Fluffy flowers in the garden. Choosing annual and perennial garden flowers blooming all summer

  • 17.06.2019

Flowers and plants are those beautiful creatures that fill any garden with juicy joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity surprises the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, inveterate gardeners have plenty to choose from. And now we offer you to look at just some of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require care

We call undemanding flowers and plants that have been growing in one place for years, resistant to frost and requiring almost no care. All conditions for them are in the right place, successful "neighbors" and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer can be grown from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy a rhizome of an already adult plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then in no case do not sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. They are suitable exclusively seedling method. In open ground, there is a high probability that they will not sprout.

Let's already get to know these versatile creatures that we hope will help you turn your garden into paradise!

perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in any conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in cracks between. However, it has many colors (variegated lupins are especially magnificent) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupine can be planted both in separate sections "solo", and in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant seeds early.

Well, if you immediately plant the rhizome of a perennial, then flowering will be in the same year. Absolutely any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instruction prescribes to plant it in sunny places.

Phloxes These unpretentious perennial garden flowers are indispensable in the design of the site! A sea of ​​varieties of phloxes with flowers of different shades. There are even “chameleons” that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phloxes behave similarly to weeds - they take root without problems and grow profusely, sometimes crowding out their “neighbors”. They grow well in both full sun and partial shade (partial shade is preferable).

By the way! Phloxes can delight with their beauty up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so top dressing in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter will periodically come in handy. It is also recommended to water them abundantly sometimes - then the inflorescences will be large, and the stem will not be exposed.

To prolong the life of phlox, once every 6 years, the rhizomes must be dug up with your own hands, chopped and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and echinacea Rudbeckia and echinacea will give structure to any flower garden and successfully decorate the background, in harmony with the rest of the "inhabitants" of your flower bed.

It is best to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. These flowers have no problems with germination, so you will certainly get high-quality seedlings that will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil doesn't matter. You can plant rudbeckia and echinacea in spring or summer. At first, water them abundantly and carefully weed the weeds.

Periodic top dressing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will already delight with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers familiar to everyone! They are just one of those about which one can say “grow on their own.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, only an eye and an eye is needed behind it, so that it does not fill the entire area with itself.

sedum These unpretentious garden perennial flowers begin to bloom in late August and bloom until the first winter frosts. Likes sandy soil and full sun.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. It is undemanding to the ground. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, mono-flowers. Iris is quite diverse in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine slides. Some varieties of iris prefer humidity and partial shade, others prefer open sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding, they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of rhizomes with earth. This flower propagates by simple division of the root, which is desirable to do in early spring.

astilba Garden unpretentious flowers, blooming luxuriantly even in a large shade. Therefore, different varieties of astilba are used as decorations for the most secluded places in the garden. The only thing they need is moist soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Helenium It dazzles for a very long time and plentifully! If you choose the right varieties, then you can contemplate the flowering of gelenium from the beginning of June until the end of October.

Not only flowers, but also such green ones will help to ennoble the site. unpretentious plants for the garden, like a fern, budra, tenacious, pachysandra, cuff, girlish grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and hassle-free.

Creating a flower paradise or design ideas

To get a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. Important nuance- this is their correct landing and well-composed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Flowering Carpet"- a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! It is only necessary to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the allotted place. It can be chamomile, clover, cornflowers, poppies, gelenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. "Live" arches and gazebos. If you have similar designs on your site, then why not make them more colorful? Gracefully curly and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of eyes! In beauty, it can easily compete with overseas curiosities. Its large flowers of various colors fall like a waterfall from a height of two meters. Luxurious flowering for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • Maiden grape. Vertical gardening with this weaving plant looks very impressive. In autumn, its leaves turn into a charming raspberry-blackberry color. Pleasing to the eye and decorative fruits of grapes. Plus, it has a special "creep" and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Girlish grapes give a large annual increase (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place for its landing.

  • Tree-like kampsis is a liana incomparable in terms of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She does not care about heat, showers, pests and diseases. It blooms non-stop from June to September. Kampsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or canopy. The intricate shape of its flowers is the mood of the East.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can just plant it in a narrow squeezed place where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them real "queens" of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea in the early morning in a pink fragrance? Probably the best way to start a new day.

  • From one-year-olds - decorative beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden and on next year. With their vigorous weaving upwards, they diversify a boring column, tree trunk, gate or fence.

  1. Flowerbeds, mixborders, ridges, alpine slides. In order for these flower beds to be full of flowers for as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help from year to year bring fresh notes to the flower beds.


In conclusion, we say that for a stable full-fledged flowering of undemanding garden plants you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that later you can relax and contemplate the beauty. It would be nice to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not be long in coming. If you decide to ennoble your garden, then be sure to watch the video in this article. We wish you amazing blooming creations!

Pleasant, but less labor-intensive is the creation of flower beds in the country. The main point in this matter is the choice of the right colors. Perennials that will delight the eye throughout the summer are the dream of any gardener, this perfect option for any flower bed or garden. Flowers that belong to this category easily endure even the most severe winters. They do not need an annual disembarkation.

Decorating a summer house with garden flowers is a pleasant thing. Great amount various colors can be planted. They do not require special care and are unpretentious to soil and watering. Choosing the right plant emphasize the originality of your site. Such a dream is easy to realize, and you can admire the flowers from early spring until autumn.

Flowers for summer cottages are the pride of any gardener and decoration for summer cottages. Bright and unique colors create comfort. The world of flowers is striking in its diversity.

Benefits of annual flowers

Not excluded are people who like annuals more. At the same time, they do not care about careful care for them. But many prefer perennial.

For a suburban area:

Don't be discouraged in autumn. This is a great time to work on the future beauty of the flower garden in early spring.

Planting perennial flowers is possible in several ways:

  • with the help of bulbs;
  • roots;
  • seeds.

When planting flowers, you can immediately create compositions, which will not require transplantation within 2-3 years.

How to properly plant perennials:

  1. First you need to draw up a plan for the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to be sure of the growth of plants. Flowers of low growth are planted on foreground etc.
  3. Border flowers are designed to be placed along the paths.
  4. Take into account the color scheme, flowering time. All plants should be in harmony with themselves.

Classification and types of perennial plants

Numerous photos depict the incredible landscaping in the garden. If you choose the right colors and make a drawing, you can create a real garden masterpiece. But how after that is not proud of the garden?

They have amazing effect garden plots, which are organized in a tiered manner. This takes into account all sizes of plants.

Perennial flowers can divided into 4 main groups, depending on growth:

  • undersized;
  • medium height;
  • tall;
  • curly.


The flowers of this group include perennials, the height of which almost reaches the mark of 30 cm. Such flowers are especially popular when decorating borders and rocky gardens. During the flowering period, they acquire the most beautiful view, creating the perfect coated, which is able to hide all the flaws and surface irregularities. This method of decorating a summer cottage is good because it is economical in terms of finances. To get a beautiful flower carpet, you need to take into account tightly when planting and follow the basic requirements. Against the background of all colors, the ones below are especially popular.


These flowers amaze with their bright colors. They do not require special care. Bloom throughout the summer. In regions with a warm climate, they delight the eye with a wide range of colors. To date, there are a huge number of all kinds of tones and combinations of this perennial. They are a great addition to medium-sized and tall flowers in the country.


This is a plant that can grow on soil of absolutely any composition. In addition, it has good frost resistance. Most often it is used to decorate rock gardens and compositions from stone. Periwinkle has a good ability to grow. After some time, the entire area will be covered with a carpet. green color with blue or pink drops.


Phloxes are considered decorative flowers. Their various shades amaze with a combination - from pale white to dark red. IN landscape design occupy almost the first place. Phloxes can form a carpet, the height of which will be almost 25 cm. For planting these flowers, the soil must be well moistened. No more than 7 plants per 1 sq. m.


The plant is very similar to a bell. Beautiful flowers of bright blue or blue color bloom from June to August. Flowers-bells look beautiful in rock gardens, when making slides. The mountain origin does them irreplaceable in this business. There are over 400 species of this plant.

medium height

Representatives of this group of perennials can reach a height of about one meter. In the photo you can see that medium-sized perennials are often used not only for self-planting, but also when creating longline compositions. This is one of the win-win options for decorating a summer cottage. Choosing between all representatives, they often try to plant flowers, which are described below.


Good for summer cottages and has 25 species. Grows in one place for more than 10 years. Such a long period is explained by its unpretentiousness to the soil. However, these conditions do not affect its appearance. The daylily begins to bloom at the very beginning of summer and complements the design of the flower bed with abundant flowering. Its gentle aroma attracts butterflies, making the garden even more mysterious and enigmatic.


It has large oval leaves. Very often there is an inflorescence of yellow color. But the most common is Rhodiola rosea. The flowering period is the first two summer months. It does not require heat and excessive light, however, so that it does not stop flowering, it needs a lot of moisture.

tall plants

The flowers of this group of plants can be classified as giant. The height of some can reach 2 m. Often they are placed in the center of the flower bed. Thus, perennial plants do not cover the rest.


An extraordinary plant that amazes with its blooming and bright flowers, can reach 1.5 m in height. Inflorescences feel terry to the touch. With their varied shades, they resemble peonies, which are placed on tall stems. They continue to bloom throughout the summer season, even affecting the beginning of autumn.


We are talking about the Ivolist representative. Their main advantage is that they look great on their own. Together with other colors in the composition they also look good. This is one of the best flower bed decorations. They begin to bloom profusely in the second half of summer.


Nature has given man many flowers that belong to the winding category. Such perennials are distinguished by their special beauty and in some way even exotic. All representatives, without exception, have elastic stems, which often require additional support. You need to be especially careful when handling them. Beginners are advised to choose, for starters, not too whimsical species for giving.

They are used for landscaping balconies, terraces, arbors. This hedge around any home. Thus, they not only delight with beauty, but hide some errors in construction.

climbing rose

Climbing rose is the result of crossing wild and garden roses. The shoots of this species are characterized by arcuate. They have small foliage, but it is very tough. They need good support.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 5 cm. A pleasant delicate aroma emanates from them. They give aesthetic pleasure for 2 months. Perennial roses bloom only once a year. But breeders have managed to develop varieties that bloom twice a year. The color of the rose depends on the variety: pink, red, coral, white, yellow. At first, they may seem whimsical. But the following year, care for them is simplified. The only thing they need is frequent and plentiful watering, which must be regular. They must be exposed to sunlight. In order for the flower to please the eye next year, they need to be insulated for the winter.


In the photo, wisteria appears like a real paradise on a tree. After reading the name itself, a tree appears before your eyes with huge inflorescences hanging down. Wisteria is especially liked to be planted in the country. It is a deciduous vine. It plays a decorative role, as its openwork foliage falls to the ground. The bunches of flowers look like bunches of grapes and can reach a length of about 50 cm. It attracts the attention of even aesthetes with the most refined taste. The tree is demanding in care, it needs to be cut twice a year. This tree can be very tall. From a distance, it looks like a sakura. Looks very nice in the garden. In the summer, during flowering, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. The whole tree is covered with clusters and it looks very impressive.

girlish grapes

The plant belongs to tree vines. Its length can reach about 20 m. The suckers and tendrils of the vines have a complex structure, thanks to which they can be fixed on any surface. It does not require any additional supports. Of the whole plant, it is the foliage that plays the main aesthetic role. Succulent foliage can change its color depending on the ambient temperature. Throughout the summer, it is bright green, but with the onset of cold weather, it gradually changes color to purple.

Small fruits look great and remain on the vine until the moment when the grapes begin to shed their leaves. The photo shows how the plant covers any surface, it is very beautiful. Parthenocissus is a frost-resistant perennial vine and grows in any place chosen for it.


It is a perennial shrub reaching 3 m in height. At the same time, he can also curl. To save good view, honeysuckle must be constantly tied up and trimmed regularly. Flowers stand out with a special unique aroma. Some types of honeysuckle have blue fruits that have medicinal properties. The culture is unpretentious and is able to grow even in the most adverse climatic conditions.

There are many names, varieties and types of perennials. All of them have a variety of shapes and bloom from early spring to late autumn. If you correctly compose compositions in flower beds, you can enjoy the unique colors throughout the summer. The dacha, which will be filled with flowering plants, will definitely cheer you up. You always want to come back to this place again and again.

When decorating flower beds, rock gardens, rabatka, framing lawns, we try to select garden flowers that are unpretentious in care. Especially if these are flowers for a summer residence. There is usually more than enough work, there is not always enough strength for capricious plants. We will publish a selection of beautiful and diverse different colors with different flowering periods - from early spring to late autumn. All you have to do is choose the one that suits your taste and color.

Picking flowers for a summer residence so that they bloom all season is an art

spring bloom

There are very early flowers that delight us before the grass even appears. Remarkably, they are very unpretentious, almost do not require care. Everyone knows spring flowers for summer cottages - daffodils and tulips. They are very diverse and beautiful, but there are many others, no less interesting.

Spring flowers - traditional and not so


These small bulbous plants blooming with delicate white flowers are known to all. The correct name is Galanthus nivalis - Galanthus. They appear immediately after the snow melts, bloom in just a couple of weeks, but flowering is very short. After the end of the flowering season, the aerial part dies off. It is recommended to plant near shrubs and trees.

There are about two dozen varieties in total, here are the most interesting and popular:

There are also blue snowdrops. This is a different type of flower - Scilla (scylla), but more often they are called Scilla. They are more fragile in appearance, bloom a little later - in April. They tolerate winter well, are unpretentious, and can grow on heavy fertilized soils. In order for them to bloom in spring, you need to feed them with nitrophoska. Common varieties:

There are even rarer varieties, but they are hard to find, and they are more capricious when grown. The combination of white and blue snowdrops looks very attractive.


Another bulbous flowers. They bloom in the same period as snowdrops, have similar sizes, but the color is more diverse - there are white, yellow, purple, lilac. For greater effect, it is better to plant in groups, mixing colors. You can plant anywhere - under trees and shrubs, on open space. They are sun-loving, but they also tolerate shade, normally winter under the snow. You can plant - in the ground, you can - in containers.

There are quite a few varieties that differ in flowering time, plant height and color intensity:

Crocuses in a flower bed or lawn look very bright and gentle. They are excellent for landing on stones, in free-standing small, discounts. After the end of the flowering period, the aerial part dies off. These primroses are excellent flowers for giving, which will delight you when there is also really no grass.


Moisture-loving and sun-loving perennial plant that winters well in the ground. Propagated by bulbs, usually blooms in April-May. The foliage is rich green, the inflorescences are many-flowered, blue, purple, there are blue and white. Here are the most popular varieties:

Muscari are unpretentious spring flowers that require almost no care. Good in, discounts, in separate flowerpots and in flower beds. Propagated by bulbs, blooms young plant for the third year. You need to repot every 5-7 years. In general, if you need unpretentious flowers for giving with an early flowering period, this is Muscari.

Vesennik or Eranthis (Eranthis)

Another unpretentious flowers for giving - Vesennik. Perennial herbaceous plant that blooms in early spring with tuberous thickenings in the roots. The flowers are bright yellow or white, cup-shaped, peduncles up to 25 cm high, the leaves are rich green, palmately divided. It has 7 species, most often in flower beds and in plantings you can see:

Vesenniki - light-loving flowers for summer cottages. It is better to place them in high, well-lit places where the snow melts first. They prefer light, well-moistened soils with an alkaline reaction.

Propagated mainly by seeds, as tubers are formed little. Seeds ripen by autumn, immediately sown in the ground in a shady place. When spring sowing, stratification is necessary - 2 weeks at 1-2 ° C. In the first year, only cotyledon leaves grow, which quickly die. The plant itself lives, having managed to form small nodules. In the second year, one true leaf grows. In the autumn of this year, nodules can be dug up and planted in a permanent place. The next year Vesennik blooms.

More popular perennials that bloom in spring

There are a lot of beautiful and unpretentious flowers for giving, blooming in spring. Detailed description listing the most popular varieties will take dozens of pages. To give at least a general idea, we list them with an indication of the timing of flowering, height, planting features, if any (photos are required).

  • Periwinkle. This is a low-growing creeping semi-shrub with upright shoots. The leaves are dark or light green, leathery, some varieties with a white or pink border around the edges. Flowers large, solitary. The color is usually blue, but there are white and pink, pale lilac. Massively blooms in spring, there are single flowers throughout the growing season. Prefers well-drained loose fertile soils with a neutral to slightly acidic reaction. Shade-loving plant, feels good in partial shade.

    Periwinkle - not only creeping plants

  • Forget-me-not. Height - 10-50 cm, foliage is rich green, small, numerous flowers of blue, blue, sometimes - pink flowers collected in inflorescences. It is grown for two years, on the third the stems are greatly lengthened, the flowers become smaller. Likes shady, damp places, blooms from the end of April, up to 3 weeks. Perfectly combined with daisies, tulips, pansies, daffodils.

  • Anemones (anemone). Numerous species with different flowering periods - from spring to autumn. Beautiful cup-shaped flowers with a different number of petals, different colors - white, blue, blue, lilac, purple, pink, red, orange. The number of petals is different - from five in the most "simple" to terry. Cold-resistant flowers, but it is better to mulch for the winter.

    Anemones - a huge number of colors, shapes

  • Primrose. Most are perennials, but there are biennial and annual herbaceous plants. They bloom in early spring, with the onset of heat, the aerial part dies off. The leaves are whole, wrinkled, collected in a basal rosette. Flowers regular shape, five-petalled. They can be single or collected in inflorescences (racemose and umbellate). Colors are the most varied. It's hard to even describe. Sizes - from 10 cm (Primula veris and Primula japonica) to 60 cm (Primula obconica). Prefer partial shade with good ventilation.

This is not all perennial flowers for giving, blooming in spring. There are hundreds more. But these are loved by gardeners for their unpretentiousness, long flowering period, brightness of colors and variety of forms.

summer flowers

Summer is the most fertile time. This choice can make your head spin. The titles number in the thousands, and they are all interesting in their own way. It is very difficult to choose, but we tried to find worthy options.

Summer is the time when the dacha is full of flowers

Dicentra ( Dicentra - Broken Heart

The bright, unusually shaped flower of Dicentra became the reason for its no less unusual name and many legends concerning heart affairs - Broken Heart. These are bright, tall flowers for giving - up to 1 meter tall, attracting attention in the middle of spring. It has 8 species, often found:

Flowers Broken Heart practically do not require care, they winter well. They can grow in the sun and from the shade, the ideal option is partial shade, where they bloom longer. They prefer light, slightly acidic soils with a significant supply of nutrients. Plants are unpretentious, but do not like waterlogging. In the heat, the soil is mulched, which will help against overheating by moderate watering. It is better to remove wilted inflorescences - this will prolong the flowering period.


The genus Gypsophila consists of 100 plant species. So here you can find very different species - both tall and short. Plants come from different parts light, so that the growing conditions are different. Here are a few that grow well in our area:

Reproduction - vegetative or seeds. Prefers dry, well-lit places, grows well on calcareous soils. For normal growth you can add 20-40 grams of lime per square meter of land.

List of flowers for giving with summer flowering

When decorating a flower bed, rock garden, lawn, plants are selected so that several plants constantly bloom. There are no less beautiful and non-capricious flowers for giving than spring ones. In this section, we briefly list and characterize them, give photos of the most common or attractive species.

  • Astrantia ( Astrantia) or Zvezdovka. Perennial plant of the Umbelliferae family. Well adapted to life under trees, so it can be planted in deep shade. It tolerates any soil, but feels best on nutritious and sufficiently moist. Blooms all summer, without a transplant cost up to 12 years. The leaves are large and deeply cut. Flowers - white, red, purple, pink. They are an umbrella consisting of many small flowers surrounded by wrapper leaves. Flowers and wrapper may match in color, but more often differ in shade. The most popular species are the large astrantia (Astrantia major) and the largest astrantia (Astrantia maxima).

    Astrantia - beautiful flowers blooming all summer to give

  • Armeria (Armeria). A beautifully flowering perennial plant. Blooms all summer. Narrow dark green leaves with a blue tint form a dense cushion from which tall peduncles protrude. Their height is from 30 cm to 130 cm. Capitate spherical inflorescences are collected from the smallest flowers. Color - from snow-white, to red and bright lilac. They are not demanding for watering, they love the abundance of the sun, they grow on the sands, between the stones. There are about 50 species, but the most common are Alpine Armeria (Armeria Alpina), Prickly Armeria (Armeria pungens), Soddy Armeria (Armeria caespitosa), Seaside Armeria (Armeria maritima), Beautiful Armeria (Armeria pseudarmeria).

    Armeria is an excellent decoration for any flower bed, rockery, rock garden

  • Eupatorium (Eupatorium) Moisture-loving tall perennial plant (70-160 cm). Prefers loose fertile soils. Grows best in full sun, but tolerates shade and partial shade. It blooms all summer, the flowers are collected in a complex paniculate or racemose corymb. Color - from white to purple. The most common are spotted sapling (Eupatorium maculatum) and purple (Eupatorium purpureum).

    Stubble is a tall perennial plant that blooms all summer

  • Aquilegia (Aquilegia), Catchment, Orlik. These are all names for one unpretentious flower, capable of growing on any soil, while having very beautiful flowers. Prefers shade, but survives in well-lit areas, although the flowering period is shortened. Coloring - white, red, yellow, blue, lilac. There are single color and two color options. There are ordinary, terry, hybrid flowers.

    Aquilegia (catchment) - another annual with very beautiful flowers

There are some more flowers, which there is no need to describe, since they are familiar to everyone. You just need to remember their names. This pansies, cornflower, gladiolus, iris, bluebell, lilies, daylily, delphinium, echinacea, Chernobrivtsy, calendula, escholtia, lavaterra, matiola.

Autumn flowering time

In order for the flower bed to please until the very cold weather, one must not forget to plant flowers with an autumn flowering period. There are not very many unpretentious flowers with such late flowering, but they are no less decorative.


We are used to the fact that crocuses are primroses. But this flower also has autumn forms. Moreover, they are larger and no less decorative.

Helenium autumn

A perennial plant that begins to bloom from mid-summer and pleases until the very frost. Plant height - from 50 cm to 150 cm. Plantings form large bushes. Each stem can have up to 10 flowers. Flowers are red, yellow, orange. Large, up to 6 cm in diameter. Prefers sunny places, soils rich in humus. The following species are found in gardens and flower beds:

There are many more types. There are also forms that bloom in summer, by the way, there are more of them. But there are not so many autumn flowers. And gelenium should not be neglected.

Aster perennial Aster (September)

Despite the similar name, it should not be confused with annual asters. This is a completely different plant. There are compact curb types, there are medium and tall ones. Prefers well-lit sites, nutritious soils. Flowers - white, blue, red, blue, purple. The flowering period of autumn species is September-October.

Low-growing varieties - alpine, shrub - can be used as borders, planted in rockeries. Tall ones are planted in the background.

In gardens in country cottages, you can find many different types of flowers that have a different flowering period. Some gardeners prefer to plant annuals or biennials, others choose perennials.

It is generally accepted that perennials are the most practical, pleasing decorative look not one year. What perennials to plant in the country, what varieties are unpretentious, long-flowering, what are the best beautiful perennial flowers for giving, photos with the names and characteristics of species - we will tell in this article.

Characteristics of perennials

One of characteristic features ornamental perennials- long flowering period. Thanks to this, garden flowers adorn front gardens for a long time, unlike annuals. In terms of complexity of care, perennials do not differ significantly from annuals. The main care activities take place in the spring:

⇒ removal of dry leaves, branches;

⇒ planting seedlings;

⇒ application of appropriate fertilizers in the form of compost, manure, mineral fertilizers, so that the plants quickly restore their shape, acquire a decorative look.

Flowering perennials for summer cottages are considered an important part of the composition in landscape design. Their inflorescences have different colors, shapes. Certain species have a wide variety of varieties. So the choice is not easy!

Benefits of perennials

Perennials are a diverse group with many benefits:

  1. have a huge wealth of shapes, colors;
  2. varied in size, flowering period;
  3. do not require fertile soil, special care;
  4. frost-resistant;
  5. generally disease resistant
  6. rarely attacked by pests;
  7. durable, grow for several years.

Perennials have an attractive flowering calendar from early spring to late autumn. With the right selection, they can continuously delight the eye with beautiful inflorescences, decorative appearance, rewarding charm almost all year round, even in winter, if you leave dried inflorescences. Below are the popular varieties of perennials, photos of various compositions.

Description of flowers with a photo


Phlox - unpretentious perennials that bloom all summer. There are many types with different colors. Plant height - up to 70-120 cm. Requires planting in a sunny place, fertile soil, moderately moist. Phloxes bloom profusely, are resistant to disease, cold. If they grow in partial shade, the color of the inflorescences (white, pink, purple) is more intense. In summer, beautiful dense hemispherical inflorescences are formed, often 2 tones.

Slightly fragrant phloxes are suitable for flowerpots. They can stay in one place for many years. Every 4-5 years, the bushes need to be divided, replanted.


Echinacea - a spectacular perennial that blooms almost all summer, will decorate any country cottage area. Echinacea belongs to the Compositae family and originates from the prairies of North America. Are characterized as unpretentious perennial with high decorative qualities. Echinacea purpurea plants are often cultivated, up to 1.5 meters high. The plant has rough, hard leaves of a dark green color.

Echinacea requires sunny exposure, fertile, moist soil. Blooms from July to October. The flowers have a characteristic convex conical middle, dark pink petals. There are varieties with white, yellow petals. Echinacea spreads easily.

Siberian iris

Siberian iris - grows up to 50-100 cm in height. The plant has narrow, green, delicate leaves. Blooms from May to June. Siberian iris grows well in the sun, in partial shade, shade. It can be planted in a garden bed, in a swampy coastal zone pond. Some varieties grow up to 60-120 cm in height. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 60-75 mm have a purple, blue, white color, a clear pattern on the lower petals. Decorative narrow leaves resemble tufts of grass.

Iris grows on fertile, slightly acidic, moist, even marshy soils. The plant is quite unpretentious, completely frost-resistant. Successfully cultivated in pots on balconies, terraces.


Lilies are loved by many, they are deservedly considered one of the most attractive, fragrant bulbous plants. Lily has a large number of varieties, an incredible variety of shapes, designs of petals, the entire inflorescence. The soil for the perennial should be fertile, permeable, the flower does not like waterlogging. The lily grows best in full sun, in slightly elevated ground (this prevents excessive water accumulation). Depending on the species, it reaches a height of 50-120 cm. Early varieties planted in March or September, at the end of April, white lily - in August.


Daylily is an unpretentious perennial native to Asia, great for giving. Durable, resistant to harsh conditions. Depending on the variety, it reaches a height of 30-120 cm. The shape of the flower resembles a lily. During the growing season, the daylily produces decorative foliage. Blooms profusely and for a long time. There are 15-20 buds on the trunk, ripening gradually. Flowering can last up to a month, although individual flowers wither after 24 hours. Daylily is characterized by an incredible variety of patterns, colors, shapes. Has many varieties.

Among the varieties you can find flowers of different colors:

  • white,
  • pink,
  • purple,
  • black,
  • yellow,
  • orange,
  • dark brown.

The flowers are characterized by a range of forms, including rather unusual star-like spiders. There are species almost odorless and strongly fragrant.

Daylilies are virtually maintenance-free and attractive to beginner gardeners. The plant does not require fertile soil. The position should be sunny or slightly shaded. Planting is usually carried out to a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm. Care is limited to watering and fertilizing. Old varieties grow even in poor, dry soils. It is useful for coloring, opening buds to apply foliar top dressing several times with a predominance of phosphorus. Daylilies without a transplant can grow in one place for 15-20 years.


Lupine is a beautiful perennial, loved by many gardeners because of its high decorative value and ease of cultivation. Often lupine is found in gardens, looks great in colorful flower beds. Lupine belongs to the legume family, includes dozens of species. Lupine grows best in full sun and needs fertile, low-calcium soil. It has rigid inflorescences of dark or light blue, pink, white, yellow, and even two-tone, 60-80 cm high. It disperses easily, does not tolerate transplants.

Catchment, eagle or aquilegia

Garden eagle or aquilegia is a perennial that prefers half-shaded, shady places, humus, moist soils. Orlik grows splendidly under the canopy of trees. Short-lived, but easily scattered, remains in the garden for many years. The original flowers come in many colors and the color combinations are endless.

Larkspur high or Delphinium

Garden delphiniums - require sunny positions or partial shade, fertile, permeable, moist soil. Rigid inflorescences grow up to 200 cm in height, have dark or light blue, lavender, pink, white colors. After flowering, the inflorescences need to be cut right above the ground, then the larkspur will bloom again. Delphiniums are short-lived and need to be separated every few years. Sometimes you have to tie it to a support.

Heliopsis sunflower

Heliopsis sunflower-like blooms with yellow flowers, looks beautiful in a company with dark leaves. Flowering begins in mid-summer. Heliopsis reaches a height of 1 m. The exposure should be on the south side, but in the shade. The soil will need quite fertile, with humus. The flower adapts well to environment, can grow in the worst soil, frost-resistant. Heliopsis looks beautiful planted next to delphinium, asters. Blooms for a long time, profusely, often until frost, creates large clusters of flowers, spreads easily.


Oak sage loves sunny exposures, but tolerates partial shade. The soil should be fertile, permeable, moderately moist. Rigid inflorescences grow up to 80 cm, the flowers are dark blue. Removing faded inflorescences stimulates the development of new ones.

Astilbe or false goatbeard

Astilba are long flowering perennials. If you provide them with optimal conditions, they will thank you for a long, beautiful flowering. Fluffy, colorful inflorescences will decorate any shady corner of the garden. Chinese Astilbes are a little easier to grow than others - if given very moist soil, they grow well even in a sunny location.

Astilba belongs to the saxifrage family. Scientists know about 20 species of these ornamental plants. Habitat - humid, shady forests of Asia, North America. They are quite often grown in home gardens. Astilba grows well in partial shade, requires soil that is fertile, permeable, moist, but not overflowing. Depending on the variety, it has a height of 30-60 cm. Small flowers are collected in hard panicles of purple, light or dark pink, white color.

Curly perennial flowers, photo, catalog

Climbing plants for summer cottages, in addition to their beauty, have many practical advantages:

  • create a large area of ​​greenery with a minimum occupied space on the ground;
  • with their help, you can cover an unattractive place;
  • located on the gazebo, canopy, create a shadow.

Some species can climb walls with their antennae, others grow around supports. Many species have such thick stems that sometimes you need a really reliable support. Before buying perennial loaches, let's see which species are suitable for planting in the planned place in specific conditions, so that later you will not be surprised that, for example, honeysuckle does not want to climb up the wall.


Honeysuckle (Lonicera peryclimenum) is a flowering loach with a wonderful aroma. Honeysuckle has no special requirements, but blooms in a sunny location. They need support. Bloom profusely all summer. The flowers consist of many thin tubes of different colors:

  • yellow,
  • pink,
  • red,
  • purple,
  • white.


Wisteria is a perennial climbing vine with beautiful flowers. Flowers hang in inflorescences of various colors:

  • purple,
  • white,
  • pink,
  • lavender,
  • blue.

Some varieties can form inflorescences that reach a length of 70 cm! Wisteria grows around strong supports, the old stems are quite thick, with a circumference of several tens of centimeters.


Clematis (Clematis) are very demanding, although there are varieties that are quite unpretentious. Clematis bloom very beautifully. The variety of varieties is wide. Clematis are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. There are options, such as Barbara Dibley, with huge flowers. Clematis climb up the support.


Rooting Campsis (Campsis radican) is a perennial vine. Sensitive to frost, planted in sheltered places. This vine is sometimes confused with wisteria, has a very similar flowers in the form of tubes of beautiful red, orange, yellow. Flowering begins only a few years after planting, so you have to be patient. Kampsis winds around the supports.

Fallopia Aubert or Highlander Aubert

Aubert's fallopia (Fallopia aubertii) is a vine with a large increase, reaching 6-8 meters per year. Planting fallopia - the most fast way to cover the walls with greenery. With fallopia, care must be taken, the plant is so expansive, it can quickly get out of control, grow in unwanted places.

climbing hydrangea

Curly hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) is the queen among shade-loving perennial blooming loaches. Grows in partial shade, shade, as evidenced by beautiful white, large inflorescences in shaded conditions. Hydrangea requires a strong support around which it grows. The stems are very thick, sometimes they can destroy the fence of the boards between which they are intertwined.

climbing rose

The rose probably needs no introduction, it is loved and grown by many gardeners and summer residents. Roses require support, but they do not have to be as powerful as for hydrangea, wisteria.

Schisandra chinensis

Chinese lemongrass is best known for its medicinal properties, and can also become a garden decoration. The flowers are inconspicuous, white, very decorative red fruits, collected in hanging clusters. Grows best in partial shade.

The article presents the most popular perennials, photos and short description species should help to make the right choice for specific soil and climatic conditions. Right choice taking into account all factors, it will allow you to enjoy the benefits of the plant, see magnificent flowers that will decorate any summer cottage, garden.