Preparation of peonies in autumn for wintering. Peonies in autumn: all about the proper preparation of plants for winter

  • 15.06.2019

Peonies - flowers are beautiful and unpretentious in care. They are rarely affected by diseases and pests. Peonies can grow in one place without a transplant for up to 15 years. But for this, the bushes need to be properly looked after.

What to do with peonies in autumn

What to do with peonies in the fall depends on their age and condition. Bushes from 4 to 10 years old usually do not require transplantation. In this case, caring for peonies in the fall includes the following activities:

  • top dressing;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • pruning herbaceous peonies;
  • frost protection.

Fertilize peonies in the fall in the third year after planting. Before that, they feed on the supply of nutrients introduced into the pit during landing. Fertilization will allow you to get more buds in the spring, the flowers will be larger, and their colors will be brighter. The bush will grow faster.

Top dressing is carried out in the period from the third decade of September to mid-December. This period depends on when winter comes to the region. Fertilizers are applied a month and a half before the onset of frost.

Humus and other fertilizers containing nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. They will cause active growth of shoots that will die from frost. The bush will weaken. Properly apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: superphosphate, potassium sulfate. Application rates under the bush: 20 g of phosphorus, 15 g of potash.

Fertilizers are applied in liquid or dry form. The decisive factor will be the weather during this period. Liquids are applied in dry weather. Thus, the soil is simultaneously moistened, and nutrients are supplied to the roots. It is impossible to apply concentrated dry fertilizers to dry soil, the roots will get burned. Dilute 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water, mix thoroughly and add 1 liter under the bush.

Feed dry when the soil is wet or it often rains. Plants respond well to dry top dressing with granular fertilizers. Granules dissolve slowly, so they last longer than liquid ones. They are scattered around the bush and slightly loosen the soil. So the granules will not be washed away by rain, and the dissolution process will begin faster. Fertilizers in any form should not be allowed to fall on the root collar.

If there is a suspicion that the peony bushes are affected by fungal diseases, after pruning, the soil under the bushes is treated with preparations containing copper. In case of damage by pests (bronze, aphids, thrips, mites), they are shed with insecticides. When affected by root nematodes, the bush is dug up and burned.

Pruning peonies in autumn and frost protection

Providing peonies with care in the fall, pruning is carried out a couple of weeks before frost. This is done after the leaves turn red and lie on the ground. In the summer they do not cut, because the process of photosynthesis has not yet ended in them. Early pruning can result in reduced bud count and reduced flowering.

It is easier to cut stems in autumn than in spring. Together with the leaves, pathogens and pests are removed. During pruning in the fall, young buds are not damaged.

Cut the stems at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground. Sprinkle the cut points with wood ash to kill fungi. They collect cut stems with leaves and take them out of the garden. If the soil is dry, water the bushes. This way they will survive the winter better.

Peony buds are located close to the soil surface, at a depth of 3 cm. In the south, they easily tolerate cold snaps and slight frosts. But in middle lane and northern regions, the kidneys may freeze slightly.

Therefore, peony bushes need to be sprinkled with soil and covered.

Suitable for shelter:

  • sawdust;
  • dry leaves;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • spruce branches;
  • non-woven covering materials of maximum density.

The last two species are used in regions with very frosty winters. The height of the mulch layer should be at least 15 cm. In winter, you can add snow by building a low snowdrift above the bushes.

If you provide peony care in the fall, proper preparation for winter will help you get beautiful flowers in the spring.

In order for peonies to bloom chic every year, when caring for them, you should follow simple rules. The article provides step by step guide on planting and replanting, care throughout the year and on measures to combat diseases and pests.

Features of caring for peonies in the fall

In autumn, peonies require special attention. At this time it is necessary:

  1. Divide and replant the bushes, if necessary.
  2. Conduct a thorough inspection of each bush, check for diseases and pests. If necessary, take control or preventive measures.
  3. If there is little rain in autumn, it is necessary to shed the plant abundantly to ensure abundant flowering on next year.
  4. Cut off all stems.
  5. Mulch plantings, which is both fertilizer and shelter.
  6. Toward the end of autumn, additionally cover with spruce branches, dry foliage or non-woven covering material.

Autumn is the time to transplant peonies

Peonies in one place grow for a long time - up to 15 years. The need for a transplant arises when:

  • The former place for the plant was chosen unsuccessfully: are close ground water, plants planted nearby have grown quickly and provide a lot of shade, there have been changes in the design of the garden;
  • It took to propagate the peony. Growing from seeds is a laborious process, and by dividing an adult bush into several parts, gardeners get a sufficient amount of planting material.
  • There were few flowers on the bush, and they were crushed. If the peony grows in the garden for a long time, then the cessation of abundant flowering is an indicator that the bush has grown old.

Most the best time for dividing bushes and transplanting - September. Plants planted in autumn take root by 99%. At this time, it becomes cool and rainy, which is optimal for the survival of seedlings. The growth period ends, the foliage dries up, and the young roots are still growing. Before frost, there is enough time for rooting.

How to properly divide a peony

  1. Before transplanting, you should cut off all the foliage almost to the ground.
  2. Dig up the bush carefully, trying not to damage the roots. It is convenient to do this with digging forks.
  3. When transplanting a young bush, it is better to dig it out with a clod of earth and then carefully transfer to a new location.
  4. Digging up an old bush, on the contrary, it is cleared of the earth.
  5. The dug out root is left to lie down on the ground in the shade for 2-3 hours.
  6. Divide the rhizome with a large sharp knife. The knife must be clean, you can disinfect it in a solution of potassium permanganate. On each division, 3-5 buds and at least 2 old shoots must be left. All diseased, rotten parts of the root are removed.
  7. If the bush is old, then its roots are very tangled and it can be difficult to separate them. To facilitate this process, a strong stake is driven into the middle of the rhizome. In this case, the pion itself will fall apart into several parts.
  8. Fresh cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. It is useful to mix charcoal with root growth stimulator powder.

Choosing a place and preparing landing pits

Peonies love a sunny, windless place. Shrubs growing in the shade almost do not bloom, and their few flowers become small. Landing close to the house or other buildings is also not recommended - severe overheating is possible in sunny weather from the walls of the building.

The best soil is neutral or slightly acidic. If the site has acidic soil, then lime, chalk or dolomite flour should be added to it.

Peonies do not tolerate stagnant water or a dry place:

  • In the case when the groundwater on the site comes close to the surface, a layer of drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the pit - stones, expanded clay, pieces of bricks. You can plant a bush on a raised bed. But if the winter is frosty and with little snow, this should not be done - the flower buds will freeze and there will be no flowering.
  • Sand should be added to heavy clay soils. and a large number of humus.
  • For sandy soils clay is required.

It is advisable to plan places and prepare pits in advance, 3 to 4 weeks before disembarkation. This must be done in order for the prepared land to settle before the landing of the divisions.

The pit should be 50 - 60 cm in diameter and the same depth. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is poured, if necessary. Then a fertile layer of about 20 cm is laid - compost, leaf humus. Everything is flooded with water.

Separately prepare a nutritious land mixture for planting. It should consist of the following components:

  • compost;
  • rotted manure;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium sulfate 200 gr.;
  • bone meal 400 gr.;
  • superphosphate 300 - 400 gr. If dolomite flour was introduced into the ground to reduce acidity, then superphosphate cannot be added. They don't match.

When the planting soil is prepared correctly, peonies can not be fertilized for 3-4 years.

Planting peonies

The seedling is set in the pit so that the roots are evenly distributed and not bent up. Gently sprinkle with pre-prepared earth. Tamp, trying not to damage the sprouts. Pour out one bucket of water. It is better to pour water from a watering can so that the earth does not erode. If voids have formed, they are filled with earth.

Young sprouts when planting a delenka should not be buried much. The tops of the sprouts should peek out of the ground by 2-3 cm. If the root is planted deep, then the bush will have many leaves and almost no flowers.

The first year, a flower bed with planted flowers must be covered for the winter with compost or leaf humus. In the spring, as soon as the thaw begins, the shelter must be removed.

If the rules for planting peonies are followed, then buds appear in the second year. The buds are cut off, not allowing them to open. This is necessary so that as many new buds as possible are laid at the base of the stems. Mass flowering begins in the third year.

Feeding peonies in spring and summer

If no fertilizer was applied when planting peonies, then it is necessary to feed the flowers from the first year:

  1. The first top dressing is carried out when the shoots start to grow.
  2. The second is at the time of bud formation.
    Nitrophoska is introduced into the first and second top dressing.
  3. The third time is fertilized after flowering passes. The best food for pions during this period - superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

For adult plants, a different composition of dressings is required:

  1. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are taken 15 grams each and scattered around the bushes in the snow. Do it during the beginning of the thaw. When the snow melts, fertilizers will go into the soil to the desired depth.
  2. When buds are formed, phosphate fertilizers are added to nitrogen and potash fertilizers. They contribute to a better formation of full-fledged buds. Prepare the mixture: 10 gr. nitrogen, 15 gr. potassium and 20 gr. phosphate fertilizers.
  3. In the third dressing, after flowering, fertilize only with phosphorus(20 gr.) And potash (15 gr.) fertilizers.

Peonies love foliar top dressing with mineral fertilizers. It is better to spray on a cloudy day. In the heat, there is a chance of burning the leaves. On a sunny day, spray early in the morning or evening.

Peony bushes respond well to fertilizer with organic fertilizers - manure. Such top dressing is carried out at the beginning of summer. Manure contains nitrogen, which is required by the plant only in the initial growing season: 0.5 buckets of manure is added to 30 liters of water and left to ferment for 10 days in a sunny place. For this process, it is better to choose a distant part of the garden, because during fermentation, bad smell. Then wood ash and superphosphate are added. The finished composition is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. A bucket of such fertilizer is poured under each bush.

A good top dressing can be prepared from rye bread: The loaf is broken into pieces and poured with a small amount of water. Fermentation lasts 10 - 12 hours. Fermented bread is bred in 2 buckets of water. Such fertilizer can be carried out all summer with an interval of 2 to 3 weeks.

When fertilizing peonies, it is important to remember that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Excess fertilizer causes the bushes to grow a lot of foliage at the expense of flowers.

How and when to prune peonies

  • In young peonies, all buds must be cut off in the first 2 years. This allows the bush to spend all its nutrition and strength not on the formation of flowers, but on the development of the root system and the laying of new buds. When cutting, do not touch the leaves and the stem itself, in order to prevent the plant from weakening. In some cases, young bushes can be allowed to bloom. But this is done only when the plant has turned out to be highly developed, which is rare.
  • When peonies reach 3 years of age, the flowers are removed immediately after flowering, when all the petals crumble. Cut off the stem above the top leaf. If the top of the stem is weak, then it is also removed. Choose the most developed leaf and cut over it. The main condition for pruning peonies after flowering is that the two lower leaves must remain.
  • In the case when lush foliage interferes with flowers growing nearby, you can cut out part of the bush, but not more than 1/2. It is important to leave those stems that did not have flowers this year.
  • In autumn, the leaves dry up, and after the first frost, the stems lie on the ground. During this period, the entire bush is cut off, leaving 3-4 cm stumps.

Preparing peonies for winter

To hide or not depends on the region. In the southern regions, peonies winter well without shelter.

The further north, the more carefully it is necessary to insulate the bushes:

  • For this planting should be mulched with peat, humus or foliage. Mulch is laid in a layer of 10 to 20 cm.
  • In very cold winters, additional shelter is required. A non-woven covering material with the highest density or coniferous branches has proven itself well.
  • It is very important to remove the shelter in time in the spring so that the shoots that begin to germinate do not fall.

Pests and how to deal with them

  • Bronze. Fighting these flying bugs is not easy, but it must be done. They eat flowers of light shades, and the plant loses its decorative effect. Pests are collected by hand and destroyed. At night, the beetles hide in the ground, so late in the evening, shrubs should be shed abundantly with insecticides for soil pests.
  • gall nematodes. A plant whose roots are damaged by these small worms cannot be saved. Signs are manifested in the fact that peonies become oppressed, weak. The plants seem to lack water and nutrition. To make sure that the plant is damaged by nematodes, you should remove the layer of earth, inspect the roots. Signs of damage are thickenings on the roots of brown or yellowish color and roots that look like fringe. The damaged plant is dug up and destroyed so as not to infect neighboring bushes. The soil is disinfected.
  • Aphids, mites, thrips, ants. Peonies are not often affected by these pests. For control use spraying with insecticides. Spraying is carried out in the evening, when the bees stop flying. For prevention, it is recommended to spray the ground under the bushes.

Measures to combat peony diseases

  • Rust attacks the leaves. Dark spots appear on top, the lower part of the leaf is covered with red spores. Sick leaves are cut and burned. For the fight use any preparations containing copper.
  • The plant can get sick with brown spotting at high humidity. Brown spots appear on the leaves, which quickly cover the entire foliage and buds. For treatment, copper-containing preparations are also used.
  • With an annular mosaic, circles of light green or yellow color are formed on the leaves. It does not harm the life of the plant. To combat the disease, it is enough to cut and burn the affected foliage.
  • The plant can become ill with gray rot in cold and wet weather. Peonies planted on heavy trees are also susceptible to this disease. clay soils. The damaged parts of the bush are cut off. Bordeaux mixture is suitable for treatment.

  1. You can not plant peony bushes close to each other. The optimal distance is 1 meter.
  2. Needed in dry summer regular and abundant watering.
  3. To prevent diseases, weeding and loosening the soil is carried out. Preventive spraying will not allow diseases to develop.
  4. Landings should be checked regularly for the presence of pests.
  5. Choosing the right place and timely top dressing will allow plants develop properly and bloom profusely.
  6. In the presence of large, heavy flowers, it is recommended put a support and tie up the stems.

It is believed that the peony refers to those flowering perennials that do not require special care. However, if a number of necessary agrotechnical measures are not carried out in the fall, then next year you can not wait for active flowering from this perennial.

How to properly prepare plants in the fall for the upcoming cold weather, what care these flowers need in the fall, how to properly cut peonies for the winter, whether they need to be covered for the winter - this and much more will be discussed below.

Autumn flower care

Autumn is an equally important time in the process of caring for peonies. Usually in the spring and during the summer the main care for these flowering bushes consists in timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds and cutting off flowering buds.

And what should be done in the fall, when this perennial is actively preparing for the upcoming cold weather?

  • top dressing of flowering shrubs;
  • transplanting shrubs (if there is a need for this);
  • autumn pruning;
  • mulching.

Other care for peonies in the fall when preparing them for winter is not required. In other words, there are no special and specific nuances in caring for a plant in the fall.

Features of preparing peonies for winter

Top dressing and pruning are the most important components of preparing peonies for winter. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on these procedures in more detail in autumn period. When and how to prune peonies in the fall, as well as when to make the last dressing of these flowers, and why these flowering plants need it.

Do I need to prune the plant for the winter

Many flower growers are wondering if it is necessary to cut peonies for the winter in the fall. And some novice flower growers do not understand why it is necessary to cut the foliage on this perennial shrub in the fall, because these leaves are not affected by any diseases or pests, but simply in the autumn they turn yellow, dry out - this is how the next cycle of development of this flower ends.

But at the same time, they forget that the withered foliage remaining uncut is an ideal place for wintering various harmful insects, their larvae or their eggs. Also, pathogens can “hide” there.

Therefore, it is imperative to cut off such peony leaves in the fall. This is a mandatory sanitary measure that should be performed at the end of each summer season.

Some gardeners postpone such an event until the spring, but you should not do this so that unexpected guests do not appear on the site in the spring - "harmful" bugs that have overwintered in the withered leaves of the plant. Therefore, you need to cut the leaves of peonies for the winter.

When to prune a plant in the fall

Timing is also important in this case. So, when can peonies be cut for the winter? The first pruning is carried out after the end of flowering - at this time only all wilted flowers are removed, while the foliage should not be touched.

The fact is that after the end of flowering in the leaves, the process of photosynthesis continues, which allows the roots of the plant to accumulate the nutrients they need for growth, recuperation after flowering, as well as strengthening resistance to upcoming frosts.

Therefore, early removal of leaves instead of benefits only brings harm to shrubs.

The flowers are already weakened after the active growth of the vegetative mass and abundant flowering, therefore they need enhanced nutrition, and photosynthesis helps to decompose useful substances that enter the foliage from the root system.

Therefore, the process of pruning peonies in the fall is done after the first frost. The leaves will then fall to the ground, and this will be the main sign that it is time to cut the peonies.

Until that time, the nutrients that are formed in the foliage actively entered the root system.

Some growers start pruning peony foliage for the winter when it begins to change color from green to yellow, bronze, pink or red. Amateurs perform this procedure solely because of the decrease in decorativeness in shrubs. However, the foliage dries out ahead of time only in diseased shrubs, and healthy foliage serves the perennial to accumulate the required amount of useful elements in the underground part.

And if there is a need for earlier cutting of leaves, then at least 2-3 leaves should be left on each stem, which will process the useful elements obtained from the juice from the root system.

Instruction and procedure scheme

There are no special nuances during the procedure for ordinary varieties of peonies. Usually they are pruned when all the foliage has fallen to the ground. AT different regions the timing of such peonies pruning in the fall differs due to the different times of the onset of frosts, after which they do a similar procedure. In these shrubs, the stems are cut almost to the level of the soil, leaving them sticking out of the soil for a couple of centimeters.

And completely different is the trimming procedure tree peonies autumn. They have the following types of procedures:

  • formative;
  • for shrub rejuvenation.

In the first case, such peonies pruning in the fall is necessary to give the bushes a beautiful decorative shape. Therefore, in the fall, all lignified stems are cut off by 0.7-0.9 m. In this case, next year a greater number of young shoots will form on the bushes, and this procedure also contributes abundant flowering perennial. In addition, cut bushes are easier to cover before the onset of frost. But in the conditions of the European part of our country, tree-like varieties can grow up to 2.5 m in height.

Important! All cut shoots, along with foliage, are immediately taken out of the site and burned, and the places of cuts and the soil are sprinkled with ash for disinfection.

Video: how to cut peonies for the winter

Care for peonies after pruning, top dressing

Top dressing of peonies is usually done a couple of weeks after they have faded. The usual timing of autumn fertilization is August-September. Specific dates depend on the climatic conditions of the region in which these flowers grow.

Important! In autumn, no nitrogen fertilizers are used as top dressing, so that the shrub does not grow before winter.

Usually, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are applied on warm autumn dry days. These elements are necessary at the beginning of autumn for the root system, which continues to grow and accumulate useful substances during this period.

Goals of autumn feeding:

  • the following year, stronger and larger buds grow on the stems;
  • flowering bushes next season will be more active;
  • the flowers will be larger in size, and their color will be more intense;
  • the applied phosphorus-potassium fertilizers help strengthen the root system, allow it to strengthen its defenses against the oncoming cold weather, and the bushes themselves grow stronger and stronger next year.

Feed during this period in the following ways:

  • dry;
  • liquid.

If the autumn turned out to be dry, then it is better to dilute phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in water according to the instructions and apply directly under the roots. A liter of such a solution is enough for each bush.

In rainy weather, it is better to use granular fertilizers, which gradually decompose in the soil and come to the roots in certain portions. Usually, dry fertilizers are scattered in the near-stem circle of the plant, slightly embedding them in the ground.

Video: preparing peonies for winter, pruning time, fertilizer

How to cover peonies for the winter

Trimming peony bushes and fertilizing are not all measures to prepare this flowering perennial for winter. It is important to properly cover peonies for the winter so that they do not freeze out during the winter frosts. This procedure is especially relevant in those regions where there are very coldy and the amount of snowfall is low.

The growth buds of this flower lie in the soil at a depth of no more than 5-6 cm, so the first thing to do is to trim the bushes.

A layer of mulch with a thickness of at least 15 cm should be laid on top. Sawdust, spruce branches, high-moor peat, dry foliage, humus or compost can be used as such material.

It should be remembered! As a covering material, you can not use the cut foliage of the plant. It usually attracts "harmful" insects and pathogens.

During the winter, you can additionally cover the peonies with a layer of snow - it will serve as an additional "insulating" material during periods of extreme cold.

Features of preparing for the winter of a tree peony

Throughout the European territory of our country, tree peonies can not be covered for the winter, because, as a rule, they can winter well even without shelter. But only if they grow in a quiet place where cold winds do not rage during the season. Moreover, the earth at this time of the year can freeze to a depth of 0.8-1.0 m, and the street thermometer can drop to -28 degrees.

Young bushes of tree-like peonies cover for the winter necessarily. To do this, they are covered with a layer of peat (up to 20 cm thick), and an inverted bucket is placed on top.

Although many flower growers prune this type of peonies in the fall, experts believe that it is better to do all types of tree peonies pruning in the spring.

Video: do I need to cover a tree peony for the winter

Features of preparation for cold weather depending on the region

Different regions of our country have their own nuances of preparing peonies for winter. You should consider how to prepare these shrubs for winter in areas with different climatic conditions:

  1. In Siberia be sure to cover the peonies for the winter, using various mulching materials. Such shelter should be more solid than in warmer regions. Usually, cardboard boxes, buckets or plastic containers are placed on top of the mulch layer.
  2. In the Urals covering the peonies is also a must. Moreover, the process of shelter is similar to what is carried out on the territory of the Siberian regions.
  3. In the Volga region you can not cover the peonies for the winter so carefully - just add a layer of mulching material.
  4. In the Middle lane (Moscow region) for high-quality preparation of peonies for winter on open areas it is better to cover them in case of a frosty snowless winter.

Common Mistakes

Many novice flower growers often make a number of mistakes when preparing peonies for the coming cold weather.

Let's take a look at the most common ones:

  • pruning too early - before the first frost;
  • do not remove withered foliage in the fall, but do it at the beginning of the next season;
  • forget about the autumn phosphorus-potassium top dressing;
  • incorrectly or not at all cover peonies for the winter.

Video: correct pruning peonies in autumn and preparation for winter

Preparing peonies for winter is a very important process, the correct implementation of which determines how ready the bushes will be for the next season. Therefore, flower growers should pay attention to the careful observance of all the rules for the preparation of these flowering perennials for the cold season.

In contact with

One of the most common garden flowers are peonies. They are very popular with flower growers. The plant is considered unpretentious, but still there are some nuances in its cultivation, which must be known to all breeders of this beautiful shrub. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of sheltering peonies for the winter, because the bright flowering of these luxurious flowers depends on this.

Types of shrubs

Preparatory measures for the winter period are the key to the active flowering of the plant. But in order for it to please the owner in the fall, it is necessary to make some efforts to prepare the bushes for the cold. There is no need to dig them out for the winter, but other important agrotechnical measures must be carried out.

All perennial peonies are divided into:

  • herbaceous- ordinary garden peonies, which so often become favorites in garden plots;
  • treelike- are distinguished by their impressive size of the bush and stems, which become woody over time.

Both species are subject to annual autumn preparation. In addition, the plant is not winter-hardy, so it needs shelter for the winter.

Features of the preparation of herbaceous species

Peonies need to be thoroughly prepared for the cold weather. Experienced gardeners recommend simply sticking to some care measures. What must be done:

  • fertilizing shrubs during the growing season;
  • shrub transplantation if necessary;
  • autumn pruning;
  • mandatory mulching;
  • warming bushes for the winter.

These works must be completed in the autumn. The only thing you can skip is the transplant. If there is no such need, it is not necessary to do this, however, successful wintering also depends on the place where the bush grows.

Perennial planted between fruit or ornamental bushes, will endure the winter better than a peony growing on open space. The second option will need to provide additional shelter. You should decide which is easier - to transplant or shelter, and act on this basis.

Mulch should be laid in a fairly high layer, about 20 cm. On top of it, the plant must be covered carton box or a plastic bucket, which will gradually cover the first snow abundantly. As far as possible, the snow cover should be increased throughout the winter: this way the plant will be warmer.

Preparation of tree varieties

Tree peonies grow in huge bushes. Their peculiarity is that in autumn the leaves fall from the stems. But, like herbaceous species, they require serious preparation for the winter.

Bush formation

Tree species are subject to pruning in only two cases. Anti-aging pruning is carried out 1 time in 10-15 years as needed. In the process, all old shoots are removed to activate the growth of new ones. The first sign is that the bush ceases to bloom profusely, the flowers themselves become smaller with each season, sometimes flowering completely stops. Surprisingly, if the shrub rejuvenation procedure is carried out correctly, its life expectancy can be 60-80 years.

Rules for caring for Elatior begonia at home

Formative pruning is necessary to give the bush a special decorative shape. In height, the plant can reach 2.5 m, so all branches must be cut by 0.9 cm. This will give the bush a more attractive appearance. In the spring, young shoots will begin to actively develop, which will add splendor to the bush and bring abundant luxurious flowering. In addition, it makes it much easier to shelter for the winter.

After the procedure, the cut site must be disinfected. They can be covered with garden pitch or wood ash. If this is not done immediately, the plant can get sick for a long time.

The next important step in preparing the plant for the winter period is top dressing. Fertilization for tree peonies is carried out in the same way as for herbaceous ones.

bush cover

This is a necessary event for plants in almost all regions with cold winter. And even such huge bushes really need it. In order not to lose such a beautiful thing in the cold ornamental plant, it is necessary to properly organize its shelter.

It is believed that the peony does not need careful care, so many gardeners do not touch the perennial in the fall. Meanwhile, carrying out certain agrotechnical measures will be beneficial for the plant.

Every year I prepare the peony for winter: I cut the stems at the right time, fertilize and organize shelter. These measures have a positive effect on the health of the perennial, and every summer it pleases me with lush inflorescences.

Inexperienced gardeners are often interested in specialized forums whether it is necessary to dig up peonies for the winter. Many flowers really need a comfortable wintering in a cellar, refrigerator or cool pantry, because being in freezing ground will lead to their inevitable death.

It is not necessary to dig up peonies in the fall, since the perennial winters well and endures severe frosts under reliable shelter. They dig up a peony only for transplanting to another place or for the purpose of propagating a flower.


The most important step in preparing peonies for winter is pruning the stems. Many gardeners neglect this procedure or do it too early, thereby harming the perennial. What is pruning for and how to do it correctly?

Should I prune peonies in the fall? It is necessary, moreover, these events are aimed not only at the aesthetics of your site, but also at facilitating work in the spring. Even if the leaves were not affected by any pests and fungi in the summer season, they must be removed without fail.

With the onset of cold weather, insects, including those not entirely useful for perennials, are looking for shelter for wintering. Unharvested foliage becomes an ideal haven for them, and in spring, pests actively lay their eggs and larvae in the ground and plant tissue.

Also, leaves softened in spring can become a place where pathogens begin to hide, which can subsequently harm young shoots.

Thus, autumn peony pruning becomes a mandatory sanitary measure. When is the best time to remove leaves and stems?

Pruning timing

In order not to harm the peony, it is worth pruning within a clearly limited time frame. Some gardeners completely prune the perennial at the end of its decorative period, and this is a colossal mistake.

In the foliage until mid-autumn, very important processes photosynthesis, during which the roots accumulate specific substances in themselves.

These elements help the plant to successfully restore its strength after lush flowering, prepare for the cold, overwinter and actively begin growth with the onset of heat.

In summer, only dried flower stalks should be cut, while the foliage should not be affected. Removing the entire above-ground part, which has already become unnecessary due to the loss of its decorative effect, will colossally harm the perennial and deprive it of important nutrition. If the plant does not die, then next year it will definitely be weakened.

In autumn, peony pruning is done only after frost has been established. The plant is already fully prepared for wintering, so removing the leaves will not harm it. You can determine the right moment for pruning by the state of the foliage - it should lie completely on the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to be on the site during the first frost, you can remove almost the entire above-ground part of the peony on the last day of the outgoing season, leaving 3-4 central stems with leaves, which will ensure the progress of photosynthesis processes and nutrition of the root system.

top dressing

Fertilizing for peony in the fall should be about 2 weeks before the predicted frost. Depending on the climate zone perennials are fertilized from the 20th of September to October 10th.

It is important to choose the optimal composition of preparations that will help the flower to successfully winter, and in the spring to quickly grow and present the gardener with their luxurious lush inflorescences at the right time.

For successful wintering, the peony root system requires phosphorus and potassium, but nitrogen is strictly contraindicated. The last element stimulates the growth of green mass, these processes are completely unnecessary and even dangerous at this stage.

A plant that has gone into growth is capable of dying, because it does not have time to prepare for winter.

Fertilizing in the fall has several goals:

  • the root system is strengthened and the plant qualitatively survives the onset of cold weather;
  • the foundation is laid for the development of strong and large buds that will produce powerful foliage and large buds.

Top dressing for peony can be applied both in dry form and with solutions of complex preparations. If autumn turned out to be without precipitation, then it is better to use the liquid version, spilling about a liter of the drug diluted according to the instructions under each bush.

Long rains involve the use of granular fertilizers: they are scattered around the near-stem circle of perennials, coordinating the consumption with the recommendations of manufacturers.

Dry top dressing can be shallowly embedded in the soil, loosened with a chopper, or left to lie on the surface: under the influence of rainwater, the granules will gradually dissolve, and the micro and macro elements contained in them will go to the address - to the peony root system.


Pruning and top dressing are not all the activities that you need to carry out when preparing peonies for wintering. In regions where severe frosts are set in winter or the amount of snow is not enough to protect the perennial, the flower must be provided with shelter.

In the middle lane, where severe frosts are set, as a rule, after heavy snowfalls, the question is quite logically brewing whether it is necessary to cover peonies for the winter. If the perennial grows in an elevated or windswept area of ​​your site, then you will need to protect it.

If the peony grows near the northern fence or is surrounded by trees and shrubs, then creating a shelter will not be necessary.

  • in Siberia, mulching with closing the place from blowing is mandatory;
  • in the Urals, thorough protection of peonies from frost is also necessary;
  • in the middle lane, peonies for the winter only mulch or only spud;
  • in the Volga region, standard hilling is sufficient.

If the above factors and climatic conditions in your region they tell you to create a shelter - start manipulation with the onset of the first dry frosts and a steady drop in temperature to -5 0 .

It is necessary to protect the perennial from the harmful effects of frost in several stages:

  1. Since the growth buds of a peony are located at a depth of only 6 cm, the main measure to protect them from frost is hilling. After pruning, sprinkle the earth on the bushes to thereby increase the plant's resistance to frost.
  2. From above it is necessary to pour a thick (15-18 cm) layer of mulch.
  3. On top of the mulch layer, to protect against blowing, it is necessary to install a wooden or plastic box, an ordinary bucket, or apply spruce branches.

Separately, you should consider the issue of mulching material. In no case should cut leaves of peony and other garden plants act in its role.

Decaying organics will attract insect pests and pathogenic flora, which will lead to dangerous perennial diseases. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use straw or manure for shelter.

Popular mulching materials such as needles, fresh sawdust, tree bark, contribute to soil acidification, which can adversely affect the health of the peony.

Of course, if you have no other means of organizing shelter, you can use them, but every year you should test the pH of the earth with litmus strips and leach it in time with the help of available preparations.

The ideal mulch that does not affect the pH of the soil is high-moor peat and packed sawdust.

If you live in the area all year round, then it is recommended to scatter the snow cleared from the tracks on top of peonies and other perennials. The larger the covering layer, the better plants endure frost. In addition, melting snow will qualitatively nourish the earth and give the flowers strength for full growth and development.

In early spring, during the period of active snowmelt, the shelter must be dismantled. Most of the mulch should be raked away from the peony so that it does not lead to overheating of the root system and growth buds.

A small layer must be left - it will serve to retain moisture and protect the ground from the dispersion of weed seeds.