Carnation Chinese terry cultivation from seeds. Turkish carnation: features of growing from seeds, when to plant Planting Turkish carnations for seedlings

  • 17.06.2019

Initially, in nature, wild carnation grew on the hills and slopes of the mountains of Europe and Asia. Today, more than five hundred varieties of these tender beautiful plants with a varied color palette. Flower lovers are happy to grow carnations on their plots: for a long period of time, they caress the eyes with their lush color, exude a delicate and pleasant aroma.

A carnation cultivated by man is not quite similar to its "relatives" that grow in nature. It differs not only in that the wild plant is a perennial, and the cultivars are biennial, but also in a rich color palette, as well as in the size and number of inflorescences:

  • in addition to monochromatic flowers - white, pink, bright red, lavender, there are many two-color ones, with a variegated border, stripes and spots on the petals, with a bright center. There are varieties that have up to four shades in color;
  • bushes can be quite miniature, up to 30 cm, medium-sized and high - up to 1 meter;
  • in the Turkish carnation, each flower is bordered with a small fringe, and the inflorescences themselves fit snugly together.

But the development of plants occurs in the same way, regardless of the variety. The leaf rosette and root system are formed in the first year, the formation of peduncles and seeds - in the second year. The duration of flowering is from one to two months. The Turkish carnation has an upright, hard, knotty stem, and the leaves are narrow, long, bright green, sometimes with a bluish tinge. Inflorescences are collected from 30 or more small flowers.

How to properly prepare the soil

To get strong and healthy plants, you need to know how to properly prepare seedlings for growing. Carnation seeds are usually sown in early February, and the quality of the soil largely determines how well the seedlings will develop.

Properly prepared soil is the key to the successful development of seedlings.

The easiest way to disinfect the soil is to roast it in the oven.

Before planting, the seeds are usually soaked, but this step can be skipped. Carnation seeds have good germination, on 6-10 days the sprouts hatch and after two or three weeks weaker plants can be removed.

Seed selection

Among flower growers, Turkish carnation is well-deservedly popular, so there are no problems with acquiring seeds. They are available for free sale, they can be taken from amateur gardeners, ordered via the Internet from breeders.

  • in the second year, the carnation forms flower stalks, after which, at the end of summer, small boxes appear with flat seeds inside. These small seeds spill out with a light touch to dry boxes;
  • the collected seeds must be additionally dried and poured into bags of paper or foil. So they can be stored in a dark and cool place for up to three years.

For your information: not always flowers grown from seeds are similar to "parents". Sometimes the color scheme is very different.

Landing dates

You can grow cloves from seeds at different times.

Table. Stages of work with cloves depending on the timing

Type of work

Seeds are sown for seedlings in peat cups, plastic containers, mini-greenhouses.

Planting in the ground under cover. Seeds are sown in moist soil in a flower bed or flower garden, in a place where there is good natural light, and cover with a film.

Planting seedlings. Grown seedlings are transplanted into open ground as soon as the danger of frost has passed.

Care of seedlings and seedlings in open ground. Seeds germinate in such conditions for a very long time, but they form stronger leaf rosettes and tolerate winter well, as a result of which the carnation blooms amicably next year.

Sowing before winter. It is carried out by dry seeds directly into the ground. You don't need to water them. But it is desirable to shelter from the cold with straw or fallen leaves, especially in regions with harsh winters.

Seedling growing rules

In each climate zone their deadlines. Gardeners need to independently navigate with the time of sowing seeds. The main thing is that young plants should be planted in open ground before the onset of heat. The carnation reacts negatively to the transplant. In order not to do this, it is better to immediately sow 3-4 seeds separately in a separate peat glass. Then it will be possible not to stress the flower - just plant it in open ground.

For sowing cloves, you can use and peat tablets- so the plants get the maximum nutrients and are not injured when planting in the ground

Consider how to properly grow Turkish cloves from seeds.

  1. The planting container must be rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or poured over with boiling water in order to exclude the possibility of developing various kinds of infections.
  2. But the bottom is laid drainage. To do this, you can use both the purchased drainage mixture and gravel, pieces of foam, small shards of broken ceramics. The drainage layer helps to maintain the desired level of moisture and does not allow the soil to accumulate salts of heavy metals.

  3. Next, put the soil mixture on the drainage for two-thirds of the volume of the container.
  4. Level the surface and lay the seeds, at a distance of up to 3 cm from each other.

  5. Seeds should be covered with soil up to 1.5 cm.
  6. The container with seeds must be covered with glass or covered with cling film, and then place on the windowsill so that there is enough daylight, but direct sunlight would be excluded.

  7. Carnation does not like to be flooded with water. It is best for her to provide gentle watering: open the seedlings twice a week, ventilate it and moisten the soil from above with a spray bottle.
  8. After the appearance of the first three leaves, the "little greenhouse" can be removed.

Important: seedlings should not be grown at temperatures exceeding 12-13 ° C, otherwise they will begin to grow rapidly, which will negatively affect the decorative qualities of the carnation.

Before planting young plants in a flower bed, it is necessary to harden them. To do this, every day you need to take the seedlings out into the street and keep them in the shade. First, the flowers are hardened for 2-3 hours, then the time gradually increases. Glasses with shoots “sleep” at the open window, so the carnation can quickly adapt to new growing conditions. Before planting in open ground, plants can be fed. Carnation is very responsive to feeding. In May or early June, when night frosts are no longer expected, and the weather conditions are most comfortable, young plants are planted in a flower bed at a distance of 25-50 cm from each other.

To facilitate the rooting process, it is recommended to cover the planted seedlings with a film, which will need to be removed immediately after the plants have successfully taken root in a new place. A little time will pass, and you will be able to enjoy a flowering carpet exuding a pleasant honey aroma.

Tip: usually all carnations growing in a flower bed are at the same stages of development: flower stalks are thrown out at the same time, buds appear, then amicable flowering and the same friendly wilting. To preserve the decorative effect of the flower bed for a longer time, you can cut off all the wilted flower stalks at once. Thus, a new wave of carnation flowering will be provoked.

Growing carnations outdoors

Carnation is not a capricious plant, and its seeds can be sown directly in open ground. What soil will be the most favorable for it? In nature beautiful flower found on the shores, covered with pebbles, and on rocky slopes. But Turkish cloves do not like acidic soils. Therefore, it is worth checking the acidity on your flower garden and, if it is increased, you need to add wood ash or slaked lime to the soil (0.5 kg per square meter). They should be applied in the fall, evenly distributing over the surface of the flower garden before the earth is dug up.

Important: it is necessary to ensure that the lime is well mixed with the soil and that there are no lumps left. Lime can cause burns to the root system of plants, which makes them sick and may even die.

When choosing a place to plant a flower, you must consider the basic requirements:

  • carnation does not like excessive moisture, so there should not be stagnant water at the planting site;
  • the plant feels comfortable in shaded places or flower beds, where the sun is observed only in the morning;
  • next to the carnation there should not be plants whose root system develops rapidly and suppresses neighboring crops.

How is seed sown in open ground?

  1. Before planting, the earth must be dug up and the roots of weeds are selected.
  2. The soil is leveled and even grooves are cut, up to 2 cm deep.
  3. Between the furrows it is necessary to maintain a distance of 25 to 30 cm.
  4. The recesses prepared for planting are poured with warm water.
  5. Seeds are laid out every 7-8 cm and sprinkled with a layer of earth no more than 1 cm.

Before the seedlings appear, the landing site must be covered with a film, arrange a small "greenhouse". The first green loops will have to wait a long time, but they will definitely appear. Make sure that the seedlings do not grow very close to each other. This can make them sick. The distance between plants should be at least 15 cm. If necessary, the sprouts are thinned out, removing the weakest ones in appearance.

Care rules

In order for the lush color to please as long as possible, it is necessary to provide the beauty comfortable conditions growth.

Table. Care rules Turkish cloves

Types of jobsDescription

You can't overdo it. It's better to underfill than overfill here. Water can stagnate and cause root rot. It is enough to water the flowers twice a week. If the weather is very dry, the frequency of watering can be increased. Watering should be basal. Drops of water on the leaves in hot weather lead to plant burns, dry brown spots appear on it, which greatly spoils the appearance of the flower.

Fertilizer for cloves can be bought in specialized stores and applied according to the instructions on the package. You can make fertilizer yourself: take about 2 kg of mullein in a bucket of water, cover it tightly, put it outside and let it ferment for a month. This homemade fertilizer is enough for all top dressing. On a bucket clean water half a liter of the fermented mixture is taken and carefully poured between the beds. The first top dressing should be carried out after the plant gets stronger and half grows. The second top dressing is required during the formation of buds. The third time the soil is fertilized during flowering.

A prerequisite: the damaged plant must be isolated, because it cannot be treated and can infect its neighbors. You can visually determine the disease by the appearance of spots on the foliage, increased formation of shoots on the nodes of the stem, growths of light brown color. A diseased plant may bush, but will not bloom, or the flowers wither prematurely, not having time to properly open.

The ground part of the plant is threatened by caterpillars (they must be collected manually) and thrips (they must either be poisoned by chemical means, or spray the flowers with garlic infusion). The root system is threatened by mice (any poison is used), or worm-gall nematodes (the detection sites must be spilled with boiling water and the infected plant should be burned).

In addition to the methods discussed above, cloves can be propagated by layering. To do this, the stem of a healthy and strong plant must be placed on the ground. Fix the place of contact with the ground using a wire in the form of a hairpin. Cover this area with earth. The top of the plant remains upright. When the layering takes root, it can be separated from the mother bush.

Turkish carnation is a hardy plant, it does not require special care. During the growth and development of plants, the flower bed must be weeded, cleaned of weeds. Lush fragrant carpet of flowers will decorate any flower garden.

Video - Turkish carnation. Cultivation and care

Turkish carnation is a biennial, so every year you need to sow seeds or propagate plants with layering and cuttings. There are no such problems with perennials, and many gardeners prefer them. One of the most popular perennials is ampelous lobelia. What kind of flower it is, how it is grown and what kind of care it requires, you can read on.

Since ancient times, carnation has been a favorite of flower growers in many countries. The smell of a flowering culture is similar to the aroma of the buds of a clove tree - a well-known spice. Hence the name of this flower. But from the Greek language, the name of the plant is translated as "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus."

If you decide to plant a carnation in your flower garden, then you need to know some rules for growing, caring for and propagating this flower in the open field. Numerous photos of these wonderful plants will help you choose a variety.

Medium-sized, but catchy Turkish carnation flowers will look great in any flower bed.

Description of Turkish clove

Turkish cloves are one of the most common types of flower-grown crops. She fell in love with gardeners back in the 16th century for her bright flowering hats. This ornamental plant comes in different shades. There are both monochromatic white and various shades of red, and two- and even three-color with various patterns on the petals of medium-sized (1–1.5 cm in diameter) flowers. The designs range from petal borders to eyes and intricate shapes. Yes, and the petals of the carnation themselves are very diverse. There are also five-petal varieties, and varieties with double flowers. Carnations bloom from the beginning of summer for a month.

Planting a carnation

The most beautiful Turkish carnation grows on fertile soil. It blooms well in open sunny areas, but will grow in partial shade. If fertilizers are added to sandy and loamy soils, then they are quite suitable for Turkish cloves. Before planting, compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil when digging.

It is not necessary to dig the future bed too deeply, 25-30 cm is enough. Then the bed is leveled and moistened if the soil is dry. The prepared area is covered with a dense cloth for two weeks. When the time has passed, you can start planting flowers.

If the soil is fertile enough - the flowering of the carnation will be long and lush.

Seeds are sown in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Between the furrows, the gaps must be at least 15 cm. Seeds are sown in the furrows, watered and sprinkled with earth. The soil needs to be lightly compacted. Watering is no longer needed, you just need to cover the bed with a thick cloth until the first shoots.

You can plant carnations both in spring and autumn. It is performed using the same technology.

Attention. During autumn planting both seeds and furrows must be dry.

Turkish clove care

As already noted, carnations feel best in sunny areas in fertile soils. These flowers are very sensitive to winter temperature fluctuations. This is especially true for young plants. Turkish cloves do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants most at risk in early spring, when temperature differences are especially large, because during the day the plants heat up in the sun, and at night it freezes. So that the plants do not die during this period, non-frost-resistant varieties should be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the shelter only when the likelihood of returning frosts disappears.

Protect Turkish Cloves from Frost

When the carnation fades, the stems must be cut and fertilized in the soil. Thus, in a month the plant will already grow new stems, and some varieties will bloom again. Turkish carnation, which is cultivated according to all the rules, lives up to six years, while poor conditions reduce its residence time in the flower garden to three years.

Carnations need to be watered once or twice a week. And if the summer is dry, then the amount of watering needs to be increased. Water the plant on the ground, because if drops of water fall on the flower, it can burn out in the sun.

Attention. Carnation does not tolerate waterlogging.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which were described above, also needs to be fed. When growing cloves in open ground, the first feeding of the plant is done when it has reached a height of 10 cm. 1 tbsp is used as a fertilizer. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward", diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Feed the crop several times per season

When your flowers began to acquire buds, you need to carry out a second top dressing. This time you need to use 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate, also diluted in 10 liters of water.

The third top dressing is applied directly during the flowering period of the carnation for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. Fertilizers "Agricola for flowering plants».

Attention. Feeding consumption should be 10 liters per 5 square meters. m.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of Turkish cloves is most often carried out by seeds or layering. In order to propagate cloves by layering, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • in July or August, the shoots must be tilted to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with soil;
  • tie the stem to the peg, keeping it upright;
  • take care of the shoots that will appear in a few weeks;
  • in autumn, new shoots must be cut off and planted in open ground.

Turkish Clove Seeds

Another way to propagate Turkish cloves is cuttings. To do this, I most often use shoots that have not formed inflorescences this year.

You can also use as seedlings bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding of cloves. They just need to be transplanted to the place you need. However, it is worth remembering that self-seeding often loses distinctive features varieties.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation is a disease resistant plant, but occasionally, mainly in the southern regions, it can get a viral disease that is spread by sucking insects. It manifests itself in the inhibition of flower growth, the appearance of a mosaic color on the leaves with their subsequent deformation. In this case diseased plant must be destroyed immediately, preventing infection of other bushes.

spider mite

Also occasionally found in Turkish carnation heterosporiosis. This fungal disease appears on the leaves and stems in the form of medium-sized gray spots. Sometimes the spots have a red border. Subsequently, the spots brighten and merge with each other. In this case, the flower becomes fragile in the place of accumulation of spots, the leaves turn yellow and die. The fungus lives on the plant even after it has died, therefore, in case of infection, all remnants of the diseased flower must be carefully removed, and the plants surrounding it must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Of the pests, Turkish cloves planted in open ground can be attacked spider mites and aphids.

Turkish carnation in a flower bed

The simplest and most reliable means of confronting these pests is considered to be tincture of potato tops. To do this, for 10 liters of water, you need 1 kg of potato tops, infused for a day and a half. Before spraying in the tincture, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap.

Advice. Spray cloves in cool mornings or evenings.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

In flower beds, carnations are recommended to be planted with the same perennial sunflowers. For example, Turkish carnations will go well with Alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. All of these perennial flowers have the same soil, watering requirements and thrive in open sunny areas.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

In landscape design, Turkish carnation is used quite often. A big role in this is played by the ease of care for this flower, combined with its incredible beauty. Carnations are used to create spectacular borders. Can carnations in landscape design and play the role of a lawn and serve as ground cover plants. Bright hats between pavement tiles, framed by steps, and decorating retaining walls will look great.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

Often this flower is also used to decorate alpine slides. In addition to colorful flower beds, you can diversify your landscape design and original monophonic duets, for example, in a combination of red varieties of carnations with blood-red geraniums.

In addition, this flower can be planted in pots and decorate terraces and rooms with small flower beds.

This flower also looks great in cut flowers in bouquets, both as a solo plant and in combination with other flowers.

It all depends on your imagination. And if you lack inspiration - look at the photos with these beautiful flowers, maybe they will help you determine the best place for carnations in the flower garden.

Turkish carnation is one of the most unpretentious care garden flower, which pleases with its bright rich beauty any, even the most capricious grower.

Turkish carnation care: video

Turkish carnation: photo

The Turkish or bearded carnation is a popular, brightly colored flowering plant that can be seen in almost every garden. Small delicate flowers, collected in a small bush, exude the aroma of clove. The plant is ornamental, long flowering, unpretentious. Growing Turkish cloves from seeds is not difficult, the main thing is to stick to simple rules planting and care.

plant description

Beautiful flowering bush originally from Southern Europe. The flower gained its popularity in the 16th century and since then it can be seen in almost every garden, where it is used to create flower beds, borders and alpine slides.

The herbaceous plant is stunted (15-30 cm) and tall (80 cm). Depending on the variety, the color can be one-, two- and three-color, with simple and double flowers no larger than 1.5 cm in size. Bright emerald leaves are located oppositely on an upright stem.

The plant is perennial, but in cultivation it is grown as a biennial. In the first year of sowing, Turkish carnation produces only a rosette of leaves, in the second year it forms corymbose inflorescences of various colors. Flowering occurs in the middle of the month and lasts about 30-50 days.

After flowering, seed boxes appear with small dark flat grains.

Advantages of a decorative flowering plant:

  • cold resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • can be grown in partial shade;
  • drought resistance;
  • under favorable weather conditions, it propagates by self-sowing.

Choosing a variety for planting

The most popular varieties for cultivation in Russia:

Variety name


The plant grows up to 50 cm, has dark olive foliage with a red tint. Dark carmine inflorescences, 10 cm in diameter, have White spot in the center and jagged at the edges.

scarlet beauty

The bush is small, up to half a meter. The combination of dark emerald leaves and bright scarlet flowers gives the garden a festive mood.


A large-flowered variety, the diameter of a dark red flower is 2-3 cm. A half-meter bush has dark green foliage with a red tint.


Low-growing white carnation with double flowers, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter.


The dark olive bush reaches a height of up to 50 cm. Flowers, 22 mm in diameter, have a copper-red color.


The variety is tall, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. Maroon flowers have a white jagged border.

Medium variety with purple flowers, white core and border. Suitable for growing in flower beds, on alpine slides and for creating borders.

Macarena F1

A popular terry mix with flowers of various colors. Bicolor flowers have a contrasting border and stand out on a dark green bush about 80 cm high.

Dynasty F1

Terry flowers of scarlet color are collected in spherical inflorescences. The bush is small, grows up to 40 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and can be grown in different regions Russia.

Where to get seeds

According to experienced flower growers, it is better to plant Turkish carnations with seeds for seedlings.

High-quality seed can be purchased at specialized stores or assembled independently. Seed box ripening occurs in mid-August. Seeds remain viable for several years.

To sow Turkish cloves for seedlings, seeds are collected from a healthy plant. To do this, dried buds are cut in dry weather and laid out to dry on white paper.

Important! In order for the seed to dry out, the place must be well ventilated and out of direct sunlight.

Seeds are stored for storage after complete drying in a dark, cool room.

Growing Turkish Cloves from Seeds

Growing Turkish carnations from seeds is not difficult and even a novice florist can handle it. The main rule is soil preparation, sowing seeds and caring for seedlings.

When to sow Turkish cloves

Planting seeds of Turkish cloves in the open air is carried out in the spring in early May. For this:

  1. Choose a sunny, windless place.
  2. The soil is dug to a depth of 20-30 cm and complex mineral fertilizers are applied.
  3. The soil is furrowed, leaving 15 cm between the rows. The earth is carefully shed.
  4. Seeds are placed in each row at a distance of 20-30 mm.
  5. The seed is sprinkled with soil and lightly tamped.
  6. Crops are covered with breathable material.
  7. After the end of spring frosts, the cover is removed.

Also, seeds can be sown before winter, in early or mid-October. So that frost does not destroy the seed, it must be dry and healthy.

After sowing, the land is mulched with straw or humus. In the spring, the plant is shaded with a covering material so that young shoots do not get a sunburn.

Soil preparation and trays

To get early flowering, sow Turkish carnation seeds for seedlings. The plant grows well and develops in light fertile soil. It can be purchased at the store, or you can mix it yourself. To do this, take sand and leafy earth in equal proportions, mix and pierce in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Seeds are grown in early March, in glass or plastic containers from drainage hole, in containers or boxes. Before sowing, the container is washed and scalded with boiling water. In order not to damage the roots during transplantation into open ground, it is better to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings in peat glasses.

How to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings

Turkish carnation seedlings are grown from seeds at home. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. At the bottom of the tank, a 10 cm layer of drainage is poured and filled with moist soil.
  2. Seed material is planted to a depth of 1 cm and with an interval of 20-30 mm from each other.
  3. Sowing is covered with a film or a sheet of light paper and kept at a temperature of +18 degrees.
  4. As the soil dries out, it is moistened with a spray bottle.
  5. When sprouts appear, the covering material is removed, and the container is transferred to a warm, well-lit room.

Also, sowing Turkish cloves for seedlings can be done in early June on outdoors. Seeds are laid out in spilled furrows at a certain distance. After seed germination, timely watering and removal of weeds is necessary. With proper care, in early autumn, the bush forms well-formed rosettes.

They are seated in the chosen place with an interval of 15-20 cm from each other. If the Turkish carnation has released a peduncle, it must be removed so that the flower develops a strong root system and does not leave weakened for the winter. On the next year bush will show lush and abundant flowering, which will dilute the site with bright colors and fill it with a unique aroma.

Seedlings grown in open ground are strong, with a well-developed root system and immunity to many diseases.

Important! You can only grow terry Turkish cloves from store-bought seeds, as most varieties are hybrids.

Seedling dive

After 20 days, if the seeds were planted in boxes or containers, the seedlings dive in separate glasses. Picking is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Advice! After picking, all seedlings are covered with breathable material.

2 weeks before transplanting the plant to a permanent place, it must be hardened off. To do this, seedlings are taken out into the air, every day, increasing pastime. After 10-15 days, the seedlings should adapt to the new environment, and before planting, they should spend the night for 3-4 days under an open window.

How to grow Turkish cloves from seeds

Seedlings of Turkish cloves grown from seeds at home are planted after the end of frost, when the soil warms up to +15 degrees. Over this time young plant accumulate a large number of useful substances necessary for further growth and development.

Before you start landing, you need to choose the most suitable scheme. Experienced flower growers advise planting seedlings 20x35. Thanks to this scheme, the plant will take root well, grow the root system, and from the onset of warm days it will grow, forming a lush, luxurious bush.

Flowering and plant health depend on the rules for caring for seedlings:

  1. After seed germination, the container with seedlings is cleaned in a bright place, shading from direct sunlight. Since the open sun can burn young sprouts.
  2. Must comply temperature regime. In order for the bush to grow viable, the air temperature should be between +13 - +15 degrees.
  3. If there is not enough sunlight, then artificial lighting is installed above the seedlings.
  4. Watering is carried out after drying the top layer of the earth.
  5. When picking seedlings, top dressing is not applied to the purchased land. If it was planted in prepared soil, nitrogenous fertilizers are added 2 times before planting in a permanent place.
  6. Hardened seedlings are planted after stable warm days come. In warm regions - this is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region - the beginning of June.


Growing Turkish cloves from seeds is an easy process. With proper and timely care, you can get a beautiful, lushly flowering bush with bright and fragrant flowers. Thanks to long work breeders have bred a large number of varieties that differ in color and resistance to adverse climatic conditions. By choosing the right variety, you can turn country cottage area into a beautifully flowering, fragrant oasis, to the envy of the neighbors.

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This graceful and fragrant flower has been known since Ancient Greece, even Theophrastus called it "the flower of Zeus." Many peoples have beautiful legends about them. However, in them this flower is often associated with rather sad events: the rage of the goddess Artemis, plague and pestilence. And in our country, the carnation has become one of the symbols of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Despite such a complex history, gardeners, breeders and collectors dearly love cloves, a vast field of activity for which is provided by a huge number of its species, hybrids and varieties.

Choosing a place and soil for planting carnations

Almost all types of carnations prefer sunny places, but put up with partial shade. When planted in the sun, the plant will be more compact, the color of flowers and leaves will be brighter, but the flowering period will be reduced. Most types of carnation prefer neutral or slightly alkaline, moderately fertilized light soil.

Particular attention should be paid to the moisture permeability of the soil - waterlogging for cloves is highly undesirable, as well as water close to the soil surface. In the fall, rotted ones are brought in for digging (fresh cloves are harmful).

Carnation propagation

Seed and vegetative (cuttings and layering), dividing the bush, reproduction of a few species is possible, so gardeners practically do not use this method. Annual and biennial species are most often propagated by seeds, others by cuttings.


Work is carried out in May-June. Shoots of the current year with 4-5 internodes (without flowers) are suitable for cuttings. The lower 2 pairs of leaves are removed, the internode is cut lengthwise to a depth of 1-2 mm. Before planting, the incised section of the stem can be further treated with a root formation stimulator.

Planted in a pre-prepared substrate from ordinary soil, and taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Then the stalk is watered, covered (created the greenhouse effect) film, can and so on. Once a day, the shelter is removed for ventilation. After about 17-20 days, young roots form on the cutting.


Reproduction by layering is the easiest way: the shoot is bent to the ground, pinned (or pressed with a stone), covered with soil from above, moistening it regularly. After the rooting of the shoot, the young plant is separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place.

Sowing for seedlings

The sowing time is calculated individually, taking into account:
  • the growing season of a particular variety;
  • the time of planting seedlings in open ground.
Sow in a soil mixture prepared from soddy land, humus and sand, taken in equal proportions. The seeds are sprinkled with soil (2-3 mm), the crops are moistened with a spray gun, covered with agro-fabric so that the soil does not dry out. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed. At the stage of 2-3 leaves, seedlings dive into separate pots. After about a week, you can start feeding with complex mineral fertilizers. Seedlings are planted in open ground at a distance of 15-20 cm, watered, planting sites are mulched.

carnation care

How many cultivated plants, cloves should be regularly freed from weeds, watered, and also fed with humus and complex mineral fertilizer during growth and flowering. Be sure to delete withered flowers, leaving the stem no more than 10-12 cm. Species and varieties with thin long stems must be tied to supports.

Popular types of cloves

Carnation flowers can be annuals or perennials. There are over 300 various kinds, many of them can be seen in our gardens.

Distributed in the European part of Russia. The height of the bush is about 15 cm, the flowers are white and lilac color. Renew the plant every 3 years, as this species is a minor.

It can be propagated by sowing in open ground in spring or, while flowering occurs in the second year. Winter-hardy. Suitable for landing on a hill.

This perennial species I have been growing for many years, propagated by seeds. In May, I sow them immediately in open ground, cover with foil. After germination: at low temperatures at night I leave the shelter, and take it off in the morning. I have undersized varieties - up to 15 cm. Chinese carnation is most often grown as an annual, because it has the most abundant flowering in the first year. The period from sowing to flowering is quite short - 2-3 months.

Gardeners have common varieties obtained from the Hedwig variety (var. Heddewigii), hybrids of Chinese and bearded carnations.

In northern latitudes, in winters with little snow, Chinese carnation is poorly preserved.

bearded carnation(Turkish)
Refers to biennials. Valued for high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Grows in shade and full sun, suitable for cutting. Single and double flowers in all shades of pink, red and burgundy colors collected in fragrant corymbose inflorescences.

It reproduces well by layering.

carnation grass
The flowers of this variety are small, simple, but there are many of them, thanks to which the grass looks great in any garden. It reaches a height of 40 cm, blooms from mid to late summer. A definite plus is high winter hardiness: without shelter it can withstand up to -40 ° C.

They are planted in March - early April directly into the ground, the planting distance is about 10 cm. The plant needs to be updated every 3 years.

Carnation Shabo
It belongs to biennials, but is often grown as an annual. Differs in large (4-7 cm) flowers (simple and double). Most often grown as a cut crop, but it will adequately decorate any flower bed - the color of the petals of Shabo is of a wide variety of colors and shades.

At terry varieties the edges of the petals are gracefully corrugated or spectacularly dissected.

This is not all varieties of carnations! There are magnificent wild-growing species: Fischer's carnation, Borbash's, Lush's, Knapp's, Hill's, Carthusian's. Plus many more great hybrids. Among all the abundance, you are sure to find a carnation to your liking for your garden. Good luck growing, folks!

Turkish carnation is a plant with unusual flowers, which have bracts with ciliated edges. For this feature, this plant is also called the bearded carnation. And her generic name in Greek sounds like the flower of Zeus. The homeland of the Turkish carnation is Southern Europe. It began to be cultivated around the middle of the 16th century and since then its popularity has not been lost. Today, this flower can be found in almost every garden, where it is used to create flower beds, rock gardens and borders. Some people prefer to grow this species at home.

In order for the Turkish carnation to grow bright and beautiful, it needs proper care

plant description

Turkish carnation is a herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Carnation. The stem is straight, glabrous, strong, knotty, 30 to 75 cm in height. The leaves are lanceolate, sit oppositely on the stem, painted green or blue-green.

During the flowering period, the plant produces numerous terry, semi-double or simple flowers, whose diameter is 1.5-3 cm. But, of course, Turkish terry carnation gives the most beautiful umbrellas. It is perfect for lawns, and for borders, and for decorating terraces, balconies and loggias.

As you can see in the photos presented in this article, the color of the Turkish carnation can be different: cream, red, white, pink. Flowers can be single or bicolor, with a border on the petals or with a dark spot in the center.

Many beginner flower growers are interested in the question: is the Turkish carnation perennial or not. This plant is perennial, but in culture it is grown as a biennial. In the first year of life, it gives only a rosette of leaves, and corymbose inflorescences, composed of variegated flowers, open only in the second year after planting. Flowering lasts about a month. At the end of this period, fruits appear on the stems - boxes with dark small flat grains.

Turkish carnation seeds ripen around the end of the summer period and remain viable for three years.

Seedling cultivation

When growing Turkish cloves from seeds, sowing is carried out in March or in the first decade of April. In order to get strong healthy seedlings, seed must be placed in a previously disinfected substrate. Disinfection is usually carried out using a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate itself must be fertile, often made up of leaf humus and sand.

So, growing Turkish cloves in seedlings.

  • Rinse the seed container hot water, lay out a drainage layer at the bottom, and a moistened substrate on top.
  • We sow the seeds, laying them to a depth of about 1 cm. At the same time, the distance between them should be 2-3 cm.
  • We cover the container with loose paper and keep it at a temperature of +16..18°C. Moisten the substrate periodically.
  • When shoots appear, we transfer the container to a well-lit place and lower the temperature by a couple of degrees.

    Note! If the air temperature is high, then the seedlings can stretch out a lot!

  • As soon as a couple of true leaves appear on the seedlings, we dive them into separate peat cups. We use the same soil mixture.

Until the plants are transplanted to a permanent place, the soil around the seedlings must be regularly loosened and watered.

A couple of weeks before transplanting cloves into open ground, it is necessary to begin the hardening procedure. Every day we take out young plants on Fresh air, increasing the exposure time daily. After two weeks, the seedlings should completely get used to the new environment. It is desirable that by this time they spend the night with an open window.

Sowing in open ground

To begin with, it is worth figuring out when to plant Turkish cloves in open ground. They do this in the third or fourth decade of May, when the threat of night frosts has passed, and the soil and air have warmed up sufficiently.

On a note! Sowing seeds in open ground can also be done in the fall - in October, but remember that the seed in this case, like the soil, must certainly be dry. After sowing, the site is insulated with sawdust or peat. In the spring, the mulch layer is removed.

Sow seeds preferably in a sunny area. The most preferred are places with sandy or loamy soil. A couple of weeks before sowing, the bed is dug up to a depth of about 20 cm and a mixture of compost and wood ash is added - for each square meter, about 7 kg of organic matter and 250 g of ash. In parallel, you can fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants - about a tablespoon per square meter. We cover the prepared area with polyethylene and leave for 10-15 days.

We proceed directly to the planting of Turkish carnations:

  • We make shallow grooves in the soil, leaving a distance of 15 cm between them. Spill them well with water.
  • We put seeds in each groove. Do not forget to leave between them 2-3 cm.
  • Sprinkle the substrate on top and slightly compact the soil. From above, we cover the crops with woven material.
  • When the first shoots appear, remove the cover.

Turkish carnation grows well in well-lit areas with fertile soil

Features of care

In open ground conditions

When planting a Turkish carnation in open ground, care for it should be regular.

  • Plants are watered twice a week at the rate of 13-15 liters of water per square meter. If the summer turned out to be too hot, then watering is carried out more often. In this case, it is desirable to pour water directly onto the soil in the root region of each bush, avoiding water getting on the green part of the plant, otherwise a burn may form on the foliage. If you planted a Turkish carnation in a lowland, then special care must be taken with watering. When waterlogged planting soil can affect root rot.
  • As for dressings, the first is introduced into the substrate when the senets reach 12 cm in height. In this case, they usually use a solution of Nitrofoska and Agricola (one tablespoon of each drug per bucket of water). The second time fertilizers are applied during the period of the first bud formation - 15 ml of superphosphate and 15 ml of potassium sulfate are added to a bucket of water. The third time the plants are fed during the flowering period - 15 ml of Agricola solution per bucket of water.
  • Do not forget to periodically loosen the ground, especially after rain and watering. Thus, moisture will not linger. In addition, during weeding, all weeds should be removed and faded shoots should be removed.

Advice! It is recommended to cut the stems at a height of about 12 cm from the ground. Thanks to this event, in about a month, the carnation will release new shoots, which, under favorable conditions, will be able to bloom a second time - in the fall!

Turkish carnation is characterized by high frost resistance and, under a 10 cm layer of peat, survives the winter quite well.

In general, if the weather conditions are favorable, then the life of the plant can be about six years, in less good circumstances - no more than three years.

At home

If you decide to grow Turkish cloves at home, then it is advisable to use a substrate with a neutral pH level for this. In this case suitable option will be a mixture of one part of leafy soil, one part of sand, one part of peat and two parts of soddy soil. Before planting plants, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Seedlings are planted in such a way that the neck remains above the surface of the substrate.
  • During the formation of the sixth pair of true leaves, the plant is pinched - this will allow you to get a more lush bush.
  • In the conditions of an apartment, a Turkish carnation can grow in partial shade and neither its decorative effect nor its state of health will be affected. The optimum temperature is +15..18°C.
  • Watering should be plentiful. Make sure that the earthen ball in the pot does not dry out, but at the same time there should be no stagnation of moisture. For irrigation, it is better to use soft water at room temperature.
  • In the heat, it is recommended to spray the plant, preferably in the evening.
  • A month after planting, care for Turkish cloves is supplemented by fertilization. In this case, complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants should be used. They are introduced every ten days, from spring until October. In winter, flowers do not need top dressing.

Disease and pest control

Turkish cloves are susceptible to some viral and fungal diseases. Among them:

  • Fusarium. The main signs are: yellowing of the leaves, which wither, but do not fall off, the stem turns reddish or brown, the buds open weakly or do not open at all, the root part and the root itself rot. Sick plants are destroyed, healthy ones are sprayed twice with a fungicide.
  • Rust. It appears as brown spots on the leaves, petioles and stems of the plant. The spots swell and become yellowish. The flower looks oppressed, the stem dries up and breaks. The spread of the disease is facilitated by waterlogging of the substrate, potassium deficiency and excess nitrogen. For the treatment of the disease, a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, the drug "HOM" or another fungicide of a similar action is used.
  • Mottling. Often, plants become infected in the spring. The disease manifests itself in the form of blurry spots on the foliage, variegation and changes in the shape of flowers. There is currently no cure, so diseased specimens are destroyed.

It is necessary to inspect the flowers regularly - this will help protect your blooming collection from death.

Earwigs often appear on the site. They are destroyed with the help of such baits: lay out several heaps of rotted hay in the garden and cover them with boards. After a while, pests will crawl into these shelters to hide from the heat, where they can be easily destroyed.

At home, Turkish cloves can be attacked spider mites, mealybug or aphid. To control pests, a soapy solution is often used, which is used to wash adults from the body of the plant. Then the affected specimens are sprayed with infusion of yarrow, celandine or tansy. In severe infestation, the use of insecticides is recommended.