Why dream of a tornado, a whirlwind, a hurricane: is this a good dream, what does it promise? The main interpretations of what a tornado dreams of a woman or a man. Why dream of a tornado, death of people, destruction of a house during a tornado? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream

  • 17.10.2019

If in a dream you saw a tornado, it means that in the near future in your life, events will occur that will turn everything upside down.

A tornado, a whirlwind, a tornado in a dream symbolize a fight, trouble or great grief.

Before trying to interpret the dream in which you had a tornado, carefully analyze the details of your dream. A dream in which a tornado pulled you in is a very bad sign, be vigilant and careful in real life, try not to do rash acts.

A very bad sign, if in a dream you watched the manifestation of the elements from the outside, this is a harbinger of your own death.

An unusual thunderstorm or storm, sweeping away everything in its path, portends the completion of some life stage, a leap in the knowledge of the general picture of the world, as well as spiritual growth. If in a dream you find yourself in the epicenter of a tornado, in reality you will experience a breathtaking love passion.

As the dream book interprets, a tornado that bypassed you in a dream is a sign that you should be on the alert, as not very pleasant changes will occur in your life in the near future.

I dreamed of a tornado approaching you, but you did nothing and remained standing still, a sign that in reality you are experiencing panic and fear.

If in a dream you took refuge from an impending tornado and carefully watched from the side, this is a sign that in reality you will have to do hard and responsible work.

In Miller's dream book, a tornado or a tornado is a sign that your plans will collapse and will not give the expected result. So such a dream portends a change in fate and loss.

If in a dream a tornado destroyed your house, you will change your place of residence and work very often.

According to the dream book, a dream in which your shelter does not save you from a tornado symbolizes the adoption of some serious action.

A dream in which a tornado picks up and takes you away is a sign that in real life you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

Hearing the sound of a tornado and watching how everything collapses is a sign of painful expectation, seeing the consequences of a tornado - troubles will pass by.

A tornado in a dream at night - make hasty decisions, a tornado in a dream during the day - an aggravation of the spirit of competitiveness at work.

A dream in which a tornado moves towards your loved one is a sign that in reality you feel helpless.

According to Freud's dream book, a tornado or a hurricane symbolizes an acquaintance with some person who will completely turn your worldview about the world and about your loved ones, as a result of which your life will change dramatically.

A tornado or tornado in Longo's dream book is also a sign of any changes or events. The consequences of a tornado can be regarded as a portent of an imminent reckoning for the fact that you refused to help when you were asked for it.

Why dream of a tornado

Why dream of a tornado in childhood and adolescence - such a dream suggests that you need to be more attentive to the comments of your elders, perhaps in the near future someone will radically change your future.

In the interpretation of the Arabic interpreter of dreams, a tornado or a hurricane always brings only misfortunes, so nothing good can be expected from such a dream. Such a dream will bring disappointment and grief to lovers, illness to businessmen and businessmen, danger to travelers and tourists, and conflicts and family disagreements to everyone else.

Why dream of a tornado on certain days of the week - From Monday to Tuesday - to life's trials, from Tuesday to Wednesday - you have to make excuses because of your friend's bad deed, from Wednesday to Thursday - conflicts and resentment over trifles.

If you saw a tornado from Thursday to Friday, it warns you that your personal life there will be big changes in the near future. If a tornado dreamed from Friday to Saturday, trouble will happen to someone close to you.

If in a dream you saw people affected by a tornado, in reality you will be preoccupied with the problems and troubles of other people. A tornado in a dream is interpreted not only as drastic changes in life, but also as passionate love.

comments 48

  • Today I had a dream. The dream was clear. We live in a small village, in a five-story building, on the first floor. The day started as usual, we woke up, drank tea, and I returned to the room to sit at the computer for a while. but suddenly it began to get dark outside the window, I ran to the window and saw how a tornado was approaching our five-story building. And suddenly I woke up (I thought I was awake). I got out of bed, drank tea with the whole family and went into the room and then it gets dark outside the window, and I remembered that I dreamed of a tornado. I ran into the hall where the whole family was, I screamed hysterically to turn on the electricity and water supply, that it was a tornado. It was necessary to run to the basement, but it was too late. I had to hide in one of the rooms and hold hands. The tornado broke the window and left, we thought everything, but no, it returned and is larger in diameter. We quickly ran to another room, as there was no hope for a room with broken glass. And in this room he could not reach us, he only broke the glass. But when he returned for the third time, I thought there was no salvation, I clutched at everyone with the words, I won’t give it back, they are mine and began to pray. And suddenly everything stopped, it became so quiet that for a while I thought I was deaf. We slowly got up and went to the window, which had neither glass nor frame, and looked around our street with a tired look. This picture was like after the war. People slowly left their dilapidated apartments and collected the surviving things. And then I woke up.

  • I overslept at lunchtime and saw a tornado in my dream. I’m walking along the side of the road, I can’t go back, my friend gave money to her hands (in a dream, a friend, but I don’t know her), she said to go, she met a guy there, like a normal guy, but in anger or at a certain time he becomes other aggressive, attacks her, etc. Here is his mother, too, for one with him. She walked me out, said everything is fine, get home. I don't worry about her at all. Here I am on the side of the road. It seems to be a countryside, there such a road is open everywhere, and from afar it is clear that something is coming. And I'm moving on. There were several tornadoes, but 2-3 of them were either white, transparent, or not yet a tornado, just strong air currents passed through me and past me. Then I saw a black one coming, but I don’t have any panic, I stand and look, like I’m waiting. And then it overtakes, I was at the epicenter. I didn’t have a feeling of flight, it seems that he didn’t pull me off the ground. And I woke up, with some strange feeling, with goosebumps, and incomprehensibly, I don’t know what to think.

  • I have been dreaming of a tornado several times already, and each time I successfully ran away from it and hid, although sometimes it passed very close to me, but did not hurt me. But the last dream I had was very vivid. And I would be very happy if you could help me to interpret it. I dreamed that I was lying on the bank of a river. The time was approaching sunset, and the outlines of three moons had already appeared in the sky, and not so far from them was another small one. It was assumed that these moons would have to merge together and form one whole moon. The sun, meanwhile, began to rapidly sink towards the horizon, as if in fast forward. The sky was covered with thunderclouds and a tornado appeared in the distance, which moved towards the coast. The people who were there began to run and hide in nearby buildings. I also ran to the nearest boarding house, which was located there. People inside were worried and wondering about whether the tornado would touch them or not. Through the glass of the door, we watched as the tornado turned towards our boarding house and when it was very close, it abruptly changed its trajectory and headed to the other side of the river, where there was a forest or a grove. At the same time, he did not harm the trees and did not uproot them with the roots of their land, as something happens in reality. The sky after the tornado left towards the forest brightened and several people left their shelters and went towards the coast. They offered to follow the tornado and boarded a boat moored off the coast. I sat down there with these people, and we moved along the river along the bank, along which the tornado was now rushing. The last thing I remember is looking at the sky, and the outlines of the moons are also visible there, and at this moment I think about how sorry I am that I didn’t see how they connect into one big moon.

  • The first time I saw a tornado, I fell under it. I was driving my car and suddenly everything went dark and everything went up in the air, I lost control and was thrown far off the side of the road, the car spun softly, I saw a bright blinding light, and the next frame I already saw my body torn and covered in blood, and I immediately started thinking about my wife and family. Then he woke up in a cold sweat. Embraced his beloved and sleep again.

  • I’m dreaming, I go up to the window and a raven hits it, I start watching and I see how the whole sky is teeming with them even more. There's a tornado here. All of them whirled, in such a beautiful and terrible dance; the crows reminded me of witches with big noses. Then everything calmed down and the dead crows lay in the snow, and I looked at them and felt how easy it was for me.

  • There is no point in predicting one's own death, and it is impossible to predict someone else's death. Dreams are a manifestation of the work of the subconscious. They express hidden desires, fears, pressing problems, or simply thoughts of the past day. If I watch programs about the elements, then I dream of the elements and I experience an enthusiastic awe of it and do not regret such dreams at all, even if I am scared in them. It is foolish to advise to be careful in connection with some kind of dream. You must always be careful. Bottom line: your dream book is stupid.

  • I had a dream, first I got into the red and black paint, then went outside and saw two such tornadoes, one consisted of three vortices that twisted into a spiral, and the other was black and very wide, headed towards me, but I hid in the house ...

  • I had a dream in the evening from Monday to Tuesday in which I stood near some house with people familiar and close to me (in a dream). Suddenly, four sandy tornadoes appear on the horizon, quickly advancing on us, I shouted to everyone, everyone ran into the house, and after running everything stopped. Going out into the street, everything was calm, the sun was shining brightly, there were no consequences. And then I woke up. I would like to know what this dream promises? Why were there four tornadoes, and why were they sandy?

  • I dreamed that I was just walking with my dog. Then two fiery tornadoes appeared on the horizon. I ran into the house with the dog. Then I woke up and it seemed to me that it had just been real life. It was all like in the movie - "Towards the Storm."

  • I had a dream that I went for a walk. Three fiery tornadoes suddenly appeared on the horizon. The first time I dreamed about them, one caught me in a stream of wind, held it for probably 3 minutes, and then all three tornadoes disappeared. The second time I dreamed about them, there were also three of them. But I was already at home walking on the street. They also appeared on the horizon, fiery. But then they moved like thunderstorms, and then just, like the first time, they disappeared. Who looked towards the storm will understand. In a dream it was like in a movie. I dreamed from Thursday to Friday.

  • I dreamed of a plane that suddenly appeared and flew blown up. He fell and there was an explosion, the so-called "mushroom". I live with my grandmother, in a small village. I was not far from him. From the "mushroom" went, of course, the waves. There was a terrible noise, especially the sound of the wind, as if it was happening in reality. Strange as it may seem, a tornado was formed from the explosion and the wind. He walked across the street from me, I was not afraid, and I was sure that he would not go for me. But a girl was running around this tornado, I don’t know her, but I took her away, and the tornado went further into the village. By the way, the plane then took off again. And no matter how nonsense it was, he got on the fly in a very large plane.

    I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday that I was flying in an airplane with my relatives "mom, dad, brother, sister." Suddenly the plane starts circling, I looked out the window of the plane, everything was so gray there, and the wind howled “terribly”. Soon the plane just caught fire, but circled. I realized that this would not lead to good, and the tornado caught fire. The plane was flying over the sea, when it was on fire it just raised the tornado to a great height, 20 seconds passed and the plane fell into the sea. The dream is over. But it's not a dream, it's a horror movie.

  • Today, from Wednesday to Thursday, I dreamed that I was on the street and talking on the phone with a person unfamiliar to me. At this time, a moving funnel of clouds appears in the sky, similar to a tornado, but does not reach the ground. I watch her, I feel no fear, only interest. She walks past me and disappears.

  • And I dreamed of several tornadoes from the water, they came from the sea. There was me and other people, one of the tornadoes covered us, there was a booming sound, and then water fell out of it on me, in a large stream. I wonder what the dream is for, now I have a night and a very strong wind ... maybe that's why I dreamed it ... I really don’t want something to happen, otherwise I’m already paranoid ...

  • My sister and I were late for ballroom dancing classes, I know where the building is, but I didn’t go as usual, but the other way, I understand that I got lost, but I see a woman with her daughter who is dressed like a ballroom dance, we ran after her for some reason already along the railroad tracks, we understand that we can’t catch up, and we decided to cross the railroad, we crossed the field in front of us, I look into the distance and there are tornadoes, many funnels, I watched a little, some funnels seemed to appear nearby and disappeared next to the smoke, with us it turns out that my mother and godmother and other people, in a panic, we (relatives) run towards the subway to hide, but first we ran into a cafe shop to buy food and my sister wanted to go to the toilet, and then a tornado overtook us, whirled us into top, turned over a wooden building, and through the window I saw that someone (a cloud-man) controls a tornado, and after circling his hand, he throws us sharply down, I woke up.

  • Anastasia:

    I saw a lot of thin tornadoes, they went far at first, and then flew very close to my window. Passed by, I looked at all this. They did not destroy anything in the city, they just flew by and then left. According to the dream book, this means: a very bad sign, if in a dream you watched the manifestation of the elements from the outside, this is a harbinger of your own death.

  • I dreamed of three tornadoes: the first ordinary of dust, wind, debris, the second of fire and the third of water. They were advancing towards me and many other people around. At first I was in someone's house and hid under a table. But then she remembered that they hide like that only during an earthquake, and ran out. And I ended up in the epicenter of the tornado, where everything was quiet and there was no wind. The wind swirled with great force along the perimeter of the area. I ran, as it seemed to me, in a safe direction, but then I remembered that somewhere I had lost my two-year-old daughter and her husband. She turned and ran to look for them. And found in a crowd of people. She hugged her daughter to her, it became calmer in her soul. But I still didn’t find a way out of the tornado (((and woke up.

  • I dreamed that I was in the village and I was standing inside the house in the hallway, and outside the door on the street there was a girl whom I love, and after her a huge tornado or tornado formed in heaven behind her and I immediately brought her to my home. What is it for?

  • In a hotel in Tatarstan (although I had never been there, and in the future the number of the bus flying by was not Tatar, rather Kazakh) I, father and mother were getting ready for bed, when suddenly I noticed in the window the weather was deteriorating, but not gray clouds, but for some reason black as coal. Which began to thicken sharply and turned into a hurricane with a tornado. I shouted to my parents to lie down on the floor under the window (probably, I remembered about the life safety and the story about the blast wave and glass), then I began to photograph everything I could, I was very impressed by the moment of a bus flying past the hotel with a light lit in it, which soon fell on the asphalt. Later, I decided to see what else was in the frame, and noticed that I almost shot frame-by-frame the fall of the plane, which hit the side of the neighboring building ... Then I woke up, my father called.

  • What does it mean if you had a dream with three electro-energy tornadoes with water, the first was with an orange stream, the second with spruce, and the third with blue-blue and as if every day there were these tornadoes in this city and everyone was used to them, but then on the same day electric tornadoes appeared again and then they became different; the first became water, the second sand, and the third electric.

  • Alexandra:

    I live in Nikolaev. We are now resting in Yuzhny, I dreamed of a tornado in Yuzhny, when I saw it, I told dad and mom we were preparing to leave. We arrived in another city, in general, we escaped from him, then we realized that in Yuzhny he had already passed the apartment, things had not been hurt a bit, they were in their places, but then the tornado began a second time. Then we left again, and then I don’t remember, but the tornado didn’t hit us for sure !!!

  • Today, for about six months, I had a similar dream. Then everything went on in my life, as always. I met the love of my life, we were supposed to have a baby. But then this dream. I read his interpretation on this site six months ago. I couldn’t believe it, I thought that everything would turn upside down due to pregnancy, then I still didn’t know for sure that I was pregnant, but I felt and made such conclusions. But from the same day, everything began to change dramatically, go back, two months passed, I found out that my relationship with my half was deteriorating, then, after about 2 months, I found out that I had a missed pregnancy, it was hell on earth. Until now, everything in my life is turned upside down, and I dream that everything will return to normal as soon as possible, I can no longer live in hell. After that, I often prophetic dreams I dream, I don’t even need to interpret them, I feel their meaning, sometimes I don’t believe it myself, but then they come true.

  • Christina:

    We have private house. So here we are with my older sister they saw that a tornado was starting and wanted to run into the house, but I remembered that I needed to close the door (we have 2 doors at the entrance to the house, 1 first into the corridor and 2 already leads into the house) so, I had to close 1 door, I’m straight I saw that he was nearby, realizing that I would not have time, and a strong wind prevented me from closing. And she began to hold the 2nd door, we have a bad lock on it, I shout to my sister to help me, but she is afraid and runs into the room. The door begins to open due to the wind. And so twice, then it gets dark. And my parents were at home and they were sleeping. When I wake up, they tell me that I was in a coma for 10 days, but I don’t remember exactly. I don't know how I survived. Then they took me to the house and there was nothing just where the parents' room was. Then they never gave me an exact answer about what happened to my parents. And then I woke up.

A dream about such an unrestrained element as a tornado portends events that can, like a whirlwind, blow apart the measured course of life and bring dramatic changes to it. According to the dream book, this is the likelihood of problems, troubles, or even a fight.

But, do not rush to despair when you see a tornado in a dream. First of all, you need to remember everything that you observed in the smallest detail. Yes, a tornado, this is not a very good sign, but, after all, you have been warned, which means that it is in your power to do everything to avoid misfortunes. Be more vigilant, more careful, more attentive, do not fall for adventurous offers, do not commit rash acts.

I dreamed of a tornado

Why dream of a tornado that was watched from the side - perhaps a sad event. The dreamer needs to gather his strength, because he felt the breath of his own death.

However, not everything is so tragic. A different interpretation of a dream about a raging thunderstorm, a storm, indicates the completion of a certain stage in life. There is a chance that a person who dreamed of a tornado will discover previously unknown spiritual and universal knowledge. To fall into the epicenter of the elements in a dream, in reality means a test of fantastic love passions in the near future.

Why dream of a tornado that swept past without affecting you? Oddly enough, but after such a dream, in real life, adversity, on the contrary, will not be bypassed. Hence the conclusion - be prepared for the trials of fate. Don't relax!

In a dream, a tornado rushes right at you, and you seem to be petrified and do not make any attempts to escape or hide from it? Such a vision reflects your behavior in reality. You are in a state of panic and confusion. This is a sign that you need to get together, be more confident.

A dream in which you safely hid from the elements, and just watch it, promises soon difficult and responsible work.

Miller interprets a dream about a tornado as a collapse of plans and hopes. In his opinion, not the best changes in fate are coming. Possible losses.

Storm, in a dream, smashed the house to pieces? In this case, you will have to move to new places of residence or look for work.

When in a dream, the shelter found did not protect from the elements, it is worth considering: is it not time to make some serious efforts in reality.

A person who dreams of being carried by a tornado exposes himself to an unjustified risk. A night storm is a sign that the solution of important issues is urgent. Daily, promises increased competition in the service.

In a dream, a tornado rushes straight at you and your loved ones, this is a symbol of the fact that you actually do not have the strength to fight circumstances and rivals. You feel helpless.

The son of the elements, Freud interpreted as a future acquaintance with an interesting person who will be able to completely turn the dreamer's worldview and make global adjustments to his fate.

The white magician Yuri Longo believed that a tornado in a dream is a harbinger of changes in life. Seeing the consequences of a tornado in a dream is a sign that you will have to deeply repent because you did not help the person who asked for support.

Who and why dream of a tornado?

Tornadoes and storms dreamed of by a child or teenager should serve as a sign that it is too early to show excessive independence, and one should follow the advice, listen to the comments of the elders. One of the mentors will soon play an important role in the fate of the young man.

In Arabic dream books, dreams about natural elements - storms and storms, are treated negatively, believing that they will bring only the bitterness of loss and disappointment to the dreamer's life. Therefore, lovers who saw a tornado in a dream are likely to have a cooling of feelings and a complete break in relations. Such a dream brings illness to businessmen and merchants, obstacles and dangers to tourists and everyone on the way, and quarrels and squabbles to all other people.

Dreams about a tornado can also be interpreted by the days of the week. On Tuesday night, they promise trials. Did you see the tornado on Wednesday night? You have to apologize for a friend who behaved in an unworthy way. A tornado on Thursday night promises quarrels and misunderstandings over trifles.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

In a dream, both very pleasant events and those that cause horror and panic can appear to you. Why dream of a tornado? Should I be afraid of such a dream?

Why dream of a tornado - the main interpretation

Unforeseen, catastrophic events in a dream - can promise trouble and problems in reality. It is important to assess the scale of the catastrophe in a dream and understand that they are proportional to the events that will occur in your reality.

It is also important to take into account the details of the dream, such as:

· What was the cause of the natural disaster;

Have you suffered from the elements;

Have you saved someone from a tornado?

· Your emotions during sleep.

If in a dream you see how bad weather begins in the distance and a tornado begins to move towards you - such a dream suggests that rather difficult situations will begin to occur in your life that will unsettle you. What can be discussed? We can talk about such events that began a long time ago, and you tried to minimize them Negative influence perhaps in vain.

If you see a dream in which a tornado began in broad daylight under a clear sky, such a dream suggests that it is high time for you to worry about your own safety. One of your ill-wishers is preparing an attack and wants to ruin your life. Try not to succumb to provocations and live as you like, perhaps this will allow you to accept in the future correct solution, will allow you to build your life more rationally.

A dream in which a tornado takes you high up indicates that you will have the opportunity to rise sharply up the career ladder. But such a sharp rise can relax you, and you may lose your guard. Try to maintain peace of mind, control over yourself. If you really get such a wonderful opportunity to develop yourself, use it to the fullest. Try not to force things and take everything for granted.

Your success should be multiplied. If in a dream a tornado whirled you and carried you above the ground for a long time, eventually brought you home - such a dream means that it is time for you to take care of household chores and not waste your energy on other trifles. Concentrate on the needs and desires of loved ones. Try to help them with the problems they have. Do not spare attention and care for them, try to be condescending and kind to them.

A dream in which a tornado brought you to an unknown city indicates that a fairy tale will soon begin in your life, a fairy tale that can give you many pleasant surprises. Apparently, you have long deserved pleasant trifles, events. And now they have appeared in your life. Accept them with joy, and do not exclude them from your life.

A dream in which you hear the echoes of a tornado and do not see where it is - indicates that soon you will get the opportunity to avoid troubles and disasters. You can avoid stagnation in business and stagnation in new achievements. Do not rush things or sound the alarm, if some rumors reach you, you will find out something rather unpleasant.

In this situation, it is better to wait a while and not sound the alarm, because, in the end, everything will be resolved in your favor. Since, only echoes of an unpleasant story or situation will reach you. But if in a dream you hear a tornado in the distance, and as a result it approaches you, such a dream warns you that gossip and gossip can harm you.

Try to avoid them in every possible way, do not provoke anyone to emotions. Try to get into a conflict situation at the slightest opportunity - to avoid it, otherwise you will constantly be in the zone of conflicts and gossip.

Why dream of a tornado if you save people from it? A dream in which bad weather suddenly descended on you, and you are trying to save yourself and save others, indicates that you will soon take on extra obligations and additional responsibilities. Such a dream may also indicate your life situation when you are forced to risk yourself for the sake of another person.

This can also happen at work if you have to save a colleague from future checks or unpleasant conversations with superiors. The dream book advises to take a closer look at sleep. You may be able to find hints in it.

So, if you see a small tornado that just rushes past, you should not pay attention to the words of other people, look at their actions and draw conclusions from them. Such a dream may also indicate that you should not be afraid that major troubles will begin in life. Most likely, you will simply fall into a certain period of stress and stagnation. Try to survive it with honor and dignity and then it will end quickly. Cannot harm your life, unsettle you.

Why dream of a tornado according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a tornado dreams when a person is controlled by unbridled emotions. When the most unpredictable events can happen in his life and it will be almost impossible to avoid them. The tornado is also dreamed of as a symbol of future stresses and losses in your personal life, if it takes you far from the earth, and you cannot resist it.

A dream in which you see a tornado that circles you and at the same time you experience joy and delight indicates that soon you will be insanely happy and glad because of the events of your personal life that will overtake you. It can be both new relationships and old relationships that will get a new chance.

Try to take control of the relationship if you dream that a tornado has spun your beloved. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be disappointed in communicating with her. You will not be able to reconnect with her, and she will simply disappear from your life. If you value relationships, make every effort and do not let the relationship end.

If you dream about someone knocking on your door, you open it, and there is a tornado on the street - such a dream means that troubles will knock on your life and you will be shocked by their scale. Try not to panic, but calmly react to everything that happens. Do not let your emotions put pressure on you, put pressure on others.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a tornado, such a dream means that she will have a lot of troubles and troubles that she will create for herself. She may come into conflict with those people who in the future could be useful to her. The dream interpretation advises keeping emotions in a fist and not provoking new problems.

Why dream of a tornado according to the Esoteric dream book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said exactly how you can interpret the dream in which you saw a tornado. Such a dream can promise you destructive and very terrible events in reality. Try to analyze all recent important events maybe you made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps you behaved somehow wrong with others? Try to restore lost connections as quickly as possible.

If you dream that a tornado has swirled your house in the air, global troubles await you, which will be associated both with you and with your close circle. Try to establish peace and tranquility at home and do not rush from one extreme to another. Try to adhere to a sustained policy of peace and balance.

A dream in which you are watching the news about a tornado that is raging somewhere far away from you indicates that you will learn unpleasant news about some person you know. You could not even think before that this could happen to him, that he could behave like that. Try to distinguish between someone else's life and your own after such a dream.

Why dream of a tornado in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that a tornado is dreaming as a symbol of unstoppable changes in your life. Try to keep all of them secret, try not to tell anything personal to anyone. Just live your unique life and enjoy everything that happens in it. Do not stop developing and moving towards the goal if you have a tornado in your dream.

Such a dream can be interpreted in two ways. Aesop's dream book says that a tornado in a dream can portend global changes in reality. You can easily get rid of what has been bothering you for so long after such a dream. Get ready for a rapid rise up if in a dream a tornado takes you into the sky. If, in the end, you fall to the ground just as sharply - such a dream suggests that your victory, your triumph will not last long. But do not be discouraged and upset. Try to do everything quickly and efficiently. Don't stop half way.

So, it often happens to dream of a tornado or a tornado in a dream, isn't it? Moreover, it often happens that a tornado or a tornado walks somewhere nearby, something is crushed, destroyed, broken, carried away, but the trouble will pass you personally, and you are only an observer.

However, there is another picture... A tornado touches you in some way, or even picks you up, spins you... And a catastrophe happens :-) right?

Sometimes even a tornado does not touch you directly with a funnel and does not carry you away, but the consequences of its destructive procession, so to speak, touch you indirectly. For example, fragments, objects inflict wounds, scratches, bruises on you, or even maim you or even kill you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

Dream Interpretation - Hurricane

If you fall into a hurricane in a dream, in reality you will experience despair due to the disruption of your long-cherished plans that were supposed to lead you to your cherished goal.

The roar of a hurricane wind heard in a dream portends an agonizing expectation, which will be replaced by determined attempts to resist the collapse.

If in a dream a hurricane destroys your house, then you will have to change your lifestyle. You may have to move frequently and change jobs.

A dream in which you saw only the consequences of a terrible hurricane means that misfortune will not affect you personally.

If in your dream you yourself or someone else suffered from a hurricane, then an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you can bring you trouble.

We watched in a dream how a hurricane was approaching - in reality you are worried about the fate of your friend, who is not too lucky in his personal life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Children's dream book

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Imperial dream book

Tornadoes - in no case do they cause pleasant associations, but the image of a rearing, barren land will be worst of all in a dream.

Tornadoes in a dream - a dream is unfavorable and warns of a possible future state of complete physical extinction to immobility and paralysis, if urgent measures are not taken to restore one's psyche.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is Tornado dreaming?

Dream Interpretation Longo

If in a dream you saw a tornado -

Seeing the consequences of a tornado in a dream - a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

To fall into a tornado in a dream - you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The tornado draws the dreamer in - especially badly.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to changes and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life.

If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic.

If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform difficult and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, it means that in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action.

If in a dream you see that a tornado is picking you up and carrying you, then in reality you are exposing yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help.

If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties.

If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible.

If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life.

If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Tornado - disappointment and dissatisfaction with the fact that your grandiose plans, which were carefully thought out and well developed, cannot be realized in the near future; as well as life changes associated with unpleasant or sad events.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Tornado according to the dream book?

The dream in which there was a tornado warns that unpleasant surprises await you.

If it moves straight towards you, this is a reflection of the fact that at this stage you are confused.

It was a dream that you hid from him - you will do routine work.

The shelter that did not save you indicates that you will be forced to act decisively.

According to the dream book, the tornado that carried you away is a sign that you are risking in vain.

To die in it is a reflection of the fact that you are prone to serious illnesses.

Tornado according to the dream book

A dream in which a tornado is present may indicate some changes in your life, abrupt changes in activity. Often these changes come with losses.

As the dream book interprets, a tornado in a dream can also be a warning of trouble.

The roar of a tornado, according to the dream book, means that you have a long and painful wait. And this expectation will be replaced by desperate and futile attempts to stop the collapse of everything.

If you dreamed that a tornado destroyed your home, then this indicates that in the future you will need to adjust your lifestyle, perhaps you will change your place of residence or work.

The dreamed consequences of a tornado indicate that trouble will happen, but it will not affect you.

According to the dream book, if a tornado is approaching you, then in real life you need to calm down, pull yourself together, and not show your weakness and fatigue to anyone. And after a while, the forces will return to you again.

Prevent a tornado - some very valuable assignment or secret awaits you. And it is possible that an expensive item or package will be entrusted to you for storage.

If in a dream you run away from a tornado, then in life you will encounter difficult situation and it will require immediate permission. This dream says that you yourself do not need to pull the whole solution to the problem on yourself, you need to seek help.

A dream in which your loved ones suffered from a tornado warns that you need to be more calm about everyday difficulties and troubles.

If in a dream you see how a tornado destroys something, in real life you should be careful, a catastrophe may lie in wait for you.

Why dream of a tornado in other dream books

What is the dream of a tornado in Miller's dream book? According to this interpretation, a dreaming tornado indicates that you had some plans, you hoped that they would give the long-awaited result, but the hopes did not come true. And this tornado symbolizes the abyss of despair into which you plunged yourself, grief, suffering from unfulfilled hopes.

Long's dream book claims that a dreaming tornado brings some big changes to life, and the faster it is, the more and more tangible these changes are. And the consequences of a tornado are dreamed of as a warning of dire results that will follow your refusal to help someone.

Why dream of a tornado in Sonan's dream book - you are simply obsessed with some kind of dream, idea, it does not go out of your head, and you spend all your strength on its realization. By all means, you strive to achieve its fulfillment.

The modern dream book claims that a tornado is a dream when various disasters, disasters, and losses await you. This is a warning, and you need to be prepared for trouble. If a tornado dragged you along, then in life beware of raging passions, be careful, do not get involved in dubious matters.

The interpretation of the dream of a tornado in the English dream book claims that family conflicts and strife await you. Show more tolerance. For travelers and sailors, a dream portends dangers on their way. And lovers are waiting for unexpected heavy disappointments. This dream book gives a completely negative assessment of dreams about tornadoes, they never bode well.


Dream Interpretation Firestorm had a dream about why a fiery tornado is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Firestorm in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Fire Serpent

the embodiment of the element of fire: this is his function, as well as the connection with the treasures and riches that he brings to the house where he flies (Raider or Flying Eastern Slavs), brings it closer to the heat - a bird of East Slavic fairy tales.

In conspiracies, the Fire Serpent is invoked as a magical creature capable of inspiring passion in a woman.

Sorcerers can turn into the Fire Serpent.

Dream Interpretation - Fireball

To see a fireball in the sky in a dream is an omen of something.

Dream Interpretation - Fireball

A fireball seen in a dream - to a fire.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Fire Assault

water tornado

Dream Interpretation Tornado Water had a dream about why a tornado dreams of water in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a water tornado in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream is a sign of change and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform complex and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, then in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado picks you up and carries you, then in reality you expose yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

To see the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

Get into a tornado: you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Water

Clean water in a dream - to joy, a successful outcome, happiness. Any vessel or tank with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future. Clear water in the river is an auspicious sign that promises success and joy. A clean river flowing into your bedroom portends the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is worried, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

A stream of clean water flowing next to your home means that soon your financial situation will be strengthened and you will get a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need. If in a dream you were served a glass of clean water, then you will find success in business or marriage, which will turn out to be happy. If the glass cracked and the water did not spill, then your wife may die in childbirth, but the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse. To the priest to see in a dream what he distributes to people clean water, is a sign that he honestly fulfills his duty and brings good and comfort to people. Turbid water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly fond of doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man sees in a dream that he is drawing clean and clear water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him. To draw clean water from a well and treat it to someone is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will be enriched. If the water is cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person. To draw water from a well portends success in business or a purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings. Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or something else that is not quite suitable for this means that you will face losses or deception of the people to whom you entrusted your fortune. If the water did not spill at the same time, then you miraculously avoid big losses and save your fortune. To bury such water in the ground is a harbinger big trouble, loss of good name and shameful death. Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will proceed calmly and happily. A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to start a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you may lose your wife, children or money. If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or she will die soon. For a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream - a harbinger of romantic love beautiful woman. A seething stream is a harbinger of fire, trial and revenge of enemies. Water flowing over stones means that your enemies or bosses will be relentless, and you will lose the lawsuit. Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune. Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal awaits you, separation from your lover, longing, hopelessness and failure in business. See interpretation: sink.

Restless water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you, coming from an imperious and powerful enemy. Sailing on a river with clear water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swimming along a large river is a warning about the danger hanging over you. Being in a dream in a fast-moving river and not being able to get out of it is a sign of a dangerous illness, danger, a lengthy trial. A rippling stream means the danger of fire, litigation and the intrigues of enemies. Sailing in a boat on a pond with clean and clear water - to a good name, to wealth and happiness. But sailing in the dark means that doubts will torment you. Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream portends good news; such a dream predicts recovery for a patient. Seeing your reflection in the water - to death for the sleeping person or one of the close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well. Perhaps your life is in danger, one of your close relatives or friends may die. The dream also predicts great financial difficulties. If the water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you. Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop up, the worse this dream will have and the longer your misfortunes will last. It is good to see in such a dream that the water has suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will end quickly and everything will be fine. See interpretation: pipe.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or a stream of water, then soon a person will return to you whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought to see. Drinking water in a dream - to trouble, failure, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person offended by you will want to take revenge on you. Drink dirty water- a sign of great experiences or illness. Spilling water at home - to worries and troubles. How much water you spill, so much grief you sip. Even worse if it damages furniture or carpets. Throwing yourself into the water in a dream is a sign of danger; dive into the water - to trouble. Seeing yourself in the water - to ill health, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: flood, wet.

Swimming in the water means that you can justify yourself and remove all suspicions from yourself. Seeing others bathe portends reconciliation with enemies. Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. Being wet is a sign of trouble, worries, domestic squabbles, the collapse of hopes. Wet your feet in a dream - to losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and icy water in your dream is a sign of health; hot water means illness, muddy water means sadness and gossip, clean water promises prosperity and success in business, and dark water means insults, resentment, quarrels, failures. Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See interpretation: play, ball.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for the sick. The rest of the dream portends that they will refuse to participate in some business. Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consolation for loved ones in sorrow. Wash yourself with water - to the good news. Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

See splashes - to the news. Sprinkling someone with water - to an unexpected turn in business. If water splashed on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the spray did not fall on you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected meeting or an unexpected turn of events awaits you. See interpretation: spray.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means an increase in your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you are talking more than you are doing. Watering something with water is a loss. If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you. Immersing yourself in water up to your neck in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and your life will become disgusting to you. Carrying water is useless work. Walking on water and not getting your feet wet - overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult task. Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is being spread about you. Scalding yourself with boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own negligence. Looking at water in a dream means that your misgivings will come true. If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness await you, which you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become a victim of robbers if you do not take care in time to hide your valuables well. To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of the imminent acquisition of wealth or inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and big profits. A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a difficult position and will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts an inheritance, because of which you will have a lot of trouble. See interpretation: also chapters: ford, river, fountain, sea, ocean, source, drinks, thirst, well, waterfall, water Mill, swim, boiling water, plumbing.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Boundless streams of water - marriage.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the family will die, fade away.

A bucket without water - portends misfortune.

Bucket, full of water- portends great happiness.

Seeing a coffin that floats on water promises great wealth.

Water in the house is the death of a loved one.

The water in the well beats with a fountain, overflowing over the edge - portends material profit, wealth.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the family will die out.

The water in the well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material prosperity in the family, poverty.

Water in a boat, in a vessel - portends the acquisition of wealth.

The water is cloudy - unfortunately.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The snake moves under water, enters the water - relocation to a new home or promotion.

Walking on water - portends great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of his wife.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

You collect water in a well, and you get only silt or dirt - portends an improvement in material well-being.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - office business.

Knives or a sword fall into the water - portends the death of a spouse.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

Drinking water portends great benefits.

Drinking water non-stop is a great wealth.

A school of fish floats on the water - portends wealth, profit.

Dive into the water while sitting on a dragon - take a high position, become noble.

You sweep the house, spraying water at the same time - a person will come from afar.

Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows - speaks of wealth that has been acquired dishonestly.

Playing in the water is happiness and benefit.

You dig a well and see water - there will be a letter from afar.

The fish flies over the water - all matters will be decided.

Fishing with a fishing rod in the water is a great happiness and good luck, benefit.

You yourself fall into the water - no trouble will happen.

Sitting on a dragon, you plunge into the water - you will take a high position, you will become noble.

Sleeping dragon in the water - you will achieve what you are striving for.

Standing on the surface of the water portends trouble.

Dry fish is immersed in water - there will be luck again.

You draw water from a well - If the water is clean, fortunately.

To draw water from a well is clean - fortunately, muddy - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Water

According to the Indians, people who often dream that they are in the water are mostly phlegmatic, prone to catarrhal tumors and catarrhs.

To dream of river water that is clean and calm is a good sign.

Especially for travelers, judges and people involved in litigation.

Seeing agitated water in a dream means fearing the wrath of some important person or the disgrace of your boss.

If a person is suing at this time, this dream promises an unfair trial and a bad ending to the case.

If someone dreams that he is swimming in the fast current of the river and cannot get out of it in any way, he is in danger, illness, or a long duration of the trial.

Swimming in a dream along a large river predicts impending danger.

A person who dreams that a calm, bright river flows through his room should expect some important and generous guest to come to him.

His visit will be of great benefit.

If you dream that the river is agitated and spoils room furniture, this means a quarrel and trouble from ill-wishers for those living in the house.

When a rich man sees in a dream that a bright stream flows near his house, this dream promises him a profitable, prominent position, taking which he will become a support for the unfortunate.

A rippling stream means loss and harm from fire, legal costs or enemies.

If you dream of a well in a field with clean, clear water, then this is a good sign.

Having seen such a dream will make a useful acquisition.

If he is single, he will soon marry and have good and obedient children.

Seeing water coming out of a well in a dream portends the loss of property or great misfortune for someone close to you.

Such a dream threatens a woman with the loss of a significant part of her fortune.

A young man who dreamed of a small pond will be loved by a beauty.

If a woman saw such a dream, then he promises her the fulfillment of desires.

In a dream, riding a boat on a river, pond or lake, where the water is clear and calm, means joy, prosperity and good luck in business.

When a patient sees streams and fountains with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream, this portends his recovery.

If the water is dirty and in full swing, this is a sign that recovery will be slow.

If a young man dreams that he draws bright water from a well, this promises him that he will soon marry a pretty girl who will bring him happiness.

When the water he draws is restless and splashes, this means that his love will be disturbing.

If he dreamed that he was feeding others with clean well water, then in reality he would enrich these people.

When the water is cloudy, this does not mean wealth, but the trouble that the dreamer will cause to people who drink such water to him.

A person who saw in a dream that his stream or fountain had dried up will soon expect loss, failure, or some kind of grief.

To dream that water flows from a place where it was impossible for it to come from means care, anxiety, unpleasant ti, grief.

If you dream that you are scooping up this water, the grief will be long, depending on the amount of water scooped up.

When you see that the water has dried up and stopped flowing, the troubles will stop.

Drinking hot water in a dream portends misfortune or some kind of grief, depending on the temperature of the water.

Cold water promises happiness, while hot and boiling water promises the opposite.

Bath in a dream means trouble and suffering.

If someone dreams that, having entered the bathhouse, he found it too hotly heated, then displeasure and grief from relatives await him (depending on the degree of heat).

If a person dreamed that he undressed, but did not enter the bathhouse, this predicts to him that someone will make him angry, but not for long.

A dream in which the water will seem very cold to the one who stepped into it has the same meaning as all dreams about hot water.

Moderate temperature water is a good sign.

To dream that you are carrying water in a cracked or broken dish, from which water can easily splash, is a loss, a nuisance.

The one who has seen such a dream will be robbed or deceived by someone who has entrusted all his rich fortune.

If the poured water did not spill, then this predicts that the sleeper will save his wealth with great difficulty.

When part of the water splashes, he will lose some of his fortune.

Hiding a vessel of water in the ground in a dream threatens the sleeper with some kind of sensitive loss.

When someone sees in a dream that he was served a full glass of water, this portends him that he will soon marry and have children from his wife.

Any glass refers to a woman, and water to a symbol of abundance.

If a full glass is broken, then this dream means the loss of many friends.

Spilling water in your house in a dream portends losses and sorrows, depending on the amount of water spilled.

A person who had a dream in which he was very thirsty, and he quenched his thirst with clean, fresh and tasty water, will have a cheerful life and wealth.

When the dreaming water was muddy, warm, unclean and with a bad smell, this dream portends that the sleeper will end his days in illness and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with highest point feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a murmuring stream flowing through a meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols generate a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water.

At the dawn of mankind, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was the central ingredient of life. (You die much faster from thirst than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where the water was, for it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. JOURNEY on the water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.

Emphasizing a positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water, in controlled amounts or in a controlled environment, almost always evokes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to problem solving.

If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coast line within sight and likely reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, then have they overflowed their banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water.

Water presented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a traveler and tired, dreamer suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey, close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly sliding on the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from worldly worries or is trying to create such an opportunity on purpose.

Unmanaged water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer is. Still, deep water that feels refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths.

The exception to the general statements listed above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is not effectively operating the faucet, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the faucet). If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other. This whim can cause considerable discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , lover or other persons significant to you.

Tornado window

Dream Interpretation Tornado window had a dream, why does the Tornado dream about a window? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Tornado window in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream is a sign of change and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform complex and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, then in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado picks you up and carries you, then in reality you expose yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

To see the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

Get into a tornado: you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Window

Looking out the window - peace, peace, a safe situation.

Crawling into it or falling out of it is a failure from a frivolous undertaking, a quarrel.

To get into it is a careless interference in other people's affairs / a secret that can easily be discovered / the desire to return “to oneself”, to become the same, to forget something; secret from family / incestuous attraction.

Breaking a window is a nuisance.

Watching from the dormer window is hope.

To see the bars on the window - separation.

Put gratings - out of fear of life, deprive yourself of joys; to refuse interesting enterprises.

Climbing into a dark room through a window is a passionate desire to experience.

IN dark room break a window outside - lose innocence / and also for some reason you have to remember this.

Insert glass into the window - take precautions.

Looking through the broken, fractured - we must continue the struggle, despite the failure.

To see an empty window frame - a mockery / yours intimate life will become the subject of controversy.

The wind opens the window during the day - something new enters life, but you do not notice.

It opens at night - something new and important is clearly entering your life, but the consequences of this are still unclear.

The wind blows something away - a new one will invade life and confuse all your plans.

And extinguishes the candle - the news of death / thoughts of suicide.

The wind opens the window, and you try in vain to close it - to experience fear of the world.

To see a bright window with tulle curtains - the harmony of the outside world in your spiritual life.

To hang them is to embellish your ideas about the world for the sake of peace of mind.

The curtains on the window are burning - a kind of rapid turn of events.

To seal a window for the winter, to pull a thick curtain - a premonition of worldly storms, the need to take precautions.

The window in your room seems too big - to feel insecure, to be afraid of someone.

Too small - suffocation, heart attack, bondage.

There are pink glasses in the window - you impose on yourself other people's ideas about the world.

Green glasses - something urgent and disease-causing comes from outside into your soul.

With yellow glasses - irritation and envy prevent you from seeing things correctly.

With blue glasses - melancholy and sadness.

With red glasses - hatred and vindictiveness dangerously distort your ideas about the world.

To see stained-glass windows in your windows is in vain to try to withdraw into the world of beauty or religion.

Close the window carefully - vague fears / some damage.

Plowing is an expectation that seems hopeless to itself.

To be at the open window in the room and be afraid that someone will fit in - to experience fear of the future.

A thing thrown into your open window, an animal or a bird flying in are heralds of the future, they speak of its character.

Someone climbs through the window - an important acquaintance for your future / dark forces awaken in you.

Watching for him and hitting him is a sign of inner, hidden despair in relations with the world.

A woman climbs into the window - a new hobby.

Locking the shutters in a dream is a futile precaution.

A window in the web, in the cracks; to look out into the shutter - to feel mental stagnation due to a secluded lifestyle.

To be in a room without windows and doors - in vain to look for a way to people / to yearn alone.

A full-wall window, behind it is light and greenery - the harmony of the external and internal world.

Behind him is darkness and monsters - you live, turning your face exclusively to your inner world.

The view from the window, a snowstorm outside the window, a storm to see - life's storms will pass by.

Heavy rain is something good, joyful.

Desert - to take an uncompromising, uncompromising position in relation to the outside world, try to subordinate it to one's will and suffer from it.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - destroy something in your relationship with people / stay alone.

The sea outside the window - you must strictly control your actions.

If it is peaceful - great happiness, joy.

To see a big river outside the window - to live away from the flow of life and yearn for the hustle and bustle.

To see the landscape open to the horizon from the window - its details symbolize your worldview.

Pitch darkness outside the window - an unknown future, an incomprehensible present to you / you are turned to the world of magic and dark forces.

The blank wall of another house outside the window - someone influences your destiny, tries to drive it into a certain framework.

Street outside the window - trouble looms over you / see the world from the side.

Garden, trees outside the window - live immersed in memories / perceive the world through the eyes of another person / not have your own opinion.

Outside the window to see a strange perspective of buildings, directed directly into your window - to completely immerse yourself in the life of your body / spiritually rob yourself.

To see demonic hari outside the window - your passions close the world from you, you see only them.

Still faces - someone is watching you closely.

Teasing faces - someone wants to make you act according to his will.

The unbearable light outside the window is an invasion of unknown forces into your life.

Outside the window, to see a window with an empty room - to experience a strong longing for another person.

With a room that people walk around - longing for a person who does not need you.

Right outside the window is another room - love and harmony will replace the whole outside world for you.

To see the stairs leading up from the window - hope for relief, deliverance, liberation.

In an apartment, only have a window between the rooms - to be locked in the world of your family and be burdened by this.

Outside the window, a road stretching beyond the horizon hangs in the air - to be burdened by oneself / to strive to escape from everything familiar.

Outside the window is a burning house - peace and happiness.

The skull looks out the window - to realize that there are no people dear to you in the outside world / to yearn for the dead.

They knock on it, and who is not visible - a warning of misfortune / an imperious demand to fulfill one's duty / greetings from the afterlife.

Someone in the dark is knocking - an obligation that conscience does not allow to fulfill.

To look into a dark window from the streets - in vain to try to understand someone else's soul and someone else's life.

Seeing your family sitting peacefully through the window is a premonition of separation.

If you are sitting there with them, leave it of your own free will.

Seeing someone else's family is yearning for peace and tranquility.

To see scenes of love in the window - to feel your spiritual coldness and suffer from it.

Murder, see a fight - discord inside your self / misfortune in your environment.

To look at an abandoned room through a window - to feel unnecessary.

To see a dead person in it is to live automatically, without putting inner fire into your actions.

To see animals instead of people - passions torment you and lead you off the right path.

To see unusually lit windows, a ball outside the window - all sorts of maeta / something is being started against you.

To see how dinner is being prepared outside the window - depending on the circumstances: something pleasant or evil is being prepared for you.

A ghost sticks out in a white window - you won’t recognize yourself, be surprised at your thoughts or actions.

From behind the window they scare you - to experience interest in someone else's life.

They throw a net at you from the window - fear of addiction.

The pot is poured out or slops are poured on you - you have to experience the good from a strange family.

A person falls out of a window at you - suffer for another / be guilty without guilt.

A pole sticks out of the window - to quarrel, they will refuse you from the house.

The pig's snout protrudes - this is your house and your image / you have to reproach yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Window

In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person is associated with this symbol. folk omen says that a bird beating through the window brings with it the death of the owner of the house.

In the old days, when children had toothaches, their parents warned them: "Don't spit out the window - your teeth will start to hurt."

The dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes changes and the beginning of a new life period.

If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.

To dream of a bird knocking on a window is unexpected news.

Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window is an unexpected financial expense due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As the saying goes: "Will you stand under my window."

Window with broken glass- symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment.

Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that an unexpected obstacle will meet on your way.

A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your diligence will bring you success and prosperity.

To see a silhouette in the window means that something mysterious or mysterious will happen to you in real life.

If you are trying to get into the house through the window - in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.

Talking in a dream with a loved one through a window is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

A dream in which you open a window in a window means hope for better times.

Dream Interpretation - Windows

Seeing closed windows in a dream - you will reach the goal in a roundabout way and not always in honest ways. The open windows indicate that you will soon receive an invitation to the house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in the window portends an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided.

Climbing into the room through the window means a sad result of your entrepreneurial activity, when expenses significantly exceed income.

Entering the house or leaving through an open window - having gathered your courage, you will start all over again.

If in a dream you wash windows - therefore, you will lose by refusing advantageous offer, which at first will seem unpromising to you. Sitting on the windowsill with your legs hanging outward - in reality, act stupidly and recklessly, trying to look independent and independent.

Leaning out of the window portends the receipt of long-awaited news. Fall out of the window - you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

A dream in which you flee through a window - in reality, you will be convicted of illegal actions to achieve a goal that seems quite decent at first glance.

Dark windows mean that you will get into trouble and will not receive the support promised in case of failure of a risky venture that you decide to take for the money you need so much.

The light in the windows is a sign of hope for a better future, which is just around the corner. Shuttered windows - you will be suspected of infidelity.

The boarded up windows of an abandoned house mean an interrupted romance and parting due to circumstances beyond your control.

Looking into other people's windows in a dream - they will no longer trust you, because you will compromise yourself with a dishonorable act.

A dormer window in the attic means the successful completion of an unsuccessfully started business.

Window from the basement - you will experience hardships.

Seeing curtains on the windows in a dream portends an unexpected visit that will give you a lot of anxiety; curtains - a nuisance from people to whom you have done a good deed.

A broken window is a threat that can be carried out pretty soon and in the worst possible way.

Insert new glass into the windows - to bright changes in life.

Making window putty is an annoying surprise.

Dream Interpretation - Window

A window is usually dreamed of as a harbinger of the end of brilliant hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapsed! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your undertakings will not yield the expected results.

Closed windows are an image of abandonment.

Broken windows portend miserable suspicions of infidelity directed at you.

If you yourself broke a window in a dream, then in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life. You will face a whole bunch of problems, which will not be easy to solve.

In a dream, you were sitting on the window - you can become a victim of stupidity or recklessness.

We looked out the window - in reality, you often fence yourself off from your partner.

If something doesn't turn out the way you wanted, you withdraw into yourself. By doing this, you are causing irreparable harm to your relationship. Learn to divide all problems in half and solve them together - then there will be harmony in the relationship.

We climbed into the house through the window - you will be caught in deception.

They ran through the window - no matter how trouble happened.

We looked into someone's window, passing by, and saw strange things - you can fail and lose the respect of others.

D. Loff interpreted such dreams in an interesting way: “Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to feel it. Windows can be insidious, mislead us. It can mean disappointment, protection, or illusion.

In a dream about imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot currently find yourself. This is a common occurrence in life.

If the situation outside the window looks hostile and you find yourself on the other side of the window to verify this by experience, you will find that you have been deceived.

Sometimes you can see things in windows that aren't really there. Perhaps it's time to overcome your insecurities on your own skin, feel the rhythm of life, and not watch it pass by.

If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside the window turns out to be a disturbing reality, then you may feel that life is deceptive and does not always deliver on its promises.

A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who are engaged in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from worldly fuss. Windows of this kind can open realities for you that you can potentially immerse yourself in.”

Dream Interpretation - Window

Looking out the window in a dream - peace, peace.

Climbing out of a window or falling out of it is some kind of frivolous undertaking.

Climbing out the window is the desire to get into other people's affairs, which can give you a lot of trouble.

Break the glass in the window frame - trouble, interference.

The lattice on the window is separation.

You put bars on the windows - fear of life.

Insert glass into a broken window - you will try to protect yourself from something.

see through cracked glass- you will fight, defend your interests, despite the failures.

To see an empty window frame - some ridiculous rumors may spread about you behind your back.

View from the window: there is a snowstorm outside the window, a storm - troubles will pass by.

Destruction, ruins outside the window - a quarrel with loved ones and temporary loneliness.

A big river outside the window - you stand apart from friends and cannot overpower yourself.

Outside the window is night - you are afraid to make a decision.

Garden outside the window - for some reason you are very dependent on someone else's opinion.

Outside the window, the stairs up - hope.

Looking from window to window of someone else's house and seeing a room filled with people - yearning for a person who does not notice you.

To see the road going beyond the horizon is to strive for another life.

Looking out the window from the street and seeing a fun party in it is vanity, empty chores.

Seeing a fight is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

To see your relatives - you are going to leave somewhere, separation.

Looking into a dark, unlit window is a vain effort to understand someone else's soul.

As for the “alien soul”, it has long been known that it is “darkness”. And as for the windows - you know so much about them; then tell me, please, what kind of window is that "cut through to Europe"?

Red tornado

Dream Interpretation Red Tornado dreamed of why the Red Tornado is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Tornado in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream is a sign of change and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform complex and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, then in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado picks you up and carries you, then in reality you expose yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

To see the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

Get into a tornado: you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red color in a dream means that you will be honored by inviting you to a large and elegant celebration. A rich bright red color called purple means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are for spending money and acquiring real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family strife and quarrels with a loved one. The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the day. Seeing a red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buy, pick and eat red grapes in a dream - in reality you will receive reproaches in the family and reprimands from the authorities. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of an upcoming fun walk soon. Cook jam and compotes from red berries - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Very intense.

It symbolizes passion, physical strength, anger, sexuality, sensitivity, aggression and danger.

Red: This is the color of blood and has been greatly favored in some cultures.

The Chinese painted their banners red, as well as talismans.

The mother goddess in India is depicted in red, red: the color of creation, since the birth of a child is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

Even in the prehistoric period, people associated red with life.

They put a blood stain on the object that they wanted to revive.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Red

This color emphasizes energy and strength.

Depending on the circumstances in a dream, he either warns of anger and aggression, or replenishes the dreamer's lack of energy.

Try to remember your feeling that accompanied the interaction with red.

Red color is associated with excitement, fear, sexual arousal.

Red is the manifestation of active action and the desire to succeed.

The world affects us with color, not taking into account our personal preferences.

And in response we show some emotions or just feel mood changes.

On a conscious level, we can put into words our admiration or indignation at color combinations. Most of our dreams are not colored. We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, at best, the setting of the dream. But sometimes we have colorful dreams.

Color in our dreams appears to illuminate those aspects of our lives from which we especially stubbornly turn away. We read color information unconsciously.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we do not realize why we made our choice.

Therefore, the color test is an objective psychological characteristic of a person.

At an unconscious level or in a dream, we are involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First, we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Red

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Seeing a red rainbow is fortunate.

Climbing the city walls, red - portends great happiness.

Big tornado

Dream Interpretation Big Tornado dreamed of why the Big Tornado is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Big Tornado in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream is a sign of change and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform complex and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, then in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado picks you up and carries you, then in reality you expose yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

To see the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

Get into a tornado: you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Dream Interpretation - Big

A large and high door - wealth and nobility.

A large and high door, gate - portends wealth and nobility.

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

A big fish beats, jumps - portends fame, glory.

A large tree suddenly breaks - portends trouble, misfortune.

Are you going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness.

Large basin - the addition of reserves, great happiness.

Basin, large bowl - portends an increase in supplies, great happiness.

A large temple of ancestors - happiness and good luck in all matters.

There is a coffin in the large hall - portends joy and peace.

Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness.

Seeing large and wide city walls is a great wealth and a lot of joy.

You see large and wide city walls - great wealth and much joy.

Driving along the high road and falling into a hole is a loss of wealth.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

runs through big rat- portends a joyful event.

A big rat runs through - a joyful event.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

If you are going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being.

The person gives you a big bucket - benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Thumb

Seeing your thumb in a dream - to happiness and wealth.

A woman sees her thumb - to the birth of a child.

The merchant sees his thumb - to a good profit.

Seeing a wound on your thumb is a big disaster.

If the thief sees a wound on his thumb - to arrest and sentence.

The patient sees a wound on the thumb - for long-term treatment.

Seeing a thumb in paint is a symbol of big debts and unpleasant conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Thumb

The thumb means "go ahead".

The thumb down says, "Forget it."

Dream Interpretation - Big

Seeing something big in a dream is a good deal.

Funnel in the sky tornado

Dream Interpretation Funnel in the sky tornado dreamed of why in a dream a funnel in the sky is a tornado? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a tornado in the sky in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream is a sign of change and trials.

If you see a tornado, then this is a warning that you should be prepared for not very pleasant changes in life. If in a dream you see that a tornado is approaching you, but do nothing, then in reality you experience fear and panic. If you dream that you have taken refuge from a tornado, but are carefully watching it, this is a sign that soon you will have to perform complex and responsible work.

If in a dream you found shelter from a tornado, but this does not save you, then in reality you will have to make a decision and take some decisive action. If in a dream you see that a tornado picks you up and carries you, then in reality you expose yourself to unjustified risk.

To see a tornado in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday is to need someone's help. If you dream of a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then soon you will have financial difficulties. If you dreamed of a tornado from Friday to Saturday, then this indicates that you need to show patience and endurance.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Seeing a tornado in a dream - to trouble, misfortune, disaster.

If you dreamed that you were caught in a tornado, then this is a warning that you need to be more careful. You are too passionate about your passions, you think little about the consequences. Such frivolity is unforgivable and can lead to the most sad consequences.

If you are trying to hide from a tornado, then this suggests that you are still trying to remain sensible. If you dream that you are dying in a tornado, then this indicates a serious illness that may even tie you to bed.

If you dream that a tornado overtakes one of your loved ones, then this indicates a passionate love that is carefully hidden by them.

If you see a tornado from Thursday to Friday, then this may be a warning that dangerous changes may occur in your personal life. If a tornado dreams from Friday to Saturday, then trouble will happen very soon with one of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Funnel (on the water)

You are being pulled into a funnel - circumstances are stronger than you, wait until everything resolves itself. Seeing a funnel on the water - a stupidity that you do thoughtlessly will lead you to a protracted conflict.

If you dreamed that you fell into a funnel, imagine that you dive into the funnel, fall to the bottom, swim to the side and emerge in a calm place.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

This means that events will soon take place in your life that will turn everything upside down and disrupt your usual world order.

To see the consequences of a tornado: a dream warns that you will soon pay dearly for not wanting to help when you were asked for it.

Get into a tornado: you have to go through a dizzying love passion.

Dream Interpretation - Funnel

Pouring something through a funnel in a dream means that you have to do difficult work, something like going through the eye of a needle.

Dream Interpretation - Funnel

Look into the funnel - be in danger through stupidity.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - a superior force will invade your life, which will be very difficult to fight. Someone will influence your destiny in a radical and violent way. Be more attentive to the comments of elders and try to keep your mouth shut.

Dream Interpretation - Tornado

Tornado - trouble, danger, destruction.

Dream Interpretation - Sky

The sky is an image of the soul, a picture of its life.

The sun in the sky is the center of the life of the spirit, your mind.

Balloons flew into the gray sky - a temporary collapse of all hopes.

Day sky - always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly realize.

see clear, clear sky or bright clouds without the sun - coming quiet hours and inner composure; can be used for spiritual development.

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow movement and play of forms - the harmonious life of the soul.

Seeing one bright cloud in the sky is something good.

And above the head - honor.

Clouds rapidly running across the sky - a symbol of interference from the outside world to your spiritual development/ unpleasant and rapid mood swings, vanity, worldly troubles and worries.

Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.

Clouds looming on the horizon and advancing - your fears / fears; feeling of anxiety.

A gloomy, cloudy sky is a call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky of unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous conditions in the life of the soul.

Red sky - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - malice, envy, etc.

To ascend into heaven is to live in unceasing labors.

Being in the clouds is news / a new position.

Night sky - symbolizes such a phenomenon of the life of the soul, which is beyond the waking consciousness, which is a mystery to him.

The night sky, gloomy and without stars - the time of trials is coming, only one has to live " upper world”, a time unfavorable for quiet spiritual work.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, covered with a light haze - a secret sadness.

To see a bright milky way - hopes are not the strength of the soul and help from above / the inseparable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Dream Interpretation - Sky

(See interpretation: stars)

Seeing a clear, blue or clear sky in a dream portends well-being, peace of mind, a good road, and for those who have lost something, it predicts that the loss will be found. Such a dream also predicts the victory of some difficult case or its resolution in your favor. A gloomy and cloudy sky in a dream means emotional distress, illness, obstacles in business and trouble. The hopeless darkness in a dream predicts that you will receive news of the death of loved ones or relatives. A sky with a white gap is a sign of the difficulties that you will have to overcome in order to succeed. The sky, illuminated by the moon, stars or an unusually red sun, portends the receipt of important and disturbing news or misfortunes that will fall on you and your loved ones.

The crimson sky in a dream is a harbinger of disputes, quarrels, contention in the family and at work.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that there may be civil unrest in the country. See interpretation: clouds, wind, cross, angel.

The pink or red sky that you like in a dream is a sign of happy love in old age. Any dream that burning torches, stars, lights, sparks are falling from the sky portends illness, death loved one or patron.

Ascension to heaven to watch in a dream is a sign that your business will be difficult to implement. To ascend into the sky yourself is a sign of victory in a risky business. For lovers, such a dream portends pleasure, and loved ones will say about them that they are in seventh heaven with happiness. Flying in the sky in a dream and seeing a world full of miracles around you means: expect an unexpected shock. Perhaps you will learn about the betrayal of a loved one. Figures or objects in the sky portend changes for you. See interpretation: by the names of figures and objects. See interpretation: fly, stairs.



the hurricane rushes around the shelter of me and my children, my concern for them sweeps past.


I dreamed that I entered the nursery and saw a gray whirlpool of air on the ceiling. I throw some toy, spin it in a circle and throw it to the side. It seemed funny to me and I continued with some kind of cord, throwing it into it then pulling it out. Then, laughing, I grabbed the edge and pulled it to the floor. He began to move the furniture, I breathed on him and but moved towards the door. So I took him out the door and he began to grow and after a couple of minutes turned into a big tornado. Having demolished the neighboring house, he went on, but I stopped him and asked him to demolish my house. It's strange, but at the same time I was so happy that I even jumped for joy and woke up in this good mood. I read that this is for trouble, but I don’t believe it, it was good for me, you know, such freedom. Explain why the dream?


The whole dream was in the first person (I myself participated in everything and saw it with my own eyes) A ​​group of people were sitting at a table in the courtyard talking about something, laughing, everything was fine, me too, after a moment a strong wind blew everything off the table ( there were 2 dresses and a ring) I grabbed the dresses to save them and at that moment it was as if these dresses had become the tip of a tornado, i.e. I held a tornado in my hands, it tried to escape both up and down, but I was stronger while I was holding the tornado (despite the fact that I didn’t really strain, I just didn’t want it to fly away and destroy something) I I saw 2 girls in turn, as if advertising their old Wedding Dresses in order to sell them (the girls were happy and the dresses were clean and beautiful), after the last girl left, the tornado seemed to gain strength, but then it dawned on me that I also have a ring, the very one that was with the dresses, I decided tame the tornado and put the ring on my finger so that the tornado would not run away, when I did this the tornado disappeared and all the people began to leave the entrance of the house just laughed and chatted .. I woke up from looking at them and laughing, it was so funny to me that even when I woke up I continued to laugh. All the time that is described above, our family friend (not my husband) was with me, but he did not even feel the tornado.
ps I am married, I saw a dream from Saturday to Sunday)
Thanks! Sincerely, Ulyana


What does it mean "dangerous changes may occur in your personal life"?
what does dangerous mean?


There are many tornadoes around my city, destroying houses, but I manage to hide from them.


twice I dreamed of a beginning tornado - once outside my great-grandmother's own house (which is very important for all of mine and she is alive and well), that time I ran to warn the house, no one believed me, they just remained in their places (I'm 12 years old ). He dreamed recently. Today is Sunday (I went to bed at midnight), the second time it starts in the same way as the previous dream (about a tornado), and then, as if from the ground, it starts in the courtyard of the house, right next to the house ... I went into the house, everything seems to be if they know, in a hurry, I collect food, which throughout my life played a significant and fateful role in the life of my aunt and her husband (they always gather there on weekends, like everyone else), push it into a bag, then something was theirs in the photo album, which I also collected, and some gray men's socks. In the room where I collected this, there is a second bed (on which no one sits or sleeps - really), my second aunt sits on it - unmarried (for three years) and does nothing, sits in her usual sport. suit. I suggest to my great-grandmother to hide in the “sugar hole” (as I said in a dream, meaning the basement), she seems to be doing nothing. And so, I run out into the yard and there it is neat but powerful, the tornado has grown to the size of a garage - and it is not small. And in the house everyone is still sitting and waiting for something .... And then I woke up


Sleep from Saturday to Sunday. I saw beautiful nature, stood on a mountain, then from afar I saw an impending tornado, quickly got into the car and drove away, the tornado passed by. There was no fear, the truth was in a hurry. There was a sister and her husband


Everything happens as if on the street, as if in a house without a roof. The street, like a room, is large, but it’s not much to walk along it, somewhere up to 20 steps. I don't remember exactly how it started. I look as if in front of onndex.ru my smart nephew is somewhere two meters away in an alley-room without a roof and without doors (from a distance it looks like this is a street, and I don’t have a nephew). I turn to the right and walk past the room, on the left side and turn. Then, with a turn again, the house-room projoju about 10 more steps and turn to the right. I see my sister sitting at the turn of the case leaning against the wall and she has a son-in-law. Here I sat down near them and after a couple of minutes I see a black tornado rising from the bottom up and that it rises wider in the mountain, narrower from the bottom. It comes to the clouds and stretches like clouds (tayak in the photo nuclear explosion ) I'm screaming here, look, on the street people all freeze up and look at the sky. It breaks somewhere at the level of a meter above the house-earth, one end descends back to the ground, and the other begins to rise to the sky, I get up and want to run, but I manage to see that the whirlwind has become a cloud and expanded and disappears, and here I understand that everything is okay. And then I see that again from the same place. The whirlwind starts to rise. (This is the second half, which broke off a meter from the ground and sank again. And I see that the second part of the vortex is rising. I’m going to run with the city, there my nephew is about two meters from the main road (in the alley) 2 meters from him mom and from mom 2 meters away) I ran 2-3 steps sharply and I see that he almost rose to the level of the sky and I see that I won’t have time and I remember that my mother is there and everything will be okay. Then I see that the black tornado has risen to the level of the sky. And black and returns and goes to the sister. Tayak a snake across the sky Plehve, I think that everything will be fine because it is at the level of the clouds. I’m standing around the corner against my sister, and he didn’t sink down and swam over my sister’s head with a seam like a snake and didn’t hit me, bypassing the side. At this time, I am very confident in myself that everything will be okay. Then he floated by air and sat behind the house on the other side of the street on electric wires along with sparrows. I turned over with my sister a couple of phrases. I can see by the expression on my sister's face that she is dissatisfied with something and I understand that this dossier is connected with my mother. I ask what is wrong? I won’t tell my mother (what’s on her side, that I understand her) that my mother won’t hear me saying half a tone. She didn't say so. I see a refrigerator and there are potato pancakes on the top two shelves in the refrigerator. I take a pinch of plyacks in front of each cookie and toss it aside up in front of the wires. Sparrows and a snake are removed and picked up in the air. And the snake is also a whirlwind, but it absorbs with the place where it touched the pinches and it reminded me of a black hole, then it absorbs in the likeness. I lay out the plyatski evenly on all 4 shelves, take the cheesecake and put it near the refrigerator. And then most likely it’s Easter (and although there may be Rizvi, but there is no snow in the yard and it’s warm and the asphalt is the same as in summer. The asphalt is without holes and not patches without cracks of good quality, but it’s clear that it’s a little old from 90 years old) and I remember that in in another room there is meat stacked on the table and the table is set, which could touch it and have to throw everything away. Because he threw away these pinches, perhaps this tornado could hurt the snake. For those pinches he threw away because he could have chipped them as he passed by. I threw the sparrows away from trouble so that trouble would not bite me. And the room where there is a meat without a roof. This is where I wake up.
Other details: When the tornado-snake sat on the electric wires, she just watched and looked at me, and I was very sure that everything was okay. But I was alerted by the fact that flashed over the heads of the brother-in-law and sister. And I had a dream somewhere on Thursday at 12.30-13.00 and such an enmity that I had it on Wednesday night. On Thursday I dreamed about 7:00 am in the morning. On the same day. On the day I was zakimariv for 2 hours.
Please give an answer to the email step.ivan7 @ yandex.ru and please do not publish on any website.
There are a lot of signs here, I can’t determine what a dream means.


Hello. I dreamed that my family and I live on the 9th, last floor of a house standing on the banks of the Ob, and one day we look out of the window - and on the river there is a water tornado, a kind of water column, rushing to the left past our house. And in the apartment there is an earthquake, not strong, but tangible. Then everything passed. A very beautiful phenomenon in a dream - I am in awe (this is about a tornado)


I dreamed that I, a familiar guy and my two classmates were running. ahead, far from us, we see a tornado. The guy grabbed my hand. we ran the whole street holding hands and then in front of us, next to us, another tornado appeared.


I often dream of a tornado, many tornadoes are moving towards me. I always hide in some kind of shelter and protect my family and friends


i dreamed of a tornado at sea, it seemed to be heading in our direction, and I tried to guess in which direction to run away, and then some kind of gap and I see traces of a tornado on someone's balcony on a high floor. The balcony is intact, on it spots in the form of marks.


well, it was like this, I saw some kind of temple, I went in and the wind started, I didn’t understand anything, but then I took a closer look and saw a place that looked like a desert and the tornado didn’t stop, then there was a very loud noise, I closed my eyes and my ears were sand everywhere, I opened my eyes and saw the legs, but not human, they were small and brown, similar to the paws of a lizard, but the whole body could not be seen.


I dreamed of several tornadoes (5.6), everything was swept away in its path! it was like reality. They moved straight at me, even I flew up into the air but held on to something. So 3 tornadoes touched our house ... what does this mean?


I see how a big black tornado rises on the horizon and approaches in my direction, I stand and look at a huge black pillar that covers everything around, but there is no fear, I don’t hide, it doesn’t carry me away. Just the feeling of this blackness leads me to some kind of incomprehensible feeling, a feeling that I want to draw this moment, somehow capture it, and this is not the first time I dream about it.


At first I dreamed that I was standing in the house and on the other side there were dried (large) trees lying around and carried in our direction by a wave, but I was at home and the house saved us from blows (which flew in our direction) then the river spread almost to our house, but it didn’t reach us, then it was as if I was walking and a water tornado overtook me, the water was clean


a tornado that formed several times, which at the end turned into a tree and broke. I was in the house, there was bad weather outside the window, some kind of gust, there was liquid black dirt around to the level of windows, I was going to visit another city, I changed my mind several times and because of bad weather


I dreamed that I was visiting someone in the country. A strong wind blew outside the window. I slightly opened the front door and saw that three people were standing on the porch, and in the distance there was a huge funnel. Those people outside the door weren't scared. But I got scared and closed the door. After some time, I realized that three people were carried away by a tornado due to the fact that I accidentally slammed the door. The storm did not touch the house.


I look out the window from my parent's house, a black cloud hangs in the yard, it gradually descends to the ground, it becomes dark as in the evening. A small black tornado forms in front of the cloud and goes straight to the house. I hear the wind. I go out to close the door on the veranda. Wind, the doors are beating from the wind. I manage to close them. I see that the yard is covered with snow with a crust right on the green, it was spring outside. Then I see our shepherd dog in the garden and the black shoes she pulled in this snow. I start collecting them and bring them into the house.


like but-o I'm at work and we go to the dining room to have lunch, but there are no places and we go to a stop from nowhere a car appeared, I find myself in this car with my girlfriend, but there is no one behind the wheel, we serve in an accident with me there was a strong tantrum in a dream and for some reason I ended up at my mother’s house, I saw a tornado outside the house and started collecting a lot of strollers, I entered the house and watched the tornado through the window, it was white white and I saw faces from the clouds


in a dream, a tornado began. I was driving my car .. I was looking for someone, got out of the car. I got to the cemetery, the graves were with various interesting crosses and figures. I saw my husband in the cemetery, he left him with a young guy .. for some time I I also visited the cemetery, found a way out, went to look for my car .. I searched for a long time, but then they told me where it was ... it was a garage for storing cars after accidents .. the gates opened and the car came out supposedly on a tape and fell to the ground. all broken after a tornado but glass all whole


I’m in my parent’s house, looking at the clouds, and there a tornado or a tornado comes up .... it twists and grinds more and more, I thought, it’s going to take me away and hide. But it turns out this cycle turned into a big fish from air, dust, etc. yes, this fish fell into our garden. I look at my mother ran up to this huge fish with a pitchfork to pierce. I woke up!


My mother and grandmother came to my hostel. We were on the 5th floor in my room. Then for some reason I went downstairs. All my friends were there. We were taken outside. The whole sky was grey, gloomy, and in the distance, half the sky, a funnel was visible. She slowly approached. We were taken to a basement. I wanted to go back for my parents, but they didn't let me in. I was scared. I cried


Summer. I look out the window at a field with a forest, on it a tornado is forming in the air from black ragged spots. It tries to move towards me, but it dissipates and then forms again. I go to the cellar with Putin and my parents, looking for cats, but they don’t recognize each other. I don't find any dogs or cats along the way. We sit and wait in the cellar.


Hello Tatiana!! I had a dream, after it somehow uncomfortable, anxious in my soul. I hear the sound of a strong wind, I open the doors and there is thunder, lightning, dark, cold and a tornado, and my daughter runs in front of him and stretches out her little hands to me, and my mother screams, then a break and ... .. the sun shone brightly. I read dream books and become even scarier. I had a similar dream 12 years ago, after which I lost my mother. please explain, explain.


I dreamed that I was at home with a group of people (I don’t remember the face) ... it was impossible to go out into the yard there were wolves ... whoever went out was bitten ... then I plucked up courage and went out in front of the house turned out to be a wolf .... I closed my eyes so as not to see how he will attack ... opened it and ended up somewhere in the field ... a tornado was approaching from two sides (from left 2 and from right 2) and they looked like elements (earth. water, air, fire) really colored ... on one side green and brown on the other red pink and blue ... lightning flashed around and a tornado also appeared in a straight line, though it’s already normal ... I rushed to run ... ran into the police building ... there was no one hiding in the basement ... when the tornado was near the building I woke up ... Tatyana, please explain why this dream .


I swim in the river, which begins to boil like a red grazer, I see a dozen funnels of a tornado destroying storey buildings, I take cover in a building and watch what is happening


Hello, I dreamed that I was visiting my parents and walking in the yard, but then a tornado appeared in the distance and flew in my direction. Then dad went out into the yard and stood between us, as if preventing our “meeting” with the tornado. it was very hard to get to the house where my mother was waiting in the dirt, I was twisted, thrown back, but I got there and the tornado passed by. Thank you!


I see through the window how a strong wind bends the trees and pulls them out, I try to open the window, but it did not open much and closed with force, then I open the window and see the water that has risen to the very roofs of the houses. I ask mine dead grandmother everyone is alive, and then I don’t remember.


My grandmother and sister were in the dream. I was standing in a high-rise building, (in my grandmother's house) we were going to the beach, when suddenly my grandmother screamed and said something like “Oh, my God, look at this thing, how it is!”. She was very scared, and I went to the window where she was standing and looked out into the street. There, directly opposite, across the road, the tornado sucked the house into itself, and I saw how this happened to the last brick. He went on and people began to run wherever their eyes looked, madly screaming. Looking a little further down the street, I saw several more tornadoes, they also destroyed houses. Looking out the window, leaning over the window sill, I saw about five more tornadoes, and they demolished the houses all the same. There are actually no houses in that area, they were some other houses, 40-50 floors. But the first house I witnessed being destroyed was an ordinary 9-story building. When I looked out the window, I saw one of the tornadoes that was invariably supposed to overtake our house, and at the same time I began to think through a dream. I thought that I need to wake up so as not to see my sister and grandmother die, and not to see how I die. And I opened my eyes as soon as I wanted to.


The tornado was on the river, and while I was in the building, I watched the window of which the garbage that he was carrying partially got into the building, after which the tornado disappeared


I’m walking with someone across the field, a small one forms in the distance, then a growing column - a tornado. It grows into a large one. I look at him, he is aloof all the time and I say: look. he goes into a rain cloud. the sky in the distance is fat and like lightning. We were not touched or approached. Everything from the outside. I was terribly interested.


I saw 3 big black tornadoes. Took the roof off the house. I was in the house with my wife, daughter and son. in a dream they allegedly died. what is it for?


I saw a tornado in a dream, but we did not enter the house. we were outside. I do not remember someone found a cat. my grandmother doesn't like a cat. but in the dream she stroked the cat. I protected my younger brother from a tornado. someone there died an unknown woman what does it mean


I’m walking around the city, a dark cloud is approaching and I’m going to go home on the left side of me, a funnel forms at a distance, I ran home, but strangely enough, I liked this sight, I ran home quickly and somehow the dark cloud and the tornado were all the time behind me. I ran home and nothing hurt me, only the rain dropped a little


I dream that I am with friends on the embankment of my city, I know that it is mine, but it seems like everything is different here and suddenly I need to go home, I went home and suddenly I see a dark cloud approaching me and then I see a tornado funnel, strangely enough, but I liked this sight, I ran home and when I ran and in whatever direction I ran, this cloud always turned out to be behind me. I managed to catch a light little rain and I ran home and watched the cloud from the window.


Hello! I dreamed I left the house with my son for 6 years, and there was a tornado but not black, but blue and white, he was just born near the yard, and he was already big in the yard. I was hiding in the room with my son. but nothing to do with us it didn’t happen, he somehow passed through our yard without harm.


I went with my grandson to swim in the lake, as it was gray. When they were swimming, a storm suddenly began and a tornado spun. We ran into the house and I began to watch the tornado. Suddenly, inside the tornado, red tongues of flame lit up the window. The house didn't collapse.


Hello! Last night I had a completely incomprehensible dream. At first I dreamed that my friend was invited to act in the morgue as some kind of bride, then we disappeared somewhere and ended up in this morgue again, but already in the other room and then it started raining sharply, and then the tornado spun this morgue or room, but we are with her were in other rooms. But when a tornado spun us, and then it was scary to pick us up. And he put us or threw us not far from the place where we were, when we left, the bright sun was shining and everything was demolished from the place from where we were blown away by a tornado. But we remained alive.

Angelina Nakonechna:

Today I dreamed of a tornado, I was walking with my mother near the house, then a thick tornado came out and it began to circle around my house. Its color was gray black and blurry, my mother and I hid from him and wanted to go home but he blocked the way.


We walked with the whole family - me, my parents and our dog - in the park. We saw how a tornado begins to form very close to us. We were surprised that such a weather phenomenon was happening with us, and went home. The dog ran away, but we quickly caught it and put it on a leash. The weather quickly deteriorated, the wind picked up, it began to rain. When we were already walking towards the house, we felt relieved, and the fear receded. We did not see the tornado itself.


Hello! i dreamed as if from a distance I saw a tornado and this tornado began to approach, I went into the house, I see it passes along the street, after it the fog I went out into the street to take off my clothes and saw that they were coming back to us, I already ran into the kitchen, I was very it was cold, I turned on the gas stove and started to warm up, looked out the window, and this tornado kept spinning over my house, then I woke up


I dreamed that I was walking and suddenly a tornado started, he picked me up, but I was able to get away from him and hid in the basement (or house), but then when it was over I went out and it was dark began to go in front and someone shouted to me to stop (it seems like a male voice) I went forward and there were electric wires behind the ground that shocked me, but I remained alive except for what began to stab in the heart, but then it also passed


I am with a man and my daughter on the beach at the sea, the beach goes into the sea with a cape, the sand is fine, in front of the village is a private sector not far away, which also rests directly on the sea. Suddenly, dark clouds went low low that one even touched the sea and strong waves went in my direction. The man hugs me from behind and says that it's time to go home and picks up his daughter and leaves. I look back at me from the sea, a tornado is approaching and I leave the beach. a jeep drives out to meet me and douses me with sand from head to toe. I even have sand in my mouth. I am getting up.


Hello! The dream was dark and a tornado appeared in the distance, I just looked at it, then it subsided and another larger one appeared


In the distance, in the horizon among the clear sky and the horizon, a black stripe from earth to sky, expanding to the top, Went into the building in alarm, closed the door. It seems she began to speak to people, saw her colleagues, no one reacted, but it was just overcast outside the window, as if it was going to rain. I went outside again, saw the same thing, went inside. She called the child, she did not see him, in her soul she knew that he was in the building. Thank you in advance.


I remember that my sister and I stood on some high floor and turned around and saw a tornado for some reason, he (the tornado) missed us and said get out faster and we went out, then watched him.


I dreamed of a tornado that was just emerging. I have observed this phenomenon with friends. There was a very black cloud (no rain) right in front of us. Then the tornado was in front of us literally a meter away and we, throwing garbage at it, watched how it circled. The dream was very clear


at first the tornado was in the distance, there were even several of them - of different sizes, I was on the porch of the house and did not have time to run in to, so I just buried my face in half a circle everything flew around me ..


On the night of Friday to Saturday, I had a dream. A sixteen-story building stands on the banks of the Volga. I'm on the sixth floor, the weather is sunny, warm, suddenly I see from something at home how dominoes fall on their sides one after another. I decided that they could manage on their own ... The house falls right into the Volga, I dive, although I can’t swim. The water is clean, warm and transparent, I emerge and grab a stool (there is a lot of furniture), but realizing that better fit the table, since it is larger and wider, you can safely swim and rest on it, I calm down and wake up. I didn’t feel any fear. Why would it ??? Thank you in advance!!!

[email protected]:

Tornadoes or hurricanes constantly dream. I manage to hide, but I worry about loved ones or for myself. Today I saw other people, how the wind carried them away, destroyed houses, broke windows ...


this is just a piece from the dream that I remember the most, I was in a multi-storey residential building, according to the sensations of an old Soviet building, a nine-story building of the 70-80s, in general there was a feeling that I was in the city where I once lived, this is Naberezhnye Chelny, and came to visit, but the city and people looked different, but the feeling was just like from childhood, and so from the window of about the second, third floor I saw the approaching black and gray clouds and then the descending column of a tornado, just like it starts in real life , at first it swirls slightly, twists, and then grows strongly, such a big one, sweeps away everything, but it is still far away, I can see it all, I’m scared in a room with people, their faces are blurred, but I feel like I know them either friends or relatives I tell or yell at them to take cover, run for cover, basement, etc. and I’m running with one of them to look for shelter, everything is shaking, the rumble of a tornado is heard, but it doesn’t affect me, but I’m still running around looking for shelter, there was a moment when I saw a tornado nearby and heard its rumble, saw how it destroys the glass in the window, there is a vortex flow right next to it, everything is shaking in the room, but it doesn’t hurt me, I run away and still can’t get into the basement for shelter, I’m looking for it, but it, and then, it seems, I find something, a place, shelter closer to the basement, below at home, in general, not what I wanted, again, according to my feelings, but this will come down, I decide and will help to wait it out after everything quickly calms down, I and the people with whom I ran and looked for a reliable shelter come back, I remember everything quite vaguely, in fragments, but I remember that I sort of hid from him and the rest, too, although not in the basement but in another place similar to him, several times while running everything was shaking and rumbling, but it didn’t seem to hurt, something else was but I don’t remember, unfortunately


i dreamed of a hurricane in an unfamiliar house, probably several 5 or 6, or maybe more, destroying high-rise buildings when I came to my window, I stopped it by holding out my hand, saying stop and the hurricane was struck by lightning one at a time and they all disappeared


At first, there was a flood in my apartment, although the situation in it was completely different, but in a dream I perceived it as my own. A pipe burst and I could not turn off the water, then I saw that it was pouring from the ceiling - then I calmed down a little - not only I would be to blame for the damage to the neighbors. then he went outside with his wife, there was a thunderstorm, the sky with dark clouds, a strong wind, several tornadoes swept past us and one of them carried my wife and hit the wall of a neighboring house, but she was not injured.


i dreamed of an azure clear sea, in it a tornado draws water along with fish, a large red-gold fish and immediately throws it into the sea, then the tornado disappears, and I want to collect fish, there is no fear of excitement and interest


Good afternoon.
In a dream, I was on the shore, sitting behind some kind of fence that was destroyed. I looked at the sea more, and only in the distance I noticed a tornado, which either increased or decreased, but did not get close to the shore. I woke up at night and went to bed again. I have been like this since childhood: if a dream is not clear or scary to me, I wake up to fall asleep and see another dream. And I calmly control it in a dream: my awakenings, let's say so.
But, having fallen asleep, I again dreamed of the sea and the tornado, and I remember that in the dream there was more interest why he did not come closer to the shore, but wandered as if lost from side to side along the sea.
that's all.


I was sitting on the roof of the house, a tornado swept past me, I closed my eyes so that the dust would not get into my eyes. and he swept past along the street.


Hello, I dreamed of a tornado in the city, I was still surprised that it should not be here. The tornado was huge, I was next to it, my own younger brother was also with me. We saw how it destroys everything, but it did not hurt us. They even saw how the bus flew into the house and I saw the faces of those who were in it. Then I asked my brother if this tornado had demolished his house, his house was standing, mine too. But then we tried to get into my apartment, but got lost, first we had to take the elevator to one floor, then we got into the classroom, went to another floor and then went on, but I don’t remember whether we got into the apartment or not.
Help interpret the dream.


I had a dream. I'm on a bus full of people at the end of the bus. There are a lot of big cars ahead, the driver maneuvers between them, we drive out onto an open clean road, we see a tornado ahead, We drive towards it and fall into it. It lifts us above the ground, below I see its consequences. I'm trying to lower the bus to the ground by catching the air flow. And I get it in the end. There are no victims.


Good afternoon, I dreamed of a tornado that was moving towards me, but I took refuge in the house. Then there I found dead mice (poisoned)


Hello! The dream is so strange ... My husband and my close friends decided to rent an apartment in an incomprehensible city, as if some friend of my husband helped us in finding an apartment. who in a dream gave him a bunch of signs of attention. We were walking around the city and suddenly in the distance we saw a tornado, a huge spiral, light gray in color, and bright rays of the sun. started looking for a place to hide. I could not hide with everyone and hid in some kind of passage. into a recess in the wall, when it was all over, we were all together again, went to the apartment, it was as if they found some kind of telephone in which the fireworks were laid and the seconds were ticking, we decided to throw it off the balcony, and then just leave the apartment ... Sleep was interrupted by the wake-up call...


I dreamed that I was standing on the floor and on the zustrіch just like that bistro with thunder that glare was heading for the gloom of the sky, it was not visible and the wind was still strong, and I grinned and closed my eyes ... then everything good ended well, I closed my eyes At home, she told her fathers about her, that it was terrible and everything ended. It was such a dream.


Good afternoon! I dreamed of a summer, colorful day near the lake, over the lake I saw a formed tornado that was approaching in my direction, I tried to hide in the forest (hills and forest around the lake) I couldn’t hide in one place, because I saw that the tornado turned in this direction, ran further, turning around, she saw how he found the place where she tried to hide and woke up


I watched with a friend how a huge tornado formed over the roofs of houses, it disappeared and reappeared, but did not cause any visible damage. We looked at him from below and admired him, although we were a little afraid. Then the dream changed and some kind of chaotic delirium began, I almost don’t remember it


I saw a tornado from the window, and it inevitably approached our house, but the house resisted, and after the tornado there were huge piles of dirt in the yard, such that it was impossible to get through, and I seemed to be late for work.


i had a dream in which the tornado hit very black and destroyed everything around it, it hit me and my loved one, but it passed us by then I saw a lot of destruction


I had a tornado today. I saw a black cloud approaching and a huge tornado forming from it. I run from house to house and ask for asylum, but everyone refuses me. Then it’s as if I’m running along some kind of corridor with my mother-in-law, and some guy is dragging me into the basement (and I know him, by feeling, but I don’t remember his face), we go down to this basement along a wooden staircase to about a depth of 2- 3 meters, maybe more. We are waiting for a tornado. When it's all over, we rise to the top and see devastation all around. And where we hid from the house, there was not a trace left. And a couple more houses (high-rise buildings). But they are completely intact.


a tornado is approaching, I stand below in the entrance and shout with my people upstairs to close all the windows, I myself see that everything is flying around, then some kind of gap and the tornado comes back already from the other side and even more and very close literally in 30-50 meters I already I don't understand what to do and woke up


A tornado was approaching the city. My housemates and I hid in the basement. It swept past with a terrible roar, the house fell on us.


Hello. I have a dream today. My daughter and I are in my parental home. We sit in the hall and hear a lot of noise on the street. I go up to the window in the next room and see two tornadoes almost near our house. I run to my daughter in the hall, hug her tightly, and so we lie with her and wait for everything to calm down. When everything is quiet, I leave the hall and see how there is no window in the next room. I go up there, and on the street near this window my dad is standing, the mosquito net is on the ground and there is simply no window, and there are no fragments from it. And I woke up.


I dreamed that we were relaxing on the island, there was a sea nearby! Tents, sunshine! And a tornado appeared. I hid in a tent and escaped!


I dreamed of a black tornado in the distance with fiery eyes. we first looked at it. but he was moving towards us and we ran away from him. and were saved.


hello. In a dream, the weather was clear, the sky was blue and clear, it was summer and warm. I, my husband, daughter, mother-in-law and maybe someone else is not clear, we are in one two-story house on the seashore. I see not big tornadoes on the sea and at once several of them either appear or disappear, and from the side of the mountains there is a big death that, when it rotates, scatters stones. I asked everyone to go into the house because a strong wind started, the sun shines and the sky is clear. When the tornado rotates, stones fly off and I worry that the glass will break I close the blinds. In a dream, I don’t have a panic, I’m calm, everything


From the window of my apartment, I saw 2 tornadoes approaching in my direction in the distance, the sky immediately turned dark blue. I got scared and ran to turn off the appliances from the sockets. At the same time, I was very worried about my son, how he would get home. When I again approached the window, the tornado disappeared and suddenly a fire broke out - the earth was burning. But it didn't affect me, it was just scary. this dream was on Saturday morning, I immediately woke up.


there was a house, one floor, one room, I live in it with a guy and friends, we smoke cigarettes, and suddenly a tornado appeared, it appears, then disappears and after a few seconds appears in another place, and so several times, it moves towards us, but I feel that we manage to hide from him in this house, and from somewhere we ran towards the house, then he disappeared altogether, without destroying anything


I dreamed that a black tornado was approaching, I see that it is close, I see how the wind begins to rustle around me more and more and I run to the basement with my child, but there is someone else who is about to not have time to hide with us and I wait for him and call him to hurry up and at the last moment we slam the door.


Hello! From the window of my apartment they watched (I don’t remember with whom) how it was very strong wind and in the distance a tornado passed, one after another. It was very scary.


I saw a tornado in the window, opening the door, it was close in 30 meters. Then he disappeared. I went outside. The sky was dark, like before a thunderstorm in the place where there were several more tornadoes, but they were far away. But where I stood it was light. They were intertwined with each other. It seemed that in a minute they would be next to each other, they were moving too fast. It was creepy!


Hello Tatiana! My name is Nadezhda. Today (on the night of Wednesday to Thursday) I had a very strange dream: I stand in front of the window and look into it. Something incredible is happening outside the window ... Several huge tornadoes in the distance. They are very large, as much as they rest against the clouds that are tight around them! But they are very thin, they do not absorb houses, cars, etc. into their abyss. They just spin on their own axis.
I know that my boyfriend is sitting in the kitchen with his friend. In a dream, I call them to look at what is happening, but none of them came up and did not answer anything ... And I stood further and looked at the tornadoes resting on the sky ...
I would really like to know what this dream means. Thank you in advance!


Good afternoon! I had a dream in which I am in my grandmother's private house and closing the window I see in the window an approaching funnel of a tornado in the distance. I begin to frantically run around the house and close the doors. Then I run to the back room and sit in it. After some time, I go out to look out the window, and there everything ended and nothing happened. Outside, the weather is sunny and everything is green.


I had a dream in which the tornado was a hockey player and passed near my house. like this


I was with my lad and a great girl appeared, so it turns out that we can only dream about it and that we want to drink before her. The girl was pregnant. I fought against the stink, but I wanted to, but I still argued, as if knowing that I did not approve of it. And here we are in my apartment (we live okremo) and I’m running from night to night, even black gloomy with glimmers, and then a tornado appears right at us, and I’m so swaying and start praying to God, God help us, don’t let the fault of us and vіn go to the bіk i without catching us. Ale potim, a small tornado appears, which firstly sees the wall from the house (high-surface) and the wall is less from our apartment and I fall down at the same time behind the wall, I fall from the finger on the left hand, I missed the ring I fell down. Shouted. Falling down, I remember that I’ll hug the pillow tightly (I didn’t break), but it was so scary for me, and it’s like my sister, what mi chuli, what if they thought I was joking, that I didn’t really fall. And my lad, wonder if the sign of the wines still appears in my spring, then for a short hour and recognizes. I can’t help but cherish the fact that only serious welding of OBOV’YAZKOVO I can dream of a lot more than I’m going to get to it in the winter. At the given hour, she's going to chat with the lad.
Please, what can you mean!


I just saw an approaching tornado in the sky. Something bright yellow and at the same time a gray cloud and a funnel in the sky. The husband nearby shouted to lie down everyone. I quickly lay down on the ground facing the ground.


I had this dream more than once. And the key there was not so much a tornado as bad weather in general. The fact is that I am afraid of thunder, thunderstorms, dark clouds terrify me. And now I dream that I am with someone in nature. Everything around is very light and joyful. I suggest everyone go swimming. And while we are gathering (either resting a little or eating), the weather begins to deteriorate sharply. and from the side of that river a TERRIBLE cloud is approaching, not just gray, but ash black. Thunder, thunder. In a dream, I feel terrible fear and want to run, but it doesn’t work out - fear paralyzes. Just paralyzed, I watch how quickly a downpour approaches me, terrible lightning, thunder. And then there are several tornadoes. The tornado always approached me in a dream, but at the last moment it dodged and did not hurt me. Also, at such moments, I most often remain suddenly alone - there is no one around. But in today's dream, a man ran up to me and hugged me, apparently trying to somehow protect me from the tornado. But he again passed by .... And so constantly. As soon as I suggest everyone in a dream to go swimming, the weather becomes just like in horror films. And I'm scared again ... scary ... scary ..


I had a lot of tornadoes tonight. 6 tornadoes swept past my house. I saw them, as they first approached my house, then changed direction and headed to the right side, destroying other houses.


In the distance, I see a whirlwind, gray in color, approaching me (but it is still far away). Then the tornado becomes white color, and everything that he lifted up began to fall down. I'm scared, I'm running away. Then she woke up. The dream had a dream on Monday morning from 7:00 to 8:00.


my husband and son and I seemed to be in a rented house, my husband was not around. I looked out the window and saw a black funnel, well, very black, a tornado, and some unfamiliar man in the yard, then this tornado demolished the neighboring house, it touched the roof of our house, I felt how our house shook. I ran to the exit with my son and saw that there were already three funnels, but there was no wind at all, and the man I didn’t know turned out to be a lifeguard, he said to collect the necessary things, I packed it out into the yard and saw my husband, we got into the minibus together, there were those who they saved like us, but one youth and only six people. my husband and I quarreled, I told him that he was now a free young man, he seemed to be delighted ... we were all brought to the hospital) I remember that my husband had a son with me too, we were fed more I don’t remember anything ... I used to have very terrible dreams about tornadoes. And in childhood, too, but nothing happened or I just didn’t pay attention!


I had a dream from Friday to Saturday that a tornado was approaching, I tried to escape, but nothing worked out for me. and in the end he picked me up and carried me away


I sat. Sunbathing on the sea, a hurricane tornado began and a downpour swirled one woman and the house collapsed. At first the weather was fine. The guys were sitting next to me. When it started to rain, I slipped and fell into my arms


I dreamed of a tornado, huge in size, but I didn’t see it destroy something when it passed through my city, out of fear, I quickly got into a taxi and asked the taxi driver (middle-aged man) to take me home. We had to detour, because. the tornado was not far from my house, and already at the entrance to the house (my house, like others, was not destroyed), instead of a taxi driver, I ended up in a car with a young, but unfamiliar person, but I seem to have known him for a long time and we again we are trying to hide from the tornado, but we have already found ourselves in another area of ​​the city. As a result, we arrive at his friend's house, where we find shelter. He introduces me to the tenants of the apartment, such friendly people, then I stand at the window and watch the tornado. Later, the tornado was not visible either, I calmed down, and it was dark and beautiful outside.


I dreamed of many small tornadoes. They were heading towards us. They turned into a large hand and entered my body and the body of my little daughter. I also saw a hot bird. There were already three of them. They just flew.


Hello, I had a vivid dream, the tornado was just beginning, I saw the tail descend into the water from a light cloud and the water rises along the azure tornado and I was not afraid of it, I photographed it, it was very beautiful! Everywhere it is written that this is a bad sign, although the dream was not (according to my perception) threatening, please interpret it! Thanks.


Good afternoon! Today I had a dream - Tornado, but he was not far from me and in the place where there is no lake in reality, but some guy flew in and fought him for a very long time, and defeated him. then he flew to me through my closed window and we hugged him ... (I don’t remember what happened next).


A bright, bright, calm day, a blue ocean, and then out of nowhere 2 tornadoes without a storm or thunderstorm. One passed by the second fell. but wet up to the waist, I was a little shaken and that's it!


I dreamed in the distance of four funnels of tornadoes. I showed them to someone nearby, sort of like - look what's there. But I don’t know where these funnels have gone, etc., because they turned away and looked in the other direction altogether. I was not afraid in a dream and there were no emotions. Please tell me what does this mean? I will be very grateful to you.


Hello! I’m dreaming that I’m near some house on a green lawn, trees are all around, everything is green, beautiful, and suddenly a tornado flies sharply, I turn around and see a column of a black tornado, it envelops the whole sky like a giant mushroom. I rush around, look for shelter in the cellar, but I understand that there are people on the street and I run to the doors, I stretch out my hands to people, pull them into the house to save them, I wake up ...


I dream: I, as if with my daughter (although I don’t see her in a dream), are in a hotel near the seashore. I look out the window and in the distance on the horizon in the sea a pillar of a black tornado appears and not one. And moves towards me. I remember that I had to go somewhere else. I run out of the hotel ... then I see myself on some small ship, which in this dream acts as a taxi (I'm on the same business). But it is not possible to swim, because. the captain approaches the shore, as this tornado is already close. And then I realize that I won’t have time anywhere and I need to urgently return and run to my daughter. At this time, the water has already overflowed the banks and I run away from it. I run through some tower, at first I wanted to climb it, but I understand that it is not high enough to hide from the water and I run further. Feet are already in the water. And all the while I’m running, I think about my daughter, that they should help her until I come (allegedly I asked someone to look after her) ... And then I woke up with a terrible feeling of fear. I have never been so scared. Thank you for interpreting my dream a little.


we were at a concert with relatives, a tornado arose on the sea, and moved towards us, without touching relatives and friends ... and near a large tornado with lightning (in a tornado straight lightning struck strongly inside) small tornadoes appeared ...


Evening, a house by the sea, I watch everything in it through the window. A huge wave rises sharply and goes towards the house. The waves hit the wall of the house and move away. A small tornado appears and heads towards the house. Passes through the wall, does not hurt me, but carries away the niece.


Hello! I dreamed that I was walking through a large green field with my girlfriend and in the distance I saw a tornado that was rapidly approaching us. I tried to run away, but it seemed to be chasing me and in the end it picked up and carried me up, somewhere beyond the planet.
I recently got a job at new job and it’s hard for me there, I’m nervous and don’t get enough sleep, I try to combine it with my studies in the evenings. However, there is a good team there. I thought that my dream today could be related to recent events.


I dreamed of several tornadoes, very close, but there was no fear, the only thing I was worried about my cats, then they were in my arms. The tornadoes were not very big and went without bringing global destruction. After a while, my husband stood nearby. .Sleep is colored like all my dreams.


Hello, at first I saw in a dream a vast field on which there were many tents and a stage, there were many people near the stage. I myself was in one of the tents far from the stage, there was a girl (stranger) with me in the tent, the tents were large and blue. Then we heard a scream, I looked out of the tent, saw that people were running in different directions, and in the distance, where the sky was light blue, a white tornado began to form, seeing all this panic, I said that we needed to leave, we collected some things and ran to the car, but a second black tornado appeared ahead, but still we got into a yellow car and left, a black jeep overtook us on the road, during sleep I did not feel fear or doubt.


Hello. The weather was good, then in the distance it was as if black smoke was pouring, and then I noticed that it looked like a tornado, it didn’t destroy anything, it was just approaching everyone lay down on the ground and I lay down just heard the impending crackle and wind, then everything brightened and lit up very bright sun


A tornado was approaching me and I hid in the entrance. Then I watched the tornado from it. I heard its strong rumble. The tornado seemed to cover me, but only in the entrance.


My boyfriend and I were in some kind of house, which was in the amusement park of our city
Looking out the window in the distance, I saw something similar to a hurricane inside which there were bright lightning, they were a little reddish, bluish in color
People were running straight at him to take pictures.
I called the guy to the window, showed him and the "hurricane" began to move in our direction
He struck the window with lightning, but my boyfriend somehow closed us, we left the house, not far from us with lightning “he” struck a person, we went in the opposite direction from the direction of the “hurricane”, we were joined by the guy’s parents and his younger sister
From the outside, we watched how people were having fun, as if nothing was happening, then this “hurricane” seemed to explode and touched the trampoline with sparks, on which there were children, but the trampoline was smoothly blown away and no one was hurt, the guy and I were going to go to me, and his sister (as she usually does in life) asked us to come to them later
At this point, the dream ends


we were roofing the sheds in my parent's house suddenly a thunderstorm and I saw how a tornado formed I don't remember 2 or 3 but definitely not 1 I took refuge in the sheds holding on to a pole when the storm ended I went out and saw the scattered roofing sheets and began to collect them after it collapsed again a tornado and my father and I drove into the veranda and I saw how the glass in the veranda broke, the tornado tried to tighten one of the workers, but they remained standing still after I woke up


often, periodically I have a dream: I see a tornado in the distance, which is approaching. And today there were 2 of them, one small one passed through me, and another huge and dark one, which followed me under the canopy in which I hid. and I woke up


I was visiting, the wind rose, I came out from around the corner of the house and saw not one but me, there were tornadoes and the dust rose very strongly and they were heading in our direction, I ran into the house and hid under the bed with the dog, but when I looked out from under the bed a girl appeared 7 _8 years old she left the room and disappeared, and when I left I was not at home but on the train, there was my mother and several other men I didn’t know, I asked where my husband was, my mother said that he went to war to fight and I awoke.


Everything was fine, I was going somewhere and constantly told my mother that I would be there soon, and I myself was going to go for a shower. When we arrived at the stop, we looked ahead and saw how a fiery tornado was formed, but it quickly dissipated. Everyone got scared and sat down, and then I looked at the top and this tornado formed right above me, I got up and ran away because the tornado had my grandmother's face (I thought it didn't really exist). I got up and started to run away, knowing that he was chasing me. Then, as I thought everything, he overtook me, but the martyr picked me up and ran on with me. And I looked at the tornado and shouted that he was too angry and he began to betray. Everything.


I dreamed that I was relaxing in the backyard of our house and for some reason our house was on the seashore (I recently returned from Sochi) and suddenly 4 tornadoes with whirlwinds with blue lightning began to approach abruptly from the left side and quickly, I grabbed my laptop She ran up the stairs to the house. Then she went somewhere on business and already on her way back she remembered .. but what about the house and then with her parents?


Hello. I dreamed that I was relaxing on the ocean. I went out early in the morning, the sun was shining, came to the beach and saw a lot of water tornadoes approaching us in the ocean on both sides, it became dark and the water began to darken, the weather deteriorated, dark clouds began to darken all around . And she hid from him.


During the day, a whirlwind formed in the sky near the church, which did not touch the ground with dew. it was just a little chaos ... different signs zodiac. Farther from the west floated a spring of beautiful birds, large….. Feelings were admirable and something unusually new.


In short, I remember that I began to rise and spin. It was like being caught in a tornado. I enjoyed it (as if I had jumped from a great height), then flew out and enjoyed it too. The tornado was hard to control.


The tornado looked like white smoke, it diagonally crossed the old dilapidated house and disappeared without damaging the house itself. There were no floors in the house, instead of them there was earth. The tornado turned the earth over, fell asleep some elderly woman. got up and then I heard the voice of my granddaughter, but no matter how much I tried to dig further, I did not find her. The tornado did not touch me.


I had a dream in which I see an approaching tornado. , but I'm not afraid of him, but on the contrary, it's spectacularly exciting. it all takes place in a luxury hotel. a lot of people, but no panic. and here he comes at me. I grab the column, but it's not so scary. on the contrary, somehow exciting and not so strong, just a strong wind! next to my boyfriend. he also clings to the column and we are not afraid! and in general, the sensations from sleep are not panicky, but different. interesting somehow. the only thing is that I think, where is my daughter.? as if worried, but without panic. the wind stops and everything around is very beautiful and the sun and the sea are beautiful, and people are walking. and woke up.


We were in the field with my relatives, and I saw how a tornado was approaching. I grabbed my mother by the hand and began to drag her home. We ran home and waited in the hallway for him to pass. And I woke up.


we were with classmates at my house in the village and suddenly a hurricane began and there were a lot of tornadoes and several of my friends were blown there


I saw three impending tornadoes from afar, but one came close, and I met several people and led them to the shelter and, until the last, launched people at the door standing on the street near the entrance until the funnel approached as close as possible after the tornado picked up close objects and a couple of people who did not have time to enter, I ran inside and slammed the doors on large boards along with other people, explaining to them what to do, then I watched him until he stepped away from the house into the distance, then went outside and watched him move away it was warm


I was on the street surrounded by my family, it was a cloudy day, when suddenly one of my relatives told me that I needed to escape, and I saw a black tornado funnel in the distance. Keeping calm, we took refuge in our one-story house with the intention of packing up and running away from the elements, but when we gathered we saw through the window that the hurricane was right outside the window and we did not have time, so we stayed inside. It was a lot scary. Then, through the window, I saw a bulldozer with which they wanted to demolish our house, but they didn’t, and then we lived in this house, although there was a picture around it like after the apocalypse, that is, everything was destroyed.


I am at home, with someone, the window is open, tornadoes are approaching, but they are rushing past, it’s scary, but it’s interesting to watch them, there is no strong destruction ...


Hello! Why do I dream that I am in a house by the sea, and outside the window it starts to rain heavily and a tornado (2 funnels), as if even the glass starts to crack, I leave for my godmother to show her what is happening on the street , I return, and there is good weather, the sea is calm and the sun is shining


Good day! This year I dreamed of a tornado, where all my relatives and relatives met .. I survived, I was alive and well. What can you mean?


dreamed of a tornado. I hid from him with my son in the basement. climbed into the iron garbage chute. the tornado picked up our house, circled it and carefully placed it on the ground. in a dream, she prepared for a strong blow to the ground and held the child, but this did not happen.


I was doing household chores at home and saw through the window and through the open door 2 tornadoes approaching my house from different sides. I shout to my friend and sister that we urgently need to take off our underwear and collect all the dishes from the summer kitchen. But before I had time to finish all this, the wind had already flown into the house. I never saw my sister or friend again. The feeling was that we managed to bring some of the things into the house. Only I could no longer move, because. I was nailed to the door of the house by the wind and was afraid to resist. . I also held the door of the house with my body to prevent the wind from blowing into the house. The entrance hall was destroyed by the elements, but everything remained in relative order. I woke up from the thought that perhaps my sister and girlfriend had been battered by a tornado somewhere in the courtyard of the house.


A tornado approaches the house. Grandma is outside. I call her home. She runs home and a tornado flies into the house. Feeling of fear in a dream. Death is whitish.


I dreamed of a lot of tornadoes in the sea. And we stood watching them, wondering which one would be able to land on land. But in the end, a small one came out, as soon as panic seized us, it crumbled.


I was running at night, on one side there was a dark sea, and in the distance I saw how a tornado was forming, I fell on the sand and looked, the tornado did not come up to me, everything was quiet and I calmly went home and told my friend about everything


Hello, I dreamed of a passing
a tornado aside, followed by a bright sun and a clear blue sky.


Elena. I stood in a small half-glazed room, and watched as a black cloud appeared in the sky above. It quickly grew and approached me. When this black mass approached, a black, spinning tornado column appeared from behind a tree. I got scared and lay on my back, grabbed something with my left hand to hold on. And the tornado covered the room where I was, penetrated through the roof and began to throw a funnel at my right hand. I remember that I was very frightened and screamed “let me go.” Suddenly, this black mass turned into a silvery shimmering substance, froze for a second and soared into the sky. And sparks remained in my right hand.


I dreamed of a big black wide tornado approaching my house, but stopped and began to weaken


In the distance I see a tornado. I manage to close the window and run to my daughter to warn her to close hers..


I observed the formation of one tornado from the window of the house, and under the window there was a sea and a lot of tornadoes.


Hello! I had a dream that I was looking out the window of my apartment and I saw that it was going to be like a tornado, I want to shoot it on my phone, but I understand that it is already huge and is moving towards me, I run to hide and looking around I see that it is already some then fiery and approaching me, I hide in the toilet, everything around starts to tremble, I firmly hold the doorknob, and I feel that it has warmed up, but then everything subsides and I go out into the apartment, nothing happened in it.


I dreamed of three tornadoes around a lot of houses, I prayed And she went away


First, I went out onto the road and saw a small whirlwind, then it began to grow and turned into a big tornado. Everyone began to run away, I also hid.
The tornado began to move in my direction and passed me (very close).
Then he began to subside and soon disappeared.


I dreamed that a small tornado picked up a chicken and carried it away, but then I saw her on the roof


I live in a 9-storey building on the 9th floor and the view from the windows overlooks a wide river and a small island. I dreamed that I was looking from the window and I saw a tornado in the distance, but it was not dark and with a storm, but just two or three curls were spinning. I got scared and started to collect warm blankets, warm clothes and everything you need to wait until the tornado passes. My husband began to push and freak out that he reacted without any danger and continued to sit at the laptop and wait until I put everything together. Then, having collected almost everything, I woke up my husband's brother and said to quickly pack up and gathered my little daughter. I tried to call my neighbor and warn her but the beeps did not go. Occasionally I looked out the window and constantly the picture changed. We have white nights now and in a dream it was night but not dark. There was no rain and storm, it seemed to be quiet and calm on the street. Sometimes it seemed that the tornado had disappeared, but then when I looked again through the window, these gray curls reappeared. Once I noticed how small waves rose, but they did not look terrifying. The view outside the window seemed like black and white, but the dark tones were replaced by a light gray tone. Once, looking through the window, I saw that the lights went out in the neighboring houses and only one flashlight was shining on the house , at that moment it was almost night outside, but near our house there were more lanterns and lighter. I saw that the front door was ajar and a little dark kitten ran out from us, although in real life we ​​don’t have animals. Then my daughter ran out into the corridor and I ran after her, I knew that she would run down the stairs, I was very scared while I tried to catch her on the stairs, but I woke up on it. The dream was dreamed in the period of 11-13 o'clock in the afternoon today on Tuesday. What does it mean in my life please tell me?


at first I observe a rearrangement in my room that was not made by me, I go to the window, and I see three tornadoes approaching in a row, everything around is gloomy, gray


Today in a dream I saw how many small funnels of a tornado were all over the city around me, my friends and relatives, and I had to save everyone, even the children who were on the street in the house, we hid without any problems, but when I went out I used to run into a tornado, I run into the first entrance, I brag behind the railing and everything costs a lot of funnels are born and disappear in the same way! They are big but not strong enough to demolish the building.


Hello. I am 14 years old. Today (from Monday to Tuesday) I dreamed of a tornado in the morning. I was in the building and saw through big windows tornado approaching me. There was another person in the room, I don't remember exactly who. Then I kind of shouted something and ran out of the building. Then there was a black screen and I woke up in a bed in some room. There was a man in the comgat again. From our conversation and from my feelings, I realized that I was saved. Although I don't remember how. By the way, before the laugh, I still had minor dreams, and after the tornado, it seems, too. What does it mean?


Hello! I dreamed that a tornado was coming to my house. Only he is not scary, the sun is shining. I hid in the house. I was not alone there, there were some other people and my late grandfather. When the tornado passed around the house, I went out and saw that it didn’t bring much damage to the house, it just knocked out part of the old glass wall, which, as I immediately thought, I wanted to change anyway (I wasn’t upset at all). When I looked out the window, I saw that the tornado had carried away a large tree (walnut), which grew in the yard and bared the neighboring yards, so that there was left, as it were, a lawn of mowed grass. A moment later, I looked again at the lawn and saw that new large very large houses were being built on it. beautiful houses. And I also thought, how fast. And tornadoes once also dreamed, but they were terrible, and usually foreshadowed something bad. And this time the tornado turned out to be unusual, tell me, please, is it worth it to be afraid of.


in the distance, I saw a tornado that was moving in my direction, and being frightened, I hid in the basement of UA when I got out, everything was fine without destruction.


dreamed of a tornado. I looked at him from the side. and then everything abruptly went away and the sun came out


Good time of the day!
I dreamed that I was in some city and I see how there are 2 tornadoes opposite me, a tornado on the left side is dark blue in one place, the second tornado which is almost black on the right and lightning flashes in it without stopping and it spins around itself in one place after which he carries sits and me. He crashes into me and disappears and I wake up abruptly


I was standing on the field with my grandfather and suddenly two tornadoes appeared one far the other closer to us and he passed behind my grandfather then the dream stopped I woke up and fell asleep suddenly we found ourselves at home and I looked out the window as the tornado was approaching our house and ... .. I awoke


I dreamed that we were standing with our parents and with our daughter near the house and a tornado was approaching us, we hid in the house. and the tornado passed right through our house, the house did not collapse, only the door opened, and dad tried with all his might to close it. the tornado passed, nothing happened to us. After that it started to rain with hail. and we realized that we were saved and the weather seemed to have improved


hello, I had a dream for the second time about a tornado, why is this answer please



In the Big mall I’m looking for where to hide from a tornado with children, there are closed spaces everywhere, but I was looking for it so that I could watch it, there are a lot of them from all sides, very beautiful, the dream is very vivid, then there was a street and I thought which way is better to run .. that's all. I dream a second time, I wake up with a very bad feeling in my soul

Why does a married woman dream of a watermelon