When a stranger dreams. A man sticks to a dream book

  • 15.10.2019

Strangers in our dreams are present quite often, and, of course, in the morning we are very interested in what we dreamed about unknown man or a person? Where did he come from in our dream?

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man - Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, dreams in which a handsome young man meets promise favorable changes in life and business. If the appearance of a stranger is unpleasant and repulsive, and his face and body are ugly, then such dreams warn of future troubles and disappointments.

A dream about a stranger - Vanga's dream book

To dream about a stranger - to unexpected news. To see an unfamiliar man on the threshold of your own house means that in reality you will have to meet unexpected guests. Talking with a stranger - to intrigue and romantic adventures. If a stranger attacks you, expect imminent changes in your personal life.

An unfamiliar man in a dream - the dream book of Nostradamus

A complete stranger is dreaming of a man who calls you somewhere - to deception or loss. If a stranger in a dream is aggressive and armed, it means that you have enemies that you have no idea about.

Dreaming young unknown guy portends a new successful undertaking, and an elderly and gray-haired stranger - gaining wisdom and well-deserved respect. Find yourself in a crowd of unfamiliar men - auspicious sleep, meaning that you are under the patronage and will be able to reach heights in your career.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man according to Freud's dream book

A man who sees a stranger in a dream projects the image of his sexual rival, the object of suspicion and envy, into dreams. Also, such dreams speak of a subconscious fear of being defeated in bed.

Women dream of unfamiliar men who reflect their ideas about the ideal spouse or lover. The features and characteristics of a stranger in a dream can tell you which of the environment you should pay attention to when choosing a partner.

To see an unfamiliar man in a dream - Loff's dream book

In images strangers the hidden characteristics of a person and his subconscious, the inner essence of the dreamer appear.

Women who dream of unfamiliar men see in their images the masculine side of their own personality, its specific features and behavioral motives. Whether this image is frightening or conducive to friendship depends on how one’s own “I” is perceived and how the sleeping person treats himself.

Strangers showing emotions - fear, rage, anger - indicate that in reality these feelings are suppressed by consciousness, as they are condemned by society.

A dream about an unfamiliar man - the dream book of Simon Kananit

If a woman dreams of a man whom she does not know, this is for a long life and excellent health. An obese man in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will have a pleasant pastime and interesting company. Young unfamiliar young men dream of anxieties, worries and anxieties.

Why see an unfamiliar man in a dream - the dream book of the healer Evdokia

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man in the dream book of a famous healer? An unfamiliar man seen in a dream can portend an unexpected pregnancy to girls and women. A dream about a fight with a stranger warns against participating in dubious affairs and risky activities.

Meeting with unfamiliar men can be interpreted as a sign of positive change, if they are beautiful and well-groomed young people, and trouble when they are hostile and ready to attack. It is uncomfortable to feel among strangers and strangers - to get into a series of strange events and troubles.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man - N. Grishina's dream book

To meet a fat unfamiliar man - to joyful events, fun and holidays. Worst - to grief, loss and frustration. A gloomy stranger predicts sadness and despondency. Joyful - good luck and luck.

A dream in which a stranger appears is a symbol of the unknown, mysterious, attractive, sometimes frightening. It is very important that a person, upon waking up, feels his emotional state, remembers all the details of the dream. This will help correct interpretation.

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    Unknown appeared in a dream

    The interpretation of sleep largely depends on who had the dream: a single girl, a married woman, a divorced woman or a widow:

    • If the dreamer is still young and lonely, then seeing an unfamiliar guy for her who she likes means positive changes in her personal life, a quick pleasant meeting.
    • Such a dream should be considered as a possible warning and warning: unwanted pregnancy.
    • The young man who was never seen in real life, in a dream symbolizes any trait of a female character, negative or positive. Very soon, this character trait will remind you of yourself in real life.
    • If a young man is very handsome and called positive emotions- expect favorable changes, especially in the financial sector. If the rejection of this person is felt, disappointment awaits.
    • If a woman who is divorced or a widow sees a dream, this is a prediction of failures and possible gossip.

    Appearance of a stranger

    Some men dream of positive changes in life, others do not. It is necessary to remember the dreamer:

    • If a previously unknown man is dreaming, but he himself was not remembered in any way, then you should not attach any importance to this.
    • If you dream of a young, handsome stranger - anxiety awaits in life. An unfamiliar man with a child - there are good changes ahead, the emergence of new worries. Gray promises a long life. A cheerful, energetic man in a dream - success in a career or creativity, fast fame. A very full man - expect pleasant events. Seeing a man in a coffin in a dream is a big money.
    • We saw a man with a beard in a dream - one of the relatives will get sick. In a shirt - marriage will be unhappy. If a man is wearing an expensive elegant suit, the time will come to enjoy life, all its benefits. The man is ugly, his facial features are repulsive - ahead of disappointment in his lover.
    • If the dreaming man is gloomy, bad mood- this means that on the way to a happy future, the realization of your plans, you will overcome many obstacles. A man shows aggression, rudely achieves intimacy with a dreamer - deep feelings are expected due to former friend or girlfriends.
    • If you see a sleeping person - get ready for a calm, monotonous, uninteresting life.
    • They saw a man at home, in the blood - relatives and friends will come to visit.
    • If an unfamiliar man gives flowers and confesses his love, the lost attention of loved ones will soon return.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Interaction with a stranger in a dream

    More often, a sleeping woman or girl only sees some stranger. He differs from others in age, physique, clothing, social status, behavior. No actions in a dream happen to him. But there are visions in which a stranger kisses or hugs the dreamer. You need to remember the details of the dream and turn to interpretations.


    Kisses, both in a dream and in reality, cause different sensations in a person. This attraction, desire to love or dislike, alienation:

    • If an unmarried girl is kissed by a stranger and the kiss is unpleasant for her, there will be a temporary cooling or a complete break between her and her real partner.
    • If the kiss aroused passion in her, this is also a negative prediction: a rival will appear and try to destroy the relationship. Only real, sincere love will save.
    • If a lady dreams that an unfamiliar man kisses against her will and she does not resist this, this is a warning: new connections can lead to immoral acts.
    • A kiss in a dream is a woman's desire for passion, which she is now deprived of.
    • If in a dream an unfamiliar guy not only kisses, but also looks after a lady, she will be successful in society, she will increase her social status. If he feels discomfort from courtship and kisses, he will soon be disappointed in his chosen one.
    • If a woman or girl wakes up feeling as if she wants to be kissed, this indicates that she is sexually attracted to some person. But intimate relations with him do not add up. She wakes up because it won't come to a kiss. Awakening is an opportunity to avoid disappointment.

    Hugs and caresses

    When interpreting dreams in which an unfamiliar man passionately embraces the dreamer, it is also important to take into account the emotions experienced, the woman's attitude towards the stranger, and other details of the dream. Various dream scenarios are possible:

    • A woman in a dream is hugged by an unfamiliar obese man. The dream interpretation predicts the onset of prosperous days that will bring pleasant chores, positive emotions. If a stranger is gray-haired, a woman is waiting for a long time, serene life to a ripe old age.
    • married woman in a dream the unknown caresses. If this does not frighten her, she is waiting for developments, ready for intimacy, this reflects her true preferences in the character of a man and his qualities that she does not see in her husband.
    • If she feels fear, sees a hugger in the blood, wants to break out of her embrace - the dreamer will have big trouble with a jealous husband.
    • A woman in bed has sex with a stranger. This is a bad prediction for unmarried people: without waiting for true feelings, she will marry or become available to many men. For married, divorced, widowed - an indication that their intimate life not satisfied, they want change.
    • If sex in a dream does not bring satisfaction to a woman, then petty quarrels await in the family circle from scratch.

    In a dream, you can meet a wide variety of people and even animals. These meetings can be very pleasant and even very restless. What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy? How to interpret similar dream?

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy - the main interpretation

    An unfamiliar guy in a dream can promise a wide variety of events in reality. It is important to take a closer look at what it looked like, to other little things:

    Where exactly did you meet the guy in the dream;

    · Did the stranger show you signs of attention;

    · What did he say to you;

    What emotions did you experience.

    If a stranger suddenly appears in your house in a dream, you should be wary. Perhaps you are in for some rather disturbing events related to your loved ones. Try to analyze the dream as a whole, not to miss the slightest detail, otherwise you will not be able to understand its true meaning.

    It is important to evaluate appearance stranger and his manners. If outwardly he looks pretty decent, then you have nothing to fear. A period of prosperity and prosperity will come in your life. You will practically not need anything, you will only have to joyfully perceive reality and not deny yourself anything.

    If a stranger looks very untidy and even defiant, try not to be nervous or panic. Such a dream does not yet portend a catastrophe, but you need to carefully monitor your appearance and internal state. Perhaps melancholy will visit you, and you will begin to give up the joys of life. In such a situation, the dream book advises you to seek help from a friend so that the situation does not become critical and you do not have to look for other opportunities to inspire optimism in you.

    A stranger who beckons you with his eyes is a symbol of temptation, which you will succumb to so quickly that you will even be surprised yourself. Try not to take everything that happens next to heart. Perhaps you will find that it is much easier to accept the present and live using the opportunities that life gives you, rather than constantly chasing some pipe dreams.

    A dream in which you see a naked stranger speaks of your openness to relationships, but you do not receive due attention from your soulmate, so it is very difficult for you to build a relationship with him. You begin to subconsciously seek intimacy with other men, try to imagine perfect image men.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy who gives you flowers - you will receive signs of attention from loved one you will be really happy. But the dream book warns you that this will not last forever. You should rely on your own strength and not be offended by people who cannot give you what you yourself want.

    Try to be more specific in your wishes and not judge other people harshly. Do not worry if after sleep, you will receive offers to take a walk, have fun. Such excitement is not accidental. You really wanted to relax and unwind and now you have such an opportunity.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy who gives you a ride in a car? Such a dream portends you a long trip, or a journey. Do not worry about whether they will be successful, most likely, you will be happy to hit the road and have a wonderful time.

    If in a dream you quarrel with a stranger and ask him to stop the car, most likely you will suddenly interrupt the journey and will no longer return to this issue. The reason for this will be the negative attitude of others around you.

    A dream in which you have dinner with a stranger promises you pleasant chores and acquaintances. Try to be more attentive to the needs of others, do not miss the opportunity to praise and encourage. Perhaps you have been paying more and more attention to yourself lately, now it is time to take care of others.

    A dream in which a guy gives you a gift should be interpreted carefully. If this happens unexpectedly, but you experience a feeling of joy - such a dream means that soon you will be able to more actively go about your business. If you needed to make contact with someone, you can quickly do it in the near future.

    A dream in which you look with hope at a stranger leaving you indicates that you are in dire need of change. You want to move on in life. You want a lot and you can do a lot. But, lately, you have lost faith in yourself. Try not to get upset over trifles and not worry. In order to get what you want, you just need to decide on your needs. Try not to abuse someone else's trust in the near future.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy in Freud's dream book

    Freud's dream book says that an unfamiliar guy dreams when you need protection and extra attention. If in a dream you make love to a stranger - in reality you are not satisfied with your personal life. This is not a whim or a whim. You just don't feel desired next to your partner. You want to be needed, to know that this relationship has a bright future.

    If in a dream a stranger kisses you, you just want some romance and tenderness. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at the existing relationships, perhaps you yourself do not pay due attention to them and do not work on them. Then the dream book advises to deal with this issue in the first place.

    A dream in which an unfamiliar guy is your colleague promises you pleasant work chores. You will spend more and more time at work. But this situation is not endless. In the end, you will get everything that you wanted so much, you will receive recognition and a decent income.

    If an unfamiliar guy dreams of a lonely girl, such a dream promises her troubles in her personal life. You will be puzzled by the question of changes in your personal life, the question of the correctness of the choice. Perhaps your ex-partner will make itself felt, but the dream book does not advise you to rush into his arms, because a bitter previous experience may be repeated.

    Why does a stranger dream about a pregnant woman? Such a dream promised her minor troubles that would suddenly happen in her life. The dream book advises not to betray negative situations, try to remain calm. Everything will be resolved in the near future and very positively for you.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy in the Esoteric dream book

    IN Esoteric dream book it is said that meeting a stranger in a dream always promises trouble and trouble. Try to pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones, try not to take quarrels and scandals to heart.

    It is important to pay attention to the appearance and behavior of a stranger. If he is sloppily dressed, he has torn and dirty clothes on - such a dream portends problems in your personal life and in the field of finance. You will suddenly suffer financial losses and will restore the balance in this matter for a long time to come.

    A dream in which a stranger of good appearance and neat, even beautifully dressed promises you rest and entertainment. But do not trust others too much. Perhaps you will be disappointed in them very soon, and from this disappointment you will be too worried and mentally tormented.

    If you see a dream in which a stranger is guarding you under the house, try to protect your life and health. Enemies decided to seriously annoy you. Now you need to be on the alert and not allow people and the past into your life. They will only bring problems.

    What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy in other dream books

    Grishina's dream book says that an unfamiliar guy dreams of troubles and problems. You yourself will allow strangers to control your life. Try to protect yourself from their influence. Don't let them control your destiny.

    Aesop's dream book says that the image of a stranger in a dream appears before troubles and problems. Perhaps you do not know how to calmly and gratefully accept everything new that enters your life. The dream book advises you to learn this and no longer be afraid of change.

    If in a dream a stranger swears at you, in reality you will be in conflict with someone close to you. It will be a completely empty quarrel that could have been avoided. If you want to maintain peace and even relations in the family, do not focus on negative aspects, think only about the positive, learn to forgive and quickly forget everything negative that happens in your life.

    To gain financial well-being. Beautiful - the completion of a long-term project. Well-built - along with the state, fame and recognition will come. Small growth - small investments will bring big profits. Elderly - financial support from a close relative. Scary or ugly - at first glance, a hopeless business can bring financial well-being. Hunchback - reveal the betrayal of the person you trusted the most. In a hat and raincoat - you will have a patron. In clothes of light colors - receiving an inheritance. In clothes of dark colors - your many years of work will bring tangible results. Dead - to the discovery of new sources of income. Blond is a profitable acquaintance. Brunet is an adventurous proposal. In prison - the implementation of your plans for a long time. Join love relationship- reconciliation with competitors.

    Imagine that an unfamiliar man from your dream gives you something.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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    Dream Interpretation - Man

    If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety awaits you. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

    A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt - a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features - to disappointment in his lover.

    A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles in the way of realizing your plan. A cheerful and sociable man portends that you will gain fame due to the successes achieved.

    An aggressive man rudely seeking intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. see in dream of the dead a man - to big money.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    The appearance in a dream of an unfamiliar man can have many meanings. General value- the appearance in the life of a new person, but it all depends on the circumstances of the dream, the age of the man and the events that happened to you.

    Carefully remember the stranger's appearance, his eye color and other details, and look at the meaning according to the interpreter.

    If it was a dream of a young girl- to the appearance in her life of a new passionate admirer who will idolize her and give expensive gifts.

    For a mature woman, such a dream means that she is very lonely and needs support and strong male shoulder. If he says something- be sure to remember his words, perhaps this is a warning of danger.

    A stranger in a black suit hugs - to a serious illness or the departure of one of the relatives. Embraced by a stranger in white- with a wealthy foreigner. If a naked man hugs in bed - for a date with juicy details in a strange house. If a stranger gives- to a passionate romance.

    If a young beauty saw in a dream- very good dream, he portends good events, the most cherished dream will come true.

    If he was brown-eyed - a dream related to his personal life will come true, blue-eyed - to cash receipts, improvement in financial situation, with green or gray eyes- to a useful acquaintance and good health of relatives and friends.

    The stranger brought or breakfast in bed - good prospects for new endeavors, this dream also says that a faithful and reliable person is next to you.

    If a man in a dream was with a child?

    If a girl dreamed of a man with- to the birth of a baby. If a man walks with a child along the road - to soon meet a good man that will become her destiny.

    If the old man dreamed and- communication with deceased parents, possibly a warning of impending danger or trouble. Man hitting a child bad sign your husband will be angry and dangerous man, for a man, such a dream means the appearance of insidious enemies who want to ruin his whole life.

    A stranger rescues a baby good sign, all troubles and misfortunes will bypass you. If he saves your life - getting rid of a serious illness and a bright streak in life. baby crying in arms- bad news related to young children in your family.

    An unfamiliar man symbolizes a new acquaintance. If he confesses his love to you, it means that you lack love and affection in real life.

    If a man came to the house - to a date or the arrival of a useful and important person into the house.

    A stranger gave a gift- a bad sign, it can be a sudden illness or difficulties at work. If he laughs out loud - to flattery and deceit, if he runs after you - problems and troubles are chasing you.

    and smiles- an unpleasant acquaintance with a cunning and treacherous person. If an old man dreamed, you will soon receive an important and valuable advice. A stranger kisses in public - to shame and loss of reputation among acquaintances, if he kisses and you are pleased - to see your loved one soon.