Always be prepared for any situation. Choose your social circle wisely

  • 24.09.2019

Finally, you realized that looking for the negative in everything is bad, making disappointing forecasts is bad, being a pessimist sucks. Finally you become an optimist. I sincerely congratulate you on this. Optimists move through life easily, they succeed, they easily solve problems that have arisen, and most importantly, optimists are happy. But it is extremely difficult to turn from a pessimist into an optimist. You will need time, self-discipline and patience. About, how to become an optimist, read below.

Why should you become an optimist?

And now I will tell you all the benefits that an optimist receives. The first thing I noticed about optimists is that they take on any business with joy, and they always build positive forecasts. For example, an optimist was going to open his own business - to sell ice cream by weight. He immediately predicts the success of his business: high revenue, minimum costs, good competitiveness, prospects for growth, the possibility of resting any day. He talks about this to his friend - a pessimist. He, having listened to this, replies that he will not succeed, this should have been done in the 90s, competitors will devour you, you will not find a good place for trading, since everything is already taken, and so on in this spirit.

As you understand, with such a negative attitude, no business is opened, nothing is created, and instead of progress, regression occurs. So the world rests on optimists who act without thinking about problems. This is the first strength of the optimist - to act, expecting success. And the pessimists will continue to sit in their familiar swamp, fearing that they will be kicked out of it too.

The second strength of optimists is that they are easy. Everything is easy for optimists. Any problem is solvable, it just needs to be approached sensibly. Since there are no unsolvable problems for an optimist, he easily solves them. For an optimist, problems are an exciting game; for pessimists, they are an ordeal. The optimist solves problems enthusiastically, the pessimist whines more than he solves. Therefore, becoming an optimist, you will always easily solve any problems. You won't even know it's a problem. And for pessimists, any deviation from the course is a huge problem that is difficult to solve. So that.

Tell me please, what kind of people do you like to spend time with? With those who are doing well, who are cheerful, charge with their energy? Or with those who all the time, swearing, blaming everyone? I'm sure you like the first option. People always strive to be good. All people aspire to. And the optimist shares this. Therefore, optimists are always more than friends than the pessimists. A pessimist is friends with pessimists who do not care about his life. He simply has no one to complain to, so he complains to his own kind. Here is the third perspective for you, which should motivate you to become an optimist.

The fourth perspective is that optimists are much luckier than pessimists. This fact does not need to be explained. Optimists radiate their own wave - where everything is going great, and pessimists their own - where everything sucks, and it will be even worse. Optimists are content with what they have, while pessimists focus on what they don't have. So it turns out that optimists get even more, and pessimists lose what they had.

The fifth reason why you should become an optimist is because Your life will become much easier. Look at the pessimists. They ruin the lives of themselves and those around them. It turns out that they themselves do not live, because they darken everything, and they do not give life to others with their whining. Optimists are always happy, they live the day with meaning, and give this meaning to other people, and they reciprocate.

Now you understand what power you will have when you become an optimist. Yes, you will glide through life easily and naturally, everything will turn out by itself, so many opportunities will open up before you that you will find it difficult to choose, people will want to see you everywhere, they will love you and much more.

How to become an optimist?

Predict positively- this is the first thing you just need to learn how to do in order to become an optimist. Most of the results in our life depend on it. A person programs himself for one or another result. Usually, when a person does not succeed in something, he begins to say: “I knew it”, “Why am I always unlucky”, “It didn’t work out again”, “That’s it, I won’t try again”. After that, a person throws an idea, preferring to be where he is now.

When faced with an optimist, he says - “Wow, how interesting it turned out!”. For him, failure is an invaluable experience and a motive to continue the work he has begun and bring it to the desired result. But for this you need to build positive forecasts. “Now it didn’t work out, it will work out later”, “I still have a lot of attempts to achieve what I want” That's what a real optimist says. Start thinking the same!

Don't blame others for your failures is the second thing you need to learn. they always blame anyone for their failures, if only not themselves. Losers are pessimists. An optimist sees failure differently. First, he understands that everyone has failures, and that they are not scary at all. Secondly, he quickly forgets about failures, as he continues to take new steps for. The loser procrastinates his problem and inflates it to elephantine proportions.

So it turns out that the pessimist runs around the problem, blaming other people for its occurrence, while the optimist strives to achieve the desired result, forgetting about what happened. So the next time there is trouble, shift your focus from that trouble to looking for new opportunities to achieve the desired result. That's what optimists do and that's not what pessimists do.

To be an optimist, you need hang out with optimists. And if now you are surrounded by pessimists who complain to you every day, not listening to what you put in to them, I advise you to exclude such people from your environment. It won't be easy to do, but you don't want to complain to someone who doesn't give a damn about you for the rest of your life. Life is too short to whine and complain about it.

In addition, only the mood deteriorates from pessimists, and, conversely, from your optimists. What do you choose to be in a good mood or a bad one?

Get rid of guilt. Optimistic people do not know such a terrible feeling as guilt. And if they know, then in small doses. Pessimists not only tend to blame other people for their failures, they also tend to blame themselves. This is called self-flagellation. Self-flagellation never led to good. It's like carrying a load on your shoulders. If something oppresses you, get rid of it, otherwise you will never become an optimist. So, I advise you to stop looking into the past, and concentrate on the future and the present.

To be an optimist, you need to have a great mood. This fun will help you music, sports, trainings, movies, hobbies and much more. Try to do as many things as you like. How can a person become an optimist if he only does what he does not like? Even a strong-willed person cannot restrain himself. Favorite things, music, sports entail happiness. Take this advice now!

I strongly recommend you meditate. helps you forget worries and fuss. During meditation, a person feels contentment and happiness. In addition, it allows you to relax completely - physically and emotionally. Practicing daily meditation, you will notice an improvement in your emotional state in two weeks.

And the last thing I advise you is smile more often. Have you ever seen an optimist walking around with a gloomy face? If only a couple of times, and then because he got sick. A pessimist walks around with a dissatisfied face even when everything is going great. A pessimist thinks that if things are going great now, things will go bad soon. "It just wasn't enough"- the pessimist exclaims, and begins to torment himself. An optimist is able to sincerely smile even when everything goes wrong. Therefore, his affairs continue to improve. Therefore, always smile. Smiling should become your habit.

I really hope that after reading this article, you will begin to put these tips into practice. Remember that it takes a long time to transform from a pessimist to an optimist. good luck!

How to become an optimist


Is your life not going as smoothly as you would like? So know that it is quite easy to rejoice and enjoy life - become an optimist!

But how to become an optimist?- you ask.

Indeed, for many, as soon as problems and difficulties arise on the way, a pessimistic mood immediately begins to wake up. The optimist leaves and the pessimist comes out.

How can you deal with pessimism?

You can fight pessimism yourself. How? Thinking about the positive, tuning in to a wave of optimism and enjoying life! As soon as a problem arises, we endure it with difficulty, saying: "Well, here it is again." It is with this word “again” that we, without suspecting anything, program the transformation of the case into a repetition of failure.

You just need to change your attitude to the world around you and everything that happens in it. It is worth trying to replace the negative with the positive. Only then can you easily find solutions to problems, and of varying degrees of complexity.

The following tips from a psychologist will help you become an optimist:

  1. Tune in to the positive!

It's a shame that we often, with our negative thoughts, words, program ourselves for the worst possible development of events, repeating such statements as "I'm not lucky again", "I won't be able to do this", "what if I don't succeed?".

It turns out that from the very beginning we are deprived of everything bright, positive, and with our own thoughts we drive away luck from ourselves. Let failure never slow you down, because there are many opportunities to achieve the desired result.

If you always perceive the problems in your life as an obligation, and not just an accident, then it will be very, very difficult to get rid of a pessimistic attitude. After all, pessimists are those people who often use such words in their Everyday life like "never" and "always".

  1. Make friends with optimists!

Very often, our worldview involuntarily adjusts to the opinion and mood of the people around us. After all, it turns out that if there are only pessimists and people around you who constantly complain about their problems, where will a good mood come from?

Optimists fill the atmosphere around them good mood, such people are called "man-sun". After all, negativity is much faster transmitted to others than optimism and good mood.

Therefore, it is better to avoid communicating with pessimistic people, because after a while you will see how your internal state worsens more and more every day, and look, and you can reach a depressive state.

Therefore, it is extremely important to strive to communicate with people who have a positive charge - optimists in life, because this is not only kindness, positive, but also the desire to help loved ones in difficult situations. It turns out that a team of optimists always moves forward, helping each other - because they do not know the obstacles in their path.

  1. Stop "self-flagellation"

It is quite easy to distinguish a pessimist from an optimist, you just need to find out who exactly he blames for his failures. An optimistic person always believes that everything bad that happens to him happens to everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that, while a pessimist blames everyone around him, including himself, for the troubles that happened to him.

It is quite difficult for people with a pessimistic attitude and low self-esteem to solve the problem that they fixate on. Optimists, on the contrary, constantly leave themselves the right to make mistakes.

As life shows for optimists, they always achieve the results they aspire to, even if not always the first time. First you need to change your attitude towards yourself and others, start repeating to yourself about how smart, talented, beautiful, purposeful, and the like you are.

Make a rule for yourself in which you need to praise yourself for any achievements, leaving yourself the right to make a mistake. Start loving your own family, which can support you in any difficult moment.

  1. Turn on classical music more often

The tendency to depression is directly related to the work of the hemispheres of our brain, in which there is no coherence. There are many methods and techniques that improve brain function. For this, meditation, acupressure, and the development of coordination of movements are used. Scientists have long drawn conclusions about the beneficial effects of classical music on our mood, improving our memory and other important bodily functions.

  1. Have regular sex with your loved one

Prolonged sexual abstinence, which disrupts our sexual function, has a very bad effect on human health and well-being. If a woman is not sexually satisfied, then she looks and feels much worse than a woman who has a permanent and stable relationship in bed with a man who brings her pleasure.

It is recommended to have active sex as often as possible. As you know, the same part of our brain is responsible for aggressiveness and sexual arousal. It has been proven that even kissing helps to calm down, remove headache, and when having sex, the human body produces a hormone of happiness that improves mood and relieves nervous tension.

  1. Participate in positive training!

V modern world visualization technique is becoming more and more popular. The concept is that all any thoughts are realized. All this means that we can attract luck to ourselves, achieving positive results.

So tune in to the positive! To get started with this technique, it will be enough to spend five minutes a day. It is necessary to tune in as best as possible, relax and try to imagine what you would like to receive, what to achieve in the near future.

Can you give an example of what you want to evoke in everyone around you positive emotions. It is worth thinking about how you walk down the street, smiling at passers-by who sincerely smile back at you. Start sorting through everything in your head in detail, how passers-by show warm feelings for you, joy when they see you.

As a result, when going outside, remember the presented picture that you created in your imagination. Regularly repeating this exercise, you will soon really get the desired result.

  1. Enjoy life to the fullest!

The lack of life goals is often the reason for the lack of life optimism. Start getting involved in something, find a hobby for yourself, because a busy person has no time for the blues. It is necessary to begin to properly distribute personal time so that stressful situations do not arise.

A person spends most of his time at work - so find a job that can bring you pleasure and joy. But it is worth remembering about the rest - this is a good option re-energize and recharge with a positive mood for long time. You need to try to deny yourself your desires as little as possible, remove all restrictions and restraining boundaries, because this way you can easily get a nervous breakdown.

  1. Relax with pleasure!

To restore your strength, replenish energy, tune in to positive, you should use the meditation technique. After all, knowing how to properly relax during meditation can be of great benefit.

It is worth choosing a place for meditation where no one will disturb you, it is preferable to conduct a lesson in the morning, at sunrise. Calm music will help create a harmonious environment. With constant meditation practice, you will notice a significant improvement in your emotional state and get peace of mind.

  1. Do not get carried away with debilitating diets

You should not count the calories of the food you eat every day, because according to statistics, there are much more depressive states, resentment, inexplicable longing in thin girls with model parameters.

Do not eat processed foods and avoid fast food - this is not The best way get rid of the feeling of hunger, besides, such food is a direct road to memory loss, depression and other brain problems.

You need to set limits for yourself wisely. If you still have to eat, adhering to a diet, then you need to know and use the right, healthy foods that benefit our body and prolong life.

  1. Smile as often as possible!

A sincere smile of a person can prove to everyone around you about your benevolent intentions, attracting people to you. It is worth smiling even when you are in a bad mood, even when you are not in the mood. You will notice that after a while this smile will turn into a real one, and the mood will become better.

It has long been no secret to anyone that optimists get sick much less often, and if they get sick, they cope with the disease much faster, and also live much longer than pessimists.

If you want to develop optimism in yourself, you will need to make efforts to avoid negative and destructive thoughts. It is difficult to carry out resistance to oneself, but nevertheless it is real. You need to stop blaming others for your problems, you need to stop whining, complaining and thinking negatively.

Tips for becoming an optimist I highly recommend taking our free training "Purple bracelet or How to change your life in 21 days" .

To do this, go to our article:

I assure you that after completing this training at least halfway, the question "How to become an optimist?" will fall off by itself.

Look at life in a rainbow light!

Artur Golovin


With the help of ten psychological tips, a pessimist, with effort, can become an optimist, thanks to which life will change for the better.

1. You need to look at the situation from the positive side.

Instead of building a negative result in your head, you need to expect everything to work out well and believe in victory.

2. Don't blame yourself.

An optimist believes that failure does not depend on him, it is just such a combination of circumstances, and a pessimist always thinks that he or his relatives are to blame for the problem. We must forgive ourselves for mistakes and not be afraid to try again.

3. You need to try to be in a positive society.

If a person has a majority of pessimists among his acquaintances, then optimism will simply have nowhere to come from and, on the contrary, by surrounding yourself with optimists who know how to see life bright and colorful, you can achieve victories and change a lot for the better, as optimists will help you tune in to positive thoughts.

4. Listen to more classical music.

Calm melodies will help you become an optimist because they allow you to relax, improve your sense of self and mood, bring harmony to life, and also help to switch attention.

5. You need to make love more often.

Sexually dissatisfied people are more stressed, they lack vitality they don't look very good. Love games help to calm down, relieve aggression, improve mood, during sexual intimacy hormones of pleasure are produced, which contributes to an optimistic mood.

6. You need to do what you love.

It is necessary to try to make the work performed enjoyable and satisfying. You need to improve your skills, develop, constantly learn something new. An optimist always has a hobby, and he finds something to do in his free time. But you also need to be able to plan the day correctly in order to avoid time pressure, which, leading to stress, negatively affects your health.

7. Nutrition should be correct and food should be enjoyed.

Should be consumed healthy food but don't limit yourself to that. Sometimes eating something sweet is also useful, because, for example, thanks to products containing chocolate, the body produces the hormone of happiness, which improves mood. It is better not to chase fashion that promotes thinness, but to keep a comfortable and convenient form for yourself that does not contradict medical standards.

8. Do not forget about sports.

Physical exercise, performed regularly, contributes to maintaining vitality and acquiring a positive attitude.

9. You should learn relaxation.

From time to time you need to completely relax and disconnect from worries. Meditation or, for example, taking a warm bath, accompanied by calm music, will help with this.

10. Do not forget to smile every day.

A smile energizes not only the person who has it, but also those around them. It seems to be a trifle, but this changes the attitude to life, and the world begins to open up in a new way.

Many people mistakenly believe that optimists are people who have a smooth and carefree life. They are always cheerful, they know neither sorrows nor problems. But it is not so. Such people simply have a special attitude to any unpleasant situation and do not lose heart. What does the word optimist mean? How is he different from a pessimist? How to become an optimist?

Who is an optimist?

What is optimism? The definition of this word is as follows. Optimism is looking at life from a positive perspective. His statement is that the world is good, all problems are solvable, negative emotions out of place. This is the definition of a human relationship to everything around.

What is an optimist? An optimist is a person whose attitude towards life is always positive and positive. He tries in all cases to see the good, not to worry about unpleasant little things, and even more so not to fall into depression. Such a person does not make tragedies out of difficult life situations, but with a fighting spirit he tries to find a solution, firmly believing that he will succeed.

After all, even the meaning of the word optimist suggests a cheerful person who looks at everything with a positive attitude. If there are any difficulties in the life of an optimist, he does not lose heart, he is cheerful and cheerful. Such a person is always disposed to communicate with people around him, he is responsive and friendly, infects everyone with his positive energy.

An optimist has a firm belief that everything that happens in this life is for the best. Bad mood- this is a rarity for him, he does not like to poison his life with discontent. An excellent state of mind for an optimist is air, without which there is no point in living.

It is not surprising that an optimist has many friends. After all, people are drawn to him, as he will always provide support, calm him down, be able to improve his mood, instill self-confidence. He will be able to convince that the current unpleasant situation is not bad at all, everything will get better and better. Therefore, there is no point in getting upset.

The fact that an optimist does not react sharply to negative gifts of fate does not mean that he is an indifferent person. He just doesn't like to dwell on failures, he prefers to focus on positive moments. He always seeks only one thing to make his life better. And not a single hindrance can overshadow such a mood.

Who is an optimist? This is such a person who can easily start a new business, set specific goals, and large and complex ones. Just a positive attitude helps them to achieve success with confidence. Usually such people have Good work, successful in life, build strong personal relationships.

If you want to know who an optimist is, it is best to just talk to him. Next to him, people become just as positive, they begin to believe that life is not such a complicated thing. In many ways, it all depends on the attitude of the person to it.

How to become an optimist?

It is impossible to be an optimist from birth. Psychologists say that for this it is necessary to make efforts first to the parents, and then to the person himself. Experts recommend several ways to become an optimist and have a positive mindset. These include the following tips.

be able to forgive

This skill is considered very useful for a person. You can not constantly live with resentment, it greatly poisons life. You need to let go of all the unpleasant that was done by someone. Only then past grievances will not have a negative impact on a person, and he will be able to look at life positively.

Accept the fact that life is hard

It goes with certain difficulties for everyone, but people treat them differently. Life cannot be completely cloudless. Optimists accept this and therefore have no illusions. They know that there are many beautiful things in the world that make it worth continuing to live.

Don't give in to the opinions of others

Of course, sometimes it is useful to listen to people, but only he knows how best it will be for a particular person. If an optimist feels that he can do it, then no one can convince him otherwise.

Take it easy on money

After all, they are not an indicator of happiness. Of course, funds open up great opportunities for a person, help to feel more confident. It is not necessary to pay much attention to the material side of life, if, due to problems in this area, a person did not become poor. You need to look at the world through feelings, and not through finances.

Think extremely optimistic

You need to carefully monitor your inner thinking. Negative thoughts should not be allowed. If they prevail, then it is worth working on it, driving away everything negative thoughts. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to find such an argument opposite to them.

See more positive things in your life

It is worth just taking a closer look at how a person lives, and immediately there are many positive aspects. For them, you need to be grateful to fate and hold on when it seems that life is sinking.

Don't try to change everything

It often happens that people stop believing in their bright future and begin to change everything at once. But after some time, they realize with chagrin that this is an unrealistic task. It is necessary to change your life gradually, choosing certain aspects. When one part of life is well worked out, you will immediately feel self-confidence and a desire to move on.

Always go through life with a smile

The human brain perceives a smile as a feeling of joy. When a person smiles, he feels much better.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Experts say that a person's well-being is inextricably linked with the comfort of the body. If the body gets the amount it needs physical activity and rest, the mood will be positive.

Cultivate an optimistic mindset

This is quite a difficult task. But if you do this regularly, then over time a person will not even notice how he will look at everything with a positive look.

Speak only positive words

Who is an optimist? This is the one who, with every failure, will say: “It's okay, next time everything will definitely work out.” When asked by others about how things are going, he will only answer positively, even if there are some problems. For example, “Everything is fine with me”, “There are some troubles, but it doesn’t matter!”.

It is worth interacting with cheerful people who have an improving effect on personal development. If a person communicates with people who are eternally dissatisfied with life, then he himself will continue to treat life this way.

In addition, you need to do what you really like. Not all people manage to get a job they love, but you can always find a hobby that will bring pleasure. This only takes time. If work takes up most of your life, then you should give the body the opportunity to relax, sharing something really pleasant.

An optimist is a person who can live without sorrow and suffering. This attitude to life is determined in the head. It must be remembered that first of all the thoughts themselves must be changed. If a person thinks positively, then his actions will be the same. Become optimistic and believe in success in order to really be able to achieve it.

No one will argue that being an optimist is better, more pleasant and profitable than a pessimist. And not so much even for others, but for himself. If only because, according to statistics, optimists are less likely to get sick and suffer from mental illness, and live longer. They are more confident in themselves and more successful in their careers, they are more liked by others, they have many friends. Looking at optimists, it seems that everything in their life goes easily, and problems somehow miraculously bypass them.

An optimist really has much more opportunities in life, - I am convinced psychologist Alexander Mutovkin. - He looks at the world with joy and interest, shares positive emotions with others as much as possible, charges them with love and energy. And it certainly comes back to him. In contrast, a pessimist is usually dissatisfied with what is happening around, is often in a dull mood, criticizes everything and everyone in a row, and very rarely sees the good in people.

The ability to see the world in color, rather than gloomy colors, allows you not to get hung up on problems, but to find ways out of any difficult situation.

Instillation of trust and love

Optimism is not a character trait, it is not inherited, but, as a rule, it is laid down in the family. The child enters life with the worldview of the parents. If from childhood he sees that the closest people are distrustful of the world and others, perceiving them as a potential threat, often experience dissatisfaction, wind themselves up, then he himself will subsequently live according to such a scenario. And, on the contrary, when parents are happy to communicate with the world and other people and fill the child with love, warmth and trust, then he, most likely, will inherit this attitude.

It is also important how parents react to the actions of the child: they perceive his mistakes and failures as a disaster or treat them calmly, as inevitable, but correctable situations on the path of growing up. Depending on this, the child will evaluate everything that happens to him in the future.

It also happens that optimism is formed as if in spite of: parents are gloomy and aggressive, and the child is smiling, open, trusting, - says Alexander Mutovkin. - In this case, he seems to blindly grope for a space where he is warmer - with teachers at school, in the company of peers or in the family of a close friend. And unconsciously turns on the mechanisms that help him protect himself. But still, those who have been vaccinated with love for themselves and the world around them in the family will have stronger and stronger immunity.

The power of thought

They say that thoughts are material. What scenario of development of this or that event you will present, such with a high degree of probability will develop. You will be afraid of the upcoming interview, you will mentally see that it will fail - most likely it will happen. And if you try to calm down and relax as much as possible, imagine that the meeting will end successfully and the employer will like you, there is big chance that you will get the coveted place. And the point here is not that it is enough to attract luck by the power of imagination. Thought is capable of awakening in a person a great inner work and focus on the goal.

This is how a positive thought works: first we think, then we present a picture - a certain image of our desire, and in the end we are active - we begin to act, - says Alexander Mutovkin. - When we take responsibility for our thought, our dream becomes a reality. For a person who has embarked on the path of optimism, it is very important to learn to think positively. And it is also necessary to radically change the attitude towards oneself - to accept oneself unconditionally, with all the shortcomings and flaws, to love one's imperfections, this is where optimism begins. And then it will be possible to listen to myself, to understand what I really want, and to follow my desires exactly, without turning or stepping back, regardless of stereotypes, doubts of friends, dissatisfaction with my parents. You will certainly be rewarded - optimism will give a different quality to your life, help you get away from dissatisfaction, envy, comparison, hatred and come to love, gratitude, joy.

Change your life!

But it's easy to say and not easy to do. Where to start and how to move along this path? Here are some tips that will help you look at your life differently and believe that it is really possible to change it for the better.

● Take a piece of paper and write your negative attitudes on it on the left. And on the right, rephrase them as positive. For example, on the left: every spring and autumn I will be sick because I have health problems. Right: every spring and autumn I feel full of strength and health.

● Try to surround yourself with people who think and think positively, strive for those from whom you are charged with positive energy, invite them into your environment, communicate with them, learn from them.

● Those situations that cause you negative reactions, try to see in a positive light. Do you find it difficult to board an aircraft for fear of an accident? Imagine that you are greeted by a loved one when you return home, and interesting people are waiting when you go to the office or to business meeting. And then you will already think about how you arrive, and not about how scary it is to go and get into an accident.

● Try to see the best in people. The world is dual: it has good and evil, plus and minus, day and night. So in every person there is both good and bad. Focus on its merits.

● Imagine your life the way you want it to be. Make a collage by cutting out the pictures you like from magazines and sticking them on a large sheet of paper in the way you want. Perhaps this way you will be better able to figure out your desires and create your own program that will inspire you.

● Create a bank of positive emotions that you have experienced and that brought you happy moments in your life. Return to them mentally more often and share them with others.

● Learn to track your negative thoughts and emotions, catch yourself on them and switch to positive "here and now" without postponing reflections for the evening or morning. In this cafe slow waiters and not very cozy? But here tasty food and good music. This internal dialogue It will help you focus on the good and lift your spirits.

● If you feel that it is difficult for you to cope with the problem on your own and all your efforts do not bring satisfaction and do not lead to the expected changes, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Help the children!

An equally difficult task is to raise your children to be optimists. Obviously, it will be easier if the parents themselves have already "infected" this condition. What to do?

● First of all, love and accept the child unconditionally, whatever it may be. Don't focus on his faults, show him his best qualities and develop them.

● More often direct the child's attention to joyful moments. Remember with him how last year we went to the sea, to the village, went to the forest, park, met interesting people. Once again, look at the photos, which capture these pleasant moments.

● Encourage him to do good deeds. Explain that you can always find a way out of unpleasant situations, and correct mistakes. Show how important attention and care are for people. And as an example, prepare gifts with him for all the children who come to him for his birthday. You will see, this day will bring him many discoveries.

Personal opinion

Zinaida Kiriyenko:

I guess I'm more of an optimist. Of course, sometimes there are difficult moments, sad thoughts (especially now, after the death of my husband), but I try not to give in to these sad thoughts, to keep myself busy with different things.