How to store cabbage in the winter in the cellar? Storing cabbage in cling film in winter How long to store cabbage.

  • 17.06.2019

If how to store cabbage is more or less clear, then the question of how to store cabbage in winter, if there is no cellar, arises quite often. And most importantly in this process - proper preparation! Let's start with this.


How to store cabbage at home in winter? The most important step to ensure long-term storage of cabbage is preparation.

It does not matter in what way, and in what room it is planned to store this vegetable, it must be prepared.

Preparation for storage consists of the following steps:

Remember that late varieties of cabbage are best suited for long-term storage, which are removed from the beds before the first frost.

Further preparation depends on the chosen storage method. Read more about on our website.


How to store cabbage at home? There are not many such ways. And there are not so many places in the apartment where you can do this, or rather two:

  • balcony;
  • fridge.

Some apartments have separate rooms - pantries. They can also be successfully stored vegetables, provided that it is cool enough there. At normal room temperature, cabbage will not be stored for a long time.

How to store cabbage at home:

  • in kind;
  • in cling film, paper.

Cabbage wrapped in paper

Cabbage heads in cling film

Cabbage heads in natural form

And now we will consider all the possible methods listed above and, first, let's talk about how to store cabbage in the winter on the balcony?

On the balcony

This method is one of the most convenient, provided that the balcony:

  • glazed;
  • insulated.

IN winter time on the balcony should not be too cold otherwise the cabbage will freeze and spoil.

Before sending a head of cabbage for storage on the balcony, you need to:

  • wrap in paper;
  • wrap in cling film.

The forks should be positioned fairly freely and the safety of the cabbage on the balcony should be checked periodically. In winter - once a month, closer to spring - more often.

Storage of cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage on the balcony will not work. These types of cabbage are so capricious of environmental conditions that a balcony is simply deadly for them.

We have prepared a number of materials about these varieties of cabbage and their storage. Read all about storage, and.

We bring to your attention a video on how to store cabbage in paper and cling film:

In a refrigerator

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator? For residents of large cities, a refrigerator is the only available place to store food. Most often, there is a basement for storing vegetables in houses. old building, in new buildings such an opportunity is not provided. A personal cellar or caisson is located somewhere outside the city, and it takes a long time to go there.

You can store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator:

  1. in kind. This means that prepared forks are simply placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or on its shelves. The disadvantage of this method is that cabbage quickly withers. Periodically, you will have to remove the top wilted leaves.
  2. Wrapped in cling film. The essence of storage is the same as in the previous case. However, this option is better, since the film protects the cabbage from wilting. To store cabbage in the refrigerator, you need to wrap the prepared heads in cling film and put in the refrigerator. So they last long enough.

In the film, the heads will last longer

Storage in the refrigerator of certain types of cabbage:

  • at home is possible only in the refrigerator. This environment is more favorable for her than others. It is better to wrap it in cling film and put it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator;
  • possibly in the refrigerator. However, she is not able to lie like this all winter. This type of cabbage quickly "gets stale", so its fresh shelf life is minimal;
  • in the refrigerator for a very short time, and the way it is stored is different from others.

In no case can not be washed broccoli before placing in the refrigerator, it is better to do this immediately before use.

To store broccoli in the refrigerator you need:

  • place each unit in a separate bag;
  • do not close it;
  • put a damp towel at the bottom of the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator;
  • make open bags of broccoli on a towel.

This will create high humidity in storage, and broccoli stay longer.

Optimal Modes

What are the conditions for storing cabbage at home? No tricks will help keep cabbage for the winter if indoors temperature is not observed suitable for this. The process of storing cabbage in the apartment must be constantly monitored.

Cabbage does not like heat or cold. She is capricious to storage conditions. The permissible temperature for storing cabbage for the winter is from +0 to +5 degrees. The ideal temperature is from +0 to +2 degrees.

At temperatures below 0 degrees, the cabbage will freeze and lose its taste. In addition, the frozen area will immediately begin to rot. At temperatures above +5 degrees, the cabbage will begin to deteriorate due to the multiplication of microorganisms and decay.

rotten cabbage

frozen cabbage

If damage to cabbage is noticed at the very beginning, cabbage can be saved. Carefully remove the layer of leaves affected by rotting or cut Cabbage wrap in polyethylene film and store further. However, it is worth remembering that it will not last its full term, so use it first.

Shelf life

Cabbage at home is not stored for as long as in the cellar (basement, underground). The most reliable the way is to store cabbage in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, the most unreliable and careless - at room temperature.

The main points of storing cabbage in an apartment:

  • at room temperature, cabbage will last no more than a week;
  • on the balcony, subject to all conditions, cabbage can lie all winter and spring. The average shelf life is 4 months;
  • in the refrigerator, without cling film, cabbage is stored for about a month, provided that the top sheets are removed when wilting;
  • in the refrigerator, cabbage wrapped in cling film is stored for up to 5 months;
  • kohlrabi is stored in the refrigerator for about a month;
  • Beijing cabbage, broccoli - a maximum of 15 days;
  • frozen cabbage of any kind is stored for up to 10 months;
  • dried, in compliance with the rules of storage - up to 12 months.

To keep cabbage in cling film longer, you need to check for condensate inside the film.

If water droplets form between the head and polyethylene, it is necessary to change the cling film. Unfold, discard the film, dry the cabbage and wrap it in a new one. Do this every time condensation appears.

Conditions of an apartment and a private house

How to store cabbage at home? A private house provides more opportunities for keeping cabbage fresh all winter than an apartment. It has two optimal places for this - a refrigerator and a balcony.

A private house most often has a basement in which cabbage is stored longer. under certain conditions. In the territory where private house, its owners make all kinds of outbuildings, garages, sheds, etc.

Such premises are built specifically for storing a rich harvest, including cabbage. Eventually, in a private house there are much more places and opportunities for storing cabbage for the winter than in an apartment.

Thus, storing cabbage at home is quite possible. Sometimes this method is the only correct one. Yes, it does not give such good results for the duration of storage of fresh cabbage, such as storing it in the underground (basement, cellar), but at home you can freeze or dry cabbage, put fresh cabbages in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

So, in order to provide yourself with fresh cabbage for the whole winter, you need:

  1. Prepare the crop for storage: sort, clean, wash, dry.
  2. Decide on the method, storage location, and depending on it:
    • put cabbage wrapped in paper or cling film on the balcony;
    • put the cabbage in its natural form or wrapped in plastic wrap in the refrigerator;
    • freeze chopped or whole cabbage;
    • dry the cabbage in a vegetable dryer.

Be sure to consider the need for storing cabbage at home.:

  • division of cabbage into types,
  • determining the optimal storage method for a given type.

So you can save space in the house, and ensure the safety of the entire crop of cabbage for for the longest time.

A vegetable rich in nutrients that the body needs in the cold season. With the help of cabbage, you can diversify the diet, and for this it is marinated, fermented, and stored fresh for storage in sufficient quantities. But for good preservation, you need to know the varieties, methods and conditions, which we will talk about in the article.

The best varieties for long-term storage

Well justified in winter storage mid-season varieties:

  • "Blizzard" - up to 8 months;
  • - 7 months;
  • "Dombrowskaya" - six months;
  • "Kharkov winter" - up to 7 months;
  • "Kolobok F1" - 6 months;
  • "Belorusskaya 455" - 7.5 months.

Among late varieties show themselves well:

  • "Stone Head" - it only gets tastier in a year;
  • "Amager" - up to 9 months;
  • "Snow White" - 6 months;
  • Laigedaker - 8 months;
  • "Aros", "Atria" - up to 10 months.

How to pre-prepare cabbage

It is very important to know when to start harvesting so that it is of high quality and without loss. The collection of cabbage, which must be kept fresh, must be started when the daytime temperature is from +3 to +8°C, and the night temperature does not fall below -3°C. The weather must be dry.

The preparation process consists of the following features:

  • loose, unripe, cracked and frozen vegetables are not suitable for storage. The forks must be elastic, without damage;
  • you need to cut the heads of cabbage with a sharp knife, leaving the leg and two covering leaves. Make cuts carefully, without deep serifs;
  • for 24 hours, the cabbage must be dried indoors or under a canopy;
  • before lowering into the cellar or basement, cabbage should be sprinkled with chalk or lime from the fungus.

Where can you store

Cabbage harvested for consumption in winter can be saved:

  • in the basement and cellar, placing vegetables on the shelves, hanging from the ceiling. With a rich harvest, cabbage can be stacked in a pyramid shape, stumps up. These rooms must first be prepared for laying vegetables - dried, rodents driven out, disinfected with whitewash, you can fumigate with sulfur. In a good underground room, with cooling, the required temperature and humidity are established, which make it possible to avoid crop losses. In a prepared basement or cellar, cabbage is stored for about 8 months;

Did you know? When stacked on an area of ​​1 sq. m. can accommodate up to 200 kg of cabbage.

  • it is also possible to store cabbage in the pantry for some time. This method is suitable for apartments. In a relatively cool and dry room, it is better to save the vegetable by carefully wrapping it in cling film or parchment. The forks should not be spread too tightly to allow air to circulate. Under such conditions, vegetables can be stored for six months;
  • in the refrigerator, this vegetable should be placed in the freshness zone (available in all modern models) where you can create desired temperature to save it. If there is no such place, put the forks in the refrigerator section with a minimum temperature. Each head must be wrapped in parchment or cling film. So the vegetable is stored for no more than 30 days;
  • on the balcony, if it is insulated, you can maintain a constant temperature and store the forks, also wrapping them in paper or film. During a severe cold snap, cabbage must be laid out in a closet or covered with fabric insulation. The average shelf life is 5 months;
  • in an earthen trench - such storage of cabbage is suitable for large heads of cabbage: they do not take up space indoors. But in the ground, the heads of cabbage become damp, rot and freeze under very severe frosts, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly get the needed heads of cabbage from such a shelter in bad weather. With this method, you need to dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.6 m wide on a hill, lay a layer of straw on the bottom and put cabbage forks in two rows on top. Top with straw and put a wooden shield. Throw soil on it with a thickness of at least 0.2 m.

Optimal conditions

The quality of vegetable storage at home depends on the microclimate in the room. It is necessary to maintain a stable temperature not higher than + 2 ° C and an average humidity of 95%. The storage facility must be permanently ventilated. If these parameters are maintained at the required level, it is possible to preserve cabbage qualitatively for 8 months.

Storage methods

In a box or crate

The simplest way, suitable for the cellar and basement:

  • stalks and spoiled leaves are completely removed from the forks;
  • wooden lattice or cardboard containers with holes are taken;
  • vegetables are neatly stacked in one layer, without touching each other;
  • the container is installed on a low pallet.

On shelves

Racks with removable shelves are arranged near the wall. Heads of cabbage are laid out on them, pre-dried, peeled, with a stem no more than 3 cm and covered with leaves. Lay out so that a couple of centimeters remain between the forks for ventilation.

Important! The distance between the shelves should be such that about 0.1 m above the heads of cabbage for good air circulation.

in paper

Dried vegetables are taken for storage. Forks are wrapped in several layers of paper. It is allowed to use newspapers, only for the first layer there should be white clean paper. The paper layer does not allow heads of cabbage to touch, it will serve as additional insulation from extreme cold, light and moisture. The forks wrapped in this way are laid out in boxes or bags.

In food film

This method is the most efficient. The sequence of its execution:

  • elastic forks are taken;
  • the leg is cut off to the base and the remaining covering leaves;
  • heads of cabbage are carefully wrapped in several layers of film, without folds where air can remain;
  • prepared cabbage forks are stacked on racks or in prepared containers;
  • From time to time, vegetables should be inspected for the possibility of spoilage.

Video: storing cabbage in a film

in clay

A solution is prepared from two parts of clay and one part of water (the consistency of thick sour cream). The forks are covered with clay, the resulting “fur coat” is allowed to dry, and the vegetables are laid out in the basement on the shelves.

Did you know? In 2012, the largest cabbage in the world was grown in America. Her weight was 62.71 kg, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

In the sand or on a "pillow" of it

The sequence of operations:

  • the stalk is cut under the leaves;
  • put the heads of cabbage in a wooden container so that they do not touch each other;
  • the first layer is covered with dry sand;
  • lay out the next row of vegetables and sprinkle with sand;
  • fill the box to the top.

Dry sand makes it possible to minimize crop losses. You can also save this vegetable on a “pillow” of it: legs 8 cm long are left at the forks, dry sand is poured into small containers with a layer of 20 cm, prepared cabbage is inserted into it.


Cabbage is harvested with roots, shake off the soil. The roots are tightly tied with twine, and aired forks are hung from the ceiling of the cellar. The main thing is that the forks do not touch each other. This method saves a lot of space big harvest vegetables and limited storage space.

Delicious borscht, fresh salads, cabbage rolls and many other dishes cannot be cooked without the use of cabbage.

Many housewives stock up on this indispensable product for the winter, but not every one of them knows how to preserve cabbage in the cold season with minimal loss of it. useful properties and nutrients. Let's try to figure it out.

The optimum air temperature for long-term storage of fresh cabbage is 0…+1 °C. It is advisable to maintain such a temperature regime throughout the winter, since when the thermometer rises to +4 ° C, vegetables begin to germinate, and when it drops to -2 ° C or more, they freeze slightly. Cabbage needs high humidity, so indicators from 90 to 98% are considered the most acceptable.

It is important not only to maintain the appropriate temperature, but also to harvest correctly in the summer. As a rule, only winter varieties are suitable for long-term storage, which are harvested in late October - the first half of November.
Heads of cabbage are cut so that several adjacent sheets remain on them - this will protect them from mechanical damage and fungal diseases.

You can store any kind of cabbage in winter, but most housewives prefer white cabbage, from which the most delicious and healthy dishes are obtained. After harvesting, the heads of cabbage are dried in a well-ventilated area for several days, and then stacked for wintering in pyramidal piles about 1.8–2 meters wide at the bottom and up to 1.2 meters high.

The heads inside the pyramid are placed with the stumps up, and the outer heads are placed with the stumps inward. In order for the cabbage to lie as long as possible, it is sprinkled with wood ash or crushed chalk, which protects the vegetables from rotting.

Cellars for storing vegetables must be prepared in the summer. The main thing is to ventilate the room well and disinfect it, and if necessary, whitewash the walls with slaked lime. In addition to stacking cabbage in piles, some owners lay out heads of cabbage on shelves, leaving an empty space between them for the width of one fork.

Another option is to store in boxes with dry sand pouring each layer. You can simply sprinkle sand on the cellar floor and stick heads of cabbage into it with a stump down.

If there is not enough storage space in the basement different types vegetables, cabbage are hung from the ceiling on ropes. With this method, the stump is not cut off at all or most of it is left.

A good result is the coating of each head with a layer of thick clay solution. Before hanging, the clay-covered cabbage is left to dry in the open air.

Storing cabbage in cling film is a fairly new method, but has already proven itself to be one of the most effective. Usually, dense vegetables from late-ripening varieties are used for these purposes. Before wrapping, the heads of cabbage are cleaned of loosely fitting leaves, and the stalk is cut to the base or left a little more - about 0.5 cm.

After that, each head of cabbage is wrapped with cling film in several layers, smoothing each fold for a tighter wrapping. Throughout the winter, it is advisable to periodically check each head and, if rotten leaves are found, remove them, and then wrap the head of cabbage with a new film.

At home, vegetables are stored on well-insulated balconies, where the positive temperature is constantly maintained. In especially frosty winters, you can use an ordinary cabinet for storage, but before that it must be insulated with foam or other material. The cabbage in it is laid out on the shelves, wrapped in advance with newspapers or film.

If you do not have a balcony, and the crop is small, you can put it in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, cutting off the stalk and removing the top leaves. It is advisable to place each head in a paper bag or wrap in cling film.

What do we know about cabbage? That it is very popular and healthy vegetable. Also, many people know that even in the Stone Age people ate it. The well-known Pythagoras was engaged in the cultivation of new varieties of this plant, the Romans, Greeks and ancient Egyptians were very fond of seeing this vegetable on their dining table. All the virtues of cabbage are worth trying to keep it as long as possible. Today we will deal with this issue, including the storage of cabbage in cling film.

Ways to store cabbage in the winter

This vegetable has long been known to mankind, so many ways have been developed to preserve its reserves in winter period. But here you need to pay attention to the fact that not all varieties of cabbage are suitable for this. The most suitable are dense, strong and slightly flattened heads of cabbage. And vice versa, oblong, soft, which are often used in the preparation of cabbage rolls, rot rather quickly.

Now we list the main known methods for storing cabbage in winter:

  1. With the help of fermentation, when the process of acid and salt is itself a preservative.
  2. In the basement or cellar.
  3. In sawdust and snow.
  4. In a clay pot.
  5. One of the most simple ways- storage of cabbage in cling film.
  6. In sand or earth.
  7. In polyethylene bags.

This list is not limited to everything, but we have enough of them. We will consider some.

Storing cabbage in the basement or cellar

Exists general rule, not associated with any specific method - cabbage should be removed to a cooler place as soon as possible. If you are going to ferment it, then do it in small portions, because after three months it will lose most of its useful properties. When storing in a cellar or basement, a few important rules. Here they are:

sawdust and snow

Such storage of cabbage in winter has been known to mankind, unlike some other methods, since antiquity. In those days, this vegetable was first stored in the manner described above, and then its life was extended in a different way.

In February or March, depending on the region and climate, do the following procedure:

  1. Cabbage heads are interbedded with as clean snow as possible, then placed in wooden boxes and again they are well compacted with snow, in a thick layer.
  2. Straw or sawdust is placed on top of the boxes. By following such a slightly time-consuming process, you will provide yourself with cabbage until the next harvest.

Storing cabbage in cling film

What is good about this method? The fact that each of us has the opportunity to go to the store and buy a very convenient and affordable “conservative” - food film. It is freely sold in any supermarket. If you are interested in how cabbage is stored in cling film, photos will help you deal with this issue. And we will tell you how to do it. You need to buy not just any film, but one that has a minimum width of 350-450 mm. So it will be convenient for her to use. Now each head of cabbage must be wrapped in two or three layers of cling film, while trying to smooth it as tightly as possible to the cabbage.

It is highly desirable to send vegetables to a cool place - a pantry, a basement, but best of all in a cellar. It is recommended to check winter stocks approximately once a month. If you find rotting leaves, then remove them and carefully wrap the head of cabbage again. This method ensures high-quality storage of cabbage in cling film. The reviews of the hostesses speak exactly about this.

Two more ancient ways to store cabbage

The first one is in a clay mash. It is necessary to find the most ordinary clay, dilute with water to a state of thick sour cream and dip each head of cabbage into the resulting clay mixture. Then we hang the cabbage. In this way, our vegetables can be safely stored until February. If you are not satisfied with such storage or do not want to mess with clay, then you can try to do it in sand or earth.

First of all, you need to stock up on large boxes. We carefully clean the cabbage from dirt. Then we fill the bottom of the boxes with earth or sand. We lay our heads of cabbage so that they do not touch each other, after which we fill it with sand. Leave the cabbage stem open. It is necessary to store such boxes with vegetables in a cool place.

Storage in food film - a more complicated way

Experienced housewives are well aware that cabbage intended for winter storage, should stand for some time at a temperature equal to 0 degrees or slightly lower. So we are waiting for such a moment, then we pull it out together with all the roots, we clean it well from the ground, but we don’t need to cut them. We cut off the extra leaves, and let the cabbage dry for several hours. fresh air. Leaves should be allowed to dry out. For further work you can use several types of materials - garbage bags or leftover stocks of cling film. With the first two, everything is a little simpler, so consider storing cabbage in the cellar in cling film.

We carefully wrap our head of cabbage in several layers of film, and we try to make it so that it appears as if in a bag. After a little training, this will not be difficult at all. Outside, only his leg should remain. We take a vacuum cleaner, disconnect any nozzles from it, leave only the hose and pump out all the air from the inside. The film will wrap around the head very tightly, at this moment we take out the hose and quickly tighten the film around the leg. Now our vegetable will not dry out and rot.

Conclusions about storing cabbage in winter

Mistresses, having tried different ways, came to the conclusion: if you do this business on your own, without male help, then storing cabbage in cling film is the most affordable for them. In the future, they can easily deal with the maintenance of such stocks. Unless there is another not too complicated option, in which vegetables are stored in polyethylene bags.

In each of these bags, depending on the size, from five to ten heads of cabbage are placed. Packages of cabbage are displayed directly on the floor of your basement or cellar in one row. What is very important, try to observe temperature regime and humidity. Pick off bad leaves at the slightest sign of spoilage. We think that every housewife will choose for herself the most suitable way to preserve the harvest.

You can find useful information on how to store, and, on our website.

Variety selection

What varieties white cabbage suitable for storage? To store white cabbage, you need to choose late and late-ripening varieties:

You can learn about which varieties of cabbage are suitable for long-term storage from the video:

Basic Rules

How to store white cabbage in winter?


Starting in the fall, preferably until frost comes.

Frost up to -7 degrees cabbage tolerates well, so if at night froze, do not rush to collect, frozen leaves must be thawed, otherwise the head spoil.

choose cool but dry weather. Cabbage harvested in warm weather will be more prone to rotting during storage. For long-term keeping quality, it is necessary that the head of cabbage is fully ripe. To do this, press hard, it must be very tight.

Pull the plant out of the ground, cut off the root, stump leave it long. Heads of cabbage with two upper covering green leaves are suitable for the winter. Allow these leaves to wilt before storing them.

Where to store cabbage? The best thing . You can not store heads of cabbage in one heap, they begin to rot faster. If there are no shelves, make flooring from boards on the floor. All surfaces must be washed baking soda solution.

Fold in 2 rows upside down, in a checkerboard pattern. Cabbage contains a sufficient amount of moisture, so put it under the heads straw, keep changing. If there is not enough space, you can store in limbo.

One way to store cabbage in this video:

Optimal conditions

What are the optimal storage conditions for white cabbage? Suitable for long term storage temperature from -1 to +2 degrees.

Air humidity should be 90 - 98%. If the room is colder, the cabbage will freeze, and when it thaws, it will quickly deteriorate, the warmer one will rot.

Is it possible to store white cabbage? Optimal location is a closet on the glazed loggia. It must be insulated, use ordinary foam.

Arrange the heads of cabbage in one row on the shelves, wrapping each in advance paper, parchment or just newspaper in several layers.

The pantry is also suitable, for this the stalk is completely separated, the upper leaves are removed and the head is wrapped cling film in several layers. Smooth each carefully so that there are no air bubbles.

Cabbage in the pantry check once a week and remove bad leaves. Condensation has formed, the heads of cabbage must be unrolled, dried thoroughly, and rewound.

Keep fresh vegetable possible in refrigerator, only on the lower shelves, wrapped in food parchment.