Dream interpretation grandmother dead but alive beautiful. The deceased grandmother according to the dream book

  • 21.10.2019

The indestructible spiritual connection of generations, genetic or blood memory - these are things that official science is skeptical about. Hypothetically, it admits their existence, but scientists cannot yet support this theory with serious evidence.

The emergence of the hypothesis of a continuous energy relationship between us and our ancestors was facilitated by observations of various unusual cases, ranging from the appearance of "ghosts" and poltergeist, and ending with dreams in which dead relatives appear to us alive. Most often in such dreams people see their grandmothers. And even scientists have no doubt that these night visions carry certain information that you can listen to. Even if you don’t take your dreams seriously, you can at least try to understand what a living dead grandmother is dreaming of. Especially if the dream made a strong negative or positive impression on you, and you woke up in a sweat from the fear experienced, or, conversely, woke up in an extremely high spirits.

What is the dream of a living dead grandmother?

To interpret the dream correctly, you must try to remember as many details as possible. For example, was the grandmother who dreamed alive, who had already died, cheerful or sad, did she say anything, did she give advice or money, etc. If in a dream a person saw a recently deceased relative living, then this dream suggests that he misses her greatly and cannot yet come to terms with the pain of loss. And this one can also talk about changes in life, for example, about marriage.

The lunar dream book answers the question of why the dead relatives dream of living, in particular the grandmother, answers as follows: a cheerful grandmother dreams of good luck, a sad one portends the appearance of any problems in life. According to Miller's dream book, if a dead grandmother dreams of being alive, it means that a person will soon have to go through some kind of test or survive a loss. When talking in a dream with this relative, you should remember her words as best as possible and follow the advice she gives. If your grandmother insists that you make some kind of promise to her, it means that in reality you will soon have to bear responsibility for your actions. If she gives something in a dream, great luck should be expected.

If in a dream you saw how you were kissing a resurrected grandmother, then you should be wary of any losses. But this does not mean that they will be negative, on the contrary, you can free yourself from illness, broken promises, etc. If in your dream someone else kissed your grandmother, then the losses will be financial in nature, and you should prepare for unforeseen expenses. A dream in which you hug a living, deceased grandmother portends a long period without illness and serious problems. If in a dream you feed grandmother, it means that something weighs on your conscience, and you don’t know how to get rid of it. And for brides, such a dream can speak of the infidelity of the future husband or the insincerity of his feelings.

Why does the deceased grandmother dream of being alive, but then she dies in a dream?

Sometimes we may dream that the deceased grandmother is alive, but then she dies. And such a dream should definitely be regarded as a warning. If you clearly saw the moment of your grandmother's death, then you should expect some bad news. If in a dream your grandmother not only died before your eyes, but then you also saw her lying in a coffin, then you should start to be more attentive to your own actions. It is very likely that soon your actions will provoke a major quarrel with relatives.

If the plot of night vision is poorly remembered by the sleeping person, then you should not try to determine what the deceased grandmother is dreaming of. The best solution will go to church, visit a grave, or commemorate a woman at home. But the clear plots that stick in the memory with many small details must definitely be tried to be correctly interpreted.

Interpretation in various dream books

It can be difficult to independently correctly determine the meaning of dreams with deceased relatives who dreamed about. To do this, you need to have a lot of thematic knowledge. To make it easier for yourself, you should turn to popular dream books. Almost each of them contains information about the variants of dreams in which the deceased grandmother dreams of being alive.

In Vanga's work, the discussed guest of night dreams is considered a positive harbinger. If she dreams of a young and still unmarried young lady, then the girl can expect positive changes in her life. personal life. Most likely, in the very near future she will receive a marriage proposal from interesting man. If the grandmother hugs the woman and is silent at the same time, in reality the dreamer completely forgot about the unfulfilled promise. It was because of this that the girl's relations with her closest relatives worsened.

If a grandmother appears in a dream with a grandfather, in reality you need to prepare for important chores. Most likely, they will be related to finances. But an invitation from native old men to follow them is very bad sign. After him, the girl may begin serious health problems.

In Hasse's dream book, the meaning of the night vision plot depends on the actions of the sleeper himself:

  • if you had to kiss the deceased, who lies in a coffin, in reality it will be possible to avoid someone else's responsibility and negative obligations;
  • hugging your grandmother yourself, who seems alive and healthy - to protracted financial difficulties;
  • a kiss with a dead woman portends a serious love feeling that will not be mutual.

It is worth paying attention to your emotional state in a dream.

If the sleeper is not afraid of the deceased and does not experience others negative emotions, which means that such a plot does not bode well for him.

Miller's dream of a dead grandmother appears in a dream at a time when it is necessary to pay special attention to living relatives. It is very important in the near future to try to be especially gentle and caring with them. Otherwise, cooling in relations and, possibly, even serious conflicts on the basis of long-standing resentment cannot be avoided.

Our subconscious in a dream uses the language of symbols and signs, so dreams cannot be taken literally. Each dream is a signal for something, often very distant from what we saw in the dream.

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Why dream deceased grandmother

The deceased grandmother in a modern dream book

If you dreamed of a dead grandmother, this is considered an unfavorable sign. After such a dream, expect sad news from people who are far away from you. This dream may also portend failure in commercial transactions. A deceased grandmother lying in a coffin warns of a serious family quarrel or a major misfortune in the family. For lovers, such a dream is a symbol of treason. Putting coins on the eyes of a deceased grandmother means suffering from the unseemly acts of enemies. If in a dream you put a coin on only one eye, this means that you will be able to resist the machinations of ill-wishers.

The deceased grandmother in Miller's dream book

If you saw loved one in a dream of the dead, this bad sign, which calls on you to gather all your strength to adequately survive the ordeal or even loss. If in a dream you were talking with a deceased grandmother, this means that you will have to take care of your health by more strictly controlling your inclinations. The deceased grandmother looks cheerful, cheerful and lively in a dream - this is an indication of the wrong organization of your life. Most likely, you will make serious mistakes that will affect your future life. If the deceased grandmother in a conversation requires any promises - expect a decline in business.

The deceased grandmother in Vanga's dream book

To see in a dream a dead grandmother sick and infirm - to injustice. If she appeared in a dream accompanied by other dead people, such a dream predicts a terrible global catastrophe or epidemic. Listen to the words of the deceased, perhaps with her appearance she warns you of something.

The late grandmother in a dream is a very important sign that you should pay special attention to. This image different dream books interpreted differently. In order to understand why such a dream is dreaming, one should carefully, to the smallest detail, recall one's dream, possible words or dialogue with the deceased, one's own feelings in a dream. Having brought together the images and received a complete picture of the vision, you can look for an interpretation in the dream book.

Dead relatives come in a dream for a reason, but to warn of something or point out something important that we have overlooked. For those who happened to see the deceased grandparents in a dream, dream books are advised to pay attention to this dream, since it contains encrypted information, which, in most cases, concerns relatives.

To find out why the late grandmother is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the smallest details: actions, gestures, words of the deceased - all this has a hidden meaning that you need to be able to correctly “read” and understand.

A dream in which the deceased grandmother often dreams may indicate that the deceased should be commemorated. Most often, this is done in this way: sweets, cookies and other sweets are bought, which the old woman loved during her lifetime, and neighbors, colleagues or just acquaintances treat themselves with a request to remember a relative.

In some cases, in a dream, the deceased herself “orders” what she wants. You should buy everything that the old woman asked for and take it to the cemetery, light a candle and put all the delicacies bought the day before on a plate. Sometimes a relative can order not only products, but also wardrobe items, cosmetics or hygiene items.


If a late grandmother dreamed in a dream, then, according to the dream book, big changes await the dreamer in life. This may apply not only to family ties, but also to the work and personal spheres. A cardinal revolution in human consciousness is possible.

A dream in which I happened to see the grandmother of the deceased in a dream in no way portends death, but rather, on the contrary, it promises a long and happy life. In most cases, the dream book interprets such a vision as a subconscious anxiety for the granny. Perhaps in reality the old woman fell ill, and your fears began to manifest themselves in a dream.

If you dreamed that the deceased grandmother was alive, then you should look at her very carefully. If in a dream the old woman does not try to take her aside and tell something and does not make any attempts to talk with the dreamer, but simply behaves as usual, then no significant changes are expected in the family.

If the deceased does not leave a certain person in a dream, talking with him, taking his hand or just walking, then in reality you need to see the dreaming people, because the relatives are bored and remember the dreamer.

For a woman, such an image, according to the dream book, suggests that in the past she made some kind of unforgivable mistake, for which she will soon have to pay with her own happiness.

A dream is considered unfavorable in which the deceased grandmother came to life in front of the dreamer. Such a vision, according to the dream book, warns of misfortunes that will soon fall on a person or his relative. Often the result of such cataclysms is other people's intrigues and slander.

Seeing a dream where the deceased grandmother is dying portends unexpected news in a dream book, which can be both positive and negative. For a girl, such a picture promises a favorable moment to make herself known at work, and for beginners, to get close to colleagues.

To get into a difficult situation due to an incorrectly made choice, the fault of which will be the dreamer himself, this is what the 20th dream is about, where the deceased grandmother swears. The dream book advises to beware of rash acts and weigh your every step and consider every word.

If the late grandmother constantly dreams, who is in a good mood, beautifully dressed and made up, then, according to the dream book, in real life things will work out for a sleeping person the best way and all worries are in vain and groundless. For a married young man, this vision is deciphered as an impending break in relations (divorce) with his wife.

Seeing an old woman silent and dejected promises unpleasant events in a dream book that can lead to unexpected consequences. For men, such a dream may portend unfinished business that must be completed.


Interaction with a deceased old woman in a dream will also help decipher what the deceased is dreaming of.

Seeing in a dream how the deceased grandmother is crying means that serious squabbles and conflicts with relatives should be expected soon. In most cases, the cause is some little thing, which is only the tip of the iceberg, but like a match that can ignite a serious scandal.

For young mothers, such a dream, according to the dream book, reminds them that they need to better look after their young children, as they can get very sick or get hurt. The girl will feel guilty for the “negligence” shown for a long time.

If a person happened to kiss a late grandmother in a dream, then one should expect a deterioration in one's own health, frequent ailments and a painful state of the whole organism. Seeing a dead woman kissing someone is a sign of serious health problems for the person who appeared in the dream. If a relative kissed her forehead - to the unexpected death of that person.

To explain what dreams of feeding the late grandmother in a dream, you need to remember the dish that the old woman was treated to. Jam - beware of deception, a girl should not be trusted by a young man who claims to be the hand and heart of a beauty.

If a young man dreams about how the deceased feeds him, then it is time for him to think about his own health and the correct daily routine. For an unmarried man, such a vision is interpreted by a dream book as a desire to find a family, to acquire heirs.

Hugging a late grandmother in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a person's need for care and guardianship. In some cases, a dream can mean nostalgia for someone.

The dream in which the deceased grandmother gives money indicates that in real life a person is experiencing (or will experience) financial difficulties, to the point that he will borrow money from unfamiliar people. This state of affairs can lead to the fact that the dreamer can become dependent on these persons who can use him for illegal and unkind deeds.


Dead relatives who come in a dream do not always look the same as in life. However, you should not ignore your dream just because of this, since all the details can help you find out in more detail what the late grandmother is dreaming of.

Seeing your relative with a strange face indicates that it is better not to trust the dreamer strangers because they are a potential threat. It is necessary to try in the near future to reduce your stay in the society of unfamiliar people, not to trust acquaintances and not to be led to provocations.

If the face native person acquires the familiar features of another, which means that you should take a closer look at him. This vision may not always mean negative points. Sometimes the dream book interprets such images as helping the native spirit in deciding difficult situations pointing to the person who can solve the problem.

Seeing how the deceased grandmother lies in a coffin warns the dreamer about rash acts that can greatly affect relationships between relatives and close people. The dream interpretation advises to follow your words, so that later you will not bitterly regret what was said.

It is useful for young girls to know why a pregnant deceased grandmother is dreaming. This dream portends a quick joy, surprise and replenishment in the family. It also denotes successful undertakings, and for a woman - a new stage in life.

If you dream of the house of the late grandmother, then it is important to recall its details. If it is new, clean and bright, then a successful acquisition will soon take place in the dreamer's life. Old and abandoned - to the troubles associated with old gossip or conflicts. Businessmen should not get involved with people with whom they were previously at odds, as they will not live up to expectations.

The words spoken by the deceased native old woman are of great importance. In most cases, after waking up, half of the dialogue does not remain in memory, but the meaning of what the grandmother said in a dream should remain. Sometimes spirits communicate with us through those phrases and sentences that evoke certain associations. You need to listen to your intuition and interpret the meaning according to your own understanding of the phrase.

An important factor in helping to find out what the late grandmother is dreaming of is her behavior in a dream. If a relative behaves unusually, too aggressively and defiantly, then, according to the dream book, one should be wary of squabbles and strife in the family, since the scandal will be stormy, lengthy and with serious consequences.

The quiet, silent image of the deceased grandmother with a reproachful look, according to the dream book, suggests that the person went the wrong way and made many mistakes, for which not only he, but also his relatives and close people will have to pay.

Young people, having seen such an image in a dream, should not rush to grow up. Love, care and respect for loved ones should come from the dreamer in the near future, since these people need them very much.

For a man, this dream speaks of an excellent opportunity to get close to his wife, with whom they are already long time can't find mutual language. A silent reproach in the gaze of a relative will haunt a person until he realizes his mistakes and sincerely repents of them.

Other dream books

Miller's dream interpretation does not interpret the late grandmother in a dream very much auspicious sign, promising in reality disappointments, failures and illnesses. However, a dream in which you have to hug a dead old woman is interpreted as a favorable sign, portending health and longevity.

Miller's dream book ambiguously interprets a dream in which he happened to see the house of the late grandmother. On the one hand, a deceased relative warns that someone in the dreamer's family line will soon become seriously ill. It is also a reminder for a person that you need to pay attention to your relatives.

However, if you see how his mistress enters the house of the deceased, then such a picture portends to the dreamer wealth and good luck in achieving his own goals. For an unmarried girl, this image foreshadows a meeting of a betrothed or an early engagement.

Interpretation of sleep - the late grandmother, for Gypsy dream book, suggests the health and longevity of the dreamer and his family members. Talk to the deceased good advice, which will be given to a person by relatives. You need to heed the advice, even when some of the statements of people may hurt pride.

A dream in which I happened to see a deceased grandmother in a dream, Vanga's dream book interprets as the presence higher powers that will accompany and help the sleeping person cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Seeing in a dream how a native old woman hugs someone close is a sign that these people need care and guardianship. The dream book advises to surround with attention the dreaming people who will later become good friends and loyal associates.

The desire for love, attention and understanding, that's what the dead dear old woman dreams of in Long's dream book.

comments 63

  • dreamed dead mother and dead grandmother alive. They were very sick, and I asked my daughter to give them pain pills, and I remember exactly she gave two pills to my mother and my grandmother too, I don’t remember exactly why this dream. I was very worried that they were in a lot of pain.

  • Hello, please tell me, I’m leaving to work in a day, I dreamed that I was walking near a river with very muddy water (calm, no current), and my late grandmother was walking about 5 meters ahead of me along the very edge and suddenly she as if one leg slips into the water and she cannot keep her balance, falls, I scream and run to her, and she smiles calmly and suddenly gurgles under the water. I have thoughts that I need to do something, panic and I jump after her, but the water is so muddy that I have to dive, I kind of felt for her hands, but I can’t pull it out and woke up, I feel like I want to help, but I can’t, I don’t know how, help explain, I'm worried because I'm leaving the child with my parents, and I myself am going for a month.

  • Hello, I had such a dream, my late grandmother came to the house with a flower in a pot, as I understand it, she wanted to make a surprise and came, and I always cry when I see her. In a dream, she was very beautiful, healthy and joyful, she was beautifully dressed, we sat and hugged, talked to her, she came unnoticed and left. Why this dream?

  • Angelina:

    Please tell me, I dreamed of a dead grandmother. The dream was this: I run with a friend and don’t see a cliff, I jump into the river with her, there I see my dead grandmother and one living grandmother walking in the river, they hold hands, and the deceased grandmother smiles at me, what can it be to mean?

  • Help interpret the dream. I stand at night in front of the cemetery, and on the side, my grandmother, who recently died, says: “Tell Zina to buy me a candle!” And then in the dark sky, as if a door opens, a bright light comes out and something dark flies out. And then this shadow appeared in front of me. I started to run away from fear and woke up. Then I fell asleep again and dreamed that the dead grandmother was lying across the bed in her house. I understand that she is dead. I sit down next to her and stroking her hand, I say: "My grandmother, the brightest little man was." And she opens her eyes, and her eyes are empty, without eyeballs, only darkness, and she extended her hands to me. I woke up with fear again. So I don’t understand why she didn’t have eyes?

  • Alexander:

    I dreamed about my grandmother, in a dream I hug her and try to kiss her on the cheek, but something is bothering me, as if it’s my hair, I sort of part it and still kiss it, she’s kind of glad about it and I say grandma I missed her, she she answers me, I'm cold cold, thereby hugging me.

  • Hello! Can someone help me. The late grandmother often began to dream, she died six months ago and quite recently I began to dream very often. It almost always hurts her in a dream, then she screams that she is dying, she even dreamed that her legs were amputated. Today I had a dream in the hospital and asked me to cover her warmer. All dreams are given to me very hard, I remembered and prayed. Maybe someone knows what it is?


  • My grandmother died 10 years ago, I dreamed for the first time 2 years, at that time I was in a position, in a dream she came to visit me and brought raw meat, in general, a couple of months after sleep, my child died in the womb. At the moment, I’m in a position again, exactly two years have passed and my grandmother again dreamed, she cursed with me that I hadn’t been taking her to the dacha for many years and poisoned me big dog. And that's how I define this dream. Bad mood in the morning.

  • I dreamed of a dead grandmother, so as soon as she died, for some reason we put her in a terrible unfinished coffin and put it in the cellar with my other grandmother, she is alive, and then the night came, we all went to bed, and the deceased grandmother started screaming in the coffin just to the bone gets her voice it was terrible. We go down there with my mother, brother and another grandmother, open the coffin, and the grandmother is alive and says, why did you make such a small coffin for me (in fact, my grandmother had a normal, not cramped coffin) and reproached us for everything that we are bad and she There were bruises all over his body on his shoulders and on his hips. Please interpret this dream for me because I'm scared, I live in the house of the deceased, and my husband works on shifts, I'm often alone and waking up alone at night is just a nightmare!

  • Me, my late mother and grandmother are in my grandmother's garden. In front of us is a pit about a meter deep, about 2 by 6 in size and lined with rotten logs along the edges, and at the bottom the earth is cracked. Grandma has a shovel and she is picking the ground around the hole. I stand on one side of the pit, my mother and grandmother on the other. Grandmother is drunk and unhappy, my mother is sad, she tells me look how lazy grandmother is and started everything. All this happens at dusk, why such a dream?

  • My grandmother died 41 years ago, I was 6, and I never dreamed, but here she lies on the floor, and we should bury her, I think now my aunt will come and tie her legs, her legs are covered, and for some reason I crawl over her, and she opens her blue-blue eyes, and looks after me. I crawled on all fours to the door, looked around, and she rose from the floor and stood to her full height. I woke up. And I noticed that she is somewhat similar to me, I was named after her. What is this dream?

  • I dreamed today that I was sitting in a dark grandmother's apartment. There is no light. The key turns and someone comes in, I'm scared and I want to wake up. And then a grandmother appears in the corridor, stands and looks at me with emphasis. I was very happy with her, I began to shout “Grandma, grandma” !!! She turned away and went to the kitchen and began to cook. And cuts vegetables, cuts, standing with his back to me. I tell her: Grandma, I love you very much!!! And I stroke her back. I take her hands, look into her eyes and say that I love her. And she looks at me, and I see that she is upset and does not believe. Continues to cut and is silent. Here is such a dream, granny died 8 years ago and I haven’t been to her grave for a very long time.

  • I dreamed that my late grandmother came to life, and I forced her to come with me and make her a new passport, and for some reason I wrote my autobiography for her. And when we went to the registry office with her, she asked all the way why she needed a passport, she was fine without it. And I inspired her that without a passport she could not do anything. Explain what it is?

  • Svetlana:

    Hello. I had a dream about how I was with my late grandmother in the kitchen, cooking fish. She came in (bright, smiling), I was very happy, shouted “Grandma!” I ran up, hugged her (she was just as warm and soft). And when I hug her, she told me: "Close your eyes." I closed. Then I remembered what my mother told me (not to follow the dead). And I just started saying off topic that I can’t today and tomorrow I can’t, I still have to hang up the laundry. And I woke up abruptly.

  • The dream was very strange and chaotic. I remember well only part of the dream, at the end. I saw my cousins, who are moving to the other side of the river on the rocks protruding from the water, and I hurried after them. As soon as I stepped ashore, the terrain changed dramatically. I never saw my sisters again, they just disappeared. Instead of spring nature, I saw yellowed trees and realized that I had moved to another place and time. Judging by the clothes of passers-by, 16-17 years ago (approximately the second half of September-early October). It was a courtyard in one of the districts of our city. I decided to go into one of the entrances. It turned out that an elderly writer lived in one of the apartments (in reality, she had never seen this woman either in person or in print / media). I visited her, she gave me her autographed book as parting. When I went outside, my grandmother, who died 15 years ago, was standing near the entrance. She silently looked at me. I was glad to meet so much, as if I had not seen her for a long time, as if I did not know that she had died. It felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. But for some reason I didn't hug her. And she didn't rush to me. We exchanged glances (we did not speak at all), after which she disappeared to no one knows where, as soon as I turned away. At that moment, I suddenly shifted again. I saw a house at the crossroads, which was relatively close to my aunt's house. I don't remember anything else. Help someone decipher the dream. No matter how hard I try, I don't understand what it means. In my opinion, it is also significant that he dreamed of me on the Annunciation. The last time I dreamed about my grandmother was about a month and a half after the funeral. She said goodbye to me and never returned until today. If it's important, I haven't been to her grave for a long time because of my university studies.

When a late grandmother comes to you in a dream, you should be wary. After all, this symbol is ambiguous and requires a detailed analysis. Remember all the features of the dream you saw and try to put them together in a single image. Particular attention should be paid to the dialogue with a relative and the feelings that you were overcome when talking with her. Only in this case you will be able to choose the most exact interpretation What is the dream of the late grandmother.

As a rule, the dead come in a dream to warn the sleeper of some danger and point out his mistakes, which can have global consequences. To everyone who met in a dream with their deceased grandparents, the dream book recommends paying attention to the dream plot. Indeed, in it, according to the interpreter, is hidden a very important information about you and your family.

In order to answer the question of why the deceased grandmother is dreaming, one should remember such nuances as the image, gestures and words of the deceased relative. In these details, the true meaning is hidden, which is not so easy to unravel.

If in a dream you often dream of a deceased grandmother, then you probably don’t really remember her. Thus, a relative tries to remind herself. Do you want to sleep peacefully? You need to remember the old woman more often. Buy sweets that were her favorite in life and treat them to your friends, colleagues and just strangers.

If in a dream a deceased relative “ordered” you a certain item, then you should definitely buy it and take it to her grave. Light a candle, put the indicated item along with your favorite candy, granny's cookies. Thus, you will express your respect to the old woman and show that you remember her.

Dream details

The dream book believes that if you dreamed of a late grandmother, then in reality you should prepare for serious changes in fate. At the same time, they can affect any area, including intimate ones.