How much does an interior designer make. How much do designers earn in different fields What designer earns the most

  • 31.07.2019

Such worldwide famous designers, like Richard Rogers, Arne Quinz or Karim Rashid, not only became gurus in their profession, but also opened their own design studios. Each of them earned a fortune and ensured financial well-being for their descendants.

And how are things in our country? How much do interior designers earn in Russia? Is the salary of an interior designer fair in our homeland, and what does it depend on?

Consider what the employer pays attention to, and after what time the profession will provide a stable income. Favorite business can not only please, but also bring big money.

A little about the profession or what does a designer get paid for?

The profession of an interior designer is rightly considered to be in demand. It is paid only a little less than, for example, the work of an architect or a fashion designer.

According to statistics, 64% of all designers in our country are young people under the age of 35. At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex among them as much as 82%.

Despite the creative nature, the profession involves a wide range of responsibilities:

  • Development, creation and 3D visualization of a design project drawing.
  • The choice of a general stylistic direction for the room.
  • Calculation of the volume and cost of construction finishing materials.
  • Joint purchase with the customer (at the request of the latter) of building and finishing materials, decor, furniture, etc.
  • Development of copyright modifications of furniture, transfer of sketches to production.
  • Architectural supervision of construction and finishing works.
  • Room decoration.
  • Participation in professional design exhibitions.

Each stage of work must be agreed with the customer. This is where the designer's communication skills come in handy.

What factors affect the income of a designer?

Design is a creative business, but how to become an established and sought-after designer? Artistic talent and creative thinking are not enough. If you want to be successful and financially independent, many additional skills are a prerequisite.

A specialist must have the skills of an architect, artist, engineer, foreman, interior designer, constructor and many other specialties. In addition, the salary of an interior designer largely depends on such qualities as diligence, punctuality, contact, patience and loyalty, the ability to compromise.

Salaries for creative people are rarely stable, which is also true for designers. The level of income depends on the following factors:

  • The presence of higher education, preferably received in a large well-known university.
  • Knowledge of specialized software: AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, 3DS Max, etc.
  • Work experience and a good portfolio with many pages.
  • Number of orders and time allocated for work.
  • Fame and reputation.
  • The locality in which the specialist carries out his activities.
  • The prestige of the company in which he works.
  • Craftsmanship, creativity and productivity.

The earnings of an interior designer, however, as well as a designer of clothes, furniture or landscape in Europe, Australia and the USA are much higher than in Russia.

Knowing the language perfectly and being a professional in your field, in large cities and capitals you can earn income in the amount of 35-40 to 95-105 thousand dollars a month.

Minimum, average and maximum designer salary: statistics for Russia

How much an interior designer earns per month largely depends on which city in Russia you plan to work in. If you want to maximize income, you should look for work in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar or Novosibirsk.

The starting salary for beginners as a designer is only 10 thousand rubles. The average and maximum salary is 40 and 120, respectively.

According to statistics for 2016, the highest paid vacancies are offered to specialists in the Moscow region. There, the average income varies around 60 thousand rubles.

How much does an interior designer earn in Moscow? According to statistics, the maximum salary in Moscow reaches 125 thousand rubles. Slightly smaller amounts are offered by employers in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

The maximum number of vacancies in the field of interior design is open in St. Petersburg and for representatives of the profession from Moscow. The Krasnodar Territory takes an honorable third place.

But this does not mean that the homeland lacks interior designers. The specialty is quite popular: on average, seven and a half people apply for one vacancy in the country.

The good news is that the wages of designers are also growing. If in 1998 the salary was only from 2 to 8 thousand rubles, then according to the data for 2016, it increased to 20-60 thousand rubles.

So, let's open the veil of secrecy - how much they earn in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Average salary by city of Russia (in rubles)

TownNo work experienceAt least one year work experienceWork experience from 3 yearsWork experience from 5 years
Moscow30 - 40 thousand36 - 48 thousand50 - 65 thousand65 - 125 thousand
Saint Petersburg22 - 35 thousand30 - 35 thousand35 - 45 thousand45 - 100 thousand
Yekaterinburg19 - 24 thousand24 - 30 thousand32 - 42 thousand50 - 82 thousand
Krasnoyarsk19 - 24 thousand24 - 25 thousand27 - 36 thousand40 - 72 thousand
Novosibirsk17 - 20 thousand20 - 27 thousand27 - 35 thousand40 - 68 thousand
Omsk15 - 23 thousand23 - 27 thousand27 - 35 thousand40 - 70 thousand
Chelyabinsk15 - 22 thousand22 - 25 thousand25 - 36 thousand40 - 65 thousand
Ufa15 - 20 thousand20 - 25 thousand24 - 30 thousand32 - 60 thousand
Permian14 - 22 thousand22 - 25 thousand25 - 29 thousand32–62 thousand
Voronezh14 - 20 thousand20 - 25 thousand25 - 28 thousand30 - 65 thousand
Samara14 - 18 thousand18 - 24 thousand24 - 30 thousand30 - 60 thousand
Kazan14 - 18 thousand18 - 25 thousand25 - 30 thousand30 - 60 thousand
Rostov-on-Don13 - 20 thousand20 - 24 thousand24 - 32 thousand35 - 63 thousand
Volgograd12 - 17 thousand17 - 22 thousand22 - 27 thousand27 - 60 thousand
Nizhny Novgorod12 - 16 thousand16 - 20 thousand20 - 30 thousand35 - 55 thousand

How to learn to earn more or who employers want to see

The average salary of an interior designer largely depends on the compliance with the wishes that the employer indicates for job seekers. These requirements are always clearly formulated and there are quite a lot of them even for beginners.

For beginners, these are:

  • Knowledge of the basics of the profession, including the ability to work with different styles.
  • Spatial thinking skills.
  • Ability to design.
  • Ability to draw by hand.
  • Ability to work with the necessary programs on a PC (MS Office and specialized software).

The most important criteria that will help increase the salary:

  • Higher education

Any employer wants to see graduates of specialized faculties of universities in their team. The good reputation of the institution, as well as studying abroad, are considered a big plus. Equally important is the knowledge of specialized literature.

In most cases, the profession requires a diploma. Although, according to statistics, approximately 19% of interior designers do not have higher education. In the event that you are nevertheless hired after school or courses, the salary will be less than that of a specialist of the same level, but with education.

  • experience

Also, what salary an interior designer has is related to the presence or absence of seniority and experience. The higher the work experience and the more large projects in the resume, the more likely it is that you will be hired by a serious studio.

  • Place of work

It is important to understand that working in a company also implies the presence of some disadvantages. The salary depends on how the organization itself earns and how many orders and customers it has. Plus, the salary of a specialist includes only 20 - 30% percent of each completed project.

As a freelancer, it is possible to receive 100% cash. Experienced designers are quite capable of earning about 3 thousand dollars a month in this way.

At the same time, running this kind of business on your own requires some skills. In the studio, you do not have to look for orders, advertise yourself or negotiate with clients, the company pays taxes and deductions in the Pension Fund for you. A freelancer is forced to spend his own time and money on this. At the same time, it's nice to feel like you're working for yourself.

(5 ratings, average: 4,40 out of 5)

Currently, the profession of a designer is considered relevant, as a talented and experienced specialist can create a unique project, whether it is a rework in the interior of an apartment, landscape design or when making clothes.

To become a true professional, it is not enough just to graduate from college or courses; modern employers require higher education. After all, this specialist must show the skills of the artist, designer and foreman all rolled into one. So how much does a designer make different areas? Is the work of such a unique employee with similar professional qualities valued?

Graphic and web designer salary

On average, the salary of a web designer in Russia from 25 to 75 thousand rubles. How much a web designer earns in the end is influenced by the following factors:

  • having a good portfolio with many pages. The client must evaluate the work and therefore the portfolio must be of high quality. If it is absent, then you will not be able to earn a lot of money;
  • prices for services. It is necessary to choose the best prices so that they are low for the client, and the work is adequately paid. There will be many customers for a low price, but you won’t have to work for a long time, in this case, because low pay will soon get bored. Too high price for services will scare away customers, respectively, there will be few orders, which means that earnings will be meager;
  • working hours. The more a specialist spends at a computer, the more he will have wages per day, week and month.

How much does an interior designer earn

Interior designers most often work in a design studio, and here their salary depends on experience and seniority.

Beginners in this field will earn no more than 20,000 rubles in the regions, and in the capital - up to 40,000 rubles. Experienced Specialist and higher education is valued more and is already being offered from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

If a specialist works for himself and leads one project, the salary of such an interior designer will be more than 100,000 rubles. If his work is structured in this way, then he suggests:

  • more ideas;
  • he has the opportunity to concentrate on the realization of the original idea;
  • exercises control over their own works.

This allows him not to work at night and not be torn between numerous customers. Of great importance in this area of ​​design art is the fame of the name of a specialist. If his name is heard by people, then he will have many clients who will recommend such a designer to their friends and relatives.

What is the salary of a landscape designer

The profession of a landscape designer is valued on a par with an interior designer. It can be noted that such a position is a little more prestigious, since this type of design refers to architecture. Currently, many families are trying to move to live outside the city, or at least buy country house to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city summer time of the year. Therefore, the services of a landscape designer are popular.

How much he earns landscape designer, mainly affects the territorial place of his work. In the regions such a specialist will receive a salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles. In Moscow and Moscow region the rate is doubled to about 60,000 rubles. If this specialist is well versed in g radio engineering, geodesy, ecology and water supply, then the price for his services may increase up to 80,000 rubles.

If a landscape designer is creating one project, not 3 or 4 at the same time, then his salary will be more than 100,000 rubles. In this case, he must create not only Beautiful design in the courtyard of the house, but also to make a garden with fruit trees, as well as winter Garden, which will delight the owners of the house in the cold season.

How much does a fashion designer earn

If this specialist has talent and loves to work, then his work will be appreciated. The amount of salary will depend on the prestige of the company in which this specialist works. For example, in the largest firm in the city of Moscow, the salary of a clothing designer can vary from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.

In the regions, the income of such a specialist will be less. The level of earnings of a clothing designer depends on the size of the settlement and the larger the city, the greater the income of the creator of stylish and fashionable outfits.

A fashion designer must have a good reputation, the only way he can create a name for himself and increase his salary at times. Everyone knows that in this area there are stellar specialists with high salaries, but they are few.

What is the salary of the design profession abroad

Before going abroad to get a job as a designer, you need to learn the language of the country where you plan to travel to earn money. If a specialist knows the language, then he will be valued and receive high wages. If the company is prestigious, and the specialist does not have knowledge of the language, then you will have to hire for the first time if the salary justifies such expenses.

Graphic designers and web designers, for example, in America receive $37,000 to $103,000 depending on work experience. A creative director can earn up to $170,000 per month. Australian designer the interior also has decent income, which is $40,000 to $105,000.

Advertising agencies in the capitals of many countries pay designers the most. So, an employee with a short work experience will receive from 326 to 590 dollars per hour. Compared to our standard of living, such incomes are considered very high, and for those countries, this is quite a normal salary for an employee who has graduated from a university and has talent and work experience.

Let's summarize:

  1. A graphic and web designer is very popular if he has work experience. The salary of such an employee can reach from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  2. The profession of an interior designer is considered prestigious, and the salary of such a specialist can range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the availability of talent, the presence of an “earned” name and work experience.
  3. A landscape designer working on a single project can earn a lot of money. It all depends on his desire to work, creating a unique design.
  4. Stylish and beautiful clothes can only be created by a talented person, and only he will be popular in the fashion industry. Only a few in this field become stars and receive large incomes.
  5. Abroad, designers receive income several times higher. They must have excellent skills in this area and be talented masters of their craft.

We also invite you to watch a video on how to become a designer:

Before answering questions about how much an interior designer earns, what determines the level of payment for his work and on the basis of what factors the cost of a design project is formed, we note what knowledge and skills a designer should have.

Constructor, artist and designer - a combination of basic working skills that an interior design specialist should have. Creativity problem solving and attention to detail will be a good addition to the skill set. In addition, for effective interaction with a client, it is also desirable for him to have such personal qualities as discipline, responsibility and goodwill.

A number of factors affect a designer's income.

- Economic and social situation in the country and region.

- Type of employment (independent work or for hire).

- Scope of work and type of object (apartment or house, public or residential space).

A hired interior designer receives an average of 30% of the cost of the entire order. At the same time, the search for clients, providing the designer with a workplace, special programs and consumables for printing albums of drawings and related test documents - all this is done by the employer.

In the case of independent work “for himself”, all of the above issues are solved by the designer, while earning several times more. In other words, the designer has a higher level of responsibility in this case. He acts as a project manager, he also develops a design project, completes the facility and conducts architectural supervision, although some work can be delegated.

The more successfully completed projects behind the designer, the wider the range of his work (residential, public, commercial interiors), the more positive feedback about his activities, the higher the level of his professionalism. Accordingly, he can ask for a higher price for his work.

As a rule, an interior designer evaluates his work by square meters of the floor of the room being developed. Average the cost per square meter varies from 500 rubles (for novice designers) in medium-sized cities of Russia up to 2000 rubles and more in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In fact, the upper bar of earnings is difficult to determine. The income of "star" designers is determined only by themselves.

Factors affecting the cost of a design project

1. Most often, the cost of a design project is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the volume of the order. If the order is large, the designer can offer the client a small discount.

2. The cost of the designer's work is influenced by the style of the space being developed. Creating an interior in a historical style requires more effort than in a modern one. For instance, classic interior will cost the customer more than a loft-style interior.

3. The services of a well-established designer with an impressive portfolio are obviously more expensive than those of an aspiring designer, who must offer a competitive price for his work.

Extra income for a designer

Assistance in selection and purchase building materials with customer accompaniment in stores. Such trips are negotiated and paid separately.

Partner discounts and bonuses from suppliers of materials, components, furniture and fittings. The designer works with clients according to catalogs and agrees on terms of delivery and terms of work with suppliers.

It must be said that the opportunities and incomes of interior designers in different countries vary. For example, in Europe, almost all new buildings are rented with a fine finish, but very schematic. About 70% of the owners of such apartments immediately after the purchase seek to make repairs and, accordingly, will turn to the help of a designer to create an interior.

However, for Europeans there is no concept of a "repair team" or "a company that performs the entire range of construction and finishing works." For every direction, be it electrical, plumbing, tiling or plastering work, there are narrow specialists with the necessary licenses or certificates for the relevant type of activity. The customer concludes a contract with them, which is covered by a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

In North America, not the metric, but the empirical system of measures is more common. The calculation of the projected area does not take place in square meters, and in square feet. In addition to the usual calculation of the project cost based on the floor area, designers in America also work according to the following schemes:

The "cost plus" system, when the payment for the designer's services is formed only from a percentage of the total cost of materials, furniture and accessories that he purchased for the client. The designer is entitled to about 20%.

The fixed cost of the project is the case when the designer, having studied all the initial data and compiled commercial proposal, agrees on a fixed price for the project.

It is worth noting that in order to conduct design activities in America, membership in a professional design association is required, that is, obtaining a certificate or license to work as a designer. The initial conditions for obtaining such a license is the availability of specialized education. The participation of the designer in seminars, additional courses and other educational events that increase the level of his professionalism is also welcome.

Note that in Russia, to work as a designer, you do not need to be a member of the Union of Designers of Russia. It is enough to master the skills and gain knowledge of the profession of an interior designer in any art university, where there is a specialization in the following areas:

Design of Architectural Environment.

Theatrical and decorative art.

Design for various areas applications.

Upon completion of the training, a freshly baked designer begins to gain experience in practical activities. Additional training courses, master classes, trainings in various areas of design are a good help for a novice designer. Experience and continuous self-improvement in the profession are fertile ground for generation interesting ideas and creating bright design projects.

An interior designer is a profession in demand today with decent pay. Such specialists are needed both in companies providing interior design services and in stores selling appliances and finishing materials for the home. Self-employed designers will always find clients in the face of apartment owners, country houses and commercial premises.

How well will this pay? prestigious job will depend on the designer himself, his experience, professionalism, ability to timely complete design projects, solve current problems and communicate with customers and partners. Due to the fact that there are no restrictions on the growth of professional skills and experience in the profession, the salary of an interior designer is a vector value.

Hello friends! In touch Elyutina Maria. I am pleased to see your keen interest in the topic, the desire to grow and develop in this profession. Therefore, today we will talk about the result of our work - monetary reward.

You will learn how much a graphic designer earns and what to strive for, using the example of the salary and cost of the work of designers in the USA for 2017. We will compare them with Moscow prices and take a look at the regions of Russia.

From previous articles, you remember that designers can work from the comfort of their homes, otherwise it is called freelancing. If you want more stable income, then you can get hired by an agency and work for a salary. We will look at both options so you can decide for yourself which one is closer to you.

How much do freelancers earn in Russia?

Do you want to earn by metropolitan standards? This is quite feasible. offer a variety of jobs with good pay for work. But you will need a portfolio. In a separate article, I will write in detail how to properly arrange a portfolio for a graphic designer and what you should definitely pay attention to.

Therefore, for a beginner, I recommend concentrating on more accessible, but cheaper orders. For example, make an avatar for the VKontakte group for 500 rubles. Landing can be developed for 1500-3000 rubles and ask the customer to leave a review.

In I gave an example of how to calculate the cost of an hour of work graphic designer and, based on this, the cost of the order itself. I also advise you to start a table and indicate in it point A (where you started) and point B (where you are going, what you want to achieve, in this case, payment for your time). This will help you predict the increase in the price of your work.

Official work as a designer in an agency or private firm

For an aspiring designer to find a permanent job in a cool design agency or private company not so easy. But if you know how to sell yourself in such a way that they will buy you even without experience, you can count on a salary of 40,000 to 150,000, it all depends on professionalism and work experience.

Working in an agency is profitable and convenient. You are always busy, interesting projects and growth. For sociable people, office work is a plus, but lovers of free travel will not be happy with a vacation once a year.

Employment options and salaries in companies can be different. Some firms hire remote employees on a permanent basis and assign them a fixed salary. For example, an online store where you need to update the design of packaging, products, come up with layouts for various promotions, etc. The salary of such an employee depends on the amount of work and the complexity of the tasks.

How much do they earn over the hill?

Every time I visit the pages of works by designers working on foreign sites, I get aesthetic pleasure. But among them there are many “ours”. How do they do it?

  • First, knowledge of the language (English).
  • Second, professionalism. What is now “fashionable” in America will reach us in five years.

The services of designers of this level are valued there in thousands of dollars. For example, on the foreign exchange, site design will be paid from $1,000. For a regular banner you will receive from $40, and in Russia - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.


Based on the above, I want to please you that everything is real. The main thing is to know where to strive and develop in the chosen profession. Learn a foreign language, improve your skills, replenish your portfolio with works and satisfied customers.

I'm sure you will succeed. My articles will help you believe in yourself and expand your horizons in the world of graphic design. Ahead of you are waiting for articles on topics: creating a portfolio, an overview of design courses, useful books, as well as practical lessons on creating logos, banners and other graphic elements.

Stay with us, we are waiting for your comments and questions on the topic. We are for live communication.

The main task of an interior designer is not only the rational design of space and zoning, but also the creation of an exclusive environment, beauty and comfort, satisfaction of the aesthetic tastes of the customer. Workers in this profession are mostly creative individuals.

Consider how much an interior designer earns in different places.

Profit by country

According to statistics from the Rossiya.trud website, the average salary of an interior designer in Russia is 35 000 rub.

  • the maximum income is more than 80 thousand rubles. Such a salary can be received by a professional with experience and higher education.
  • beginners in the profession can receive about 20 thousand rubles. But the salary of an interior designer in Moscow and big cities the minimum can be around 40 thousand rubles.

The largest number of offers from employers with salaries within 20-40 thousand rubles.

Level of average salary by regions (rubles/month):

  • Nenetsky A.O. — 90,000;
  • Tver, Vladimir region - 70,000;
  • Volgograd, Omsk, Moscow regions — 50,000;
  • Ulyanovsk, Leningrad region, Republic of Crimea - 40,000;
  • Khabarovsk Territory - 39,000.

Salary level by city (rubles/month):

  1. Moscow - 50,000. The salary of an interior designer in Moscow is 33% higher than the average income in the country. In the capital with a salary of 48-72 thousand rubles. 40.4% of vacancies are open;
  2. Nizhny Novgorod - 50,000;
  3. St. Petersburg - 40,000. 43.5% of job offers for an interior designer in St. Petersburg with a salary level in the range of 33-42 thousand rubles.
  4. Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Sverdlovsk - 30,000.

Regions that are leading in terms of the number of open vacancies:

  1. Moscow region — 39.5%;
  2. Leningrad region. — 13.3%;
  3. Sverdlovsk region. - 7.8%.

Vacancies and remuneration for work:

  1. Employer " Studio-54”, St. Petersburg, offers a job as an interior designer with a salary of 40 000 rub. Applicant must have higher education, experience, know professional programs.
  2. 60 000 rub.- the salary offered by the firm "KV-Design", Moscow. The applicant must have a higher profile education, experience of at least a year, knowledge of programs.
  3. Sokora LLC, Yekaterinburg, looking for a specialist with 1 year experience and an average vocational education. The promised reward is 25-50 thousand rubles

Income by profession in other countries


Average salary of an interior designer in Ukraine 10000 UAH.

For a beginner professional, the income will be about 8000 UAH.

With 1-3 years of work experience, the salary can increase to 10-15 thousand UAH.

Income level by regions (UAH):

  • Kievskaya - 14,250;
  • Zaporozhye - 12,000;
  • Nikolaevskaya - 11,561;
  • Odessa - 10,000;
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 9 500.


By profession, an interior designer, the average salary in Kazakhstan is 100,000 KZT.

The highest income in the following regions (KZT):

  • South Kazakhstan region — 110,000.;
  • Astana - 100,000;
  • Almaty - 75,000.


According to the proposals of employers on the recruiting portals of Belarus average earnings by profession - 700 Bel. rub. Salary range: 400-2000 Bel. rub.


V America interior designer salary per year is 54 500 $. Average level wages fluctuates in the US from 15 to 130 thousand dollars / year. Salary depends on the experience of employees.

Employee salaries in some US companies ($/year):

  • AECOM Interior Designer - 101 500,
  • interior talent, inc. Interior Designer - 76 500,
  • S. Department of State Interior Designer - 76,000,
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Interior Designer 69,000.

Responsibilities of an interior designer:

  • drawing up a technical plan;
  • interior sketch;
  • working on a design project 3d project;
  • calculates the estimate and selects materials;
  • control of work and delivery of the project.

Place of work:

  • firms, shops, factories;
  • architectural bureaus;
  • design studios;
  • on himself.