Sleep cow white in black spots. Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • 20.09.2019

People have developed a reverent attitude towards this peaceful animal. A dreaming cow is a symbol of prosperity and a source of additional income, subject to the daily care of the owner of the dream. Online interpretation sleep, proposed in this article, is the most truthful of all that exist today.

Dream interpretation cow butts, white, black, red, brown, red, mad, attacks, chases

If you dream of a cow that behaves rather aggressively and butts, in real life you will experience the attacks of a significantly superior opponent. Your bullfighter will end well if the cow was white color. If she has two heads, you should be wary of two-faced people.

The black cow dreams of the fact that you have to survive mortal danger, the red one is the threat of a fire, the brown one is the arrival uninvited guest, redhead - a meeting with a person with oddities. If she is in blood, manure or her udder, which has to be stroked, then a black streak sets in in life, and even in a situation where she is not aggressive, kind, and not evil or on fire (burns). Cows fight - to enmity with loved ones. If you shit or eat manure, then the relationship with your loved one will not be ideal.

A dream in which a mad cow is attacking you or chasing you (me) means that in real life you have to make a lot of efforts to protect yourself from the attacks of an angry and unpredictable enemy. When she is dirty, hungry, talking, dead (dead on the road, tree, roof), stabbed to death, this indicates that your dreams are not destined to come true this year. If it gives milk (milking), drinks water, cries, swims, eats grass, cries, falls and is not planned to be cut, then your farm or cottage, garden will bring you a rich harvest this year.

In a dream, milk a cow, a cow is pregnant, sick, in a house, in water, in an apartment, a barn, a barn, a garden

Milking a cow in a dream means making a profit or an inheritance in reality.

A pregnant cow dreams that in real life you will have a constant source of income.

A dream about a sick cow predicts tiring worries. When she licks, caresses, kicks, mooes, hugs and does not bite, you can count on the elimination of health problems. If a huge spotted or other color cow has bitten by the hand - be in trouble.

A cow in a house or apartment dreams of waiting for the visit of parents or wealthy relatives. A cow in a barn or barn - you will have to pay a visit to your parents or relatives. It flies outside the window, enters the yard in a barn, a barn, a garden, the sea, then your test dream will come true.

A cow in the water is a dream as a symbol that your income may suddenly decrease.

If you dreamed of a cow that wandered into your garden - in real life, some too prominent person will cause you losses.

Why does a woman dream of a cow, with a calf, with horns, eats apples, raised on her horns

For a woman, a dream in which she sees a cow with a calf is a sign of heavy family troubles that will fall on her shoulders.

A cow with horns seen in a dream, for a woman, can mean the appearance of a strong rival.

If you dream of a cow eating apples, it means that an insatiable rival will try to tempt your husband.

If a woman dreams that a cow raised her on her horns, then in real life you will be honored and respected, but only you will know at what cost you got all this.

Cow Vanga's dream book

Mankind is not threatened with hunger and disasters if you take care of your daily bread every day - this is how the dream of a cow is interpreted according to Vanga's dream book.

Miller's dream book cow

According to Miller's dream book, cows are a symbol of the fulfillment of desires and prosperity.

Cow dream book according to Freud

In Freud's dream book, a cow seen in a dream symbolizes sexual intercourse, which will cause you more disappointment than pleasure.

Cow dream book Juno

According to Juno's dream book, cow and milk symbolize motherhood and kindness, including the yellow cow, horse and goat.

For women, a dream predicts a peaceful and happy family life, for men - hard work to ensure the desired level of the family budget.

Cow Muslim dream book

It symbolizes the fact that all year you will be waiting for failure in personal life. If she is with big horns, light, eats hay, is fat, dies (died) or fell, ran away skinny (thin), then you should not count on a rich harvest. If she calves (calves), a calf appears, and she grazes with a calf, then there will be enough harvest from the garden in the year.

In a dream, a bull runs without horns, without a head, without legs, skins and chasing you, me, then the meaning will be unambiguous - the enemies seek to quarrel with your loved one, so you should not succumb to provocations.

Cow Islamic dream book

Seeing, feeding, buying a cow that drinks milk well, on a farm, meadow or cemetery, is a source of prosperity for the family. If he drinks water, swims and pursues, the year will not be fruitful. When cows graze, it is always good and mutual understanding in the family. A young cow mumbles this to the addition to the family.

You may also dream of killing her, a purple (black and white) cow killed, hit, drowned, wants to gore, kisses, runs away, bitten or drowns. A similar interpretation of a cow can be found in this article or comments, where all questions are answered.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

As a rule, a dreaming black cow symbolizes deceit, lies, infidelity, imminent betrayal and enmity in relations between relatives. This suggests that the family has some unpleasant or even shameful secrets that will inevitably become public.

What if a black cow is dreaming?

To see in a dream how a person leads a black cow on a leash - expects wealth and an increase in social status: new job, good pay and respect from superiors.

Seeing in a dream how a black cow butts is bad sign: failure in business, collapse in personal life, infidelity or anger of a spouse.

A dream where a cow leaves the pen - it is worth waiting for a change for the better, perhaps a solution to the conflict that was hanging like a dead weight.

Most likely, friends or good acquaintances, on whose participation the person did not count at all, will help in solving problems.

Some dream books explain why a black cow is dreaming like this: an evil woman, an insidious homemaker or an unfaithful wife.

For a man, such a dream means that in reality his wife is unfaithful to him and a divorce will soon take place: the division of property, disputes, conflicts, etc.

Seeing a black cow chasing a person in a dream is a good sign: in the near future he will receive an inheritance from a relative from far away.

But you should be more careful, unexpected wealth can easily turn your head and direct you to the wrong or even dangerous path.

A black cow in a dream, which stands far in the field, is a warning that enemies are nearby, but they will not be able to carry out their insidious plans.

If a young girl saw a cow in a dream - a marriage proposal, happy marriage with a rich and powerful man.

What portends?

To see in a dream how a black cow stands calmly means that there is a certain stagnation in life, perhaps a person is wasting his time incorrectly.

It is worth reconsidering your attitude to life, otherwise sorrows and hardships await you, which will constantly haunt you.

Milking a black cow in a dream is a good sign: everything planned will come true, a person will gain happiness and new opportunities. However, there is a risk of misjudging the latter and making a fatal mistake.

If a cow shows teeth, there are many ill-wishers or serious problems at work.

A bad sign - if a young woman saw a calving of a black cow in a dream, this suggests that her own childbirth will be difficult and long.

To see in a dream how a person drives black cows means that he will successfully avoid unpleasant situations in life.

A cow with a calf in a dream is an addition to the family.

If you dreamed of your own herd of cows, this is a positive dream that portends: unexpected wealth, inheritance, an accidental win and the favor of fate.

A black cow in a pen - captivity or captivity, the inability to find a way out in a difficult life situation.

Most often, this animal symbolizes satiety and well-being, so you can consider it a positive sign from sleep. But sometimes even such a good-natured image can be a warning to the sleeping woman. Modern dream books will help to figure out why a cow is dreaming of a woman.

Dream Interpretation: a woman dreamed of a cow

In Tsvetkov's dream book, a cow always turns out to be a sign that a sleeping person in real life is underestimated. She feels like nobody needs, unsuccessful. She lacks compliments and praise from loved ones. To fix this, you need to be frank with others and openly talk about your needs. Otherwise, they are unlikely to be able to independently understand what the girl lacks for happiness.

Miller suggests that it is necessary first of all to turn his attention to appearance dream animal. It depends on this exact interpretation dreams. If the cow turned out to be large and well-fed, then it portends a woman's health and well-being. If very skinny, then it can be considered a symbol of useless work.

IN Vedic dream book Sivananda chasing a woman with a cow portends her an open attack by enemies. You need to be prepared for the fact that the enemies will begin to actively act and impede the achievement of the goals of the sleeper.

I dreamed of a whole herd

A whole herd of cows symbolizes new perspectives. Soon, a woman will make a completely unexpected decision that will surprise everyone around her. It will change everything real life women and open up new opportunities for her. The larger the herd turned out to be, the more worthy the emerging prospects will be.

If a cow with calves appeared in a dream, this is a very good sign. Such symbols usually appear in a dream as an encouragement to the sleeping woman. After seeing the plot, the girl can be sure that she is on the right path and, if she continues to move along it, she will definitely achieve her goal.

Seeing a dead cow in a dream

Any dreams with a dead animal being discussed turn out to be harbingers of material problems. If a woman simply looks at the corpse of a cow, then in the near future, due to rash acts, she may be left with practically no money. For example, if he takes a loan, gives him a loan, or decides to mix his work.

Cow - bondage, enemies. As a cow dreams, then this is a witch. Cows in a dream are a disease.

Cows - someone will cry a lot for you.

If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you.

Milking a cow in a dream is a profit, a surprise. Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic.

Cows dream - to death, for consonance - banners.

The cow calved - misfortune.

Drink cow's milk - changes in health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation - Cow

This animal personifies the nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, with children and home.

To dream of a big beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very wayward person whose unpredictable actions can unbalance you and disturb the harmony in the house.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns in order to be milked by people who came to you from the street - this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a robbery of the house due to your oversight.

To dream of a cow with an asterisk on its forehead is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, whom you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

See big herd cows - profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Interpretation of dreams from

Cow - bondage, enemies. As a cow dreams, then this is a witch. Cows in a dream are a disease.

Cows - someone will cry a lot for you.

If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you.

Milking a cow in a dream is a profit, a surprise. Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic.

Cows dream - to death, for consonance - banners.

The cow calved - misfortune.

Drink cow's milk - changes in health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Cow

This animal personifies the nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, with children and home.

To dream of a big beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very wayward person whose unpredictable actions can unbalance you and disturb the harmony in the house.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns in order to be milked by people who came to you from the street - this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a robbery of the house due to your oversight.

To dream of a cow with an asterisk on its forehead is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, whom you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows is a profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Interpretation of dreams from