Why dream of a large herd of cows. Why dream of a herd of cows for a woman and a girl

  • 20.09.2019

Cow - bondage, enemies. As a cow dreams, then this is a witch. Cows in a dream are a disease.

Cows - someone will cry a lot for you.

If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you.

Milking a cow in a dream is a profit, a surprise. Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic.

Cows dream - to death, for consonance - banners.

The cow calved - misfortune.

Drink cow's milk - changes in health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Cow

This animal personifies the nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, with children and home.

To dream of a big beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very wayward person whose unpredictable actions can unbalance you and disturb the harmony in the house.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns in order to be milked by people who came to you from the street - this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a robbery of the house due to your oversight.

To dream of a cow with an asterisk on its forehead is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, whom you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows is a profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Interpretation of dreams from

Not everyone knows why a herd of cows is dreaming, but I really want to unravel my dream, because it does not give rest.

You dreamed of a herd of cows

Dream Interpretations interpret the dreaming herd of cows in different ways. Of great importance in accurately determining sleep depends on how the animals behave in a dream, what size, color they are, whether there were young calves in the herd. And sometimes it can play an important role at what time of the year you had this dream. More differences in interpretation depend on whether you are a man or a woman, since the predictions will be completely different.

What was the herd of cows

In the event that in your dream you saw a herd of beautiful and moderately well-fed cows, then this indicates that in the near future your desire will come true or you will achieve the goals to which the debt went. All your affairs will be solved easily and simply. If the cows were thin and hungry, then expect malaise, illness and trouble.

When in your dream cows graze freely in a lush meadow, then wait good vacation at resorts or some kind of trip. If in a dream a cow had a large udder and needs to be milked, then unexpected wealth awaits you. That is, you can unexpectedly win the lottery, receive an inheritance, or make some kind of commercial transaction. The presence of calves in a herd of cows is dreaming that you will have a carefree time, have fun for your pleasure. If you yourself are the owner of this herd or want to buy cows, this means that a profitable marriage awaits you in the near future. In the event that you are already married, then this promises you harmony and happiness in family life.

In order to correctly understand your dream, you need to know that cows most often carry positive motives. And in the event that negative ones are met, this only indicates some kind of warning that you paid attention to this and changed something in your life.

If in your dream the animals are aggressive and want to attack or pursue, then you will be betrayed by people close to you or friends. Be careful in your expressions and keep your own relationships with people under control. If the cow calved - expect grief and loss.

When you dream of only one mooing of cows, and you do not see the animals themselves, this warns you that they will spread false information about you and gossip. When you drink freshly milked milk, expect an exacerbation of your illnesses or simply health problems. Being a shepherd means that there are people around you who envy you and enemies. Seeing that the cows are lost means that in life you will experience certain difficulties. A cow without horns promises you difficulties with your children.

What does such a dream portend?

But no matter what they say, basically a herd of cows in a dream promises goodwill and positiveness, because this animal is considered to feed the whole family, and it cannot harm you even in your dream. The red cow says that relatives or friends will soon come to visit you.

If a man dreams of a kind and plump cow, this means that he will meet with an intelligent and attractive woman. When the bull is in charge in the herd, expect passions or marriage. If the herd is not grazing, but is in the barn, buy something large for your home. And the main factor here is manure, the more it is in the barn, the larger and more important your acquisitions will be. by the most best sleep it is considered to see a herd from afar, when they calmly walk and eat grass, and also look happy and fed. Such a dream promises you wealth, harmony, joy and happiness.

What oddities do not come to us at night in the form of dreams! For example, you can see other countries and even times, eat exotic dishes that you never even thought about in reality. But today we will talk about what a herd of cows dreams of. Many will agree that the dream is very strange, especially for those who live far from the villages and have only seen Dawn on TV!

Interpretation in dream books

Consider the interpretation of dreams in the publications of famous authors. The meanings can vary greatly, but then we will get acquainted with the interpretation of small details, and they will complement the picture of the prediction.

The famous German-born psychologist Gustav Miller claims that sleep carries the strongest energy, and the interpretation may be different:

  1. For businessmen this dream promises success in work, advancement of his career. Soon it will be possible to increase capital.
  2. If the herd of cows rush past the dreamer, then you should expect a major quarrel in which you will be the initiator. In order not to set the environment against you, do not make unbalanced and hasty decisions.
  3. Seeing skinny cows is a disease. All must be abandoned bad habits start leading a healthy lifestyle. If you do not change your attitude towards health, then everything can end very sadly.

According to Vanga:

  1. The famous soothsayer claims that sleeping with cows and bulls is a very good nocturnal phenomenon. For example, aggressive bulls portend a meeting with an influential person who will appreciate your leadership qualities, independence and ability to work.
  2. If you see just a herd grazing peacefully in a meadow, then you have to work hard, but your work will be rewarded.

According to Freud:

  1. The psychologist claims in his publications that a bull in a dream is an excessive self-confidence.
  2. If a cow dreamed, then the dreamer is illegible in choosing partners, you need to be more prudent, otherwise you can be left alone.

According to Hasse:

  1. A dream with large, powerful bulls portends material and family well-being.
  2. Escaping from a pursuing bull - in reality, suffer financially from ill-wishers who envy your work and talents. There will be problems at work - look around, this very ill-wisher is nearby.

But not every interpretation may be true for a particular dreamer. For example, the prediction will vary depending on the sex of the sleeper, the color of the cows, and much more.

I dreamed of a large herd of cows

Consider the dream in detail. The first thing to remember is the color of the cows:

  • white animals - to joy, good news, a pleasant surprise is possible;
  • red cows - coming soon distant relatives to visit, or you will receive news from them;
  • if the cows are black - expect trouble and problems.

In the case when a herd of cows consists of approximately the same number of black, white and red, then soon you will have to face a difficult choice.

It seemed that the cow was talking to you in a dream, then in reality you feel a lack of communication. You need to spend more time with friends, get out of the house for walks in good company.

Let's see what the dream portends if it is a dream for a man, girl or woman.

  1. In a dream, running away from a bull that is furious means being a shy person in life. Thus, you can guess your fate! You need to be more liberated, stop running away from potential suitors.
  2. See married woman herd - small household chores will soon appear, but you will quickly cope with them.
  3. If you become a witness of how a bull covers a heifer, get pregnant in reality. Walking is easy, and giving birth is easy, the baby will be healthy.
  4. I dreamed of a lot of cows with calves - to a meeting with a wealthy person with whom a romantic relationship will develop, marriage is possible.
  5. If a woman dreamed of young heifers, then in reality she has a rival, you need to beware.

For men, dreams with cows promise prosperity. If the dreamer is not yet married, he will soon meet his other half, and she will become a good wife. Seeing bulls is a sign of success in your career and business.

Bulls going to the watering hole

Such a dream portends both good and not so good.

Let's see the interpretation:

  1. If a man dreamed that the bulls were going to a watering hole, it means that he will soon reach his goal. Animals drink - to meet with their soul mate, do not overlook it!
  2. Watching the bulls stand at the watering hole, the grass under them is green - your imminent marriage will bring a lot of benefits. If you already have a wife / husband, then such a dream portends material well-being.
  3. To see bulls at a watering hole, whose horns are incredibly long, in fact, to have a dangerous enemy. If the water is dirty at the same time - to a terrible disease.
  4. The bulls stand in the water, they are clean and well-groomed - everything will be fine in the future. If things were not going very well, soon everything will work out, it will turn in a favorable direction.
  5. To see animals in the mud, they drink from small puddles - do not have high hopes for a new enterprise, there will be no benefit and benefit from it. You need to take on a more productive business that will bear fruit.

If the dreamer himself drives the herd to a watering place, then in life a very advantageous offer or acquisition awaits him. Everything that will be offered to you this week will be useful and beneficial!

Roaring and aggressive animals

It is not very pleasant to see such a picture even in a dream! If you already dreamed of roaring, aggressive animals, then look into the dream book. After all, you need to understand what this vision is for.

  1. Regardless of gender, if you dreamed of loudly mooing, worried cows and bulls, they can even be aggressive - in reality you will face your fate, the other half! The union will be prosperous, bring a lot of happiness.
  2. Bulls are aggressive, run away - bad dream, which promises trouble both at work and in personal.
  3. If all the cows, or at least one, are aggressive towards you personally, then in reality you have many competitors and enemies who have already begun to build their plans against you. Be prepared for any turn of events, you definitely won’t have to expect a good one.
  4. The herd roars piercingly - to losses, health problems are possible.

In any case, don't despair. After all, if warned, then you can still fix it, turn in your direction!

Married and married, a dream with well-fed cows that you graze promises a calm streak in life. You will have prosperity, even wealth! If the cows are thin, sick - to illness, loss, high costs.

In a dream, graze a herd of cows in a beautiful, green meadow - to profit, a valuable acquisition. Seeing a devastated clearing - to poverty.

How does the herd behave?

  1. Obedient animals - you keep the situation and your life under control. Don't worry about anything: all your plans will come true.
  2. The herd scatters, you cannot manage them - expect great competition in business, and discord in the family. Losses, problems are coming.

Match all the little things, including the color of animals! After all, the accuracy of interpretation depends on the details. Don't get hung up on a bad prediction, you just need to think about possible problems, and understand how they can be solved without loss! For every night you only have the most pleasant dreams that promise joy and well-being!

Animals love to visit our dreams, and it is difficult to find such a person who, at least occasionally, periodically does not meet some representatives of the fauna in the world of dreams.

They do not just appear in dreams, and often carry very important signs. But finding them in a dream, understanding and deciphering them is an art that dream books will teach us to master.

One of the most mysterious animals in a dream is a cow or a bull. Familiar to everyone horned creatures that are not surprising.

However, it is not always easy to understand why a cow or a bull is dreaming - this is an ambiguous symbol. Wise Hindus from time immemorial believed (and are still convinced) that this is a sacred animal, one of the seven mothers of mankind. And in general, in their culture they are symbols of fertility, life, earth.

In many other cultures, a cow is considered a symbol of family, prosperity, prosperity. And some sources show this animal as a symbol of endurance and health (it is not for nothing that they say about a person that he is healthy, like a bull).

In a dream, a herd of cows or one animal can carry news of danger or a favorable period, depending on what the details of the dream were.

To decipher what the cow is dreaming of, to understand the meaning of what he saw, it is worth remembering everything: her appearance, whether she was red, black or spotted, character and habits, was she alone, or a whole herd, with a calf or a bull, with or without horns, and what did she do. The most common options in a dream are:

  • You dream of an ordinary, unremarkable cow.
  • You dream of whole herds.
  • You see in a dream a very fat, fat or, conversely, skinny cow.
  • You dreamed of a cow dead or killed.
  • You saw a cow attacking you, chasing you.
  • She tries to butt you or bite you.
  • You hear in a dream how she lows.
  • You had a chance to milk a cow in a dream.
  • You are drinking cow's milk.
  • You tend or lead a cow.
  • You ride on it.

These are the most common cow dream scenarios, and each has its own special meaning. Let's find out what the cow is dreaming of, and what to expect in reality?

See a cow, hear a moo...

A cow is a kind, patient animal, she is considered a nurse. Therefore, in most cases, a cow dreams of good - it simply cannot portend a big trouble.

Although it can warn of some kind of danger, give advice. Consider dreams in which you happened to see this animal or a whole herd, but you did not have any personal contact with them.

1. If you just saw a cow in a dream - be it black, spotted, red, but she just appeared like a vision - this is a good sign that does not portend any big events. But rather, it promises a calm, peaceful life in abundance in the coming months.

2. If you hear a cow mooing in a dream, but you don’t see an animal nearby, this is an alarming symbol that can warn of disappointment or a little sadness, rather for no particular reason.

3. If you see cows mooing, sadness awaits you due to some event. You may have to go through a small loss or resentment, but don't be scared, it will just be a short period of sadness.

4. A dream in which a cow is very well-fed, with fat sides, big - very good, as you might guess. It portends wealth, prosperity, there will be a “full bowl” in your house for a long time. But don't be greedy or you will lose everything!

5. If, on the contrary, you have a dream in which there is a skinny, bony, barely alive cow, this promises need and poverty. Perhaps this will be only a period that should teach you frugality and a reasonable life.

6. If you dream of two cows or two bulls that butt each other, or even many butting animals, Miller's dream book interprets this as a symbol of an imminent happy occasion. Fate is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

7. A gloomy, black cow, sad or unkind, promises losses or losses. Such a dream - a black cow - warns and advises to be careful with property and money.

8. A red or yellow cow in a dream portends wealth, a lot of money and the joy of profit. Your efforts will be highly appreciated, and you will receive a worthy reward for honest work!

9. And if you already had a dream where a cow is calving, expect the fulfillment of your most cherished desire, the fulfillment of hopes and plans. Everything that you desire will soon become a reality in reality, thanks to luck and your efforts.

10. To see in a dream a lot of cattle, a large herd grazing on the lawn is a happy dream. According to Miller's interpreter, a large herd symbolizes profit, promotion and settling cases, complex and troublesome, which, as you thought, would never be settled.

Soon your troubles will not only end, but with big profit and benefit for you. So don't hesitate to give up!

11. As the dream book says, a cow or a bull climbing a mountain or a hill promises the sleeper great prosperity. Whatever you are doing, success and recognition awaits you - do not quit what you have started!

12. But if you dream of a dead cow, or someone killed by someone, this is bad. No tragedy or big trouble, of course, should be expected and feared, but there is a possibility that you will quit the business you started from weakness or loss of faith.

You may not get help from the one you count on, or you may simply face obstacles to success. But these are everyday difficulties, without which success cannot be achieved, so do not be afraid of obstacles and do not give up!

What did you do with the cow?

A cow is a domestic animal; in the countryside, she lives in many houses as a pet and nurse. He lives for people, and cannot live without human care.

A person always communicates with a cow, feeds and waters, milks her and takes care of this kind animal. In dreams, contact with her could be anything, and not always friendly. Remember what you had to do with the cow and decipher the message of the dream.

1. If you dream of cows or bulls that stand quietly, waiting for you, and in a dream you approach an animal to milk, feed, and so on, this is a very kind dream that will certainly promise you a dream come true or hopes for something very good, desired. You will get what your heart desires.

2. If you had to milk a cow in a dream, what does this mean? Milking a cow in a dream, seeing warm milk is a very kind symbol. He, according to Miller's dream book, promises great unexpected joy, good news, a pleasant surprise.

If a woman with children had such a dream in which a cow is milked, this means that joy and wonderful news will be associated with her child.

3. You may have dreamed of a cow butting or trying to bite. This does not mean anything very terrible - if a cow butts in a dream, wait for a guest in reality. Perhaps the guest will be dishonest, not very pleasant, or have some evil intentions.

Remember the dream - if a cow butted or bitten you painfully, be especially careful with this guest, it is better to avoid meeting at all. If in a dream she failed to harm you, do not be afraid of this person - he will not do anything to you.

4. If there was a dream in which a cow was chasing you, or even a whole herd was trying to catch up with you - according to Miller's dream book, this also means an enemy, ill-wisher, competitor.

If in a dream you managed to escape, hide, then in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. If you are still caught up with horned ones in a dream, be careful - the enemy may have power against you.

5. As the dream book testifies, the cow that you lead on a rope or graze in a dream promises you wealth. Expect a promotion at work, or a reward for your hard work!

6. A dream in which you ride an animal on horseback portends some kind of joyful event.

7. But if you dream of searching for the missing cattle, this is a dream for mothers, which warns of problems in communicating with the child. Your child may be losing trust or respect for you, especially if you are a teenager.

8. Milk in a dream is a very bright and kind symbol. Drink it, treat others - always to health, goodness, prosperity in the house, well-being in the family. Only now, if you spilled milk in a dream - beware of illness, take care of your health.

It is believed that after "milk" dreams it is very useful to drink warm milk at night for some time. So you will strengthen your health not only physical, but also spiritual.

9. If you had to catch up with a cow in a dream, this promises enmity or a quarrel with one of your loved ones. Avoid conflicts, show tolerance and kindness (these are the qualities that a cow demonstrates).

Cow, bull, milk are wonderful symbols, and if they appear to you in dreams, rejoice - this alone indicates that higher power support you and take away troubles from you. It is in order to protect and help you that they send you such dreams.


Dream interpretation herd of cows

Why dream of a herd of cows in a dream

A dream in which you see a herd of cows grazing promises quick positive changes in your life associated with an addition to the family or with a new unexpected acquaintance. Seeing in a dream how you graze a herd of cows means an easy solution to future problems.

If a herd of cows is running after you, this dream warns against committing spontaneous and rash acts that can affect your health in one way or another. In the near future, be careful with taking unfamiliar drugs.

Seeing a dream in which a herd of cows graze behind a high fence or fence can be a harbinger of impending trouble, from which you will find a way out by going through certain trials.


Why is the Cow dreaming

ABC of dream interpretation

cow in male dreams- symbolizes women for whom the dreamer feels neglect.

In women's, it reflects the feeling that the dreamer is underestimated.

A large, fat cow - to health and a new acquisition.

Skinny cow - your work will be useless.

English dream book

If you dream that a cow is chasing you, then you will have an enemy.

If in a dream you manage to escape from her, then this enemy will not be afraid of you. You will noticeably get richer if you dream that you are milking a cow.

If a woman sees in a dream how a cow is calving, it may very well be that her own childbirth will be difficult.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Milking a cow in a dream is a sign of wealth.

If a cow is chasing you in a dream, then this indicates that your enemy will take you by surprise.

Eastern dream book

Why does the Cow dream in a dream from a dream book?

Cows - dream of a roar, for some reason you will cry bitterly.

Children's dream book

Cow - soon your parents will receive a salary or rich relatives will unexpectedly come to visit you.

Idiomatic dream book

"Sacred cow" - something non-selfish, giving; "cash cow" - a source of selfish consumption; “like a cow licked it with its tongue” - the complete disappearance of the object; "cow" - about a full woman.

Lunar dream book

Milking a cow is a win.

Small Velesov dream book

Cow - from strangers profit, care, you will be visiting / death, tears (“to a roar”), illness, for worse, enemy, bondage, trouble; sell - loss; thin - experiences; white - for good / death; red - fire; black - illness, death, danger; expel black - death; milking - tears, good, joy, winning, surprise, talking about good things, profit or acquisition, profitable business; milking - a nuisance; not milking - meeting with friends; butt - guests with bad intentions will arrive; well-fed - good, profit, wealth; thin - poverty; calves - to the appearance of offspring (male) / misfortune; stroking - self-interest, profit in the household; from the yard went - death in that yard; a herd of cows - in the family who dies, to a fire; you graze cows - snow, rain; you graze the red ones - good weather, frost (in winter).

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Cow dreaming?

A lonely cow - to prosperity in the house, comfort, love, mutual understanding between family members.

Cows graze - the fulfillment of the main desire, including those related to your health. Peace; moderation; doing meditation.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The cow is a symbol of food. Eternal femininity, mother or positive mother archetype.

Russian dream book

Mooing cow - to tears; fat, well-fed cow - profit, wealth.

Russian folk dream book

Cow - a symbol is directly related to home life and home; men - may indicate a not very smart woman.

Family dream book

If you saw in a dream a cow, calmly standing in anticipation of milking, the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of hopes lies ahead.

Slavic dream book

Cow - dreams of profit.

dream interpreter

Seeing a cow in a dream portends profit; to milk cows means to benefit from the work begun; to sell a cow means to suffer a loss in one's affairs.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Cow?

A dream in which you see cows waiting for milking promises the fulfillment of desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A cow is a reflection of peace and / or indifference, passivity. The need for careful selection of information.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Cow dream about in a dream?

To dream of a fat, beefy cow - to good news, skinny - to a lack in the house, need.

Just to see a cow means you have to eat and drink deliciously.

If the cow butts, then wait for the guest with bad intentions, if the cows butt each other, you will be lucky.

Milking a cow in a dream - to joy, well-being, a pleasant surprise, joy from children, receiving honors, hearing a cow moo - to trouble or to new duties and concerns.

Black cow - dreams of illness or danger, loss, milking her - to tears; seeing a milking cow is in trouble, and a milking cow is a date with friends.

If you see a milkmaid in a dream, it means that you will encounter the hostility of the woman you sympathize with.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Cow - to the roar.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Seeing a herd of cows in a dream - one of your friends has committed an offense against you, which you are not yet aware of. The person in question is very ashamed of what he has done, but he cannot yet tell you about it, fearing that you will consider his act a betrayal.

If in a dream you saw one cow, it means that you have some kind of intractable task ahead of you, the solution of which you will devote a lot of time, but, alas, it will be wasted. It is better to wait until the problem resolves itself, without your futile efforts.

A cow chewing grass - symbolizes your passivity in relation to some person who has certain hopes for you. Maybe you just don't want to take on the hassle. But still, you must understand that you cannot achieve anything without making any effort for it. Take action!

Grazing cows - a dream means that soon you will have to face people who will envy you. It may well be that it does not touch you. However, the envy of ill-wishers is associated with gossip and rumors, so quarrels and conflict situations are possible.

Milking a cow in a dream is a reconciliation with a person dear to you. If you are not vindictive and do not, at the first opportunity, reproach your friend for having a quarrel between you, then the world will be strong, the rust of irritation will not corrode the metal of love.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

A cow, if she is well-fed and healthy - to wealth; if skinny - to poverty and need.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If you dream of a cow that must be milked, this promises the fulfillment of your desires and a meeting with your loved one.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Cow - for unmarried women, it means that a marriage proposal may soon follow.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Skinny - a lack in the house, need.

Just to see a cow - to eat and drink deliciously.

To be milked - joy / surprise / joy from children.

Hearing the mooing of a cow is unfortunately.

Butt - a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - a happy occasion.

To see a black cow - a year of losses awaits you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Throughout the world, a cow is considered a peaceful creature. Do you feel peace in your soul, or should you seek larger world in life?

The cow also symbolizes patience and passive endurance. Is there anything in your life that you have to put up with or passively endure?

In some cultures, a cow is identified with the earth, the moon and maternal care. The heads of moon goddesses in various cultures are adorned with cow horns. Hindus believe that the cow and the bull symbolize the universal forces of reproduction.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Cows - fulfillment of desires, implementation of plans and joyful communication with friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The cow is an ancient and very auspicious symbol for your well-being.

If the cow is beautiful and well-fed, this is a sure sign that your business is either going well or will get better soon.

Milking cows in a dream is very good sign, suggesting that if you do your business with love, then the success of your business is guaranteed.

Skinny cow - calls you to convert increased attention on the state of their affairs. Perhaps you launched them too much or overlooked something important.

Feeding or watering a cow is a sign that you can improve the course of your affairs if you put in enough effort and effort.

A vigorous cow is a warning that your ardor and emotional incontinence can do a lot of harm to you and have a bad effect on your prosperity.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing a polled cow in a dream - to the loss of a job.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Polled cow - your cow will not calve this year.

If you dream that your cow will not bring a calf this year, expect damage on your farm.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

A horned cow seen in a dream - to the illness of a child.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Fat cow - good luck, wealth; skinny - to hunger.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Cows are profit.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Cow is dreaming in a dream?

To see a cow - you will know a lot of happiness; fatty - wealth; thin - a free life; milking yourself is an inheritance.

Miller's dream book

If you see cows in a dream, calmly waiting for milking, then this promises you the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Chinese dream book

A yellow cow comes into the house - portends wealth and nobility.

Buffalo - ancestors require sacrifice.

Cow, bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Lead a cow on a rope uphill - portends wealth and nobility

Blood on the horns of a bull - predicts the achievement of three top positions in public administration.

The cow butts - failures in everyday affairs.

The cow comes out of the gate - indicates that something good is about to happen.

A buffalo enters the house - portends mourning.

A calf is born to a cow - everything that you wished will be fulfilled.

Riding a cow you enter the city - portends a joyful event in the near future.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Cow in a dream?

To dream of a cow standing in its stall - to profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in the meadow - a harbinger happy life where your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, obese cows - to wealth, thin, with protruding bones - to need.

Dark cows - portend well-being through hard work, light cows - a free life without worries and troubles.

See how cows are milked - to an unexpected event or news; to milk a cow - to receive a significant inheritance.

Lowing cow - says that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but successfully.

A cow lying and chewing cud means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless offer.

Slaughtered cow - portends losses and failure in business.

Cooking beef in a dream - in reality you will receive substantial financial assistance.

Drink cow's milk - take a successful trip and enrich yourself with impressions.

To graze a herd of cows in a dream - lead a small but close-knit team.

Caring for cows on a livestock farm - you will soon have to go through unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Cow - to abuse, quarrel, tears.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Cows, calmly standing in anticipation of milking, portend the fulfillment of long-standing desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: A cow according to a dream book?

Cow - care, concern, chores.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a cow, your house is in danger of a fire. Remember, sleep is a warning - so be careful possible sources ignition.

Milking - to bad changes in life.

In a dream, you watched someone milk a cow - soon one of your loved ones will commit an act that will change your life.

You dreamed that you were grazing a cow - know that you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

Slaughter a cow - good luck.

Buying a cow - warns against wasting money.

If you dreamed that you were selling a cow, you will soon be able to get rid of something bulky and unnecessary.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Cow - you need to pay attention to people who need your help.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Cow - care; pursues one - to an unexpected inheritance; to see a herd far away in the field is a good sign.

Aesop's dream book

Cow - this animal personifies the nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, with children and home.

To dream of a big beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that you will meet a very wayward person on your way, whose unpredictable actions can unbalance you and disturb the harmony in the house.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns in order to be milked by people who came to you from the street - this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a robbery of the house due to your oversight.

Seeing a cow with an asterisk on its forehead in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, whom you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows is a profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

French dream book

Dreaming of a herd of cows - portends infidelity or deceit, hostility of people close to you.

If in a dream you are chasing cows, the dream warns you of a danger that you can avoid with some caution.

If in a dream a herd of cows belongs to you, the dream speaks of an increase in your condition.

Ukrainian dream book

Cow - bondage, enemies.

As a cow dreams, then this is a witch.

Cows in a dream are a disease.

Cows - someone will cry a lot for you.

If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you.

Milking a cow in a dream is a profit, a surprise.

Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic.

Cows dream - to death, for consonance - banners, banners.

The cow calved - misfortune.

Drink cow's milk - changes in health.

Gypsy dream book

The cow is a symbol of home and comfort.

Milking a cow - you will have to work hard most of your life, but you will be well rewarded for this.

Esoteric dream book

The cow is an almost magical transformation of "Cinderella into a princess". Don't miss the moment.

Milking - there is an opportunity to get everything from life that you can only dream of.

A cowshed is a profitable job offer, a promising marriage, especially if there is a lot of manure in the cowshed.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A cow according to a dream book?

You see one cow - there will be prosperity in your house, it will always be comfortable, you will have mutual feelings with your household.

If they graze, the dream book says that your cherished desire will come true, especially if it concerns your state of health.

The cow is huge and fat - in the near future you will not get sick with anything, and you will also buy something for yourself. If she is thin in your dream, all your efforts at work will be useless.

I dreamed that some kind of cow was chasing you - expect a new enemy.

If an animal butts in a dream - soon some person will visit your house, but her intentions will not be honest, and if they butt each other - expect happiness and luck in the future.

Milking her means that soon you will be happy, you will not deny yourself anything, the children will delight you with everything, and everyone will respect you.

If she hums, all the things you started will be successfully completed, but it will take a lot of time.

A cow was slaughtered - big expenses await you, you may even become poorer.

I dreamed of cutting a cow - negative emotions have accumulated inside you, get rid of them, throw them out alone with yourself so that they do not develop further. .

A cow has calved - a sudden increase in income, profit and enrichment at the expense of others.

A cow with horns, according to the dream book - problems and troubles from an annoying work colleague.

Grazing cows - endless daily work and care for loved ones are waiting for your attention.

Dreaming about how you drink cow's milk - the journey will be very successful, you will gain a lot of new sensations and impressions.

Bought it - soon you will waste a large amount of money. If, on the contrary, you sold it, you will soon successfully get rid of some very large and unnecessary thing.

A herd of cows - you are moving with the flow, passively observing current affairs. Your time has not yet come, you are saving up strength for further action.

I dreamed of milking a cow - you will jump for joy, and jump with delight, like a child. It will turn out to realize your cherished desire.

The cow is butting - uninvited guests whom you will not be happy with. Their visit will interfere with your plans.

The cow is dead, according to the interpretation of the dream book - money spending, large expenses with a decrease in income.

Black cow - the joy of the company of family, good friends. Pleasant company in which you will feel easy and at ease.

A cow with a calf - your efforts to implement plans will be very fruitful. The result will not be long in coming.

A white cow in a dream - on the horizon there will be an opportunity to increase your income without any serious effort and cost.

Running away from a cow is a dangerous competitor, a strong opponent. You will immediately understand what he is capable of and will act according to the circumstances.

I managed to escape from the cow - to find ways to neutralize a strong enemy. You can defeat enemies, you know all the loopholes to do this.

Dead cow - material problems, domestic disorder, anxiety about your future.


Cow, Cows, Cow butting, Cow calving, Cow with horns, Cow with calf, Milking a cow, Mad cow, Running away from cows, Carcass of a cow, Herd of cows, Grazing a herd of cows, Dead cow

If in a dream you dreamed of a Cow or you saw a Herd of Cows in a dream, Dream Interpretations assure that in reality you will have complete success and a happy, comfortable existence. In general, a Cow in a dream, According to Dream Interpretations, Very auspicious sign, Symbol of motherhood, Prosperity and financial prosperity. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those who dreamed of a well-fed Cow. And the most favorable predictions await those who dreamed that the cow had calved.

I dreamed of a well-fed cow or cows, to see a herd of cows in a dream- happiness, family well-being, financial prosperity.

I dreamed of a thin or dead cow in a dream- losses, financial losses.

The traditionally peaceful and well-fed Cow is considered a symbol of family happiness, prosperity and financial prosperity. Moreover, the more cows you saw in a dream, the better for you. And the completely opposite forecast is relevant for those who dreamed of a skinny or dead cow.

Graze a herd of cows in a dream- routine and tedious activities; otherwise - wealth and success.

Seeing yourself as a Shepherd in a dream, you subconsciously lost the situation that has developed in your life in reality. You probably feel like the "Shepherd" of a whole herd of people who fell under your direct supervision.

I dreamed that a cow calved, a cow with a calf in a dream- unexpected profit, inheritance; big jackpot, good luck.

Very auspicious sleep Which portends you an unexpected replenishment of the budget. However, in the old interpretation, the heavy Calving of a Cow in a dream predicts a pregnant woman who sees similar dream, Difficult and even dangerous childbirth.

Milking a cow in a dream- wealth through hard work and diligence; wealth growth; increase in creative and physical strength.

In interpretation for modern people a dream carries a forecast that you will have to work hard and work hard in reality. However, you will be rewarded - recognition, success and financial well-being are sure to await you.

I dreamed of a cow with horns, a mad cow butts in a dream, to run away from cows in a dream- danger from a stupid and stubborn person; quarrels and scandals in the family.

A mad or aggressive Cow in a dream is some kind of person from your environment in reality, which is beyond any control. You should analyze the whole plot of the dream you saw and understand Who exactly this "Mad Cow" is for you personally. In general, a dream should be taken as a hint - in reality you may expect quarrels, scandals and loud showdowns.

Dreamed of a carcass of a cow in a dream- cruelty; wealth, strength and power.

The carcass of a Cow in a dream, when deciphered in the meaning "Meat", indicates anger and aggression Living inside you. In a symbolic interpretation, this dream, on the contrary, carries a prediction of social recognition and financial well-being.


Herds of cows

Dream Interpretation Herds of Cows dreamed of why a herd of cows is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Herds of cows in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Measles

Dream Interpretation - Bark

The bark of a tree in a dream is a sign rather negative than positive. So, oak bark - to an intestinal infection, birch bark - to a cold, bast - the danger of flu or sore throats, bark coniferous trees- a harbinger of skin diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Bark

The bark is a certain truth.

There is a bark - to know the truth.

Rip off the bark from a tree - ruin someone else's happiness / separate loved ones / desire to do without the truth / erotic attraction

Dream Interpretation - Measles

You have measles - sadness, concern caused by problems in trade transactions;
someone has measles - anxiety about the state of affairs of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Measles

If in a dream you are ill with measles, this portends sadness and concern caused by problems in trade affairs. If others suffer from measles, in reality you will be given a lot of trouble by unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Bark

If you dreamed about the bark of a tree, you may get sick, not hard, but for a long time.

Peel off the bark - be defenseless before fate or experience unrequited love.

Dream Interpretation - Herd

A herd of domestic animals - to wealth.

Graze the herd - to danger, expect failure in business due to personal experiences.

Feed the herd - they can set you up.

Dream Interpretation - Herd

A noisy, mobile herd - personifies the collective irresponsibility of the crowd, the dissolution of individuality.

The herd is advancing on you - base passions and recklessness will take possession of you.

Peacefully grazing herd - balance, serene life.

Dream Interpretation - Herd

Seeing yourself in a dream as the owner of a large herd is a good sign: your dream portends well-being. In a dream, herding a herd means that in reality you will finish a great job that will bring you recognition and respect from others.

Dream Interpretation - Herd

Seeing a grazing herd - a dream portends wealth and family well-being.

Imagine a well-fed, huge herd grazing on a lush green meadow.


A herd of cows in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Herd of cows. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Herd of cows mean, or what it means to see a Herd of cows in a dream.

A herd of cows in a dream

Hello, please help interpret the dream of a herd of cows.

I’m driving a car with a man (I don’t know the man, I didn’t see his face), driving through the forest, we drive out to the field, there is a herd of cows, we stopped, I got out, got my hand dirty in a cow village .. Me, got into the car. I look - a healthy bull is in front of the car, looking at us. I tell a man to run.

I jumped out of the car and ran in opposite directions from each other. The bull ran after him, then I look - he runs after me, I managed to hide between the trees growing very close to each other (i.e., I didn’t gore).

Black herd of cows in a dream

It is a dream that a black herd of cows and bulls trampled the garden, one bull began to throw piglets out of it with its horns, there was no fear, they watched this picture through the ajar door, it’s somehow not clear even whose garden it is, it seems like a parent, or maybe no.

Herd in a dream

I had a dream today Herd. It was as if I was at my parents' house, but it was my house (they moved from our home). We have a big garden here. I look, and there is a huge herd of cows, there were a lot of them, of different colors, and for some reason all through my garden, although it is fenced.

Already the whole herd has almost passed, and a few cows have stocked up in my garden. I look through the mesh fence and think where are the shepherds, why are they not kicking them out, they will trample everything on me now.

Shepherds appeared and I also went out into the garden, all together we drove the cows away and the shepherds left, and I began to walk around the garden and it turned out that almost all of them trampled. The tops of the tomato are wrinkled, dry, but the tomatoes are whole. Why would this dream of the Herd?

A herd of pigs in a dream

I had a dream that I was in the village visiting my parents. They seemed to have gone to visit the neighbors, and I was left at home alone. At first I walked around the garden, there were a lot of trees, but they were all kind of low, I had to bend my head. I look - it seems like an apple tree or a pear, but instead of apples - onions grow on trees, I even felt the smell of it. Strange I think. And then suddenly some loud sound, like an explosion. And I understand that pigs have escaped from the pigsty, a whole herd, the doors have been broken through and are running at me. "Hungry, they didn't feed them," I think.

I start to run away, I'm terribly scared, I thought that they would eat me now. The wild boar especially frightened me, it was black, with fangs, like wild ones, which are hunted in the forest. Out of fear, I climbed onto the roof, holding on with my hands, but my legs were hanging. I screamed, my parents ran in, started to chase away the pigs, but one of them tried to grab my hanging leg, and jumped up and down. I shout: "Daddy, help me, she's going to bite my leg off." And my dad drove her away from me. Why dream such a dream? I'm afraid something bad. Thank you in advance.

Fracture of the earth's crust in a dream

Someone runs up to me and shouts: - look, look. What happened to your house. Faster!

I run with all my might, I run into the hall, but I don’t see anything. The house does not even look like a house, It is a real huge marble palace. I never found what the problem was, but after that they explained to me that there was a break in the earth's crust under my house. I went outside, looked at the house, people were standing nearby, they also looked at my house. I kept thinking that probably the city authorities should compensate me for the loss. After all, the fault is a natural disaster, although nothing was visible in appearance, and I also don’t know where the information about the fault came from. The house continued to stand peacefully.

Wheat fields in a dream

Good afternoon,

I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. That my sister and I are standing in the middle of a field of ripe wheat (in ears). In a friend, I notice in the distance that a herd of cows and bulls are entering the field. One red, brown bull is very large, as if it tore off a rope or chain and turned on me and my sister. I feel fear that he has noticed us and is coming at us. I think what to do, I try to run, but my legs do not obey me, it becomes heavy and confused, it is very difficult to move between the wheat.

Then the cows appear in front of me. They are peaceful, quiet, but somehow they come to me. I think that with a bucket I will somehow scare them away. I have a bucket in my hand, I wave it in front of the cows or pour water on them, I don’t remember anymore ..

I will be very grateful for the answers

Calf in a dream

Hello! Help me understand the dream, it just sunk into my head.

I'm driving down the street. Suddenly a herd of cows is on the way. Huge has become, it goes on for a long time, chaotically. I get out of the car and watch them go by. Suddenly I see a calf lagging behind. Very small, like a puppy, straight in size, black with white spots and curly bangs. I take him in my arms, run after the herd, and it suddenly began to move away with lightning speed. And he’s just so gentle, it’s just so good and warm for me, while I carry him in my arms, I press him to me. I can barely catch up with the cows in some kind of turn, I let them in with a calf, I watch how he ran to the cows. One cow comes out sniffing him, carrying him by the collar to the main huge bull, which lies on the pavement, right on the street. He sniffs the calf, takes it by the scruff of the neck and throws it to the side (the herd did not accept it). I watch all this, I manage to grab the calf before it falls and crashes. The herd is leaving. I stand with the calf in my arms, I calm him down, and he is affectionate, smooth, warm, gentle. I think that now I will have to raise a calf, and I am very pleased, excited and somehow even happy from this thought.

The car brakes do not work in a dream

Good day! Please help me understand the dream. A dream in two parts. 1. I'm sitting in someone else's car, which is moving towards a cliff, I'm trying to apply the brakes and I can't find the pedal. The dream ends and I don’t know if I fell into a cliff or I managed to stop.

2. The second part of the dream is a high steep mountain, a huge herd descends from it. It contains cows, horses and sheep. Some animals break loose and fall down. Horses and cows were breaking down. There are people below, waiting. What is expected is not clear. As a result, it turns out that three cows fell, they were hobbled. I go up to people to find out if the animals survived or not, and this is where the dream ends.

They beat an elephant in a dream

I dreamed that a herd of 4-5 elephants was walking in the desert, and someone beats one of them with a whip from the side (I don’t see him). At this time, the elephant either falls or rises, and a large bloody stain from the whip has already appeared on its back. All the other elephants are walking quietly, surrounding that elephant. I watch from the side, as if behind glass, and I can’t do anything.

The image of a dragonfly on a tree trunk in a dream

I saw in a dream on an old poplar with a very powerful trunk the image of a huge dragonfly, intricately folded from the very pattern of the bark. I tried to show it to others, but no one except me saw anything unusual. I woke up feeling like a miracle.


Grandmother market herd of cows

Dream Interpretation Grandmother market herd of cows had a dream, why does Grandma dream about a herd of cows in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a herd of cows in a dream Grandmother Market by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Market, Bazaar

For the most part, markets mean deceit, lies, sin, debauchery, care and anxiety, because there is plenty of it all in the markets. And if someone sees that he loudly mentions the name of Allah in the market, then he will encourage good and forbid evil and sin. And each market has its own interpretation. As for the book market, seeing it in a dream is a sign of guidance on the True Path and repentance. Pharmacy is healing for the sick. The spice market is a symbol of faith and obedience to Allah. The market of precious products is a symbol of joys, beauty and wives. The perfume shop is a symbol of joyful news and pleasant speech. The weapons store is a symbol of war and victory over enemies. The vegetable and fish market is a permanent benefit and livelihood. The meat market is a symbol of worries and worries. The fruit market is a good deed. The market where they sell wood means hypocrisy in faith, split and disunity. And the market where they sell tents is a symbol of travel and travel. A fire in the market means the hypocrisy and dishonesty of its merchants. If someone sees in a dream that he has entered the market, then it is possible that in reality he will visit the mosque and vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine or female genital organs, but with a certain color.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears in her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner.

For a woman, a grandmother symbolizes the fear of losing sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of failure.

For a man, his grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of the grandmother who is dreaming of you portend undeserved insults, a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you in a dream, expect a change in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, this means something unforeseen. If you have children, keep an eye on their health.

Dream Interpretation - Measles

You dream that you are ill with measles - the deal that you conclude and on which you will have high hopes will be unsuccessful.

You see in a dream that one of your friends fell ill with measles - you can be sure that this person will soon turn to you for help.

You dream of a child with measles - in the near future you will be so busy with work that you will not find free time to chat with friends.

You seem to be afraid of getting measles - a dream suggests that some of your worries will be in vain; you have a very developed fantasy - you can invent such things that no novelist will dream of.

It is as if you are treating your child for measles - you will have troubles, but you can easily cope with them; maybe you'll still win.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

See yourself in a dream my own grandmother, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. The dream also means that if you are supposed to be paid money for the work you have done and you are currently worried about this, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely get this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans that will be successfully implemented. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting will be completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will urgently need outside help or advice.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

To dream of your grandmother, who has already died, means to finally find a safe haven in the raging ocean of life. Marriage awaits you if you are single, or the addition of a family. If you saw your grandmother, who is now healthy, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you, as in childhood, means that you will commit a rash act that you will have to regret.

Dream Interpretation - Market

To be in a market in a dream suggests that in reality show frugality and be more active in everything you do. If there is an incredible crowd in the market, noise-din, you will soon make a new interesting acquaintance. An empty, dirty market after a trading day portends anxiety due to a decline in business, you will have to sacrifice your own principles in order to somehow correct them.

Buy something in the market real life experience confusion and discouragement from problems that suddenly fell on your head. Trading on the market itself - to the growth of well-being, successful trading - good income. Being robbed in the market is a nuisance at work. If you were deceived in the market by handing out low-quality goods, you will incur losses in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A) if you dreamed of a grandmother, you will face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you.

B) to see a grandmother in a dream - promises impotence, weakness.

C) you met a grandmother - a sign that for some work you will receive much less money than you expected and than you should.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of an old wise woman.

This is the wise, mature aspect of you.

The American Indians affectionately called the earth "grandmother earth", revering it as a living, conscious being.

This sign can refer to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream Interpretation - Market

If you dream that you are in the market, this means that you will be thrifty and more active in all areas of activity.

Seeing an empty market is a sign of depression in business and mental humiliation that you have to deal with.

Seeing rotting vegetables and meat on the market portends a loss in business.

A market seen in a dream for a young woman portends pleasant changes in her fate.


Herd of cows moose buffaloes

Dream Interpretation - Herd

Quite possibly a large number of delusions (herd) on the topic "how better" (cows) manifested itself in your life and affected the quality of life (trampled the garden). Outside influence is not excluded. You will be able to draw the right conclusions, not everything is lost (driven away, whole tomatoes).

Dream Interpretation - Herd of Pigs

The pigs take off for the swine. Some kind of person, most likely a stranger (since the pigs were strangers) will make you disgusting (put a pig) it will upset you (onion) and at the same time surprise you (onion on a tree)

Dream Interpretation - Fracture of the Earth's Crust

This Dream is connected only with the personal experiences of the Dreamer, and it says that the existing Fundamentals of the life of the Dreamer herself are collapsing, but this does not affect the external image of the Dreamer in any way, there were no visible changes (the House inside is made of Marble, everything is in order on the outside - this means that the internal Foundations of the Dreamer's life are not subject to any global cataclysms and are quite stable in material terms). The dreamer even thinks that the City Authorities (social system) will compensate her for the Losses caused by a natural disaster (a break in the earth's crust - deeply settled unrest and feelings), but both the source of information and the scale of the disaster are unknown - in reality this suggests that that no one sees or knows the "disaster" of the Dreamer, since it is deeply personal and of no interest to anyone (from the word "interest-benefit"), except for the Dreamer herself. That's what the Dream is about. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Wheat Fields

The Dreamer with her Sister in the Field of Ripe Wheat is the Dreamer's matured Yin state (peace of mind, acceptance, waking record). A herd appears in the distance, from which a large Bull breaks down and rushes at the Dreamer with his sister - this is a manifestation of the influence on the Dreamer of external aggressive factors inherent in the crowd, herd instincts, dominance, oppression. The dreamer experiences Fear of being noticed by the Bull, tries to run away, but the Legs do not obey, become heavy and get confused - this symbolizes in reality the immaturity of the Dreamer's Yang qualities (defending her position, autonomy, independence, determination, movement, development). Cows appear in front of the Dreamer, quietly and peacefully walking towards her, and the Dreamer pours a bucket of Water on them - this is a good clue to the Dreamer to free (get rid of) emotional (spiritual) comfort in favor of Yang qualities (not comfort, not standing, not accepting), otherwise, such a situation will drive the Dreamer to where others need, but not to herself, and will cause a lot of suffering. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - House on the Rock

Sleep is good! Killing people in a dream means that on the seventh day after this dream, the long-awaited desire (event, business) will come true, the house is big and beautiful, this is an update in life, a rock is an improvement in life, an elk speaks of your nobility as a person. Conclusion: after the fulfillment of your desire (business, events), you will be updated and, as a result, the state of affairs will improve, but at the same time you will not "kick your nose", but remain a noble person.

Dream Interpretation - Calf

Good afternoon Alexandra! Apparently you lack the warmth and sincerity of relationships at home, in society. And those that are are more like affection, and not like a sincere relationship, which hurts both you and those around you - "He sniffs the calf, takes it by the scruff of the neck and throws it aside (the herd did not accept it)". Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Elk Family

old, but interesting dream on the topic of Moose, I'll try to explain. The Dreamer in the Car in the place of the Passenger, where the Stranger - Man - the model desired by the Dreamer is driving personal life, where she assigns herself a place led next to the Leading Man (a wealthy, dominant Man with his "I"), but Stranger - the absence of one, which can result in uncertainty, instability in the future personal life of the Dreamer. Here the Elk Family comes out of the Forest, where the Elk is a Male, but without Horns (where the Horns are a symbol of survival, competition and power), which means in reality the possibility of harmonious relations without the expressed leadership of a man. The Moose Family rushes to the car and poke their heads into the windows - a living clue in a dream, think less with your head (calculation, logic), and trust your feelings more, otherwise the Dreamer will wander into a dead end when choosing a satellite (the proximity of the Forest). The dreamer is frightened for the presentability of the car at the sight of the Moose, and then touched by their spontaneity - in reality it means the need to replace her exactingness and significance with Love and Grace in the name of personal happiness and harmonious, friendly relations. Here's the answer - everything is good in moderation. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Car, brakes do not work

Hello! The dream says that you are engaged in other people's affairs that do not bring the desired result. Not only that, the fact that there are no brakes in the car shows that you cannot stop this business yet. The second dream symbolically continues the first, but only shows that third parties will suffer because of the problems that the first dream demonstrates. Maybe you have some unpleasantness at work, maybe the company is not efficient and there will be some layoffs (as an option). Good luck to you!

Dream Interpretation - Beat an elephant

You could achieve a long-awaited and very lasting prosperity, but you yourself restored the one on whom it depends with your behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Beat an elephant

Hello. Great love is subjected to a difficult test. The one who could be relied upon is discriminated against. Illusions will not allow you to take an active part.


Herd of brown cows

Dream Interpretation Herds of brown cows had a dream about what herds of brown cows dream of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see herds of brown cows in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cow

Cow - cow - bondage, enemies. As a cow dreams, then this is a witch. Cows in a dream are a disease. Cows - someone will cry a lot for you. If you dream of a cow or a calf, this disaster is already waiting for you. Milking a cow in a dream is a profit, a surprise. Milking a cow is a conversation on a beautiful topic. Cows dream - to death, for consonance - banners, banners. The cow calved - misfortune. Drink cow's milk - changes in health.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

To dream of a cow standing in its stall - to profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in the meadow are a harbinger of a happy life in which your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, obese cows - to wealth, thin, with protruding bones - to need.

Dark cows portend well-being through hard work, light cows - a free life without worries and troubles. To see how cows are milked - to an unexpected event or news; to milk a cow - to receive a significant inheritance. A mooing cow indicates that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but successfully. A cow lying and chewing cud means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless offer.

A slaughtered cow portends losses and failure in business. Cooking beef in a dream - in reality you will receive substantial financial assistance. Drink cow's milk - take a successful trip and enrich yourself with impressions.

To graze a herd of cows in a dream - lead a small but close-knit team. Caring for cows on a livestock farm - you will soon have to go through unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

To see a fat, beefy cow is good news.

Just to see a skinny cow - you have to eat and drink deliciously.

A cow butts - wait for a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - good luck awaits you.

Milking a cow in a dream - to joy, well-being, a pleasant surprise, joy from children, receiving honors.

Hearing the mooing of a cow - to trouble or to new duties and concerns.

A black cow dreams of illness or danger, of loss.

Milk black cow- to tears.

Seeing a milking cow is a nuisance.

They saw a milked cow - a date with friends.

They saw a milkmaid - you will encounter the hostility of the woman you sympathize with.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

You bring a cow or a ram into the house - portends joy.

Riding a cow you enter the city - portends a joyful event in the near future.

To lead a cow on a rope uphill is wealth and nobility.

A yellow cow comes into the house - ahead of wealth and nobility.

The cow comes out of the gate - indicates that something good is about to happen.

Entering the city riding a cow is a joyful event in the near future.

A calf is born to a cow - everything that was desired will be fulfilled.

The cow butts - failures in everyday affairs.

A buffalo enters the house - portends mourning.

Cow, bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

A cow walks in a meadow - to a calm and rich life.

Feeding a cow is a great wealth.

A stranger drives a cow - to bankruptcy.

Seeing a cow running after you is a loss of honor.

A woman drives a cow in a dream - to a new lover.

A woman in a dream milks a cow - to trouble.

Big cow - to a rich life.

Your cow gives a lot of milk - to great wealth and fame.

A thin, weak and sick animal is in trouble.

A dog drives a cow into your yard - to wealth with the help of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

To see a fat, calm, healthy, well-groomed cow is a sign of wealth, care for the household, fulfillment of desire and fertility. For the childless, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of a child. Skinny, dirty, sick, running away, lost cows in a dream portend illness, humiliation, loss of fortune, financial loss, failure of plans, family breakdown. For patients, such a dream predicts deterioration, and sometimes death. Especially if the cow dies in her sleep. Milking cows in a dream means that your instinct will not let you down and you will successfully turn a profitable business. Sometimes such a dream predicts an inheritance.

A cash cow in a dream is a harbinger of well-being and family happiness. A dream in which you see someone milking a cow means that someone is looking at you as a source of their wealth. This dream warns that someone is using you for personal gain. The dream in which you saw that a cow is chasing you tells you about receiving unexpected profits or inheritance. Seeing a grazing herd of cows in a field in a dream is a sign of well-being in the house. See interpretation: milk, animals.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

This animal personifies the nurse, because in difficult times, many families survived only at the expense of cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, with children and home.

To dream of a big beautiful cow, but absolutely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very wayward person whose unpredictable actions can unbalance you and disturb the harmony in the house.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let the household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns in order to be milked by people who came to you from the street - this dream portends losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a robbery of the house due to your oversight.

To dream of a cow with an asterisk on its forehead is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, whom you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows is a profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

indicates bad or good years. Fat cows are fertile and productive years, and lean cows are barren and lean years. And whoever sees in a dream that he eats cow meat, his wealth and power will increase.

A wild cow is a beautiful wife. Milking a cow in a dream is a sign of success and joy that will accompany you. Touching the horns of a cow is for well-being for you. To sit astride a cow in a dream is to get rid of troubles and to earthly joys.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

The cow is fat, beefy - good.

Skinny - a lack in the house, need.

Just to see a cow - to eat and drink deliciously.

A cow is to be milked - joy / surprise / joy from children.

Hearing the mooing of a cow is unfortunately.

The cow butts - a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - a happy occasion.

To see a black cow - a year of losses awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Cow

personify natural essence a person with an emphasized gender.

If a cow appears in a woman's dream, then she is treated as a consumer. She acts as a "cash cow".

In men's dreams, a cow can also symbolize a woman whom the dreamer does not love.

cattle by description - To dream of beautiful and well-fed cattle grazing peacefully on green pastures means prosperity and happiness that you will share with a pleasant life partner. Seeing dirty, skinny cattle in a dream means that you will have to work hard all your life, as you will direct your forces in the wrong direction, and you will not love your work. After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits. Seeing cattle running in panic means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse. Seeing a herd of cows during milking means that you will be the happy owner of a fortune that many have claimed. For a young woman, this dream portends that her love will not suffer from her choice. Seeing in a dream how a cow with a full udder is being milked means that great luck awaits you. If you see a calf sucking milk, then you are on the verge of losing your beloved, because you are slow to show your reciprocity, or losing your property due to neglect of business. Seeing calves in a dream is a sign that you will become a favorite of society and win the heart of a faithful person. In commercial matters, this dream portends profit from trade; for a lover, bonds that he will cherish. If the calves are not doing well, don't expect well and it will be much harder for you to get what you want than you thought. Long-horned and black, dirty cattle promises you enemies., Miller's Dream Book

cow by description - To dream of a cow standing in its stall - to profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in the meadow are a harbinger of a happy life in which your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, obese cows - to wealth, thin, with protruding bones - to need. Dark cows portend well-being through hard work, light cows - a free life without worries and troubles. To see how cows are milked - to an unexpected event or news; to milk a cow - to receive a significant inheritance. A mooing cow indicates that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but successfully. A cow lying and chewing cud means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless offer. A slaughtered cow portends losses and failure in business. Cooking beef in a dream - in reality you will receive substantial financial assistance. Drink cow's milk - take a successful trip and enrich yourself with impressions. To graze a herd of cows in a dream - lead a small but close-knit team. Caring for cows on a livestock farm - you will soon have to go through unusual circumstances from which you will benefit., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

cattle by description - A dream in which you see grazing livestock means that you will get a lot of pleasure by spending a vacation in the bosom of nature in the countryside. A herd of cows portends that you will be firmly established in life thanks to the support of friends. To see the milking of cows - in the struggle you will gain the right to a significant fortune. A cow walking at you with lowered horns is a danger from an insidious woman. To see an angry bull sweeping away everything in its path - you will be exposed to ridicule in front of your enemies. A herd of bleating rams and sheep, raising a cloud of dust on a village street, means that in reality you will receive an invitation to a cultural event from which you will not get anything sensible for yourself. Riding a ram is a sign of empty dreams and unfulfilled hopes. Slaughtering cattle in a dream - your lover will be the further, the more afraid to argue with you in order to avoid a quarrel. Hearing the dying roar of cattle at the slaughter portends grief and mourning for the death of loved ones., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

grazing according to the description - Seeing a grazing with a large herd of cows in a dream - big profits await you., Family dream book

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