How to find water on your land. How to find water in a summer cottage for digging a well A well in the country how to find water

  • 13.06.2019

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Water is the foundation life force human, animal, plant, along with food and air. Every day, humanity uses tons of this priceless substance for various needs. Today it is very important to find sources of clean water.

The best and most reliable source is a well. It will help solve the problem of water supply to the house and the site. Wells are especially in demand among owners of private houses. However, each site owner asks a number of questions before starting the construction of a well. How to find a suitable place for a well on the site? How deep should the well be? How to understand where to dig a well on the site?

Today the problem of finding water for the well is solved! There are many ways by which it is very easy to determine exactly where on the site groundwater flows. It is worth noting that any owner will be able to cope with this matter, however, an error in the search can lead to financial losses - the well will not give water, and you will have to dig a new one. It may be worth considering inviting a specialist to find the right place. However, this can be quite costly, so the preferred option for many is finding water on your own. How to find a spring for a well?

So, as for the search for an aquifer. Only when you find it can you be sure that the location for the source is found correctly. But the question arises: how to determine where to dig a well? The answer is very simple. Everyone who is going to build a well must know at what depth the spring should be located.

Well spring depth

Searching for the location of water for a future source , you can discover the lake which is close to the surface. And the depth of such a lake can vary from 2.5 meters. The water in it is called perch. And such a source is not suitable for a well, because it accumulates precipitation, melting snow, dirt and harmful substances that cause devastating harm to human health.

Still, for a good and high-quality well, drinking water is needed from lakes located at least 15 m deep into the earth. It is important to note that it is easy to find groundwater at no significant cost.

There are several methods for finding water:

  1. Observing the behavior of animals, insects and plants
  2. With desiccant
  3. Condensate detection
  4. With plant forks or aluminum frame
  5. Meteorological
  6. Drilling

Now let's look at each of the methods separately.

Behavior of animals, insects and plants

For example, you can find an aquifer, with using folk methods. In this case, watching a horse or dog in dry weather can help you. The horse can beat the hoof on the ground in search of moisture. Any dog, trying to escape from the heat, digs a hole and lies down in it. Dogs try to find the coolest area. And such a location can only be located next to the sources groundwater. These animals have the ability to sense the proximity of underground springs.

And the last helpers in search of water - common mosquito. These insects live in places where the humidity is high. Interesting fact that insects gather in one specific area. And this can only mean one thing - the water is very close.

An important role in determining a good location for a spring in the country can be played by weather conditions and plants. For example, fog can indicate where on the site there are more high level humidity. It is worth noting that the more saturated the fog, the closer underground water sources flow. Sedge, birch, coltsfoot can become your assistants. These plants will tell you the close location of underground currents. In search of water on the territory, devices will help you various kinds which you can easily build yourself.


To look for sources dehumidifiers can be used. For example, a sorbent or an ordinary red brick, which usually breaks into many small pieces. Then these parts must be placed in a pot made of clay and weighed. Next, place in dry ground to a depth of 0.5 meters. After 24 hours, the pot must be dug up and weighed again. Determination of the difference during re-weighing makes it possible to establish the close location of underground sources.

Condensate detection

There is another great way to locate an aquifer. And this the simplest glass jars. It is important that the sizes of the cans are identical. At dawn, the device must be stuck into the soil at intervals of 5 meters. After a day, it is necessary to turn the vessels over and look at the condensate. In place of the vessel with the largest amount of condensate, most likely, groundwater flows.

Finding water with a frame

However, in addition to folk methods, there are many modern and more accurate ones. And people prefer to look for springs using more modern methods, which, for example, include the method of searching for groundwater using dowsing, which is embodied in reality with the help of forks made from natural raw materials, an aluminum frame, and the like. A very interesting method is to use a willow fork or vine. To try this method, find a branch with two knots. Then cut and dry it, take the ends of the branch in both hands and boldly proceed to the search process. It is important that the stem is directed upwards. If it begins to tend to the ground, then the most suitable place for the future well has been found.

Another very effective method is the use of an aluminum frame.

Scheme of manufacturing and operation of the frame:

  1. In order to make this device, you will need 2 pieces of aluminum wire, about 35 centimeters long, on which you need to bend the segments at a right angle.
  2. The bent segments are taken in such a way that the remaining parts are parallel to the soil. If the ends of the wire begin to cross and twist, then this means that groundwater sources are located close enough. And this place is the most suitable for your well.


And also exists meteorological method which is one of the most successful. In eighty percent of the cases, he accurately points to an underground source. The method is observation. If, after a hot day, the soil in the territory is wet, it means that there is a location of groundwater.


One of the most accurate methods for finding water on the site can be distinguished. This is exploration drilling. Exploratory drilling is one of the most accurate methods, but at the same time one of the most time-consuming. Using this method, it is possible to establish the depth of underground sources by 100 percent. You can also resort to the barometric method, which allows you to accurately know the depth of groundwater. The effectiveness of this method is 85 percent.

And finally, to make searching as easy as possible, you can use geological maps and groundwater maps. Of course, such maps will not point you to the right location for a roving, partly because environmental conditions are constantly changing, but they can only indicate the approximate location of the spring, its depth and the amount of water in it. The accuracy of such maps is approximately 15-30 percent.

A combination of several methods can significantly increase the chances of finding a suitable location quickly. Is it justified that for an accurate search for the location of groundwater, it would be best to invite a professional specialist in this field who knows exactly how to find a spring on the site? Of course, you can rely on your experience and luck, or you can entrust the search to a professional, the choice is yours alone.

Have your own water source suburban area- this is often not a luxury, but a necessity. After all, there is no central water supply outside the city. And it is impossible to care for a garden and run a household without water.

Therefore, many owners of private houses decide to equip their own well. But first you need to find a place on the site that is rich in high-quality underground water. And only after that you can think about how to create.

Aquifer depth

Underground water is closed between two water-resistant layers, which most often consist of clay and do not run smoothly, but with bends. In such irregularities, water-bearing deep lakes are formed. If the bend is significant, then the water may be close to the surface. This is a top water, which is not suitable for arranging a well for two reasons:

  • its volume is highly dependent on atmospheric conditions, that is, the well will quickly dry out during drought;
  • surface pollutants, including pathogenic microorganisms, easily penetrate into such water.

The best for a well is considered underground water, passing at a depth of about 10-15 m, since it is not so difficult to get to it, while it does not experience the intense influence of weather conditions and pollutants. The latter is explained by the natural purification of water when passing through layers of sand.

The arrangement of a water source of such depth is a laborious and costly business.

Therefore, it is so important to accurately determine the place for the well on the site.

Ways to find water

Even our ancestors were looking for water for the well, which was a common drinking source. Then, to determine the aquifer, several methods were used that are still used today:

  • examination of the vegetation cover in order to search for moisture-loving plants (horsetail, willow, alder, birch, etc.);
  • the study of weather phenomena (fog falls over aquifers);
  • observing the behavior of animals (midges are circling over a water-rich horizon, dogs make recesses for themselves in hot weather, horses beat their hooves to find a drink).

But such methods for determining the aquifer are not particularly accurate. There are three methods that are most effective:

  • barometric;
  • with the use of water-absorbing material;
  • test drilling.

Let us dwell in more detail on the description of each of them.

Barometric method for finding water for a well

Determining the depth of an aquifer using a barometer is possible in places where there is a lake, pond or river nearby. It was found that a difference of 1 mm Hg corresponds to a water drop of 13 meters.

Step-by-step instruction to the barometric method is as follows:

  1. First, atmospheric pressure is measured while standing next to a stream or body of water.
  2. Then measurements are carried out in the place where it is planned to equip the well.
  3. The pressure difference determines the point of passage of underground water. If this value is about 1 mm, then the aquifer is located at a depth of about 13 m.
The advantage of this method is the possibility of an approximate determination of the depth of water and ease of execution.

But to use it, it is necessary that there is a river, a lake, etc. nearby, and you also need a barometer, which not everyone has at hand.

Silica gel for indication of aquifer

The use of desiccants to find water for a well is not new. Traditionally, brick fragments were taken for this technique. Nowadays, silica gel is increasingly used - a granular material that can absorb liquid well.

  1. The granules are dried in an oven.
  2. Place the silica gel in an unglazed clay pot.
  3. The vessel is weighed and wrapped in a cloth, such as gauze.
  4. In dry weather, they dig a hole 0.5 m deep and bury the resulting bundle in it.
  5. A day later, they dig out the pot, and weigh it, freeing it from the fabric first. If the difference between the initial and final weight is significant, then water is close.
It is better to prepare several pots and dig holes for them in different parts of the site.

The advantage of this technique is accessibility, because silica gel can be replaced, for example, with brick fragments.

But he also has disadvantages:

  • laboriousness;
  • the impossibility of even an approximate determination of the depth of water.

An important condition for the use of desiccant agents is reconnaissance at least two days after rain.

Test drilling

Exploration can be carried out using a conventional garden drill, providing for the possibility of building a handle. After all, you will have to go deep by about 10 meters before the appearance of an aquifer.

This is the most accurate method that allows you to determine the presence of water and the depth of the horizon with water. But it also requires maximum effort among all methods of reconnaissance.

To determine the location of the well, it is better to use several methods and explore different corners site, and where the presence of water is most likely to conduct reconnaissance with a drill.

When choosing the location of a drinking source, it is also important to consider that you cannot build a well near sources of pollution, for example, compost heaps, country toilets etc. After the construction of the well is completed, it must be equipped.

Find water and correctly identify optimal location for the location of a well or for a well of any type in a garden plot in several ways. To correctly find the aquifer in the soil, both technical and proven over the years are used folk remedies.

How deep can drinking water be?

The most dense and slightly permeable layers that are contained on suburban area, alternate with loose and porous soil. A horizontally located waterproof layer, which is located at a sufficient depth, directly underground - an aquiclude made of oily clay, and the main aquifer with the accumulation of water in a usable amount is located somewhat lower.

In order to choose the optimal depth at which suitable groundwater passes and to correctly search for an aquifer, some natural factors must be taken into account, since there are many aquifers, and their depth, the quantity and fullness directly depend on the features of the geological structure:

  • groundwater lies above a water bed close to the surface;
  • above individual aquicludes, perched water can accumulate, on which it is best to dig Abyssinian wells;
  • in the territory of the Central part of our country, groundwater is most often located with a depth of 5-40 m;
  • groundwater is most often of poor quality and is characterized as unsuitable for food purposes;
  • between the aquicludes, at a depth of 15-60 m, there is an aquifer of interstratal waters with sufficiently high quality characteristics and insignificant seasonal fluctuations in filling;
  • the main variety of interstratal waters is represented by artesian water-saturated layers at a depth of 50 meters and is distinguished by a constant filling level and high quality.

Of course, the highest quality drinking water can be obtained from the purest artesian sources, but when digging such sources, one must count on high monetary costs. Ground water, especially perch water, is not the best source of water supply, therefore, in order to improve the organoleptic properties of such water, it will be necessary to use a filtration system.

It is also important to remember that the maximum depth of the well from concrete rings are about fifty meters, since at high rates, jamming of the structure with large soil stones can be observed. Thus, it is possible to determine the optimal depth of the water supply source, taking into account the technical capabilities, soil structure and qualifications of the contractor.

How to find water on the site using frames (video)

The best ways to find water in the garden

To search for a place for arranging an aquifer with your own hands, very much experience is not required. In this case, it may come to the rescue folk method or simple technical devices made independently.

How to find water with copper wire

With the help of copper wire, water-bearing veins are searched quite often. Such a dowsing frame is an L-shaped bent wire with a side length of 25 and 15 cm. For free rotation in the hand, the short ends of the wire must be inserted into wooden tubes. When above the aquifer, the frames rotated 180 degrees close, which allows not only to determine the location of groundwater, but also their boundaries.

Plant Tips

In the presence of a close occurrence of water, the vegetation has a brighter color and juicy appearance. The main natural landmarks are willow, willow and wild sorrel, which most often grow above the water vein. It is also possible to assume the depth of the aquifer according to the following vegetation:

  • cattail - up to a meter;
  • reeds sandy and black poplar - up to three meters;
  • sucker and reed - up to three to five meters;
  • wormwood paniculata - up to seven meters;
  • whose brilliant - up to eight meters.
  • naked licorice, sandy wormwood and yellow alfalfa - up to ten meters.

The use of willow vine

The finder should hold the ends of the slingshot with the index fingers under the branches. In the process of slowly bypassing the site, the upper part of the slingshot barely noticeably leans down or rises a few millimeters up, which indicates the presence of an underground water vein.

exploration drilling

Exploration of soil for water is one of the most promising methods for obtaining reliable information about the presence of an aquifer. Exploratory drilling is carried out using compact drilling rigs or using a hand drill. Among other things, it is possible to preserve landscape coverage and maximize a short time to obtain data not only on the depth of water occurrence, but also to study the structure of the soil in the place of the planned water supply source.

Observations of weather and animal behavior

A thirsty horse beats with its hoof, and a dog digs the ground with its paws over a source of water. The chicken will not lay in damp places, but the goose is looking for wet places for laying eggs. Also, the presence of high-lying water can be indicated by accumulations of mosquitoes and midges after sunset, thick fog and very abundant morning dew both on grass and on objects.

Finding water for a well (video)

How to determine the quality of water

Soil and groundwater on the territory of our country in in large numbers polluted with waste, which cannot but affect the quality of water extracted from wells and wells. To protect your health, it is imperative to check the liquid from the source of water supply . At home, testing a taken sample is performed as follows:

  • heat a liter of water to a temperature of 20 ° C and check for the absence of taste and smell;
  • with absence bad smell the liquid is heated to 60 ° C, after which a check similar to the first test is carried out.
  • clean, odorless and tasteless water should not have even slight staining and turbidity, and a drop of water applied to glass should not leave streaks after drying;
  • the degree of hardness is checked by boiling water and assessing the amount of sediment. The presence of a dark gray color of the sediment indicates an excess amount of iron oxides in the water. The presence of a light yellow precipitate allows us to conclude that there is a significant amount of calcium salts and various oxides.

If there are the slightest deviations from the norm, then it is advisable to order a chemical, bacteriological and microbiological examination of the sample in the laboratory. It is important to note that samples from ground water slightly hazy, due to saturation with iron oxide and salts. Transparency indicators in laboratory conditions are determined by a colorimeter.

Criteria for choosing a location for drilling a well and digging a well when several sources are found

On the territory of the Moscow region, publicly available water reserves are at the level of the first limestone. As a rule, in the southeast, the layer lies at a depth of 30–70 meters, and in the north and northwest, already within 70–100 m. check, the well will be shut down, and a fairly large fine will be imposed on the owner, since such sources of water supply require the execution of special documents.

To get quality drinking water in large volumes, it is necessary to draw up a package of documentation and coordinate actions with Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations:

  • appeal to regional ministry natural resources for considering the possibility of drilling an artesian well;
  • departure to the site of the proposed drilling of the commission, which includes hydrogeologists and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • if there is a positive answer in the conclusion, a license is issued in accordance with the law "On Subsoil" in the presence of a certificate for the right to use land plot land, a cadastral plan and a master plan for subsequent development with the location of the proposed source of water supply and the sanitary protection zone.

To obtain a license, you need to agree on the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal in the regional water department, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, after which a well design agreement is drawn up, which is transferred to the SES. If the package of documents is assembled correctly, then a drilling license can be obtained within three months. After drilling, you will need to issue a passport for the source of water supply based on permits state acceptance and state geological expertise.

How to dig a well (video)

Despite the fact that drilling an artesian well is accompanied by a long collection of documents, getting your own water source is a popular and very popular event in our country, as it allows you to get uninterrupted and high-quality water supply.

A well or a well on your own suburban area is an excellent solution to the issue of independent water supply at home and full watering of the garden. Having made a well, you can significantly reduce the cost of paying for drainage from the central water supply systems, and reduce the cost of utility bills. Traditional and modern techniques search for a watercourse allow you to quickly and with maximum reliability determine the presence of suburban area water.

In this article we will tell you how to find water in the area for a well or a well with your own hands, we will demonstrate various ways and methods of finding water.

Search Features

Of greatest interest to consumers are aquifers located at a considerable depth (over 10-15 meters). Water from such sources can be used for irrigation garden plot, washing clothes, filling the tank in the shower and other household purposes.

most valuable and pure water, optimally suited for household use, drinking and cooking, enriched with useful salts and minerals is located at a depth of 30 meters and below.

It should also be noted that in some areas there may be problems with finding water, namely:

  • near rivers, especially from the side of the steepest bank;
  • in hilly and mountainous areas;
  • near large water intakes and quarries;
  • near ponds and springs;
  • in places of active growth of beech and acacia.

There are territories where poor water quality is initially observed, so it must be sought at considerable depths or only imported water should be used for drinking.

There are several methods for finding water in a suburban area. Among them are new, innovative techniques and old methods used for many centuries. Experts recommend that before looking for water in a summer cottage, familiarize yourself with the most popular methods and choose the most suitable system. You can use several methods at once to optimize the cost of finding and further developing the soil.

Clay pot search method

One of the oldest ways to find water is to use a clay pot. It is preliminarily dried in the sun for a long time, then the place of the approximate location of the water vein is found and the pot is placed on it upside down. If there really is water underground, then the pot will fog up a lot from the inside.

At present, craftsmen have improved this method. For a greater probability of finding a source, a certain amount of silica gel is taken, it is thoroughly dried and poured into a pot. Together with the container, everything is weighed, and only after that the container is placed in the intended place of water intake. Some owners bury several clay pots on the site at the same time and then select a place with the highest humidity. In addition to silica gel, you can use ordinary red clay bricks.

With the help of plants

Many types of vegetation are clear indicators of water levels. This is due to the fact that plants in the process of growth consume moisture from different depths. The following plants indicate the presence of water in this place of the site:

  • wild rosemary;
  • woodlice;
  • bird cherry;
  • bearberry;
  • cowberry;
  • buckthorn;
  • blackberry.

Conversely, a birch growing above a stream will have a small height and a twisted, knotty trunk. Pine and other coniferous trees do not like water.

Help from neighbors

To the most simple ways searching for water on the site is considered a conversation with neighbors who can provide comprehensive advice on the standard depth of water in the area, the prevailing types of wells and wells. In addition, perhaps one of the neighbors ordered or is going to order official geodetic surveys to determine the water level and the characteristics of the local water intake. It is also important to clarify the features of water level fluctuations during the year, its composition and other important factors.

Frame usage

A very accurate and old method of searching for water is the dowsing method, for which aluminum wire frames are prepared. Usually, segments no longer than 400 mm are used for this, of which the last 100 mm are bent strictly at a right angle. To achieve maximum effect and convenient use, it is best to insert the wire into elderberry branches, in which the core has been previously removed. Sometimes branches of willow, hazel and viburnum are used as frames.

With a frame around the site, they move strictly from north to south, then from east to west. When moving, the elbows should be pressed to the body, and the frame should be, as it were, an extension of both hands. You need to hold it easily, without effort. At the location of the watercourse, the frames should begin to intersect and move.

Thus, using simple available methods, you can find watercourses on own site and provide for yourself clean water for many years.


How to search for water using the dowsing method, see below:

Having received a plot for the construction of his own house or cottage, the owner first of all thinks about supplying water, because without it you cannot even fill the foundation. But if there is no central water supply nearby, and you don’t want to carry it in barrels every time, then it makes sense to dig your own well. So you and your family will provide clean water, and you can start construction. But the question arises: how to find water for a well, if you have never encountered this? Do not dig up the entire site!

In fact, the problem of finding water has long been solved, and there are many methods by which they determine where the aquifer passes. Any host can handle this. For a more accurate analysis, it is better to try out several options and make sure that the place for digging the well is chosen correctly.

At what depth should the aquifer be located?

The water in the earth is kept by water-resistant layers, which prevent the veins from breaking through to the ground or going too deep. Such layers, as a rule, consist of clay, but there are also stone ones.

Between them is an aquifer of sand, saturated with clean water, which must be sought. Since the water-resistant layers are not located strictly horizontally, but with all kinds of bends, niches with increased level humidity, which are called underground lakes.

There may be several aquifers in the ground, but the best are those located below 15 m in depth.

When looking for water for a well, you can get to the lake, which is very close to the surface - only 2.5 m deep. The water in it is called perch, because it is replenished with precipitation, melting snow, carrying with it dirt and a lot of harmful substances. Such an aquifer for a well is not suitable both in terms of the quality of the liquid and in terms of quantity. In a drought, your well will simply dry up, because the underground lake with perched water holds a small amount of water, and if it is a hot summer, it will leave it altogether and will not return until late autumn.

For a well, water is needed from lakes that are located about 15 m deep into the earth. There are aquifers of continental sands, the thickness of which is so great that it can feed a huge amount of cubic meters of water. And these sands serve as excellent filters, thanks to which the water is maximally purified from impurities and debris and becomes drinkable.

"Grandfather" methods of finding water

Wells have been dug since ancient times, so the most successful methods used by our ancestors have survived to this day.

Analysis of plants growing on the site

Plants can tell you if there is an aquifer in your area, and at what depth it is located. If coltsfoot, sedge feel good on the ground, alders, birches grow, then there is water under you, and not deep. But the pines, in which the root system is able to "burrow" to a great depth in search of water, indicate that the distance to the aquifer is rather big.

Plants growing on the site can tell about the level of groundwater occurrence (click on the image to enlarge)

Pet observations

Watch how your dog behaves on hot days. Usually dogs begin to look for the most humid (and therefore cool!) places, dig a hole in them and lie down. This means that there is an aquifer in this place.

For example, a horse that is thirsty will begin to beat with its hoof in a place where it feels close water. Also, in the evening, pay attention to where the midges “crowd” in the area. They choose a place with high humidity.

The study of weather phenomena

In the evening after the summer heat or in the early morning they watch the territory. In places where the water is close to the surface, the level of humidity will manifest itself as a fog that will creep along the ground or come out in clubs. Moreover, by the density of fog, one can determine the depth of groundwater: the denser it is, the closer the vein.

Desiccant weighing

You can also find out about the saturation of the earth with water by weighing desiccant materials - materials that can absorb moisture. Previously, only red brick played this role, and today silica gel has been added to it.


  1. Find an unglazed clay pot.
  2. Break the red brick into pieces and dry it thoroughly in the oven. If you use silica gel, you do not need to crush it, but it is necessary to dry it.
  3. Pour the prepared moisture accumulator into the pot and weigh it.
  4. wrap around nonwoven fabric and bury it 0.5 m into the ground.
  5. After a day, take it out and weigh it again. The greater the difference in mass, the closer the water.

It is best to use several pots of silica gel at once in different places to determine in which zone the aquifer is closer to the ground

For the purity of the experiment, learn that in the previous days, before looking for water for the well, precipitation should not have fallen, otherwise the earth will be wet, and the pot will nourish the water that has fallen from the surface. The desiccant is buried only in dry soil.

Professional Water Finding Methods

Checking with a vine or electrodes

Dowsing is considered a more professional way.

But not everyone manages to "make friends" with such a device.

Search order:

  • First, two branches are found on the willow, coming out of the same trunk and located at an angle to each other.
  • Cut off this "fork" and dry thoroughly.
  • The finished frame is brought to the site, taken by the edges of the branches, spreading them about 150˚ so that the trunk looks up.
  • With a vine, they slowly bypass the site.
  • In places where there is an aquifer, the trunk will begin to lean towards the ground.
  • The frame gives the most accurate readings in morning hours(from 6.00 to 7.00), after lunch (from 16.00 to 17.00) and in the evening (from 20.00 to 21.00).

The frame of the vine will begin to lean in a place where you feel high humidity.

Devices from electrodes have a similar effect. 2 rods must be bent with the letter "G" and carried in the hands so that the free part is horizontal. In the place of the aquifer, the electrodes will begin to spin, cross.

The disadvantage of such a study is that the frames react not only to the deep layers, but also to the perch. They can also be “confusing” by laid underground communications.

Drill reconnaissance

The most accurate of all methods is exploratory drilling. To do this, it is necessary to drill a well six or more meters deep into the earth with an ordinary garden drill. If you stumble upon a vein, do not rush to immediately dig a well. First, hand over the water for analysis to the sanitation station to make sure of its quality.

Only after positive results, proceed to dig the well.

Having drilled the earth in several places of the site, you will find the strongest aquifer

A combination of several methods will increase your chances of finding the best water.