Do-it-yourself brick brazier photos, diagrams. We build a brick barbecue: photos and drawings of interesting projects Do-it-yourself brick barbecue masonry schemes

  • 27.06.2020

Love to cook kebabs and other food on fresh air but still don't have your own barbecue? We invite you to correct this situation right now! After studying the following instructions, you will find out in what sequence a full-fledged garden stove is laid out, and the diagrams presented will help you thoroughly understand all the nuances of the technology.

Materials for the construction of an outdoor stove

Start by preparing your materials. You will need:

  • . You don't need a lot of it, so you can cook it yourself;
  • boards for the construction of formwork. An unedged board is perfect;
  • fittings. Needed to strengthen the foundation. You can use unnecessary hardware- cuttings of channels, thick wire, strips of steel, etc.;
  • cutting boards. From such boards you will build a formwork for a concrete screed under the countertop;
  • bricks. You will need simple ceramic and refractory products;
  • iron pipe with a diameter of about 150 mm;
  • foundation waterproofing material. Roofing material is usually used;
  • mixer;
  • sink. For a garden stove, a metal sink is best;
  • rubber hose.

Required amount source materials select in accordance with the selected dimensions of the future furnace.

Prepare the project of the furnace. This guide walks you through the process of building a complete cooking complex, complete with cutting countertop and sink. If you do not need a sink and a table, simply exclude the steps associated with their arrangement from the instructions.

Choose the right place for . First of all, you should be comfortable using the oven.

Important! If tall trees grow near the chosen site, make sure that their branches will not be in close proximity to the future chimney. Otherwise, cut the branches, otherwise they will burn.

The stove should not adjoin with its back wall to any buildings. During the operation of the barbecue, the brick will warm up very much, which is not in the best way affect the state of adjacent buildings - they can simply burn out.

Arrangement of the foundation for a barbecue oven

The oven will have a relatively small mass. A reinforced foundation with a thickness of about 20 cm will perfectly withstand it. M100 concrete is optimal for pouring.

First step. Mark out the site for the foundation. Do this with pegs (metal rods, pipe scraps) and twine (cord, rope, etc.).

Second step. Dig a pit around the perimeter of the base. The recommended depth is about 30-35 cm. Be sure to make a 5-centimeter margin across the width of the pit.

Third step. Fill the bottom of the recess and compact it thoroughly.

Fourth step. Make formwork. To make it more convenient, first assemble shields 30-35 cm wide from the boards. Select the length according to the dimensions of the sides of the base. Install formwork elements along the perimeter of the pit.

Fifth step. Lay the rebar in the formwork. It is best to use steel bars with a diameter of 1 cm.

Sixth step. Pour concrete.

Proceed to further work possible 3-4 days after pouring the foundation.

Lay a double layer of roofing material on the foundation. It will take on the functions of waterproofing and provide reliable protection walls of the garden stove from moisture from the soil.

Choose the shape of the barbecue openings. If you want to make rectangular openings, select the material for arranging the jumpers. An iron corner will do. If the opening is designed in the form of an arch, make a template in advance for laying out the arch. Use boards to make a template.

Having dealt with the above nuances, proceed to masonry work. The type of bricks, patterns, all kinds of inserts and other decorative solutions are at your discretion. In this guide, the oven is laid out in a style similar to that of a house.

Lay out the bottom tier. Lay the walls in half a brick, not forgetting to leave openings. For bonding bricks, use cement mortar. Lay out walls 60 cm high if you plan to arrange an arched opening, or to a height of 80 cm if you decide to make a rectangular opening.

With a similar opening height and a couple of rows of bricks on top, the worktop will be a meter away from the base, which is the most convenient option for work. If your height is noticeably different from the average, adjust the table height to suit your needs.

If you decide to make a rectangular opening, place a metal corner on the last row of masonry in accordance with the diagram, and then lay out the walls of the furnace around the perimeter. If you wish to equip an arched opening, first set the template for laying the vault.

If a sink is to be installed, at the same stage lay a pipe in the furnace wall. Through it you let the water hoses.

Lay out the walls to the desired height. In this example, the height of the walls is 0.9 m. Top row make masonry with a slight protrusion outward. Thanks to this, a step is formed inside, which allows you to install the formwork for pouring the screed.

In order for the masonry to be successful, carry it out in compliance with the following rules:

  • seams should have equal width;
  • the height of the openings should be such that at least 2 rows of masonry fit between their upper edges and the table;
  • an arched opening must be designed with one central brick.

Having completed the arrangement of the lower tier, start preparing the base for the firebox and table. Make a tie. Put the formwork for concrete on the previously equipped step inside the furnace. Cut the boards according to the dimensions of the span. If a sink is to be installed, leave concrete screed space to place it. This is done very simply. It is only necessary not to lay the site for installing the sink. Surround it with another kind of formwork, fixed with struts.

Fill the screed and leave it for three days. After the specified time, dismantle the formwork of the sink opening.

Cover the countertop with material of your choice. For example, solid marble slabs are great - it's both beautiful and comfortable.

The second tier of the barbecue oven consists of a furnace compartment and walls that cover the area from prying eyes from the street. With partitions, everything is extremely simple - these are ordinary solid walls, laid out in half a brick. If you want, you can completely abandon their arrangement. The order of the construction of the firebox deserves special attention.

Refractory brick prices

Refractory brick

Furnace arrangement

The furnace firebox has a two-row design: the outer row is laid out of ordinary ceramic bricks, the inner row is made of refractory material.

Lay the firebox in the standard way. The recommended settings are as follows:

the height of the furnace opening is 7 rows plus an arch, or 9 rows in the case of arranging a rectangular opening;

  • firebox depth - about 600 mm;
  • width - about 700 mm.

Having laid out the opening of the combustion chamber, complete a couple of additional rows of masonry on top and proceed to the arrangement.

To move to the required width of the chimney, successively reduce the length of the walls of the furnace compartment. The back and front faces must be shortened by half a brick in each next row. The side walls should be reduced by 25% of the width of the brick. According to this scheme, you need to lay out about 7 rows. Then you can begin to deal with the arrangement of the chimney. It should be rectangular. The recommended height of the structure is 12-14 rows.

On this fireplace is ready. To avoid any problems during this step, follow these recommendations:

  • do not make the furnace opening too high. Enough 7-9 rows. Otherwise, the draft in the chimney will become too weak, as a result of which all the smoke will go to the site, and not to the sky;
  • the inside of the firebox must be laid out with fire-resistant bricks. Otherwise, the masonry will simply crack under the influence of temperature changes;
  • the chimney should also not be too high, because. because of this, traction will deteriorate;
  • make sure that the bottom of the furnace compartment is as even as possible - this will make it much easier for you to clean out the ash in the future.

Finishing touches

Barbecue is almost ready. To finish, do the following:

  • install mixer and sink;
  • connect the water supply and intake hoses;
  • cover the countertop with a finishing material (optional). The best finish is natural;
  • lay out the area in front of the oven with paving slabs.

If you want, set up a table and a couple of benches next to the barbecue. Additionally, in such a situation, it is recommended to think about arranging a canopy.

Now you know how to build a barbecue oven. The presented unit will allow you not only to cook delicious dishes, but also burn leaves and other small debris - a barbecue perfectly copes with all tasks.

The worktop and sink will make the oven as convenient as possible to use. You do not have to run to the house to prepare food - everything can be done in one place.

free space under the table is suitable for storing firewood. Here they will always remain dry and well ventilated, which will prevent the wood from dampening and rotting.

Successful work!

Barbecue prices

Video - Do-it-yourself barbecue oven

Today it is difficult to imagine outdoor recreation without organizing a picnic. And a brazier has become an obligatory attribute of such a holiday. From our article you will learn how to make a stove, barbecue and barbecue from bricks in the country with your own hands. With their help, you will not only be able to prepare an excellent treat for guests, but also successfully decorate your site.

At the cottage, in the process of cooking

At personal stoves and barbecues made of bricks - photo, p advantages and disadvantages

Before you directly begin the process of erection on your personal plot of this structure, consider the advantages and disadvantages of a brick oven-barbecue.

Among the main advantages that a brick brazier in the country house undeniably has are the following:

  • versatility. The barbecue oven is well suited for cooking not only meat barbecue, but will allow you to skillfully cook fish, vegetables, poultry;
  • big sizes. One of the undeniable advantages is the large area of ​​the brazier. Its back wall allows you to distribute heat evenly over the entire area, which contributes to uniform cooking;
  • the ability to vary the mode of cooking. In this case, the products used are not strung on skewers, but can be evenly distributed on the wire rack. At the same time, depending on what is being cooked in the oven, you can vary its height in search of the best option cooking;
  • possibility of using various types fuel. In this brick grill stove, both firewood and coal can be used;
  • the design in the brazier provides for an exhaust hood;
  • in more advanced models, a temperature level indicator can be installed, which allows for more convenience when cooking;
  • when using a barbecue grill, preliminary marinating of meat is not required.

Outdoor stoves and barbecues made of bricks - photo on the site

Despite a number of advantages, one significant drawback can be noted:

  • construction is quite costly.

How to make a stove, barbecue and barbecue from bricks in the country with your own hands

Next, we will tell you in detail how to make a stove, barbecue and in the country. When choosing a material for building a brick, you can be sure that no additional special skills are required, such as when using metal. Also, an important plus is a significant cost savings, because you do everything yourself, without involving specialists from outside.

In this article, we have prepared for you step by step instructions, which will help in the construction of a brick oven-brazier on your personal plot. In this case, the following main stages can be distinguished:

  • carrying out preparatory work;
  • erection of a brazier;
  • decoration.

Preparatory work

How to fold a brick oven-brazier in the country with your own hands and what you need for this, we will decide at the first stage.

Preparatory work should include the following steps:

  • the choice of the place where the brazier will be installed;
  • project production;
  • selection of tools and materials.

We determine the place for installation on the site

Initially, you need to determine the place for installing your future outdoor stove and brick barbecue, photo below.

It is imperative to remember that at the installation site of the brick oven, there should be no high plantings nearby, the proximity of which can lead to a fire. Also, the place should not be strongly blown by the winds.

When choosing a place, a number of requirements should be taken into account:

  • at the design stage, it should be taken into account that the smoke from the barbecue does not reach the main buildings;
  • consider the possibility of protection from wind and bad weather;
  • to protect the lawn, it is best to lay out the installation site of the barbecue with a brick or stone;
  • provide for the possibility of installing lighting in this place.

By the way, and ideas - all this is described in a special separate article on our website.

Project, drawing and diagram on paper

In order to correctly determine how to make a brick oven in the country, you will need a project or diagram on paper. At this stage, you will be able to sketch a sketch of the structure itself, on which all key elements. After that, you can start making a drawing, where the structure itself will take on a more realistic shape with dimensions. With it, we can calculate the required consumption of materials.

Tools and materials

Now you need to decide what tools and materials you will need to build a barbecue oven. Of the materials you will need:

Finishing tiles


heat resistant paint

Glue tile

waterproofing film

The amount of materials that you will spend directly depends directly on your project.

Putty knife

Concrete mixer



Ordering a barbecue grill made of bricks

The ordering is a diagram that, step by step, marks the sequence of actions when laying the furnace, the sequence of laying with a description of the required materials. Steps to help answer the question how to make a stove, barbecue and barbecue from bricks in the country with your own hands:

  • foundation manufacturing;
  • preparation of mortar for masonry;
  • plinth masonry;
  • installation of a brazier;
  • masonry walls and smoke box;
  • decorative finish.

Ordering is also required for an experienced master. Knowing the exact number of bricks, the sequence of their laying, as well as the sequence of work, greatly simplifies the process of building a barbecue oven.

Foundation for a brick brazier with a stove

To build the foundation of a brick barbecue stove, you will need to dig a hole about 30 cm deep, which is quite sufficient for the weight of the barbecue.

It must be remembered that the depth of excavation depends primarily on the weight of the structure itself.

The dimensions of the foundation to be laid must be larger than the dimensions of the brazier itself.

The foundation should be 10 cm larger than the building itself, which will make it possible to make a concrete pad around the barbecue in order to increase fire safety.

Use edged board to fix the formwork. We fill the resulting pit with a mixture of gravel and sand and carefully tamp, periodically adding water to the solution.

Masonry mortar

To prepare it, we need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • clay.

For masonry, you will need to prepare two types of mortar.

First of all, you will need to make a solution for those areas that will not be in direct contact with the fire. The quality of the mixture directly depends on the brand of cement. It is best to use cement grades M25, M50 and M75. Sand is also required to prepare the solution. The following proportions will be optimal:

  • sand to cement brand M25 - 5:1;
  • sand to cement brand M50 - 4:1;
  • sand to cement brand M75 - 3:1.

For the manufacture of the firebox itself, it is best to use fireclay clay. It has the best refractoriness, which is suitable for high temperatures. In stores, it is also called "kaolin".

The next step in building a brick brazier with a stove in the country is laying the basement.

To do this, the prepared formwork is poured with a solution, the preparation of which will require two bags of cement. After that, two days are given for the cement to harden. Next is the waterproofing.

As a material for insulation for a barbecue grill, roofing material is best suited.

Before starting the construction of walls, in accordance with the project, it is necessary to calculate the number of required solid bricks, as well as their pieces. If you use previously used material during construction, you must first clean it from accumulated dirt and mortar residues.

The first two rows are laid out in the form of a solid rectangle. This will prevent overheating of the roofing material at the base. The corners of the brazier are aligned with building level. During the laying process, excess mortar is carefully removed. Only when laying the third row of bricks, the volume and shape of the stove itself begins to form.

During the construction of a combined barbecue and brick oven, it is imperative to provide a blower for your barbecue oven. To do this, it is best to use materials that can withstand high temperatures.

A gap must be left between the brickwork and the door, since the metal tends to expand when heated.

The height of the cooking surface will also depend on the size of the door: its optimal value will be 84 cm.

For the unhindered penetration of heat into the brazier, it is necessary to provide for a gap in the design, the size of which will be two bricks. its presence will help you in the future to easily remove the coals after cooking.

If you do the masonry correctly, you can be sure that the door is securely fixed. To organize a woodcutter, a separate wall is usually formed. To give the design an aesthetic look, it is best to use ¼ bricks. For more reliable fastening of the door, a wire is used, which is additionally fastened with bricks.

At the next stage, the arch of the woodcutter and the roof are formed. As a fulcrum, it is best to build an additional wall inside.

In the central part we leave a place for laying the lattice.

All seams are sealed with cement mortar. After that, you can build the walls of the brazier. At the final stage, all seams are overwritten.

The woodshed can be covered with a galvanized sheet.

Half the job is done, now it's time to think about the walls and the smoke box. After the formation of the brazier and firewood, we continue to lay out the back wall with bricks. In parallel, several rows are laid out to form a woodcutter arch - this will give the brazier a finished look.

In the next step, you need to make six moves that will help remove smoke from the brazier.

We erect the ceilings of the firebox, using the flooring.

A layer of insulation and a hob are laid on top of the firebox.

Finally, a chimney is formed with the help of bricks.

decorative trim

The final step is to give your brick oven- brazier decorative look so that it blends harmoniously with the rest of the buildings on the site. To do this, you can use decorative stones, ceramic brick and other materials to choose from. Consider finishing with decorative stone.

For finishing you will need:

  • trowel;
  • Master OK;
  • bucket;
  • building level;
  • grinder with a disc for cutting concrete.

Before laying the stone, it is necessary to carefully level the surface by plastering it. Next, use a special stone mortar for laying it.

In this case, it is better not to use silicone, since the final quality of work is inferior to that of using a solution.

Do-it-yourself cauldron barbecue made of bricks (drawings and photos)

When installing a capital brick stove in a summer kitchen, it should be remembered that any stove increases the fire hazard and requires compliance with all building codes and regulations. This means that for its construction it is necessary to use a special refractory fireclay brick, which is resistant to high temperatures, but at the same time is an excellent heat conductor, warming up the room quickly enough. It is important to properly ventilate the oven. It is necessary at the stage of building the foundation in the place allotted for the furnace to lay out this zone with a brick. Also, in the future, when erecting a roof, it is imperative to provide for the installation of an exhaust pipe to remove it from the space working area heat and smoke, etc.

Electric barbecue oven
Gas barbecue oven

Barbecue oven fired with charcoal
Barbecue oven fired with wood

The barbecue oven can run on electricity, gas or fired with coal and wood. Outwardly, it is very similar to a fireplace with a furnace compartment, which is usually located at the level of a person’s waist. Barbecue requires a reinforced foundation, and it is also important to properly install the hood through which heat and smoke will be removed.

BBQ oven with hob in the photo

A barbecue oven can have different equipment - it can include an ordinary hob or oven, a grill or a barbecue, a countertop, a place for firewood and storage of dishes. There are such designs that include not only a brazier, but also a tandoor, a cauldron, a smokehouse and other elements.

If you need a multifunctional large barbecue oven, it is better to resort to the help of professionals, but you can build a small oven with your own hands.

There are many options for prefabricated barbecues and brick ovens. Focusing on the presented models, you can build something according to your own project. The main thing is to arrange everything correctly in order to minimize the risk of fire, especially when building a stationary brick oven indoors.

A homemade brick barbecue is a more solid version of a stationary barbecue for arranging a summer kitchen.

BBQ oven in the photo

It will become its excellent decoration and, of course, will allow you to cook more delicious and varied food. Before you build a brick barbecue, you need to know that it is also called a "barbecue", and in the standard design plan it should include three compartments.

Of course, the construction of such a brazier will cost more, but on bricks the meat is much tastier and healthier. durable and quality brick it is quite expensive, but you can save money by doing all the work on the construction of the brazier yourself. In this case, the simplest version of a brick brazier will be described, which it is quite possible to build on your own, even without much experience.

The presented version of how to build a brick barbecue with your own hands can be changed using your own dimensions of the parts or by adding some additional functional elements to the design. You can build a canopy over the barbecue oven to protect from rain, and arrange a dining room next to it under a tree, or install such a stove inside the summer kitchen or outside not far from it.

In the latter case, all the necessary kitchen utensils, as well as a sink and a refrigerator, will be located in the summer kitchen itself. It is even more convenient to have a barbecue oven outside the summer kitchen - there is less danger of fire, outdoors it will not be so hot to cook in the oven, and coolness will remain inside the summer kitchen, unless it is planned to be used in winter - then, naturally, the oven is installed inside .

First you need to choose a convenient place for the barbecue oven. If it will be arranged outside, it is necessary that the distance from the oven to the house or kitchen is not large, since during the preparation of the dish you will have to constantly bring something from the kitchen - dishes, water, etc.

When choosing a barbecue design, you need to pay attention to the style that is most suitable for the architecture of all buildings on the site. It is imperative to determine in advance the size and design of the stove, where it will be placed (in the open space or inside the summer kitchen), what kind of foundation is required for it (depending on the components of the structure).

Also on preparatory stage it is necessary to think over the lining of the furnace, take into account the shape and height of the chimney, whether the furnace will be equipped with an additional oven or smokehouse, what kind of fuel is planned to be used (coal, firewood, electricity, gas).

There are really a lot of questions - is it necessary to build a canopy that protects the stove from rain, the presence of an additional table and wind protection. And also what facing material will be used, whether a heat reflector and charcoal tray should be installed, what the design of the spit, grate or roaster will be, whether the inserts will be cast iron.

All this must be thought out in advance and then be sure to draw general form barbecue with drawing individual details and indicating their sizes. You should also find a place to place the shelves in advance, as they should fit well with the appearance of the barbecue. It is also necessary to provide a place to store dishes and stocks of coal or firewood.

BBQ grate
BBQ grate

When drawing up a barbecue plan, first of all, it must be taken into account that the design must be stable. It is also important to properly position for barbecue (for roasting). It should be at such a height that it is most convenient to cook. Usually the grate is installed at a height of 9-10 rows of brickwork.

If the grate is too low, you will have to bend over while cooking, which is very inconvenient. And if you put the grate too high, you will have to stretch high, and at the same time your face will constantly be close to burning coals.

The grate and the charcoal tray must be installed on brick ledges or on metal rods. They must be removable, since they must be periodically cleaned of rust, and stored in the house for the winter.

In a barbecue, you can use a regular stovetop grate. In this case, it must be borne in mind that it must be larger than the hearth with burning coals so that the finished barbecue can be moved to the side next to the hearth, but at the same time keep them hot. The roasting rack must be protected from the wind. Under it there should be another grate, with smaller cells, on which there will be burning coals, and under it there will be a tray into which burnt coals will fall.

Watch how to equip a brick barbecue with your own hands in the video, which presents all types of production elements and gives advice from the masters:

Scheme, laying and ordering a brick barbecue with your own hands

Brick barbecue masonry consists of several stages - choosing a place, drawing up a barbecue plan, building a foundation, erecting brickwork with the installation of all structural details, pipe construction, cladding and building design.

For laying a brick barbecue with your own hands with three compartments, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • gravel;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • brick;
  • ceramic tile;
  • Master OK.

Currently, you can buy ready-made kits for arranging a barbecue oven. The standard set includes the barbecue grill itself, a charcoal tray and fasteners. These kits can be used when building a brick barbecue with your own hands.

What will be the foundation of the furnace depends on its size. Do-it-yourself brick barbecue scheme allows you to make concrete strip foundation, and for a more massive structure, a tiled one will be required.

The foundation completely hardens about 2 weeks after pouring the concrete, and only after that you can start building the barbecue directly.

First, 2 layers of roofing material must be laid on top of the foundation to protect the structure from moisture, after which you can start laying a brick oven. In this case, a variant of a standard barbecue, consisting of three compartments, is considered. From a brick, you will have to lay out a figure in the shape of the letter "W" with 4 partitions. What kind of brick barbecue will turn out, the order and scheme can show in advance, upon careful consideration of the barbecue construction plan.

The rows must be laid out in a certain sequence - each next row should be shifted in relation to the previous one in a checkerboard pattern. This is the so-called half-brick laying, which should provide the necessary bonding of brickwork. Even before the start of laying, you need to stretch the cords indicating the position of the future barbecue wall, and use a trowel to apply a layer of mortar. You need to do this along one of the walls. Then small grooves should be made on the mortar and the laying of the first row of bricks should be started, checking it with a horizontal level.

In total, you need to lay out 8 such rows. If you plan to place a sink in the 3rd compartment, you need to leave a drain hole in the 6th row.

First you need to build floors that combine two adjacent compartments of the future structure. This requires cutting metal corners the desired length and put them on top, and then make the same, but already a continuous overlap of bricks in one row. For laying the 2nd layer, it is imperative to use a heat-resistant clay mixture intended for stoves and braziers, since it is impossible to make a reliable barbecue on cement alone.




The most difficult stage of work is the laying of the furnace itself. It can be an ordinary rectangular once-through furnace without blower. The thickness of its back wall should be three bricks. Leave room for a door in front. On the side where the stove will adjoin the brazier, you should leave a hole in two bricks.

For the frying grate and the charcoal tray, you need to make ledges. When building a brick barbecue with your own hands, ordering plays a very importance. When laying the 5th row, it is necessary to form a support protrusion, and then lay the 6th row of bricks across - the entire row of bricks should protrude from one and the other side of the wall. The next three rows again need to be laid in half a brick. Thus, ledges for the grate and the pallet are formed.

Sometimes it happens that there is no pallet right size, which would fit the width of the brick ledges, and then a metal shelf can be used to support it.

Then, on the 10th row, you need to build another ledge and add three more rows on top using the spoon dressing method - this is the end of the main part of the barbecue.

If metal rods are used in the oven to support the barbecue, then during masonry between the 6th and 7th rows, these metal rods must be laid out in all three walls. This should be done in such a way that the rods protrude from the walls by 70-75 mm and a grate with a pallet can be installed on them.

The rods must continue to be laid up to the 10th row in each subsequent. This is required in order to install the roasting grate at the required height.

After that, it remains only to lay out a rectangular brazier and make a pipe of any shape. This arrangement of brick barbecues is used in all such structures without exception.

It is also necessary to arrange a barbecue work surface. by the most in a simple way is a low-rise building - 6 rows high - brick walls.

This building must be done on a separate strip foundation, which is poured parallel to the side walls. Such a small wall is called a plinth. You need to lay it out so that the brick lays down with a poke.

After that, you need to cut a plywood sheet and lay it between the ledge of the side wall and the plinth wall. Boards should be laid on the sheet and covered with tiles or ceramic tiles. To cover the working surface, you can even use ordinary paving slabs.

Wizard's advice

After the construction of the barbecue and its working surface is completed, it is necessary to start processing all the seams. For this, a cement mortar is used, which must be filled with all the seams and rubbed thoroughly. Before the solution hardens, it is necessary to draw a joint along the seams to give them a roundness. If there is no jointing at the disposal of the master, you can do this using the usual trimming of a garden hose.

If the plinth wall will be connected to the main structure, then up to the sixth row the structure must be built in the form of the letter “E”, and then continue laying the side and rear walls of the barbecue itself. As a result, a niche is formed under the grate with a pallet, which can then be used to store charcoal or firewood. If this opening is equipped with a door with a handle, it will be quite possible to store dishes here.

On this, the main functional part of the furnace will be built, and then the design can be optionally supplemented with various shelves and other elements, decorated at your discretion, etc.

The constructed furnace must “settle” for several days to completely harden the solution. If you make a fire in it until the solution is completely dry, its walls may crack.

In the future, during the operation of the oven, it is necessary to clean the barbecue after each cooking so that dirt and grease do not accumulate, otherwise in the future it will be necessary to clean the oven thoroughly.

Do-it-yourself construction of a barbecue oven with a barbecue made of bricks (with photo)

The construction of a brick barbecue is not necessarily always associated with the monolithic construction of all structures. You can build a brick barbecue oven with your own hands in the so-called temporary version. This is convenient if there is no place to build a permanent, stationary structure. If necessary, such an oven can be disassembled and folded for storage in a place specially designed for this, and then reassembled. This is easy to do, since such a furnace is being built without the use of cement or clay mortar. This is the cheapest and fastest built brick barbecue design. At the same time, it is very effective, because bricks laid without mortar freely pass oxygen, which contributes to better and complete combustion of charcoal.

The shape of such a barbecue can be rectangular.
The shape of such a barbecue can be round

The shape of such a barbecue can be round, triangular, square, rectangular or hexagonal. You can choose any form - it will depend on your own wishes.

Look at the photo page, which are built in a temporary design and at the same time allow you to cook any dishes on an open fire:

Brick barbecue with barbecue
Brick barbecue with barbecue

To build a brick barbecue, you will need the following materials:

  • formwork boards (unedged);
  • ruberoid;
  • refractory brick for facing;
  • clinker matching the color of the brick;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 15 cm;
  • edged boards for countertops;
  • a sheet of metal to cover the cutting table;
  • grill grate;
  • metal pallet for coal.

For the construction of a round barbecue of bricks, you will need about 100 pieces, and with a different form of barbecue, a little more.

First you need to select a site and build a strip foundation on it. It should dry for about 3 days, then you need to put roofing material on it, and only then you can start building the walls of the stove. According to the desired shape, you need to lay out the first row of bricks, while leaving small gaps of about 5 mm between all the bricks. The next row is placed with a shift of half a brick to ensure the strength of the wall.

When five rows have been laid out in this way, a metal charcoal tray is installed. From above you need to lay two more rows of bricks, and on them a grill for frying. Next, you need to add an arch in the form of a brick gazebo to protect from the wind, that is, build protective walls on the sides and behind the barbecue.

The standard height of such a building should be 9-10 rows of bricks. Next to the stove, you can install a countertop to make it more convenient to cook food, nearby - a table, benches, and a deck chair.





Each cottage or Vacation home, in addition to many worries and some unpleasant moments, it also implies the periodic preparation of kebabs. But in order to roast meat on coals correctly, you need a high-quality barbecue. And how to make brick barbecues with your own hands, their drawings and photos, you will learn below.

Preparatory work:
  • zoning of the area;
  • the best options for arranging barbecues made of bricks;
  • necessary materials;
  • the best drawings of brick braziers.

Do-it-yourself brazier made of bricks:
  • foundation device;
  • the beginning of the masonry;
  • basement construction;
  • preparation of the brazier and stops for the grate;
  • working surface;
  • tips for making barbecue;
  • brick barbecues: drawings, photos, videos.

Basic preparatory work

Of course, the brazier is not an ordinary structure, so its creation needs careful preparation. Starting from planning the area where the structure will be built, ending with such subtleties as the presence of plumbing, a suitable countertop for convenience, and even lighting. For this reason, first of all, you need to consider the preparatory stage.

  • Zoning of the area.

If you have already set yourself the goal of building a barbecue grill with your own hands, you should start searching best place for its construction. This is not a simple portable metal product that you can install anywhere, calculations and drawings play a huge role here.

Placement requirements:

  • relatively flat area;
  • removal from the house of neighbors, places of rest in order to exclude interference from smoke for a full life;
  • proximity to own dacha or home, in order to conduct electricity, water or other necessary communications;
  • the presence of a small area for the construction of a picnic area (this is a place where you could lay out cooked meat or leave food).

The best options for brick barbecues

An outdoor brick barbecue is a simple structure that does not stand out with special tricks, for example, special ovens or a barbecue. But be that as it may, interesting options are offered that you can implement on the land.

  • The simplest option includes the construction of a small brick box in the hall, where coals will be added, and meat on skewers is hung on top of it.
  • An excellent option would be the so-called island. It has a compartment for coals and a fire, and shelves will be placed on top: first a grill for meat, then special stops that are used to hold skewers with barbecue.
  • Another great option is not much different from the previous one. It has a work surface that is not on top of the brazier or not far from it. It is well suited as a stand or table for saucepans, knives and other tools that will be needed during the preparation for a picnic.

Necessary materials

In addition to the drawings themselves and photos of do-it-yourself brick braziers, you can use some devices. Here is a rough list of them:

  • slaked lime;
  • heat-resistant brick;
  • cement package;
  • metal corners;
  • sand bag;
  • Red brick;
  • reinforcing mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • wire (for strengthening brickwork);
  • tiles (if your project includes a countertop).

You may have noticed that the list necessary materials types of bricks are offered. This is not necessary, but you can save money this way. This is because only heat-resistant brick can withstand high temperatures. But, unfortunately, its price is far from small. Therefore, it is better to use red brick where the brazier is not exposed to strong heat or there is no heating at all. Of course, it’s definitely not possible to save money on this, but it’s still nice.

Do-it-yourself brick braziers: drawings and photos

Naturally, without studying the drawings before construction, it will be difficult. Therefore, our Remontik portal offers the most suitable brick brazier schemes or take advantage of a ready-made offer.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that many people plan to build an outdoor version of the barbecue, namely a summer complex. On it you can provide not just a place for firewood, but also a barbecue, and a firebox with a door, a sink, a countertop and much more. And here's a great drawing for you.

If this option does not suit you, then find a huge number of diagrams and drawings for every taste, since today the Internet is replete with hundreds of different solutions that craftsmen are happy to share.

Make a brazier with your own hands from brick

Most people think that the brazier does not need a foundation, and it can be built in an excavated pit, which is covered with rubble. This decision is fundamentally wrong, as a slight distortion of the ground will completely destroy the structure that you have worked so hard on. Your money and time will be wasted. Therefore, the foundation is considered a must.

Foundation installation step by step

To create a reliable and solid foundation, you need to perform the following operations:

  • First you need to choose a suitable place where the brick brazier will be built. We have already noted its advantages of choice above.
  • Square dimensions with a side of 120 cm are perfect.
  • With the help of pegs and a special twine, place the selected area.
  • Take a shovel and dig a hole 25 cm deep.
  • Install formwork.
  • Prepare the mortar, adhering to the ratio of sand to cement 3 to 1.
  • Pour the solution into the hole.
It is important not to forget that the base must be necessarily reinforced. For this, one of the following options is perfect for you:
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • reinforcement rods.

It is worth noting that if you choose a grid, it will have to be laid twice. Moreover, the first layer is placed when you have already filled the third part of the pit with a solution. Then the base must be poured another third, laying another layer, after which the pit is completely filled with mortar.

The rods should be laid in the middle of the base of the pit, after which they are completely filled with mortar. As soon as the foundation is poured, it must be given time for it to settle normally. Two weeks will not be enough for this.

Let's start laying bricks for the barbecue

In order for the brazier to be quickly built, but at the same time turned out to be neat, you need to perform a small fitting. Of course, ordering a brick barbecue is not an activity that needs to be done quickly, and therefore you will need a kind of fitting, which is done as follows:

  1. Bricks are taken, which are laid out dry on the foundation.
  2. We carefully study and remember the results of the fitting.
  3. Such actions allow the use of whole blocks and halves of bricks during the construction of the brazier.
  4. Of course, if you already have a prepared grate, pallet, their parameters should be taken into account when performing preliminary laying.
  5. As soon as you have laid out all the bricks, it is recommended to circle the masonry line and fix it in order to follow it in the future without going astray.

Before you start laying, you need to prepare the bricks. Not everyone knows that they are able to absorb moisture, which leads to poor structural strength. Therefore, the day before the start of construction, it is recommended to wet them well or even leave them in buckets of water overnight.

It is worth starting the construction of the barbecue when the bricks are dry on the outside, but include moisture inside.

It's time to get down to business. Take bricks and mortar and start laying out the first row. Always make sure that the space between the bricks is well filled with mortar and that the bricks set in the order we noted earlier. To melt bricks in mortar, use a rubber mallet.

Basement construction

Once you have built the first row, you can use it as a guide for subsequent rows of masonry. Moreover, the masonry should go in a checkerboard pattern. It implies that each row will be shifted half a brick to the side. In this case, each row should start from the corner.

It's no secret that during laying you will have to check the plane of the structure from time to time. To do this, use the level and plumb. At least once in two or three rows, it is necessary to check. If you do not do this, then the probability of skew will be too high.

Masonry on corner connections reinforced with metal wire.

Preparing the Frypot and Grill Supports

To ensure the reliability of the base of the brazier, you need to prepare special fasteners. You can choose to use:

  • metal corners;
  • reinforcing bars.

Also consider the presence of side gaps in brickwork that will not be filled with mortar. They are used as a trench for air intake. It's no secret that you can't light a fire from a regular supply of oxygen.

If we talk about the crate, then you can install it both on special metal rods and on simple protrusions that are formed in brickwork. If you lay bricks across the wall and they protrude into inside braziers, this will be a great place for the grid.

Working surface

We learned how to make a brick brazier, but this work will not be completed. We also need to equip the work surface. Without it, it will be difficult for you during the holiday and picnic.

A quality countertop must meet the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • simple cleaning;
  • comfort;
  • weather resistance.

Make the tabletop so that it is on optimal height and was easy to use. Take care of her appearance too. Well, if you use tiles for its decoration, which are designed for sidewalks or floors.

This surface will be highly durable, will not scratch and will be easy to clean without causing you any inconvenience.

As noted above, it will not be superfluous to make plumbing and a rack near the barbecue. Thus, you will get rid of the loss of time for frequent walking to the house to solve everyday problems. Of course, everything needs to be planned in advance, and water pipes it is recommended to withdraw through the base of the brazier.

Moreover, you can think about lighting on the site where the barbecue will be prepared. It often happens that you have to cook the meat in the dark. Therefore, the lighting will definitely not interfere with you.

Photo of barbecue grills made of bricks

To sum up, it is worth considering different variants brick options, which you can create with your own hands, in photographs.

First of all, we will consider two such simple options, which differ not only in the simplicity available to everyone, but also in the high speed of construction.

Now we offer to look at more advanced designs that will take more time and effort. But they fully justify themselves, since this brazier acts not only as a device for frying meat: barbecue and shish kebab, but a highlight and real pride of your yard.

Finally, here are a few more photos, which also show serious barbecues. One of these even acts as a real complex designed for cooking meat. This is an original summer kitchen, which is adapted only for barbecue and barbecue. Of course, building this with your own hands is a rather energy- and resource-intensive process, but you will be proud of the created work of art for a long time.

We decided to complete the article by offering readers a useful video, because it is better to see once than read ten times.

On it, the specialist explains in an accessible way all the subtleties and nuances of planning and building a brick brazier on his site. To do this, he will demonstrate masonry, as well as technology on a special designer, which has a reduced size.

Ordinary and facing stone made of burnt clay is a universal structural material. Therefore, a simple brick brazier can be built even without mortar on hastily. A stationary hearth made of this material is considered simple if there is no chimney in its design.

Clay and ceramic bricks withstand extreme temperatures, but they have a much smaller resource in furnaces and hearths than refractory fireclay. Therefore, the simplest temporary braziers are made of ordinary bricks, and in stationary foci of a simple design inner part furnaces can be lined with fireclay lining.

Even if legs made of the same material are added to a rectangular brick box, the structure will still remain a brazier. As soon as the master covers the firebox with a roof, it will automatically turn into a barbecue oven, although without a chimney, but with a hole for removing combustion products.


From a few bricks accidentally found or specially taken for a country picnic, you get the simplest hearth for frying meat on skewers over coals. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nuances:

  • brick has standard sizes 25 x 12.5 x 6 cm, to save building materials and space in the trunk of a car, it should be installed on edge;
  • for normal frying of meat without burning, skewers should be 20–25 cm away from coals, so at least 2 rows of bricks will be required;
  • the width of the brick "box" is taken for standard skewers 37 cm, that is, 1 brick;
  • brazier length for small company is 75 cm, that is, 3 bricks.

We just took a few bricks and made such a super fast construction on the spot, according to this drawing!

Thus, in total, a minimum of 16 bricks of a standard format will be needed. Each of them weighs 3.5 kg, which is total will be 56 kg minimum. The manufacturing technology of the hearth is as follows:

After the coals have cooled, the structure is disassembled, the turf is laid in place.

Classic barbecue

For a stationary hearth on the site, a base made of non-metallic material (sand or crushed stone) compacted with a vibrating plate or manual rammer will be required. If the weight of the structure exceeds 450 kg, a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation will be required. For home master, with minimal bricklayer skills, a do-it-yourself brazier made of bricks is more suitable, the simplest and most inexpensive in the bottom photo in the form of a rectangular box.
Manufacturing technology is as follows:

You can make such the most inexpensive stationary barbecue grill

The main nuances for this modification of the focus are:

  • no ordering scheme is needed, since it is impossible to make a mistake in this case;
  • the bottom row (called a hearth in furnaces) is necessary to prevent the destruction of concrete from extreme temperatures, it is recommended to lay out refractory bricks;
  • waterproofing is needed to prevent the destruction of the concrete foundation and masonry from soil moisture (not to be confused with groundwater!), is made of rolled bituminous materials, pieces of which are laid under the foundation before it is poured or the first row on the base of non-metallic material.

Don't forget to waterproof under the bottom row

All other designs of brick barbecues are more complicated, so ordering is required. But they are more convenient to use. Here are some more photos where you can see other interesting options:

Option with firewood

Well, and a video on how to do masonry in general:

BBQ oven

Unlike a classic brazier, a barbecue simplifies the preparation of meat by placing it on a grill, and not on skewers. A simple budget barbecue grill made of bricks is being built according to the technology:

The scheme of the finished budget brick barbecue

Attention: A brazier with a drawer for ash and a grate above it for placing coals is considered more convenient to maintain.

The specified design is slightly different from the described option:

  • after making the legs under the back and side walls of the brazier on the spoon row, the brick of the next level is laid with a poke (only side walls);
  • then one more spoon and tychkovy rows are laid out.


On the resulting lower ledge is a metal drawer for ash. A grate for coals is laid on the upper ledge. If you make another ledge in the same way, you get a convenient dryer for berries and mushrooms.

Well detailed video, for clarity:

Without mortar

If there is a brick remaining from the construction site on the site, you can build an inexpensive temporary brazier from it as soon as you see suddenly arrived guests. The main nuances of manufacturing are:

  • without mortar, half-brick legs are too unstable, so it is better to replace them with 4 pedestals (columns) 1 x 1 brick with dressing in order;
  • instead of a sheet of iron, you can use a piece of any sheet material(OSB, plywood), but, above it, it is necessary to lay 2 continuous rows of bricks;
  • the height of the barbecue box is 2 - 3 rows, the dimensions are at the discretion of the home master.

We fold in haste without a solution

Attention: The construction is considered to be temporary “in haste”, brick stained with coals and ash is difficult to clean, so it is better to use an ordinary, rather than a facing stone.

For detailed instructions, see the video:

A fairly attractive barbecue grill of the original design is a variant of several rows of bricks without mortar in the form of a round pedestal.

Barbecue in the form of a pipe without mortar

This can be quickly built simply from what is at hand.

Additional elements for simple barbecues

When adding additional functions of a stationary hearth to the design, you will need to make freehand drawings or sketches for it. Since the hearth will turn out to be more difficult, errors are possible during the construction of the masonry. The main additional elements for a simple barbecue are: a cutting table, a brazier and a sink.

Cutting table

An inexpensive option that significantly increases the comfort of use is the simplest do-it-yourself brick brazier with a cutting table according to the technology:

  • the back wall is lengthening, the ligation with the central wall-rack becomes more difficult;
  • in addition to the above structures, on the side, close to the masonry of the hearth, another rack wall is being built;
  • a countertop made of natural / artificial stone is laid on it and the side wall of the barbecue.

The cutting table can be located on any side convenient for the user, relative to the hearth.


In addition to meat on skewers, or a barbecue grill, it is often necessary to prepare other dishes in pots, pans, heating or boiling a kettle. Therefore, instead of a cutting table, a place is allocated for a brazier.

To do this, you must perform the following operations:

  • lengthen the structure starting from the bottom row;
  • make a front wall with a door for the combustion chamber;
  • equip the hob with concentric cast iron rings to adjust the power of the stove.

The top photo shows a barbecue diagram with a hob of the simplest type.


To equip the brazier with a sink, it is enough to mount a stove with a slot for the sink instead of a regular countertop, connect the water supply or increase the height of the rear stack and hang a washstand on it, as in the bottom photo.

The layout of the cold water supply (cold water supply) section is much more complicated than the set of water in the washstand. Even with seasonal operation you will need to drain the liquid for the winter, preserve the system.

Thus, the structural material brick is suitable for the manufacture of braziers in haste in the field and on suburban area. When laying on a solution, you can increase the functionality of the simplest barbecues by washing, countertops, hob or something else that you find necessary and convenient when working. Here it is important to give free rein to your imagination and not be afraid, you will definitely succeed!