You can find out why a woman dreams of living fish in water. A loved one dies according to the dream book

  • 17.10.2019

Why dream that an unexpectedly close person dies? The dream book is sure that only in extremely rare cases in a dream is it really a harbinger of death. Traditionally, the vision promises a long life, also hints at the completion of a certain life stage.

How to interpret correctly?

How to understand why you dream that a loved one is dying? Esoteric interpretation sleep suggests the following approach.

A dreamer who is not experienced in deciphering his night visions tends to mistakenly believe that dream death is an indispensable reflection of real events.

However, the dream book claims that this is only an image that contains the desire to get rid of a particular problem. But only in a dream this life complexity acquires the features of a person with whom it is most closely associated.

In fact, if you happen to see someone's death, then this is a signal that you are at risk of doing something undesirable, dictated by internal fears or bad inclinations.

Miller's suggestion

If you dreamed that a person dear to you was dying, then Miller's dream book believes that in the real world a loss is prepared that you must certainly survive.

What do you want?

Why else dream that a loved one dies? Alas, sometimes this is an unconscious desire for this to happen in reality. Usually such dreams come to people who are infantile, insecure and timid.

Did you happen to see how one of your loved ones died, but you don’t sob and grieve in a dream? The dream interpretation considers this a disguised desire to meet this special one in reality.

Get ready!

If you dreamed that you learned about the sudden death of a friend or relative, then the dream book is convinced that you will actually hear the unfortunate news about them.

The same plot in a dream is an eloquent warning of an impending catastrophe in life, which will become another test.

Don't say goodbye!

Why else dream that suddenly a loved one dies? The dream interpretation is sure that family ties will actually weaken or there will be a cooling in relations.

A dream, on the contrary, calls not to move away from relatives, even if there are good reasons for that. However, most often this is a prediction of a long and, to a certain extent, comfortable life.

By the way, if the person who died in a dream is lonely in real life, then family happiness will finally await him. Moreover, if you dreamed about the death of a sick person in reality, then according to the law of inversion, this means his speedy recovery.

Features of death

For a clearer interpretation, the dream book advises taking into account the features of the character's departure in a dream.

  • Suicide is cheating.
  • Drowned - the struggle for rights.
  • Scored - a date.
  • Died in an accident - the collapse of hopes, plans.
  • Died of illness - spoiled relationship.
  • Suddenly, shock.
  • From old age - wisdom, knowledge.

Be careful!

Why dream that a loved one in a coma dies? Someone is planning dirty game, but you won't know for a long time that you were consciously drawn into it.

The human mind during sleep gives rise to many symbols, the meaning of which is often the opposite of the effect they produce. For example, the answer to the question of why a person who is alive is dreaming does not at all promise someone an early death.

Why dream of the death of a living person?

Seeing a dream in which death is present loved one who is still alive, you should not be upset and wait for difficult events. Even in the old days, it was noted that the one seen in such a dream usually lives safely and long. But to the dreamer himself, such a vision can promise both good and bad.

When the death of a living father was dreamed, a person can expect the dangers associated with business. The dreamer should be especially careful in business, because. his colleagues or associates most likely conceived a financial scam or other deception. Death in a mother's dream means that some shameful memories oppress a person. The death in a dream of a sister or marriage reminds that this relative needs support and care.

The loss of a spouse in a dream means fear of society and its condemnation. If in reality the husband or wife is sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. The dream of the death of a lover or beloved may portend a possible betrayal or separation, as well as the onset of a new stage in a relationship and an early wedding.

To the one who saves a person from death in a dream, the interpreters of dreams promise the emergence of reality difficult situation in which it will be necessary to take on serious responsibility. If the saved person is familiar, there is a high probability that this particular person will be at the center of events.

The death in a dream of a boss or another person on whom the dreamer depends means that positive changes await him at work. Most likely, the one who sees the dream is waiting for an increase, they will listen to him more, but you should not relax - positive changes will not happen on their own, you need to work hard. The death of a colleague in a dream can mean both the removal of obstacles on the career ladder and the improvement of the atmosphere in the team.

Dream books explain the death of a stranger in a dream depending on the sensations that this vision caused. If the one who saw the dream sympathizes with the deceased, it means that big, but not very pleasant changes will occur in his life, for example, a break in a long relationship. Another similar dream warns that one should not rely too much on the routine - very soon there will be a transitional period leading to renewal and improvement.

Negative emotions for a person dying in a dream mean that the dreamer seeks to get rid of the burden of guilt, unpleasant memories, obsolete relationships. Horror at the sight of death is experienced by those who are waiting for trials and obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Relief from the death of a stranger means that all the affairs of the dreamer will end successfully.

How do psychologists explain a dream about the death of a person who is alive?

The dreamed death of any loved one or native person- a signal of the loss of emotional and psychological connection with him. To get rid of the painful, having re-established contact, it is recommended to show more attention to a loved one, listen to him, and provide assistance.

In some cases, the death of a living person is dreamed of due to the dreamer's mental problems. A person who has a dream needs to analyze his life and determine the events that suppress, cause bad memories. Freed from the painful past, reassessing the events of the present, a person usually stops seeing dreams in which death is present.

In reality, the death of a relative is usually perceived as tragic event, in a dream, this incident is considered by the dream book in a completely different way. This vision predicts auspicious time to rethink values ​​and priorities. Those who want to correctly interpret why they dream of hearing about the death of someone from their relatives should recall their own emotions.

Miller's dream book: get ready for the test

According to the psychologist, to see the death of a relative in a dream is considered a warning of an imminent test, or even loss. Miller gives an explanation of what the death of a loved one who is alive is dreaming of. The dream situation serves as a prophecy about the long life of a character allegedly dead in a dream.

Connect with family

To see how a loved one who is alive in reality has passed away means an early release from burdensome memories of the past. The general dream book interprets in a slightly different way what such a vision is dreaming of, indicating a lack of connection with it, a loss of contact.

The dream of the death of loved ones means the good health of others and reminds you of the need to find with them mutual language. The dreamer needs to show wisdom and patience in order to get close to relatives.

Understand yourself

To see the last breath of a deceased loved one? So, in reality, free yourself from remorse that eats your soul. The feeling of guilt that has settled deep in the subconscious mind does not allow you to fully realize yourself.

A widow who happens to relive the death of a deceased husband in a dream is advised by the dream book to get rid of the grievances she has accumulated during her married life. Esotericists explain in a different way what the death hour of the deceased spouse is dreaming of, hinting at the end of mourning and the beginning of a new life stage.

Who exactly died?

The modern combined dream book confidently believes that the interpretation of the dream in which it happened to hear the news of the death of a relative is closely related to the very personality of the character and the degree of kinship. So, hear the news of the death:

  • mother - warns of dishonorable acts of the dreamer in the future;
  • father - warns of insidious intrigues weaving behind your back;
  • sisters - to the need to take care of relatives;
  • brother - someone around needs compassion and moral help.

Feelings associated with the news ...

Interpreting the dream news of the death of a relative, the General Dream Book advises you to pay attention to the feelings that you experienced in a dream. Feeling relieved after the bad news was reported, predicts a favorable resolution of previously started cases.

Did you feel confusion and even fear when this news was announced in a dream? This means, as the dream book assures, you will have to work hard to bring your affairs back to normal and deal with the obstacles that have arisen.

Be alert!

The ability to prevent ingenious intrigues in time and localize the provocations of ill-wishers is what dreams of knowing that someone has died. The dream interpreter prophesies receiving useful news from afar, using it correctly, it is possible to ensure a stable income for a long time.

Sometimes the inability to communicate with loved ones who are currently far away from you, the feeling of losing family ties, the inability to help or in any way influence their life, leads to dreams associated with the death of a loved one. To dreams, defiant discomfort, negative emotions, which can haunt for a long time even after waking up.

Symbolically, death is associated with close trials prepared for you by fate, which will inevitably affect the course of your life. Such dreams are associated with losses, even if the trials prepared by fate will be successfully passed and overcome by you.
If in a dream he has been trying to talk to you for a long time, and you clearly hear his voice, expect soon negative and unpleasant news.

The advice you received during sleep from a deceased relative can positively affect your life, try to adequately evaluate and follow them.

As a rule, death, seen in a dream, brings this person longevity and prosperity. At the same time, for the person who saw this dream, events can mean excessive moral and physical overwork of the last days or quarrels, conflicts that should be stopped by visiting and taking care of loved ones and loved ones. Try to pay attention to their health, build relationships, pay a visit, honoring the memory of long gone, but so dear to you people.

Mysticism of sleep

The recent death of a grandmother, mother or sister seen in a dream makes it easier to part with a loved one, brings some relief and the opportunity to say goodbye and talk about things that you did not have time to discuss during your lifetime. True, there is a belief that in no case should you touch in a dream, and even more so follow him, especially if he beckons and carries him along.

If in your dream you saw a mother who is now sick, the dream may portend her speedy recovery or become a serious reason to give her extra attention and care.

The death of a father in a dream can mean a warning against a frivolous lifestyle, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Such a dream speaks of the need not to be influenced by emotions and mood in making important life decisions.

The death of an elderly non-close relative means difficult events that may soon change your fate. For young girls, this event means the appearance of a worthy gentleman.

"Criminal" dreams stand apart. Murders in a dream of relatives speak of a mistake made by you, this mistake apparently haunts you, and therefore it is worth considering and analyzing what was done earlier. If a relative killed in a dream is naked, expect unpleasant visitors, a lot of blood - for easy "crazy" money.

Why dream of the death of a loved one in a dream

Dreams about the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive are not uncommon, but the dream book of the death of a loved one should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. The dream of someone else's death is frightening, but it can become prophetic only for those dreamers who have seen prophetic dreams more than once in their lives, but simply for mediums - people who have established contact with the subtle plane. And, as a rule, after waking up, such a person has no doubts about prophetic dream or not.

The keys to the interpretation of sleep - what the death of a relative is dreaming of, are the symbols of death that may be present in a dream. For example, a stopped clock, a black scarf, broken mirror, potted flowers and black flowers. Only then can you prepare for the bad news ... In other cases, you should not worry about what dad's death is dreaming of, or mom's death is dreaming of, or grandmother's death is dreaming of, because this is only a reflection of the fear of losing loved ones, the dream book also speaks of this death of a child. similar dreams, on the contrary, they hint that the “dead” will live for a long time and quite happily.

If you dreamed about the death of a loved one who is not a relative, then the dream has a slightly different interpretation. For example, why dream of the death of a husband, and also why dream of the death of a friend or why dream of the death of a girlfriend? This means that the "dead" is on the verge of changes in his life, in this case, death symbolizes the changes that will happen to this person. Less often, a dream promises a certain crisis and a cardinal change with a “dead” person, after which a state of inner harmony and balance will follow for several years.

Why dream of the death of a relative? The influence of this person on your life will noticeably decrease, you will see him less often, and common topics to talk will gradually run out. This may be due to changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a close relative is an occasion to rejoice for the good health of this person. From a psychological point of view, sleep reflects unreasonable anxiety. And a sense of guilt if in reality the relationship with a relative is far from good.

Why dream of the death of parents? Beyond purely psychological reasons(concern about the health of mom and dad, separation from them due to moving, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dream books. So, the death of a father seen in a dream is a warning signal: someone in reality wants to deceive you or draw you into a financial fraud. The death of a mother symbolizes significant changes in your life in reality: moving, marriage, the birth of a child, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning points, but they expect not only the dreamer, but the whole family.
The death of a grandfather means that in reality he will live long and maintain good health.

The psychological explanation of the dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather is associated with the dreamer's concern about the health of his relatives, the desire to see them.

Why dream of the death of a brother? This is a warning about the presence in your environment of people capable of meanness. Nothing threatens the brother himself - on the contrary, he will be distinguished by good health.

As the dream book explains, the death of a sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help, or just attention from you. In a situation of quarrel or quarrel, a dream reflects a subconscious desire to make peace with relatives.

If you dreamed about the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future, unpleasant news will arrive, which must be taken in cold blood.

The death of a friend is deciphered as follows: in reality you are under stress due to accumulated cases and lack of time.