The origin and character of the name Nikita. Male name Nikita - what does it mean: name description

  • 17.10.2019

Nikita! That's my son's name. Why did she call it that? It can be said that she simply compromised with her husband and mother. The name that I wanted to name my son was completely rejected. My husband suggested this name, my mother supported it, and I just agreed with them. There is no one with that name among our acquaintances, now, it will be))). When I hear this name, I remember only one person - Nikita Malinin! May my son grow up as talented and handsome as he is!
Well, yes, the topic is not quite about that! I decided to read the meaning of this name on the Internet in order to compare whether it is true that there is a similarity with what they write, and with what my son is growing up! And at the same time, find out how he can grow, what I should be afraid of and what to prepare for))))

Actually, here is the first option:

1. Nikita is translated from ancient Greek as "winner"

These are men who know their worth. They are selfish and purposeful, choose a goal for themselves, go to it in a direct way. Their family life is difficult, but, loving children, they prefer not to get divorced. Very devoted sons. These men have talent from God. They are leaders, however, this does not apply to family life. They have few friends, Nikita is devoid of diplomacy, does not want to adapt to anyone and does not tolerate anyone's superiority. "Winter" - difficult to communicate, great debaters. Hardworking, their plans are thought out to the smallest detail. Can't stand long phone calls. "Summer" is not very lucky in marriage, but they are patient. They love animals, often keep a dog in the house. They like to go on business trips and drive their car (but not repair it).

The patron of the name is the Monk Nikita the Confessor. Nikita has a cheerful disposition, loves noisy parties, dancing, travels, if possible. Nikita is sociable, gets along well with people, but he does not know how to work in a team, he is an individualist by nature, he cannot adapt to others, preferring to act independently. Hospitable, attractive to women, has a sense of humor.

Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatiana, Eleanor can become good wives, which cannot be said about Agnes, Anna, Vera, Albina, Galina, Glafira, Maya, Ekaterina, Martha, Tamara .

The name suits people born under the sign of the Zodiac on the border between Virgo and Libra, Taurus, Gemini. It does not suit Scorpios, Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.

For kids:
Nikita's boys do not like to be commanded, they are persistent, stubborn and at the same time, sensitive and vulnerable. Outwardly similar to the mother, they have a paternal character.

Answer: What is true is true!!! Our Nikitka is so stubborn, if he wants something, he will rest with his horn, but he will achieve his goal, as our dad says: “All in the mother!”)) But something also got from dad)))

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A source:

Option two:

2. From early childhood, he is a smart, quick-witted boy. He does not immediately enter into a conversation with strangers, silently looks at them. One gets the impression that he does not want to talk, but for Nikita it is important to get to know the person better, to understand whether he can be trusted.

Rude shouts and slaps have a bad effect on him, the child becomes withdrawn, touchy, which can lead to neurasthenia. Nikita often finds it difficult to make any decision on her own. Parents should help him understand his childhood problems. You should not put Nikita in front of a difficult choice, he is lost, does not know what to do. At school, he studies well in all disciplines, grasps everything on the fly. However, there are subjects that he does with pleasure, he should not be forced to do something against his will, he himself will do everything later.

Answer: There are some similarities! I noticed that the more toys our baby has, the more difficult it is for him to choose between them! Previously, he had one favorite rattle and he loved to play with it, and with the others insofar as ... but now he has a whole box of them and he does not know what to take. Maybe it sounds funny, because he is very small, but he already has a character, from early childhood. And he is also a quick-witted boy, he also grasps everything on the fly!

"Winter" Nikita, especially "December", does not like to write essays, not because he does not know how, it's just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it's easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, fidget. It's hard for him to do just one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical.Nikita enjoys cycling all day long, watching cartoons, military films, programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in some way, he can play pranks in spite, do what his parents do not like. He is persistent, stubborn. Outwardly similar to the mother, but the character is paternal. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his own worth, is able to achieve great success, is purposeful.

Answer: Oh, and ours is what a fidget, words can not convey! From the very cradle we are like this ... we lie and grow, but we want to sit. Mommy prayed that her son would grow up and learn to sit as soon as possible ... we grew up, learned, so to speak, but we can’t sit still anymore, we want to stand and run! They even bought him a walker, it rushes around the whole apartment like that ... And if you hold it in your arms, it jerks your legs, asking to walk and that's it ... He already likes to watch cartoons, especially those where there is a lot of music and all sorts of interesting sounds, rather than where they talk.

"Spring" Nikita is selfish, easily hurt and squeamish. Painfully perceives criticism, does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in it. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his innocence. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, make him think about what is happening.All his life he has been looking for the truth, he is not in a hurry to draw conclusions, he is able to put himself in the place of another in order to sort out problems. The nature of the philosophical warehouse, very spiritual. Has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents, always finds support in them.

"Summer" Nikita is multi-talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, to some extent an altruist. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Cannot stand pressure, too independent from early childhood. Does not know how to adapt to anyone, proud and independent. Having acquired a family, he does not seek to establish his leadership, all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. Obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, is not afraid of difficulties. Just like the "spring", "summer" Nikita is a vulnerable person, it is easy to offend him, outwardly he does not show it.He is very sociable, willingly makes new acquaintances, is well versed in people. In childhood, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities along any particular channel; having matured, he himself will find his place without much difficulty.

"Autumn" Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikitas. All abilities are embodied in it. He is a writer, and a musician, and a dancer, and an actor, and a director, and an artist, and a mathematician, and a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easy to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among the girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Very sensible, purposeful, practical. Knows how to give useful advice, to support your neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty and resourceful.

It means "winner" in translation. Since ancient times, it was considered the most popular in Russia. Remember Nikita Kozhemyaka - the great Russian hero. He did not know defeat in battle, and truly was a real Winner.

Nikita: the meaning of the name. Character

From early childhood, this child is mobile, like mercury. He understands everything, grasps a lot on the fly. It is almost impossible for a stranger to talk to little Nikita. The boy will look at him for quite a long time: what if this uncle or aunt is evil? But if the child believed the adult, then it would be simply impossible to tear Nikita away from him. Questions are pouring in like from a cornucopia. In the company of children, little Nikita is a real ringleader. He always has many friends. However, there is one "but" - parents must carefully monitor their own behavior so as not to grow an Egoist out of the Winner. Even raising a child can be very spoiled. Screaming and spanking in a relationship with Nikita will not help. This will only make the baby closed and unsociable. It is worth showing more patience and trying to understand what problems your child has, help to deal with them. After all, despite his big name, he is rather indecisive and gets lost in a difficult situation.

Age and change in character

"Winner" - this is the meaning of the male name Nikita. And this trait becomes more noticeable with age. The older he gets, the more success he achieves in life. Most likely, having matured, Nikita will become a successful businessman, and there will always be many friends around him on whom he can rely on everything. This is not surprising, because since childhood he used to help everyone. However, he has such a character trait as self-confidence and inability to sensibly evaluate his actions. If at a certain period of his life he does not learn this, then fate may cease to be favorable to him.

How the seasons affect the meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Winter Nikitas do not like creativity very much. At school, getting them to write an essay is easy impossible task. It is easier for Nikita to tell everything in words than to transfer thoughts to paper. He is sorely lacking movement during his studies. This child is a real fidget, and therefore the combination of physical exercises with mental work for him is the most important condition for good academic performance. He is persistent and very stubborn. Growing up, learns to set goals and achieve them in any way. However, he always knows his own worth.

"Spring" meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Children of this season are very vulnerable and selfish. They do not accept criticism, even if they know they were wrong. Admit the mistake himself - please, but agree that he is wrong - never. At the same time, Nikita, born in the spring, is very attached to his parents. He is able to empathize with others and take their place, and therefore can give a lot of good advice.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child born in the summer

This boy is exceptionally talented. He is slow and fair. No one can bear pressure from above. Independent from early childhood. In his family, he does not strive to be the main one - the solution of all problems will fall on the shoulders of his wife. But in work, no one can go ahead of him. If Nikita cannot decide what he wants from life in childhood, you should not decide this for him. The child will grow up and find his own path.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child: autumn baby

A child born in the fall is the most incredible of all Nikita. He seems to have collected the best in himself. This is the ringleader, artist, artist, mathematician, and so on ad infinitum. He will always find an interesting story or funny joke for friends, will give practical advice and help in difficult times. He has many friends, and the girls around him curl like moths around a flame. Here he is - Nikita the winner.

It's no secret that the name determines not only the character of a person, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Nikita: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by him. The name Nikita has recently become widespread in our country. We present in our article several reasons for this.

Name Nikita: origin, influence on the fate of the person wearing it.

Origin and meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the boy

The meaning of the name Nikita: first of all, you need to understand the origin:

The name Nikita comes from the Greek and means "winner".

Initially, it was only a male name, but recently a female analogue of the name Nikita has emerged in Europe with an emphasis on the last syllable. This was facilitated by the Luc Besson series called “Her name was Nikita”, in which the main character takes on such a pseudonym.

This is one of the reasons why many prefer the name Nikita, whose origin and meaning is associated with great success and achievement. Consider what character traits this name gives to its owner

What character can Nikita have?

The characteristic of the name Nikita is based on the influence of the planet Venus. A man with this name knows his worth. He does not like it when someone commands him and makes decisions for him. Nikita is used to solving his own problems on his own, without involving outsiders in it. The qualities of a leader are clearly expressed in him, and he is also very stubborn, which, of course, complicates his communication and friendship. Nevertheless, he Nikita knows how to appreciate true friendship and is ready to help a person in trouble. Therefore, people are drawn to him, and Nikita lets them into his life, but on the condition that they do not claim his authoritative role. By nature, Nikita is very similar to his mother. True, his relationship with his parents is getting colder every year, since he is characterized by a strong sense of independence.

V love relationships Nikita continues to maintain its leading position. He rarely makes compromises and concessions to his wife. It's hard to get along with him. In the chosen one, both beauty and spiritual qualities are important for him, he loves children very much.

N. loves dogs very much, especially large breeds. He drives a car with pleasure, although he does not understand the device of the car well. Likes to travel. Go swimming and tennis.

N., as a rule, achieves great success in any business that he undertakes. He can become a successful businessman, scientist, talented public figure, actor, artist and writer. He is very talented, so he easily achieves the desired fame and recognition in his chosen business.

Nikita's weak point is his nervous system. He must avoid excessive overloads. Otherwise, serious consequences in the form of a stroke and heart failure are inevitable.

The character of a child named Nikita, depending on the time of year of his birth:

  • spring is a selfish, controversial and very vulnerable boy, he is strongly attached to his parents, is fond of literature and philosophy.
  • the summer child is a good-natured and talented child, loves to watch programs about animals and nature, and is a fighter for justice.
  • autumn is an artistic child, reasonable and versatile, all kinds of creative professions are very suitable for him.
  • winter - by nature a complex, emotional boy, fidget. For a long time it is difficult for him to determine for himself the only hobby, since the monotony quickly bothers him.

What fate awaits Nikita?

Characteristics of the name Nikita. The influence of the meaning of the name on character and fate

Now we will consider what effect the name Nikita can have on a person’s life, the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Nikita endows its owner with the qualities of a winner. Other features will be formed under the influence of the situation and the people around.

No one is so lucky in life as Nikita. The credit for this lies primarily with his family, which gave him the opportunity to make independent decisions and bear responsibility for them, the family serves as the most important model of behavior for him.

And of course, one should not underestimate such personal qualities of N. as purposefulness, perseverance, ingenuity, which will undoubtedly lead him to great success.

Nikita approaches marriage with caution. For him, this is a responsible step and he tries to foresee all the consequences in advance. Due to the fact that he greatly values ​​his independence and freedom, he tries to delay the date of marriage as much as possible. Of course, if a girl literally struck him at first sight and continues to delight every day, he will do his best not to lose her. Marries at a fairly mature age and a girl much younger than himself. Spouse N. will have to come to terms with the lack of help from her husband in household chores, even with the upbringing of children, he will not help her. Only when the children grow up, Nikita will begin to devote time to raising them. As a rule, children of different sexes are born to him.

Most often, N. chooses a creative profession, and at the same time he begins to do his own thing, and quite successfully combine these two areas. He will achieve success in any case and largely thanks to hard work and connections with the right people.

What will be the child named Nikita?

If the boy is called Nikita, what is the character of the child with that name

Consider the features and character traits of a child bearing the name Nikita, the meaning of the name for the boy will be reflected in his main character traits.

Little Nikita will be a very restless and noisy baby. As soon as he takes the first steps, he will need to be constantly monitored, as the child will grow up inattentive and very mobile. Potential for domestic injury.

With strangers, Nikita will be suspiciously silent, due to the fact that before speaking with a person, it is important for him to find out who he is dealing with. If Nikita is brought up with elevated intonations and a belt, then he will very quickly withdraw into himself, harbor a great resentment towards his parents in his heart, which will quickly alienate him from them.

At school, Nikita will be smart and quick-witted. Some tasks will be difficult for him, so it is important not to scold him for mistakes, but to help him figure it out. A good memory and artistry will help N. with the choice of a creative circle. For a boy, you need to organize your studies so that he combines mental activity with physical activity.

In adolescence, Nikita will most likely already determine his vocation for sure and follow this path. On the way, he will acquire connections and useful acquaintances, moreover, for a long time without being distracted by love experiences. Purposefulness N. directs all his strength to achieve any one goal, he is not used to wasting his energy on trifles.

Famous people named Nikita

  1. N. Khrushchev (1894-1971) - Soviet statesman.
  2. N. Bogoslovsky (1913 - 2004) - Soviet Russian composer, conductor, pianist, publicist. People's Artist of the USSR (1983).
  3. N. Mikhalkov (born 1945) is a Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter and producer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
  4. N. Dzhigurda (born 1961) is a Ukrainian and Russian actor, screenwriter, director, and songwriter. People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2008), Honored Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR (1987).
Published: 2016-05-23 , Modified: 2016-11-20 ,

The name Nikita came into the Russian language from Greece, along with the adoption in Kievan Rus Orthodoxy. Translated from Greek the name Nikita (Νικήτας) means winner. Surnames derived from this name are quite popular, such as Nikitin or Nikitenko, etc.

Nikita is a purposeful, sometimes selfish man. He knows his own worth and achieves his goal with confidence in his eyes. Independent and does not like to obey. Despite active life position can be vulnerable and sentimental. Nikita's appearance is more likely from his mother, although many character traits are closer to the paternal line.

The family is valued, although it is more likely because of the love for children. Family life is rather complicated, but there are pleasant exceptions. They love their parents. In general, Nikita's family occupies an important place in his life.

Nikita usually has several talents and the main thing is to consider them in time and work in these areas. He shows a penchant for leadership in almost all areas of life, except for the hearth. At home, Nikita loves to rest from the halo of the leader. He has few friends, since diplomacy is not about him. But if he has friends, then they are the most faithful and reliable whom fate can send.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Little Nikita pleases his parents with his intelligence. He shows a penchant for knowledge from childhood. The boy grows cautious and always first carefully looks at strangers. It will be hard to talk to little Nikita if he doesn't know you. Parents will need a lot of patience, as Nikita is very sensitive to psychological and physical pressure. Pressure on him can cause a backlash, but the explanation works well. Nikita is growing up as a good active child. His activity requires an exit, so do not forget to take breaks for active games in your classes. Studying is given to him well, but only if he himself has a craving for it. The task of parents is to teach Nikita to love learning.

Short name Nikita

Nikitka, Nicky, Nick. (Tsar Nicholas II at home called himself Niki, his short name Niki was also called in childhood.)

Diminutive names

Nikitochka, Nikitushka, Nikitonka, Nikitos, Nikikh, Nikitosik.

Patronymic of Nikita's children

The correct spelling of the patronymic is Nikitich and Nikitichna. The people may change into Nikitich and Nikitichna. Another version of "folk art" Nikitovich and Nikitovna, which is not correct.

Name Nikita in English

Nikita in English is written as - Nikita. The name is also written in German.

Name Nikita for a passport spelled the same way as English spelling- NIKITA.

Translation of the name Nikita into other languages

in Arabic - نيكيتا
in Belarusian - Mikita
in Greek - Νικήτας
in Georgian - ნიკო
in Yiddish - ניקיטה
in Spanish - Nikita
in Italian - Nikita
in Chinese - 尼基塔
in Latin - Nicetas
in German - Nikita
in Polish - Nicetas and Nykyta
in Romanian - Nichita
in Ukrainian - Mikita and Nikita
in Finnish - nikitas
in French - Nizier and Nicétas
in Japanese - ニキータ

Church name Nikita(v Orthodox faith) invariably what the names of the saints say. Read about Nikita of Novgorod, St. Nikita of Chalcedon and other patrons of names in a separate article.

Characteristics of the name Nikita

Nikita's character is active and joyful. He likes to be in noisy companies and feels comfortable there. The activity of character pushes for travel. Nikita travels with pleasure if he has the means. Even if there is not much money, he will always find an option, albeit not for long and not far, but still leave. Easy to communicate and can be the soul of the company. The sociable nature on vacation changes dramatically at work. In official relations, Nikita is more of an individualist and does not like teamwork. Can only obey personally chosen authorities.

The character of Nikita in relation to the weaker sex manifests itself with better side. He is seductive and seductive. His great sense of humor is especially good at times like this. Loves children.

The secret of the name Nikita

The secret of Nikita is not easy to unravel. His cheerful and assertive nature hides one feature. Nikita is a vulnerable and deeply worried person. Empathy and sentimentality are hidden behind his purposefulness and pressure. Despite the outward resemblance to the mother, relations with her are often strained. Nikita is having a hard time with reproaches and reproaches from such loved one. With the father, the relationship is rather trusting or even friendly. Nikita can turn to his father in difficult situation for advice.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Hedgehog.

The color of the name Nikita- Violet.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Bell.

A rock- Garnet.

Nikita - good beautiful name. It is of ancient Greek origin, formed from the name Niketas, which in turn comes from the word "niketes" and means "winner", "victorious". Currently, this is a fairly popular and frequently encountered name.

Name astrology

  • Gemini
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Garnet
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: bluebell
  • Animal: hedgehog
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


As a child, he is a smart, quick-witted boy, prone to fantasy, which contributes to his future creative abilities. At school, he is a good student and a favorite of teachers. In general, Nikita's character is tough, uncompromising and heavy. He is purposeful, sociable, hardworking, persistent, vulnerable, sensitive, practical. The secret of the name is that he knows his worth. Confidently moves towards the goal, not paying attention to the opinions of other people.

Born in winter, Nikita is an emotional person. He is a fidget, and it is important for him to alternate physical and mental stress. Spring - a selfish, easily vulnerable and squeamish nature. He does not tolerate various comments in his direction and is sensitive to criticism. Contradictory, has a philosophical mindset, strongly attached to his parents. Summer Nikita is talented in different areas. He is good-natured and fair, well versed in people, a little slow and independent. The autumn owner of the name is distinguished by the fact that he is talented in everything. Any science, hobby, profession are given to him with ease. He is reasonable, practical, purposeful. He is adored by the public, especially the female audience. He is charming, witty and resourceful.

Interests and hobbies

Nikita has a weakness for sports, both summer and winter sports. Travels a lot different countries. In her free time she attends noisy parties and dances.

Profession and business

Thanks to diligence, hard work and the highest efficiency, any profession is subject to him. But often he makes a choice in favor of art and creativity, as he strives for fame and fame. Can succeed in business and become an entrepreneur. Nikita is successful in politics and jurisprudence. He makes an excellent teacher, actor, composer, banker.


Nikita is not distinguished by excellent health; all his organs are weakened. Therefore, he constantly needs to carry out preventive measures to strengthen the body. To do this, you should beware of cold, drafts and excessive emotions, and also take vitamins, minerals and food enzymes. It is necessary to follow a diet, take walks and be in the fresh air more often.

Sex and love

Nikita is very amorous from an early age and boasts numerous novels. He is very sensitive, in a woman he appreciates external data, intelligence and free attitude to sex. He does not like long love games, and during the intimacy itself he receives the highest pleasure. Not every girl can satisfy him, but only one who is a temptress and knows how to give real pleasure to a man. He is an excellent sexual partner and is well versed in the secrets of female psychology. Girls are considered as an object of pleasure.

Family and marriage

The representative of this name does not strive for family life and values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom. But if Nikita falls in love, he is ready to immediately marry. Only a beautiful, smart, tactful and sexy girl. For the sake of his wife, he is ready for various sacrifices, but he will never refuse to communicate with his friends. In the family, he gives primacy and leadership in household chores to the second half. She loves her children very much and devotes a lot of time to them, and is also very kind to her parents. Due to the lack of diplomacy, a family idyll is difficult, and often the union is unsuccessful. But he is not a supporter of divorce and adheres to strict moral principles.