Indian style in the interior of the kitchen and bedroom in the house. Indian style in the interior of the kitchen and bedroom in the house Floors and walls

  • 26.11.2020

Unlike other ethnic styles, the Indian style has undergone many changes along the way of its development, absorbing the customs and traditions of various cultures. Initially, the main idea of ​​the Indian interior was simplicity and functionality. Now this style surprises with luxury and sophistication.

Every thing in an Indian home is saturated with spirituality. The rooms are dominated by bright colors that you will not find in European interiors. Orange, crimson, yellow and turquoise tones are harmoniously combined with handmade wooden furniture, carved screens and rich textures of fabrics.

Mandatory decor elements of Indian houses are products made of ivory, forged metal and natural wood. Beds, tables and chairs are handcrafted from teak, often inlaid with colored stones, brass and silver.
Indian interior gravitates towards floristry. Images of flowers on fabrics, live or artificial plants, adorn the living rooms and bedrooms of Indian homes.

The atmosphere of India in the interior can be recreated with incense sticks smelling of sandalwood or patchouli. Indians themselves often use dried plants spread over smoldering coals as incense.

Indian style finish

The rooms of the Indian house, as a rule, are quite spacious, which allows you to give free rein to creative ideas and the most daring ideas.

Walls. For wall decoration, both vinyl wallpaper with a printed pattern and decorative plaster are suitable. The color scheme ranges from delicate peach and sand tones to deep purple and turquoise hues. The walls painted in gold or mother-of-pearl will add luxury to the room.
Walls can become a real work of art if you drape part of the surface with pieces of textured fabrics, decorate with carved wood panels, or decorate the wall in the form of a canvas depicting a scene from the scriptures.

Ceiling. Here, multi-level plasterboard transitions, a stretch ceiling or a ceiling decorated with fabric will be appropriate. Feel free to choose any of the options, the main thing is that the color is rich, bright and deep. On such a ceiling, a brass chandelier looks amazing. The light entering the slots creates a mysterious atmosphere and comfort in the room.

Floor. Usually, it is laid out with stone or ceramic tiles with national ornaments. But a laminate would also be a good option. The Indians consider the tree a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so any interior items made of natural wood are welcome. In the bedrooms, the floor is covered with soft carpets with images of sacred animals or temple dancers.

Color palette

Many people associate India with a riot of colors, bright and juicy shades in clothes and fabrics. When decorating a house or room in Indian style, the main thing is not to overdo it with color. Of course, this is the brightest interior that can be realized, but everything needs a sense of proportion, because at home we are looking for comfort and peace, and not the daily Holi festival of colors.

The Indian house attracts with its homeliness, softness and warmth. Color design is the soul of the Indian interior. The country is saturated with spices: curry, bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger, cloves. The same tart colors dominate the design of the rooms. Very popular in India is the color of the pulp of nutmeg melon, which combines orange and red hues.
Warm tones are easily diluted with cold ones, which give space and depth to the space. Blue, purple, turquoise, emerald - all these colors are boldly combined in any proportions and textures.
Be careful with white. Indians have a special relationship with him. It is extremely rare in homes, rather it is a temple color, meaning the rejection of luxury, a symbol of simplicity and detachment.

Style furniture

Initially, Indian furniture did not differ in the elegance of forms. She was simple and even rude. Today, wooden interior items are decorated with amazing carved ornaments and unique forging. Chairs, tables, doors, shutters and screens often transform from one to another, changing roles, which makes the Indian-style interior not only cozy, but also functional.
Traditional Indian furniture is usually low, without backs and armrests. It can be laconic, but more often the tree is decorated with openwork carvings, hand-painted, encrusted with stones or covered with colored varnish. Indian artisans are considered to be among the finest lacquers. It decorates interior items, wood panels, decorative elements and screens.

Upholstered furniture is upholstered with bright glossy fabrics in a wide strip, or with a national pattern. Velor, suede and leather upholstery available. A few small pillows with ethnic ornaments are an integral part of the Indian interior. They decorate not only sofas, but also beds and wicker chairs.
The bed is often made of natural wood, but there is also a forged version of metal. The bed is covered with a canopy on carved wooden poles with rich organza decor in warm colors.

It is difficult to imagine an Indian-style interior without wooden cabinets with openwork doors, large chests elegantly decorated with brass, painted chests of drawers and low coffee tables on massive curved legs. These interior items form the basis of Indian style room design.

Details and decor in Indian style

In India, much attention is paid to the arched interior design. Carved wooden arches, as a tribute to temple architecture, adorn not only doorways, but also cabinet doors, mirror frames, backs of sofas, beds and armchairs.
Wooden screens with a rich carved pattern are inlaid with beads, stones, covered with colored varnish or decorated with hand-painted. Such a piece of furniture will give the room an Indian flavor and, if desired, delimit the functional areas of the room.
To add completeness to the Indian style in the interior, details and accessories will help to decorate the houses of a fairy-tale country in abundance:

  • A lot of small pillows and bright pillowcases made of fabrics of various textures, embroidered with ornaments, beads, beads depicting gods, animals or flowers;
  • Scented candles, carved metal candlesticks, decorative figurines of the Indian pantheon of gods, made of ivory or wood;
  • Copper utensils, elegant metal vases and jugs, complemented by embossing or covered with colored enamel;
  • Wooden or metal bells that are hung from the ceiling or in the arches of the doors (they sway from the breath of the wind, making subtle, melodic sounds, bringing lightness and harmony to the house);
  • Huge variety of textiles. Walls, ceilings, canopies are decorated with fabrics of different textures. Bedspreads and tablecloths often appear in the form of multi-layered designs of brightly colored fabrics.

Indian style in the interior - photo

Publication 2017-04-18 Liked 6 Views 501

Finishing is an important part of the interior

Accessories and little things for comfort

If we talk about the Indian interior, then its style cannot be unambiguously characterized. These are catchy, rich colors and defiant luxury, but at the same time, strict asceticism in the form of restraint of geometric patterns. It's a philosophy style. In a European apartment, it is probably impossible to convey the spirit of India one hundred percent, but it is quite possible to make a successful stylization.

Indian interior is a philosophy of free space and fairy tales

General characteristics of the Indian style

India is a very religious country where great importance is attached to the spiritual side of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that religious motifs form the basis of the style. For example, it is impossible to imagine it without sculptures that are of a religious nature. An apartment furnished in the spirit of fabulous India must have elements in the interior:

  • Forged metal;
  • Ivory;
  • Natural Silver;
  • Brass;
  • bronzes;
  • And mother of pearl.

Natural materials are must-have elements for an Indian interior

The design of the rooms may include a variety of feathers - peacocks, pheasants, ostriches. Modern design necessarily includes paintings depicting scenes from the life of the enlightened Buddha.

Hookahs and statues are also an important part of the Indian or Oriental interior.

Also special accessories include screens with pictures of female figures and ringing bells suspended in window openings. Another characteristic feature of an apartment decorated in the Indian style is the presence of a large number of figurines of animals and birds, multi-colored and various-sized candles, fresh and artificial flowers.

Wicker furniture and palm trees are a fairly common element of Indian style.


In order for the Indian spirit to play in the interior, it is not at all necessary to engage in redevelopment: build columns, arches, all kinds of niches ... This is quite an expensive pleasure. You can bring oriental motifs into the interior without such radical actions and major repairs. You can start with finishing. An apartment in crimson, orange and turquoise colors will look very nice.

Simple colored wall decoration - an inexpensive and high-quality option for an Indian interior

Indian style today is impossible to imagine without bright natural fabrics, therefore, beautiful colorful canvases with images of the Hindu gods Shiva and Ganesh, the Om sign and elephant cannonades will come in handy. on the wall will allow you to interestingly arrange a "corner" for yoga and meditation.

Singing bowls, embroidered ottomans and meditation cushions are all typical of the Indian interior.

On the walls you can create with wallpaper and tiles. For this purpose, it is not necessary to order wallpapers from India - European-made products are suitable, but with characteristic patterns, for example, a pattern such as cucumber or paisley will help to emphasize the Indian style. These are decorative patterns in the form of drops.

Patterns and ornaments are very often used in Indian interiors.


In order for the interior of the apartment to look like a palace of Maharajas, it is not necessary to buy authentic chairs, cabinets, beds, tables, bookcases, screens made by Indian carvers. European furniture makers are no less skilled craftsmen, especially in the field of styling.

The main "secret" of Indian furniture is the presence of high-quality varnishing and natural materials.

That is why you can buy wooden furniture with a good varnishing of a European brand for your apartment and have no doubt that such chairs and tables will help to recreate the Indian style in the interior. In addition, in order for the Indian style to be more accurate, you need to choose low furniture.

Furniture in an Indian interior should be made of wood and carved decoration.

Accessories in the interior, or "little things for comfort"

The dominant Indian style in the interior can be conveyed with just one seemingly insignificant detail. This is the uniqueness, the "magic" of which works flawlessly. If for some reason it is not possible to repaint the walls in bright colors and furnish the apartment with wooden furniture from India (perhaps this approach will seem too extravagant to Europeans), you can find simpler design solutions.

Use paintings and statues in an Indian interior

Why not decorate the apartment with Indian famous carpets? As an option - decorative textiles on the wall or mandala bedspreads. You can add zest to the interior with the help of various figurines, for example, put on a chest of drawers:

  • figurine of the god Ganesh with the head of an elephant and one tusk;
  • figurine of the many-armed god Shiva;
  • head of the Buddha.

Indian figurines and figurines will add zest to your interior

Mandalas made of multi-colored threads hanging from the walls, as well as dream catchers with real bird feathers, will add a special touch. Porcelain loaf of elephants, metal utensils decorated with chasing will help to add “Indianness” to the kitchen. Many Europeans, having visited the houses of local residents in India, cannot forget the graceful ceiling fans.

Indian style in the interior is an abundance of colorful accessories

In addition, a fan lamp is an excellent budget replacement for an expensive air conditioner, which not every family can afford in India. Therefore, for greater Indian authenticity, you can hang a fan lamp under the ceiling. Indian style is not so difficult to create. The main thing is that this should be done with love for India and its culture.

((133501)) Indian style is associated with heat, lush vegetation, the aroma of spices and spices, luxury, the brilliance of gold and gems. This style, as it were, concentrated the sunlight in itself. Of all exotic styles, Indian is perhaps the closest and most understandable to us (Indian decor has some common features with Byzantine decor). Many people imagine this style as very bright, complex, overloaded with details. Yes, it is bright, but it combines luxury with rigor and simplicity, and the details, if the style is done correctly, should complement, not dominate.

The Indian style has the peculiarity of being perfectly combined with European styles, even modern ones. It goes well with interior classics. This is because there are certain Greek elements in the Indian style. It is so recognizable that 3-4 expressive “Indian” elements are enough to style an apartment, and it will already become an Indian-style apartment.

Basic elements of the Indian interior style:

A combination of luxury with asceticism and austerity;

There are many drawings and ornaments, the most common are the “Indian cucumber” ornament, images of people, animals;

Many textures in one room;

Carving, inlay, mosaic;

Low furniture made of wood or rattan;

Furniture is almost always decorated;

Lots of metal products

Openwork carved screens and hanging screens made of beads;

Transformation of interior details: the stool can be used as a small table, and the door can be changed with the top of a large table;

Lots of bright silk fabrics;

The effect of "flag" in the interior: a lot of bright small elements of different shapes, brought together;

The walls are warm pastel shades or, conversely, bright. The walls of the room can be painted in different colors;

Fabric stretched across the ceiling;

Partitions, doorways in the form of an arch;

Chairs without a back, but always with pillows;

Mostly handmade items;

Lacquered surfaces.

Features of the layout of the apartment in Indian style:

The layout of the apartment should be simple, without diagonal and rounded elements;

The apartment should be zoned, but mostly with screens, including portable ones;

Periodically, the structure of the room changes with the help of portable screens;

The apartment should have enough windows;

Furniture is placed “along the walls”, in the center of the room there can only be a low table;

The best apartment or room size for Indian styling is medium. If you want to style a small room like this, you need to use fewer attributes;

Interior colors in Indian style:

Basic colors: terracotta, turquoise, ivory, crimson, orange, yellow, bright green, red. It is permissible to add a little white and dark brown. Additional colors are purple, black, dark blue - there should be few of them. Metallic colors: gold, silver, brass, cast iron.

Indian style interior accessories:

Paintings and figurines with images of the Buddha;

Mosaic panels;

Tables with stained glass tops "under the mosaic";

Figurines inlaid with mother-of-pearl;

India is considered to be one of the most exotic countries in the world. In this state, two of the most revered and widespread world religions have risen up. Indian culture is very different from all other areas. This style has become widespread not only in India, but also in many other Asian countries.

The history of the origin of the direction

Historically, Indian cultural heritage has spread far beyond the borders of the modern state of India. This cultural region is called "Greater India". It included a number of states of Central and Southeast Asia. The development of the culture of ancient India took place in the period of the 3rd century BC. BC - 6th c. AD The word "India" began to be used only from the beginning of the 19th century. Previously, this region was called the "country of the wise men" or "the country of the Aryans." Although the Indian region occupied significant territories, the basin of the Indus and Ganges rivers became the main focus of cultural development.

The history of India can be divided into 2 major periods:

  • Harappan;
  • Aryan.

The Khrappa civilization existed in 2500-1800. BC. in the valley of the Indus River. The Harappans had their own language and script. They also built a number of large cities, with a rational rectangular layout and one of the most advanced plumbing systems at that time. In artistic culture, special successes were noted in the art of sculpture and seals. It is noteworthy that the relief figures of animals were depicted with a high degree of detail and elegance, while human characters, on the contrary, were rough and schematic.

Having experienced a cultural upsurge, the Harappan culture fell into decline due to the merciless flooding of rivers, climatic changes and epidemics.

After the fall of the Harappan civilization, the valley of the Indus and Ganges rivers began to be inhabited by Aryan tribes. Initially, the Aryans were nomads, but after settling in India, they switched to agriculture and cattle breeding. Mixing with the local peoples, the Aryans brought many cultural innovations to the established Indian culture.

Features of the Byzantine style in architecture are described.

One of them was the "Vedas" - a collection of religious chants, texts and spells that tell about the difficult process of establishing the Aryans in a new place of residence. It is written in the Vedic language, an ancient form of Sanskrit. In addition to the Vedas, the Upanishads and Brahmins are also written. They were a kind of commentary on the original text.

Subsequently, the Vedas became the basis for the further cultural development of India. They describe all aspects of the life of the ancient Indians. Including the division of society into four varnas:

  • Brahmins (priests);
  • Kshatriyas (warriors);
  • Vaishyas (merchants, artisans, farmers);
  • Sudras (captives and slaves).
  • Later, the varnas were supplemented by many castes that still exist today.

Religion plays a dominant role in Indian culture.

Vedism was the first ancient Indian religion. He implied the presence of a large pantheon of deities personifying natural phenomena. Later, in the 1st c. BC. Vedism was transformed into Brahmanism. In this current, a huge pantheon of gods was replaced by an absolute and indefinite entity - Brahman, manifested in the trinity of the gods Brahma - the creator of the world, Vishnu - the keeper of the world and Shiva - the destroyer of the world.

In the 2nd half of the 1st c. BC. Brahminism is transformed into Hinduism, which allows to assimilate almost all previous religious beliefs. This religious trend is still one of the most widespread in India. The basis of Hinduism is the doctrine of the endless transmigration of souls - samsara, which occurs in accordance with the laws of retribution (karma) for all committed actions. The main scripture of this trend is the Bhagavad Gita - part of the Mahabharata.

Today it is considered one of the most memorable modern interior styles.

In the 4th century BC In India, Buddhism began to develop, which later became one of the world's religions. Its creator is recognized as Siddhardta Gautama, who attained enlightenment at the age of forty and received the name Buddha. Buddhism flourished in the 3rd c. BC, however, already from the middle of the 1st century. AD interest in him faded and he was subsequently supplanted by Hinduism and developed outside of India. Later in the 16th century Within the framework of Hinduism, a new direction arose - Sikhism, which opposes caste division, preaching the equality of all believers.

Learn about the main directions of landscape design of a summer cottage.

As for Northwestern India, in the 9th-11th centuries. during the time of the Arab conquests, the forcible imposition of the Islamic faith began in these territories. Today, Islam is the second largest religion in India.

Philosophy has also achieved considerable success in India. There were a number of philosophical schools. The lion's share of all currents was associated with religion. One of the most famous destinations is the yoga school. It is based on the idea of ​​the connection between the psychophysiology of man and the cosmos.

In addition to philosophy, the ancient Indians achieved significant success in science. In particular, this applies to mathematics, medicine, astronomy and linguistics.

Modern tendencies

Indian culture is one of the most recognizable and revered. The religious movements that originated in it develop and are confessed in many countries of the world.

Today, the influence of Indian culture is manifested in music and cinema. Bright and distinctive features of the Indian style are often used to create both ethnic and modern interiors.


The main structures in the region were temples and other ritual buildings. All civil structures receded into the background.

The most ancient Indian buildings belong to the Harappan culture and date back to 2500 BC. They are brick city walls, private houses and outbuildings. The buildings had a rectangular or square shape and were built of brick. As for the height and dimensions of the building, they directly depended on the social status of the owner. Brick was also used to build wharfs, city streets, sewers and purification systems.

Vedic culture, which replaced the Harappan, brought not only ideological and religious, but also architectural innovations. The buildings erected during this period were characterized not only by practicality and durability, but also by external aesthetics. The facades of buildings began to be decorated with sculptural images. Buildings, at the same time, were created not just as separate buildings, but in harmony with the surrounding landscape. Unfortunately, due to the forced imposition of the Islamic faith in India, the vast majority of Vedic structures have been lost.

With the advent of Buddhism in India, the construction of cave temples and stupas began. A stupa is a building erected to store the relics of the Buddha. The first stupas date back to the 3rd c. BC. Traditionally, the stupa was built in the form of a hemisphere, located on a round base, around which there is a path leading to the stairs. In the upper part of the hemisphere there was a square fence. Inside it were directly sacred relics.

Another typical Buddhist structure is the cave temples. They often take the form of a basilica carved into a rock mass. The temple was decorated with a colonnade and decorative reliefs. The walls were covered with reliefs and paintings, and relics in the form of a stupa were placed in the depths of the temple.

Monastic cells were often built around the temple, or monasteries were erected near the sanctuary.

Approximately in the 6th century, when the Brahmin postulates begin to supplant Buddhism again, the architecture of India is replenished with a new type of temples - the pagoda. Often it took the form of a two-story house or a multi-story tower. One of the oldest examples of this kind of temples is the pagoda in Budgain.

Later temples-pagodas looked like a truncated pyramid. Such structures were richly decorated with sculptural and relief elements. Near the Brahmin temples there are pillared halls and propylaea, which serve to accommodate travelers, and sacred lakes. Indian temples, as in, were built gradually, by adding new temple premises to the original part of the building, which served as the core of the building.

As for the architecture of the Muslim period, in those days many monumental religious buildings were erected - mausoleums, minarets, mosques. They were distinguished by impressive size, high cost and splendor of decoration.

The bath in Indian culture is the exact opposite of the Turkish bath Hamam, about the specifics of the construction of which you can learn.


A distinctive feature of the Indian interior is the brightness and variegation of colors and a large number of various patterns. Literally everything is subject to painting - the floor, walls, ceiling, furniture, fabrics. Traditionally, Indian houses were divided into male and female halves. At the same time, floral paintings prevailed in the female half, and strict geometric ornaments prevailed in the male half.

Color spectrum

The Indian style is characterized by bright warm colors: crimson, terracotta, ivory, orange, red, yellow, green. As an addition, you can also use brown, white, black, purple, dark blue, silver and gold.


The materials for decorating the dwellings were: rosewood, teak, bamboo, glass, metal, gold, silver, ivory, bronze, clay, mother-of-pearl, wool, silk, cotton.

Floors and walls

The walls are traditionally painted in solid colors, sometimes covered with geometric or floral ornaments. In rich dwellings, they were draped with fabrics, or sheathed with carved wooden panels.

The floors were wood or stone.


The windows are arched. They are closed with carved shutters or bars. Often decorated with silk translucent curtains.

Decor and accessories

The interior of the bedroom in Indian style is characterized by the use of furniture made from natural materials. So a bed for such an interior can be both wooden and using forged elements. Directly, the bed, pillows and bedspreads should also be made of natural materials - cotton, linen or silk. The bedroom may also contain a carved wooden dressing screen and a massive wooden wardrobe. Such cabinets are often decorated with carvings and bright ornamental paintings.

Learn about the bright and daring style in architecture and painting - Avant-garde.

The main focus in Indian style is not so much on the decoration of rooms, but on its furnishings and accessories. So the main element of decor for the living room can be a sofa. It must be massive and durable, have carved wooden legs and armrests. Wicker furniture is often used in Indian interiors. Another distinctive feature of this trend is the abundance of handmade decorative elements. These can be all kinds of clay figurines depicting animals, bright painted plates or vases, various vessels made of brass or silver, aroma lamps, forged chests or small chests of drawers with traditional bright ornaments.

An Indian-style kitchen is often decorated in the same color scheme as other rooms. The kitchen table is traditionally low, made of natural wood. As chairs, it is customary to use hard ottomans, sheathed in bright fabric. As for dishes, they are often porcelain, earthenware or metal. The use of porcelain dishes is also typical for the design of the kitchen in.

Another equally important room is the bathroom. The color scheme of the bathroom can be more calm and subdued. It would be appropriate to use a round or oval bath, beige, brown or sand shades. The room can also be supplemented with all kinds of wicker baskets or bamboo blinds.

As a finish, you can use stone or patterned tiles.

exotic corner


Indian culture has been under the direct influence of religious beliefs since ancient times. The main areas of art were architecture, sculpture and ornamental painting. Moreover, special attention was paid to temple buildings, while urban architecture was secondary.

Of the ethnic styles, it also stands out. Including Indian, they all combine religious traditions and customs, rooted in the development of ethnic civilizations.

The Indian style in design harmoniously combines the ascetic lifestyle of yogis, the traditions of Hinduism, Arabic chic, the enlightenment of the nation and the majesty characteristic of the Romans.

It is characterized by bright colors, national patterns, a variety of textile products, and sculptures. Another important characteristic is the use of natural materials and dyes. Indian interior design is not characterized by minimalism; it is filled with patterns, decorations and details, many of which have symbolic meaning.

The history of the style

According to researchers, the style originated more than 4000 years ago. Therefore, Indian design began its formation even before the influence of the cultures of different European countries. Prior to this stage in India, there were many distinctive subtleties based on the perception of life values.

Culture in India did not develop as rapidly as in Japan or China. But when the country began to be subjected to military raids by Alexander the Great and colonization by England, the style began to undergo a transformation. Therefore, now it is a riot of colors, contrasts, patterns and textures, as well as the monumentality characteristic of the Italians, and the classicism characteristic of the British. And, of course, the style has its own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

Due to its diversity, the genre has become relevant in many countries of the world. The Indian film industry added to his popularity. The feature films of the 1990s showed luxurious dwellings, interesting customs and feelings of the film characters, in which the audience recognized themselves. Being impressed, people began to equip their homes in an Indian way.

Is Indian design popular today and who prefers it?

The peak of the development of electronic technologies was reflected in the features of the interiors. However, the abundance of electronics, plastic, shiny metal is not to everyone's liking.

Tired of the intense pace of life, accompanied by technological progress, many people seek peace in their own homes. Indian design is the best suited for such purposes. It exudes the mystery of meditation, self-knowledge, harmony with oneself and the world around. Such an environment will distract you from worldly fuss, fill your body with energy, and your soul with peace.

The atmosphere in Indian traditions will suit those who are tired of the bustle of the city, who like Indian culture and customs. It is also a good solution for those who decide to master mantras and meditations. The appropriate environment will contribute to self-improvement, relieving stress and strengthening the will.

Given the centuries-old popularity of Indian practices and culture, the style remains in demand and popular. The designer often receives orders for its implementation both in private houses and in apartments.

Main features

Consider the main features inherent in the Indian interior:

  • Spacious rooms with arched windows.
  • Saturated, bright colors predominate - yellow, crimson, red, green, gold. Dark browns and pastels are also used.
  • The main materials are natural stone, marble, natural plaster, brass, copper, gilding, wood, forging.
  • Textiles made from natural fabrics (linen, silk, cotton, wool) - massive bedspreads, decorative cushions, pillows, drapery.
  • Variegated carpets made of silk or wool.
  • Pilasters and columns.
  • Stained-glass windows based on natural wood (partitions, ceilings, doors).
  • Furniture is most often low-rise rattan or wood with moderate carvings. Forging elements may be present.
  • As lighting, central chandeliers, small lamps with multi-colored glass shades, lampshades of warm colors are used.
  • Indian interior items - paintings and figurines, handicrafts, canopies. Images of elephants, tigers, deities are especially popular. In the latter case, one should be careful when choosing the image of a deity. There are more than 1000 deities in the culture, among which are the gods of life and prosperity, as well as the gods of death.

Indian ornament

We decided to talk about the ornament in a separate section, as it clearly reflects the originality, splendor and harmony inherent in the direction.
Patterns are found in culture almost everywhere - dishes, fabrics, finishing surfaces, clothing, and even the body (mehendi).

Ornament features:

  • brightness and expressiveness;
  • symbolism;
  • many elements gracefully intertwine with each other.

Since the patterns are filled with symbolism, you need to know about their meaning before choosing anything for your home. The most famous patterns are forms resembling cucumbers (paisley, buta), vegetation and geometry.

  • Paisley

Forms in the form of cucumbers are the most ancient among Indian ornaments. Until now, no exact answer has been found about their purpose. However, the most common version is that paisley means tongues of fire, which symbolizes human life. Also, the pattern symbolizes energy and beginning, so it is often used in garments for the bride and groom, as well as in interiors.

  • Vegetation

The popularity of the plant pattern is caused by the belief of the Hindus that plants have a special power - they can fulfill wishes, heal and bring harmony to the house. Many holidays are not complete without plants, both in the form of patterns and in the form of fresh flowers. The image of lotus, cypress, pomegranate and mango is especially popular.

  • Geometry

No less popular are geometric patterns that have a special meaning. Triangles pointing up represent the flame and the masculine, if the point is pointing down - this is a symbol of water and the feminine.

  • The stars are hope and enlightenment.
  • Circles - integrity, life, development.
  • Squares - a reliable rear, a roof over your head, honesty.
  • Crosses (in the form of plant petals) - strength and vitality.

Home improvement in Indian style

Consider the options for arranging the Indian interior in apartments or country houses.

Living room

For the arrangement of the living room, a room with a high ceiling and high, slightly narrow, windows with arches is best suited.

You can decorate the walls with sand-colored marble. This solution is practiced quite often. In India, the weather is hot every season, the stone is associated with pleasant coolness and often retains it in hot weather.

  • You can complement the walls with soft red carpets with a beautiful ornament.
  • The ceiling can be plastered with plaster a few tones lighter than the walls.
  • Lay parquet covered with dark varnish on the floor.
  • Arrange a comfortable sofa area - put low sofas with low backs and put colorful decorative pillows and cushions on them.
  • Place a low table made of wood covered with dark varnish nearby.

Also in the design of the Indian room, you can make a zone for relaxation and meditation. To do this, lay an elastic mat (tatami) with a pattern characteristic of the style, put decorative pillows on it so that they do not interfere, but only contribute to relaxation. As a decor, you can use pictures with mantras (there are mantras of good luck, happiness, love). Hang thick red curtains with pelmets decorated with patterns on the windows.


Since the bedroom should be conducive to relaxation and harmony with oneself, the design of the Indian-style room is the best suited for this purpose.

  • Decorate the walls with red-brown textured plaster with sand inclusions.
  • On the ceiling, make a drapery of soft coral color, in the center of which there will be a chandelier with a matte shade with a subtle coral tint.
  • Make the double bed with a high headboard and wood carvings the center of attention. The footboard and headboard can complement the images of Indian culture (women in saris, carrying amphoras, meditating yogis, deities).
  • Lay a bedspread on the bed, it is possible in the patchwork style, but each fragment (pattern and color) must meet the requirements of the style.
  • Put in some decorative pillows.
  • Lay a woolen carpet with a floral or geometric pattern on the floor.
  • On the sides of the bed, place wooden cabinets with a floral or geometric pattern, and place lamps with multi-colored glass on them.

As a decor, hang pictures of a lotus on the walls, symbolizing purity and enlightenment.


Indian-style cuisine can be associated with fragrant multi-colored spices, fragrant flowers and a kaleidoscope of colors typical of Asia.

  • To decorate the walls of the kitchen, use natural stone, it can be turquoise in color with light golden patterns.
  • Make the ceiling white.
  • To do this, it can be plastered with textured plaster.
  • Finish the floor with stone, but in sand color.
  • Set up a dark wood dining table with rattan chairs.
  • As a decor, you can use dishes and vases with a thematic ornament.
  • Hang colorful curtains on the windows.

Indian style in the interior can be a way to harmony with yourself and the world around you. It soothes, inspires and envelops with luxury. In order to implement it in accordance with all the rules and not get confused with the ornaments and images of deities, it is advisable to use the services of experienced designers who know all the subtleties of culture.

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