What to do with an old mirror tips. How to properly dispose of a broken mirror, and when

  • 16.10.2019

One of the most important and fragile things in Everyday life of course, a mirror. Such decor items in the interior are different types- from built-in in your closet to pocket-sized to take with you wherever you want. Without a mirror, a person cannot pick up the attributes of everyday life, such as clothes or jewelry. Some can see not just their reflection, but also a reflection of the state of their soul. They can charge themselves with some energy that will be with you for the whole day. Also, the old mirror is a barrier from some negative consequences or influences. But sometimes it can be quite dangerous, and not only because you can get hurt by it. Why can an old mirror be dangerous for a person? How to properly dispose of an old mirror? This is the question we will try to find today.

Why can a mirror be dangerous?

Basically, the reason for the danger lies when you keep an old mirror in your house that has cracks. According to an old legend, an old mirror can store a small particle of the soul of the one who is the owner. If you have something in your soul that is worth worrying about, then it is better not to keep it cracked in the house, otherwise the negativity can enter the house.

You must have heard something about the “mirror corridor”? This phenomenon is formed if you hang one mirror opposite the other. It is extremely rare and quite dangerous for humans for two reasons:

  • Most main reason lies in the fact that when a person looks at these mirrors, he gradually begins to lose strength.
  • Energy protection is broken and an “energy draft” begins to walk around the house.

Important! You should not be careless about the mirror, which you are completely unaware of, the nature of its occurrence is unclear.

If you have an ordinary old mirror, then you should not keep it in your house at all, because it has a special memory. It can remember everything that happens in your life - both good and bad.

Energetic cleaning of an old mirror

If you have a desire to leave the old glass for a certain set of circumstances, then you definitely need to carry out an energy cleansing.

To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • church candles;
  • quite a bit of Thursday salt;
  • a little thread from a red ball;
  • scissors with a wooden bowl.

You need to arrange objects in order to clear the mirror of bad energy in this way:

We light candles and say aloud:

  • I burn evil, I drive it out into the chimney,
  • I lock the glass with three locks,
  • And no one can unlock those locks,
  • The bad will burn in the flame.

Important! Never blow out the candles, let them burn out and go out on their own.

After your candles have gone out, tie and secure three knots of red thread on the back of the mirror. Everything that remains after this event can be thrown into running water.

What to do with old broken glass?

If you broke an old mirror, then you must definitely throw it away. Do not try to convince yourself that it is dear to you and helps in spiritual or material well-being.

Important! In no case do not try to assemble a small mirror from pieces of one large one, because such pieces have some memory, while remaining “destroyed”. Such an approach will not lead to anything good.

What to do with an old and someone else's mirror?

Are you planning a move? At the same time, in the new housing you will find a mirror from the old owners? Where to put it and what to do with it? Many experienced psychics talk about the need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Why? This is because, as we said above, it has a special memory - both good and negative. This is the main reason for getting rid of glass.

Do you plan to throw away the old mirror? Then we will help you do it right. In order to throw out such an interior item and not harm yourself, you need to know some rules:

  • In no case should you throw this item into the full moon or on the growing moon. This should only be done during the waning moon.
  • Throw it out alone.
  • If you cannot personally pick it up and throw it away, then wrap it in a cloth.
  • Sprinkle salt on the place where it was and where your thing with a reflective surface is now.

Important! Installing a new one is possible only a week after the parting with your old thing is over.

Throwing away the mirror correctly - the best ways

If you perceive this element of the interior as a store of spiritual and energy information, then you probably decided to throw out your mirror in order to put a new one? Or do you want it to not have this very spiritual and energetic memory? That is why you need to be able to properly throw it out.

Method 1

One option is to bury the mirror so that it goes to rest. Of course, this method is quite radical, but also fast:

  • Take the item and wrap it in some kind of clothing.
  • Then take the swaddled object to the forest, dig a small hole and throw it there.
  • At the same time, it is advisable to mentally say goodbye to an already unnecessary thing.

Important! The procedure must take place in inclement weather.

Method 2

The second option is energy cleanup. We talked about this above. The process is quite lengthy, but if the subject is very dear to you spiritually, then you should work a little.

Basically, the placement of furniture is done today according to Feng Shui. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the right approach, if you are still sure that there is a different energy not only for every person, but also in every home.

We propose to consider some facts specifically regarding the installation of reflective objects.

There are many signs associated with mirrors. The looking-glass world has always interested people, fascinated with its obscurity. We are afraid of cracked and broken mirrors, which, according to legend, bring trouble. We treat new mirrors with trepidation, because they should bring good luck and luck to our family. What to do if there is an old mirror in the house and you want to get rid of it. How to properly dispose of old mirrors?

Where to put the old mirror?

What to do with an old mirror?

Often in our apartments you can find a lot of unnecessary old things that we inherited from the previous owners of the home or this is a memory of our ancestors. old furniture can be thrown away or sold. But where to put the old mirror? How to take it out so as not to harm your family? After all, many mystical things are associated with mirrors.

1. If you believe in signs, then you should not throw the old mirror into the trash. It may break or break off a piece. And this is a sign of unhappiness in the house.

2. If the mirror is left in the house from the previous owners, then it is best to get rid of it. Mirrors absorb all the energy. In the case when in the past family people constantly quarreled, all this negativity will spill out into your family.

3. Before putting away the mirror, wrap it in black cloth. Take it outside and set it carefully. Then throw salt on the mirror. This will help to remove your energy from him.

4. You can wash away information and energy under running water. To do this, just hold the mirror under the stream. After that, take out the mirror and leave it at home, maybe it will be useful to someone. You have nothing to be afraid of, since your energy has been removed from the surface.

5. Before you take the mirror to the trash can, you can perform a ceremony with holy water and a candle from the church. Sprinkle it with water and cross it with a lit candle. Say thank you to him for his service and you can throw it away.

6. If you are in doubt about whether you can throw away old mirrors, try burying it in the ground. To do this, you need to find a place where few people walk. Dig a deep hole and bury the item in there. By the way, the same should be done if the mirror is accidentally broken. It is believed that this will ward off bad luck.

How to clear the mirror of negative energy?

What to do if the mirror is very beautiful, old or left as a memory of relatives. I don't want to throw it away, but I'm afraid to leave it. No wonder all fortune-telling is connected with mirrors. This is a source of powerful energy, it contains all the information about its owners.

There are special rituals that can help clean the glass from negative energy. And it will serve and delight you.

1. To do this, you need to buy salt on Thursday.

2. Prepare holy water and a church candle.

3. We light a candle and put it in a bowl with salt.

4. Then repeat to yourself: “I burn all evil, I drive it out into the chimney, I lock clean glass with three locks.” After saying these words, sprinkle water on the mirror.

Mirrors are as much a part of the interior as any other piece of furniture. Over time, damage and chips can form on their surface. When a product loses its original appearance, it is replaced with a new one. Throwing away an item is recommended in the following cases:

  • capital or change of scenery. If a person's preferences have changed, and the old product does not fit into the new environment, you should not try to find a place for it after repair. By doing this, you can only spoil the new interior;
  • tarnishing and other damage to the mirror surface. Seeing your darkened reflection is not only uncomfortable, but also not very pleasant. If you notice scuffs or scratches, do not delay the replacement of the product. It is believed that even small flaws on the product are capable of emitting negative energy a person looking into it;
  • mirror shattering. One careless movement is enough for the product to shatter into small fragments. In this case, you must try to collect the scattered particles as much as possible and go to the store for a new mirror, not thinking about the bad. When collecting broken pieces of the product, try not to look at your reflection;
  • unfortunate hosts. If the mirror was left in the house from the old owners, who were also dysfunctional, it is necessary to get rid of the object as soon as possible.

Do not be afraid to throw away old mirrors, modern ones will come in their place

Often you don’t want to part with a thing if it was inherited and survived several generations. Such family values ​​​​are trying to find a place in country house, but sometimes they settle in pantries on landings or on balconies. One or two things can be saved in this way without prejudice to the overall situation. If we are talking about a whole headset, you won’t be able to avoid clutter. Do not be afraid to get rid of old and unnecessary things, they will give way to modern products, give the atmosphere freshness and lightness.

How to throw away an old mirror

Whether it is possible to throw away mirrors, everyone decides for himself. If you belong to the category of people who do not believe in superstition, feel free to get rid of unnecessary things. If you are haunted by the danger of bringing disaster on yourself, use the following rules to protect yourself from any bad weather.

If the mirror is broken, then its fragments are carefully collected and taken out of the house. What to do with a whole product that you just want to replace? First, in no case should you break it. Insidious fragments cut through polyethylene, pierce gloves, because of which a person can get more than one cut, while from dangerous pieces.

If the mirror breaks, carefully pick up the pieces and throw out the trash.

By throwing the fragments in the trash can, you can harm homeless animals or low-income people who often look for things they need in the waste. It is better to put an unnecessary piece of furniture between two trash cans. In this position, it will not fall and will not harm anyone.

If you decide to throw out the old mirror, you need to do this during the waning moon. Knowledgeable people they believed that a mirror product thrown onto the growing moon would bring bad luck and trouble. This does not apply to suddenly broken products. It is recommended to get rid of them immediately.

A small or medium-sized mirror is taken out of the house alone without outside help. A massive object should be wrapped in black dense material and lowered to the trash cans with one of the relatives.

Throw away the massive broken mirror wrapping it in unnecessary cloth

Numerous signs and rituals associated with the use of mirror surfaces indicate that our ancestors were extremely careful about their use. Even modern scientists do not deny that reflective surfaces are able to accumulate information in themselves and reflect it on others.

To eliminate the negative manifestations of the energy that the mirror absorbed and accumulated from year to year, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures. There are several effective ways neutralize the energy of the item and make sure that when you throw the item away, you do not experience any negative consequences.

There are some beliefs about mirrors

Cool water is an excellent cleansing tool. She possesses amazing abilities update and restore the original properties of items. It's interesting that hot water has opposite properties. She captures information well.

To clear the energy of the mirror, it must be placed in the bathroom. Spread out on the bottom terry towel to prevent the product from slipping and scratching. Directing the shower jet, the surface is thoroughly washed within a few minutes. This will help clear personal experiences, emotions and make the mirror clean again, like on the first day of purchase.

To cleanse the energy of the mirror from the previous owner, it should be washed with water

Small-sized products are placed in a container with cool water for a day, after which it can already be given to a thrift store, donated to those in need or thrown away, since it cannot be used for dubious purposes and rituals aimed at the previous owner.

Along with cool water, salt has an excellent ability to absorb and remove energy. For cleansing procedures and rituals, salt prepared in Maundy Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter. After the mirror has been wrapped in a dense cloth, it is taken to the garbage cans and generously sprinkled with salt.

Easter (Thursday) salt

The place where the mirror was previously located also needs to be cleared of the remnants of energy. During the week, church candles, incense and various incense should be burned. The element of fire perfectly cleanses the energy of not only one particular room, but the whole house.

Use fire - it perfectly clears energy

Besides church candles You can clean the mirror of the information it has accumulated over many years using the procedure of washing with holy water. After adding a small amount of holy water to the spray bottle, it is sprayed onto a piece of dense matter, in which it is planned to take the product to the trash.

Holy water will also help cleanse the mirror of accumulated energy.

This method involves cleaning in two stages. First, the mirror is removed into the pantry so that the mirror surface reflects only the wall. If this is not possible, then it is covered with a silk piece of fabric. In this position, a piece of furniture is left for a month to get rid of the accumulated energy.

Don't store broken mirrors

After a 4-week period, the product is buried in the ground in a forest or a place remote from people or animals. So you can be sure that no one else will use it.

In order to throw away an old product that has been passed down for several generations without negative consequences, you need to thank it out loud for a long, good service, and when handing it over to new owners, mentally say goodbye to it.

Knowing how to properly throw away a mirror will stop you from worrying about failure. You can also forget about cluttered pantries and enjoy a new mirror that matches the surroundings. If you neglect the recommendations for cleansing the energy of the mirror, a powerful energy rollback towards the owners of the product is possible.

How to deal with a broken mirror

No matter how expensive the product is, if it has fallen and cracked, you must part with it without any regret. Don't try to glue it or cover up cracks so you can keep using it. Any reflective surface has the ability to remember and store information about a person. If you look at your reflection in a cracked mirror, it is likely that a person will first begin to get very tired, and then he may develop more serious health problems.

Throw away broken mirrors as soon as possible. Large fragments are collected by hand, be sure to protect your hands from cuts with thick gloves. Small fragments are swept with a broom. It will subsequently have to be thrown away, as the smallest sharp particles may remain on the rods.

How often do you meet broken, cracked mirrors on your way? And what do you do with them? Do you throw them away? What is the correct way to proceed with this? We will devote the article to these and similar questions.

Mirror is a must

What to do with broken glass

If you accidentally break glass, the first thing to do is to throw it away. No matter how sorry you feel for it, no matter how expensive it is, do not spare money and do not spare, you must immediately throw it away. Do not even try to glue the pieces, it will not lead to anything good. A cracked mirror is destructive, and if you look at it, then your affairs in life will be unsuccessful.

Why, you ask. After all, the mirror “remembers” you, your energy, etc. It stores your data. Imagine, it crashed, which means that grief and misfortune may come into your life. After all, why else do they hide a mirror at the death of relatives or close people? Yes, because you are not in the most beautiful state, so that it does not take you prisoner for life, so that you do not remember it.

Broken mirror should be thrown away

What to do with an old and someone else's mirror

When moving to another home, the mirrors of the previous owners remain. What then to do in this case with the old mirror? Where to put it? The advice of psychics say that you need to get rid of it immediately. Again, the question arises as to why. Now let's explain. As mentioned above, it stores data about the owners, remembers all situations of negativity.

Imagine that the former owners constantly quarreled, cursed over trifles, it even came to a fight. It is clear that this is manifested by negative energy, even bad. The old mirror “remembered” this, and will now give it out to you, your family. That is, now both quarrels and fights are possible in relations with your relatives.

Sometimes it is a pity to throw away an old or someone else's mirror. What then to do in this case? Can you still leave it? Is it possible not to throw it away? This option is also possible, for this you need to clear it of negative energy and information about the previous owners.

How to clear the mirror of negative energy

Is it possible to get rid of the negativity of the previous owners? Is it possible to get rid of its bad effects? To do this, you will need holy water, a candle, Thursday salt. Light a candle, put it in a vessel with Thursday salt and say to yourself: “I burn all evil, I drive it out into the pipe, I lock clean glass with three locks.” After that, sprinkle the glass with holy water.

The old mirror needs to be cleaned of negative energy

Now we can say that you have cleared the glass of the former energies and got rid of its negative consequences. In this case, the mirror can be left, and not thrown away and disposed of.

How to throw away a mirror

It would seem such a simple question and such an easy solution. But it was not there! This action has its own rules, nuances that should be observed, because you yourself can harm yourself, disrupt the harmony of your life in relationships with people around you. How to properly dispose of a mirror:

  • Do not take out the mirror together. If it is already quite heavy and you are unable to cope alone, then wrap it with some kind of long cloth. In this case, you can take it out together.
  • Do not throw away on a growing or full moon. It is recommended to do this during the waning moon.
  • If you throw it in the trash, then throw in a pinch of Thursday salt.
  • And still very important advice. Install a new mirror in place of the old one only after a week has passed.

Placement of furniture and things in the house is engaged in Feng Shui. Let's see what we are recommended regarding mirrors:

  • Do not place a mirror near the front door. This is explained by the fact that positive energy will never accumulate in your house, but will leave you, as the front door is reflected in the mirror.
  • Do not place in the bedroom. By itself, the mirror does not promise anything in itself, but if it is located opposite your bed, then you will not do without failures and emergencies. If you live with your soulmate and there is a mirror in front of your bed, then feng shui warns that frequent quarrels await you and even betrayal is possible. In this case, just cover the mirror with some kind of cloth at night.
  • Do not place the mirror too high or too low, for you will disrupt the entire flow of energy that is present in your home. Place it so that your family members can comfortably look at you.

In this article, together with you, we examined the signs and rituals regarding the mirror, and also learned how to properly throw it away, how to throw it away so that it collects all the bad energy with it, and does not leave you.

Old mirrors in the perception of many carry a great threat. In one of the old books, the harm of these things that have long lost their novelty is explained in sufficient detail.

It says that if there is a mirror with a crack in the house, then this is a kind of open lock in the home: you can expect the arrival of an unwanted guest, who will be very difficult to drive out.

It is also necessary to get rid of a broken or cracked mirror for the reason that a very large negative can penetrate into the house through a crack. In no case should you make a new small mirror, composing it from pieces of a broken one.

They all need to be thrown away, as they have a kind of memory of "their progenitor."

In order not to have to throw away the mirror immediately after purchase, you need to handle it with extreme care. And it's not just about being careful to avoid falling this item.

You can’t, for example, do the following: hang mirrors opposite each other. In this case, you can get the formation of a "mirror corridor". Using these mirrors, the owner of the house begins to lose strength.

And the second significant damage is a violation of the energy protection of the home. We can say that an "energy draft" begins to walk around the house.

You can get a bunch of new troubles and problems when using old mirrors: this often happens, especially when the new owners do not know how their predecessors should be and the history of the places where these mirrors had to “visit”.

It is better to immediately throw away the old mirror - to take trouble away from home.

It is necessary to do this for the following reason: mirror glass is “famous” for its trap property - if something bad happens at a short distance from the mirror, then it can be argued that something like photographing and storing information will happen.

Over time, the mirror will reproduce what happened in a new place - in any case, it will contribute to this by the very fact of its presence.

Throwing out an old mirror is worth it because of a variety of risks.

For example, if the previous owners had a place in the matrimonial bedroom, where family quarrels regularly occurred, there is a risk of these problems for the new owners.

However, if the style of this antique item is very sunk into the soul, you can order a new mirror in size old frame, and the unusable thing must be thrown away - and as quickly as possible.

Choice: get rid of or turn to an alternative option?

An old mirror is allowed to be kept in the house if the energy cleaning is carried out correctly. To do this, you need to stock up on the appropriate tools and tools.

This is a pair of church candles of the same type, a small amount of Thursday salt, a red ball of thread, a wooden bowl and new scissors.

To cleanse the object and its energy, you need to place candles on the sides of the thing. Place a bowl in front of the center of the mirror. Then you need to do the following: a red thread is placed on the salt, candles are lit.

Standing facing the mirror, you need to say to yourself these words: “I burn evil, I drive it out into the chimney. I close the clean glass on the locks. They can’t be unlocked, and everything bad will burn out faster.”

You need to do everything slowly and extremely correctly. To completely get rid of the bad energy in the house, all the remnants of candles and salt must be thrown into the trash.

Getting rid of the old mirror: what is the best way to do it?

Cleaning your home of a dangerous old thing is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In doing this, one must not forget about some simple, but very important rules. Otherwise, instead of solving the problem, you can get yourself new, even bigger ones.

Before proceeding to get rid of a dangerous object, you need to pay attention to the moon - what state it is in. If this heavenly body growing or business occurs during the period of the full moon, it is necessary to postpone the plan for some time.

But if the moon is waning, then you can safely throw out the old mirror.

It is highly undesirable to do this together - even with a large object. Having brought the thing to the landfill, you can’t rush - leave right there. First you need to throw three pinches of Thursday salt on the mirror.

She also sprinkles a place in the house where the discarded thing was previously located. And most importantly: for several days, best of all for a week, a church candle should be lit at this place.

So you can completely clear the house of the "mirror" negativity.

Do not rush to purchase and install a new mirror. It is more expedient to do this after a certain period of time - best of all in a week or two.

Placement of a new mirror in the house

It should not be installed next to the front door. Such an arrangement will increase the risk of decreasing positive energy from the house, instead of the necessary accumulation. Entrance door reflected in the mirror will cause the positive to leave.

It is best when there are no mirrors in the bedroom. By itself, this thing does not pose any threat, but its location opposite the sleeping place will attract failures and problems. The risk for couples is expressed in the threat of frequent quarrels, disagreements and a complete break.

Too high or, on the contrary, low placement of the mirror will lead to a violation of the energy flows of the house. And, of course, you need to choose a position for convenient use of the item by all family members.

Ineradicable attraction and a little caution

Mirrors attract people to themselves with an extraordinary mystery. This is not only a convenient item in everyday life and work. There is something hidden in it to this day that has not been completely unraveled.

This mystery is associated with numerous stories and beliefs, books and films about the journey to the worlds gone, it would seem, forever.

Accuracy and compliance simple rules will allow you to avoid new troubles and problems, misfortunes and troubles, which are often associated with mirrors.

Meanwhile, in and of themselves, these things do not carry any danger. Only improper handling of them and ignorance of the principles of how to competently clean the atmosphere of a house are harmful.