What to plant on the balcony. Secrets of choosing and planting balcony flowers

  • 14.06.2019
September 27, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

This time I decided to highlight an article on such an interesting topic as landscaping a balcony. She is usually interested in those people who want to turn the balcony into a place of rest, because what can be better rest Outdoors? Next, I will tell you what plants can be planted on the balcony, and briefly tell you what they are.

The main factors in plant selection

There are a huge number of plants that can be planted on the balcony. However, keep in mind that there are certain rules for them to choose from. In particular, attention should be paid to the following points:

Below we consider in detail what can be planted on the balcony in different situations and how to choose the right plants.

Advice 1: how to choose the right plants for the illumination of the balcony

Sunny side

If your balcony is well lit, i.e. faces the south side of the house, then you should choose plants that are not afraid of the open rays of the sun, and also withstand rain and wind. These include the following cultures:

  • pelargonium - loves a lot of light, however, requires daily watering. From lack of water this perennial flower the geranium family quickly dies;

  • petunia is a less whimsical perennial plant that belongs to the nightshade family. The dignity of petunia, in addition to appearance, lies in the fact that it blooms for six months, starting from the end of spring. At the same time, it decorates the space of the balcony with curly shoots;

  • dahlias - for a balcony it is better to give preference to low varieties, such as Merry Guys and Mignon Mishung. Their height does not exceed 40-50 cm. The flowering of these dahlias is abundant, and it begins in July and stops with the onset of the first frost;
  • balsam - beloved by many home plant, which is characterized by a compact bush. The latter is abundantly covered with lush and very beautiful flowers. Moreover, the plant blooms all summer and autumn, before the onset of the first cold weather;

  • polyanthus roses - the flowers of this plant are quite small. However, they are going to large groups, resulting in a plant that looks gorgeous. And this culture is absolutely unpretentious and propagates very quickly by cuttings.

As for the flowering time, it is the same as that of the petunia;

  • zinnia is another light-loving and unpretentious plant that can be planted both in floor containers and boxes;

  • calendula - is a very light-loving plant, so only in the sun can show itself in all its glory. Terry calendula flowers can be white, yellow, orange or even red, which allows you to create interesting compositions with it.

In order for perennials to bloom well, be sure to remove wilted flowers, otherwise they will delay them. vitality for seed maturation.

These plants are quite enough to create a varied, very beautiful composition. However, if you wish, you can plant other plants, such as snapdragons, godetia alyssum, and many others. The only thing, before buying seeds, ask how light-loving they are.

shadow side

If the balcony is in the shade for most of the daylight hours, this is not a reason for frustration. For him, too, you can pick up very beautiful shade-loving plants. In particular, the following cultures will feel good here:

  • hydrangea - this flower can rightfully be considered a favorite of the balcony. his main hallmark are large spherical inflorescences that are pink, blue, white, lilac or red. Hydrangea blooms from April to November;

  • cissus - is a beautiful climbing plant, which is also called birch or indoor grapes. In fact, this is a climbing vine that clings to surfaces with the help of antennae. Thanks to this, it is possible to implement the landscaping of the balcony very beautifully and effectively, decorating the walls and other surfaces;

  • begonia - many people consider this flower the most beautiful of those that can be grown on the balcony. It has excellent decorative greenery and elegant inflorescences, which are the most different colors. Keep in mind, that begonia needs constant watering and fertile soil;
  • fuchsia is another plant that thrives in a lack of sunlight. As for its decorative qualities, they are in no way inferior to begonias - blossoming buds can have different shape and color. Moreover, the flowering is very lush, from which it is simply impossible to look away.
    Keep in mind that fuchsia, like begonia, does not tolerate overdrying of the soil, so it needs to be watered every day;

  • verbena - in general, this flower is light-loving, however, there are varieties that grow well in the shade. The only thing to note is that verbena does not tolerate frost. Therefore, if the balcony is not insulated, you will have to grow it as an annual plant;
  • carnation is an annual plant (there are also biennial varieties that bloom only in the second year), which loves shade. At proper care it begins to bloom no later than four months after sowing;

These plants will allow you to create the most unimaginable flower arrangements on the balcony.

West or East side

If your balcony is facing west or east, i.e. moderately lit, then consider yourself lucky. Most indoor plants will grow well here, with the exception of frankly light-loving crops such as purslane, or vice versa shade-loving plants such as sedge.

The "universal" plants include:

  • asters - an annual plant that is planted on the balcony with seedlings. The flowers of this plant are quite large, and the bushes themselves are lush. True, in order for the culture to develop well, it is necessary to use soil fertilized with compost and large enough;

  • hosta is a small beautiful bush with sharp leaves, from which stems grow with pink or white flowers. With the advent of winter, the plant begins to turn brown and gradually dries up. During this period, it must be cut to the surface of the soil.
    In spring, the plant begins to develop again;

  • daisies - belong to the aster family, but unlike asters, they are perennial plants. True, they are grown for no more than two years, because after that they become smaller and lose their attractive appearance.

The peculiarity of this flower lies in the original single peduncles that do not have leaves. On peduncles is a basket with white or pink flowers.

If you want the balcony to be not only beautiful, but also filled with a pleasant aroma, put a few flower pots with mint. It should be noted that mint is unpretentious in care, so it is easy to grow. The only thing for the plant to be fragrant is to provide it with enough sunlight.

In order for your greenhouse to always be blooming, you should select plants taking into account the flowering time. Otherwise, a situation may arise when all the plants bloom profusely on the balcony for a month or two, and the rest of the time the composition looks very boring and monotonous.

Below is a table that will help you choose flowers based on flowering time:

plant name flowering time
Pelargonium Blooms 6-10 months after planting. Depending on the variety, flowering time is 3-6 months.
Petunia Blooms in April-May and blooms until November
Balsam Flowering begins in summer and lasts for 6-8 months, and sometimes the whole year.
polyanthus roses They begin to bloom from mid-May and bloom until November
Zinnia Blooms by the end of July and continues to bloom until frost.
Hydrangea Blooms from mid-spring and blooms until November
Begonia As a rule, it blooms two months after planting. Flowering time is 6 months or even more. Begonia is one of the few flowers that can bloom even in winter.
Fuchsia Blooms after 4-5 months from the start of sowing. Flowering occurs before the first frost.
Verbena Dissolves in June. With proper care of the flower, the flowering period can be extended until frost.
Cloves (Chinese) Flowering time is from June to August
Asters They bloom a few months after planting. The average flowering time is 3 months. However, the duration of the flowering period may be different for different varieties.
hosta The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts from 20 to 40 days.

Above, we have considered possible plants only flowers, as they are most often planted on balconies. However, what prevents you from growing a small garden on the balcony? After all, how pleasant it is to sit on fresh air among trees, even dwarf dwarfs.

Variants of shrubs, all kinds coniferous plants and other crops that can be grown on the balcony, there are a lot. However, some of them require complex care, which is beyond the power of beginners. Therefore, below we consider some of the most interesting crops that are not difficult to grow:

  • thuja - is one of the most popular and beloved by many "home gardeners" ornamental plants. Most often, western thujas are grown in pots, however, they are simply called thujas for short.
    Its most popular varieties are Little Champion, Danica, Mr Bowling Ball, Waterfield, etc. All of them grow to a height of no more than a meter.

The disadvantage of thuja is that it is a photophilous plant. Therefore, on shaded balconies, it is better to refuse it;

  • Yew is an evergreen bonsai that can be grown in both sun and shade. Moreover, yew is unpretentious to the soil. The only thing is that during the growing process it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pot;

  • microbiota cross-pair - this plant belongs to the cypress family. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the width is five times the height. An unusually wide crown is created by branches located parallel to the ground.

Unlike thuja and yew, the cross-pair microbiota prefers to be in the shade. True, solar areas only affect the slowdown in its growth.

Of course, in addition to shrubs and dwarf trees, other greenery should be present in the garden. If you look at various ideas for a balcony garden, you will notice that all kinds of climbing plants look especially impressive, such as:

  • kobeya is a liana that can reach a length of six meters. It has beautiful light lilac or purple flowers in the form of bells. As a rule, in our country it is grown as an annual plant.

While the kobe is young, you can install a net or pegs for it. A stronger plant independently "creeps" along the walls and other surfaces that come across it on the way;

  • dolichos is not just a beautiful decorative liana with a purple stem, but a leguminous crop cultivated since ancient times. Dolichos is especially popular in Indian cuisine. But, since we are of little interest in its taste, we will pay attention to other features.

So, this plant is also popularly known as "curly lilac", or "hyacinth beans". The stem can reach a length of 2-4 meters. The color of the leaves can be green, red-violet or even purple, depending on the variety.

Inflorescences are long and many-flowered - up to 40 flowers can be contained in a bunch. However, in order for the culture to develop properly, it must receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Therefore, dolichos is not recommended to be planted on shaded balconies;

  • Ipomoea is another vine that grows up to five meters in length. Ipomoea inflorescences are shaped like a gramophone trumpet. In this case, the color can be very different - blue, red, pink, etc.

As for the growing conditions, morning glory feels good both in the sun and in the shade. The only thing is that in the sun the flowers close by noon, unless it is cloudy outside. Pots for this creeper should be spacious enough - this also greatly affects its development.

Keep in mind that morning glory is very poisonous, so it is more suitable for open balconies and terraces, but from using it indoors winter garden must be abandoned.

If you are wondering what can be planted in May, then morning glory would be an excellent choice, since its seeds are sown at this time.

I must say that along with vines and large bushes, small flowers in hanging pots look beautiful. These can be the following flowers:

  • calibrachoa - originally it was believed that this plant belongs to the genus petunia, however, it later turned out that it had a different DNA. Best of all, this ampelous plant looks on the balcony in hanging planters. Its feature is long shoots (up to one meter), which are densely dotted with flowers, as a result, the planter looks like a suspended ball of flowers;

  • Lobelia - is a perennial plant that belongs to the bell family. The plant is a small bush about 20-25 cm high, which is simply plastered with small blue, blue or even white flowers. True, hanging varieties look more beautiful in hanging pots, such as Miranda and Sapphire.

This flower needs a lot of light and heat to grow successfully. However, under the aggressive summer midday sun, the plant can even burn out, so it should be shaded during such hours.

You can decorate the garden not only with ornamental plants, but also vegetable crops. For example, eggplant in pots looks beautiful, which grows in height from half a meter to one and a half meters.

All plants that can be grown on the balcony, depending on the life span, are divided into several types.:

plant type Growing features
Annuals They are the main contenders to be "balcony" plants. As it is not difficult to guess from the name, they live one season. However, in the conditions of a glazed balcony, their life can be extended, the only thing, as mentioned above, is that it is necessary to cut off faded heads.
Biennials They differ from annuals in that in the first year after planting it develops a green rosette and only in the second year begins to bloom. For this reason, they are rarely grown on balconies, because everyone wants to quickly see the result of their work.
perennials They are also rarely used for landscaping a balcony, as they require certain conditions to preserve the root system in winter time. True, the exceptions are bulbous plants. Their bulbs are stored in a cool place in winter, after which they are transplanted.

The result of this work is that it is bulbous perennials that open the season of bright colors on the balcony.


In order to successfully grow plants on the balcony and at the same time provide a beautiful composition of the flower garden, several factors must be taken into account when choosing them. important factors. The most important of them is the illumination of the balcony. However, regardless of its location, the choice of cultures is huge, so you can always arrange a recreation area in this room beautifully and varied.

If you have any questions regarding the choice of plants for planting on the balcony, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 27, 2016

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The most wonderful time of the year is coming very soon - summer, we all rejoice at this event. Nature comes to life, summer residents rush to their plots, gardeners plan new color combinations in their flower beds. Only now the city dwellers, who do not have a place on the street where they could grow their garden, are sad. Only in vain - on your own loggia you can create a real landscape masterpiece from plants. Today is on the agenda interesting topic- what flowers to plant on the balcony so that they bloom all summer?

On a note!

For a long time, people have been able to plant flowers in more than just typical pots. Now in stores there are a lot of different hanging containers, flowerpots, decorative boxes in which you can grow not only houseplants but also gardening.

So, as you understand, today we will tell you how to make a living corner out of your dull and such an ordinary balcony. After all, so much space is wasted and used to store unnecessary things. Do not be discouraged if your house and balcony, respectively, are always gloomy, as they are located in the shade of other structures or in the north. There are absolutely undemanding plants, which will be able to please you in your conditions - we will start with them.


A dishonestly forgotten flower some time ago is gaining popularity again, which is not surprising. Balsam can grow anywhere, including in the shade. At the same time, your balcony can be both cold and warm. For the winter, balsam can be moved into the house. With its flowering, it delights until the very cold.


  • grows very well;
  • propagated by cuttings - you just cut off part of the stem and plant it in the ground;
  • unpretentious to the soil;
  • decorative, can easily tolerate pruning, transplanting;
  • lives at home, in the warm season, and on the street or balcony.

Balsams with bright shades of flowers can be dimmer in the shade, so it is better to choose a white version or light pink. They look just as luxurious and you won't be disappointed.


  • the root in the pot grows quite quickly, so it is better to change the container for a larger diameter during the season;
  • consumes a lot of moisture. You will water this flower daily, otherwise it shrinks, the buds crumble.


Balsams are very unpretentious, most importantly, water them every day. But of course you can't fill it. As the bush grows, watch out for when the roots grow too large, then remove the flower from the watering field and transfer it to a larger pot using the transfer method. Balsam will take him very quickly. At the same time, the crown itself looks quite compact, it does not hang down, it will not fall apart. Water your flowers once every two weeks with a liquid flowering complex.

  • You can easily cut several cuttings and plant them in a long box without additional water soaking to grow roots. The cuttings begin to grow very quickly, and soon you get a blooming, beautiful alley on the window - ideal flowers on the balcony in boxes.
  • If the crown has lost its beauty, then do not be afraid to cut it drastically. Replace the soil, and soon the green mass and buds will be in abundance.


One has only to look at the photo of this beauty and it is impossible not to fall in love. For all lovers of everything airy and those who save space, this is an ideal option. Because fuchsia hanging planters are beautiful, they don't take up space at the bottom. In addition, such flowerpots at the top always receive the maximum amount of light even in dark places.


  • fuchsia is not afraid of the shadow;
  • requires little maintenance;
  • has a high decorative effect;
  • can grow in high floor flowerpots and hanging;
  • has multifaceted shades of petals;
  • blooms from spring to autumn;
  • not afraid of acidified soil, which is a rarity among plants.


  • dislikes moving from place to place;
  • if you pour a flower, then it will drop all the buds and grind;
  • The roots are very sensitive and can overheat.

Did you know?

Fuchsia was discovered at the end of the 17th century, it grew at that time near the Dominican Republic. The name was given in honor of one of the famous physicians and scientists of Germany, Leonart von Fuchs.


Fuchsia, in order to become a flower for a balcony, blooming all summer, as in the photo, needs regular watering, but only as the soil in the pot dries out. If you have a hanging planter, then you should not remove it every time, just add water from above. It is better to use settled.

If it is very dark in your place, the summer turned out to be gloomy, then the greenery and flowers may be shredded, then just buy a fluorescent lamp. Fuchsia does not tolerate heat, the roots should be cool, it follows that it is better to maintain the temperature in the range from 16 to 22 degrees. Top dressings are applied regularly to ensure abundant flowering. The plant responds well to the drug "Bud".

Combine root feeding and foliar spraying and your flowers will always be the most beautiful.

  • If you just planted a fuchsia in a pot, it has not yet grown stronger, then do not make mistakes - do not fill it with water and any fertilizers at this stage.
  • The plant is fed only in a healthy state.
  • When choosing a fertilizer, make sure that the preparation contains in large numbers nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, magnesium.
  • Top dressing is always combined with watering.

Unpretentious plants for the south side

The north side, of course, is problematic, but often in the south of the apartment, not all flowers and plants can survive. The thing is that in the season, even in conditions temperate climate and the north the sun's rays are very hot. They injure the leaves, the roots overheat, the buds fall off, and the flowers dry out ahead of time. Here, too, it is important not to make mistakes. So, what kind of flowers do we recommend to plant on the balcony on the sunny side.


Of course, the queen and unsurpassed pelargonium or among the people - geranium cannot be ignored. These are flowers that amaze not only with their unpretentiousness, beauty, but also with a rich variety. In addition, our ancestors revered geranium, knowing about its beneficial properties.


  • very beautiful flowering and long;
  • not afraid of direct sunlight, as well as can grow in the shade;
  • high decorativeness of not only flowers, but also leaves;
  • a huge variety of shades, varieties;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • the possibility of growing in the summer in the garden, in the winter at home and on the balcony.

Good to know!

IN traditional medicine you can find such a recipe - if your blood pressure has increased, then you need to pick a leaf of fragrant pelargonium, put it on the pulse and soon everything will pass.


  • fragrant varieties are not all tolerated by the aroma of the leaves;
  • it can react to a sharp cold snap by changing the color of the leaves and stopping growth;
  • soil dries out very quickly.


Geraniums are very easy to care for. It grows even outdoors in open ground, often used for urban landscaping. You need to water it often, while the water can be plain tap water. If your balcony is cold, and the weather forecast warned of a sharp drop in temperature, then it is better to bring flowers into the house for this time. Geranium is not afraid of hot window sills, rooms, drafts.

It needs to be watered and fed regularly so that the bushes do not shrink, and the flowers bloom luxuriously until autumn. Geranium is very fond of liquid top dressing. Preparations for blooming from "Fasco" are excellent. Once a week, you can bathe pelargonium in the shower, as its fleecy leaves gather dust. Geranium simply loves this procedure.

  • When choosing a variety, give preference to undersized and with a low peduncle options, such flowers are more decorative.
  • Geraniums are ideal not only for ordinary pots, but they can also be planted in long boxes, combined with other plants, hung. It looks very advantageous not only when standing on the windowsill, but also from the street side of the window in long trays.
  • Pelargonium is better not to spray, namely to bathe.


Just as we couldn't mention the geranium, we can't forget the beautiful petunia either. Perfect option just for everyone - for beginners, for those who have long dreamed of creating a balcony, like on the cover of decor magazines, for those who do not like to mess with flowers a lot. Petunia is decorative, has such a variety of varieties and species that it will give odds to any plant. In addition, among its colors there are dark shades- almost black.

When choosing petunia seedlings, always consider where you want to see this flower. For hanging pots you need ampel varieties, for flowerpots - bushes that will grow in breadth, covering the entire soil.


  • high decorative effect;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • light agricultural technology and long flowering until frost;
  • the possibility of combining with other flowers in one flowerpot - bacopa, lobelia, geranium, thyme and others;
  • a huge variety of varieties and species;
  • can grow in acidic soil;
  • resistance to diseases, direct sunlight, temperature changes.


  • for dense flowering require regular feeding;
  • you can not fill the flowers, they are sensitive to this.


Petunias are very easy to care for and best flowers for the balcony, blooming all summer, you can’t argue with the photo. Flowers need to be watered as they dry, flowers are not afraid of slightly dry soil. Sometimes, due to too acidic soil, chlorosis can begin, they fight it with the help of "Antichlorosis". Petunia can be cut to stimulate dense flowering, but it does not always tolerate transplanting from place to place well. Every 10-14 days, flowers are fed, you can buy drugs such as Fertika, Akverin, Ideal.

  • Petunia is very multifaceted, competently combine it with other flowers at once so that your balcony does not turn out too gaudy.
  • When the flowers dry out, remove them - this stimulates flowering.
  • If the plants are watered too rarely, then the leaves curl up, become as if sticky, but after watering everything returns to normal.
  • If the bushes began to disintegrate strongly in the flowerpot, then you can carry out a cardinal pruning of the branches, this will stimulate the growth of new shoots in the middle, on which flowers will soon appear.

Flowers for the west and east side

People who have a balcony with east and west windows can be called the most fortunate. The thing is that the light here is either in the morning or in the afternoon. That is, there is good lighting and partial shade. Such conditions are ideal for many plants - both for garden and indoor plants. At the same time, the sun's rays are always the most gentle, they do not burn delicate leaves. You can choose anything.


These flowers are simply impossible not to advise - they are of unearthly beauty, just perfect. They are beautiful in the flower bed, but even more luxurious when hanging from the hanging planters of the balcony or terrace. They can also grow in flowerpots, and on the east and west sides you will definitely provide yourself with flowers that are suitable for a balcony that bloom all summer long, just stand in the photo above. You will be the center of attention.


  • high decorative effect;
  • relative unpretentiousness;
  • combination - you can plant in boxes on the balcony, outside the windows in trays along with petunias, geraniums, bacopa, snapdragons, herbs;
  • a very beautiful azure color in a number of varieties, but lobelia can also be of a different shade;
  • blooms from June until frost;
  • one of the most popular colors for rock gardens, Provence style home decor, country style, for combination with stones;
  • abundant flowering, which closes the leaves on the bushes. A bright spot among any monotony.


  • if the summer turned out to be cloudy, the flowers become smaller, and the bushes look rare;
  • on poor soils and without feeding, the bushes look less decorative.


Growing lobelia is pretty easy. It is watered only when the soil dries well. Feed preferably every week with complex feeding, where there is a lot of potassium and phosphorus. A prerequisite for lobelia is fertile and loose soil. Therefore, every time after watering the next day, loosen the pots. It is also best to avoid drafts.

Your balcony will look very beautiful if you combine white and dark azure lobelia in pots of the same design.

  • In order for the bushes to bloom profusely, you must always pinch out the already grown shoots.
  • Also, always remove flowers that are already withered as much as possible. This stimulates flowering, pots look neat.
  • Lobelia loves foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early in the morning with complex fertilizers, as for root dressing, but only a weaker concentration is made.

undersized snapdragon

For all lovers of delicate, spring shades, lightness and ease in the decor, the dwarf snapdragon will the best option. It has some pros and no cons. You can grow flowers on the balcony in boxes, in simple pots, outside the window, yes, even in simple improvised containers. They are extremely unpretentious, but it is amazing how different their unusual inflorescences can be.


  • shades;
  • from snapdragon alone, you can create a varied composition;
  • combined with other flowers - phlox, marigolds, forget-me-nots;
  • require minimal top dressing;
  • flowers are not afraid of direct sunlight.


  • the root system is sensitive to the bay;
  • can hurt with improper care;
  • blooms a little later than the previous plants - from July, but then frost blooms;
  • insects can bother. Therefore, it is better to plant flowers inside the balcony with mosquito nets.

Did you know?

Snapdragon is one of the most unusual flowers due to the shape of the inflorescence. It is popular all over the world, each nationality gives it its own name - dogs, the mouth of a lion, a biting dragon. Now there are already more than 1000 varieties of these flowers.


Since the root system is tender at snapdragons, it is better to immediately take care of high-quality soil. It is best to combine peat, humus, land from the site or make a composition of purchased soil mixture and turf - 1/1. In such soil, flowers will quickly grow, bloom together. Water the snapdragon as it dries, loosening is a must. Top dressing is applied only 3-4 times per season. To do this, you can use nitrophoska. Combine root feeding always with watering in those plants that have tender roots. Flowers love to be sprayed with water.

  • If you flooded the flowers, rot may begin. For treatment, "Hom" is used.
  • Mosquito nets do not save from aphids, but fragrant flowers next to snapdragons or sprinkling the soil with cinnamon and tobacco can save.
  • To prevent diseases during spraying, add a little manganese to the water.

Finally, the following should be said. Decorating your balcony is not a problem nowadays. Vertical gardening looks very nice, gardeners do a lot with their own hands. Before choosing one or another plant, always carefully study its agricultural technology, needs. It is also worth choosing the right flowers, not only because they can be too colorful, but also so as not to be disappointed. After all, there are climbing, cascading, ampelous, ground cover, low and high species. Going for seedlings, know what you want to ask the seller.

You can plant all these flowers on your balcony, and they will delight you all season long. The main thing is to read about each in advance, think over combinations of shades, so that you end up with a decor like in the best magazines.

A selection of interesting options


You can admire crocuses, tulips, hyacinths with the first spring rays. Of course, we are used to the fact that they grow in the country. But you can also plant them on the balcony in separate pots or in a common container, where other flowers will then be planted. Yes, primroses fade quickly, but if you combine these flowers with other plants with different terms flowering, then your balcony will delight you from the first days of spring until autumn.


What could be easier than scattering purslane seeds on the ground. These flowers delight with their unpretentiousness, because they can grow even in the most unfavorable places with the help of self-seeding. Purslane blooms all summer, while hanging beautifully from the pots, and its flowers have different shades.

To make a real flower paradise on your balcony, you can bring indoor plants to it for the summer, which will join the overall composition. Creepers that can wrap around vertical supports will fit perfectly.

Balcony - part of the apartment, often used as warehouse space for things you hate to throw away. This room, located on the street, can be turned into a flowering corner, planted balcony flowers, and arrange evening tea parties here. Not all plants are suitable for flowering on loggias. In order not to waste time and money in vain, find out which plants are best planted on sunny balconies, and which ones in the north.

Shade-loving plants for northern balconies

Plants for shaded verandas are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Shade-tolerant - calmly tolerating shading. They would grow well in direct sunlight, but put up with shade. These plants can be planted in northern balconies- violets, astilbes, aquilegia.
  2. Shade-loving - in the shade they develop much better than in the sun. Their natural properties do not allow them to grow in sunny areas. The leaves turn yellow, the plant begins to hurt. These include ferns, hostas, periwinkle.

On the northern and shaded eastern side, many plants feel great and delight with beauty and flowering. Representatives of the flora, naturally growing in the shade of other brethren, take root perfectly and exist on shaded loggias.

Growing plants on the balcony good opportunity create a green space in the house

Violets, cyclamen, fuchsia, spathiphyllum flourish in such conditions. Amaryllis decorate the flower bed - clivia, hippeastrum. Photos and names of balcony plants can be found in many on the Internet.

All kinds of ferns growing in forests always in the shade look amazingly harmonious on the balconies. Excellent companions of the fern are chlorophytum and maidenhair.
Aeschinanthus and Anthurium - delight with lush variegated greenery, but without flowering.

Lobelia, ivy and palm trees

Most often, lovers plant lobelia on their balconies. She loves the sun, but it also takes root well on the northern balconies and even blooms profusely. There are varieties and hanging lobelia, which is used for ampelous plantings. It blooms with pink, purple flowers. Gives a lot of branched stems and pleases with a long abundant flowering.
Lobelia is sown for seedlings at the end of February. Young seedlings are planted in a permanent place in May, keeping a distance of 20 cm between them. Flowering begins in June and continues until deep frosts, especially if the plants are located on a glazed, wind-proof loggia. This plant is demanding on root nutrition, so it is fed twice during the growing season with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

Lubelia: a plant popular for its beautiful flowers

For the arrangement of a real garden on a loggia, dwarf palm trees, for example, a bamboo palm hamedorea, are perfect. Hibiscus (Chinese rose) also grows wonderfully and blooms in the shade.

Climbing plants such as cissus and hoya look spectacular, serving as a backdrop for flowering plants.

Attention! Variegated ivy in the shade loses bright color leaves. It is best grown in the sun.

Araucaria, hydrangea and other shade-loving plants

  • If you wish, you can arrange a small piece of coniferous forest on your northern one. Araucaria in appearance is very similar to a Christmas tree. You can even dress her up New Year. Araucaria is a solitary plant. Feels good only in the removal from the walls and other plants.
  • Hydrangea will add royal splendor to a shaded garden. Blooming in large inflorescences of white and shades of pink, it needs a garter. The soil under hydrangeas is watered twice a year with a fungicide solution due to the weak "immunity" of plants to fungal diseases. Balcony hydrangea flowers look very presentable.

Hydrangea blooms in large inflorescences of white and pink

  • Variegated hosta attracts attention, as the name implies, with speckled leaves. From June to August, the beauty blooms in the center of the bush with pink, white, cream flowers framed by variegated leaves.
  • Periwinkle densely covers the soil with small green leaves and flowers of pink, white, purple, blue flowers. Shade-loving ferns and hostas grow well on a periwinkle carpet.

Plants for sunny balconies

The choice of plants for a balcony on the sunny side is much wider than for the north. Which flowers to use in this case depends on your preferences, the microclimate on the balcony, the average temperature and light. If the balcony is glazed, then the choice of plants increases significantly.

Verbena, petunia and geranium, short info about these popular species:

Advice. Brachykoma and allisum grow beautifully on sunny balconies.

With a little effort and mood, in an urban environment you can make a real green corner on your own balcony, no matter which side it is facing the sun.

Video: Balcony flowers

Photo: Flowers on the balcony

A small green oasis where it is pleasant to relax, communicate with nature, absorb positive emotions, get a charge of vivacity, feel the summer in all its glory - all this is on the usual balcony of a city apartment. When planning what flowers to plant on the balcony, and making the dream come true, you can surprisingly transform the facade of the building, give others and yourself a piece of good mood. A large selection of beautifully flowering potted plants allows you to create green miniatures for every taste. So not only summer residents and owners of private houses, but absolutely everyone can join such a useful and enjoyable activity as growing ornamental plants. Bush, ampel and climbing species are suitable for these purposes.

In order for the plants to feel comfortable, develop well, bloom profusely, it is necessary to choose the right varieties and varieties. It is especially important to consider in this case the side of the world, which the balcony overlooks. After all, illumination is one of the most important factors in the life of a green organism. Another important condition is the protection of the composition from through winds and other negative environmental influences. It is best not to use whimsical crops for landscaping balconies, you will have to spend a lot of effort to ensure that the composition has a presentable appearance.

Rules for growing flowers on the balcony

Creating a green balcony and wanting to get the most positive emotions in the process of plant life, it is necessary to follow certain rules when laying.

  • The right choice of plants in terms of lighting.

It should be recalled that not all plants can be planted in a sunny place - sunburn can easily occur on them. At the same time, in the shade, the flowers can stretch and be weakened. Sometimes it is better to make a composition of plants in one pot so that they support each other, shade. Can be used for shading climbing plants.

  • The size and material of the pot.

Some types of plants feel great in a limited earthen coma, but under the scorching rays in summer a small amount of land will quickly dry out, providing the owner of a green island with some inconvenience with frequent watering. The material from which the pot is made should not warm up easily, otherwise, if the outer surface of the coma dries quickly, the peripheral roots will die off, namely, they intensively nourish the plant. Wood remains the leader among such material. drainage holes boxes are required.

  • Soil for planting.

When using ordinary garden soil from the garden, there is a huge risk of introducing various eggs and larvae of pests with it, which confined space nothing to eat but the roots and leaves of a wonderful oasis. The mechanical composition of such soil usually turns it into a "piece of granite" after several waterings. Water further ceases to saturate the lump, passing in transit in the space between the pot and the soil. It is most expedient to use specialized universal soils for planting potted plants in the spring. As an additional measure, moisture-retaining granules can be laid in the soil layer.

  • Regular watering of plants.

It is difficult for many to decide how often to water plants in pots; because of this, overflows or drying are not uncommon. All owners of green balconies should make it a rule to monitor soil moisture daily with a finger. If the soil on the sunny side of the pot is still damp, then you can not water it. Drip watering plants is much better. There are specialized micro-drop plants for potted flowers. The most simplified version is made from the top plastic bottles, in which many holes are pierced with an awl and buried in a layer of soil. It remains only at the next scheduled watering of plants not to forget to replenish bottled water.

  • Top dressing.

All potted flowers, especially in summer during flowering, require enhanced feeding. Foliar fertilizers are convenient for these purposes. They just regularly spray the green mass.

  • Protection.

Usually potted crops suffer more from pests and root rot. From the first, insecticidal sticks and leaf spray solutions help. Rot can be prevented proper watering And good drainage. But if this happens, the plants are shed with fungicide solutions.

  • Supports for climbing plants are best placed immediately, without waiting for intensive vegetation.

southern sun lovers

In fact, there are not many plants that can withstand the withering rays of the sun on the south side. But still they are, and we will list the most suitable ones.

  • Pelargonium. It is also called geranium or kalachik. amazing plant with many hybrid forms, with a wide colors. There are ampelous ivy-leaved species. Geranium is good because the bright sun only contributes to enhanced growth and flowering. Zonal, ampelous species easily withstand short-term drying.
  • blooming purslane. There are ordinary and terry species. Purslane is able to create a wonderful mood with the diversity of its bright colors. It, according to the principle of succulents, accumulates moisture in the leaves and can do without water for a long time. Purslane belongs to those plants that reproduce by self-sowing, therefore, in order for it to appear the next year, the earth in pots after the end of the growing season is not loosened.
  • Ipomoea. These wonderful climbing flowers create openwork screens, shade and a secluded atmosphere with ease.
  • Petunia. Truly a royal flower. He loves the sun, summer, but also water. Therefore, when planting such beauties on the balcony, you need to be prepared for regular watering, which must be done twice on hot days. Petunia is also demanding for top dressing. In their absence, the leaves may fade over time, and the plant will quickly depart.

In order for the petunia to bloom profusely, it is necessary to remove faded flowers every day along with the seed box.

A sunny balcony will also withstand: sweet peas, kobeya, aster, zinnia, eland, gazania, godetia, fragrant tobacco, phloxes, dahlias, stonecrops, succulents.

East or West

These are the most benign living conditions when the sun appears, but does not dry out. Many types of indoor and garden plants can be grown on balconies of this location. These include: matthiola, pelargonium, calibrachoa, petunia, sweet pea, nasturtium, calendula, marigold, viola, daisies, dolichos, verbena, lobelia, left hand, dahlias, asters, heather.

Shady North Side

It is because of the constant shade that it is very difficult to grow plants, especially flowering ones, on the northern balcony.

  • Hosta. An irreplaceable plant for creating a green massif. It will give the balcony a certain exoticism. Almost all hostas feel great in the shade and at the same time bloom profusely.
  • Fern. For lovers of forest landscapes, this is what you need. The fern in spring, summer and autumn looks spectacular due to the openwork foliage. You can create from it the lower tier on the balcony.
  • Fuchsia. It blooms amazingly beautifully, but requires a lot of moisture. Ampelous species of this flower are widespread.
  • Begonia tuberous and ever flowering. Grateful plants with good watering, frequent feeding. It is advisable not to spill water on the leaves and make sure that there are no overflows. With poor drainage, the tubers rot easily.
  • Calceolaria. A beautiful plant for which the northern shady side is ideal.

Well, the green balcony is ready, it's a whole world in miniature that requires love and attention. He will bring joy and good mood. Give him your care.


In our city apartments, it is the balcony that often becomes that oasis where constant summer reigns - plants turn green, flowers bloom. Let's figure out how to choose the right flowers for a balcony or loggia.What care do they need? How to protect them from diseases and pests?

In the southern regions of Russia, a constant assortment of perennials can be maintained on the balconies, and in the middle and northern regions it is better to prefer annuals. However, a glazed and heated balcony will significantly increase your options for choosing plants.

Flowers on a sunny balcony

If the balcony faces the south, sunny side, the vast majority of balcony plants will bloom well and for a long time, with the exception of fuchsia and begonia: excessive sun suppresses them, they wither and sometimes do not bloom at all.

They show a special "greed" for the sun and heat purslane, kobeya, ipomoea, doroteanthus and dimorfoteka .

On cloudy days, large-flowered purslane will not open its flowers, and in cool summers, even on the southern balcony, it blooms poorly.

Daisies, asters, mignonette, dahlias, godetia, gazania, heliotrope, ageratum, balsam, lobelia, verbena, viola, sweet pea, morning glory, ampelous pelargonium, petunia, nasturtium- a great set for a sunny balcony.

They do great in tubs or large pots. African agapanthus and Indian eland .

Place in one container large-flowered tobacco, zinnia elegant and Drummond's phlox, and you will get a lovely mini flower garden.

In order for the balcony to please flowering as early as possible, it should be planted in early May daisies, violas and evergreen begonias.

And to continue flowering until the end of October, use asters, kobeyu, petunia, gazania, lantana, tuberous begonia and stonecrop.

Flowers on a shaded balcony

Will bloom well in partial shade. begonias, lobelia, fuchsia, mignonette, viola.

Reconcile with the lack of light marigolds, pelargoniums, nasturtiums and petunias . Quite comfortable in partial shade calceolaria and ageratum.

If the balcony is heavily shaded, limit tuberous begonia, daisies, violas, and nasturtium able to decorate the balcony until frost, if not with abundant flowering, then with beautiful rounded leaves.

On high floors, where it is windy and drafts are constant, it is better to use daisies, undersized marigolds, ageratum, gazania, stonecrop and ever-flowering begonia.

Suitable for vertical gardening inside balconies and loggias ampelous varieties of lobelia, petunia, winged thunbergia, fuchsia, pelargonium and tuberous begonia.

Interesting balcony flowers and their care

And in conclusion, a few words about plants, sometimes undeservedly unclaimed in balcony floriculture.

Tuberous begonia is the queen of balconies.

The color range is from pure white to pink, yellow, salmon, bright red and crimson. The flowers are simple, semi-double and double on the same plant.

Suitable varieties with a height of 15 to 30 cm. Flowering from late May to October frosts. For the winter, the tubers are cleaned in a cool room and stored until March in sand or peat chips at plus 8-12 ° C.

Kobe climbing

Kobeya climbing is distinguished by large bell-shaped flowers of an exotic shape on long pedicels, painted first in green, and later in bluish-violet. There is a variety with white flowers.

Thanks to tenacious and strong tendrils on paired pinnate leaves, this fast-growing letnik rises several meters even along plastered walls, although it is more reliable to strengthen it on a rare wire mesh or a support on a balcony box.

Blooms from June to October. It is afraid of cold weather, so it is planted after the end of spring frosts. Kobeya quickly greens large areas, although from a distance it looks much more modest than calceolaria or salvia. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in March.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.


A low growing plant with small, very beautiful flowers primrose-like. The flowers are fragrant, with white eyes inside. When the plant reaches a height of 12 cm, you need to pinch the top.


Coleus attracts with luxurious "mosaic" leaves and is easily propagated by cuttings.

Small-leaved balcony forms form a dense shrub 20-40 cm high. The brightness of the leaves of the coleus and its showiness in the near or far plans overshadows the brightly colored balcony flowers. Plants are planted in May at a distance of 20-30 cm. In August, coleuses are cut and left to winter in a bright room. Seed propagation is possible in February.


Calceolaria blooms profusely and relentlessly yellow flowers resembling bright balls. Plant height 30 cm.

It is enough to buy one plant in order to further provide a spectacular contrasting bright yellow tone for red pelargonium, salvia, petunia, blue and purple violas, blue ageratum and blue-violet heliotrope.

It reproduces well in mid-summer by cuttings in a cool, bright room. They winter, like pelargoniums, in a room or a non-freezing room, and in mid-May they are planted on a balcony.


Erika (Erika carnea), sometimes incorrectly called "heather", reaching 15-30 cm in height, has needle-shaped leaves and is recommended for southern regions and insulated balconies and loggias.

Various varieties bloom from January to March with white, pink and red flowers, abundantly covering the tops of the shoots. For autumn flowering, Erika gracilis is recommended, blooming from September to November.

Early-flowering erica is grown on calcareous soil, and late-flowering - on a slightly acidic substrate, preferably on a mixture of marsh soil with peat.

Erics winter in middle lane in the basement, in non-freezing loggias and even in open ground under spruce branches and snow; in the southern regions - in open ground.


Gatsania is notable for its radiant, shiny, orange-red (to bronze) flowers 7-8 cm in diameter with a dark spot at the base of the petals and a white eye.

Flowering from June to October. Unpretentious, resistant to winds. Height 20-40 cm. Seeds are sown in a room in March, seedlings are planted on a balcony in May. Foreground decoration.


An annual plant up to 25 cm high, characterized by a compact bush shape and very abundant flowering. Thanks to the peculiar bright colors, it can be an ornament to any garden. Perfect for growing in balcony boxes. In March, petunia seeds are sown in cups or pots, they are not covered with earth, but only pressed down, then covered with glass or paper. Germination time 1-2 weeks at 18-20°C. They dive into loose, not very nutritious soil, keep at 10-14 ° C. They are hardened and in mid-May they are planted at a distance of 25x25 cm in balcony boxes. Blooms until November.


From mid-February - early March, geranium seeds are sown at 20 ° C. Maintain optimal hydration. Cups and boxes with seeds are best covered with foil or glass. Germination time - 6-8 days. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive into pots 8-10 cm high. They are planted in pots or boxes with nutrient soil in late May - early June. For a box 1 m long, 5 plants are enough. It has been noticed that plants growing next to geraniums are not damaged by spider mites.


An annual plant 20 cm high. Forms a white cloud of small flowers. Blooms throughout the summer. The aroma is reminiscent of honey. In March, the seeds are sown in a box, lightly sprinkled with earth. At a temperature of 16-20°C, they germinate in 8-12 days. Planted in a box on the balcony in May, 3-5 plants together at a distance of 10-15 cm. When flowering decreases, the plants are cut to half. Soon they will grow back and continue to bloom.


An annual plant. This beautiful flower attractive for flower beds. Its large silky inflorescences of different colors (white, pink, red) are the decoration of any balcony. If you cut off faded inflorescences in time, the plants will bloom again. Sow in March-April in pots, transplanted in mid-May. The plant prefers sunny or semi-shaded places and loves fertile soil. Requires moisture. Cold resistant. Blooms early and until frost.

Mini garden for a balcony

Despite the very limited area, it is desirable to find a place on the balcony for a fragrant mini-garden, for which it is enough to plant two or three mignonette, verbena, tobacco or heliotrope plants with a distinct vanilla aroma.

It is useful to have a corner of spicy plants on the balcony: watercress, salad mustard, catnip, lemon balm, chervil, parsley, dill, savory, chives.

On the balcony in early spring it is quite easy to get the forcing of perennial onions (batun onions, chives, slime onions), parsley, celery, parsnips, beets, rhubarb.

Plant compositions for balconies

When placing flowers in balcony boxes, the main thing is not to get carried away with a variety of colors: no more than two colors that harmonize well. Beautiful and concise monochromatic red pelargoniums, fuchsias or salvias, pink petunias, white daisies, yellow or lilac violas.

Good color combinations red salvia (petunias, zonal pelargoniums) from the apartment and blue, white, purple petunias paired with yellow marigolds, mignonette, blue ampelous lobelia from the side of the street.

Instead of ampelous plants in the outer row can be placed low-growing red and white fuchsias, pink evergreen begonias, blue petunias or ageratums , and with inside- respectively red tuberous begonias and yellow calceolaria . These options are suitable for semi-shady and shady balconies.

To create a bright flower spot that attracts attention from the street, good red and white pelargoniums, red salvias, yellow marigolds, calceolaria, nasturtiums.

Up close are expressive ageratum, mignonette, kobeya, beans, lobelia, daisies, stonecrops and balsams .

Some plants are good only in the same type of planting: purslane, gatsania, godetia, celosia, eriki, dimorphoteka, doronicum, nemesia, aster, dahlias, coleus, chrysanthemums and lantana.

Microclimate and seasons on the balcony

On insulated, frost-free balconies or loggias, you can carry out a successful early spring forcing of bulbous - crocuses, tulips and daffodils .

In autumn, a number of ornamental plants from the garden will migrate to the balconies and will delight in flowering all autumn (asters and chrysanthemums) .

In summer, the balcony will also be decorated with indoor plants, which benefit from being outdoors: azalea, cyclamen, bromeliad, hydrangea, ficus, clivia, oleander, hippeastrum, agave, aloe, jade, pomegranate, monstera, aspidistra, aucuba and cacti.

But indoor plants come from the humid tropics and subtropics do not tolerate conditions well. open ground (saintpaulias, or uzambar violets, peperomia, anthurium, royal begonia, philodendron, sansevieria and dieffenbachia), only a glazed "dacha" is useful to them and high humidity air.

Soil for balcony plants

For most annuals, humus-rich compost soil with the addition of peat chips (10-20%) and lime material (ground egg shells) is suitable. Especially sensitive to a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction are annuals such as sweet peas, asters, and chrysanthemums.

Melissa, catnip, bluebells prefer slightly alkaline soils (pH up to 7.0-7.5); azaleas, heathers, hydrangeas - acidic soils (pH 4.5-5), they are fertilized with superphosphate or potassium sulfate.

In general, the soil must have moisture permeability, for which river sand is added; be sufficiently moisture-intensive, which is achieved by adding peat chips, and always fresh and free from pathogens, in addition, the soil for balcony flowers must be changed annually.

It is important to remember that potting mixes containing too few nutrients are not suitable for balcony flowers. A three-meter balcony needs about 30 kg of soil mixture.

For flyers, you can use peat chips from briquettes enriched with nutrients: it will provide easier care, retain moisture for a long time, weigh less and be free from pathogens. For perennials grown in tubs, pots, humus cloddy soil with turf and clay additives is preferable.

Unlike annuals, which require replacing the old soil with fresh annually, perennials are transplanted into new soil after 2-4 years, with the exception of agapanthus: they prefer to stay in settled old pots for as long as possible, content with adding fresh soil.

Top dressing of balcony plants

Given the limited feeding area and the rapid depletion of the soil substrate, balcony flowers need more frequent feeding compared to garden flowers. Complex mineral fertilizers with microelements (manganese, boron, molybdenum) are excellent for these purposes.

Top dressing is carried out every 7-10 days, alternating with watering, using weak solutions (2-3 g per 1 liter of water). The first top dressing is carried out 4-6 weeks after planting and rooting seedlings. Top dressing continues until the end of August.

Minimal top dressing (every 2-3 weeks) is given to nasturtiums, gatzanias, purslane, stonecrops, godetsia and dorotheanthus: on highly fertilized soil, they form many leaves to the detriment of flowering, or even do not bloom at all, purchased soil for them, they are diluted by 30% with river sand.

How to plant balcony flowers

It is important not to thicken the flowers when placed in boxes: the optimal distance between seedlings of dahlias, chrysanthemums, salvia, gazania, petunias, pelargoniums, asters, lantana, tuberous begonias, fuchsia and celosia is 20-30 cm; for verbena, heliotrope, balsam, godetia, Drummond's phlox, violas, zinnias, daisies, mignonette, marigolds and ever flowering begonias - 12-15 cm; for fiery red beans and sweet pea- 10 cm.

It is important to remove flowers immediately after flowering, preventing the formation of ovaries if it is not necessary to collect seeds. When the flowering of ageratum, lobelia and nemesia is weakened, it is important to cut off the upper part of the plant, leaving only stems 3-5 cm high: they soon form young shoots and flower buds.

Diseases and pests of balcony plants and how to deal with them

Given the right place and decent care, balcony plants are rarely affected by diseases.

Reddish at the edges or yellow color of the leaves occurs with severe waterlogging (lack of drainage) or overdrying of the soil.

Poor flowering may indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and in combination with oppressed growth and yellowing of the leaves, a lack of nutrients.

Plants can be damaged by pests.

Ugly, curved tops of shoots and leaves covered with sticky juice indicate an aphid invasion that occurs in dry, warm summers. Do not rush to the store for pesticides, but do not put off pest control either: they multiply at an unprecedented rate and can quickly eat up your entire flower garden. Spray the affected plants with infusion of garlic, nettle, at worst - soap or washing powder.

Sometimes the leaves are eaten by caterpillars - remove them and destroy them. A mini-garden of spicy herbs, planting marigolds will help to scare away pests. Finally, a tiny ladybug will finish the job.

In dry, warm summers, sometimes the leaves and stems are covered with a white powdery coating - real powdery mildew. Spray the plants with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per bucket of water) or fermented infusion of fresh minced garlic (40 g per bucket).

The most effective means of protection are, contrary to popular belief, not strong poisons that destroy pests and pathogens, but simple and generally accessible preventive measures that stimulate the plant to effectively defend itself.

Do not overmoisten the soil and do not thicken the plantings - your asters, marigolds, lobelias will not get sick with black leg and fusarium. Do not use acidic soils - get rid of rot. Annually change the earth in boxes to fresh - there will be no soil fatigue and pathogens.