How to make a well. Self-decoration of a well in a suburban area

  • 27.06.2020

Each owner of a summer cottage tries to equip the landscape in such a way that it pleases the eye. When constructing a well, it is necessary to remember the rules for designing garden structures. It must fit into the overall picture of the site. Well finishing requires creativity. For the external design of the well, brick, wood, stone can be used. You can entrust this work to professionals, or you can do everything yourself. Finishing wells in the country is usually done according to the design of the site. The subtleties of the process should be considered in more detail.

material requirements

When decorating the outer part of the well, any material can be used. The main requirement is to give the design a beautiful look. The lining material must also perform another function of protecting the well from negative influences.

There are several features of using different materials:

  • Brick is often used to decorate wells, as well as traditional wood or stone. Often when decorative design such designs are chosen by flowers.
  • If wood is used for finishing, it is better to choose harder varieties. The cladding should long time withstand exposure to bad weather and temperature changes.
  • The selected material must be wear resistant.
  • The decorative component is no less important when lining the well. The finishing material is usually painted or plastered.
  • One condition can be attributed to the main requirement - the base must have high moisture resistance.

To select the optimal material, you should understand the features of each product. Beautiful photos of decorated wells will help you choose a specific material. A lot of unusual and attractive photos of wells in the country and their finishes are presented in the article.


Finishing the well with your own hands can be done using a variety of materials. They differ in properties and installation features. Each of them deserves more detailed consideration. It is worth familiarizing yourself with different materials in more detail.


Quite often, a time-tested material - brick - is chosen for the decorative decoration of wells. Any of its varieties can be used for this purpose. The red material looks great. Such a cladding can give the well house a special originality, an unusual and attractive look. With such a cladding, a well becomes a striking design element of the site.

Silicate or ceramic bricks are perfect for decorating a house. The latter has a number of advantages:

  • distinctive strength;
  • density of the material structure;
  • variety of colors;
  • durability of operation in various conditions;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • resistance to shock and mechanical pressure.

However, this material has a serious drawback - it absorbs moisture. To lining the well from ceramic brick lasted longer, the surface should be treated special composition. Usually, hydrophobic varnish is used for such purposes. If processing is not performed, the brick will collapse over time. The brick cladding process is quite simple, but for a better understanding, you should read some instructions:

  • There are several features of wells that are made of brickwork. Do not take products with voids. A full-bodied brick is better for making a head. It can be laid on edge or flat.
  • The masonry of facing bricks is constructed round. This allows you to significantly save on material.
  • The masonry walls are 25 cm thick.
  • To make the surface more durable and resistant to various influences, it should be plastered.
  • The cladding should be ironed out, which will increase the life of the cladding. For this task, cement powder is rubbed into the plaster, which has not yet dried.

When using bricks, it is important to remember these rules.


Wood is a traditional material used for cladding many structures. Shaft finishing is one of its most common uses. With the help of such material, an interesting decorative trim. Since ancient times, wood has been chosen as the material for the head. The application of carvings to wooden elements made it possible to give such structures a special appeal.

Finishing, which is made of wood, has several features:

  • Wood cladding is very easy to do on your own. This is due to the ease of working with the material.
  • If a wooden structure is being built with your own hands, it should be remembered that such material is susceptible to moisture. For this reason, wooden elements should be dried well before finishing. After that facing material treated with a special compound. It usually contains antibacterial components.
  • Some wells made of wood are lined with clapboard or siding. However, this work will take a lot of time and will be quite laborious.

Many builders advise building a full-fledged roof over well houses that will protect them. In addition, such an element can give the design a unique look.

A rock

When choosing natural product resulting in a beautiful and stylish structure. One of the main positive qualities such products is their high wear resistance.

There are several subtleties of finishing wells using stone:

  • In the process of work, not only small pebbles, but also medium-sized cobblestones can be used.
  • If you carefully select stones by color and shape, you can get quite beautiful view well. Fastening is best done with a special glue.
  • If the stones that are selected for finishing the well shaft have different color shades, of which the original drawing is made.
  • A path of stones is often laid out to the well. This will make the landscape of the suburban area more noble.
  • A roof should be made over the mine. It is installed on supports installed in the sides.

To determine the intricacies of arranging a well using stone, you should see a photo of finished structures.


In addition to finishing various materials, the well can be decorated with flowers. If the mine is buried in bright plants, the well looks especially attractive. This decoration is easy to create with your own hands.

There are several subtleties that should be considered when planting flowers around the well:

  • Flowers decorate the territory close to the well, the foot of the mine and the roof.
  • Colorful flowers can be placed in a planter. To create an attractive appearance of the well, various pots with lush flowers should be placed at its base.
  • On the sides of the house, it is better to make several ledges in order to install flower pots on them.
  • You should use those varieties of flowers that bloom in turn.
  • Weaving plants can be planted. Over time, they will braid the well house and create an attractive design.

When facing wells with flowers, wood, cement and stone are used. Quite often, soil and pebbles are used.

Surface painting

After finishing the well, the well is plastered and painted. This stage becomes final when creating beautiful design well. Plaster is very often used when facing brickwork. The space between the middle and lower frames of the shaft is subjected to plastering.

Features of plaster:

  • For plaster, a mixture of cement is prepared. It should have a consistency close to sour cream.
  • The solution is applied only once. It should be applied from top to bottom. It is necessary to level the plaster with a trowel, and smooth it with a trowel. To get the most even and smooth surface, wooden beacons should be installed on the sides. They are usually created from slats 5-6 cm thick.
  • As soon as the first strip is plastered, the beacons should be rearranged, and then the second strip should be filled with mortar again.
  • When constructing a shaft from wood, plastering is not performed. If necessary, a metal mesh is installed on the surface. It will help hold the solution.
  • After that, the lowering of the structure is performed. In this case, be sure to follow the process.
  • At the end of the work, the bottom should be cleaned of dirt. Then the sand and gravel mixture is poured.

In addition to plaster, paint is often used. She is treated with the front of the well. Painting is done for wooden houses. In addition, wood is often varnished to reliable protection from external influences. Additionally used different colors to create a specific drawing. Shafts with several parts painted in different colors look very attractive.

Which method is more suitable for creating a well lining? Everyone answers this question based on their preferences and capabilities. Someone loves antique wells. In this case, wooden elements should be chosen for cladding. To create a more durable structure, you will need brick or stone.

If the decision on finishing the well has not yet been made, you should decide on design preferences. There are several attractive ideas worth looking at. Each of them has certain features that must be considered.

Chalet-style well

While creating country house in the style of a chalet, it is better to choose this style when decorating a well. Such structures are usually erected in Switzerland. The decoration is usually made of stone. It is better to pave the path to the well. Before starting work, you should view several photos of such structures.

Country style

The appearance of a classic Russian well is familiar to everyone. It is made from logs. The main details include the rotator. It is worth familiarizing yourself with several characteristics of rustic-style wells:

  • The log house has a log structure. It should have four corners and linking corners.
  • To give the structure an original look, sometimes it is cut into five or more corners. To build such a head, you will need to use a rounded log. Such material allows you to build the most accurate structure.
  • A log house is often arranged around the ring. Expanded clay is used to fill free space.

To create a real rustic style, the design should be supplemented with various ethnic elements:

  • threaded columns;
  • rustic water tub;
  • openwork cornice;
  • straw roofing.

Such elements allow you to build an original well, which will decorate the site.

East style

When choosing an oriental style, they usually rely on the appearance of the house. If clearance various designs coincides on the site, you can use just this method of finishing. Such a structure should be covered with a canopy. The eastern well is decorated with various figurines and amulets.

A well on the site guarantees the availability of water for irrigation and cooking. Beautifully designed, it becomes not just a useful building, but also part of the landscape design.

material requirements

Decorative can be made in various materials. The main thing is that they are practical, give the building a beautiful look and retain its functionality if the tank is used as a source of moisture.

The materials that make up the well are subject to standard requirements, the main of which are minimal susceptibility to moisture and wear resistance. If desired, you can decorate a tank filled with water, not only with natural, but also with artificial materials, if their use allows you to fit the building into the surrounding landscape.

Types of finishing the well in the country

The choice of finishing option depends on the idea that the owner of the site wants to implement.


Ceramic brick is a universal building and decorative material that can be used for facing an already finished concrete head or building a new one. The brick differs in the high durability, resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences, attractive appearance.

Brick well.

If, when designing a water tank from concrete rings resort to decorating with brickwork, such a design will retain its integrity and attractiveness for decades.

The only drawback of a brick that matters when arranging a well is its ability to absorb moisture. Waterlogged brick becomes fragile and quickly collapses, so structures where it regularly comes into contact with water must be coated with hydrophobic varnish.


If the house in the country is built of wood, then it is advisable to use the same material to decorate the well. Although wood is sensitive to moisture, when coated with a protective compound or paint, it will last for many years.

A well-complemented country landscape is a water tank, the decoration of which is stylized as a village well. The lower part of the building in this case is made of rounded logs, which makes it possible to disguise even rings of concrete. A small roof is installed over the well, which will protect the reservoir from sunlight. Wooden structural elements can be decorated with carvings or paintings.

A rock

Arrangement country well with the use of stone guarantees its long service life. stone construction not only durable, but also beautiful. At the same time, you can use different kinds material - from small river pebbles to cobblestones, sandstone or jasper. Additionally, succulents, decorative mosses and flowers will help to ennoble a decorative well lined with stone.

Stone well.

Replace a natural stone can be its artificial counterparts. Their color palette and variety of textures allows you to simulate and architectural features alpine villages, and the minimalism of oriental gardens. From stones of different shades, you can lay out an ornament that will be continued in the decor of other garden objects. To obtain a durable structure, it is necessary to use special glue for laying the stone.


The design of the well can be emphasized simple and even rough. A good addition to this design solution there will be flowers. Can be used ornamental plants already planted in the garden by placing them in tubs at the base of the well and hanging planters. For experiments with color and shape, it is advisable to use flowers in containers. They can be changed throughout the season, completely changing the appearance of the well or adding new color accents to it.

Decorative well, decorated with bright flowers.

Plastering and painting

You can plaster and paint both the concrete rings of the water tank and brickwork if it has lost its attractiveness and needs updating. For plastering the well from the outside, it is used cement mortar with liquid consistency. It must be applied in 1 layer from bottom to top.

If the base is not strong enough or made of wood, it must be covered with a metal mesh that will hold the mortar layer. A primer is applied over the plaster, after which the surface can be painted in any color, patterns can be applied.

What material is better to choose

There is no universal answer to the question of which material is more suitable for decorating a well. If the tank is located near the house, it should be combined with its style and, if possible, decorated with similar materials. The design of the well can continue the ideas of landscaping the site or, on the contrary, become a bright accent among the greenery of the site. It all depends on the tastes of the owner of the site and its capabilities.

When a well is used as a reservoir for receiving water, ideas for decorating it should not limit the functionality of this building. If the design is decorative, the number of design options increases. For example, it can be richly decorated with flowers.

Well complement the well ampelous or climbing plants, as well as a combination of decorative green and abundant flowering plantings. If you choose plants with different flowering periods for decoration, then the well from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn will be buried in flowers.

Chalet style

For the design of wells and wells on the site, the chalet style is often used. Came to Russia from the mountainous regions of the Alps, it has become widespread. The chalet style is characterized by the use a large number rough natural stone of various sizes. The stone is reinforced with concrete mortar, which holds large cobblestones well. You can complement the stone base with a wooden roof, like rustic-style water tanks.

Chalet style well.

A chalet-style well goes well with buildings in the same style, coniferous plantings, flower beds.

Country style

When the appearance of the house and the design of the summer cottage allow you to turn to Russian traditions, you can design a well in a rustic style. The main material when using this style is wood. The head of the tank is made from a single log in the form of a small frame with 4 or 6 corners. The pillars and roof structure are also made of wood. The roof can be covered with the same material as the roof of the house, or decorated with straw, tiles, shingles.

Additional decoration wooden elements will be carving or painting. The area around the water source can be laid out with stone, placing a wooden bench and carved sculptures next to it, planting flowers.

Oriental style

Oriental, Chinese or Japanese style in landscape design stands out for its harmony and minimum of details. If the summer cottage resembles a rock garden, then an oriental-style well will be a good addition to such a landscape. The source of water in Asian culture is a cult object, because water fills a person with pure energy and vitality.

Well design in Japanese style.

An unusual detail of the Oriental-style well is its roof with raised edges, such as pagodas have. In this case, the head of the tank can be decorated with both stone and wood. The main thing is the use of natural materials for its decor.

Building a house

Maximum protection of water in the well is provided by special well houses, which are mounted above the head. Most often made of wood, such structures can be seen today in many Russian villages, although there they perform not a decorative, but a practical function.

Installation of this design allows you to protect the water from debris entering it, accidental falling into the well of animals, small cattle or children. If you approach the creation of a house creatively, the building can be beautifully decorated with carvings and forged elements.

Creating a house is necessary if the tank is in operation all year round. Being closed inside such a structure, the water in the source does not freeze when negative temperatures. The sloping roof of the well house is convenient to clean from snow.

The design of the house can be any. In some cases, a small frame is placed, which is closed with a roof. Also, the house can be sheathed wooden clapboard or a board, using carved elements as decoration.

It is difficult to imagine a Russian court without such an element as a well. The power of tradition turned out to be so strong that even the achievements modern technologies could not defeat them, and until now it can often be found in villages and suburban areas. Therefore, in this case, the design of the well with your own hands or with the help of a designer comes to the fore.

Wooden structures

Wells made of natural wood. They are well complemented by built-on houses with various carved figures of birds and animals.

If you plant flowers nearby, install a bench, a barrel, part of a wicker fence, a stylized cart and a windmill, you can create a special atmosphere that will emphasize the individuality of the site. For some, this is not a complicated design of wells, but someone believes that he cannot cope with this.

Very often, such superstructures are made resembling a round, tetrahedral or hexagonal frame. The walls are lined with cobblestones, bricks or sheathed with planed boards, and the building is crowned with a gable roof.

The upper element of the house is often made in the form of a tent. The coating can be made of wood, shingles, polycarbonate or even straw.

Tip: if you want all buildings to be as consistent as possible in the same key, make the roof similar in design to the one installed on a residential building using the same roofing material.

How to make jewelry functional

  1. Fix a tight cover above the water, which protects the mine from debris, and will also become a kind of insulator from hot sunlight.
  2. Complete the composition with a bobbin with a chain and a bucket, which can be not only a decorative element, but also quite functional in case of a power outage.
  3. Structures will look interesting and beautiful on the site, all elements of which have lace carvings, woven mesh elements.
  4. If you plant climbing plants nearby, such as clematis, roses, ivy, grapes, which will act not only as decorations, but also complement landscape design objects, creating an original decor effect and turning it into a shaded recreation area.

You know how to beautifully design a well in a different style, why not use brickwork, concrete or forged structures. But, in any case, decorating a country well will not be a boring pastime and will allow you to show your abilities, as well as a sense of style.

Well made of concrete rings

Quite often, for decoration or in the form of the main part of the well, they use wooden beam. However, not everyone can afford to buy such construction material, therefore, instructions will be given below on how to arrange a well from concrete rings at minimal cost.

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare tools and materials so that the work does not stop:

  • a solution of sand with cement up to 4 buckets;
  • 0.5 l of pastel color paint;
  • Master OK;
  • tassel;
  • container for cement-sand mixture;
  • putty knife;
  • natural stones are small, but about the same size.

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  1. Mix the solution with your own hands or use a concrete mixer.
  2. Then apply the entire mortar evenly on the upper concrete ring, making sure that the layer is the same everywhere.
  3. Take a spatula and level the walls, and then wait until the mortar begins to set slightly.
  4. Proceed directly to the design of the source, for which, decorate the bottom by about 1/3 with natural pebbles, pressing them into the solution with little effort. For the top, use turnkey solution or do something your own like decorate it flat natural stone.
  5. Check out the remaining 2/3 concrete well brick pattern:
  • draw bricks with a sliver on a slightly hardening mortar, if they do not suit you, you can make rings using the neck of a glass jar;
  • leave the composition for 24 hours, when the pattern is ready, so that the solution "grabs";
  • take a brush and paint and paint the bricks. The brush can be replaced with an ordinary sponge, which is more convenient for staining.

On this, the process of decorating a concrete well with your own hands can be considered complete. From the foregoing, it became clear that it is quite light, the price of the project is minimal, and even a beginner in the construction craft can cope with such work. If you have children, invite them to participate in this with you, they will definitely like it.

Tip: Don't use bright colors like green or pink or the well will look ridiculous. It is better to give preference to calmer shades.


Having created an exclusively designed country well, it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness. Therefore, the work is not yet finished, as many may have decided.

It requires the same care as other structures, even if you just closed it.

  1. Thermal pollution occurs due to various factors, including freezing and thawing of the soil, the action of fertilizers, etc.
  2. Car - so do not park it next to the well, as washing it can cause contamination of the source. Also do not carry out close oil changes, oil products cannot be weathered.
  3. The street toilet is fraught with no small danger. Install it as far as possible from a drinking source.

  1. Sewerage causes the greatest harm, as effluents from washing machine and bathroom (baths). They contain a sufficient amount of synthetic substances that can pollute the water.
  2. Do not wash, much less take a shower near the well.
  3. Protect a 3-6 meter area around the perimeter from animals.


Making a country well is a way not only to make it beautiful, but also to add functionality to it. For decoration, you can use different materials, the main thing is that they do not harm drinking water. In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Since ancient times, wells have adorned house adjoining plots. But if earlier they performed a utilitarian function - they served as sources of water, now it is more decorative element landscape design. Designers' recommendations will help to decorate the well beautifully and harmoniously fit it into the style of the site.


The design of the well must meet certain requirements. Firstly, it must be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and the exterior style of a residential building, and secondly, if it is used for its intended purpose, as a source of water, it must be protected from possible ingress of sewage, precipitation and other contaminants. Finishing can be done with stone, wood, brick, flowers. In the end, the well can simply be plastered or painted.

If the well is planned to be decorated with wood, then it is better to choose hard rocks who are not afraid of negative influences environment. In any case, the selected material must be wear-resistant, insensitive to temperature extremes, precipitation. If, after finishing, it is plastered or painted, the service life will increase, and it will retain an attractive appearance longer. You can build a house over the well itself - this will additionally decorate it and protect it from precipitation.

The location of the well must also be chosen in accordance with some rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine how high-quality the soil is in this area, what is its composition, since all possible sources of pollution should be no closer than 30 m from the future well.


You can make a key, shaft or tube well.

  • First type, key, is the simplest and most economical option. It is possible if there is a natural source on the site. drinking water- key. Above it, a structure is erected. At the same time, you need to remove upper layer soil - soil (10-20 cm).
  • The second option is a mine well- suitable if the water does not come to the surface of the earth, but lies shallow - up to 25 meters. When building such a well, it is necessary to take into account the volumes of incoming water and correlate them with the needs of the family. This is necessary to avoid stagnant water.
  • tubular well resembles an artesian version. With its device, a pipe with a diameter of 25-45 mm is used, which has a sieve-like tip for filtering water.


When constructing a well, you must first determine the task that it will perform. If it is just a decorative element of the landscape, then the list of works will be reduced to three points: choosing a place, in fact, installation and finishing. If the well will serve as a source of water in the summer cottage, then its construction will require more time. In addition, the well can also serve as a drainage structure that will drain excess water.

In the last two cases, first of all, you need to study the features of the soil on the site, water depth (if not public keys) and determine the type of structure. After that, you can proceed directly to the installation. Pre-drawn drawings can facilitate the task, which will display all the necessary data - depth, diameter, selected type, materials used in construction. It is a good idea to provide this plan with sketches - they will help to visualize how the well will look like, whether it will fit into the existing landscape.

The drafting of the project can be entrusted to professionals. But its independent creation will not take much time and effort.


You can decorate the well with various materials - this will not affect its functionality, but it can give a certain look. For example, stone will help create designs in the style of a Swiss chalet or the Middle Ages. Unusual view of this material, both natural and artificial, makes a special impression. Decorated with plants and flowers, it will resemble medieval buildings and create the appropriate mood.

When finishing with wood, you need to remember about the sensitivity of this material to moisture. It will either need to be covered protective compounds, or paint, otherwise it will not last long. The building in the spirit of a village well looks beautiful. It can be chopped, equipped with a brace - a crane.

Such a structure is most often made of rounded logs in the form of a quadrangle. You can close a concrete ring with a tree, and pour pebbles or small expanded clay between them - this technique will decorate the structure and protect the tree from water.

To recreate a truly rustic atmosphere, the well can be provided with a roof covered with shingles or thatch, roof racks covered with beautiful carvings, a cart wheel instead of a handle, and a wooden bucket instead of a bucket. It must be of high quality, not let water through and not spoil its taste. Tiled designs can be made in a modern or mediterranean style. AT last version it is important to choose the right color scheme- it is most often a combination of blue and white. You can add bright accents, for example, yellow.

If concrete rings were used in the construction of the well, they can be plastered, painted or covered with siding. For painting, you need a paint that tolerates moisture and the environment well.

If the well is decorative, then you can decorate it with fresh flowers. Getting water through thickets of plants will not be very convenient, and as a decor, this option will look very nice. You can use ampelous (curly) species, ornamental or flowering. And you can create a spectacular composition by combining several types of plants in such a way that throughout the season the well is buried in beautiful vegetation. It is good if the flowering period for them will come in turn - some have faded, others will bloom.

The space around the well should also not be overlooked - it should harmoniously combine the structure with the rest of the landscape, create a single composition. Depending on the finish of the well itself, the adjacent territory can be decorated with flowers, plants, laid out with tiles, stone, paving stones, covered with sand. Paved or sandy paths leading to the well will look good - then it will become the compositional center of the entire site.

How to finish?

The arrangement of a well in a country house includes several stages, and finishing is the last of them. First of all, the place where it will be located, the type of its device and the method of water supply (if the well is aquiferous, not decorative) is selected.

It can be equipped with a gate or a so-called crane - a lever for lifting water. In the first version, the rope on which the bucket is tied is attached to the collar and, winding it around the collar, raises water from the bottom.

Head - the upper, protruding element of concrete rings or a log house - can be open or closed with a house.

To build a house over a well, you need to stock up:

  • edged board 100x25 mm;
  • wooden beam 100x80 mm;
  • door hinges;
  • bitumen or ruberoid mastic;
  • flat slate;

  • self-tapping screws, nails;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • planer;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • water level;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil.

Below is the sequence of work.

  1. First of all, the ground near the mine is leveled and covered with 5 cm of pebbles, watered with water, well tamped.
  2. Then they begin to assemble the frame - boards are used for this. Racks are taken out on a level place, boards are nailed to them, which will serve as the upper and lower trim of the frame. Fix boards with screws. Connect the rest of the racks.
  3. The assembled frame is installed around the well and the assembly is completed.
  4. Then proceed to rafter system. After the rafters are combined, the entire structure is assembled into one.
  5. The next step is the door. It is made in the roof of the house, hanging on hinges.
  6. When everything is ready, go to the crate. Via bituminous mastic roofing material is fixed, after that - flat slate.
  7. At the end, the whole structure is sewn up with boards - the house is ready.

All this can be easily done by hand. The help of professionals may be needed only when directly digging a well or drilling a well, as well as when installing concrete rings.

Here, too, there are some nuances. For example, a vibroform is often used to make well rings. It is better to choose just such products - they have increased wear resistance and durability, they tolerate vibrations more easily.

Then it remains only to decorate the well from the outside so that it looks attractive and harmonizes not only with the landscape, but also with other buildings.

Now wells rarely fulfill their original function - water supply. Most often they serve simply as a decorative element of the site. In this case, their design depends only on the taste of the owners. An experienced designer, of course, will help create a unique object that will please the eye, but this may require a lot of money. Homemade wells are in no way inferior to the work of experienced professionals.

First of all, you need to decide on the style of the future structure, because the choice of material will depend on this.

Rustic style is, of course, wood. In this case, any natural materials at hand are well suited - straw, dry grass, live plants, wood. Carving, cornices on the roof above the well, clay pots and a bucket, as an alternative to an iron bucket, will look harmonious.

A concrete well can be plastered, painted and painted. Plant motifs, images of flowers, animals are well suited.

Main criterion when choosing materials - their resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. They must tolerate all these influences well and retain their original appearance.

In addition, do not forget about the contents of the well.

On the summer cottages, where the central water supply is a rarity, the main source of water is an ordinary well. And since it is usually built in plain sight, becoming a noticeable element in the country landscape, you want the building to look harmonious against the general background. It is easy to decorate and give the design an aesthetic look. The main thing is to decide on the style and materials, because the design of the well in the country should be based on the design of other buildings and the site itself.

Russian well

This type is a shaft from which water is raised to the surface using a drum fixed on pillars. A chain with a bucket is attached to it, and on the side there is a handle for winding and unwinding the chain.

Shaduf construction

Shaduf is a less common type of well, although in past centuries it was in almost every Russian courtyard. It is used in summer cottages, where ground water are close to the ground. It is a shallow mine, from which water is obtained with the help of a crane. Abyssinian wells are very rare in dachas.

rustic well design

Before you arrange a well in the country, figure out what you will complete it with: with the design of the house or the style of the site. It happens that the owners will build a wooden dacha in the Russian style, and the landscape will be created in the Japanese style. In this case, start from the location of the well: if it is close to the house, create a design similar to the main building. If hidden in the garden, then "fit" it into the overall picture of the landscape.

In rustic styles, wood and stone are traditional materials, so it is logical to add them to the design of the well. So, the head (the part of the well that is above ground level) can be made from a single log in the form of a canopy or a house. A quadrangular or hexagonal design is well suited to simulate a log house. In canopies, only the lower part and racks can be wooden, and on the roof it is better to use the material that covers the cottage.

The head of the well in the form of a log house is most conveniently made in a quadrangular shape

If a country house made in the form of a Russian tower or a hut with carved shutters, then the well can be given a fabulous look by making racks from dried and bark-free trunks, and next to it on a bench, seating a cat carved from wood, a bear and even Baba Yaga.

The figures give the well a mysterious look, and they can not only be placed on the head, but also seated near the structure

Around the head, you can lay out a platform of cobblestone and plant “village” flowers in a circle: petunias, marigolds, zinnias.

If the cottage is built in the style of a chalet, then there should be more stone in the decoration. In this case, the head is decorated with a round cobblestone, pouring concrete around it in a circle.

For alpine style the chalet is characterized by buildings in two tiers: the lower one is made of stone, the upper one is made of wood

Decoration of the well in the oriental (Japanese-Chinese) style

Oriental styles are often found in summer cottages, because the harmony and minimalism of landscapes are very appealing to outdoor recreation. A rock garden, a dry stream, fountains and waterfalls, Chinese lanterns… Is there a place for a well in such an environment? Yes, and the well in Eastern cultures plays an important role as a custodian of an energy source that feeds human forces with its purity and transparency.

Dragons and a peculiar roof - distinctive features Chinese culture

The Japanese are very sensitive to water, so a Japanese-style well necessarily provides a canopy that protects the life-giving moisture from dust, leaves and the "evil eye". In the Chinese style, figures of mythical creatures are welcome to guard the well.

Materials in oriental styles are only natural: wood, large stones. The roof has a peculiar shape, raised at the edges, and most often gets off soft tiles repeating the bends of the roof structure.

Minimalism and the presence of large stones are indispensable attributes of the Japanese style.

Include plants in the design of a country well in an oriental way. They should be evergreen and mostly coniferous. Highly good option- mountain pine, juniper, different varieties of thuja.

Material on the use of coniferous compositions in garden landscape design will also be useful:

Use of modern materials in decoration

If the cottage is decorated with siding, decorative plaster and others modern materials, then it makes no sense to create an old well, because it will not fit into the overall landscape. In this case, bring modernity here too, by tiling the concrete ring of the head with tiles, and making the roof from a polycarbonate sheet. Iron racks are suitable, with hand forged elements, and if there is no blacksmith nearby, then you can lay them out of red brick.

A polycarbonate roof will look harmonious against a canopy or carport made of the same material.

Image wells for any landscape

Very often in summer cottages you can see image wells that do not have a pronounced style, therefore they are suitable for any landscape.

sea ​​well

Such a well is very appropriate next to the bathhouse. The basis for the racks and the roof can be a tree, but it must be braided with twine or a thin rope. The head is made of wood, which is artificially aged to give the appearance of the remains of a ship battered by the seas. Anchors, figures of sea animals are nailed on top of the boards, shells are hung. The bucket is replaced with a beer barrel, and the handle is turned into a steering wheel.

The shape of a beer barrel is a good option for a well located near the bath


It is usually made of wood, in the form of a windmill with four blades. Some craftsmen manage to make the blades move in a big wind. The window inside the head, where the bucket is hidden, is placed on the back side, and the structure itself is turned with blades towards the central path of the cottage.

The mill-shaped well is usually turned front side to the busiest part of the site

The shape of a miniature house, laid out of stone and covered with cheerful bright tiles, looks good in the barbecue area. It complements the composition created by the stove, barbecue, and other attributes. have a nice rest. In addition, it is convenient to have drinking water near the cooking place.

Near the stone well-house you can “settle” cheerful gnomes

Thinking about how to decorate a well beautifully, you should not rush in search of expensive materials. Use what's left of the main building.

  • A bag of cement has been preserved - plaster the concrete ring and cut out a brick pattern using the wet mortar. When everything is dry, paint it with red-brown paint, and you will get an antique medieval well.
  • Remained ceramic tile- break it into pieces and decorate the head with a mosaic in a circle, and the area around the well with a broken brick or a flat sharp-angled stone. Get interesting eclecticism.

If some side of the well did not work out too well for you, cover it flowering shrub or tall plants (cannes, weaving roses, etc.). Do not be afraid to fantasize, because each well is beautiful because it is individual.