Why dream of breaking a person's hand. Broken arm: what is dreaming of, interpretation of sleep

  • 20.09.2019

The article on the topic: "a dream book of what a broken arm dreams of" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

In general, a dream about any hand injury - a fracture, a cut of it, is considered a bad sign and promises all sorts of misfortunes. However, some interpreters of dreams take a different point of view, and consider a broken arm in a dream to be a harbinger of an imminent turning point in a person's life. And this turning point should not be taken purely negatively, changes are steps to new achievements. It is only important to treat them correctly and pass them with honor.

Of course, for the correct interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances that accompanied the fracture. It is especially important to know whose arm is broken - the dreamer, a person close or alien to him, as well as the type of fracture itself: it was open or closed.

Key Aspects

  • A dream about a broken arm may indicate the likelihood of a serious illness of one of your close relatives. In this case, it is important which arm is broken. The right one - one of the male relatives will get sick, the left one - a woman.
  • If you dream of a broken arm in another person, be careful: they will try to drag you into a scandal. It is necessary to avoid quarrels by all means, otherwise the conflict can become fatal for you and significantly change your life, and not for the better.
  • If you dream of a closed fracture, future troubles will be annoying, but not so big as to seriously affect your life. Seeing an open fracture in a dream - bad sign. Problems or illness will be serious and overcoming them will take you a lot of strength, both physical and mental. However, you should not despair, you just need to concentrate and be ready for the coming streak of failures, constantly remembering that victories and success will surely come after them.

Important nuances

  • To see in a dream the actual process of how you break your arm - to a sudden illness.
  • To dream that both of your arms are broken indicates a state of helplessness. It will not be possible to overcome the difficulties that have arisen without the support of loved ones: friends or relatives. And how much you allow yourself to be helped, supported, depends on how much a negative situation will knock you down. In addition, a fracture of both hands in a dream may indicate the dreamer's indecision in reality.
  • In an intimate relationship, a broken arm in a dream can be a harbinger of a feeling of fatigue, which negatively affects relationships with your soulmate.
  • Seeing a hand in a cast in a dream means you will soon feel pressure. Someone from your environment will actively impose their own opinion on you, and you will have to agree with it so as not to provoke a conflict situation. Also, a cast on your arm can be an indication of the intrigues that ill-wishers are weaving against you.

In any case, negative harbingers should not be taken as a guarantee of life's adversity. This is the meaning of the interpretation of dreams - to see the signs, hear the signals of fate and respond to them in a timely manner. We see dreams not in order to fall into sadness from them, but in order to act and change, thus changing our destiny.

“Dream Interpretation of a Broken Hand dreamed of why a broken Hand is dreaming in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Broken Hand

Why dream of a broken Hand in a dream from a dream book?

I dreamed of a broken arm - you should protect your relatives, they may find themselves in a bad situation or get into a difficult situation. A broken arm is swollen - get unexpected income or get rich.

Broken arm in a cast - in relation to you, active attempts will be made to impose your own opinion, with which you will have to agree so as not to provoke a conflict. Seeing someone have a broken arm - you can be drawn into a big scandal.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

I dreamed of a broken Hand, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the broken Hand is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Both hands are in cast, and the cast is only slightly longer than the wrist. It felt like the right one was broken, it hurt, the left one seemed to be wrapped up at the same time, it didn’t hurt at all. The dream was in color.

Today I had such a dream. Unfortunately, I did not find an interpretation from the dream books, and therefore I turn to you.

The beginning of the dream is rather vague, I remember the events from this moment: I and a group of people participate in a competition. We are on a fenced range, inside which there are various stairs, cable cars, something like an obstacle course. The bottom line is that we must get to the desired stairs first. The situation is whipped up a little by a crowd of zombies, which are released at us at the start signal. At some point, I understand that it makes no sense to go through an obstacle course - it will only delay, and zombies, in fact, can also climb there. So I immediately run to the right stairs. (although this is my first time, I know where it is) I run out of the fence and together with one of my friends (I don’t remember exactly who it was) I run to the finish line. A girl is trying to catch up with us, she says, “wow, you go so fast, you just beat my record. And from the first time I understood what and how to do. Not bad." My friend and I climb this ladder at the same time, there is a button-needle at the top, by pressing which you notify of the passage. So we won. But literally in 5 minutes we are put in a new race. We win dreams. Then to another one. I understand that this is pointless, and I don’t have much strength left. I agree with my friend to run away from this place. She does not have time, and I run out of the fence and take our prizes with me. But as soon as I get out, a siren goes off, which says that if I don't stop, they will blow me up. I still make it to the hospital, throwing away all the prizes along the way, because I think that the bomb is in them. But as soon as I enter the room, little bombs explode in my shoulders. Which doesn't seem to hurt that much. The doctor takes me to the office, but I hear that one of the organizers of these "runs" is looking for me in the hospital. I try to hide under the bed, but she still sees me. Then I get out of there and then the doctor says, they say, all the participants in the race have one thing in common - they all have broken fingers. And then I start to “run into” the organizer, they say, have you ever broken your fingers? what about hands? all my arms are broken, and now also in my shoulders (I remember from previous dreams where my arms were broken). The doctor is amazed, they say, how and why did they try so hard to pass this race with such injuries? I reply that winning is the easiest and safest option in former situation so I didn't have much of a choice. In general, all those present were shocked by my (in a dream, which was rather pathetic) speech. That's where I wake up.

I just dreamed that I had a broken arm. And there was also a ghoul on my arm. And I also collected coins in a dream. I don’t know how to connect it all.

dream that I'm broken left hand at the wrist, I see a fracture, but there is no blood, no pain, and the little fingers on both hands are twisted,

hello! I dreamed that my daughter broke her arm. The bones stuck out straight

My left arm was broken, but it was not expressed in any way. That is, there was no cast or terrible pain. I just couldn’t work with it and understood that it was broken. I had to have an operation that was not cheap.

In a fight, he broke his opponent's hand on his knee (left), thereby protecting unfamiliar girls, his father then came to new car and he said something about the boss (“I agreed with the boss ...” roofing felts, roofing felts of the car, I don’t remember). I stood either at a bus stop or at the station .... I do not remember exactly.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Why dream of a broken arm

    If you dreamed of a broken arm, then in real life you have to wait for trouble. There is a high chance that your enemies will try to thwart your plans. However, not all dream books interpret this dream as negative. To find out what a broken arm is dreaming of, in each case, you need to read this article.

    This dream is often a harbinger of the illness of loved ones. If the left hand is broken, then one of the women will get sick.

    If you saw a hand in a cast, then this means that someone will impose their opinion on you. To avoid scandals, you will have no choice but to agree. It is also quite possible that envious people and ill-wishers will weave intrigues behind your back.

    The type of fracture also matters. If closed, then future troubles will not be too big. An open fracture of the arm is a harbinger of danger. You will need a lot of strength to cope with all the problems.

    If you clearly saw how you were breaking your arm, then such a dream portends sudden illnesses and poor health.

    A dream in which the hand was broken not by you, but by another person, is a warning that you may be embroiled in a big scandal. The dream interpretation strongly advises avoiding any conflict situations. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the upcoming quarrel will be fatal for you.

    An intimate dream book claims that a broken arm may indicate the dreamer's fatigue. You need to try to solve your problems in order to improve relations with the second half.

    The helplessness of the dreamer is indicated by a dream in which two hands were broken. To exit from difficult situation, you need to stock up on the support of relatives or friends.

    Good afternoon! in a dream I quarrel with my ex, suddenly I break his ring finger after that he shouted. what does this mean? thank you very much!

    He says that you yourself do not understand him in many ways, and compromises are probably needed.

    Everything is the other way around with him .. I'm trying to understand, but he is on his own .. he has a feeling for me in a dream, can you say? Trying on is possible ?? thanks a lot in advance.

    Do not write anything on the site, please, we seem to have agreed. Now you have written http. Don't, it makes it harder to reply to a comment.

    Perhaps if he understands, and you can forgive and accept the way he is.

    In a dream, he also said, “I can’t say for now I’m marrying you, but I’ll be next to you.”

    I have 8 friends with whom I have a common cause. I dreamed that one friend had a very bad headache, that she even cried and could not stand touching and the pills did not help much. Further in a dream I saw my friend first with a normal hand, and then it turned out to be broken, and even decreased in size, as if it had dried up. The third friend also had a headache, but much less than the first one. What is all this for?

    Perhaps it is these people who will have to decide something important, however, according to another version, they may turn out to be a kind of weak link. To break a hand is not enough to participate in a common cause, to trouble.

    Hello! In a dream, I saw the torn off hand of my daughter, without blood. She is sick now, so I am very worried about this dream. Help to understand the meaning of the dream.

    Tatyana, judging by the dream, he shows that she really may have health problems for some more time, and the dream about the hand also shows not only physical health, but also problems in communicating with someone.

    You can argue with her.

    Hello! I dreamed that there was a through hole in the palm of my hand, which was without blood and overgrown before my eyes, after which I see that blood began to flow on the index finger, and then the wound healed. Later, some people ask me to pierce my finger with a needle and pour some blood into a bottle. Brad, of course, but still. Thanks in advance.

    Sophie, someone may need help from you. Sleep means the loss of one's own strength and energy for extraneous matters.

    I dreamed that a second cousin (besides, with whom we have a bad relationship in real life) breaks my arm and pierces my back with a knife, and her mother beats my cousin (we have a wonderful relationship with my cousin). In revenge, my cousin and I set fire to the building near which all this happened. And in a dream it belongs to a second cousin and her mother.

    Why can such a dream occur?

    Yana, a dream, perhaps, means family troubles and increased conflict on a specific occasion. It is possible that in reality the participants in the events will be the people involved in the dream.

    Good day! I dreamed about how my husband was fixing something on the balcony, inserting a shutter or something like that, and something sharp broke off, the tool or the profile itself was sharp, well, it cut off his whole hand. He was screaming a lot, like, “no, tell me this is a dream.” And I watch everything from the side, I also screamed loudly, realizing how painful it was for him. How do you think, bad dream?

    Tatyana, a dream can really bode trouble. Moreover, everything points to the rapid development of events, and your reaction to them will be important.

    Hello, I dreamed that my husband came home, and his arm was broken, in a cast. What does it mean?

    Troubles and unexpected chores are not ruled out.

    Hello!) Please tell me why I dreamed, when a hand appears from behind from the darkness and starts to put pressure on my shoulder, I throw it off with such anger, after which swearing pours. What the hell are you even touching. The hand is not old, young girls.

    It is likely that the dream speaks of pressure, instructions that you may not like. There may be difficulties in communication at work, at home.

    Broken hand according to the dream book

    Seeing an injury in a dream is a painful plot. No matter how hard you try to find good omens in a dream about a broken arm, it is unlikely to succeed. One consolation is that the troubles that dream books prophesy do not belong to the category of tragic ones. At the same time, having learned why such damage is dreamed of, you can take a sober look at yourself from the outside and change the course of life for the better.

    Signs of creation and development

    Each part of the body in a dream symbolizes some physical or spiritual sphere. For example, the hand is interpreted by dream books as creation, cooperation, the finger is an indication, a warning, and the foot is development, progress. Trauma means a devastating change in some aspect of life. Why dream of seeing yourself in a cast - obstacles that have arisen from outside.

    In accordance with this, the images of dreams are interpreted as follows:

    • A broken arm in a dream means complications in a relationship or business.
    • Injured leg - unfulfilled hopes for success in career advancement, in spiritual development.
    • The arm and leg in plaster are circumstances that limit forward movement and prevent communication.
    • I dreamed of a finger in a cast - a person will be extremely limited in freedom of decision.

    Miller's dream book - about the nature of injuries

    Miller gives an interpretation of sleep based on the characteristics of the damage. In his opinion, a closed fracture represents the destruction of what is expensive - in terms of relationships with people or in the implementation of an important project.

    Why dream of an open fracture, bleeding wounds? The dreamer is ready to condemn a friend and break off relations with him without good reason. This also applies to relatives with whom blood ties are connected. If you dreamed of an incorrectly fused bone, this is a harbinger of trouble.

    Treason and temptations

    Did you manage to remember whether the broken arm was right or left? The left symbolizes a woman, the right symbolizes a man. So who will turn away from the dreamer - a friend or a friend?

    In a man’s dream, if the right hand is damaged, this means the loss of the support of a comrade, the left hand will change the wife or girlfriend. For a lady, the left broken arm in a dream portends that her friend will betray her, and the right one - her husband or lover will change.

    Why dream of seeing yourself injured, but without pain: a person is confident in his own irresistibility and expects that success with women (men) will come by itself, but life will disappoint the dreamer. Anyone who dreamed of seeing someone plastered will admire someone else's success, which he will not be able to repeat.

    Erotic associations

    According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed of a broken arm, impotence would soon overtake the dreamer. In a woman's dream, this image may reflect problems with a partner associated with the loss of his male solvency. By the way, many dream books say: the spectacle of a wound reveals a certain secret - the inability to receive pleasure in sex without pain.

    It is also curious how Freud's dream book interprets the imposition of plaster in a dream. All attempts to seduce the object of desire will be in vain. A man will not be able to persuade a young lady to be close, although he will be ready to use any means of pressure.

    dream interpretation

    Broken arm

    Dream Interpretation Arm Fracture dreamed of why in a dream a broken arm? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a broken arm in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation why a broken arm is dreaming

    dream book broken arm

    Fractures and injuries that happen to be seen in a dream do not carry a positive prediction. As a rule, they promise obstacles and sorrows. It can be a consolation that the dream of a broken arm is not tragic and is not considered the most negative prediction.

    Dream about a broken arm - a negative interpretation

    Why dream of a broken arm? To unpleasant changes in a certain area of ​​​​your life.

    If the dream book identifies the hand with assistance with people, friendship, then such a vision promises trouble precisely with the communication sphere.

    Who broke his arm

    A broken arm means problems in relationships with others, in addition, troubles will haunt the dreamer in the business sphere. To get as close as possible to accurate interpretation, you will need to remember exactly who broke his arm in a dream.

    If you broke your arm in a dream

    The dreamer's hand is broken

    Any dream book will say that a fracture of your upper limb in a dream is an unfavorable vision. It will mark a deterioration in health, perhaps you will suffer a specific serious illness, especially, this interpretation is correct in the case when you see the moment at which the arm breaks. Dream Interpretation advises after such a dream do not bother yourself with physical work and take care of your health.

    At times, a broken arm symbolizes a relative who will suffer illness, and possibly even death. The right one is responsible for male relatives, the left one is for female relatives.

    An open fracture indicates that the negative changes that will enter your life will be large-scale, and it will take a lot of time and effort to cope with them. Among other things, an open fracture may indicate your condemnation of a close friend without hard evidence.

    I dreamed that another person received a fracture

    Seeing in a dream how another person breaks a limb - you will not be able to find the right approach to the people around you. Because of this, conflict situations may arise.

    If a child breaks a hand

    • When in a dream you see that your child is breaking his arm - pay attention to his relationship with peers, he may have a misunderstanding with them.
    • Sometimes a dream about how a child breaks his arm is a dream for parents after the child moves to another school or moves to another city. Such a vision also indicates that the child is experiencing communication problems.
    • Often a child with a broken arm is the first sign that your child is about to become seriously ill. Pay maximum attention to the health of the baby.

    Which hand was injured as a result of the injury

    Which arm was broken

    • When in a dream you break both your right and left hands, then the dream book speaks of your unwillingness to withstand everyday hardships. The dream says that it is in your hands to change everything for the better, but indecision and unwillingness slow you down in place.
    • An injured left hand means that you will have a conflict with your close relative, or she will suddenly be overcome by illness.
    • For men, a damaged right limb indicates that a friend can betray at the most inopportune moment. But if injured left hand, then you should expect betrayal from your other half.
    • For women, the dream book gives the opposite interpretation. An injury to the left limb is the betrayal of a girlfriend, the right one is the betrayal of a husband or young man.

    Positive interpretation of a dream about a fracture

    Although dream books tend to classify this dream as negative, a positive interpretation can also be found. Sometimes, for example, there is an assumption that a turning point will soon come in life. If you heed the predictions and prepare well for the changes, then they will definitely be in a good way.

    If you dream of a closed fracture, then all the troubles and obstacles will be small, and you can easily cope with them.

    Dream Interpretation why a broken arm is dreaming

  • If you dream beautiful hands- Fame awaits you, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle.

    Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes - portends trouble.

    Blood on your hands - promises temporary alienation among people close to you, an unfair condemnation of a friend.

    If you see that the hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

    In a dream, burn your hands - it promises you a loss in the competition with fate: putting all your strength into achieving wealth, you will miss something more valuable.

    To dream about your hands, densely covered with hair, promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are truly devoted to you.

    If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will soon move towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active.

    Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice in relation to people who love you.

    If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream portends that she will be able to win more than one sincere heart.

    If she sees that someone takes her hand in hers and kisses her, the dream warns her of greater caution in behavior.

    If - you see a fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers - success will lift you to a very great height.

    Tied hands portend future difficulties. Untying them in a dream. You will truly master the position.

    Amputated hand - to parting or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses).

    Sleep warns of possible deception or fraud.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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    Sleep Online - Break

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    Today I had such a dream. Unfortunately, I did not find an interpretation from the dream books, and therefore I turn to you.
    The beginning of the dream is rather vague, I remember the events from this moment: I and a group of people participate in a competition. We are on a fenced range, inside which there are various stairs, cable cars, something like an obstacle course. The bottom line is that we must get to the desired stairs first. The situation is whipped up a little by a crowd of zombies, which are released at us at the start signal. At some point, I understand that it makes no sense to go through an obstacle course - it will only delay, and zombies, in fact, can also climb there. So I immediately run to the right stairs. (although this is my first time, I know where it is) I run out of the fence and together with one of my friends (I don’t remember exactly who it was) I run to the finish line. A girl is trying to catch up with us, she says, “wow, you go so fast, you just beat my record. And from the first time I understood what and how to do. Not bad." My friend and I climb this ladder at the same time, there is a button-needle at the top, by pressing which you notify of the passage. So we won. But literally in 5 minutes we are put in a new race. We win dreams. Then to another one. I understand that this is pointless, and I don’t have much strength left. I agree with my friend to run away from this place. She does not have time, and I run out of the fence and take our prizes with me. But as soon as I get out, a siren goes off, which says that if I don't stop, they will blow me up. I still make it to the hospital, throwing away all the prizes along the way, because I think that the bomb is in them. But as soon as I enter the room, little bombs explode in my shoulders. Which doesn't seem to hurt that much. The doctor takes me to the office, but I hear that one of the organizers of these "runs" is looking for me in the hospital. I try to hide under the bed, but she still sees me. Then I get out of there and then the doctor says, they say, all the participants in the race have one thing in common - they all have broken fingers. And then I start to “run into” the organizer, they say, have you ever broken your fingers? what about hands? all my arms are broken, and now also in my shoulders (I remember from previous dreams where my arms were broken). The doctor is amazed, they say, how and why did they try so hard to pass this race with such injuries? I answer that winning is the easiest and safest option in the former situation, so I didn’t have much choice. In general, all those present were shocked by my (in a dream, which was rather pathetic) speech. That's where I wake up.

    Dream plots can be evaluated as signals of the subconscious, in which the important information. A dream about a broken leg requires you to pay attention to the events taking place in life and think about the warning that this sign is. Such a dream, timely and accurately interpreted, will help to avoid serious danger and reduce possible risks. The more detailed the dream of a broken leg is remembered, the more likely it is to understand its meaning.

    Symbolism of sleep

    A broken leg in a dream is a symbol that does not portend any physical injury in real life. This also applies to any other injuries seen in a dream. The meaning of such a plot is associated with the symbolism of the damaged part of the body.

    Legs in dreams are a sign of movement, change, the ability to influence the development of events. It is a symbol of activity, will, control. If you dreamed of a fracture, this is a warning that what is happening in reality will be influenced by negative force majeure circumstances. Unexpected obstacles, difficulties that are outside the dreamer's zone of influence should be expected.

    A dream about a broken leg is a warning about upcoming difficulties, stagnation in business, a series of troubles and the inability to continue the chosen path.

    As a positive sign, this plot is interpreted if the enemy had a chance to break his leg in a dream, especially if the injury was caused by the person who dreamed about it. In this case, this dream should be understood as a harbinger of victory over opponents, overcoming obstacles. It doesn't matter if the enemy that has been fractured is a real one or one that has only arisen in the context of the plot.

    The exact meaning of such a warning dream can be understood if you remember what is happening well. The circumstances under which the injury was received, the exact localization of the fracture, appearance limbs, accompanying events - all this is important for the correct interpretation of the dream.

    What does the location of the leg injury mean?

    Dream Interpretations, depending on the location of the injury, concretize the meaning of sleep:

    • A fracture in the knee area is a symbol of one's own fears and concerns. The limitations and difficulties that it portends arise from the passivity and cowardice of the one who has received such an injury.
    • A fracture above the knee warns of the risk of becoming dependent on other people. There is a high risk of job loss, temporary loss of working capacity due to imprudent words and actions. A hip fracture, especially if in a dream it was followed by a cast or other actions that made it impossible to walk, portends a loss of financial independence. Someone will try to completely subjugate the victim, taking advantage of his material difficulties. The area from the knee symbolizes the area of ​​material interests. An injury to this part of the body portends losses and indicates financial problems. There is a high risk of dependence on creditors, friends or relatives who will lend money or provide other forms of material assistance. It requires a very balanced approach to accepting offers of support and thinking through possible consequences.
    • A fracture below the knee is a sign of impending problems in the emotional sphere. A shin injury is an unpleasant sign that portends the collapse of love hopes, a quarrel between friends or a conflict between colleagues. If you dreamed of an open fracture, which is accompanied by bleeding, then you should be prepared for very serious contradictions between relatives. A very difficult period of trials is ahead, which can make loved ones completely strangers.
    • foot fracture , toes , a heel injury portends minor troubles, due to which it will not be possible to realize what was planned. There is a risk of disruption of the project, the implementation of which seemed to be the right thing to do. Often such a dream portends the cancellation of a trip or trip at the last moment.

    If the left leg is damaged, then the troubles that such a dream warns about are not inevitable. These are only possible risks that can be avoided or significantly reduced if their negative impact is exercised with care and caution.

    Breaking your right leg in a dream is a much more unpleasant sign that indicates circumstances that are already affecting a person. Be patient and get through the tough times.

    The fracture of both legs requires a very careful analysis of the events of recent days. This is a serious signal that irresistible forces have come into action, the action of which can completely upset all things. Often in such a situation the dreamer himself is to blame. The choice of an erroneous path, rash actions, random connections led to a path that should not be continued.

    Seeing a fracture of both legs in your dream is a sign of an impending disaster, financially or emotionally. The wife should stop commanding her husband. Expenditures should be brought into line with income and unwise spending money by borrowing from friends and relatives should be stopped.

    Why dream of a leg fracture in yourself and others?

    If the sleeper himself has a broken leg in a dream, this clearly indicates his own difficulties in implementing plans and ideas. It is necessary to reconsider the ways to achieve the desired, which are used now.

    If in a dream you have to watch someone get injured, then this is a contemplative position. Such a plot hints at the need for a global review of their principles and values. It would be useful to carefully analyze your surroundings. There is a person nearby who cannot be trusted.

    The option when the one who sees the dream beats himself, participates in a fight or a sports competition, as a result of which his opponent gets a broken leg, indicates that the time has come for decisive action. You can’t miss a wonderful opportunity to prove yourself, you can’t remain in the shadows. All undertakings will receive full support and will lead to success.

    Injury to a stranger, fantasy character - no matter beautiful girl or a disgusting monster acted in this role - hints that the culprit of the problems is trying to hide and does not want to be recognized. This sign should be interpreted as advice not to try to convict someone of bad intentions, and even more so to take revenge. The possibility of defeating the enemy had already been realized in the dream. In real life, you should make efforts to move forward, directing your energy in a positive direction.

    A good symbol is the paradoxicality of dreams about fractures. The hairy legs of an injured girl are a sign of successfully overcoming troubles. The fracture that miraculously was healed, reports an unexpectedly simple and quick solution to serious problems.

    Dreaming of a broken leg requires careful introspection, thinking about your actions and evaluating decisions.