, silence. Scorpios are very determined people who know very well what they want, especially in the profession. Success and career are rarely made quickly or in leaps and bounds, but are achieved with great ambition and perseverance.

General characteristics of Scorpio

Scorpios tend to plan and organize. They carry out their will calmly but decisively. They quickly recognize the weaknesses of their fellows and cannot be deceived. They are silent about their needs or goals. They are not always diplomats and many can be very aggressive. On the other hand, they are cunning and cautious when needed.

The path to success lies through curbing willpower. Excessive pride craves leadership positions. Their abilities are pronounced and manifest early. There are no indifferent among Scorpios. The desire to subjugate others due to claims for a dominant role often leads to conflicts with others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hot and arrogant negative type of Scorpio is often found in military professions. If he can curb his passions, control himself and overcome with the same willpower, he will succeed in his career.

All contradictions are collected in the sign of Scorpio. They unite in good and evil. They rarely compromise. The desire to assert itself and be independent leads to friction and strife. Before the goal is reached, there are many changes and job changes, resulting in hostility and intransigence. Mental faculties are beautiful, deep. Inner ambition is not openly manifested, but it can be strong. Scorpios are prone to criticism, analysis, and exploration of the unknown. They prefer science and technology.

Occupational stats point to chemistry and chemical industry, Moreover, household appliances, mechanical engineering, mechanics, transport equipment, turbine building, metalworking industry, electrical engineering. All areas of medicine are also occupied by Scorpios, especially physician assistants, doctors, surgeons, resuscitators, pharmacists, pharmacy owners, dental technicians, dentists, orderlies, healers. The manufacture of medicines, the sanitary service, X-rays, magnetism - all this applies to the sign of Scorpio.

The second common type of profession is the military, as well as work in the criminal and investigative police, in the bureau of private detectives. In the field of science - physics, zoology, philosophy. In commerce - the science of production, calculation, economics, office equipment, computer technology, mechanization and automation of managerial work. There are many Scorpios in publishing houses, in the press, in the distribution department. Burial clerks, executors, auction judges. Under the influence of Scorpio are the steel industries, there are also many Scorpios among mechanics, locksmiths, welders, turners, fighters in the slaughterhouse, dyers, tanners, engravers, glaziers, machinists, electricians, brewers, tool makers.

Career Scorpions are slow, it requires perseverance and foresight from them. Intrigues are frequent in a narrow circle, this is harmful. Their work capacity is extraordinary and increases with difficulty. Those born after sunset, before 10 pm, often have career difficulties. The thirst for knowledge inherent in every Scorpio leads to an expansion of horizons. With a strong mental ability, they are not alien to the interest in metaphysics, secret sciences, psychology, parapsychology, occultism, astrology. "The unknown, the unexplored, the mysterious, the hidden - it attracts them very strongly." Dostoevsky was a Scorpio. Scorpio's thinking is concentrated, analyzing, turned inward. The intensity of passion and the world of instincts is extremely great, full of dynamics. Among Scorpios, there is an active or passive participation in secret societies, lodges (Masonic).

The years of life from 33 to 41 and from 50 to 57 are very bright and energetic. The first third of life means struggle and desperate attempts to break through.

Often almost at the goal, Scorpio fails. Negative Scorpio often harms himself with his cunning and desire to undermine the position of others. Such types are extremely self-centered and unceremonious in their struggle for a place in the sun. At the same time, many behave like boors, others act more by cunning, skillfully hiding their intentions.

Scorpio women are able to work hard and hard, and often there is a peculiar motive of sacrifice in favor of other interests. Sector of hospital professions (nurses, doctor's assistants, laboratory assistants, assistants). Among these women there are many children's doctors, pharmacists, radiologists, therapeutic massage specialists, midwives are also Scorpios. Many Scorpios work in dental offices as prosthodontists. Scorpio women also work a lot in financial departments, in reception lawyers or judges, in the women's criminal police, in women's consultations. The ability of these women to responsible and leading positions in the economy is known. Under this influence, many famous athletes are born, as they are capable of strong-willed efforts and stubborn ambition. In the field of art - a special genre in the theater (grotesque, satire). Often their careers are interrupted by marriage and continue only later;

Pablo Picasso - Scorpio

Born on 10/25/1881 at 00:15 in the city of Malaga. Sun in G45 Scorpio, Moon at 26° Scorpio, ASC at 13° Leo, MC at 5° Taurus.

Picasso has long been in the public eye. About 600 books have already been written about him.

In the X House of his horoscope are Jupiter and Pluto. Uranus trine Neptune - early surrealism. Moon/Mercury opposing Jupiter/Pluto - Variation in style and feel. Aspect Moon / Pluto - the power of persuasion, the effect on the masses, "ideological art." There are 4 planets in Taurus and MC - great perseverance.

Jupiter / Pluto - the desire for power, ability in business. The sun at the intersection of the axis of Venus and Pluto - the absence of fear of the ugly, great visual power. Strong employment of Scorpio (Moon, Mercury, Sun) and the Sun in opposition to Saturn - demonic art, occult influence

Marie Curie - Scorpio

She was born on 11/07/1867 at 13:00 in the city of Warsaw. Sun at 14"38 Scorpio, Moon at 17°13 Pisces, ASC at 10° Aquarius.

The sun in Scorpio is a chemist at the Sorbonne. Ascendant in Aquarius - modern technology, study rays. Sun trine Uranus - discovery, research aspect. Neptune speaks of the exploration of atomic energy rays, and so on.

The Sun in opposition to Pluto is a relentless pursuit of research aimed at the service of humanity. Jupiter is the lord of the 10th House and is in the 1st House. This gives glory, honors (Nobel Prize). Venus conjunct Saturn - duty and labor above love.

These are cosmopolitans, forever yearning for distant lands, they cannot be approached with a generally accepted measure or cut with the same brush. Petty-bourgeois happiness is not for them. The desire for leadership positions, independence and independence really often leads them to the top, where they are represented or at least respected and are in sight.

General characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius strives for internal and external expansion of their capabilities, for abundance. In miserable conditions, Sagittarius can get sick in soul and die morally.

Sagittarians highly value themselves and often even overestimate themselves. To others, it seems arrogant and arrogant. Conflicts often flare up because of Sagittarius' rude frankness or their straightforwardness. A real Sagittarius does not hide. He calls a spade a spade, without fear for the consequences. Hence the frequent job changes. Many Sagittarians have a sharp or even sarcastic tongue. But they are also honest. Sagittarians like to talk a lot, mostly about themselves. They want to be the center of attention. Hence, there are so many orators among them, speaking at the discussions, and preachers.

Professional life is hectic, there is no one stable line of success. Often fractures and job changes occur due to their impulsive nature and inability to control themselves. Sagittarius has other weaknesses: the tendency of feelings to the Duality of decisions. Often this is explained by a tendency to fragmentation, fragmentation of feelings, a confusion of multilateral interests and goals, dreams and applications of the will. Sagittarius cannot stop at one unchanging activity. His intellect is unusually receptive and split into main and secondary interests. The latter include countless hobbies and favorite plans, in addition to business trips and job changes, he often moves, changes his place of residence. Foreign countries play a big role in life. Often this is an alluring symbol of an upcoming career or better chances in the profession. The path to success opens before Sagittarius only through concentration and real awareness of the most essential.

Sagittarius, born at night, has great musical abilities, and born in the afternoon - loves to travel and stay abroad. With the Sun in the 8th degree of Sagittarius (Antares), Sagittarius can become famous. With a bad location of the planets to this star, accidents are obtained, especially during sports. Damage frequency hip joint, fractures pelvic bones, sprains, torn ligaments, dislocations, bruises in the sign of Sagittarius are striking. Therefore, one must be very careful in sports (especially skis and cars).

Occupational statistics indicate leadership positions in the economy and industry, during foreign trade(export and import), in representation abroad and in general in representation of firms.

The legal field is very strongly represented (judges, lawyers). The sign is associated with the state, authorities, departments. There are also many clergy and even its high-ranking representatives among Sagittarians. There are many officers and officials in the military ministries, in the ministries of culture, well-known professors, and police officers. As well as theologians, preachers, sectarians, supporters of a certain philosophical direction.

Their love to travel, drive, fly, have a mobile job, and represent in every possible way is striking. A large percentage of Sagittarians are employed in politics, in economic policy, in foreign departments and consulates, as well as in the diplomatic service. Publishers with a wide program, large businessmen often turn out to be Sagittarius. They are almost always interested natural sciences, philosophy, medicine, physics, psychology or geography.

Many Sagittarians are known as tourists, travelers around the world, expedition members, missionaries, discoverers. This also includes athletes who often travel abroad. Sagittarians are addicted athletics, swimming, sports on the grass court, football, tennis, skiing and, oddly enough, horse riding or dog breeding. There are many hunters among them, especially for large game. A large percentage of bankers with international connections.

Of the sciences, Sagittarians are interested in applied psychology. Their intellect is very lively, quick to grasp, active, and they passionately defend their beliefs. At the same time, they are not afraid of opponents and competitors; in case of disagreement, they always act honestly. Often they themselves are looking for a dispute or discussion. Sagittarians never stay in the place where they were born, as their spirit requires expansion. Often they have speculative features (betting, excitement). The undeveloped Sagittarius is very restless, restless, very talkative and even talkative. He is interested in everything that happened in the neighborhood, his curiosity is insatiable. Everything depends on the mind.

Sagittarius women are suitable for the entire commercial sector, especially for buying and selling. In this case, knowledge of foreign languages ​​helps a lot. They choose the following professions: physical education, gymnastics, therapeutic massage, social welfare, youth education, teaching, they are also doctors, reporters, special correspondents abroad, photojournalists, photographers, guides, interpreter, they are car sales, caring for animals in a zoo, an employee in a travel agency - in general, all professions are with people. Circus artists, figure skating, tennis - also attracts a Sagittarius woman.

Scorpio is a sign zodiac v professions confident and purposeful person. Even as a child, having promised himself to conquer the whole world, he will definitely achieve this. Scorpios have an analytical mindset and intuition. They choose the type of their activity thoroughly, but quickly. They do not tend to be questioned, they are incredibly energetic. For this reason, in every specialty they are ready to express themselves. They are always very important workers.

Scorpios have a gift for persuasion. They can carry some kind of nonsense with a smart look, but everyone believes them.

The characteristic features of Scorpio are potential freedom and energy, a heightened sense of self-esteem, inner harmony and pride. The temper of those born under the sign of Scorpio is extremely specific, difficult and problematic. All their lives they have to confront between the zeal for something noble, on the one hand, and extremely low motives on the other. This conflict is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a struggle to achieve life goals, on the other hand, outbursts of anger, anger and revenge. Such a duality in character is manifested in a craving for mysticism and magic, or for material values ​​\u200b\u200band benefits.

scorpio zodiac v professions quite versatile and diverse, able to get the final result. He can work alone or in a team. It is quite common for a Scorpio to switch from one job to another, develop a plan for the future and implement it. If there is no such plan, then it will not work. Why waste it.

The main principles of the Scorpio zodiac in the profession:

  • Purpose, as they say: the end justifies the means.
  • Necessity, as they say: it is impossible, but it is very necessary.
  • Achieving a result, at any cost, as they say; winners are not judged.
  • Misunderstanding of pressure from the authorities: do not stand above the soul

Scorpio will give preference in choosing a profession to specialties that require action, stress, control of emotions and physical effort:

scorpio zodiac v professions miserly and never takes risks in the distribution of profits.

Quite unsuccessful for a Scorpio man will be the choice of profession: an accountant and a banker, a librarian and a janitor.

A Scorpio woman, thanks to her natural ability to communicate and teach, will become an excellent teacher or educator. In view of the gift of self-sacrifice, medicine is overflowing with Scorpio women: surgeons and pediatricians, gynecologists and obstetricians, psychotherapists and herbalists, radiologists, nurses and laboratory assistants, masseuses and methodologists. Natural insight, analytical mindset, intuition will make a detective, reporter or journalist out of a Scorpio woman.

For women born under this sign, it is not advisable to choose a specialty: biologist, secretary or cosmetologist.

Scorpio woman

The choice of the profession of a Scorpio woman is an important decision, the predator will not, under any circumstances, agree to the role of a housewife. Ability combined with cunning and self-confidence is a cocktail that ensures rapid career growth.

A professional horoscope is striking in variety, analytical mindset, striving for leadership, ingenuity, ability to hold on with dignity in extreme situations - features that allow you to feel confident in various fields. Unpredictable at an early age, she thinks about choosing a profession, enjoys the recognition of her abilities by others. Unpredictable women find it difficult to decide what kind of work suits them. A strong personality will not engage in a boring business. She must enjoy her work.

Strong woman Scorpio easily absorbs large amounts of information. The profession of a criminalist, analyst, lawyer, economist suits Scorpios, the ability to instantly respond, focus on the little things, prove the case, lack of fear of difficulties help to “survive” in the face of fierce competition.

Financial independence is crucial for a woman. Career and money are synonyms for a goal-oriented person. The absence of fear male character- traits of talented doctors. The dizzying career of a doctor can be the envy of the stronger sex.

The creative professions of Scorpio are of interest. His attract things that give aesthetic pleasure. Exquisite taste allows you to create original compositions, the wardrobe of a bright representative of the fair sex is admirable. Predator can take its rightful place in the fashion world. In the profession for Scorpios, the possibility of growth is crucial. The leader is not able to stop there, strives to conquer new heights.

scorpio man

Work for Scorpio is the meaning of life, the opportunity to realize excess energy, to become kinder and more merciful. It's good for men to do social activities, politics. The ability to help the weak, to be in the spotlight has a positive effect on self-esteem. The striving for perfection accompanies the predator throughout his life. — excellent leader: demanding and fair, does not tolerate negligent attitude to work, helps new employees to adapt.

The answer to the question of what professions are suitable for representatives of this sign largely depends on upbringing, methods of upbringing in the family. Striving to be the best for a man - a quality that allows you to become a successful teacher. Being smart and resourceful will be a worthy role model. Any profession of Scorpio brings a decent income, predators are able to make money out of thin air.