Psychological causes of herpes. How is herpes related to psychosomatics? How to defeat herpes with the help of psychosomatics

  • 29.06.2020

Often such a condition occurs, accompanied by tingling, pain, prolonged and exhausting itching, which is accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, they quickly turn into crusts. This is herpes, the causes of which are that the nervous tissue is affected by the virus and, with a decrease in immunity, makes itself felt.

Doctors have established the causes and mechanisms of infection development for a long time, however, it remains open question about the fact that one person develops an infection very rarely, while the other “blooms” all year round. There are some suggestions that there is some psychosomatics in the development of the disease.

All diseases develop for a reason, each has its own, triggering internal reason, thanks to which everything develops. Recently, it has become known that conflicts, constant resentment, hatred and other negative emotions lead to the development of certain diseases. To know that's just why it develops, then you can look for ways to resolve the issue. It is better to completely prevent negative emotions or sort out your feelings, then the herpes infection will cease to be a problem.

forbidden feelings

And although the reasons are clearly established, the fact that nuns most often suffered from herpes has long been known, due to the way they constantly live. Due to the strictness of the way of life in the monastery, the nuns still remained the representatives of the fair sex, temptations did not crush them either. During a strong temptation, bubbles appeared on the lips, which were considered a symbol of the struggle between the flesh and the spirit.

Simply put, the psychosomatics of the development of herpes is associated with strong internal experiences. An example was the nuns who constantly struggled with sexual desire, considering it to be something obscene. There is some feeling of guilt, in the form of dual emotions, when you want, but the mind says that it is impossible. An example would be a pedantic neat person who is afraid of being late or getting dirty.

Sometimes the psychosomatics of a herpes infection lies in restrained anger, the habit of judging everyone around, for example, the opposite sex. If a person is ready to say something, but has not done so, they turn into hidden anger and some discomfort. Depending on the experiences, herpes develops in different parts of the body.

healthy lips

In order for herpes to no longer bother, you will need to completely change your attitude to life, around what is happening. You need to understand that there is nothing in sex that could cause prejudice or cause dirt. This is normal and natural for every person, the main thing is to love yourself, and then your partner.

Changes will require an attitude towards the opposite sex, especially one's thinking. There is no person who could become different because they want to or because of their gender. Old grievances are not a barrier to new family happiness. The above is a reason for action, for the habit of constantly keeping your anger and irritability in yourself.

But this does not mean that it is worth driving evil on a person who meets on the way. You can overcome your psychological shortcomings through regular work on yourself, the main thing is not to leave the started idea.

form of genital herpes

Herpes on the genitals with effective, adequate treatment disappears after two, and sometimes three weeks. The psychosomatics of the genital form of herpes lies in the feeling of guilt that a person experiences in connection with some taboos. Illness can be considered a punishment for the appearance of this or that desire. Sometimes this arises as a result of a disagreement between a healthy mind and one's desires, albeit forbidden ones.

Genital herpes can also appear in a category of people who, for some reason, cannot realize their secret desires, do not try to fully realize them. You can eliminate the disease after the above reasons go away, it may be worth reconsidering your attitude to the secret, which you previously wanted to hide deeper. Having received its own permission, psychosomatics will leave.

You can start by analyzing the essence of the issue, in addition, you need to find people who have similar problems, try to solve them together. A person should not be alone with his problems, this must be understood.

oral herpes

This form is manifested by rashes on the mucous membrane and skin around the mouth. A disease can occur much more often than it might seem at first glance, this has its own psychosomatics.

The psychological causes of the disease lie in the constant strict condemnation of others, often of the opposite sex. An abscess or inflammation manifests itself in the form of frozen anger, in the area of ​​​​the lips. Sometimes this is manifested in an impulse to say rudeness, but she was restrained, this was said earlier.

Basically, it concerns close people of the opposite sex. A herpes infection is the result of anger and misunderstanding. To eliminate the causes, it is necessary to understand that a person harms himself, than he tries to punish another. Need to be accepted loved one, in some situations, understand and forgive as clearly as possible, but at the same time, try to correctly express your feelings.

Practical aspects

Psychological aspects contribute to the fact that there is an exacerbation of the disease. On the example of a herpetic infection, the interweaving of psychological and physical factors is clearly traced. Depressive states, general psychosomatics, states of fear, all these factors have a clearly established relationship between complaints and the development of pathology. The dispute is only about what is the role and magnitude of deep personality neurotic traits.

There are examples of this that prove the connection between the disease and the psychological state. So, doctors, together with psychologists, observed 36 people suffering from genital herpes. The immunological parameters of individuals with increased anxiety, states of aggression or depression were studied.

People who have had a high degree of development of persistent depression have been found to have an increased tendency to relapse the disease. Persons with increased aggression, anxiety, had almost three times reduced immunity.

According to research, external causes, such as ultraviolet radiation, infectious diseases, can provoke the disease. Often, herpes makes itself felt during a session, exams, when a person feels lonely. Internal causes are expressed by conflicts in themselves.

Conflicts, their manifestations

There is a list of conflicts, it can be attributed constant feeling guilt, fear of pollution, moral decline, duality of emotions in sexual sphere. All this can cause a herpes infection. In such situations, psychosomatics is not in last place.

A vivid example happened at the end of the last century, everything happened to a true believer who, having a strong carnal temptation, suffered from a constant herpes infection in the nose or mouth. At that moment, when a woman was ready to give in to her temptation, the infection manifested itself most strongly and aggressively.

The organism, thus, showed an internal contradiction, which repelled the partner from her. All of the above does not claim to be a complete answer to many questions. But the mental and physical interconnection of the body and the occurrence of infection are clearly traced. To get rid of pathology, you must first understand yourself, your feelings.

From the point of view of official medical science, herpes is a consequence of reduced immunity. The cause may be a disease or just a banal hypothermia of the body. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, with kisses, especially with those who have it at the moment. The widespread prevalence has led to the fact that almost every inhabitant of the planet is a carrier of the virus.

When a disease appears, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, this can be achieved in any way. Adequate treatment helps eliminate external manifestations, but the virus remains inside, waiting in the wings. Recently, a clear connection has been established between the virus and the psychological state of a person. Especially now the problem is increasingly being considered not only from the standpoint of official medicine.

It has long been proven that the psychological state of a person can affect his physical health. The psychosomatics of herpes was studied by such well-known researchers as Liz Burbo, Louise Hay, Valery Sinelnikov and many others. All of them came to the conclusion that there are quite understandable reasons for frequent recurrences of infection, and not only physiological ones.

Representatives of psychosomatic medicine are sure that herpes can be “calmed down” only if you turn deep into your soul, find out the true psychological source of the disease and try to change your attitude towards yourself and the surrounding reality. What emotional problems do herpes vesicles appear on the body and face?

Psychology of the disease: what do herpes rashes say

Followers of psychosomatic medicine argue that behind each disease there are certain sensations, thoughts or actions of a person.

Herpes in psychosomatics is interpreted primarily as a manifestation of repressed feelings:

The psychological causes of the disease can be considered in more detail if you pay attention to which part of the body most often appears itchy painful rashes.

A cold on the lips indicates that a person often restrains himself in angry statements or prefers not to express bitterness from the events taking place around him, leaving feelings to himself: words seem to get stuck in the mouth and thereby cause bubbles to appear. On the other hand, labial herpes often becomes a manifestation of a biased negative attitude towards someone and constant condemnation “behind the back”.

To a greater extent, this applies to women who have a critical look at all males without exception. However, it happens that herpes on the lips also appears in men who harbor in their souls a strong resentment against the fairer sex and have a bad opinion about them.

One more psychological reason a cold on the lip is associated with a long-term concealment of any information, especially unpleasant. As a rule, it is very difficult to keep a secret, and if a person really wants to reveal it to someone, but cannot do it due to certain circumstances, such a desire results in a relapse of labial herpes.

As you know, rashes that occur on the face can be located not only in the mouth area. In some cases, unpleasant itchy blisters form on the nose. This happens in a situation where a person is forced to regularly be in the company of people who are deeply unpleasant to him, but at the same time he must restrain his emotions. A constant feeling of groveling and pleasing to someone, contrary to the essence of a person, can cause shingles on the body - one of the varieties of herpes infection.

Psychosomatics of genital herpes infection

Often associated primarily with the intimate sphere of human life:

  1. People suffering from this ailment, as a rule, feel serious psychological discomfort at the mention of the sexual aspect.
  2. Many of them are convinced of the sinfulness of intercourse, are ashamed of their body and genitals, and try not to even allow thoughts of physical pleasure of this kind.

The psychosomatic source of genital herpes is often associated with religious beliefs: deeply religious people believe that carnal pleasures are a great sin, which will certainly be followed by God's punishment. Moreover, they are sure that they deserve this punishment not only by their behavior, but also by bad thoughts about sexual pleasure.

Scientists say that human psychology and the development of diseases in his body are closely related, and the state of health directly depends on the emotional background, actions, words, ideas and attitudes towards oneself and others. As you know, herpes is one of the most common infections in the world, and avoiding infection with the virus is quite difficult.

But if some rashes occur only a few times in a lifetime, others suffer from unpleasant manifestations of the disease constantly for many years. According to supporters of psychosomatics, it's all about the ability to pay attention to the body's signals in time and change your outlook on the world and yourself, preventing the disease from reappearing.

Every person in the world, probably at least once in his life, but felt a little discomfort, tingling, itching and found characteristic blisters in the lips. All this is a signal that there is such a problem as herpes. In the people, this ailment is called a fever or a cold.

For what reasons this disease appears, has long been known to doctors. This is an infectious pathology that occurs due to the presence of the virus of the same name in the human body, hypothermia or a decrease in immunity.

But here is an unequivocal answer to the main question that interests many, why some people get the virus several times in their lives, while others suffer from it almost every month, no. It is for this reason that many scientists and specialists in the field of " subtle matters» believe that inside a person lies the cause that provokes herpes. Psychosomatics in this case takes place. But first you need to understand a little about what herpes is and what types of this disease are.

Types of herpes

Herpes is an infectious disease. As soon as he enters the human body at least once, he remains in it for life. The virus manifests itself mainly in the form of rashes and does not have a serious effect on the body.

The most common is herpes of the first and second types. It is mainly expressed in the form of cosmetic disorders.

Infection with the herpes virus of the third, fourth and fifth types seriously affects the human body, since it can even affect the central nervous system:

  • Type 3 is a type of chicken pox, which manifests itself in the form of a childhood illness - chickenpox or as herpes zoster;
  • type 4 - Epstein-Barr virus or infectious mononucleosis;
  • Type 5 - cytomegalovirus.

There are also three more types: 6, 7 and 8, however, their effect on humans has been little studied, but scientists believe that they appear in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. In other words, the cause of these types is hidden deep within everyone, and it is there that you need to look for it in order to help the patient cope with the disease.

what it is?

A term such as "psychosomatic" consists of two Latin words: psyche - soul and soma - body. Following from this, psychosomatic pathologies are when the patient is physically ill, but the cause of the illness must be sought in the soul, or rather, in his perception of what is happening around. It can be argued that the emotional and mental state of a person is directly related to the physical.

Many scientists who have been working for a long time to find out the causes of a particular disease believe that most of the ailments are precisely psychosomatics, and it is necessary to cure the human soul, then the disease will go away. But let's see what can happen in a person's life if psychosomatics eventually causes herpes on the lips?

Forbidden desires

Before you understand the depths of the human subconscious and find out the cause of herpes, you need to talk about a very interesting fact, which is described by many scientists working on the problem of the causes of herpes in people of different ages. The thing is that herpes, from the point of view of psychosomatics, is most often found in women who have decided to devote themselves to serving God and went to live in a monastery. And this is due to some peculiarities of their thinking and way of life.

Everyone is well aware that life in a monastery involves strict rules and restrictions, but women who go to serve God still remain fragile creatures in the depths of their souls and are prone to various temptations.

And just at the moment when the nun feels the strongest temptation, a cold appears on her lips, which is a symbol of the struggle over human nature and personal convictions. That is why there is an opinion that herpes appears in those people who experience the strongest conflicts inside themselves, for example, they believe that sexual relations are something dirty and out of the ordinary, but at the same time they ignore their libido.

This category also includes people who are characterized by feelings of guilt, ambivalent emotions - they really want to, but they need to, or pathological accuracy, manifested in the fear of getting dirty and looking ridiculous in the eyes of others, and much more.

In addition, there is another reason that causes herpes. Psychosomatics in this case is associated with restrained anger and, in particular, the habit of judging everyone around him. That is why experts believe that you need to first deal with what worries a person, and only then proceed to treatment. infectious disease. Antibiotics are prescribed for this, but why poison the body if you just need to help a person deal with his fears and other problems in his soul?

How to keep lips healthy

To prevent herpes from appearing on the lips anymore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards life and what is happening around. You need to understand that sex life is not dirt and condemnation, but a natural human need. After all, it is she who allows offspring to appear. The main thing is to love yourself first, and then your partner.

Changes should also affect attitudes towards the opposite sex. There is not a single person in the world who could become different, because someone wants it or because of their gender. Old barriers should not stand in the way of a new happy life.

To appease your anger, irritability, it is better to speak out right away, then no one will be bothered by herpes. Psychosomatics has been studied by scientists for a long time, and they were able to prove that any, even the most insignificant disease that appeared out of nowhere is a consequence of a disease of the soul. You just have to speak out and remove all your doubts, and the disease will pass without any medicine.

Eruptions in the nose

Very often, people go to the doctor with the fact that they often have small spotting and dryness there. This is another form of herpes, because it can affect not only the mucous membrane of the genital organs and mouth, but also the nose.

It is also worth noting that it is precisely this internal state of a person that can provoke herpes zoster. His psychosomatics can also be associated with a depressed state. It also appears when a person long time something very upset.

Genital herpes: psychosomatics

A rash on the labia is another form of herpes that also often bothers people. If you approach the problem correctly and start urgent therapy, then after a couple of weeks you can forget about it. But it is worth saying that the internal can also be the cause that caused genital herpes.

Psychosomatics here is associated with which most often a person experiences in connection with some prohibitions. The disease can be considered a kind of punishment for having an indecent desire, when common sense understands that this is a taboo, but at the same time you really want to try.

Herpes on the genitals can appear in people who, for some reason, cannot realize their innermost desires and bring them to life. It will be possible to eliminate the disease only if the above reasons are resolved. Perhaps the patient should reconsider his views on those points that he previously wanted to hide as deeply as possible from other people. As soon as this happens, psychosomatics will also disappear.

The table of diseases (Louise Hay presented it in one of her books) helps to understand what can provoke the appearance of a particular disease and how to properly understand it in order to eventually remove the cause of the pathology, thereby curing the body.

Health Affirmation Table

The famous writer Louise Hay has long been engaged in helping a person understand himself and find out what eventually provokes the appearance of an ailment. Her book allowed everyone to understand what psychosomatics is. The Table of Diseases (Louise Hay has been working on it for a long time) is an ideal instruction for those who want to harmonize with their inner self and what surrounds it. In it, by the way, there is also genital herpes or sexually transmitted diseases. Here's what causes them to appear:

  • belief that sex is the strongest sin;
  • feeling of shame;
  • the belief that heavenly punishment will come from the fact that he even thought about a connection with the opposite sex;
  • dislike for the genitals.

Louise Hay says that you can be cured if you assume that everything natural is normal. They created a person this way, and this should not be ashamed, especially of one's body. Once a person accepts all this, the disease will go away.

Herpes simplex, which is also called, can be caused by a strong desire to do everything badly, if a person has an unspoken, which oppresses him and does not give rest. In this case, you need to love yourself and everyone around you. Forgive all insults, express the unsaid and settle only love and peace in your soul, and everything will be resolved by itself.

How to beat herpes

So, in order to get rid of herpes, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease, and it is necessary to look for it inside a person, so the doctor must prescribe not only a laboratory examination, but also a visit to a psychologist.

As soon as the specialist finds what has weighed on the patient for so long and helps to solve all his mental problems, then the disease will go away and, perhaps, not alone.

After all, as the table of Louise Hay says, all diseases lie in the human soul. Here are some recommendations for dealing with such pathologies:

  1. If herpes appeared on the lip, then it is necessary to express everything that you have carried in yourself for a long time. You just need to take a blank sheet of paper to write on it everything that weighed and bothered, then tear it and thereby free yourself from the oppressive.
  2. Herpes in the nose can be removed if you do not keep evil inside yourself. One has only to free the soul from it, and the disease will go away.
  3. Genital herpes is directly related to how a person looks at intimate relationships. Until he takes all this for granted and learns to love his body and understand that everything is natural in sex, the disease will not go away.


Herpes is not a very pleasant disease, but it is considered one of the simplest manifestations of psychosomatics. In the place of its appearance, you can immediately say that it oppresses a person. One has only to remove all internal problems, you can forget about the disease forever. In order not to resort to drastic measures and not to take antibiotics, you just need to talk to a psychologist, solve your mental problems and that's it - the disease is cured.

Herpes, psychosomatics in the occurrence of which plays an important role, is manifested by specific rashes. Conflicts, hatred, resentment and complexes contribute to the development of many diseases. If a person can cope with his emotions, the herpes infection will stop visiting him.

Herpes and its psychosomatics are associated with internal unrest. An example is the nuns who constantly suppress their sexual desire. The disease can also appear in people with various fears. Sometimes the appearance of rashes is promoted by restrained anger, the habit of judging others. Depending on the type of emotion, herpes affects different parts of the body. In order for the symptoms of the disease to no longer appear, a person must change his attitude to life.

You will also have to change your attitude towards the opposite sex. Old grievances should not interfere with new relationships. A person should not restrain anger, excitement, irritability. However, this does not mean that you can throw out evil on others. Get rid of negative emotions It helps to keep working on yourself.

Psychological reasons lie in the feeling of guilt that arises under the influence of certain prohibitions. Illness can be considered a consequence of the appearance of a desire. Rashes can occur during the struggle of the rational side of a person with the unconscious. Genital herpes can also appear in people whose psychology does not allow them to fully realize and realize their secret desires. You can eliminate the disease after getting rid of the above causes. It is necessary to change your attitude to what is hidden in the depths of the subconscious. People who have the same symptoms can be involved in solving the problem. Don't be alone with your problems.

Depending on the type of emotion, herpes affects different parts of the body. In order for the symptoms of the disease to no longer appear, a person must change his attitude to life.

It is diagnosed much more often than the previous form. The psychosomatics of this form of herpes lies in a judgmental attitude towards others, especially towards persons of the opposite sex. An abscess and redness of the skin may appear when trying to hide anger. Herpes infection is often the result of a misunderstanding between loved ones. To get rid of the disease, you need to understand that a person during a conflict harms himself, and does not punish another. You need to learn how to express your feelings correctly and be able to forgive other people's mistakes.

Practical research

Psychosomatic causes contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. On the example of a herpetic infection, one can trace the relationship of physiological and psychological factors. Depressive disorders, fear, resentment are associated with the symptoms and nature of the course of the disease. The only thing in which the opinions of experts do not agree is the degree of influence of neurotic traits on the frequency of exacerbation of the infection.

Studies have been conducted that assessed the performance of the immune system in patients with anxiety, aggression and depression. The latter had an increased tendency to frequent exacerbations of herpes. In aggressive and suspicious people, a significant violation of the functions of the immune system was found. Often, herpes worsens during exams, the beginning of new projects, quarrels with loved ones. During such periods, a person feels lonely, internal conflicts arise.

Constant stress reduces the body's defenses, which in turn leads to the occurrence of herpes.

Before you start treating herpes, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence. For example, if rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, you need to think about how you can correctly express your opinion without fear of condemnation of others. The problem of hidden anger can be solved by describing your feelings on paper, which is then torn or burned. With herpes in the nose, you need to change your attitude towards the person towards whom the patient feels anger. Need to get rid of the negativity bad thoughts destroy their carrier. The appearance of rashes in the genital area should make one abandon the opinion that intimate relations with a spouse are a duty.

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that studies the influence of the patient's psychological state on the onset and course of a physical illness. According to experts in this field, control over your emotions and thoughts will make it possible to prevent the development of many health problems, as well as to cure existing diseases. The psychosomatics of herpes is a hot topic, since the pathology is familiar a large number people.

You can deal with the problem of psychosomatics on your own, but the rehabilitation process will be more efficient and faster if you do not refuse the help of psychologists.

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that studies the influence of the patient's psychological state on the onset and course of a physical disease.

Psychosomatics of herpes

Herpes is a viral disease. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that after the penetration of the pathogen into the body, the virus remains in it forever. Previous studies have not been able to find the optimal method of dealing with the virus, which could destroy it.

The disease may not manifest itself for a long time. In a latent state, the virus persists as long as the immune system is functioning normally. As soon as there is a failure in its work, the disease is activated. It has been proven that psychosomatics has a direct impact on the functioning of the immune system. For this reason, the emotional state has a direct impact on the activation of the infection.

Rashes, which are small blisters, can appear on various parts of the body. The location of the pathology depends on what type of virus is contained in the body. There are more than 200 types of this infection.

Herpes is a viral disease. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that after the penetration of the pathogen into the body, the virus remains in it forever.

Herpes simplex virus type 1 is considered the most common.

The psychological causes of herpes can be as follows:

  1. post-traumatic syndrome. The psychosomatics of the appearance of herpes is due to a long wait or experience that has already ended. That is, a rash on the lip or even on the nose occurs after all the excitement has been left behind.
  2. Outburst of negative emotions. If you accumulate anger in yourself for a long time, and then “let off steam”, then blisters of the virus may appear on the body.
  3. Lack of attention. Psychosomatics is typical for children who have been deprived of parental love for a long time, for example, if the mother rarely sees the child.
  4. Abstinence from sexual intercourse. If the spouses are at a distance, then after the meeting or the day before it in intimate area herpes may appear.
  5. Depressed state. When a person holds back feelings, experiences for a long time and is very upset, the body's reaction to such an internal state can manifest itself in the form of shingles.
  6. Indecision. People who make a choice for a long time, weighing the pros and cons, can provoke the development of a herpes infection. Internal conflicts will be the basis of the location of the rash. That is, if a person weighs his decision for a long time, for example, to make a nose job, then we can expect the activation of the virus on the face.

Psychosomatic development of the disease is possible, but only when it comes to recurrent herpes. The pathological process appears if the patient already has virus cells in the body.

Louise Hay's opinion

Louise Hay is the author of over 30 books and a popular personality among psychologists. She is the founder of the self-help movement. In one of her publications, Louise Hay reveals the full picture of what psychosomatics is. The table of health affirmations developed by her makes it possible to solve the problem of the appearance of herpes. In her opinion, the psychosomatics of the recurrence of the virus, which is localized on the genitals, is caused by the following:

  1. Negative attitude towards sex. Belief that sexual contact is a sin.
  2. Irritated at the mention of the genitals or at their sight.
  3. Feeling of shame at the thought of any manifestation of sexual contact. Fear of heavenly punishment due to connection with the opposite sex.

To cope with the problem, you need to learn to accept everything natural as the norm and love yourself.

Lisa Burbo's opinion

Writer and psychologist Liz Burbo believes that psychosomatics is the leading cause of the development of various diseases. In her opinion, almost 80% of all diseases are associated with the inability to get rid of negative internal attitudes. The writer claims that if you learn to listen to yourself and your body correctly, you can even get rid of a chronic disease, such as herpes.

An important step on the path to recovery is the ability not to be afraid to find out and accept the true cause of the disease.

In her scientific works, Liz Burbo repeatedly gives examples when psychosomatics not only caused illness, but also healed people who learned how to properly express their emotions.

How to defeat herpes with the help of psychosomatics

Psychosomatic causes of herpes on the lips, genitals, or other areas of the body can be learned to suppress even before a rash appears on the skin. To do this, you need to start analyzing your own emotions. If it was not possible to prevent a recurrence of the disease, the correct emotional attitude will help shorten the course of treatment.

When signs of infection appear on the nose or inside the respiratory organ, it can be assumed that the reason for such a reaction of the body is associated with hostility towards a certain person. To understand if there is a problem, you should pay attention to your feelings when a hated person catches your eye. If inside everything starts to "boil", then the problem of herpes in the nose is found.

Psychosomatics against herpetic rash will be as follows:

  1. The accumulated evil cannot be kept inside.
  2. You need to learn how to release your emotions without harming others.
  3. The fight against genital herpes, which was provoked by a negative attitude towards sex, with the help of psychosomatics, should begin with the understanding that carnal pleasure is not much different from other types of receiving positive emotions.

Psychosomatic healing can begin with a written statement of the problem. On the clean slate you need to write all the disturbing problems, and then tear or burn the paper.

Regardless of what provoked the psychosomatics of the disease, completely neglect the treatment traditional methods also not possible.

If a rash appears, you should consult a dermatologist.