Beautiful balcony flower boxes. Flowers in boxes on the balcony: care and planting

  • 29.05.2019

Not every city dweller has a dacha, but if you have a loggia, you can arrange a green corner on it. With the right approach, this will not be difficult to do.

What flowers to plant on the balcony? There are many suitable varieties, but when choosing a particular variety, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the culture, such as frost resistance and the ability to grow in the shade or in the sun. In other words, first of all, you need to focus on the degree of illumination of the loggia and the climatic conditions of the area.

For reference. Balconies facing south, southwest and southeast are considered sunny. They are illuminated for more than 12 hours a day. Penumbral loggias are located on the northwestern and northeastern sides, their rays of the sun illuminate less than 10-12 hours. And, finally, the sides located in the north are considered shady, where the sun penetrates no more than 6 hours a day.

Flowers for balconies: name, description and photo

Flowers for balconies should be unpretentious and suitable for growing in urban areas. Below are the most common varieties.

Begonia - plant for partial shade

Many people want to plant such plants on the balcony so that they bloom all summer. In this case, the best choice would be undersized begonia varieties. The flowering period of this culture lasts from May to October, and the range of shades is striking in variety. Petals can be painted in white, yellow, salmon, raspberry and bright red. Flowers simple, double or semi-double.

It is better to place begonia pots in the northwest or northeast, and in winter time remove the tubers in a cool room and store until the beginning of March in sand or peat chips at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

Bougainvillea - light-loving plant for the balcony

This climbing plant with purple flowers will be a real decoration of a balcony or terrace. Graceful shoots wrapping around the railing, placed on specially installed gratings, will look simply luxurious.

The culture prefers to grow in lighted places with normal humidity, so for its location it is better to choose loggias located in the south, southwest or southeast.

Verbena - a medicinal plant with a long flowering period

In the people, this plant is called "pigeon grass" or "Juno's tears." Culture is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures.

You can grow verbena both in pots on the balcony and in flower beds. The flowering period of the culture is long, and lasts from June to November. Lighting for verbena needs moderate, and it is better to place this flower on the east or west side.

Heather - beautiful balcony in winter time

To keep the balcony beautiful in winter, it is worth planting heather. it hardy shrub, the flowering period of which lasts from January to April. Even in very coldy culture does not lose its decorative effect.

Such a plant needs moderate lighting, and it will feel best on a loggia located on the east or west side.

Bindweed - ease of care and unpretentiousness

Often on city balconies you can see one or another type of bindweed. This is due to the fact that such plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need abundant watering. In addition, bindweed has a high "tenacity" and is able to braid any support.

Despite resistance to drought, in very dry soils, the culture loses its decorative effect, its leaves and flowers become smaller. Therefore, the sunny side is not the best place to place bindweed. But in cases where there is nowhere else to put the pots, you will need to ensure that the earth in the containers does not dry out, and also regularly spray the plant with water. The main thing is not to do this at the moment when the sun "looks" at the balcony, and to perform manipulations in the early morning or in the evening.

Geranium (Pelargonium) - a flower that needs a lot of sun

When placing such a plant on a balcony located on the south side, you should not be afraid that the leaves will get sunburn. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, pelargonium only grows better and enhances flowering, which lasts quite a long time.

To keep the geranium from dying, it needs abundant daily watering, as it quickly draws moisture from the soil.

Godetia - a cold-resistant annual for a sunny or penumbra balcony

it beautiful plant with large silky inflorescences of white, pink or red color can be grown both in flower beds and in pots. If the dried buds are cut off in time, the bush will bloom again and this process will last until the frost.

Godetia is resistant to cold, but demanding on watering, which will need to be done regularly. The best place to accommodate this culture will be the south, southwest and southeast side. However, with proper care, the flower will feel great in the northeast and northwest.

Ipomoea - a bindweed that loves shade

This lush liana with beautiful bright flowers is a great option for landscaping a balcony. The main thing is to make sure that the shoots have something to cling to. To do this, you need to install a grid or pull the ropes.

In general, such a culture is unpretentious, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. Therefore, the northwest or north side will become the best place for its placement.

Calistegia - perennial bindweed for a sunny or semi-shaded balcony

This is a beautiful climbing plant with bright green leaves and luxurious pale pink flowers. Their shape is most often bell-shaped, but there are varieties with a terry type of petals.

Calistegia is not capricious and easy to care for, it takes root well in any type of soil, it feels best on the south or east side.

Clematis - light-loving flower for the south or east side

This plant with small herbaceous emerald leaves and flowers ranging from white-lilac to deep purple is perfect for growing on a sunny balcony. The main thing is to choose a frost-resistant variety of culture, and then there will be no problems.

Owners of dimly lit loggias facing the north side, it is better to opt for another plant. Clematis in conditions of lack of sun will grow poorly and quickly die.

Daisy - unpretentious culture with a long flowering period

Daisies, depending on the variety, have rounded or elongated, "needle" leaves of a dark green color, and the shade of the flowers can be very diverse.

They are unpretentious and undemanding to the composition of the soil and watering. However, it should be taken into account that a large number of sunlight does not affect the plant too well, so shaded balconies are best for it.

Nasturtiums - annuals for the southern balcony

This is an unpretentious culture that even a novice gardener can grow from seeds.

The abundance of varieties that are completely different from each other allows you to create original compositions from nasturtium, which can be:

  • bushy;
  • ampelous;
  • curly.

The flowering period of the culture begins in July and lasts until the end of September. Since this plant is photophilous, it should be placed on the loggia, located on the south side.

Primroses - a kaleidoscope of colors in early spring

Most often, early flowering plants are found in city flower beds and front gardens of household plots, planted in open ground. But they can also be grown on the balcony, in separate containers or common pot, in which other flowers will then be “settled”.

Such crops bloom early, and this period does not last long, but if you combine them with plants with later bud formation, the loggia will look attractive throughout the warm season.

Petunia - ampelous annual with abundant flowering

If there is not enough space on the loggia to arrange containers with flowers, you should pay attention to the petunia. it ampelous plant suitable for growing in hanging pots.

Such a culture reaches 25 cm in height and is characterized by a compact bush shape and abundant, bright flowering, lasting until the November cold.

On the south or southeast balcony, you can grow any variety of petunia, and if the loggia is on the north side, only frost-resistant hybrids will survive here.

Ivy - a thick "veil" for any loggia

Ivy, densely wrapping around the balcony, will reliably protect the room from the penetration of bright sunlight better than any blinds. It is not at all difficult to care for such a culture, it does not need frequent watering and is able to grow on loggias located anywhere: both in the sun and in the shade.

However, in order for the foliage to remain thick and not lose color saturation, you will need to regularly spray the ivy with water, and, if possible, pour it over with a hose.

Polyanthus roses - light-loving long-flowering culture

The "Queen of Flowers" can be called a win-win option for a flower bed or balcony, this is a lush plant with dark green leaves and light pink flowers. large flowers will become a real decoration of the loggia. The flowering period of the culture is long and lasts throughout the summer.

Rose polyanthus will need watering as needed and regular top dressing, as well as an abundance of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to place pots on balconies located on the south side.

Zinnia is an annual that is heat and drought tolerant

This beautiful plant with dense green leaves and large, bright flowers is able to survive and remain decorative even in the hottest and driest summers. The main thing is to ensure regular watering of the crop during a prolonged drought, and act carefully so that moisture does not get on the leaves.

It is best to place pots with such flowers on balconies located on the south, southeast or southwest side.

In full review.

Rules for growing flowers on the balcony

To turn your loggia into a real flowering corner, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for growing plants on the balcony.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

In this video, the specialist tells which flowers are best grown on the balcony.

Recently, decorating balconies with flowers has become increasingly popular. However, in order for the flowers on the balcony in the boxes to bloom for a long time and delight with their fragrance and beauty, you need to make a lot of effort. In this case, certain knowledge, skills and abilities will be required.

Before embarking on the design of the balcony, you need to carefully consider everything: what flowers to plant and how to do it, how to care for them, what containers to use for planting. First of all, you should decide on the location of containers with plants. A preliminary sketch of the circuit can be done on paper. Flower boxes and pots on the balcony are placed on wall shelves, shelves, window sills and floors. This takes into account whether shade-loving or sun-loving plant species will be planted.

You can use plastic, ceramic, wooden boxes bought in a store or made by yourself. Hanging containers, large flowerpots, as well as tubs for tree-like plants look original. Metal containers can also be used, but do not forget that in direct sunlight they heat up to a high temperature, which negatively affects the root system of flowers. In extreme heat, plastic containers also become very hot, which can lead to their deformation.

On the outside of the balcony block, it is best to place boxes made of plastic, since this material is durable and at the same time has a small weight. So that the mount does not break under the load of growing flowers, they are planted in 1 long container (however, no more than 1 m long). But for flowers on the balcony in clay boxes, the most comfortable conditions. Due to the porosity of a material such as clay, the plants receive the necessary amount of air, and the soil remains moist for a longer period of time. Clay containers are quite heavy, so it is recommended to place them on the floor. To give them greater strength, you need to put them in water for about 2 hours.

When choosing containers, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  1. 1 There should be holes at the bottom small sizes which will help to avoid excessive accumulation of moisture.
  2. 2 It is advisable to pick up pots on the balcony with pallets. So, water flowing into the pan during irrigation under the influence of sunlight will create a greenhouse effect and will not flow down.
  3. 3 An excellent option for creating a flower garden are pots that need to be attached to the ceiling on inside balcony structure.

Required soil properties

It is good when the design of the balcony is original, and the plants please the eye for as long as possible. And for this you need to choose the right soil. You can either buy it from the store or make your own. To prepare the soil at home, they take coarse sand, a layer of turf, humus; all components are in equal proportions. Then a piece of fabric is placed at the bottom of the flower container, which could accumulate water, gradually giving it to the soil. After that, a layer of sand, peat, turf is alternately poured, all weeds are previously removed from the latter.

It is important that the soil is 2-3 cm lower than the walls of the box. Do not pour a large amount of earth, because during irrigation it will be washed off with water.

If you plan to plant flowers on the balcony annually, then before each planting, you must remove upper layer and put fresh in its place.

The soil needs fertilizer. However, they can only be applied after the topsoil has been replaced. It is advisable to use long-term fertilizers. Unlike annual plants, perennials require soil replacement once every 2-4 years, and, for example, agapanthus even less often, since it only needs to add a little fresh earth.

Flowers growing on the balcony do not fit the soil that is usually bought or made for planting indoor plants. Such earth mixtures contain insufficient nutrients. Peat crumb is rich in nutrients. In addition, peat has other advantages:

  1. 1 Decontaminated from pathogens
  2. 2 Holds moisture for a long time.

In addition to the fact that the plants need watering, they also need to be fed every 7-10 days. The exceptions are:

  • nasturtium;
  • purslane;
  • glazing;
  • godetia;
  • dorotheanthus.

They need to be fed no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

4-6 weeks after planting, the first feeding of plants should be made. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers with trace elements of manganese, boron, molybdenum are used. The solution is prepared in this way: 2-3 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. Such top dressing is done almost until the end of summer.

Types of landscaping

Depending on the size of the balcony structure, use different types landscaping:

  1. 1 Horizontal.
  2. 2 Vertical.
  3. 3 Ceiling.

So, for a large balcony, all 3 types are suitable. To create a colorful, vibrant design, they select compositions from large single flowers, such as lilies, camellias, peonies. The presence of a sufficiently large area can lead to original ideas. For example, you can design a small decorative fountain or pond, decorate flooring pebbles.

For medium-sized balcony blocks, horizontal landscaping is best suited. For this purpose, light plastic pots are hung on the outside of the balcony. Those containers that are heavier are placed along the entire length of the walls and railings. In such flower beds it is advisable to plant marigolds and Chinese cloves, whose height is 20-30 cm, and flowering continues throughout the summer. If pruned at the end of July, do not fill with water and do not overdo it with top dressing, marigolds can bloom until the first frost. As for cloves, excess water in the pot is fatal for her.

One of the ideas for decorating a flower garden on a medium-sized balcony can be a combination of horizontal gardening with ceiling. In this case, the pots are attached to the ceiling of the balcony. However, when making such a choice, you need to think about how it would be convenient to care for the flowers.

The most successful option for a small balcony design is vertical gardening. Its principle is that flower containers are placed against one of the walls, ropes are pulled to the ceiling, and then a kind of ladder is created from slats, or mesh trellises are installed. Preference should be given to climbing plants: kobee, sweet peas, beans, girlish grapes, which will climb up the ladder, creating the design of a paradise. For this type of landscaping, you can use any container: pots, planters, boxes. The main thing is that they have enough space for flowers and soil.

The combination of various plants in balcony flower beds

There are various ideas regarding the combination of plants in flower beds. However, in order for the result to exceed all expectations, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations.

The main recommendation concerns colors plants. So, it is desirable to combine no more than 2 colors that harmonize quite well with each other. Classic options for balcony flower beds: plain red pelargoniums, salvias or fuchsias, pink petunias, white daisies, yellow or lilac violas.

For balconies in the shade, the following scheme is suitable: on the outer row - red and white fuchsias (undersized) and ever-flowering pink begonias, and on the inside - red tuberous begonias and yellow calceolaria. As an interesting idea to draw attention to your balcony, you can create a bright flower spot from red and white pelargoniums, red salvias, yellow marigolds, nasturtiums.

If the balcony is located on the 2-3rd floor, and in close proximity to the street or sidewalk, you can create a flower arrangement from ageratum, mignonette, kobe, beans, lobelia, daisies, stonecrops, balsams. But do not forget about the combination of no more than 2-3 color shades. Plants such as purslane, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums, erica, gazania look aesthetically pleasing only in the same type of planting.

Here's another pretty interesting idea. Creating a composition of flowers of lilac shades in combination with decorative foliage plants has an extravagant and elegant look. In this case, morning glory shoots with lemon-yellow leaves are placed next to the angelonia, which has violet-blue inflorescences. It will look great in this combination of coleus, the green leaves of which have burgundy veins. If space permits, you can arrange flowering rugs of caliberchoa. The box for the composition described should be about 80 cm long.

So, flowers on the balconies are not only possible, but also necessary to grow. Flower arrangements can decorate any room, they please both the owners and passers-by with their colorfulness and tenderness. And to give the balcony block aesthetics, you need only some knowledge, patience and a little imagination.

Where to start turning a loggia or balcony into paradise with beautiful flowering plants? For the successful cultivation of any flower crop, it is important to organize conditions that are suitable for it.

It is not necessary to determine the orientation of the future oasis to the cardinal points. It is enough to have an idea of ​​whether there is a balcony on the sunny or shady side. This is the main criterion for choosing flora for him.

Sunny side

Most balcony crops are grown on the sunny side. Mainly annuals , the first place among which deservedly belongs to .

ON THE PICTURE: Hybrid Petunia is a great choice for a sunny balcony.

Due to the huge variety of shapes and colors, long abundant flowering and unpretentiousness, this flower has become super popular with flower growers. It is easy to care for him, and even a beginner can grow Petunia.

Modern hybrid Petunias are:

  • bush and ampelous;
  • small-flowered and large-flowered;
  • simple and terry;
  • with fringed edges.

The flowers of various types of Petunias are single-colored, with light or dark centers, with radial contrasting stripes and edges painted in a different color. Upright forms are grown in flower boxes of various sizes, ampelous - in hanging planters.

ON THE PICTURE: Ampelnaya Petunia in a hanging pot.

Most decorative forms are resistant to adverse weather conditions: the flowers do not deteriorate from rain. Flowering continues from early summer until frost.

Combining various varieties of Petunias, it is possible to create a unique balcony flower garden from one of this genus.

ON THE PICTURE: Balcony decorated with various types of Petunias.

You can buy ready-made seedlings of Petunias in flower shops or grow it yourself by sowing seeds at the end of winter.

To undemanding plants recommended for balcony cultivation include and. There are many varieties with a variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences: red, orange, white, yellow.

ON THE PICTURE: From marigolds of different varieties, you can arrange a wonderful flower garden.

Marigolds are undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant. If you accidentally forget to water the flowers on the loggia, the tragedy will not happen. But it is better not to skip watering, especially on hot days: the lower leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry, the plants will lose their decorative effect.

Marigolds grow quickly and bloom early, within one and a half to two months after sowing the seeds. For abundant flowering it is necessary to remove wilted buds. Otherwise, ripening seeds will "pull" on themselves vitality plants.

ON THE PICTURE: Withered marigold flowers must be removed in a timely manner.

For a balcony it is better to choose undersized species flowering plants. For the sunny side, low varieties, annuals and are good. On a brightly lit loggia are appropriate:

  • (Burachok);
  • (Antirrhinum);
  • (Clarkia);
  • (Sage);

You can combine business with pleasure: plant several types of herbs, for example,. They comfortably coexist in one container. Read more about growing homemade spices in the article:.

ON THE PICTURE: Spicy herbs in one container.

Pull the support cords and plant, decorative Beans or. This creates a wonderful shady place to relax with a cup of tea or a book.

ON THE PICTURE: Thickets of Ipomoea give a pleasant shade on a sunny balcony.

For balcony landings come in handy biennials : () and . On the balconies and loggias of true admirers of floristry, there is also (Geranium).

ON THE PICTURE:Pelargonium is distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and colors.

Over the years, Pelargonium has been thoroughly forgotten. More recently, it grew mainly on rural window sills and in some provincial offices. But in last years breeders have bred many ornamental varieties, thanks to which Geranium received a second life. Bush and ampelous varieties of this plant turn loggias and balconies into real flowering gardens.

Pelargonium can be grown from seeds, but it is better to cut adult bushes at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Each cutting should have three internodes. lower leaves removed from the shoots, after which the cuttings are dried for several hours.

The shoots prepared in this way are planted in small cups or pots with drainage holes. You need a light, permeable soil. Landing is carried out with a deepening of one internode: in this place, the formation of roots will begin.

ON THE PICTURE: Rooting cuttings of Pelargonium in peat humus tablets.

As they grow, young plants are pinched for better branching. By the time the grown Pelargonium bushes move to the balcony, they are transferred to permanent containers filled with loose nutrient soil.

With a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200ba balcony or loggia, potted and even large-sized container plants are placed there for the summer. On the sunny side, citrus fruits, succulents and cacti, potted, feel great.

shadow side

If the balcony is in the shade for most of the day, various bulbs will take root on it. Of the large ones, it is worth planting on a shaded loggia, ferns,.

From flowering plants for a shady balcony is suitable.

ON THE PICTURE: Tuberous Begonia is a great choice for a shady balcony.

This type of Begonia is decorated with asymmetrical jagged foliage, flowers of various shades of white, yellow, orange, red, pink. They are large single or small, but collected in clusters; simple, semi-double and terry.

Begonia blooms throughout the summer, continuing until October. But it is necessary to remove the plant from an uninsulated balcony before the onset of the first frost. Begonia loves fertile, slightly acidic, breathable soil that needs to be constantly moist.

Another flowering plant that is ideal for a shady balcony is.

ON THE PICTURE: Fuchsia tolerates shade well.

It is impossible to take your eyes off Fuchsia with blossoming buds. The unusual shape and color of flowers, lush flowering literally fascinate. Particularly decorative ampelous species grown in hanging pots.

To get an elegant flower cascade, take three to five cuttings of Fuchsia, depending on the size of the container. They are planted together, closer to the edge of the container, under some slope.

ON THE PICTURE: Wind-resistant Alyssum exudes a pleasant aroma.

Winter Garden

On a glazed balcony or loggia, you can organize a real winter Garden. This is the best option for the upper floors.

ON THE PICTURE: The choice of plants for a glazed balcony is much wider than for an open one.

If available on a glazed balcony or loggia additional sources light, the choice of plants for them is almost unlimited. If you insulate the walls and floor, install double-glazed windows, conduct electricity, hang lamps, you can grow whatever your heart desires there.

ON THE PICTURE: Glazed balcony or loggia, turned into a winter garden - a great place to relax.

  1. Make sure the flower boxes and climbing supports are securely fastened to the balcony railing.
  2. For flower containers with drainage holes, pallets are needed to drain excess moisture.
  3. For the sunny side, choose light-colored containers to avoid overheating of the roots. On the shadow it is better to use dark ones.
  4. When growing plants with different colors on the same loggia or balcony, a harmonious combination of colors and shapes is important.
  5. In balcony flower arrangements, different shades of the same color are combined win-win.
  6. Plants on fresh air watered either in the morning or late in the evening. Periodically, they should be fed with fertilizers, according to the recommendations for a particular species.
  7. The glazed balcony should be ventilated for the comfort of the flora growing on it.

- a magnificent decoration of the facade of the house and a source of pride for the owner of the home. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to create such a piece of paradise in a limited space, because not all garden plants can grow in cramped boxes, and those that are still able to develop indoors do not always harmoniously combine with each other.

To create a mini-garden on the balcony, similar to those chic design creations that flaunt in the photo in floristic magazines, you need to not only use the right types of plants, but also adhere to a certain scheme for planting them.

Flowers suitable for growing in balcony boxes and their planting schemes

Dreaming of paradise on, immediately put aside the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing luxurious dahlias, proud gladioli and chic daylilies in boxes, because all these magnificent flowers can grow only in spacious garden beds. In a small amount of soil, only the most unpretentious annuals feel good, the most beautifully flowering of which are petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums and morning glory.


Blooming profusely throughout the summer, drought-resistant, having a large number of varieties (among which ampelous, large-flowered, double and cascading forms stand out with special beauty) petunias are truly ideal plants for balcony gardening.

Attention! Petunias are sun-loving, so they will develop well and bloom magnificently only on balconies facing west or south.

Petunias endure the vagaries of the weather and do not need daily care.

Petunia: a beautiful and unpretentious flower for a balcony, which has rightfully gained popularity among beginner growers

The only difficulty in cultivating these subtropical beauties is the need to grow them through seedlings.

Advice. Not wanting to bother with germinating seeds, you can buy ready-made seedlings of petunias of various varieties at any gardening center.

The size and shape of the planting containers used, as well as the arrangement of seedlings in them, depend on the type of petunias.

  • Multi-flowered bush varieties are planted in narrow balcony boxes in one, less often in two rows. The distance between individual plants is kept within 15-18 cm. In the case of a two-row planting, petunias in the second row are placed not opposite the plants of the first row, but in the spaces between them. If the box is fixed on the parapet of the balcony, ampelous plants are often planted in front of a row of bush petunias.
  • Seedlings of large-flowered and terry varieties petunias are planted in boxes at twenty-centimeter intervals, ampel seedlings - at thirty-centimeter intervals.
  • Particularly powerful ampelous and cascading varieties of petunias are planted not in boxes, but in large hanging planters or in large-sized high floor flowerpots. In this case, the plants are placed in planting containers one by one.

The variability in the color of petunia petals is very high. So that the floral decoration of the balcony does not hurt the eyes with variegation and dissonance of flowers, plants are planted in boxes, the corollas of which are painted in the same or in two (maximum three) colors that harmonize with each other, for example, white - pink - blue or purple - lavender.


Golden ocher, fiery orange or lemon yellow "pompoms" of marigolds are a traditional decoration of city balconies and rural front gardens.
Low-growing varieties of these delightful sunny flowers grow without problems in small wooden boxes and need only an abundance of light and occasional watering.

Marigolds: a common plant in urban home front gardens

In order for marigolds to cover the entire planting capacity with a luxurious hat, they are planted quite densely, according to a 20x20 cm pattern.

Advice. Unpretentious, blooming from the beginning of summer until the onset of cold weather, outbred (but very beautiful) orange "chernobrivtsy" can be easily grown from seeds bought from grandmothers on the collective farm market. More capricious, terry and unusually colored varietal marigolds are best grown in seedlings, and the seedlings themselves are purchased in a reputable flower growing center.


Basic information about nasturtiums:


Shade-tolerant, fast-growing and densely braiding any vine support provided to them. Ipomoea - best flowers for decorating high, north-facing balconies. The heart-shaped succulent leaves of these plants create a lush green carpet on the wall of any, even a heavily shaded loggia, in a month. Its beauty is emphasized by large graceful bell flowers.

Ipomoea are planted in balcony boxes according to the 20x20 cm pattern and immediately a reliable vertical support is built for them.

Ipomoea: a good choice for north facing balconies

Garden flowers are capricious creatures and therefore often do not get along next to each other even on a spacious garden bed not to mention cramped balcony boxes. So that annuals growing in a limited space do not quarrel with each other, it is better to grow them in a monoculture. But if you want to experiment, then, when choosing plants for planting in a single container, be guided not only by their habitus, but also by the similarity of requirements for growing conditions.

Video: Flowers on the balcony in boxes

Photo: Flowers on the balcony in boxes

The cultivation of ornamental flowers is usually associated with suburban area or a dacha, since it is there that you can plant beautiful flower beds and flower beds as you please and embody your flower-growing fantasies with virtually no restrictions.

But flower lovers can afford to create a mini-flower garden in an urban environment - on the balcony of their apartment. Beautiful flowers can grow and bloom there no worse than in a suburban area.

To do this, you just need to competently approach the choice of plants and care for them.

Let's talk about the important points when creating a home flower garden with your own hands: which flowers for the balcony are best suited for your particular situation, how to care for them and what else you can plant, share design tips and.

To a greater extent, the choice of plants will depend on the location of the loggia relative to the cardinal points, on the degree of illumination.

There may also be a choice: annuals or perennials? The latter require long-term systematic care and, accordingly, great patience from the gardener, so let's talk about annuals.

Names and photos of colors suitable for the south balcony

Most garden flowers are very thermophilic and it is not difficult to arrange a flower arrangement on the southern balcony.

Of course, you might think that the more sun, the better.

But you need to take into account a few serious points regarding the effect of direct sunlight on flowers:

  1. The scorching sun's rays cause burns to tender leaves.
  2. On the south side, there can be scorching heat in summer. In such conditions, flowers require frequent watering and regular spraying.

When choosing a plant with this orientation, you need to build on such characteristics of species and varieties: high drought resistance, good ability to tolerate sunlight, light-loving.

Pelargonium (Pelargonium)

It is very similar to geranium, but they are different plants. Tolerates direct sunlight well. Zonal (Pelargonium x hortorum, Zonal pelargoniums) and ivy-leaved (Ivy-Leaved Pelargoniums) varieties are most resistant to abundant sunlight.

Zonal pelargoniums have leaves with a characteristic, different in color, zonal pattern. The flowers are collected in large umbellate inflorescences, which can be laid along the entire length of the shoot, due to which there is a long flowering. In the presence of sufficient heat and light, such varieties can bloom all year round starting in March.

Green Color

Divas Blueberry

Night Scarlet

Patricia Andrea

Ivy pelargoniums are distinguished by long thin stems and hard ivy-like leaves. The leaves are covered with a thick cuticle that helps reduce moisture loss during drought.

With an abundance of light, pelargonium will even enhance its flowering. It can also go a long time without watering. True, the royal pelargonium is an exception of its kind and in the hottest midday hours it must be shaded.

Calendula, marigold (Calendula officinalis)

In addition to the fact that calendula is photophilous and drought-resistant, it also belongs to plants that bloom all summer. Flowering period: June to September. For long flowering, wilted inflorescences must be removed.

For loggias, the undersized variety Calendula Officinalis Fiesta Gitana, which has different types of color, is most suitable. Grows very well from seed.

Calendula Officinalis Fiesta Gitana

Petunia (Petunia)

Decorating a balcony with these bright light-loving flowers is one of the most popular and proven ideas to date. As for drought resistance, in the conditions of a hot summer on the south side, they require moist soil, frequent watering (about 2 times a day!). To reduce the need for frequent watering, you need to pick up deep boxes and mix hydrogel into the soil.

Purslane (Portulaca)

Abundant flowering in purslane occurs precisely in the south.

It tolerates heat, direct sunlight, does not need frequent watering, as it is a succulent plant (with stems and leaves that can accumulate moisture). Purslane flowers have a wide variety of bright, rich colors, which will allow you to create a variety of color compositions.

The most used species for growing on loggias: garden purslane, terry purslane, large-flowered purslane.

Purslane grandiflorum


Flowering period: July to September. Grow from seeds immediately in a permanent place. is an unpretentious flower, grows from seeds almost always.


Interestingly, the flowers of different varieties are radically different from each other. There are high-weaving creepers that can be used for wall decoration, ampelous flowers for balconies and window boxes (for example, foreign nasturtium peregrinum, reaching a length of 3 m), as well as bushy dwarf varieties.

Also for the sunny side are well suited: caliberhoa, morning glory, sweet pea, eland, gazania, fragrant tobacco, zinnia, stonecrop, all succulents and cacti.

East and West location - what to plant?

East orientation is the most good option for breeding flowers. Soft harmonious lighting is suitable for the vast majority of plants.

Daisies, heather of various types and varieties, calendula and are also perfect here.

If you have a loggia in the west, this is also a very good option. The sun here is in the afternoon, not as scorching as during the day. Therefore, plants that love partial shade are well suited here.

A wonderful option for such an arrangement is verbena, which has voluminous inflorescences with large flowers. It has a large assortment and a large color spectrum. But in order for the flowering of verbena to please you for a long time, it will be necessary to water it daily and loosen the soil.

A more unpretentious option for the western side is the sedium. It blooms profusely almost until mid-autumn. Also, climbing plants, such as morning glory, grapes, weaving roses, will feel good here.

Often novice gardeners wonder if it is really possible to plant grapes on a balcony and expect it to bear fruit? Yes! To do this, first of all, you need to choose grape seeds of a variety that will not be afraid of the weather conditions in your region.

Varieties that are not afraid of frost and are resistant to other features of the Russian climate: Laura, Northern and Taiga.

What to grow on the north side?

What can be planted on the north balcony? Usually, landscaping in this arrangement is not an easy task for flower growers, since the plants here bloom poorly or do not bloom at all.

Therefore, the range in this case should be selected primarily according to the criterion of shade tolerance.


To bloom profusely, fuchsia does not require abundant lighting, it has enough light from the north side.

Fuchsia does not like the open sun and heat, but it really needs abundant regular watering, otherwise it will die.


Grows well in semi-shady and shady areas, requires fertile acidic soil and needs intensive watering and top dressing.

Torenia loves bright but diffused light, so she will have the right place in the balcony boxes. Requires regular watering. The soil for threshing must be constantly moist.

A north-facing balcony is also suitable for growing pansies, balsam, viol, ivy, mignonette, nasturtium, various bulbous flowers (such as daffodils). All these flowers do not like direct sunlight and high temperatures.

Arrangement of indoor plants

Arrangement of indoor plants on the balcony seems much easier than garden ones - it would seem that you can simply transfer the plants in pots and arrange them in a composition. But it is obvious that not all home flowers will find the new environment suitable for life. It may be too cold for someone on an open balcony, and too hot on a closed one (due to direct sunlight).

When exhibiting indoor flowers on the street, you need to take into account that night temperatures in spring and early summer are much lower than daytime ones.

Many indoor flowers calmly tolerate temperature fluctuations within 15-20 degrees, but it should not fall below 12-15. It is especially difficult for plants if a cold snap occurs after watering (or rain) - wet roots after a “temperature shock” can rot.

The question often arises - when can flowers be taken out to a glazed or open balcony?

If flowers can be placed on glazed (but not insulated) loggias already at the end of April, then on open ones - only by the end of May.

There are indoor flowers for which life in the open air is basically impossible. Of course, a lot depends on the climate, but at least these plants are best left at home: cacti, violets, tropical flowers with special requirements for humidity - dieffenbachia, philodendron.

Composition for a balcony from light-loving crops, video:

Drawer selection

As for the choice of boxes for flowers, today the market provides a huge range. To attain harmonious combination when choosing a tone for flower containers, you need to consider general style balconies, as well as the facade of the house.

It can be a plastic, wooden or even stone box (there are also such on the market now).

The box can be hanging with holders or a regular one placed on a stand. Now you can also buy a "house" for flowers with a special form of fixing on the balcony railing as in the photo.

In order for your flowers to feel good, the general mandatory requirements for boxes are as follows:

  1. Flower boxes must be durable and weather resistant. Usually, most modern plastic boxes meet these requirements (although in fact it is difficult to determine when buying, since flower container manufacturers are not required to label their goods according to these indicators).
  2. At the bottom of the box should be drainage holes every 20 cm with a diameter of about 1 cm.
  3. When watering, water should not drain onto walls, floors and sidewalks. For this, pallets with sides about 5 cm high should be provided.

You can buy flower boxes for the balcony at any garden store quite cheaply. There is a large selection in stores such as "Obi", " Leroy Merlin”, as well as on Internet portals.

The price ranges from 150 to 2000 rubles, depending on the size and material of the box.

home garden

Perhaps, in addition to beautiful flowers that will please the eye, you will want to have crops that are useful and something else, for example, tasty fruits. ornamental plants in combination with fruit and vegetable crops, they can create a special unique composition.

It is now possible to create a small garden at home even in areas with a harsh climate thanks to the work of breeders who have created zoned varieties. For a hot indoor vegetable garden fit better of everything, since it is a kind of year-round greenhouse.

planting tomatoes

Perhaps the most popular and sought-after vegetable for planting on loggias among Russians is tomatoes. In an apartment garden, these can be both varieties with large fruits, and with small ones, for example, cherry tomatoes.

Tomatoes can be grown both by seeds and seedlings, but for conditions with a cold climate, it is still better to stop at the second option.

Seedling tomato on covered balconies it is better to plant in early May, and in open areas it is better to start growing in early summer.

It is necessary to arrange the sprouts in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves, you also need to take care that there is no stagnation of water in the ground.

To increase productivity, it is necessary to pinch off all twigs and leaves that are higher than the fifth or sixth flower tassel. It is advisable to plant tall tomatoes at a distance of about 40 centimeters from each other and be sure to tie them to supports.

Planting cucumbers

It is very important to choose exactly self-pollinated (not requiring pollination by bees) varieties of cucumbers for your garden. It can be such varieties: Gribovsky, Dubrovsky, Courage, Sail, Cucaracha, Stresa.

When growing, it is necessary to properly treat the watering of cucumbers - the soil should always be moist. It is necessary to periodically remove the antennae (at least 1 time per week).

To increase productivity, the tops of cucumbers need to be pinched, to form one stem. Also, supports are needed for cucumbers, they can be decorated with a beautiful trellis, from which cucumber lashes will create a beautiful green wall, which can complement your flower arrangement well.


Everyone's favorite strawberry is suitable for growing in almost any conditions. But good harvest can be obtained at proper fit, proper care, watering and pollination.

On the balconies, strawberries are grown in a regular container. rectangular shape, as well as in hanging pots or whatnot.

When buying strawberry seedlings, you need to find out the resistance of the variety to diseases and the fruiting period (it is better to purchase both early and late varieties, which will ensure uninterrupted picking of berries).

The Albion strawberry variety is distinguished by multiple fruiting. If you need a frost-resistant variety, then this is Temptation strawberry.

What can be planted from greenery?

In addition to vegetables and berries, of course, you can plant and useful greens. For example, spices that you can use in your kitchen: basil, rosemary, mint, thyme and sage.

They are sown directly into the ground. You can also grow different varieties of lettuce. You can buy seeds in almost any specialized online store.

Balconies with strong wind

For sustainability flower plantings and to avoid falling, it is recommended to lay heavy stones at the bottom of containers / landing boxes, it is also possible to fasten the boxes together and tie them to the balcony railings.

You also need to consider that the higher the floor, the stronger wind. Starting somewhere from the 7th floor, it's better not to keep large plants. In this case, it is better to plant begonias, marigolds or ageratum.

Several interesting ideas so that your flower corner can become a place that truly pleases the soul: