A big dog on a chain in a dream. Add to calendar

  • 21.09.2019

The dog, as they say, is man's best friend. But for some reason, this friend is sometimes put on a chain, and then he appears to people in dreams, as if reproaching them for their callousness towards him. Of course, in addition to moral reproach, these night visions also contain some meaning hidden from a superficial glance. Let's open the works of the most famous interpreters and find out what the dog on the chain is dreaming of.

What did Gustav Miller write about chain dogs?

Mine short review we will start with the work of Gustav Miller, in which a prominent American psychologist, among other interpretations, gives an answer to the question that interests us. In the dream book he compiled, a dog on a chain is a good omen. According to the author, it symbolizes the successful outcome of the work begun. That is, all unfavorable circumstances, like a steel chain, will be surrounded by the dreamer's decisive actions and energy.

Moreover, if the dreaming dog behaved aggressively and tried to bite (quite deservedly) the owner who put him on a chain, then the person who dreamed of such a scene can be sure that he is inaccessible to his secret and overt enemies. Filled with malice, they seek to harm him, but a series of various circumstances prevent their insidious plans from being realized.

Dreams with large or two-headed dogs

Not ignored in his dream book is a large dog on a chain, which is the property of the dreamer himself. For businessmen, such a vision can promise unusually big profit, which will allow them to expand the business and leave behind competitors. At the same time, for those who have not had time to open yet own business, a dream also portends good luck and the opportunity to solve your life problems.

If you dream of ferocious two-headed dogs, then the explanation of this nightmare can also be found in the work of Miller.

In his dream book angry dog on a chain, grinning with two heads at the same time, is not at all a harbinger of trouble. Her creepy image only serves as a warning to the sleeper that one should not take on several cases at once. This will not bring good luck, but will only entail unnecessary costs and troubles.

Which dogs bring more trouble in a dream?

Do not bypass the question that interests us and the compilers " Universal dream book". A dog on a chain, in their opinion, can have several interpretations depending on various circumstances, among which its breed plays an important role. From the interpreter, you can learn that if in a dream a mongrel took up arms against a person, then he should expect troubles, the cause of which may not be people, but fatal circumstances, in the power of which he will be the will of fate. The way out of this situation will be different in each specific case.

At the same time, if a certain thoroughbred dog rushed from the chain to the dreamer, then the perpetrators of the misadventures will be people from among those whom he infinitely trusted.

To his great chagrin, this person will have to recognize their extremely unsightly essence, previously hidden under the guise of decency, but manifested at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, if the dog still managed to bite him, then in reality bad deeds should be expected from close friends, and the blood that came out of the wound indicates that one of the relatives will be a hidden enemy.

What kind of dogs do the British not like to see in their dreams?

AT " English dream book» A dog on a chain is also interpreted based on the breed. Mongrel, as a rule, is assigned the role of harbingers of various troubles, but purebred dogs, especially mild and friendly shepherd dogs (there are some), are considered a sign of positive changes in fate. Dreams with their participation predict the greatest luck for lonely people. According to interpreters, they will soon have a romantic adventure that will give them a chance to finally arrange their personal lives.

As for family man, then, having seen in a dream, a kind, but at the same time a shepherd dog sitting on a chain, he can be calm for the moral character and marital fidelity of his wife. Much worse if he dreamed of a mongrel.

This is such a bad sign for a married person that the British try not to mention it in conversation.

What does a dog barking on a chain mean in dream books?

Summarizing the opinions of the most famous interpreters, several main provisions can be distinguished. So, for many of them, a dog barking from a chain symbolizes some secret envious person who seeks to harm the dreamer, but, due to circumstances, is deprived of this “pleasant” opportunity. Further, experts warn that a doghouse in a dream, from which barking is heard (its occupant is not visible at the same time), promises to receive bad news soon. Equally, this night vision can be a reflection of vain worries and empty worries.

For a more complete coverage of the question of why dogs bark on chains, the dream books provide another interpretation that is common to most authors, which is worth remembering. It consists in the fact that this barking in reality should be regarded as a call to action, which one - the dreamer himself decides.

However, some authors tend to see it as a symbol of gossip and different kind empty slander from ill-wishers. At the same time, most interpreters say that more often than others they see dogs barking from a chain in a dream, people seeking to make global changes in their lives.

The dog as the personification of his own "I"

Serious and thoughtful authors do not confine themselves to a superficial consideration of the topic we have touched upon, but give it a deep and comprehensive analysis in their dream books. A dog on a chain, in their opinion, is a rather multifaceted image, the interpretation of which cannot be reduced to its division into good and evil.

Some compilers of dream books, such as Ibn Sirin, Martyn Zadeka, Sigmund Freud and some of their followers, called for understanding the dreamer's own "I" by this symbol.

They believed that such a dream is seen by a person "driven into a corner" by various life circumstances. Usually problems are related to family life, work and social status.

Other interpretations

Opponents of this teaching give their point of view. In their dream books, a dog on a chain does not represent the one to whom she appeared in a night vision, but his close friend, who found himself in extreme difficulty and awaiting urgent help. However, such an interpretation is given to sleep only on the condition that the dog did not show signs of aggressiveness.

Otherwise, the interpretation of the vision changes radically. From a friend, the dog turns into an insidious attacker, who, thanks to the chain (in reality, some favorable circumstances for the dreamer play its role), is not able to realize his plans.

In addition, to the question of why a dog on a chain is dreaming, you can also find more in dream books whole line very interesting answers. For example, the vicious chained dog that blocked the dreamer's passage to the house is often seen as a symbol of the obstacles awaiting him in real life upon reaching a set goal.

At the same time, if the dog frightened the dreamer with a sudden appearance, accompanied by a growl and rattling of the chain, then in reality he may be subjected to unfair condemnation by others.

What does a dog house and a chain mean in a dream?

In conclusion of the article, we will dwell in more detail on the meaning of some dog "accessories", such as, for example, a chain and a booth. These subjects are graded based on the context in which they are presented. If, say, an evil dog was chained, then this eternal symbol of slavery becomes a symbol of curbing certain hostile forces that threaten the dreamer in real life. So this is a good omen.

However, if the dreamer sees himself in the image of a dog, then the chain receives a completely different interpretation. This is no longer a victory over the enemy, but a burden of life's worries that fetter the dreamer and absorb a significant part of his strength. As for the booth, it is usually perceived as a symbol of the limitation and infringement of a person's life opportunities. True, some authors see this symbol as protection against external threats.

The dog, as they say, is man's best friend. But for some reason, this friend is sometimes put on a chain, and then he appears to people in dreams, as if reproaching them for their callousness towards him. Of course, in addition to moral reproach, these night visions also contain some meaning hidden from a superficial glance. Let's open the works of the most famous interpreters and find out what the dog on the chain is dreaming of.

What did Gustav Miller write about chain dogs?

We will begin our brief review with the work of Gustav Miller, in which a prominent American psychologist, among other interpretations, gives an answer to the question that interests us. In the dream book he compiled, a dog on a chain is a good omen. According to the author, it symbolizes the successful outcome of the work begun. That is, all unfavorable circumstances, like a steel chain, will be surrounded by the dreamer's decisive actions and energy.

Moreover, if the dreaming dog behaved aggressively and tried to bite (quite deservedly) the owner who put him on a chain, then the person who dreamed of such a scene can be sure that he is inaccessible to his secret and overt enemies. Filled with malice, they seek to harm him, but a series of various circumstances prevent their insidious plans from being realized.

Dreams with large or two-headed dogs

Not ignored in his dream book is a large dog on a chain, which is the property of the dreamer himself. For businessmen, such a vision can promise unusually large profits, which will allow them to expand the business and leave their competitors behind. At the same time, for those who have not yet managed to open their own business, the dream also portends good luck and the opportunity to solve their life problems.

If you dream of ferocious two-headed dogs, then the explanation of this nightmare can also be found in the work of Miller.

In his dream book, an angry dog ​​on a chain, grinning with two heads at the same time, is not at all a harbinger of trouble. Her creepy image only serves as a warning to the sleeper that one should not take on several cases at once. This will not bring good luck, but will only entail unnecessary costs and troubles.

Which dogs bring more trouble in a dream?

The compilers of the Universal Dream Book do not bypass the question that interests us. A dog on a chain, in their opinion, can have several interpretations depending on various circumstances, among which its breed plays an important role. From the interpreter, you can learn that if in a dream a mongrel took up arms against a person, then he should expect troubles, the cause of which may not be people, but fatal circumstances, in the power of which he will be the will of fate. The way out of this situation will be different in each specific case.

At the same time, if a certain thoroughbred dog rushed from the chain to the dreamer, then the perpetrators of the misadventures will be people from among those whom he infinitely trusted.

To his great chagrin, this person will have to recognize their extremely unsightly essence, previously hidden under the guise of decency, but manifested at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, if the dog still managed to bite him, then in reality bad deeds should be expected from close friends, and the blood that came out of the wound indicates that one of the relatives will be a hidden enemy.

What kind of dogs do the British not like to see in their dreams?

In the English Dream Book, a dog on a chain is also interpreted based on the breed. Mongrel, as a rule, is assigned the role of harbingers of various troubles, but purebred dogs, especially mild and friendly shepherd dogs (there are some), are considered a sign of positive changes in fate. Dreams with their participation predict the greatest luck for lonely people. According to interpreters, they will soon have a romantic adventure that will give them a chance to finally arrange their personal lives.

As for a family man, then, having seen in a dream, a kind, but at the same time a shepherd dog sitting on a chain, he can be calm for the moral character and marital fidelity of his wife. Much worse if he dreamed of a mongrel.

This is such a bad sign for a married person that the British try not to mention it in conversation.

What does a dog barking on a chain mean in dream books?

Summarizing the opinions of the most famous interpreters, several main provisions can be distinguished. So, for many of them, a dog barking from a chain symbolizes some secret envious person who seeks to harm the dreamer, but, due to circumstances, is deprived of this “pleasant” opportunity. Further, experts warn that a doghouse in a dream, from which barking is heard (its occupant is not visible at the same time), promises to receive bad news soon. Equally, this night vision can be a reflection of vain worries and empty worries.

For a more complete coverage of the question of why dogs bark on chains, the dream books provide another interpretation that is common to most authors, which is worth remembering. It consists in the fact that this barking in reality should be regarded as a call to action, which one - the dreamer himself decides.

However, some authors are inclined to see in it a symbol of gossip and all sorts of empty slander from ill-wishers. At the same time, most interpreters say that more often than others they see dogs barking from a chain in a dream, people seeking to make global changes in their lives.

The dog as the personification of his own "I"

Serious and thoughtful authors do not confine themselves to a superficial consideration of the topic we have touched upon, but give it a deep and comprehensive analysis in their dream books. A dog on a chain, in their opinion, is a rather multifaceted image, the interpretation of which cannot be reduced to its division into good and evil.

Some compilers of dream books, such as Ibn Sirin, Martyn Zadeka, Sigmund Freud and some of their followers, called for understanding the dreamer's own "I" by this symbol.

They believed that such a dream is seen by a person "driven into a corner" by various life circumstances. Usually problems are related to family life, work and social status.

Other interpretations

Opponents of this teaching give their point of view. In their dream books, a dog on a chain does not represent the one to whom she appeared in a night vision, but his close friend, who found himself in extreme difficulty and awaiting urgent help. However, such an interpretation is given to sleep only on the condition that the dog did not show signs of aggressiveness.

Otherwise, the interpretation of the vision changes radically. From a friend, the dog turns into an insidious attacker, who, thanks to the chain (in reality, some favorable circumstances for the dreamer play its role), is not able to realize his plans.

In addition, to the question of why a dog on a chain is dreaming, a number of very interesting answers can be found in dream books. For example, an evil chained dog that blocked the dreamer's passage to the house is often seen as a symbol of the obstacles that await him in real life when he achieves any goal he has set for himself.

At the same time, if the dog frightened the dreamer with a sudden appearance, accompanied by a growl and rattling of the chain, then in reality he may be subjected to unfair condemnation by others.

What does a dog house and a chain mean in a dream?

In conclusion of the article, we will dwell in more detail on the meaning of some dog "accessories", such as, for example, a chain and a booth. These subjects are graded based on the context in which they are presented. If, say, an evil dog was chained, then this eternal symbol of slavery becomes a symbol of curbing certain hostile forces that threaten the dreamer in real life. So this is a good omen.

However, if the dreamer sees himself in the image of a dog, then the chain receives a completely different interpretation. This is no longer a victory over the enemy, but a burden of life's worries that fetter the dreamer and absorb a significant part of his strength. As for the booth, it is usually perceived as a symbol of the limitation and infringement of a person's life opportunities. True, some authors see this symbol as protection against external threats.

Such a dream is a sign of devotion, friendship and fidelity. It symbolizes friends, good or bad, near or far, etc. If you saw her, you will soon receive a letter or news from them, as well as a high probability of meeting with them.

If in a dream you were bitten by a dog and you see blood, then this means that your relatives, close friends or relatives will do something bad to you. If she bit you not to the point of blood, then this portends a deception of a person close to you. Also, such a dream indicates an insult to a friend or acquaintance. This can also be interpreted as a disaster that came to you through your neighbors.

A black dog portends to you that one of your relatives or acquaintances has conceived something bad against you that defiles you. If she treats you peacefully, plays or caresses you, then this portends that your enemy will soon become your friend or friend, you will forget past quarrels and grievances and make friends with him. An aggressive black dog promises the danger of being ridiculed, portends an accusation of stealing or robbery.

If you dream that a dog is fawning over you, then this is a sign of an imminent matchmaking. Such a dream is sometimes a warning and you should beware of your neighbors. It is also possible that you will soon meet loyal and devoted friends.

Seeing a dog on a chain is interpreted by dream books as a sign that you will make yourself envious, enemies and enemies. Such a dream sometimes symbolizes the evil eye - perhaps one of your friends and acquaintances intentionally or accidentally jinxed you out of envy. It is also possible that one of your friends is rightly offended by you and you need to clarify the situation, talk with him and try to smooth out the existing conflict.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know if your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether to trust what you saw in a dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Dogs are familiar, familiar creatures to all of us, we see them almost daily on the street or communicate with our own four-legged pet.

But why the dog is dreaming - not everyone knows. This four-legged friend of a person in a dream can be a symbol of different, sometimes opposite things - friendship, devotion, anger, aggression, danger, and much more.

Also, this animal is often a symbol of family or friendship. And symbolizes our friends, loved ones.

So how do you know what the dog is dreaming of if there are so many meanings? To do this, it is worth considering in what situation and in what incarnation this animal appeared in your dreams.

These may be the following options:

  • The dog dreamed you kind and friendly.
  • On the contrary, an angry dog ​​that barks at you.
  • Big or small.
  • A dog tries to bite you or even bites you in a dream.
  • The dog is licking you.
  • You are playing with it.
  • A dog is chasing you in a dream, and you run away in fear.
  • You kill the dog or harm it in some way.
  • Feed her.
  • Iron.
  • You see a dog with puppies in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a dog on a chain.
  • You saw a dead animal in a dream.

Such a huge number of options gives reason to remember all the nuances of the dream in order to avoid the risk of misinterpreting the dream, and subsequently making the wrong decision in life.

How does she look?

Often in dreams one has to see a dog, but at the same time not to enter into any personal contact with this animal. If you happen to see such a dream, remember how the dog was, how he behaved, and find out what the dog you just looked at is dreaming of.

1. Big dog any breed, for example, a shepherd dog, often symbolizes some friend of yours who has a big post. Or simply - a higher position in society than yourself.

Apparently, you have a meeting with this person, or maybe a common cause. But know: if he came to you in a dream in the form of this animal, he is a reliable person, honest and good to you, appreciate friendship with him.

2. A little dog dreams as a symbol of some bad thoughts or words, gossip, rumors, impure thoughts around you. Perhaps someone is spreading such gossip, false information about you, trying to tarnish your reputation.

Most likely, this is a female person, so look around, be extremely attentive to your surroundings, at work and in communication with friends or acquaintances in the near future, and try not to give a reason to spread rumors. Your conscience must be clear.

3. The white dog is a pleasant new acquaintance. It may not even have anything to do with love or flirting, most likely the white dog comes as a symbol of a new close friend.

But such a friend, who still needs to be looked for. As soon as this person appears in your life, take care of your relationship with him, and you will not regret it.

4. A red dog in a dream, for example, a German shepherd, is not very auspicious sign. She warns the sleeper that he is probably in some kind of hidden danger from a person who is offended, angry, wants to take revenge.

The red dog itself symbolizes such a person - and he may have unkind intentions towards you. It is advisable, before it is too late, to think about who you have given reason to be angry or angry, and try to prevent conflict.

5. If you are interested in the question of why a black dog is dreaming, big or not, this is a clear symbol of sadness. And she will come from loved one- perhaps someone will upset you, upset, offend or hurt you. But be prepared for the fact that a short period of sadness and longing is expected.

6. To find out why a dead dog is dreaming, let's look at Miller's famous dream book. Such a sight in a dream is a symbol of the collapse of hopes directed at some person close to you.

And there is a frighteningly high probability that this frustration can lead directly to a break in relations. According to Miller's dream book, a dead dog in a dream symbolizes the loss of a relationship with someone close, a quarrel that will end in complete alienation.

What happened in the dream?

What the dream in which the dog appeared in also means and means also depends on how this animal behaved in your dream. Remember what he did?

1. If you dreamed of a dog that sleeps peacefully, then this means your conscience. Remember what she looked like - and draw a parallel.

  • A clean, tidy animal is a symbol of the fact that your own conscience is also clear.
  • Well, if it is dirty, tattered, ugly - draw your own conclusions.
  • A dog that sleeps in the aisle and interferes with passing is a sign that there is a certain burden on your conscience that you should get rid of.

2. A kind, sweet dog that evoked pleasant emotions in you in a dream is a wonderful sign! A symbol of a kind and reliable friend who is nearby. This friend will not let you down, will not betray, and you can confidently trust him.

3. On the contrary, the evil dog that you saw in a dream, but only from the outside, is a symbol of a bad, evil person.

As the dream book says, the dog is angry and dangerous, which barks at you in a dream - this is a direct warning to the sleeper that you will soon risk being in the center of a conflict or quarrel. Try to foresee this and avoid it if possible.

4. And if you hear a dog barking in your dream, but the dog doesn’t specifically bark at you, this means that you will most likely soon become an unwitting witness to someone’s quarrel, squabble. Advice one: do not interfere.

5. Did you see a rabid dog in a dream? It is very unpleasant, but it is likely that your friend will soon become your enemy, and the reasons can be anything.

6. If your dream was visited by a dog on a chain, the watchdog is a dream that advises you to be more attentive to your own environment, to weed out unnecessary people, not to open up to everyone indiscriminately, to limit the circle of close friends.

7. But puppies can have different meanings.

  • A dog with puppies symbolizes a lot of trouble associated with loved ones.
  • And the puppy you adopted from the street is a symbol of your kindness, you will help some good man and enjoy it.
  • Do you sleep with puppies? This is how your hidden dreams of having children manifest.

8. If you witnessed in a dream that a dog gnaws a bone - this is not a good sign, it warns you of a possible period of need, poverty.

Enter into contact

Such a dream, in which the dog comes into direct contact with you in one way or another, can be even more significant and important. It all depends on what exactly happened in the dream between you and your four-legged friend.

1. A dog that attacks and bites you in a dream, especially by the hand, means enmity and strong quarrels, and with loved ones.

If she bit you on the hand to the blood - we are talking about your family. About relatives with whom you have to conflict, and there is a risk of remaining enemies.

2. And if in night dreams a dog attacks you, chases, wants to bite, but you run away from it, this means that for now you manage to avoid enmity and conflicts. But for how long?

Such a dream advises you not to run away, but to try to find a way to solve this problem peacefully, if possible.

3. When in a dream you stroke a dog, and she caresses, this is a pleasant sign. waiting for you new novel, a period of romance, dates and dizzying love, without deceit and betrayal. Enjoy!

4. Played in a dream with a dog? This is a dream that hints to you that you are dishonest or doing bad things to your close friend, and it is better to reconsider your behavior.

5. And if a dog licks your hand in a dream, licks your face, caresses - this is also a sign of intimacy, love, a pleasant close relationship with a kind and honest man who loves you faithfully and truly.

6. If you dreamed of a dog that came to your house, expect good, kind and long-awaited guests, meeting with whom will certainly bring you great joy and many very pleasant emotions.

7. Perhaps in your dream you became the owner of a beautiful, thoroughbred dog. This is a wonderful sign that promises happiness and wealth, prosperity and a cloudless life in the near future.

Dreams involving a person's best friends are very different, and, as we see, their meanings are also different. Having correctly understood what the dog is dreaming of in a dream, you will be able not only to look into your own probable future, but also to take the right actions, bring happiness closer, or prevent conflicts. Use the tips of the dream book wisely and listen to your intuition! Author: Vasilina Serova

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone remembers them. If you are lucky enough to remember your dreams in the morning, you really want to understand their meaning. Let's turn to dream books for help and figure out what the dog is dreaming of.

The appearance of a dog in a dream can speak of both future positive changes and danger. Each approach that interprets dreams has its own interpretation. Even the characteristics of the person who dreams of this animal are taken into account.

Video "Why is the dog dreaming"

From this video you will learn the interpretation of the dream in which the dog had a dream.

Miller's dream book

For married woman a dream means that soon she will have a devoted friend.
For a free woman - speaks of tenderness that cannot find a way out. Find out who you can send it to.
For a pregnant woman - promises the appearance of a friend who can support.
Such a dream tells a man about the upcoming communication with old friends.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

For a married woman - a quick meeting with close friends.
For a free woman - she can say about the impending surprise.
Pregnant woman - reports that the child will help strengthen the family.
For a man - he advises to pay attention to loved ones, perhaps someone lacks your care.

Freud's dream book

For a married woman - to the appearance of a child.
For a free woman a large number of puppies in a dream can talk about an imminent meeting with their fate. The chosen one will be much younger than you.
A dream tells a pregnant woman that the baby will help find her happiness.
For a man, a dream with small puppies predicts that you will fall in love with a woman who looks like the one who raised you - your mother.


AT moon dream book the appearance of a dog predicts an increase in profits and the presence of true friends. The dream book of Nostardamus connects such dreams with an increase in fertility, this is especially pronounced in the case of small puppies. The modern dream book interprets the appearance of a dog as an auspicious sign in a variety of ways: from a sudden surprise to replenishment in the family.


If you dreamed of a large flock of dogs, do not immediately get scared. Be sure to take into account the general situation.

  1. If all the dogs in the environment are large and thoroughbred, this suggests that you will soon find yourself in a society of people with a high social status. Acquired connections will help to establish business in many areas of life.
  2. Perhaps you dreamed about how you take part in a dog show. Such a dream informs that an important performance in front of an audience is already very close. It is recommended to prepare for the presentation in advance so that it goes well.
  3. The worst possible outcome is a manifestation of aggression from the pack and an attack. If in a dream a large horde of dogs attacked you, be careful. Perhaps a betrayal by a loved one, which will be very difficult to survive. It will take a long time to restore peace of mind.

dog behavior

It is important to pay attention to how the dog behaves in a dream:

  1. Angry dog. If the animal bristles and looks angrily, it is possible that the sleeping person made plans for the future incorrectly. It is worth carefully reviewing and adjusting them, most likely, some critical shortcomings were not taken into account. This behavior of the dog can also be interpreted as someone's envy. In this case, it is recommended to stop telling others about your successes in order to avoid a similar situation in the future.
  2. Kind dog. If a friendly-minded dog is dreaming, this indicates that the person will find strong support in an old acquaintance. If a woman had a dream, there is a high probability of sympathy from this friend. If the guess is confirmed, it is worth considering a man as your future husband.

Biting on the arm or leg. In any interpretation, a dog bite in a dream does not bode well. You need to pay attention to several factors:

  • the more painful the bite, the more damage a person will receive from failure;
  • if the dog bites someone else in your defense, this indicates good support;
  • if a homeless animal attacked you, something threatens the financial side of life;
  • a bite from a large dog indicates a betrayal of a loved one.

As part of modern dream book the following decryptions are also considered:

  • if you are married, a bite warns of a quarrel;
  • if an unmarried girl sees a dream, it is likely that she will marry very soon;
  • if you received a bite from your dog, get ready for financial difficulties;
  • an attacking dog signals danger, if the fight ended with a bite, a competitor will let you know about himself;
  • if blood stains remain from the bite, then this warns of conflicts with relatives.

A bite on the hand has several interpretations:

  • trouble concerning business, the hand plays the role of a tool;
  • be more attentive to loved ones, perhaps your subconscious makes itself felt;
  • if an animal attacks your enemy, then it will be possible to successfully bypass enemy conspiracies;
  • if you were bitten during the game - to the support of loved ones.

A bite to the leg also has two interpretations, depending on the consequences of the bite. If not pain, this is a warning that it is worth canceling some plans, not going anywhere. If blood comes out, be careful, this may be a warning of an imminent betrayal by a loved one.

If you dream barking dog- to quarrels. An animal giving a voice can symbolize an unpleasant conversation with one of the relatives. Don't indulge your negative emotions try to come to a joint decision.

If the dog is large on a leash, this indicates the presence of a patron, if it is small, it indicates an imminent meeting with a petty and envious person. If the animal is on a chain and shows anger, be prepared for a series of troubles to come. Adversity awaits you from everywhere, but will not cause much harm.


The appearance of a cute clubfoot lump in the form of a puppy - to a meeting with a good old friend or the person who will become one. But some dream books still disagree:

  • according to Freud's dream book, a puppy portends the appearance of a small, pleasant gift;
  • on autumn dream book the puppy personifies a person who is only trying to seem good.

If you managed to feed the puppy, this indicates that a patron will appear in your life.


When you see a dog in a dream, be sure to pay attention to its colors:

  1. Black coloring indicates that there is a person in your environment who should not be completely trusted. He demonstrates his positive sides and even better hides the negative. Take a closer look at him, you do not need to lead to a break in communication, but it is recommended to take a closer look at him.
  2. The white color symbolizes good luck. If the dog was pregnant - decide to change jobs. A new location will help you grow professionally and increase your income.
  3. If a girl dreams of a red dog, this may indicate that she should be more careful when meeting men. The red color can also symbolize that it is worth taking a closer look, perhaps you hurt someone close to you.


Another characteristic that should be considered when analyzing your sleep is the breed of the dog:

  • the German Shepherd speaks of the presence of friends who are always ready to help;
  • the Rottweiler reports upcoming changes, while they can be both positive and negative;
  • husky promises a job where there will be an opportunity to communicate with talented people;
  • a labrador speaks of an increase in working productivity, a dog of this breed symbolizes a person’s self-confidence;
  • dachshund is also associated with working relationships, its appearance heralds a moral upsurge.

dead dog

If you dreamed about the death of a dog, this portends the loss of a close friend. If you see how an animal is being killed or even killed, take this message as upcoming difficulties that will affect your life order.