Talks to himself. What is dangerous internal dialogue and how to talk to yourself

  • 11.10.2019

Are you talking to yourself? Do not rush to classify yourself as a psycho. There are no psychological abnormalities or diseases in this. A person is prone to communication, and who do we trust the most? Of course to yourself. Psychologists of the world argue that such communication is beneficial to a person. Before we do something, we weigh the pros and cons, it's just that some people do it out loud. It has been proven that people who consult with themselves are less likely to make mistakes in their actions. Also, talking to your inner voice we recognize ourselves as individuals. There is a category of people who cannot but communicate with themselves - these are auditors. They perceive the world with the help of sounds. For them, a verbal explanation of an act, process or action is much more important than just thinking or reading. For example: an auditor assembles a wardrobe according to the instructions. After reading it, he may not understand how to proceed. But by reading it aloud, he will better understand what is written.

Sometimes people even quarrel with themselves. They can talk loudly, scold someone or shout. So man spills out negative emotions accumulated in his soul. There is no need to be ashamed or ashamed of this, this is normal, moreover, it is useful.

Our thoughts have no emotions. They, like a calm stream, flow to themselves and flow. Try saying "What a nice day" in your head, and now say it out loud. Agree that there is a difference. The way we speak gives emotional coloring to our feelings and thoughts. If you say good things out loud more often, then your mood will always be on top!

How to focus if something is bothering you? For example: you do your homework, you need to concentrate, but you can't. Various thoughts come into my head, distracting me from work. It's very easy to focus! You have to speak out loud. Reading, for example, the solution of a problem, you can no longer be distracted. The brain will focus not on thoughts, but on sounds. This is also one of the reasons why people talk to themselves.

A person has several ways to remember information. For example: you go to the store and make a shopping list in your head. Are you sure you won't forget it? Good way- write it all down, but what if it's not possible? Say out loud what you want to buy. Your auditory memory will begin to work. This doesn't just apply to the shopping list. You can also plan your daily routine, important things that are unforgivable to forget, and much more.

Another reason for such conversations is boredom. We can sometimes get lonely or sad. Or just boring. Then we start talking to ourselves. If we don't get enough communication, we may feel bad. This is one of the causes of depression. So keep talking to yourself and don't listen to anyone. Enjoy chatting with a smart person!

“Where have you gone?”, “Don’t you dare hide from me, respond, ay!” - with similar phrases, people often try to find any items and things for personal use. Such statements are addressed to the void, and not to animated object. They help people focus on the problems that torment them at a particular moment.

Rice. Self-talk: madness or genius?

Many people like to talk to themselves at home, where no one can hear them. But some, even on a walk, manage to have a conversation with their inner self. From the outside it looks, to put it mildly, inadequate. After all, almost all mentally ill people have a tendency to talk with themselves.

What do psychologists think about this?

Experts say that talking to yourself is a sign of genius. All great men have had a habit of speaking out loud, scolding themselves, and even having discussions. They constantly voiced their internal monologues, expressed doubts about this or that reason. This helped to analyze the situation more deeply and find the most optimal ways to resolve the problems that arose. As a result of this, they often had ideas that in the future mankind recognized as brilliant.

What are the benefits of talking to yourself?

1. Improving the efficiency of thinking

Science has proven that thoughts spoken aloud,. Scientists conducted an experiment: people who came to the supermarket for shopping were divided into two groups. Everyone was asked to make lists of purchases. People from the first group read the lists, constantly saying the words aloud. The second group of people spoke the words from the list mentally. The result of the experiment exceeded all expectations: people from the first group, who read the list aloud, had a more efficient thought process, they quickly found everything they were looking for. Conclusion: It is easier for people to search for something if they state their intentions out loud.

2. Structuring thoughts

When talking with themselves, people act as their own mentors, advisers, helpers. A voice that sounds aloud takes on the responsibility of declaring experiences, doubts and desires, including hidden ones. After all, everyone knows that the best solution Any problem begins with its awareness and pronunciation aloud. After that, it no longer seems so irresistible to a person.

3. Help with learning

Notice how children experience the world. First, they listen to their parents, then they repeat what adults have said, and in this way they form their own vision of the surrounding reality. For example, a boy playing with an airplane mutters under his breath that the aircraft will not be able to fly into the hangar because it is too narrow. That is, the boy pronounces his conclusions aloud. It is the algorithm of actions in certain situations that helps to perform actions subconsciously in the future. Therefore, all people need to periodically hear the vibration of their own voice in order to know how to use it correctly.

4. Help to achieve goals

The thought process, which is clothed in words spoken aloud, becomes not only more effective, but also helps. To achieve ease of overcoming difficulties and, make a list of your goals. Read it aloud periodically and discuss with yourself. You will see that the solution will come quickly, and you will be surprised how obvious it was!

A famous scientist once hypothesized that all geniuses are a little "crazy". Perhaps this is partly true. Remember that only those people who are in harmony with their inner self can talk to themselves boldly.

Many probably have a colleague who gets up and says as if to himself: “I’m going to eat” or “It’s time to go home.” For others, this information does not carry any value, so why do absolutely normal people comment aloud on their actions? The Village asked a psychiatrist and a townsman who sometimes talks to himself about this.

Timur Enaliev

psychiatrist, psychotherapist, narcologist

The human mind is constantly in a stream of thoughts. Information - for the most part absolutely useless - is becoming more and more, our mind is overloaded. A significant part of live verbal communication is stolen social networks- that's probably why there are more and more people who talk to themselves. This is a kind of obsessive amulet, so as not to forget how to speak at all. Joke.

Seriously, the spoken word has a special power. It's vibration. It is a pity that many people treat words superficially. How a person speaks is to some extent more important than what he says. People are very focused on the form, everyone has to choose the right, “right” words in order to be understood. However, in order to be felt, it is enough to be in a relatively relaxed and friendly mood, to voice your thoughts, and not to use templates and blanks, which makes our communication insipid and formal.

No matter how strange a person may look from the outside, commenting aloud on his actions, voicing intentions, this is rather protective. This is a protection against feelings of loneliness, self-doubt, a kind of self-reinforcement and reinforcement. Most often this is not realized, and therefore does not hide.

And a little about the other side of the phenomenon - a state well known in psychiatry. With obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is quite diverse in manifestations, a person, figuratively speaking, becomes a hostage of his thoughts. He is painfully worried, and it is not in his power to resist the pronunciation of certain words and phrases aloud. Fear and apprehensions are so strong that they provoke the performance of various protective rituals, including verbal ones.

With personality disharmony (psychopathy), there are cases of uncontrolled negative speech. And finally, the deepest and most difficult to reach is the psychotic level. A person in such states can be in dialogue with hallucinations.

Julia Kalinina

talking to herself

This is called egocentric speech - that is, speech addressed to oneself. I have it from time to time. When the porridge in the head starts from a large number simultaneous affairs, or fatigue has accumulated, or I need to concentrate heavily on the details, I pronounce my actions aloud in order to sort of control myself. I drew attention to her several years ago, when I began to live alone - that is, in a situation where, apart from me, no one makes sounds in the apartment. Personally, egocentric speech helps me a lot: the feeling that you are not alone in doing something. As if two people control each other: me and me. For example today tax return filled in, there are a lot of numbers in which I do not understand anything. I said each number aloud so as not to get confused.

Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

The norm includes behavior in which a person, in the process of mental stress or stress, pronounces information to make it easier to assimilate it. For example, memorizing terms and definitions, performing computational actions, and others.

However, if a person conducts a dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor, hears non-existent voices and suffers from other hallucinations, one should speak of a mental disorder. A preliminary diagnosis is made by a doctor when analyzing a person's behavior and his complaints.

Nowadays, people are constantly in stress and anxiety. As a rule, a person's consciousness is constantly busy solving problems, as a result of which the rest and sleep regimen is disturbed, so the body works with an increased load. A way of life in which a person is constantly in a state of mental stress, continuing long time, most likely to lead to depletion nervous system and neurotic reactions.

prolonged depression, tragic events and other mental shocks can cause neuropsychiatric disorders. Thus, such disorders are accompanied by the behavior of a person when he talks to himself. It should be noted that women, due to their characteristic emotionality, increased sensitivity and anxiety, are more prone to neuroses.

Causes of neurotic disorders and their consequences

Lack of joy and rest, malnutrition, pessimism, continuous stress and responsibility, high anxiety, and others can lead to a neurotic disorder, such as depression. Anxious, depressed state of a person also negatively affects work. internal organs. A malfunction in the body is dangerous because it can lead to various diseases.

Any mental disorders should be observed by a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment. Do not take sedative medications, such as antidepressants, unless advised by your doctor. Since each disorder has its own treatment regimen, and medicines there are side effects.

It is important to take care of your mental health, take time to rest, avoid stress, do not overload the body with loads, and carefully monitor your general well-being. You should fill your life with hobbies and hobbies, surround yourself with loved ones and friends, love life and enjoy, despite the problems.