Left hand. Why dream of a cut brush in other dream books

  • 21.09.2019

Full description sleep on the topic: "If you dream of a cut off hand" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

This part of the body in a dream reflects the ability of a sleeping person to act, react, work, feel the surrounding reality, interact with others. What dreams of cutting off a hand is identified with the loss of one of these abilities. Fingers, according to the dream book, symbolize ordinary, everyday activities, therefore, losing any phalanx warns of neglect in business, lack of concentration or deliberate evasion from work.

Special attention: right or left limb

According to Medea's dream book, the left hand in a dream symbolizes the feminine, the right - the masculine. To lose one of the hands in a dream warns of an imbalance in relations with a person of this gender. Another disappointing interpretation of sleep is associated with the foreshadowing of the death of a person, while seeing a lot of blood - it will be a relative of the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn explains in a slightly different way why she dreams of cutting off her hand. So, cutting off your right hand means a deliberate rejection of a logical and rational approach to the situation. The dreamed left severed limb speaks of ignoring the prompts of the Universe and one's own intuition.

What does Miller promise?

Did you happen to cut off your hand in a dream? This means, as Miller's dream book interprets, you will have to give or give up part of what is of great value to you. But what dreams of cutting off a hand close person, means deceit or fraud on the part of the dreaming character. If you have performed this action in relation to your soul mate, expect insincerity, betrayal.

What will happen on the love front

It is not for nothing that there is an expression among the people about the proposal of "hands and hearts." Therefore, a bachelor who happened to cut off his hand in a dream, the dream book portends a serious relationship with a girl that will end in a family union.

Freud's dream book explains in a completely different way why such a plot is dreamed of. The dream interpreter broadcasts about the existing problems with the second half in the intimate sphere, the mutual dissatisfaction of the partners, which will entail parting.

Severed phalanges or obstacles in business

Before interpreting a dream vision in which I had a chance to cut off a finger on my hand, it is important to remember which particular phalanx I had to lose. So:

  • the thumb symbolizes a quarrel with the father, a break with the clan;
  • index - promises difficulties in communicating with others;
  • to see a severed middle finger - to problems with the spine, the loss of a close relative;
  • nameless - broadcasts about family troubles, problems with the second half;
  • little finger - lack of understanding with children;
  • say goodbye to a few fingers - to widowhood.

Alien body parts

The ax is not only a tool of labor, but also a dangerous melee weapon that can mortally wound. Dream interpreters associate this image more with the emotional sphere of the dreamer's life. Therefore, if you happened to chop off the hand of some person with an ax, it means that in real life the connection with the seen character will suddenly be interrupted. To see how someone, wielding an ax, deprives you of your little hands - to the intentional desire of this person to hurt you, to deprive you of peace.

For people who have their own business, to cut off a hand in a dream to one of their subordinates, warns a dream book about the hypocrisy, cunning and impure thoughts of a dreaming person.

No wonder they say: as without hands. This expression often reflects the complete helplessness, failure of a person. Lose one of the hands in reality and in a dream - terrible tragedy. But why such a terrible injury can dream?

Notice a limb separated from the body

Bad relationships with friends and with other people, loneliness and a pessimistic mood - this is what the dream prophesies in which you saw a hand lying at a distance from the body.

But paradoxically, a hand separated from a cut off someone else's hand is, according to Miller's dream book, a harbinger of a good income, a significant profit.

If in a night dream you witnessed a terrible scene: someone cuts off someone's hand, then you should know that quarrels with relatives are likely in reality. To prevent conflicts and not provoke people to further enmity, be careful in expressions, show tolerance and delicacy.

Disappointing forecasts

In your nightmare, are you looking at the severed right stump? Such a vision prophesies a quick meeting with an old comrade, which, meanwhile, will end in a skirmish and a complete break in relations.

But if in a dream you were horrified at the sight of a separated left stump, then in reality you will communicate with a very “slippery” deceitful person who will only harm you in an important, responsible matter.

Dreamed of a separated brush without fingers? Then, in reality, strife and disputes will become more frequent in your work team. And if the injured hand was with fingers, then adversity and misunderstanding await you at home. Disagreements with relatives are possible.

Diseases of loved ones, according to dream books, may portend visions in which a severed hand appears with numerous fractures.

Get injured

It's sad, but if in a night fantasy you lost your hand, having been injured, then this may be a sign of an imminent separation from your loved one in reality.

Bereft of nightmare both upper limbs, you get a warning Higher powers- it may happen that you find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation in a very unsightly way. To avoid such embarrassment, exercise forethought and caution.

Divorce, and rather scandalous and painful, predicts a vision that you missed the fingers on your right hand. But if you lost several fingers in a dream on your left palm, then breaking up relations with a partner or spouse can be completely prevented by showing a certain amount of tact and respect, which will help you find a compromise solution that suits you and the “second half”.

Why does a young girl dream of a severed hand? If the limb was right, then the dreamer should take a closer look at the groom. He is probably not the person with whom she can be happy in the barque, the dream book instructs.

A terrible dream that you have lost your arm, and the remaining stump is very swollen, predicts a difficult, difficult period in life. You need to be mentally prepared for unfair accusations, losses, and disappointments. But if you adequately survive this black streak in your destiny, then the dream book portends you great happiness and prosperity for many years to come.

Disfigure yourself

The dream that you yourself cut off your brush is a sign that you are very pessimistic and devote a lot of time and effort to analyzing your own mistakes and mistakes. What was, was. Calm down and move on, trying not to step on the same rake again. Remember that life is beautiful and amazing, reminiscent of a dream book.

You are in difficult situation, painfully looking for a way out of it, but so far to no avail, this is what the dream indicates in which you chop off someone's hand. It is possible that excessive modesty or the habit of not devoting outsiders to your problems prevents you from turning to comrades, colleagues, relatives for support. And in vain, because they could help, give valuable advice.

The profuse bleeding that occurs after the hand in a dream has been separated from the body is considered a bad omen. Accidents on the roads, accidents at home or serious illnesses are not ruled out. However, the dream book claims that a fatal outcome in all these misadventures is excluded.

The sages call the hands servants of the mind and a symbol of human honor. If someone sees in a dream that the hands are more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end happily and bring him profit and respect. Moreover, he will be loved by his servants and they will serve him faithfully and not hypocritically. If someone dreams that his right hand was cut off or it was burned, dried up and thinner, then he will lose the most devoted of his servants or will not be able to work and fall into poverty. This dream portends a woman big trouble. Whoever sees in a dream that his hand and fingers have become smaller than they were, this dream informs that one of his servants is deceiving his master or does not love him. Working in a dream with your right hand means happiness, with your left - misfortune. Meanwhile, some explain that in this dream the right hand means something good for the son, father, brother or friend of the one who saw this dream. The left one means the same for a mother, wife, maid, or already accomplished success in business. Seeing in a dream that the fingers on the hand are cut off. portends the loss of friends or spouse. If someone dreams that he has seven fingers on his hand, this means friendship, a new connection, happiness, inheritance or income. To dream that the hand is covered with hair. predicts torment and imprisonment. White and tender hands are a sign of friendship. For the poor, the same dream means idleness and need. If a young man feels in a dream that he has gout in his hands, he will be afraid of the danger that awaits him. For old people, this dream portends weakness and poverty. If someone sees in a dream that he has many hands, this means happiness, strength, wealth and abundance. For thieves, this dream has a disastrous omen, portends that they will be caught and punished for their actions. To dream that you take fire with your hands without causing yourself any harm and pain means that enemies and envious people will do you no harm while standing, and you will have time in everything according to your desires. If someone dreams that he beats someone with his hand, fist or gives a slap in the face, this predicts consent or love for a husband and wife. For a bachelor, this dream predicts that he will soon court some woman. who will love him greatly, and he will triumph over his enemies. If a woman dreams that she beats her husband, this predicts her illness, even if she is loved by her husband. If she dreams that she beats her lover. then this portends an unpleasant end to her intrigues. If anyone dreams that he is holding a saber in his hand and hitting unknown people with it, this means victory, safety and complete success in business. If instead of a saber in the hands of a stick. then domination and profit await him. Seeing gold rings on your fingers in a dream - to honors, happiness and prosperity. Kopalinsky's dream interpretation interprets your dream in two ways. If you saw in a dream the brushes with which the artist creates, then a wonderful picnic awaits you with friends.

Kopalinsky's dream book reads as follows:

Seven fingers on the hand - friendship, new connection, happiness - inheritance and income.

See a severed hand. What is the dream of the Brush in the dream book.

If anyone dreams that the right hand is cut off or burned, dried up and thinner, he will lose the most devoted of his colleagues or will not be able to work and fall into poverty. For a woman, this dream portends great trouble. Why dream of a cut brush If you dreamed that your severed five was very swollen, you will have a long difficult period in your life. you have to go through a lot of resentment and disappointment. but the dream book is in a hurry to reassure, if you adequately go through all the trials, great happiness awaits you.

Reasons for such dreams:

Lose a limb in a dream. Hold your hand - if in a dream your significant other holds your hand, this means that you will achieve everything in life together. Conveys the dreamer's mood, his own thoughts. Says that friends have lost confidence in seeing him

For thieves, this dream has a disastrous omen, portends that they will be caught and punished for their actions.

If you dream of a Brush, the meaning of sleep.

To see or work with paint brushes is to communicate with a completely shameless, soulless person.

What is the dream of the Brush in the dream book.

It is a dream that you are cutting off your own brush - you are too fixated on your problems and failures, you see everything in black. Stop panicking, everything is not as bad as you imagined, the dream book tells you.

Seeing in a dream someone else's severed hand lying at a distance from the body is a sign of loneliness and disappointment, bad relationships with relatives and friends.

The sages call the hands servants of the mind and a symbol of human honor.

Brush - dreams of deceit and theft. paint brush- flattery. Artist's brushes - to joy and a successful trip out of town or travel. If the Brush is dreaming, what is it for.

Hands are an integral and very important part human body. It is not for nothing that they say, when they cannot do without something, that without “this” it is like without hands! Losing a limb is very painful and embarrassing. Even if you had a nightmare about it. Why dream of a severed hand? What does such a nuisance seen in a dream prophesy to us? Let's look into the dream book, ask ourselves a question and understand whether we should worry about such dreams or not.

Another person gives a brush - portends the promotion of talent.

Guy's hand - be confident in your choice: your boyfriend is ready to protect you and take care of you. Why dream of a man’s hand - well-groomed, strong, which you want to admire - be confident in your abilities, prosperity awaits you.

Why dream of a cut brush in other dream books

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

You need to see these interpretations

Why dream of a severed hand. Dream interpretation

A dream in which a severed hand appears is an extremely unfavorable sign. It portends the onset of an unpleasant period that can drag on for a long time. If you dreamed of a cut off brush, then the dream is a harbinger of cooling between spouses or lovers.

It can also be a warning about the physical loss of someone close to you. If the left hand appeared in a dream, then the problem concerns a woman, if the right hand - a man. A dream about a severed hand warns that in reality you can be misled or deceived. It also promises conflicts and various troubles.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about a severed hand dream about, but also about the interpretation
the meanings of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a severed hand in a dream in
Miller's online dream book.

See also in the dream book

In dream symbolism, the hand means the fate of the person himself or his loved ones. The meaning of this symbol in women's and male dreams has some differences. For the first, the palm symbolizes relatives and loved ones, and for men - his accomplishments.

What if the hand is dreaming?

There is an opinion that the hands mean trusted people, servants, subordinates. Which is not surprising: hands are helpers and spokesmen for the mind. This has long been noticed by people, because it is not for nothing that they say: he is his right hand. If a woman sees her brush in a dream as graceful and thin, with beautiful long fingers, it means that in the very near future she will find happiness in love. interesting meaning have rather rare dreams in which a person points his finger at someone. They mean big changes in life associated with this person - even if at the moment the sleeping person is not familiar with him.

A dream in which the sleeper lost or injured his finger means that in real life he will have to go through a sorrowful period due to the loss of his spouse. Also, such a dream informs that litigation is possible soon.

Seeing in a dream the hand of your hand with a lot of rings and rings put on it means that strange honors will be given to the sleeping person. This dream has another meaning: dubious help or patronage. If in real life a person is deeply worried about parting with a loved one and sees a dream in which he carefully examines his hand (especially fingers) - a dream informs that the reunion of two loving hearts will soon take place and the dreamer's happiness will be immeasurable. Seeing many hands in a dream - to abundance.

What portends?

What the hand is dreaming of will be prompted by the details of the plot of the dream. For example, if a sleeper deliberately cripples his fingers in a dream, it means that a great desire lives in his soul to be loved or loved. In the event that the dreamer watches with horror how, under the influence of an irresistible force, his fingers are cut off by a huge mechanism, the dream informs that the sleeper will have to endure the loss of friends or loved ones. If in a dream there was a lot of blood when the hands were damaged, then the person who is his blood relative will lose.

A hairy hand is dreamed of by men for success in money matters. The right hand symbolizes liberation, while the left hand symbolizes worries. Seeing the hands of a child in a dream (it doesn’t matter if it’s your own or someone else’s) is fortunately. The left hand for men means mother and wife.

If the sleeper sees in a dream his hands, which are much larger, more beautiful and stronger than in reality, then soon he will start an important business in his life, which will subsequently bring good profit and well-deserved respect from others.

The article on the topic: "left hand dream book" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

You can hit or regret with your hand, palms exude the energy of our body - or you can heal. The same ambiguous meaning, according to the interpretation of the dream book, have hands in a dream. Only from the standpoint of many details and details of a dream, one can reliably unravel what this part of the body is dreaming of.

Plots with the presence of pens in a dream can be completely different: you can hold someone, do something with your palms, see them dirty or damaged. In any case, the symbolism of a dream will help you accurately predict what awaits you in the near future.

Palms in a dream - for worse or for good?

By Italian dream book, to see hands in a dream without a hint of the person to whom they belong is a negative image. This means that you have stopped in self-improvement, are at a dead point, and cannot move towards improving your life situation.

What is the dream of a man's hand? If a strong palm shook yours, then this is a good symbol, meaning a meeting with a wonderful person who will play an important role in life and become a devoted friend.

Depending on the state, the dream book interprets what the fingers dream of. If they are scratched, damaged, you should expect trouble. If one or more fingers are missing, then it is likely that you will become a victim of thieves and lose valuable property.

According to Hasse's dream book, what the left hand dreams of is a symbol of the feminine. In the most negative interpretation, this plot foreshadows the dreamer's betrayal of his beloved. But if the brush is broken, there are wounds on it, then expect a deterioration in the health of your soulmate.

According to Miller's dream book, to see hands in a dream - well-groomed, beautiful, velvety - a prediction of fame, which will be completely associated with your external data. If the limbs were ugly, bumpy, then soon a series of troubles will come in life.

Why is the right hand dreaming? Unlike the left, this is an image of the masculine. You will have a true friend who will help you get rid of material problems, while acting disinterestedly.

For those born in the spring, the dream book gives a negative interpretation of the hand in a dream. Detractors are trying to deprive you of the wealth that you have worked so hard to earn. You need to be as careful as possible, and not commit rash acts.

If you have gigantic, incredibly large hands, then the dream book promises a long-awaited approach to the goal. Good luck is already on the threshold, you just have to be patient a little, and all wishes will come true - the main thing is not to miss such an auspicious moment.

According to Medea's dream book, the hand in a dream has a subconscious meaning. Recently, you have been too tired, loading yourself with overwork, being in constant moral and physical stress. Do not drive yourself, it will not bring any results.

If you dream of a bracelet on your hand, then the dream book predicts that a person from the environment of the dreamer will commit some bold act that will arouse his admiration. On the other hand, if the bracelet is simple, plain, it is a symbol of a scandalous story.

Objects and creatures in the palms

The bird in the hands is a favorable symbol of the dream book. As in the old saying, this dream foreshadows some benefit received by the dreamer if he sacrifices some of his principles. The benefit will not be as big as we would like, but it will still bring moral satisfaction.

A small playful kitten in her arms in a dream portends good luck, but if he scratches, tries to jump off, then the interpretation of the dream book has the opposite meaning - you will miss the chance that fortune itself gave you to achieve your goal.

If you rock the boy in your arms, then the forecasts will relate to health. If at the moment you are sick, then soon the condition will improve. If you are in good health, you can expect a surge of exuberant strength and energy.

On the contrary, a girl in her arms is a bad dream. The path to the goal will be overshadowed by unexpected obstacles that come from literally nowhere. But do not be upset, troubles are temporary, and after a while you will still achieve what you want.

According to another interpretation of the dream book, if you dream of a little girl in her arms who laughs, has fun, flirts with you, you can expect troublesome but pleasant things associated with some upcoming festival.

If in a dream you saw a snake in the hands of a familiar person, then the dream book advises: listen to him more often wise advice. This person has an enviable experience in many matters, and will always be able to give a practical indication of the circumstances.

For a married woman to see on her arm wedding ring- a sign of the upcoming divorce. If a stranger puts a ring on your finger, then the dream book predicts that all problems will soon be solved with outside help.

If you dreamed of a ring on a stranger’s hand, you don’t have to worry. In the near future, you will witness a wonderful event that will bring happiness not only to its direct participants, but also to you. Perhaps you will take part in the wedding of loved ones as a witness.

A watch on a hand in a dream is a symbol of a dream book about the imminent end of a planned business. Just do not rush things - in a hurry, you can lose sight of an obstacle that can ruin everything. But if the case ends well, then at the end you will be generously rewarded.

To paint your fingernails in a dream is to find a valuable, expensive little thing. If the nails were longer than in reality, then you can expect profit from what you found. A bright shine on the nails portends good news.

Damaged limbs

Be afraid of being unfairly condemned by your relatives if you see blood on your hand. Any significant act, even done with absolutely pure and disinterested intentions, will cause a storm of indignation among relatives, and you will not be able to explain anything to anyone.

A wound on the arm is an unfavorable dream book prognosis. As a symbol of a handshake, that is, friendship, the brush marks relationships with friends. And if the palm is damaged, a conflict situation will occur between you and a friend, as a result of which you will lose the opportunity to communicate with him.

A series of failures, a “black streak” is promised by a dream book if your hand was cut off in a dream. Close relatives will turn away from you, because of your inability to maintain normal, friendly relations.

Biting a hand in a dream is almost always a bad symbol of a dream book, but a lot depends on who exactly bit you. If a cat - expect a betrayal of a woman, if a dog - quarrel with relatives, if the other half bites your palm, then you can be sure why such a plot is dreaming: a woman is absolutely faithful to you.

Why dream of a broken arm? Protect your relatives with all your might, it is possible that they will fall into a bad situation, or find themselves in a very difficult situation. If the broken limb is swollen to an incredible size, the dream book gives other predictions - you will get rich.

If you had to bite the hand of your woman in a dream, then you can be sure why such a picture is dreaming. She will never cheat on you. If the person you bitten is a stranger, then you will be overtaken by a serious illness.

When an unfavorable situation develops in life, and in a dream someone else's hand reaches out to you, you can forget about all the troubles. Faithful friends will readily come to your aid, and will do everything possible to save you from suffering.

What is the dream of the hand of the deceased? If a deceased person beckoned you, took your palm in his, then this means that you miss a loved one who has passed away. You need to urgently get out of the world of regrets, otherwise ruin yourself.

Having golden hands in a dream is a bad symbol. Contrary to the popular saying, the dream book promises failure in business. According to another interpretation, this dream promises career growth, professional discoveries and successes.

The knife in the bandit's hand is a sign of changes on the love front. Moreover, the outcome depends on the existing state of affairs. If now you are bathing in caresses, you will soon experience deep disappointment and part with your partner. And vice versa, if nothing is going well at the moment, then you will meet your betrothed.

Variety of activities

A small business that you recently started can turn into a great success if you are carried in your arms in a dream. But if you are carrying someone, then you will have to do hard physical labor that can unsettle.

A dreamer who is carried in his arms in a dream can rely on the support of loyal friends. Very soon, he will face difficulties that he cannot resolve on his own, and he will have to seek help.

If unknown man began to kiss hands in a dream, then you need to be as careful as possible: most likely, you will meet a skillful liar who can thoroughly ruin your life.

A young lonely girl who had a dream with a marriage proposal may hope for a love confession made by a person who previously did not pay attention to her. For a married woman, the dream book portends hypocrisy and deceit on the part of her husband.

Taking someone by the hand in a dream is a sexual interest in this person, if a girl observed such a plot. If you are pulled by the palms, then the dream book advises you to listen to the advice of loved ones - they protect you from all sorts of adversities, you do not need to resist this.

If a guy you like tried to take your hand in a dream, then soon a passionate declaration of love will follow from him, and an offer for a serious relationship. You can safely agree, his feelings for you are really strong and sincere.

Waving your hand in a dream, while not noticing anyone in sight, is a symbol of overwork, which will be shouldered on your shoulders, according to the predictions of the dream book. You won't be able to get rid of hard work, you will have to spend a lot of time for its implementation in the proper form.

If at the moment you are trying to complete a difficult life task, and you had to lead the baby by the hand in a dream, then in reality the dream book promises a successful outcome, and an accessible and easy solution to the dilemma that confronts you.

Washing hands in a dream is a double interpretation of the dream book. If the water in which you are splashing is icy, then this portends fun in a noisy friendly company. If the water is hot, then hard work awaits you, which, however, will bear fruit in the form of large profits.

The dream book gives good predictions if you managed to catch a bird in a dream with your hands. If you are a gambler, then a big win awaits you. If you have nothing to do with gambling, then grab an interesting and highly paid project at work.

I dreamed that my boyfriend was holding the hand of another girl, and only their hands were visible. What does this mean? The dream happened on Sunday.

A hand outstretched on her gold bracelet.

I dreamed that I was in a strange house, with an unfamiliar grandmother, and there was an unfamiliar man, showing both hands after he washed them. And they still remained as if in a test, white color.

In a dream, a man I didn't know broke my left arm. It was painful. The hand was swollen. Then he began to take turns breaking my fingers on my right hand. It hurt too. The fingers were blue.

I dreamed that I was walking along the road, and a man was lying behind and pulling his hand towards me, what does this mean?

I dreamed that an unfamiliar man was hugging, I examine his hands, and they are as small as children's, and so pleasant. I felt calm and pleasant.

I dreamed that a friend beckons me with his hand while we are driving in a car and his wife is driving.

Dream Interpretation of the Hand, why dream of the Hand in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of the Hand from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What the Hand is dreaming of: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream of a Hand in a dream?

Sleep hand - if it is someone else's hand - you are looking at someone else's fate, if your hand is your own

someone else's hand - if it is childish - someone will need your help. If your hand is small in a dream, you will feel some limitations. Dream arm is long in a dream - you have unlimited opportunities to bring your plans to life.

The hand of a person - beautiful and strong - is a sign of stability, auspicious events.

Why dream of a man’s hand - well-groomed, strong, which you want to admire - be confident in your abilities, prosperity awaits you.

Guy's hand - be confident in your choice: your boyfriend is ready to protect you and take care of you.

Why is the guy’s hand dreaming - just like the man’s hand, it can mean his patronage over you, care and tenderness.

Holding your hand - if in a dream your soulmate holds your hand, it means that you will achieve everything in life together.

Why dream of holding hands, holding hands, going somewhere - you completely trust your partner in a relationship and he reciprocates.

Blood on hands - see blood on hands stranger- someone will try to ruin your reputation.

Someone else's blood on your hands in a dream can mean both happiness - if it is the enemy's blood on your hands, and quarrels, malaise, conflicts.

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why is the Hand dreaming, we analyze the vision:

what the Hand is dreaming of - The image of the hand is synonymous with doing and acting and therefore has many meanings. It should be analyzed very carefully, taking into account the objects and characters present, as well as the circumstances. The image of a hand without a body is always negative. This is a sign of a distorted situation or a stop in development, a sign of the creation of any inhibitory psycho-physiological mechanisms. The handshake is a symbol of friendship. If you see hands folded as in prayer, then the person who folded his hands like that feels the need to solve his current problems or the need to resolve existing emotional conflicts, feels the desire for good luck, happiness in inner being. This person needs supernatural help in dealing with everyday difficulties and thanks someone for a positive contribution to him. The image of a grasping hand (or grasping something) is a symbol of fear of death or fear that something important may slip away from a person.

Why dream of a hand in the fall?

Hand - To encroachment.

Why dream of a hand in the summer?

Hand - Someone will covet your good, be careful.

What does the hand mean and why is it dreaming:

Hand - Severed, burned or withered, seen in a dream, portends the death of the best and most devoted servant; but for one who does not have servants, such a dream portends a great and inevitable misfortune, and for an artisan a lack of work and, consequently, poverty; if you have such a dream married woman, then marks her the death of her husband or the eldest of the children; to have a hand covered with wool portends imprisonment; washing hands means labor and anxiety; looking at your hands portends illness; having swollen hands marks profit and benefit, especially for ministers; having white hands and much more beautiful than usual portends a happy and profitable end to important matters, the love of subordinates and the friendship of equals; to have hands or fingers shorter than usual is a sign of unfaithful servants and a power of attorney misused; to have white and full hands to the rich promises the conclusion of friendships, a pleasant society and success in love affairs, and to the poor it portends poverty and sorrow; to have many hands means happiness, strength and an increase in wealth; but for robbers, thieves of all kinds of idlers, this dream foreshadows the discovery of their crimes and severe punishment for them. However, see articles gout, fire and water.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky

Hand - Toady; disagreement; the loss of a friend, a workmate, this is how the interpreter reports the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Hand in night dreams?

Hand - Consider your left hand in a dream - a warning received from a dishonest person, your right hand - to meet a true friend. To have clean hands means all good, long life, dirty hands- adultery in marriage, a warning against evil tongues, trouble. Hands in cold water wash - for fun. Hairy hands to have - to trouble, mental degradation. A sick hand means evil, a warning against an accident. A broken arm dreams of unfortunately. Not having hands means a strange situation, a situation to which you do not know how to react. Not being able to move your hands in a dream means disagreements between the will and the mind. Have many hands good dream, meaning hard, but fruitful work. Having warts on your hands is a nuisance. Waving your arms means that they will put you in front of you. impossible task. Having too long arms means showing impotence, passivity, too short - a symbol of the fact that you can thoughtlessly get down to business, try to implement utopian plans. If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (a high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she will be entertained and worshiped by people she does not know, and if she takes this opportunity, she will deserve a special location of friends. If you need to reach up to shake someone's hand, then in life you will have to face rivalry; if the hand is in a glove, you will be able to overcome these obstacles. Saying hello in a dream to a person shorter than you is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence. If in a dream it seems to you that you have dirty hands, it means that in reality you will find that not all of your friends are true. If in a dream you are doing yourself a manicure or someone is doing it to you, then you can achieve a positive solution to the issue or get what you want thanks to your intelligence, charm or charm. Such a dream is especially favorable for women. Doing a manicure to someone in a dream is a sign that in order to achieve your goal, you will need to deceive someone, go for a forgery, etc.

Why dream of a hand in spring?

What does the hand mean - see unfamiliar hand means getting someone's help at the right time, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming of.

Why dream and how to interpret the Hand from the dream book?

Hand - If you dreamed of hands, a dream means that your friends will be faithful to you at an unkind hour. Broken arm - predicts the illness of your friend, adversity in the family. Swollen hands - promise unexpected enrichment. Hairy hands - dream of young women whose children will be very beautiful and happy. If you dreamed that your hand was cut off, the dream predicts unhappy days.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret the Hand?

Hand - Healthy clean hand, not even recognized, symbolizes someone's help (the right hand is a symbol of a man, the left is a woman). The brush is the personification of physical tension. A sick, broken arm - misfortune, decline in business. The loss of a hand is the death of a loved one. Dirt on the hands - infidelity in marriage, deceit, unclean deeds. Wash your hands - to worries and troubles. (See also Fingers.)

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of the Hand in the dream book:

Hand - If you dream beautiful hands- fame awaits you, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle. Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes - portends trouble. Blood on your hands - promises temporary alienation among people close to you, an unfair condemnation of a friend. If you see that the hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you. In a dream, burn your hands - it promises you a loss in the competition with fate: putting all your strength into achieving wealth, you will miss something more valuable. To dream about your hands, densely covered with hair, promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are truly devoted to you. If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will soon move towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active. Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice in relation to people who love you. If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream portends that she will be able to win more than one sincere heart. If she sees that someone takes her hand in hers and kisses her, the dream warns her of greater caution in behavior. If - you see a fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers - success will elevate you to a very great height. Tied hands portend future difficulties. Untying them in a dream. You will truly master the position. amputated arm- to parting or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). Sleep warns of possible deception or fraud.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

The hand is dreaming, why?

Hand - Left - treason; right - a true friend; lose - the funeral of a good friend.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of the Hand in the dream book?

Hand - Left - treason - right - true friend - lose - funeral of a good friend

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If the Hand is dreaming in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of the Hand on the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Hand is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If the Hand is dreaming from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of the Hand from Thursday to Friday
  • If the Hand is dreaming in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • What is the dream of the Hand in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Sun January 14, 2018, 10:41:15 AM

Tue September 26, 2017, 06:23:03 AM

Sat August 19, 2017, 10:09:05 AM

Mon June 26, 2017, 12:56:39 PM

Sun February 26, 2017, 00:07:48 AM

Hand in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

Dreams in which various cut off parts of the body appear often terrify dreamers. Especially actively interested in what the cut off hand is dreaming of, the fair sex, whom such dreams are truly shocking. A severed hand can symbolize various events.

What if you dream of a severed hand?

It is the hands that are a very important part of the human body, without which a woman or a man becomes completely helpless. This should be taken into account when trying to correctly interpret the eerie dream seen.

Its exact meaning will depend on the details and details of the dream, as well as how the sleeper felt in it. For example, in a dream, someone else's cut off hand may appear, which is located separately from the body. In this case, the dreamer in real life probably feels lonely and useless to anyone. The reason for this may not be the best relationship with close friends and relatives. Moreover, the sleeper himself is solely to blame for this situation. Therefore, you will have to correct it yourself, trying to regain the former trust and love of your relatives. It is worth making every possible effort to this.

If similar dream a person sees after watching some cruel and "bloody" horror film on the eve, then you should not even waste time on interpretation. In this way, daytime experiences and the dreamer's increased emotional excitability are simply expressed.

Interestingly, the meaning of a dream in which a person saw someone else's cut off hand changes radically if the hand and the rest of the limb in it are located separately from each other. In such a situation, you can rejoice, because a dream promises a man or the fair sex an excellent monetary profit. Most likely, to get it, the sleeper does not even need to make an effort. We can say that the money will themselves pour into his hands.

If, right in front of the dreamer's eyes, a hand or palm is cut off from a person, then this is a sign that you should communicate with your relatives with extreme restraint. Otherwise, you can expect a major quarrel or prolonged hostility. Moreover, even one single thoughtless or spoken word in an unusual tone may well lead to this.

What portends?

Someone else's severed hand, which also turned out to be broken in several places, portends a serious illness of a close relative or spouse (wife). If one of the people around has a suspicion of a dangerous illness, then he should go to a specialist as soon as possible and undergo all the prescribed examinations. This mandatory measure which will help to avoid irreversible consequences.

Your own cut off right hand, which appeared in a dream, suggests that a meeting with a good old friend will soon take place, but that it will end negatively. Probably, some kind of delicate conversation will lead the friends to a serious quarrel and quarrel. It is unlikely that this will be avoided, so it is better to simply try to achieve reconciliation as soon as possible. Surely the interlocutor will quickly go to meet the sleeping man in resolving this issue.

What the cut off hand that appears in his dream brings to the sleeping person depends on many small details. From who it belongs to, in what form it appears, etc. Do not immediately be afraid of such dreams, they may well portend the dreamer a large financial profit.

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    brushes hands in dream from Indian dream book. The wise men call brushes hands servants of reason and a symbol of human honor. If dream to whom, what was cut off from him brush right pyki dream portends big trouble.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep Brush arms: For what dreaming brushes hands - brushes man, helping the mind, provided the possibility of the development of human civilization. Our flexible dexterous arms with opposing thumbs, they can create and destroy equally. dream interpretation E. Avadyaeva. If dreaming Brush arms what is it for: If you dreamed thin brushes arms- then you will soon become a very famous and popular person.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Beautiful brushes hands in our dreams are auspicious symbols and portend good luck and the successful completion of an important, profitable business. In our dream book You can learn not only about what dreaming dreams about brush arms, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see brush arms in dream online dream book Miller.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming brush arms dreaming? There is an opinion that brushes hands mean trusted people, servants, subordinates. What is not surprising: arms- assistants and exponents of the mind. This has long been noticed by people, because it is not for nothing that they say: he has it - the right hand. If a woman sees in dream my brush graceful and thin, with beautiful long fingers - it means that in the very near future she will find happiness in love. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    By dream book Miller, see in dream arms- well-groomed, beautiful, velvety - a prediction of fame, which will be completely associated with your external data. If the limbs were ugly, bumpy, then soon a series of troubles will come in life. Good luck is already on the threshold, you just have to be patient a little, and all wishes will come true - the main thing is not to miss such an auspicious moment. By dream book Medea, brush arms in dream has a subconscious meaning.Read completely

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    dream interpretation child without brushes hands dreamed, for what dreaming in dream child without brushes hands?The wise men call brushes hands in dream, what brushes hands Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Missing brushes hands dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Missing brushes hands?The wise men call brushes hands servants of reason and a symbol of human honor. If anyone sees in dream, what brushes hands more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end happily and bring him profit and respect. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Frostbitten brushes hands dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Frostbitten brushes hands?The wise men call brushes hands servants of reason and a symbol of human honor. If anyone sees in dream, what brushes hands more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end happily and bring him profit and respect. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Without brushes arms dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Without brushes arms? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Without brushes arms by reading below for free interpretation dreams of the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See in dream, what fingers on hand circumcised, portends the loss of friends or spouse. If anyone dream, what he has seven fingers hand, it means friendship, a new connection, happiness, inheritance or income. See in dream, what brush arms covered with hair, predicts flour and imprisonment. White and tender arms- a sign of friendship. For the poor the same dream means idleness and need.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Leather brushes hands dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Leather brushes hands?The wise men call brushes hands servants of reason and a symbol of human honor. If anyone sees in dream, what brushes hands more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end happily and bring him profit and respect. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Seen in dream arms, densely covered with hair, portend strong partners and competitors in work. If your arms dreamed too big for you, then you will soon achieve your goal. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Their brushes hands all in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "irrox.com"

    Arms dream interpretation Tsvetkov. see your palms hands- a sign of fate, and depends on how you see them, what you will experience at the same time. Arms wash in dream- release from worries. see hairy arms- success in business and money. Right hand dreamed- loss, liberation. dreamed go for a consultation with a palmist hand- it means you need to put things in order. Arms in the blood - predict quarrels, possible separation from loved ones, depending on the details and characters in dream. brushes hands or wrists - dreaming then when help comes...Read completely

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    dream interpretation Dye brushes dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Dye brushes?See in dream brush arms brushes brushes Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "helenita"

    If dream to whom, what was cut off from him brush right pyki or she is burned, dried up and thinner, then he will lose the most devoted of his servants or will not be able to work and will fall into poverty. This woman dream portends big trouble. Who will see in dream, what brush his arms and the fingers became smaller than they were, this one dream notifies that one of his servants is deceiving his master or does not love him.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What means Arms in dream: To you dreamed Hand what is it for - Get help in trouble. Imagine hand in a leather glove. dream interpretation Catherine the Great. What does Arms To you dreamed Arms what is it for. brushes hands in dream often considered as a kind of guiding symbol in real life. Graceful hand may point in a particular direction, while wrinkled hand sometimes they point in the opposite direction.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Brush- See in dream brush arms means that in reality fame awaits you, which you will achieve thanks to professional skill, if these brushes thin, beautiful and graceful. Ugly, ugly brushes with crooked fingers and protruding tubercles of veins portend life's troubles, from which you will come out pretty shabby and have lost faith in your abilities. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the newest dream book. dream interpretation - Hand. If you dream beautiful arms- Fame awaits you, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle. Ugly arms or arms having ugly shapes - portends trouble. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming child without brushes hands in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreaming brush white lilacs - a promise of a great, bright feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for life. Brush lilac color- a harbinger of a thunderstorm that thickens in a family atmosphere and is ready to shed a rain of tears at any moment. See in dream painting brush- portends troubles that may arise due to your rash and careless statements about your colleagues. Keep in hand painting brush or paint something with it - you will be satisfied with the results of your work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    brushes arms brushes hands. dream interpretation- hair on hands. It's not bad dream! If it is not a product of the complex! A purely emotional interpretation of this dream speaks of an upcoming profitable business, under the auspices of a strong personality! Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming dreamed v hands two in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation - dreamed the male, arms and death. Hello! Yes, your dream characterizes your feelings about the relationship with your chosen one. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming blackened brushes hands wives in dream dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Brush- See in dream brush arms means that in reality you will find fame, which you will achieve through professional skill. Ugly, ugly brushes with crooked fingers and protruding tubercles of veins portend the troubles of life from which you dreaming a branch of lilac is a promise of a great, bright feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for life. Painting brush portends in dream troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your loved ones.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    For what dreaming arms in dream? To support, mutual assistance, joint work, contracts, and just to friendly relations. Right hand in interpretation dreams on dream book- To right decisions worthy friends and partners. Left hand dreamed- action is in progress brushes hands dreaming as an indication of your closest and most faithful friends, associates. The palms speak of trust, hope, openness to people, sometimes to the point of naivety. Lines in the palm of your hand - upcoming events cannot be changed or canceled, only accepted and acted on the situation. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Gather brushes bird cherry and dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Gather brushes bird cherry and? see in dream brush arms means that in reality fame awaits you, which you will achieve with high professional skill, if these brushes thin, beautiful and graceful. Ugly, ugly brushes with crooked fingers and protruding tubercles of veins portend life's troubles, from which you will come out pretty shabby and have lost faith in your abilities. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    if you had a dream a groom without a bride, then in real life you are clearly suffering from a lack of harmony in intimate relationships. You feel that everything is not going the way you would like it to. If you in dream saw the groom with the bride, then everything is going great for you. Seeing your shoulder wounded means that you will not be able to help a loved one, and this will make you suffer. brushes and palms hands: A symbol of dexterity and skill. Wounds or ulcers on them: portend failure in business and quarrels with partners. Fist in dream: prompts...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Seeing in dream, what he has muscular arms, dream this one predicts release from illness or prison. To whom dream, what his arms or the elbows are covered with ulcers and peel off, boredom, sadness and failure in business await. dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming blackened brushes hands wives in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation- Artificial brushes hands. Arms in dream symbolize the strength and ability to carry out a particular business. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming dreamed v hands two in dream. Order for free online interpretation dreams!Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Sometimes dream brush arms the sleeping person is displayed so vividly and in such detail, as if the action takes place in reality. If anyone dreamed, what he looks at brush its own arms, at this very moment dream becomes manageable. This means that a person has learned to control the situation not only in reality, but also in his dreams, which intersect with more subtle worlds.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Arms see in dream- If anyone sees in dream unknown woman with nudes hands, then he can be calm about property and worldly goods - what will soon be sent down to him in reality will be enough for the rest of his life. When someone dreamed, what arms they bind him, which means that he will be idle or lose faith. Why dreaming Arms Fri May 27, 2011, 03:39:17 PM. huge couples brushes hands in the sky from the clouds. night sky, brushes hands raised up, a pair of one female one male. I look at them from my window.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation- Artificial brushes hands. Arms in dream symbolize the strength and ability to carry out a particular business. dream interpretation - Hand takes the land. Good day! It is quite possible that dream has a special meaning because had a dream on the Nativity of Our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.