How to plant perennials in the country. The Best Perennial Ornamental Flowers for the Garden

  • 17.06.2019

Learn how to grow beautiful flowering perennials for luxurious clubs blooming all summer. What tricks and secrets do flower growers use to make a flower bed bloom from spring to late autumn.

Techniques for creating a flower bed blooming all summer

A flower bed that blooms continuously throughout the gardening season from spring to autumn will never look the same spectacular throughout this time.

It is much better to create a flower bed that looks as luxurious as possible in one season, for example, in summer. And then extend the flowering season for this flower bed by adding earlier or late flowering plants to it. This will give you a beautiful flower bed that will bloom from April to October, peaking in June-August.

Flower beds that bloom all summer often contain peonies, roses, dahlias, phlox. If you pick them up in one tone, for example, pink, then for spring you can add lavender tulips and hyacinths to this flower bed, and use pink perennial asters for autumn flowering.

An attractive view of the flower bed from March to May can be created by the foliage of perennials such as hydrangea and budelea, which will bloom only at the end of summer - this will allow these flowers to be used in the overall composition of the flower bed for two seasons. It will be especially effective if you add unpretentious garden ferns to them.

For late flowering flower beds, you can add unpretentious annuals, such as cosmea, salvia, zinnia, to its composition - they will bloom until late autumn. So your flower bed will be bright and beautiful from mid-April to mid-October.

And if you add ornamental grasses to the flower bed, then the flower bed will retain its attractiveness until the first frost.

How to choose a place for a flower bed of continuous flowering

The choice of location for a flower bed can significantly affect our choice of flowers and the overall design of the flower bed. Based on the location, we will plan the peak flowering season and choose the plants that will form the basis of our flower bed. Then we expand the flowering time of the planned flower bed, adding to it some of the flowers with an earlier date and late deadline flowering.

If you have a shady garden, flowers that bloom in spring and early summer are most suitable for such a flower bed.

If you have a sunny garden, then most flowers will feel comfortable in such a flower bed. This arrangement is ideal for a flower bed that will bloom all summer.

If you're planning on placing your flower bed in the southwest, you have a great spot for a flower bed that blooms in autumn. Because it is this location of the flower bed that will allow it to receive the greatest amount of light on the shortening autumn days.

What flowers to plant in a flower bed so that they bloom from spring to autumn

Perennials for spring and early summer

These are some of the best spring-blooming perennials, best suited to a shady area to create a beautiful perennial bed:

Tulips Snowdrops Muscari Hyacinths Irises Daffodils Crocuses Primula Periwinkle

Summer flowering perennials

These are some of the best flower bed perennials for flower beds that peak in bloom during the summer months:

Dahlias Roses Daylily Delphinium Veronica Maki Anemones Astilba Sage

Perennials for late summer and early autumn

These are some of the best fall-blooming perennials that start blooming in late August and continue to bloom in the fall:

Chrysanthemums Perennial Asters Echinacea Helenium Rudbeckia Coreopsis Goldenrod
Yarrow Sedum

Planting a flower bed: how many flowers to plant

The most common mistake when creating a flower bed is to plant one copy of your favorite plant. Using a disproportionate number of different types of flowers, you may not get the result you expected - your flower bed may look chaotic.

It is much better to limit your choice of plants for the flower bed to ten species that you like. Make sure their flowering times match or complement each other.

Buy 3-5-7-9 of the same type, depending on the size of your flower bed. Then you will create a beautiful floral carpet where your plants will move from one to another in a smooth, natural way.

Buying several copies of the same species will not only not undermine your budget, but, on the contrary, will allow you to save money - because you will still buy a certain number of plants to fill the entire space of the flower garden. And buying several identical plants, you can count on a discount when buying.

When is the best time to plant flowers in a flower bed?

If you buy potted plants, they can be planted within a year with two exceptions.

Never plant when the ground is icy - wait for better weather by digging your plants near a wall. A wall facing west is ideal.

Don't plant in hot, dry conditions unless you can water regularly, because once the root ball dries out, the plant will suffer.

How to prepare the soil for planting flowers in a flower bed

Ground preparation has a significant impact on how our plants will look and develop in the future.

With a hoe, remove weeds from the place of future planting, carefully removing all roots. Dig up the area for landing to the depth of the bayonet. Add compost - rotted manure, leaves, grass. Now you can plant flowers - carefully pull the flower out of the pot, straighten the roots and plant it in a flower bed.

Make sure you water your plants well in the first year of growing in dry weather.

How to design a flower bed that blooms all summer

  1. Once you have bought the plants, plant them in the flower bed. Give each plant enough space for future growth, given that larger plants will need more space.
  2. Do not place plants in exact heights: low closer, high away - so your flower bed will look too formal, like in a parade. If you have a tall, airy plant like cosmea, it can be planted close to the outer edge of the flower bed and will create an intriguing light curtain.

  3. Avoid making round flower beds, because they do not allow the eye to slip and are not beneficial from the point of view of the overall perspective of landscape design. Try to shape the flower bed in such a way that it allows the plants to kind of go beyond its border. It can be a wavy border or some kind of irregular triangle that protrudes from the main flower bed, and then returns back to the general border. This placement of one large plant away from the main group deceives the eye and makes the flower garden visually larger.
  4. Mix textures by adding vertical plants. Upright plant stems, such as delphiniums and lupins, connect earth to sky and break the monotony. a large number flower mounds - the natural growth form of most flowers, thus creating great elegance and interest. The sword-shaped leaves of irises and gladiolus have the same effect, and they are sure to add more grace to any flower bed.

  5. Add one bold and tall plant. For example, amaranth or castor beans will blow up the flower bed with their burgundy-red foliage, while at the same time, they will be an advantageous backdrop for more neutral plants, making the flower garden much more colorful.

  6. If you find a successful combination of plants, do not be afraid to repeat it several times in a flower bed - this will give it more integrity and naturalness.

How to care for a flower bed that blooms all summer

A large flower bed requires continuous care. It is necessary to cut off plants that have faded in time to prevent self-seeding and self-capture of territories. At the same time, some seeds may be left out of ornamental interest. Weeding, garter of elongated plants - all this must be done in a timely manner. Every three years, perennials must be divided - to rejuvenate the bushes and make new flower arrangements in the flower bed.

We have told you the main strategic points that will allow you to create your beautiful flower bed that blooms all summer long!


To choose one or another method of planting garden plants, you will not only have to look at beautiful illustrations in specialized catalogs, but also learn about the features of the formation of landscape groups. Good taste is not enough to plant flowers in the garden as your fantasy suggests. It is necessary to follow the rules of compatibility, because some cultures can suppress others or bloom at the same time, and for the rest of the time your site will seem empty. Even beautiful and well-maintained plants, selected according to the natural conditions of the site, will not make a good impression if they are planted in a disorder, without taking into account decorative features of every kind. There are several basic ways to plant flowers, and for each type of composition, plants are selected in a special way. Height, shape, flowering time, course of development during the summer season are taken into account. You will learn how to properly and beautifully plant flowers in the garden by reading this material.

Vertical gardening and planting flowers in groups

"Vertical gardening" is commonly called the design of vertical surfaces (building facades, fences, trellis or pergolas) with plants.

For such nice fit flowers, you can use both perennial shrub decorative leaf (,) and flowering () lianas, as well as ampelous herbaceous plants. With such landscaping, it is desirable to use supports (wooden, metal, etc.). In a small garden, a group is a composition of herbaceous plants, shrubs, dwarf forms of trees, which, in imitation of nature, has free outlines. In a simple group, plants of one species are used, in a mixed group, two or more.

Plants are chosen in such a way that their visible part is stably decorative.

So that in groups, as proper agricultural technology suggests, plants that lose their beauty after flowering and “ankle-legged” (little leafy in the lower part) plants are planted in the middle and background, so that the plantings in front hide all the shortcomings.

Planting flowers in the flower bed and in containers

The composition of the correct geometric shape - in the form of a circle, square, polygon - is usually intended for a circular view. Flower beds are placed in the front parts of the garden, for example, at the entrance to the house. Therefore, it is important that they attract attention throughout the season.

For planting plants in a garden in a flower bed, they usually prefer annuals blooming from spring to autumn, sometimes changing the composition: until June 10-15, the flower garden is decorated with bulbs planted in autumn or viola, which is planted in mid-May.
These plants are not afraid of spring frosts. In early summer, cold-resistant flowers are replaced by heat-loving perennials, and flowering continues until autumn.

Containers are used where it is impossible to create permanent flower beds - in hard-surfaced areas, on balconies.

This is a very practical idea of ​​planting flowers to decorate the site, allowing you to create mobile compositions, change the look of the garden at the discretion of the owner. Not all plants are suitable for such plantings.

First of all, drought-resistant crops are needed - the soil in the container dries out much faster than in a traditional flower garden. Plants with wide leaves that consume a lot of moisture are not suitable for such plantings. The best choice- these are compact plants or their varieties that have a beautiful shape - spherical, pillow-shaped, ampelous.

As shown in the photo, when planting in a massive container, a rather large and “ankle-legged” plant can be placed in the center, decorating its lower part with a “skirt” of lush flyers:

Interesting ideas for planting flowers in a garden with an array

Large groups of plants, the length of which exceeds the height, multiplied by three, are called arrays. They look completely different than regular bands. The array forms a continuous homogeneous surface at the level of plant height. If these are low flowers, for example, the surface of the array extends close to the ground. If the stems of plants rise to a height of one and a half meters or more, you can appreciate the beauty of the massif only from a hill - close up it looks like a solid wall. An array, like a group, can be composed of several types of cultures, but it should be remembered that individual instances in such a composition are not visible. We perceive not every plant in particular, but the whole mass of leaves or flowers, so an array made of small groups most often does not make the right impression. Better look plants of the same species, planted in large "spots". These photos show how you can plant flowers in the garden in arrays:

Flowers in a mixborder and discounts

One more interesting idea planting flowers on a personal plot is.

It is an elongated flower garden of irregular shape - one of the most common flower arrangements in private gardens. It is very convenient for planting garden flowers, if you need to visually divide the site into parts, outline the contour of a lawn or path, emphasize the shape of planning elements. Mastering the composition of a mixborder is easier if you imagine it in the form of chained groups. According to your plan, the groups can be the same or several types, alternating in a certain order. The selection of plants for a mixborder is the same as for group plantings. On the foreground compact, stably decorative species are planted that do not lose their attractiveness throughout the summer, on the middle and rear - medium and tall plants. The mixborder takes up a lot of space on the site, and gardeners usually strive to select an assortment of plants in such a way that flowering plants are constantly present in the composition from April to September.

Rabatki are flower beds, elongated in the form of a strip up to 2.5 m wide. Unlike mixborders, they have the correct geometric shape. In small gardens, such flower beds are usually located near the house - in the most functional and "responsible" part of the garden, where the winding lines of the layout are simply inconvenient for the owners. You pass by them several times a day, they are the first thing that catches the eye of your guests, and therefore the range of plants for discounts is chosen with great care. As a rule, these are annuals that bloom throughout the season.

It is possible to use stable decorative perennials with beautiful foliage. Rabatki are often adjacent to recreation areas, terraces, summer kitchens, since this type of flower garden corresponds to the geometric shape of the buildings. In such places, you can place fragrant flowers and herbs, as well as the most interesting species and varieties of your collection, since they will be the center of attention here. See how you can beautifully plant flowers in the garden using discounts:

How to plant plants in the garden parterre

Decorative planting of flowers on garden plot in a horizontal plane, usually in front of the facade of the house, is called the parterre. Unlike, for example, a front garden, the parterre should be proportionate to the scale of the building.

Classic parterres can be made not only from plants, but also from inert materials and water. Lawn, flowers, shrubs are used as plant material. The inert material is sand, coal, broken glass, crushed bricks, and tiles.

Of course, such intricate, in the old spirit, stalls are not suitable for any private garden.
Lawn and meadow parterres are much more widespread. The first are well-groomed "green lawns", sometimes supplemented with flower beds.

Meadow parterres are just beginning to come into fashion. They are created, as a rule, from annual meadow flowers, giving self-sowing. The most durable meadow parterres, composed of plants undemanding to soil conditions on sandy areas poor in nutrients, are less susceptible to weed aggression. Interesting ideas for planting flowers in the garden are shown in these photos:

Planting flowers in hanging baskets

A beautiful planting of flowers in the country in hanging containers is used to decorate arbors, verandas, terraces, as well as building facades. This is an effective way of landscaping with a lack of free space.

For planting in hanging baskets, choose the most drought-resistant plants. Most suitable for this purpose are bright and profusely flowering ampelous crops: petunia, caliber,.

Plants that decorate the facades of buildings, especially the upper floors, must also be wind resistant. Crops with delicate flowers and leaves, such as petunias, are not suitable. In this case, plants with dense or hard foliage are used (which is easy to determine by touch).

How beautiful to plant flowers in a rocky garden

Another interesting idea for planting flowers in the garden is to create a rockery. Compositions of plants with stones, imitating mountain landscapes, have gained extraordinary popularity in private gardens.

They can be performed not only in the form of "slides", but also on flat areas, give them a strict geometric or free landscape shape.

Before planting flowers in a rocky garden, you need to beautifully arrange the stones. Having chosen a rock, arranging the boulders in a picturesque order, you can think about acquiring plants.

Cultures that prefer alkaline soils grow well surrounded by blocks of marble and limestone. If the rockery is made of granite, quartz, basalt rocks, it is possible to create conditions in it with a neutral or acidic soil environment. In accordance with this, you can make a choice in favor of certain plants.

Many modern gardeners, in an effort to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial undersized flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable masterpiece flower garden, check out the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, view design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of permanent flowering

Types and varieties of undersized plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered undersized. Lovely flower beds are made up of both one variety of such flowers, and using several species. Multi-tiered compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders with a border of compact bushes look great in summer. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, even more among annuals.

Blooming border is gorgeous

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (during the landing season) they allow you to ennoble the territory by compiling an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to pick up specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. They do not need special care, top dressing, frequent watering in the summer.
  4. They give space to creative natures for exciting experiments with the annual update of garden design.
  5. Allow correction of oversights in the selection of varieties, colors in the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, as they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flowerbed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified loss of time, money, and effort in the annual selection of plants for a flower bed, the hassle of seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial undersized flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative effect, and once every 5-7 years they have to be updated, while spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds with a special charm, but they do not please with such brightness and variety as annuals. It is also disputable that weeds cannot develop under the mats of perennial plantations. Yes, under thick curtains the germination of weed seeds, the development of emerging weeds is suppressed. But if they have already managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in the plantings of annuals.

perennial shaving

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, and perhaps a combination of both. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species better.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual undersized flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a "mat". In fact, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves that look like fleshy needles form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple and double, depending on the variety. The most popular are terry species that open buds in early summer and are decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Motley purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, stony soil, does not need top dressing, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots stretch out, become thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • cloud beater.

Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual low-growing white flowers to decorate a flower bed, it is difficult to find anything more suitable than a purslane variety with the speaking name White-flowered.

Tagetes (marigolds)- an exceptionally unpretentious undersized flower, which even a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil, regular watering. But for all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer to autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flower bed “sunny” even in bad weather.

Compact bushes are distinguished by two types of marigolds: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

Examples of other long flowering annuals

Petunia- a rather capricious favorite of landscape designers and gardeners in growing, there are many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. It is possible to distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly, but abundantly flowering types of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains that are detrimental to terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become garden favorites.

Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life in early summer and fades only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile loam-type soil. Timely watering is important in care, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly wet.

Lobelia, grade Blue

Calceolaria- an unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shady place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

exotic calceolaria

Iberis grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small fragrant often snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, lilac color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Perfectly combined in combined flower beds. For example, the neighborhood of white iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is very winning option.

Delightful snow-white iberis

carnation annual(Chinese). A charming neighbor of Iberis can please not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being a perennial by nature, it can sometimes overwinter.

Chinese carnation scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming constancy

If one day you successfully pick up perennial species low-growing long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of spring troubles for its improvement for a number of years and from the first days of summer enjoy the beauty on your site. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Astra alpine- herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for her - openwork penumbra, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, it is the longest in Rosea.

Aster Alpine Rosea

carnation grass- an unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark green of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during the summer month and a half. Along with perennial arabis, pyrethrum, primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging flower beds or paths.

Carnation grass as a border

Everblooming begonia is rightfully the leader among the flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Plantings of begonias blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June until late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Exceptionally decorative are not only flowers, but also begonia leaves, pleasing to the eye in shape and color.

Terry Everblooming Begonia

By the color of the leaves, green-leaved, bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished. The height of undersized bushes, as a rule, is in the range of 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to growing conditions. The soil for the flower bed should be rich in humus, slightly acidic, moisture-intensive, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

About 600 hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator.

Everblooming begonias in a flower bed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Queen;
  • Cocktail;
  • Luchik.

Ground covers

Ground cover contenders for a place in the flower garden

Among the low-growing perennials, there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for flower beds. continuous flowering. It is useful to get acquainted with several representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate. It is extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. It loves the sun and dry land, it is afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May, for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

sedum(sedum). Among half a thousand varieties, you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Stonecrop does not need watering, top dressing, hibernates without shelter - isn't it a godsend for summer residents with limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Dyusheneya. A fast-growing ground cover, sun-loving, great on any soil. But in order for the Duchenea rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. Very decorative in summer original leaves and duchenea fruits. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Duchenea Indian

aubrieta. Bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Winters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that shaving grows aggressively, like duchenea - both of these species can suppress, even survive neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue

Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - undersized bushes in a flower bed

V garden design often used not only herbaceous plants, but also beautiful trees, bushes. If you have the idea to use them in landscaping the site, then perennial undersized bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will bring an elegant green note to a motley composition. Among them are the following types.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, thrives well in full sun or partial shade. For the winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it.

Gualteria recumbent. A creeping evergreen ground cover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. Dark green leaves are very decorative, by winter they become bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought.

Gualteria recumbent

creeping willow. Attractive dwarf slow growing shrub with thin, elastic shoots. In early May, before the foliage blooms, it is covered with silvery, and in summer with yellow, earrings. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

creeping willow

Cotoneaster Dummer. Dense spreading undersized shrub. In mid-May it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorativeness of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. He loves the sun, partial shade, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

Cotoneaster Dummer

Japanese spirea. Compact creeping shrub. Numerous pinkish inflorescences formed in the middle of summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

Japanese spirea

Juniper horizontal. For a flower bed, dwarf forms are good, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish coloration of dense, prickly needles. Photophilous, undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful, constantly pleasing corner on the site, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

imitation stream

The principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the arrangement and filling of the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what the illumination-shade is there, the characteristics of the soil, and its moisture content. This is necessary for the correct choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flower bed. For your first flower bed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species for one flower garden with similar requirements for growing conditions.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of undersized plants in order to avoid indiscriminate mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations for flowering plantations. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. In order for the flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to consider the viewing angle. If the flower bed is viewed from all sides, higher specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the background should become a place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on your own.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For self-planning of a flower bed since the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw its plan in detail on paper. The sketch should show:

  • the contours and dimensions of the flower garden on a scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color scheme (adjust if necessary).

Important! It must be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing, will eventually take up more space - on the plan, and subsequently, when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Perennial flower garden

By deciding to do the layout of the flower bed yourself, you will save a substantial amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem daunting, but at first, you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books, or offered below. Here, for example, is a scheme for filling a flower bed only with perennials.

Pictured below the simplest flower bed for beginner gardeners, where blue delphinium (1) and red phlox paniculata (2) act as dominant undersized plants. When making a flower bed, they are planted first. In front of them is placed a garden geranium (3) of purple color. Frame the flower garden with a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flower bed, you can use the information about them presented above, as well as study the range of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous, annuals and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

Finished projects- not a dogma, it is not necessary to implement them with the utmost accuracy. Don't give up if you can't buy planting material any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the selected scheme to the ideal. And for creative inspiration, watch short videos.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of designing flower beds with undersized flowers

Video: Making flower beds with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annuals and perennials, are a wonderful choice for your yard. Do not be afraid to experiment, show imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.

The theme of floriculture is alien and indifferent to those who are not able to understand and feel the soul of these lovely creations of nature, the enchanting and silent harmony of color.

For true connoisseurs of the music of flowers, it is enough to look at this natural masterpiece in order to imagine and create with their own eyes the magic of unearthly perfection, combining style, shape, color and sound together.

Unpretentious spring flowers

Inexperienced gardeners are concerned about the question - what unpretentious flowers to plant in the country, so that with the onset of the first warm weather, with their flowering, they announce the arrival of Spring, filling the soul and heart with joy?

After all, the arrival of heat, especially in the Russian middle lane, is often delayed. Seeds of annual flowers have not yet been thrown into the ground. And perennials are just beginning to break through the unheated earth.

But you should not be upset - bulbous crops have already formed future buds since autumn and with the onset of spring they will color the flower beds with a rainbow spectrum.

On the first thawed patches, with gentle rays of the spring sun, white, blue, yellow and striped corollas will appear on your site - this is how they bloom.

These primroses will delight the owners all spring, and then they retire until the next favorable time.

In height, they vary significantly - from seven to fifteen centimeters.

When choosing a landing site, you need to consider that these are sun-loving individuals. A warm and well-lit secluded place is a favorite corner for them. Light penumbra is also suitable near unblown trees and shrubs.

Planting bulbous first-born is carried out in the traditional time - in August and September.

Without a doubt, the owners of the country estate will receive the highest aesthetic pleasure during the group planting of crocuses. During flowering, they will appear in all their splendor, effectively decorating or flower beds.

A festival of colors of incredible beauty with large white flowers and blue stripes will delight you until the onset of summer. The inflorescence may have a blue and blue color. The height of the stem can reach 20 centimeters.

Like many bulbs, Pushkinia prefers good lighting or with little shading.

Harmoniously and spectacularly, they look with small daffodils, broken hearts and motley carpeting of stonecrops.

From the beginning of April to the end of May, low ones bloom - up to 20 centimeters, tender. Their stems are crowned with graceful inflorescences that figuratively resemble bells.

Mouse hyacinth, as Muscari is also called, is rightfully included in the TOP of the most unpretentious garden and country crops.

Once planting a bulb under the crown of a tree or, for example, next to a lilac bush, you will meet spring with this amazing flower for many years.

You can update or thin out muscari with the onset of summer - in June. But only when you see that the blue color and its elongated leaves have faded.

A small reminder - during the period of vital activity, the plant needs additional soil moisture. On this, the chores are practically pumped, leaving some advantages: an excellent neighborhood with other colors and unpretentious care.

It is hard to imagine a suburban "residence" without these flowers, striking in their tenderness and simplicity. Perhaps it is they, well, perhaps even tulips, that are the hallmark of spring.

Agree that the spring aroma of narcissus is difficult to confuse with other crops.

From the beginning of April until the last calendar days of spring, this small piece of the sun pleases with its beauty.

In growth, the plant can reach 60 cm - it all depends on the chosen variety.

Again, their color depends on the variety. It can be just white, without losing its tenderness and grace, as well as with a long or short crown, which is framed by a fringe.

A place for growing daffodils should be saturated with minerals - this is ideal. In addition, they are very unpretentious to lighting. And they feel comfortable both in the bright sun and in a slightly shaded place, hiding under the crown of blossoming trees.

Narcissus is a harmonious flower. It cohabitates and decorates amicably, growing with bergenia, tulip, various garden, dicentra and other plants.

Over time, they form a snow-white carpet with yellow patches, which looks very impressive.

As necessary, it can be thinned out by transplanting the bulbs to another place. But it is advisable to do this after a decrease in their vital activity - somewhere in the beginning of summer.

Frosty winters narcissus endure relatively calmly. But if in the spring you notice some bare areas, then in the summer they can be planted with young bulbs.

Daffodils in the photo:


Avid summer residents consider the tulip the king of home decorative crops. Others, on the contrary, due to the extremely few demands on his part regarding care, are referred to as "common people".

The number of varieties, shapes, colors is so great that true fans of this delightful creature grow only it, allocating their own zone for each variety.

Believe me, the flowering of tulips is a truly bewitching act. Those who have been to the tulip parade in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea understand what it is about.

After all, having skillfully selected varieties, in accordance with the time of their flowering, you can create a fairy tale for a long time both on an alpine hill and in a wonderful flower bed near the house. After all, the tulip throws its first color in March, and the latest varieties delight lovers of this beauty until the onset of summer.

As varieties vary, so do stem sizes. They can reach 50 centimeters.

In order for a fabulous picture to appear in the spring, you need to take care of this handsome man in the fall. It is better to plant and renew bulbs in September, placing them in loose, fertilized soil.

Important advice. During the flowering period, sometimes look at the condition of the plants. If they are struck by a fungus, then immediately remove the flower, since this ailment cannot be treated.

A variety of varieties of tulips in the photo:

During the active period, tulips need good watering, which should be limited in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

There is no doubt that the early bulbous primroses are long-awaited, desirable. They are bright and unpretentious. Looking at the photos of the varieties and reading the names, you can choose the most unpretentious flowers for giving. But the trouble is that their foliage for a long time is not able to maintain its decorative effect and decorate your home for a long time.

It is necessary to think in advance that other plants are planted next to them.

Lily of the valley

This, if you like, is an axiom or a classic of a spring flower bed. They come to replace the first wave of flowering. May is their month. Thanks to a good root system, they easily endure winter. In spring, tubular leaves first appear from under the ground, and then stems with surprisingly delicate fragrant white bells grow from the inside - up to 20 pieces in number. And the flower itself can reach thirty centimeters.

After a bright phase that lasts until the beginning of summer, red berries appear.

Here you need to protect children from eating them - the berries are very poisonous.

The undoubted advantage of lilies of the valley is their unpretentiousness. They thrive in both shade and sun.

is an amazingly versatile creation, equally suitable for both open sunny lawns and shady corners.

This is one of the representatives of shade-tolerant plants. These ground cover households can grow as shrubs, instantly and unpretentiously growing into the ground.

Already from the middle of spring, they will decorate your home with greenery and colorful bright colors of incredible diversity: blue, turquoise, pink, white, purple or a mixed palette of all these shades.

This name is known to a few amateur gardeners. The appearance of this beauty gave another, more sensual and dramatic name - a broken heart.

After hibernation, having steadfastly endured the winter cold, the dicentra with the first rays of the spring sun dissolves the foliage, and in May it blooms with white, pink or two shades of inflorescences at once, surprisingly, without exaggeration, resembling tiny hearts.

The active life span reaches two months. And surprisingly, under a soft transparent shadow, the saturation of colors is higher than in the open sun. In such conditions, the inflorescence retains its beauty longer.

The plant, which can reach a meter height, after shedding "broken hearts", will become a wonderful green background for your other pets.

May is the most favorable month for a brunner to appear in all its heavenly beauty under the crowns of trees, along artificial reservoirs and paths. It is precisely such a heavenly, pale blue color that the flowers of this amazing natural creature are before our eyes.

The height of the plant is relatively small - up to 50 centimeters.

Brunner will be a wonderful addition to any of your locations. It is able to fit into any landscape and created composition.

Not requiring daily attention, the plant reproduces well by dividing the bush.

summer luxury

  1. Sunny side or slight shading.
  2. Soil with good moisture absorption.
  3. Good watering.
  4. Moderate top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Seating (separation) of bushes at least once every five years.
  6. Flowers can form cozy zones, or bushes can serve as borders.

Viola or pansies

The second name is more familiar. The charming unpretentious simplicity of these small plants leaves no one indifferent.

The range and number of shades is simply amazing - these are yellow, sky blue, blue with red spots, white as snow, velvety black, lilac, purple colors and different variations of their mixing.

They are very undemanding to themselves, but it is still worth creating the minimum conditions for their life comfort. Plants do not like lowlands where moisture is retained for a long time. Their regular food is ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. But manure, especially not rotten, should be excluded from top dressing.

If you want to extend the flowering period, then regularly pick off the resulting seed boxes, because the process of their ripening will require a lot of additional strength and energy.

Clusters of soft pink flowers, fixed on a thick stem, and rounded shiny foliage - this can be briefly described.

Your work will be appreciated if you keep the soil fertile. In this case, the growth zone should not be heavily shaded. The lack of solar energy will significantly reduce the bright period in the life of this culture.

You need to remember about minimal attention to the plant, especially in spring.

During the awakening period, the flower is very sensitive to fungi. Therefore, treatment with protective preparations will be very helpful.

Where is the culture take root better and will it look better? These are rocky locations of garden plots, flower beds where groups of various species are planted, borders and (rectangular flower beds).


Kolchikum is the second name of the colchicum. It convincingly resembles a crocus. But its flowers are slightly larger and endowed with a delicate aroma. The bulb of this individual is very prolific and is able to form up to four inflorescences.

The short flowering period, which is only a little over three weeks, is offset by the beauty that it creates, albeit short-lived.

As for top dressing and lighting, and for the composition of the soil, the culture is quite undemanding.

Colchicum looks good not only on alpine slides, but also on flowerbeds with long flowering. Yes, and simple flower beds are also suitable.

conquered gardeners with an unusual bright color and size of leaves that create a fabulous backdrop on the site.

In addition, a long flowering period and absolute unpretentiousness brought him into the category of the most sought-after representatives of the decorative community.

He is comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. But too bright rays can discolor the greens.

Watering he needs moderate, but the soil will need saturated with minerals. Organics and mineral fertilizers should be applied in spring and early autumn.

When preparing a perennial for winter, it is worth making peat mulching (covering) of the soil, after cutting the stems to the very root. But it is not necessary to cover the rhizomes with earth - it tolerates frost well.


Gardeners call this flower. This perennial has an upright appearance, consisting of shooting stems. Just by looking at the photo of the loosestrife, you can immediately fall in love with this handsome man, decorated with bright yellow or red flowers.

A significant part of loosestrife varieties, such as ordinary, dotted, lily-of-the-valley (clelet-shaped), monate, love the sun. Only a few prefer darkened comfort.

Almost all varieties of lysimachia are able to grow up to 10 years in one place. However, it must be periodically thinned out by cutting through the base rhizome.

Minor maintenance includes:

  1. Fairly moist soil.
  2. Regular watering.
  3. Top dressing with combined mineral fertilizers once a month.

When preparing for winter, the flower does not need to be covered. It is enough to cut the dried stems under the root.

South African chamomile is called gazania not only landscape designers, but also avid flower growers. This is due to some similarity of form and amazing colorful painting. This is where the natural artist has done his best.

The genus Gazania includes almost forty varieties. But under conditions cold winter not everyone is able to fulfill the mission of perennials.

They fit:

  1. Rock gardens.
  2. Decorative vases.
  3. Area for curbs.
  4. Hanging boxes.

All the flower needs is more sun and an open area. They are unpretentious to water. Even in dry summers, watering will be minimal.

Sod with sand is the best soil for them.

A perennial long-liver looks like flowering bush arnica. It is covered with small pink and white inflorescences, creating the presence of a delicate haze.

Wherever a flower is planted, it will look advantageous anywhere, whether it is a distant recreation area, a wall, a fence or a stylized alpine slide.

Perennial ornamental culture, having increased resistance to winter cold, extremely painfully endures the “moving” to another place. Therefore, carefully consider the layout of your territory in advance. Well, if there is an emergency need for a transplant, then treat the roots with nutritional stimulants.


This perennial garden wonder needs no introduction. As his beauty, so love for him, has no boundaries.

But, believe me, beauty requires some attention to itself. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the gladiolus loves an open area, moderately lit by the sun. Drafts and excessively moist soil do not like this stately handsome man.

But in regions with a dry climate and high temperatures, it is necessary to select shaded corners for its cultivation.

In temperate climatic zones even slight shading can delay the appearance of colors and detract from the appearance.

Sandy loamy soil, which he loves, should be saturated with organic additives, preferably to a depth of 30 centimeters.

These qualities allow you to plant tenacious in the most problematic areas. A minimum of light and attention are the “biggest” requirements that a flower makes for its care.

Rocky hills and slopes, the base of the hedge, the lower part of the tree trunks around the circumference - such zoning will be ideal for a long-term beauty.

She is not afraid of landing and transplanting. They can be produced painlessly throughout the summer season.

The initial seed planting of this perennial is made in March. Designers advise making dense sowing to make the flower bed bright and lush.

In this case, it is desirable to use seeds of different varieties, such as:

  • Lilac spiral;
  • South Stream;
  • Pink sunset;
  • Summer morning;
  • Morpheus;
  • Lavender obelisk;
  • Pledge of Youth;
  • Caravan etc.

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil up to 0.5 cm.

Regular moistening and loosening of the soil is highly desirable for the delphinium. It is worth knowing that moderate and proper watering excludes the formation of a disease such as powdery mildew.

The variety of country flower beauties is so great that unequivocal recommendations would be inappropriate. Exclusive taste, minimal knowledge about species and varieties, love and gentle care - these are the necessary qualities that will help turn your dacha or country house into an amazingly fabulous world.

Flowers that will plant themselves

In the video below - an overview of the flowers in the country, ideal for the "weekend garden", so to speak, "for the lazy". All of these crops reproduce well by self-sowing, tolerate transplanting well if necessary, and, of course, are beautiful.