How to water seedlings of pepper. Watering pepper seedlings - rules and useful tips How often to water seedlings of tomato and peppers planted in purchased soil

  • 15.06.2019

Growing vegetables on personal plot- an interesting and not so difficult task. It makes it possible to eat tasty, healthy fruits, and not buy dubious products in the store. Growing pepper seedlings at home will not cause trouble, you just need to organize it correctly. If everything is done correctly, the seedlings will turn out strong, which will increase the chances of a harvest.

Specifics of the preparatory stage

It is necessary to purchase everything you need in advance - containers for seeds and seedlings, soil, drainage, fertilizers, a sprayer, a phytolamp if there is not enough natural light.

When to plant seeds

This indicator is influenced by the planned timing of the transfer of young plants to a greenhouse or open ground, features climate zone. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular variety of pepper and study the instructions on the bag of seeds.

Experienced gardeners, when setting sowing dates, adhere to the rule of 65-75 days: the last week of February - the first decade of March. At this time, before the proposed planting of seedlings in a permanent place, they begin to deal with seeds. Some refer to the sowing calendar. The influence of the phases of the moon on plants has long been confirmed, so novice agronomists should take it into service.

container requirements

An opaque plastic container will do. The ground part of the seedlings needs ultraviolet, but the root system does not need it. Direct sunlight slows down the growth of the roots, which negatively affects the condition of the seedlings.

It is good if the container is solid, and not divided into zones. The size is calculated in this way - 2-3 pepper seeds are planted on the soil with a volume of 300-500 ml. The bottom must be level so that the drainage layer settles down qualitatively. peat pots and wooden boxes fit too.

Soil preparation

The soil for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers needs the same. Many make a mistake - they collect land in random places or take it from the garden. Such a base has high acidity and is aggressive for capricious peppers. Therefore, it is better to purchase the finished mass in a specialized store.

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To prepare the soil, you need to take:

  • 3 parts of humus;
  • 3 - peat or sod;
  • 1 - river sand;
  • ash at the rate of 250 ml of the composition per 5 kg of soil.

Proportions can change, each gardener has their own. Additionally, you will need stones, pebbles or other fractions for the drainage layer.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Much depends on this stage: how they will take root, when they will sprout and how strong the seedlings will turn out. Homemade seeds are stored for three years, then germination decreases. But such elements do not need pre-processing.

Purchased products go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. Selection. For calibration, the grains are soaked for 7 minutes in water with the addition of salt (30 g of product per 1 liter of liquid). Floating elements are thrown away, and those that have settled to the bottom are taken out and dried.
  2. Disinfection. If this procedure is carried out, the grown seedlings will avoid characteristic diseases. It is necessary to place the selected seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Soaking. It is carried out immediately before landing. Prepared grains are laid out in wet gauze for 1-2 days.

If you plan to plant pepper seeds in open ground, you can take some soil from a specific area and add it to the prepared mixture. The plant will quickly get used to the new conditions.

Sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

The work is carried out according to a certain scheme. Everything matters - from following the sequence of actions to the depth of immersion of the seeds. First, the prepared soil is treated with boiling water for disinfection and loosened, then the seed material will receive moisture and oxygen.

Planting pepper seeds for seedlings is as follows:

  • drainage is laid out in a container up to 2.5-3 cm high, on top - the soil mixture. The thickness of this layer is 8-10 cm, about 3 cm remains to the edge of the container.
  • The soil is moistened with filtered or settled water.
  • Seeds are planted at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from one another to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with soil mixture on top.
  • When the seeds are planted, cover the container with glass or wrap cling film. Containers are kept in a room with a temperature of 23-25ºС for several days. At this time, they are not watered, there is enough moisture in the soil. Explicitly drying soil is sprayed every 2 days.

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Features of the occurrence of pepper diseases and ways to deal with them

Shoots appear in one to two weeks. After that, the film or glass is removed, the container is placed in a room with a temperature of 18ºС to form the root system. So that pepper seedlings do not die at home, they provide comfort, which is maintained until the seedlings are planted.

How to grow pepper seedlings

For germinated seedlings, a temperature of 24-26ºС during the day and not lower than 15-17ºС at night is suitable. Young plants are kept on the windowsill, on the sunny or cool side, depending on weather conditions and temperature indicators.

How to water pepper seedlings

The first three days, seedlings are allowed to be sprayed, after which they are irrigated regularly, but not abundantly, the temperature of the liquid is within 30-32ºС. At the bottom of the pot, you need to pre-drill holes for the outflow of excess moisture. How often to water pepper seedlings does not depend on the type of vegetable, you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Lighting requires natural sunlight. Boxes with seedlings are recommended to be kept on the southern windows. In case of insufficient lighting, you will have to install fluorescent or phytolamps. Pepper loves 20 hours of light per day.

Picking pepper seedlings

Plants need transplanting large shoots in separate containers. Event Rules:

  • Shoots should acquire two leaves. This happens 2-3 weeks after sowing the seeds.
  • 2 hours before manipulation, the soil in the container around the plants is carefully separated. After that, the sprouts are taken out with a teaspoon without the risk of damaging the roots.
  • A third of the root is pinched off from the seedling and placed in a separate container with soil composition. The procedure strengthens the rhizome.
  • The earth in a glass is moistened and gently tamped at the stem. In the early days, the seedlings should be in a warm room, then they are transferred to the rest of the seedlings.

If there is no picking procedure in the plans, the seeds are sown in spacious boxes with a large distance between them.

Rules for the introduction of top dressing

Seedlings can germinate and develop well without fertilizers, but their use guarantees the yield of bushes. Gardeners practice different systems top dressing. It is wise to try a few to find the best option. But an excess of fertilizer is dangerous in that the seedlings will outgrow even before planting on permanent soil.

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Pest and disease control

It is not enough to know how to grow pepper seedlings at home, one must also understand what troubles await her before planting in open ground: diseases and pests. The activity of the latter is provoked by summer residents themselves in case of violation of the rules of irrigation and non-observance of growing conditions.

More often pepper seedlings are affected by aphids, spider mite, small flying thrips and whitefly butterflies. To eliminate the problem, use a soap solution and various insecticides. The choice of drug depends on the type of pest. Often, seedlings are affected by dangerous fungal infections. Sick bushes have to be removed.

When to plant seedlings in open ground

Timing depends on temperature environment. It is better to wait for the moment when it will not fall below 12-14ºС during the day and at night. Otherwise, the sprouts get sick and die.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Choose a well-lit and draft-free permanent location.
  2. Dig up the soil, fertilize with humus and peat.
  3. Form a hole for each seedling. They should be located at a state of 30-50 cm from one another. Between rows, make a distance of 1-1.5 m.
  4. Treat each well with a mixture of mineral fertilizers.
  5. Remove the seedling from the container with a clod of soil and place it in the hole.
  6. Sprinkle the roots and water abundantly. After absorbing moisture, add soil with peat to the top of the hole.

With an organized and responsible approach, planting pepper seedlings is not difficult for beginner gardeners.

    • How often to water pepper seedlings on the window
    • How to care for bell pepper seedlings
    • When to plant sweet pepper seedlings
    • After planting pepper seeds in moist soil, watering should be carried out no earlier than two days later. The next watering can be done after the top layer of the earth has dried. Plants need daily watering only after the appearance of the first true leaves (water is poured under the roots of seedlings in small portions, literally a tablespoon). After the seedlings get stronger, watering can be reduced to once every two days, while the amount of water during irrigation should be doubled. Thus, it is possible to reach the watering of plants once every five days, adjust the volume of water depending on the needs of the seedlings.

      As for the time of watering, it is better to carry it out in morning hours, it is important that the pepper leaves are dry in the evenings and at night, this will minimize plant damage by fungal diseases. After each watering, it is desirable to loosen upper layer soil, but this must be done carefully, as damage to the roots can lead to the death of seedlings.

      Watering pepper seedlings after picking

      After picking, watering can not be carried out for 3-5 days. After the specified time, when the soil becomes almost dry, you need to water the peppers abundantly, and so that the water completely soaks the soil. After picking, it is important to transplant seedlings into containers with drainage holes so that excess moisture can safely drain into the pan. Further, watering can be carried out as usual - once every 2-3 days or a little less often, depending on the needs of the crop.

      How to water pepper seedlings

      Watering plants is best done with clean filtered or settled water of 25 degrees (on average). Can't be used too cold water(below 20 degrees), since hypothermia of the root system can cause the growth of seedlings to stop. If possible, use for irrigation melt water. You can make it as follows: pour settled water into a container (bottle, saucepan), place it in the “freezer” for 8-10 hours, then remove it from the “freezer” and let the water thaw at room temperature.

      Important to remember

      Proper watering is an important condition that will help seedlings develop well. However, it is not enough just to water the plants and wait for a miracle harvest. Be sure to take care of the optimal humidity in the room. If the peppers are on the window, and under the windows of the battery, then put a towel on the battery and regularly moisten it with water. If possible, install a humidifier in the apartment.

      How often pepper is watered in the greenhouse and in the open field

      Watering pepper largely affects the full growth of seedlings and the fruiting of this vegetable crop. It is known that this plant, however, like all nightshades, is extremely resistant to drought, but regular overflow is even worse for it. How often do peppers need to be watered to achieve good harvest you will learn from our article.

      Common mistakes gardeners make

      Watering time

      Most summer residents are sure that it is better to pour the plant than not to add it. Especially, this applies to dry weather in the summer season. Such a statement makes sense only when the root zone is watered in the morning at dawn, and by noon the water has time to absorb all of it. But if you water already in the sun or literally flood the plant, in this case the harm will be much greater. Firstly, water drops in the sun act like magnifying glasses, due to which burns can appear on the leaves and stem. Secondly, water quickly evaporating in the sun leads to the fact that the earth is first taken with a crust, and then cracks, as a result of which the roots dry out and the seedlings die.

      It is advisable to loosen the soil before watering.

      Watering sweet peppers is carried out in the morning or evening, when the sun is just rising or already setting. This approach provides high-quality moisture and promotes active and normal growth of vegetation.

      Water temperature

      Another common mistake is watering wells with cold water. In order for the plant to develop properly, it is necessary that moisturizing be carried out with water, the temperature of which fluctuates between 22-25 ° C. This is a prerequisite for proper watering of pepper. And in order not to heat the water, experts recommend filling tanks or any other containers with it and leaving them in the sun.

      Are you sure that during rainy weather there is no need for watering? Wrong! Even during this period, you must not forget about watering. Of course, if we are not talking about torrential or prolonged heavy rains.

      VIDEO: How to grow peppers:

      Irrigation Features

      Watering peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, as well as willows open ground, carried out regularly, because this vegetable crop belongs to the category of moisture-loving plants.


      Optimal conditions

      day length

      at least 12 hours

      neutral pH, light, with the addition of black soil or compost

      Despite the fact that pepper loves well-moistened soil, overdoing it with moisture is highly undesirable. This can lead to rotting of the root stem, as well as the entire rhizome, which, in the end, will lead to wilting and death of the plant.

      When the seedlings begin to bloom and ovaries form on it, irrigation in the form of sprinkling is strictly prohibited. During this period, moisture is applied exclusively under the root of the seedlings. Watering by sprinkling from a watering can is allowed only before the beginning of flowering pepper.

      Watered from a watering can or shower before the ovaries and after the appearance of fruits

      In order to accelerate the ripening of fruits, the introduction of moisture into the soil is suspended 10-15 days before harvest.

      How often do you water peppers?

      After the appearance of the first sprouts, it is necessary to water the pepper every 2-3 days, depending on the air temperature in the place where the seedlings grow.

      After the pepper has been transplanted into the greenhouse, it is immediately poured with plenty of water, but so that the bush itself does not squint, it must stand strictly vertically. The next watering will be in 6-7 days.

      Starting from irrigation of seeds and ending with watering of adult crops, settled water with a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C is always used.

      In order not to be too humid in the greenhouse, pepper is usually watered in the evening, after which the greenhouse is left for airing for an hour or two.

      The development of the crop and the amount of the crop largely depend on the correctness of irrigation at each stage of "growing up":

      • during the appearance of color, it is watered strictly into the root zone, so as not to wash off the pollen and allow the ovaries to develop;
      • during the formation of the ovaries watered no more than 2 times a week;
      • when the first fruits appear and until the last harvest, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.
      • If a crust appears on the soil, it must be loosened so that moisture is evenly distributed over the root zone. It is better to make a small funnel, from where the water will not flow out, but will gradually be absorbed, and then mulched.

        The soil must be mulched to keep a moist environment longer.

        Each bush requires about a liter of water at a temperature of 22-25 ° C.

        Pepper is the only type of nightshade that is very favorable to "dry" watering. This is just the case when it is better to loosen well 1 time than to water badly 2 times. Of course, loosening the soil does not cancel the need to add water, but sometimes it is more useful to replace one with another.

        Answers to gardeners' questions

      • Question number 1. If pepper is grown in clay soil, how often is it watered and how to dilute the soil?
      • In fact, peppers, as well as cucumbers, germinate well on heavy clay soil if you control its acidification. This is a big problem, because of which water often stagnates in the upper layers and does not pass to the roots. It is advisable to remove the top layer of soil by 30 cm, mix it in equal parts with peat and add 0.5 parts of river sand - this soil will be ideal for pepper.

      • Question number 2. How often should peppers be watered and how much water should be poured if the soil is sandy?
      • In terms of volume, the priority is the same - 1 liter of water per 1 bush. According to the frequency - before flowering 2-3 times a week, after the ovaries - at least 2 times, but at the same time monitor the drying rate. If there is a large amount of sand in the soil, the water will quickly leave and it is necessary to water more often. To improve the quality of the soil, mix it with peat or compost and be sure to mulch the beds.

      • Question number 3. What pipes to use for irrigation?
      • The best thing plastic pipesØ30-50 mm. Pipes are installed along the beds or dug into the ground so that the water exit point falls on the root zone. It is convenient and allows you to spend it rationally. Even better - organize drip irrigation. How to do it, you can find out in the article "How to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands"

        Drip irrigation is very convenient for the growth and development of crops.

      • Question number 4. What water is suitable for pepper?
      • Any, if properly prepared. Best of all, sprinkling or melting temperatures of 20-23 ° C. Well or well water heated to the same level. Tap water - chlorinated - must be defended for at least a day, poured into another container, and only after that they start watering. Hard water is softened with wood ash at the rate of half a glass of ash per bucket.

      • Question number 5. Why does the ovary fall off?
      • It is impossible to name one reason for the fall. This may be a violation of the rules of irrigation - the soil is too dry, not mulched in time, or it is periodically poured. The ovary can also be threatened due to under-pollination, when bees and other pollinators cannot get into the greenhouse in the right amount. You will have to take on the role of an insect pollinator, for which you carefully shake off the flowers in the morning. Excess moisture combined with greenhouse heat is another very likely cause of color drop. Monitor the indicators that are listed in the table above.

        VIDEO: How to care for pepper and tomato seedlings, how to water and why the leaves turn yellow:

        Harvesting a good crop of pepper (as well as other vegetable crops) is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The process of growing this vegetable includes several main stages:

        1) the correct selection of seeds of the desired variety;

        2) breeding seedlings;

        3) provision necessary conditions for growth and development.

        Pepper is an extremely whimsical crop, and its watering will be an important feature that will provide normal development and plant growth.

        How often do you water the peppers?

        Proper watering has three main criteria:

        The need for moisture varies depending on the age of a given vegetable crop. At the initial stage of growth before the formation of fruits, not much water is needed. Naturally, then this figure will increase significantly. At the same time, watering should be regular, because pepper cannot stand even the slightest period of drought, otherwise it will lead to falling flowers and reducing fruits. It also increases the risk of disease.

        The same applies to the question of how often to water bell pepper, and indeed any other variety. Pepper is moisture-loving throughout the entire period of its cultivation. The plant needs moisture from the beginning of the appearance of the first buds until fruit formation, which is a period of about two months. How often a pepper is watered also determines its survival rate. That is, with a lack of water, the seedlings will be weakened, growing low, with practically no leaves, and the yields will be low. The fruit may be misshapen and prone to blossom end rot.

        The main mistakes of gardeners

        Many are sure that pepper, however, like any other vegetable culture need more moisture during hot weather. This is absolutely wrong, since water droplets in this case play the role of a magnifying glass, which leads to burning of the leaves. Such a result can be detected after several waterings. It is best to moisten the plants in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is already starting to set. In this case, the water should be warm. For her to always be desired temperature, just collect it in tanks or other suitable vessels and leave it in the sun. It is undesirable to use a small amount of water to moisten the crop, because it will evaporate before it reaches the root system.

        How often should peppers be watered in a greenhouse?

        The procedure should be carried out before lunch, trying not to get on the leaves. The first watering should be done 4-5 days after planting the seeds. Start with a small volume, gradually increasing so that the soil is moistened by 20 centimeters in depth. Before the plant blooms, it is watered once every 7 days, when fruits appear - up to 2-3 times. How often to water the pepper in a hot period? The answer is quite simple - it is better to do it as often as possible (observe the time frames indicated earlier).

        From the foregoing, it follows that the volume and quality of the crop on your site directly depends on how often you water the pepper.

        Watering pepper seedlings at home?

        How to water pepper seedlings at home to get strong and productive plants? This question is asked by many novice gardeners who first decided to grow a vegetable.

        Despite the widespread belief that in order to obtain a crop, the most an important factor is a variety of pepper and its regular fertilizer, this is not at all the case. The plant is very fond of watering and will bear fruit only with a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil.

        Rules for growing pepper on the window

        Pepper is a moisture- and heat-loving crop. When growing seedlings, it is important to take these factors into account and place the boxes on the south window. Regular watering and top dressing before picking will not allow the bushes to stretch out, so that the peppers will have a thick trunk and a compact size when fruiting.

        How to properly care for the seeds until the first shoots?

        Pepper seeds before planting must be soaked for a while to saturate them with moisture. Seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in water, the temperature of which is 40 degrees Celsius.

        After the seeds have warmed up, they are placed in a damp cloth until the first shoots appear. Usually, this process takes 4-5 days. When the first roots appear, the seeds are planted in moist soil and wait for seedlings. Watering at this time the peppers are not required.

        Another less popular planting option is to sow dry seeds into the soil. With this method, seedlings can appear within 2-3 weeks. The soil must be constantly moistened in order for the seeds to absorb moisture and be able to germinate. Watering is carried out once every 2-3 days before germination.

        Watering sprouts before picking

        When the first leaves appear, the plant should be watered abundantly for better development root system. Watering should be done as the soil dries up. At proper fit seedlings at the stage of the appearance of the first pair of true leaves should be irrigated once every 5-7 days.

        With a close arrangement of seedlings, the frequency of watering should be increased to 3-4 days. Before watering the seedlings, you should make sure the level of soil moisture, so as not to overmoisten it.

        How often should peppers be watered after picking?

        Seedlings are transplanted into moist soil, so that additional irrigation after planting is not required. The grown seedlings of sweet pepper when growing on the windowsill require watering 2-3 times a week.

        Depending on the location of the seedlings and the size of the pots in which the bushes were transplanted, more frequent watering may be necessary.

        When irrigating sprouts on the window, avoid getting liquid on the leaves.

        How to determine if watering is necessary?

        There are two popular determination methods:

    1. For the first option, you need a handful of soil from the bottom of the pot. From the soil it is necessary to roll the ball. If the earth began to crumble, then the plant must be watered, and if the ball holds its shape, then irrigation should be refrained from.
    2. When checking the humidity, a wooden stick is used. The stick must be inserted for a few minutes into the ground. If the stick remains dry, then the seedlings need urgent watering.

    What are the plants watered with?

    Seedlings do not like the chlorine content in the water they are watered with. If it is not possible to use well water, then the liquid from the tap should stand for a day at room temperature and only then use it for irrigation. Also, the bushes do not tolerate cold water - the optimum temperature of the liquid for irrigation is 20-24 degrees.

    Feeding peppers

    Seedlings need to be watered not only with water, but also with a variety of top dressings. It is advisable to use fertilizers for the first time after the appearance of the first pair of true leaves. At in large numbers seedling gardeners usually use industrial fertilizers, but if there is no desire to use chemistry, then tinctures from natural ingredients can be dispensed with.

    Tea tincture

    The most popular and affordable feeding option is tea tincture. To make it, you need 3 liters of water, 5 teaspoons of black tea. The tea leaves should be poured with boiling liquid and let the solution brew for 5 hours. After the tincture is ready, you can water the plants with it. Top dressing is usually carried out once a week.

    Eggshell tincture

    Eggshells are high in calcium and magnesium. The solution obtained by infusing the shell contains a lot of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the plant. The tincture has bad smell, which disappears 5 minutes after watering. To prepare the solution, you need to take 3-4 shells and pour them with a liter of warm water.

    The container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark, warm place for infusion. The solution is considered ready when its color has darkened and the liquid has become cloudy. Usually the infusion process takes 3 days. Plants are watered with undiluted tincture once every 10 days until the soil is completely moistened.

    Chemical solutions

    In order for seedlings to grow better, they are fertilized with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate. For 10 liters of water, 30 grams of phosphate, 10 grams of sulfate and 10 grams of urea are taken.

    The solution should be watered strictly under the root to prevent burns on the leaves and trunk. Usually pepper is watered at the rate of 1 liter per plant, but in the case when the pot has a smaller volume, it is necessary to irrigate until the soil is completely wet.

    Means based on potassium humate

    Concentrates are produced in the form of a liquid, which is diluted to a certain ratio before watering the plants. Organic fertilizer has a beneficial effect on pepper at all stages of its growth.

    When watering seedlings, it is necessary to adhere to a strict proportion of 1:300. Only 4 ml of the drug per bucket of water will be enough to improve the growth and condition of the bush. Usually seedlings are treated with a solution at the stage of appearance of 2 and 4 pairs of true leaves.

    Common mistakes when watering peppers

    The most common mistake is to irrigate seedlings in daytime. Drops that have fallen on the leaves of the plant, when dried in the sun, leave significant burns. Pepper with such watering is significantly behind in development, and also bears fruit with small twisted fruits.

    Another common mistake is watering with a small amount of water. In this case, the root system suffers greatly from a lack of moisture, which can completely destroy the plant. Also, pepper is negatively affected by watering, the temperature of which is below 20 degrees Celsius.

    Watering pepper seedlings

    Pepper seedlings require a lot of water during growth. Lack of proper watering will affect the size and taste of the fruit, which will be small, crooked and tasteless. However, in order to get a high healthy crop of peppers, you need to know a few rules for watering seedlings.

    Pepper seedlings have never been considered capricious, but just watering them is not enough. In order for seedlings to grow in favorable conditions, it is necessary proper watering. This means the following: when growing seedlings of peppers, even a short-term drying of the soil should not be allowed, at the same time it must be remembered that severe waterlogging can lead to root rot. Therefore, it is important to find the "golden" mean in watering, in which the seedlings will grow strong and healthy.

    When to Water Pepper Seedlings

    After planting the seeds, watering is carried out after 2-3 days, and with the appearance of the first true leaves, they switch to daily. When the plants are strong enough, they switch to rare but plentiful watering. Watering pepper seedlings should be plentiful and regular, it is desirable to do this in the morning, as at night the plants should go with dry leaves. Periodically, the dried surface is loosened, but very carefully, since peppers have a superficial root system.

    How to water pepper seedlings

    Seedlings are watered often, but moderately, trying not to let water droplets fall on the leaves. The surface of the soil under the peppers should be wet all the time, and it should not be waterlogged. Therefore, in order to avoid overflows, each container must have drainage holes that will help remove excess moisture. Excessive watering leads to the development of a black leg.

    Water used for irrigation should be at least room temperature. From irrigation with cold water, seedlings can get sick and rot. Some gardeners water the seedlings with melt water, for this they are specially frozen in the freezer or on the street.

    Maintaining the required humidity.

    Pepper seedlings do not tolerate dry air, so in rooms, especially with central heating, plants should be sprayed daily or an electric humidifier should be turned on.

  • Many people who have just started growing their crops hope to achieve a good result only by choosing good soil and good pepper seeds. However, this is not enough for abundant fruiting. Peppers are very demanding on moisture, and therefore they must be watered regularly. Only in this way, it will give large and sweet fruits. Today we will talk about how to water pepper seedlings and avoid mistakes.

    Rule number 1 - keep the right level of humidity

    How to water pepper seedlings at home? Of course, the soil in which peppers are grown must always be moist. The soil must not be allowed to become too dry, otherwise the plants will not be able to grow and develop normally.

    Despite this, it is also undesirable to water them with too much water. In this case, the root system of the seedlings may suffer (the roots will begin to rot), which, in turn, will lead to a halt in development or death.

    Therefore, in containers with vegetable bushes, it is imperative to make several small drainage holes. They will contribute to the removal of unnecessary fluid, and prevent stagnation.

    If you stick to two simple rules, even a novice gardener will be able to maintain a normal level of moisture in the soil:

    1. Using any convenient object, you should get a small part of the soil from the pot with seedlings (it is advisable to take the material deeper), and then give it a spherical shape. If the earth has not lost its shape, and has not disintegrated, the liquid is quite enough. But when the soil falls apart - it should be watered.
    2. Using a stick or finger, lightly push the top layer of the earth. If traces of liquid remain on them, it is not necessary to water, and vice versa.

    Rule number 2 - useful watering

    How can you get strong and healthy pepper bushes? In fact, this is not so - it's simple, but knowing all the tricks, you can grow excellent seedlings without much effort. For young seedlings that have just sprouted, it is very useful to irrigate using warm, settled water.

    How to do it? Everything is very simple. It is necessary in the evening to pour water into a bucket or other container intended for irrigation, and then cover tightly. In addition, melt water has a positive effect on the growth of seedlings. In a pre-prepared container, cool water is poured.

    After that, close everything tightly and put in the freezer. Hold until it turns into ice. Then they need to be removed and wait for complete thawing. You can water only when the water warms up to room temperature.

    The only disadvantage of this method is that it takes a very long time to prepare, but then you can enjoy better results.

    It's important to know! It is unacceptable to use cool liquid for irrigation. Since, there is a risk of infection of planted crops with a disease called black leg. And eventually they will die.

    How frequent should irrigation be?

    How to properly cultivate the land after planting pepper seeds for seedlings? Although peppers are quite picky about moist soil, their watering needs vary, depending on the following circumstances:

    1. The age of the peppers. After how many days should the soil be moistened? There is no need on the windowsill immediately after planting, until they are visible - this will not affect their germination. On the early dates cultivation (before picking), plants consume a very small amount of liquid. Gradually, after germination, germination and a set of vegetation mass will occur, therefore, in the future, watering should be carried out at the same frequency.
    2. Seedling density of peppers. If the plants were planted at a short distance from each other, then the soil dries out quickly. In this regard, it must be often irrigated, avoiding drying out.
    3. The volume of soil under seedlings. When it is not too much - preferably more often. Under opposite conditions, this event is recommended to be performed with less frequency;

    As for the question, how often to water the seedlings on the windowsill? It should be noted that in such a situation, the need for soil moisture increases significantly. After all, being under the influence of sunlight, the liquid tends to evaporate faster.

    Note! It is best to perform such procedures in the morning.

    Rules for moistening the soil under seedlings

    Before watering, it is required to determine the condition of the earth. If you decide to carry out moisturizing, then you can proceed to the actions:

    • fill the container for irrigation with prepared settled or melt water;
    • irrigate carefully and measuredly, trying to prevent liquid from getting on ground part plants.

    In a situation where water has entered the leaves or stem of the bushes, it should be removed using a clean piece of material for this purpose.

    What should be the watering after transplanting pepper?

    How to water pepper and how many times to achieve a good harvest? The time comes when it is time to plant seedlings separately - to carry out a dive. And as a result, the rules for moisturizing pepper after picking change significantly. Once the seedlings have been transplanted into open soil, water the plant holes with water, then carefully cover with soil. This will keep the moisture in long time.

    Attention! To strengthen the bushes of peppers, they should sometimes be fed with infusion with tea leaves.

    Cooking recipe: three liters hot water you need to pour one package of tea leaves. Leave to cool until it becomes slightly warm.

    Wrong actions when performing irrigation

    Every inexperienced gardener quite often makes a mistake when growing this crop of vegetables. Everyone knows that bell peppers- loves moist soil. Because of this, some believe that it is possible during summer heat water seedlings of peppers in the morning and at noon. However, this is incorrect.

    As a result of the liquid getting on the plants, when it begins to evaporate, traces of sunburn remain on the leaves. If you do not pay attention to this in time, the seedlings can be left without leaves literally in a day. As a result, its growth will significantly stop, and the crop will grow deformed and very small.

    After planting pepper seeds in moist soil, watering should be carried out no earlier than two days later. The next watering can be done after the top layer of the earth has dried. Plants need daily watering only after the appearance of the first true leaves (water is poured under the roots of seedlings in small portions, literally a tablespoon). After the seedlings get stronger, watering can be reduced to once every two days, while the amount of water during irrigation should be doubled. Thus, it is possible to reach the watering of plants once every five days, adjust the volume of water depending on the needs of the seedlings.

    As for the time of watering, it is better to carry it out in the morning, it is important that the leaves of the peppers are dry in the evenings and at night, this will minimize plant damage by fungal diseases. After each watering, it is desirable to loosen the topsoil, but this must be done carefully, as damage to the roots can lead to the death of seedlings.

    Watering pepper seedlings after picking

    After picking, watering can not be carried out for 3-5 days. After the specified time, when the soil becomes almost dry, you need to water the peppers abundantly, and so that the water completely soaks the soil. After picking, it is important to transplant the seedlings into containers with drainage holes so that excess moisture can safely drain into the pan. Further, watering can be carried out as usual - once every 2-3 days or a little less, depending on the needs of the crop.

    Watering plants is best done with clean filtered or settled water of 25 degrees (on average). You can not use too cold water (below 20 degrees), as hypothermia of the root system can cause the growth of seedlings to stop. If possible, use melted water for irrigation. You can make it as follows: pour settled water into a container (bottle, saucepan), place it in the “freezer” for 8-10 hours, then remove it from the “freezer” and let the water thaw at room temperature.

    Important to remember

    Proper watering is an important condition that will help seedlings develop well. However, it is not enough just to water the plants and wait for a miracle harvest. Be sure to take care of the optimal humidity in the room. If the peppers are on the window, and under the windows of the battery, then put a towel on the battery and regularly moisten it with water. If possible, install a humidifier in the apartment.

    Proper care of seedlings is the key to obtaining strong and healthy plants that will bear fruit well. Watering peppers, which is really difficult, many will think. Excessive and insufficient irrigation can be detrimental to peppers.

    For a long time, farmers have been watching pepper to develop general rules glaze. Water allows you to dissolve numerous nutrients and deliver them to the cells and tissues of the plant. Therefore, you need to understand how much water pepper needs in order for it to develop normally.

    Correct humidity level

    The microclimate for each plant is purely individual. Pepper is a thermophilic plant. Consider what should be the level of humidity for him.

    To control the humidity in the air, you will need to buy an inexpensive humidity thermometer. For a home greenhouse, an ordinary inexpensive device is suitable; in large farmers, special sensors are used that determine the correct level of humidity with high accuracy.

    The frequency and usefulness of watering

    The frequency of watering for pepper after picking is 2-3 times a week.

    1. Watch the soil and water the plants as they dry out.
    2. Peppers are not worth it. Water should not stand in pots after watering, pay attention to this.
    3. If you carry out liquid top dressing, then you do not need to additionally water the pepper.

    After picking, the pepper is slightly weakened. Watering for him can be not just a process of saturation with moisture, but also the introduction of nutrients.

    The usefulness of top dressing during this period is:

    • increase the resistance of pepper to diseases;
    • formation of a strong root system;
    • development of green mass.

    Variety of water and effect on seedlings

    It is possible to purify water from impurities, but this is a costly business. Therefore, use settled tap water and well water.


    Alexandra Artemovna:

    Pepper after picking watered not often. When the ground started to dry out, I watered the seedlings about twice a week. The pick was made in peat pots, which she then planted along with pepper. She irrigated the land with settled tap water, which she heated before watering.

    Nikolay Fedorovich: