When you need to recount money on a clean Thursday. When money is counted on Clean Thursday before Easter, rituals and traditions of the whole world

  • 02.04.2021

On Clean Thursday in 2018, regarding the calculation of money, they worked, you can’t tell anyone that you decided to carry them out. So, we keep everything a strict secret, even from the spouse. Ideally, of course, it is necessary that the person who brings the main money to the family budget is involved in the calculation.

All money must be collected in one place. Of course, you don’t need to withdraw anything from your bank account, but all the stash that you have at home will have to be combined on Pure Thursday. The ritual must be carried out in one place. It is best that it be a secluded room. There should be no other people, children (even sleeping newborns) in the room. Moreover, even pets and indoor plants will have to be removed or taken out of this room. Now you can proceed to the ritual of how to count money on Maundy Thursday correctly.

Counting for the first time

In the morning you will need to make the first count. We count every penny, at the same time, you still need to try to say a prayer to yourself and just ask the Lord for well-being. By the way, on Pure Thursday it is forbidden to ask for wealth, you should ask for exactly the amount of money that your family will have to lead a decent life without frills.

Count a second time

The second count is recommended to be carried out at noon or just in the afternoon. Again, we close ourselves in the prepared room and begin to count the money. Yes, you will already know how many you have. But this does not eliminate the need to recalculate everything again. Once again, put all the money together and hide it.

Counting for the third time

This is the most important part of the whole ritual. It is carried out after the sun hides and darkness descends on the street. The ritual is carried out in the same accuracy as the first two times. Money must be counted! Only in this way will the sign work. After the count is complete, you can put the money back into stash and wallets. It remains only to wait, if everything was done correctly, then during the year you should not have any problems with money.

In principle, that's the whole ritual, as money is considered on Maundy Thursday. Of course, many customs and signs are associated with this day, and not all of them relate to money. In particular, we remind you that on Maundy Thursday:

  • It is imperative to clean the apartment, because it will bring joy and happiness to the family for the whole year.
  • You can wash yourself with water, in which there was a silver thing before. So you can protect yourself from the evil eye. This is especially true for young children.
  • It is imperative to do all the laundry, because it will no longer be possible to wash clothes until the very Red Hill, the second Sunday.
  • You can throw a handful of coins into a bucket of water meant for washing windows. It can also bring financial stability to the family.

By the way, it is important to know the date when Clean Thursday is in 2018, so as not to miss such an important and strong day in terms of conducting various money rituals.

All Orthodox have begun Holy Week, which is the final week of Great Lent before the bright holiday of Easter. Holy Week is not only the banner of the approaching holiday, but also one of the strictest weeks in the entire Lent period. Every day at this final stage carries its own meaning, and also conceals its own traditions and signs. Among these days there is one that is called Maundy Thursday.

One of the traditions on Maundy Thursday is the recounting of funds in order to increase their number. But, this does not mean at all that on Clean Thursday you just need to count the money. In order to follow the tradition and really attract wealth to the house, one must take into account some nuances, such as when counting money on Clean Thursday 2018.

This ritual can tell you when they count money for Clean Thursday 2017. To perform this ritual, according to all the rules, you need to collect all the money in the house: paper currency, coins, and money from other countries, if it is lying around, and monetary assets. In a word, everything that directly concerns the increase of finances.

When all the money in the house is collected, they must be counted three times for Pure Thursday. The first recount must be done at dawn, along with the first rays of the sun, the second time - at noon, and the third time the money must be recounted when the sun sets over the horizon, that is, at sunset.

It is important to note that all three times when a person counts money, he must be alone. None of the family members or those living in the house, even a small child, should know about the performance of this ritual.

The fact is that if someone, even a close person, notices that you are counting money, he can distract you, and the ritual simply will not work. It is important in this case to be completely focused on it, not to think about extraneous things and not be distracted by other things until all the money has been counted.

So, the most important thing to understand is when they count money on Clean Thursday 2018: at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

How to attract money into your home

By itself, the ritual of counting money on Clean Thursday already attracts financial energy, which can be strengthened by performing another simple custom. To strengthen financial energy, it is necessary to wash the doors and windows with water charged with monetary energy. To get such water, you need to put a coin in a bucket of ordinary water and let it brew overnight.

Scientists have long established that water has a memory, so it absorbs the energy of what it comes into contact with. By washing windows and doors with such water, you can significantly increase your income, according to signs. But this cannot be done already on Good Friday.

Other rituals related to money

When money is counted on Clean Thursday 2018, this is not the only rite to attract monetary energy. You can also additionally do other ceremonies that are held, as well as on Maundy Thursday, and on another day:

  • A candle ceremony, which can be performed on any day in 2018, is to put a small jar in a place that a person walks past every day and involuntarily casts a glance (maybe a nightstand in the hallway). For 7 days, every day, a person passing by this place must put a few coins in a jar. Next, you need to light a church candle and present yourself as a successful, materially wealthy person. Further, a container with collected coins and a candle must be placed on the table. Pour coins into the palm of your hand and lay them around the candle in the shape of a circle. Further, one must imagine that the smoke from a candle is monetary energy, which creeps up, thereby multiplying. When the candle burns out, you need to collect the coins and put them back in the jar, putting it in a prominent place. Sometimes you can toss a couple of coins into the bank.
  • There is another sign that money is always kept in the house, and it is connected with keeping money in a wallet. The owner of the purse must fold the paper money face out. Money loves counting and order, and when they are scattered, they begin to “run away”.
  • You can only count money at sunset on Maundy Thursday, as this is an integral part of the entire ritual that is related to when to count money on Maundy Thursday 2018. On other days, you cannot count money at sunset, otherwise, they, like the sun, which decreases over the horizon, will decrease from the family budget.

This is one of the most common signs when and how to count money on Maundy Thursday and other days. The main thing to remember is the basic rules that apply specifically to Maundy Thursday: count the money three times all alone and without unnecessary thoughts. Having performed this ritual on such an important day, cash income will certainly begin to multiply, and there will always be prosperity in the house.

Happy Easter!

Many different superstitions, traditions and rituals are associated with all church holidays. Since ancient times, it has been customary to recount on Maundy Thursday, and it is believed that such a custom is aimed at improving the financial situation. There are also other signs and traditions associated with this day. Remember that all rituals and superstitions come true only for people who have great faith.

How to attract money on Clean Thursday?

It is impossible on this day and immediately after it to lend money or precious things to someone, because in this way you can push monetary energy away from yourself. There is a tradition to attract money on Clean Thursday - it is necessary to rearrange various objects in the house on this day. It is believed that, in this way, a person provides himself with a comfortable life throughout the year.

“Money, drive - don’t transfer, grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”

After that, read any prayer you know. With charmed water, you should wash all the doors and windows in the house. When the work is finished, you need to get the coins and put them in a far and clean corner in the house for seven days. Pour the remaining water under any tree in the yard. It is believed that such a conspiracy allows you to increase income, and prosperity will grow by leaps and bounds.

How to count money on Maundy Thursday?

It has already been said that on this day it is customary to recalculate the available funds in order to improve one's financial situation. It is necessary to collect all the bills and coins that are in the house, and then count them three times. The first time the recalculation procedure should be carried out immediately after the morning ablution, and then, at noon and at sunset. It is important that no one sees how you count your savings. In addition, everything should be done in silence, without being distracted by anything else. It is recommended to count aloud, and when you have to name the number "5" or "0", you need to say such a conspiracy:

“A thousand, yes half a thousand, yes six hundred, my lord-hand will take everywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Rituals for money on Maundy Thursday

Rite number 1. In addition to the described signs and customs for money on Clean Thursday, you can also speak a coin that will work like a talisman, attracting financial flow to itself. This ritual came from ancient times and is considered pagan. You need to take a five-kopeck coin and read the following conspiracies over it seven times:

“In a golden field, in a golden house, On a golden table stands a golden idol. The idol has golden lips, the idol has golden teeth. From whom the idol will be taken, That gold will not be transferred. I will approach the golden idol closer, I will bow down to the golden idol below. The idol is standing, it won’t sway, it’s standing, it won’t move. And as this idol will never become copper, So may wealth never fall behind my hands. My word is sculpted, my work is strong. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. I close my words, I close my deeds. I'll lose the keys to the lock. Let it be according to my word! Exactly!"

A charmed coin should be kept in your wallet and best of all in a separate pocket.

Rite number 2. There is another effective money conspiracy that is read on Pure Thursday. To carry out the ritual, you should take a sieve and put a handful of coins in it, and the denomination does not matter. Before sunrise, you should "sift" the coins on the street. During this, first read the “Our Father” three times, and then say this prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (s)".

After that, read the following conspiracy three times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother earth, sister earth, accept the seeds, give me and my family good times, good seedlings. Amen".

In principle, this ritual can be performed on any Thursday, but it is on this holiday that it will be most effective.

Rite number 3. There is a powerful one for increasing your wealth, but it consists in cleaning your home. Take a bucket of water and put a handful of coins in it. Clutch the little fingers, and then, 33 times, read the conspiracy in which pure water is praised, and it sounds like this:

“I ask (name) forgiveness from the water. Forgive me Mother - clean water and help. How many of you are in the river, lake, ocean, sea and in every human glass, so I (name) would have a lot of money. Amen".

After that, the table should be washed with charmed water, and then the windows, doors and floor.

Rite number 4. On Clean Thursday, you can speak water, which will help you get the required amount. Take a glass jar and fill it with spring or melt water. Above it is to read the prayer "Our Father", and then cross. Place a piece of black bread next to the jar and sprinkle it with Thursday salt. Hold the container with both hands and read the conspiracy over the water so that the breath touches the liquid, and it sounds like this:

“For the first time, the Lord's hour. I do not help, but the Lord Himself helps me. Attracts money to the house. Amen".

Mentally say the amount that is missing, and then read the above conspiracy three more times. All actions should be repeated three more times, and drink nine sips of the charmed water, and also moisten your hands in it. Before going to bed, wash yourself with the charmed liquid.

The week before Easter is special and carries the final stage of purification of the soul and body. For those who fast, it is the last week that carries a strict setting for eating food.

Many beliefs are associated with Maundy Thursday and the rites before Easter, which were followed by the ancestors, the longings of which still lie in paganism. Ancestors believed that on this day you can attract wealth to the house by counting money.

When money is counted on Clean Thursday 2018, what needs to be done on the Thursday before Easter: traditions and rituals that have come from ancient times

Pure Thursday tells everyone that it is on this day that it is necessary to clean the house, clean it of garbage and unnecessary things. Many customs are required to be done on Clean Thursday before Easter, which in 2018 will be April 5th.

Previously, people devoted more time to the implementation of customs, only a few of them have come down to our time, capable of changing lives for the better for the coming year.

First of all, when the sun is just beginning to appear on the horizon, you need to take a shower in warm water. It is believed that it is on this day that the water in the tap becomes consecrated and is able to heal a person with its healing molecules, washing away all negativity and illness. It is important to say a prayer before bathing and thank the Lord for everything you have.

Our ancestors believed that if you wash yourself with water with silver in the morning, you can find youth and beauty for many years. The best silver item is a stolen coin. It must be placed in water and washed with such silver water in the morning.

An important action on Clean Thursday is cleaning the house. All thoughts should be only positive and bright. It is necessary to wash the floors with water, which is collected in the morning before sunset, in order to sanctify your home and carry out cleansing rubbing with water. Thus, the house will shine, and all negative energy will disappear.

When money is counted on Clean Thursday 2018, what needs to be done on the Thursday before Easter: a conspiracy to raise money

A very important custom is to count all the money in the house. Such a ritual will bring material well-being for the whole year and exaggerate all means. It is necessary to recalculate three times a day: in the morning before sunrise, at noon and at sunset. This procedure is done by the family member who manages all the money. If a married couple does everything together, then it is necessary to count money together in silence so that no one distracts.

There is a conspiracy among the people to attract money, which is accompanied by certain actions and words. It is necessary to prepare water in a vessel, put coins of large denomination in it. When you put coins in the water, you need to say the words: “Money, don’t transfer, grow, multiply and don’t get to the enemy.” Now wash windows and doors with water and money.

When money is counted on Clean Thursday 2018, what needs to be done on the Thursday before Easter: Thursday magic salt

The preparation of Thursday salt, which is cleansing and driving away evil spirits and negativity from the house, is the main tradition that the ancestors performed. To do this, the hostess took the salt and wrapped it in a cloth, sent it to the coals in the oven. When the fabric burned, the salt had to be transferred to a clean clay pot. Such salt cannot be eaten, but on Easter the owner put it on a loaf of bread.

Nowadays, not everyone has a stove in the house, so it is enough after bathing in the morning at dawn for each family member to take a handful of salt with clean hands and put it in a jar .. It is used for diseases and for cleaning apartments and houses. It is necessary to take a handful of salt and put a candle in it, light it in a room with closed windows so that the candle burns out to the end. After that, put everything in a bag and take it out of the house. Magic salt will absorb all the negativity, protect the house, heal from diseases.

Everyone wants to have financial stability in life. Not millions in a bank account, but enough money to meet their needs and for a decent life for their family. If you know when to count money on Clean Thursday, then you can ensure financial stability. At least, this is what many popular beliefs say.

Maundy Thursday is celebrated every year on the last Thursday before Easter, which falls on Holy Week. From the name, you might think that this Thursday you only need to clean and wash, but this is not so. You can do more enjoyable activities, namely, counting money. Let's start with this.

Preparing to Count

You do not need to tell anyone in the family that on Maundy Thursday this year you decided to perform this ritual. Because, talkativeness will greatly weaken its effect. On the eve, you need to collect all the money that is in the house and put it in a secluded place. Now go to bed, but set the alarm so that you get up before the sun.

First count: at dawn

The first time period when counting money on a clean Thursday is at dawn. You need to get up before sunrise and take the prepared money. Now find a quiet and secluded place where no one will see or disturb you for sure. Count the money, and mentally ask God for financial stability and prosperity. Put the money back in a safe place.

Second count: at noon

The second calculation of the same amount will need to be carried out on Maundy Thursday at noon. Again, all the money is taken, and a secluded place is found. After counting, you can pray and again mentally turn to God, asking for well-being for your family.

Third Count: After Sunset

The last recount will be the third. You will need to do this at sunset or after the sun hides. Everything is as it was done the first and second time. Money is carried away with them to a secluded place and carefully counted. Do not forget about creating intention and mental requests for financial well-being for each family member.

What is important to pay attention to

In addition to the fact that the count must be kept secret, there are other important principles that must be followed when counting money on Clean Thursday. Be sure to count all the money that is in the house to the penny. In the room where the ritual will be held, there should not even be pets. If possible, it is also recommended to remove plants or anything that can be alive from the room. This is exactly what the rules for counting money on Maundy Thursday require in order for the ritual to work.

Money ritual during general cleaning

To be sure that the maximum is done for the financial well-being of your family on a clean Thursday, you can also perform a cleaning ritual. On Maundy Thursday, as we already know, you need to do a general cleaning in the house. Cleaning should begin with washing all windows and doors.

When preparing water for washing windows and doors, you need to not only pour a cleaning agent into it, but also throw a handful of little things. Now wash windows and doors with this water, mentally ask for financial well-being. When the cleaning is over, pour water under a young bush or tree, and collect a trifle in a clean bag. Tie the bag and put it in a secluded place, for example, behind the icons.