Fish business: how to catch a big profit.

  • 16.10.2019

In order to engage in entrepreneurial activities, each person needs to be smart, decisive, be able to understand situations, and also achieve their goals. In addition, the entrepreneur must have basic economic and financial concepts to begin with. The most important thing is the desire to work and move forward - for this you need. A good activity is the sale of fish. To start this kind of business, the right business project is formed. If necessary, all materials on its formation are available on the Internet.

Types of products sold

In almost every store you can sell fish in the following types:

  1. Fresh fish.
  2. Frozen.
  3. Fish of various salts.
  4. Dried fish.
  5. Fish products (meat, steak, fillet).

Sale of fish wholesale

To sell fish in bulk, you need to have specific skills and have the right capital. An excellent method to attract consumers will be holding promotions and setting discounts on their own products. A more profitable sale of fish is carried out in regional centers, since in big cities there is fierce competition. First, you need to find out how many enterprises in your city specialize in the sale of fish products. Next, the population of the city is compared with the volume of products sold, and conclusions are drawn about the need to execute this business.

The success of every business lies in the quality of the products and the fairness of the entrepreneur. With the right formation of entrepreneurial activity, you can easily achieve good results, regular customers and maximum income.

Harvesting methods and sale of herring

Herring is considered the most popular fish among the population. It is for this reason that the sale of herring is quite a profitable business, and it is she who is constantly harvested for sale. The easiest way will be to find a supplier of raw materials. The entire range of herring is very large, the Black Sea herring is rapidly mined, as well as the Pacific, Caspian, Danube and black-backed. Depending on the preferences of the consumer, fatty or lean fish is selected, there is also tender and denser fish meat. It is important to know the preferences of the consumer in order to choose the right type of product for sale in order to maximize income.

It will be much easier to open this kind of business if a novice entrepreneur has previously encountered the procurement or sale of this type of product. It is also important to eat fish yourself. Salting fish will require specific skills and knowledge in the process. There are some basic principles and rules for harvesting fish. Salted fish with soft meat does not require additional soaking. Such fish is cut with ease. Large salted fish are soaked after filleting, and small ones before cutting.

Rules for soaking herring

In a ratio of 1: 1, water and milk are taken, fish fillet is poured with this composition. The soaking process lasts from 12 to 20 hours, with a periodic change of water. Pickled and spicy herring does not require soaking.

Conditions and principles for the sale of fish, special equipment

Sanitary instructions for companies that specialize in the sale of food products (SanPiN 5781-91) regulate the basic conditions and principles of sales. The entire list of instructions can be quite large, so it can be found on the Internet. And now we will consider only the most basic points. These conditions also include the entire list of equipment for the sale of fish products (refrigerators and freezers, aquariums, etc.).

Planning and installation of enterprises, their sanitary standards

  1. It is forbidden to have grocery outlets in residential premises on the lower floors, as well as megacities whose area exceeds 1 thousand square meters. m. (SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings").
  2. Preparation of food products for sale requires specially adapted buildings and equipment. This requires separate rooms for cutting, for harvesting products, etc.

It is necessary to prepare and store products for sale in premises that are as close as possible to the places of loading and sale. In addition, these places should not be through.

  1. Companies that sell fish products are required to have technological and freezing equipment in accordance with the type of company, its massiveness, and are also required to comply with the functioning standards for the equipment of standard grocery trading companies.
  2. Products that deteriorate quickly must be stored in specially adapted departments. For this, chilled display cases, freezers, and counters are installed.
  3. Inventory for cutting meat is chosen wooden, massive, with smooth surface which does not have any cracks.
  4. Any kind of product requires separate equipment for cutting. It is marked and stored in special places and departments designated for this.

Receipt of goods and storage. Sanitary standards

  1. It is forbidden to accept and store chilled fish, smoked, culinary products, as well as semi-finished fish products in warehouses and bases. Such products should immediately go on sale, without the possibility of storage.
  2. Fresh fish is stored in the boxes in which it is delivered (temperature not higher than -2 °C). Such products are stored for no more than two days. Frozen fish boxes are stacked. According to the requirements of regulatory documentation, rails are laid between the rows of packaging containers.

Live fish is placed in aquariums, in summer it is stored for 24 hours, in winter - for two days. The temperature in the aquarium should not be higher than 10°C.

Realization of food products. Sanitary standards

  1. The sale of raw products wholesale and retail (fish and meat products, eggs, vegetables, etc.), as well as semi-finished products, is carried out separately from the sale of products that are already ready for use in food. In addition, these products are also separately prepared for sale, weighed and packaged. All this is done in different departments.

Sanitary standards for the transportation of products

  1. Transportation of products must be carried out by specially designated equipped vehicles. It is forbidden to use vehicles that previously transported pesticides, fuel, oil products, as well as toxic and fragrant substances.

Appropriate markings are fixed on transport, as well as equipment and specialized equipment are installed.

  1. Live fish, which are transported for sale to retail outlets, are placed from reservoirs into special vehicles equipped with tanks. The tanks must be thermally insulated and have a special capacity for ice, which is 100 kg. There should also be equipment that saturates the water with air where the fish is. The water in the tank must not exceed the temperature of: winter period- 1-2 °C, in autumn and spring - 5-6 °C, and in summer - 12-14 °C.

Interview with the founder of the Tsarskaya Ryba company German Smirnov

The sale and processing of fish is a complex business with frequent losses. Before starting your own business, you should calculate all the risk factors and draw up a detailed business plan. It is extremely difficult to compete with large companies, the way out is to stand out from their background or attract buyers with a low price.


The Tsarskaya Ryba company has been actively operating for more than eight years. During this time, the products have firmly established themselves in the premium segment and have found regular customers. We met with the owner of the company German Smirnov and talked to him about doing business.

Main points of the interview

  • Kind of activity: trade and processing of fish products
  • Business location: Russia, Bryansk
  • Occupation before starting business: Sales Manager
  • Business start date: 2008
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Amount of initial investment: 5 million rubles (to start production)
  • Source of initial capital: own savings
  • Payback period of investments: two years
  • Success formula: Carefully study the industry, your competitors, identify potential buyers, suppliers and market.

Hey Herman. Tell me, when and why did you decide to become a businessman?

As a child, my family moved to Bryansk from Kazakhstan. Naturally, the question of finding a job immediately arose. My father got a job in a large company in the construction industry, and after a while began to develop own business and quite successfully. Of course, I acquired a certain experience and character from my father, because the example of parents is the most indicative for a child. In general, in my family everyone is engaged in business, and everyone has chosen different sphere activities.

At the age of 18, I started working in my father's construction company, but I did not like this activity. Still, each person should choose a direction taking into account their interests and talents, most of all I liked selling. Therefore, initially I got a job as a sales manager in a large company. There I got enough good experience, went through many trainings and soon took the position of head of the sales department. Being well versed in sales, I was weak in management, but thanks to the study of specialized literature, I filled this gap. Then the moment came when I decided to invest the money I earned and go into business.

At first, I had to work in multitasking mode, all entrepreneurs initial stage- accountants, loaders, managers and carriers rolled into one. Of course, here a lot depends on the site, the larger it is, the more tasks. Now I mean businessmen who do not use credit funds, like us. Perhaps, because of this, the company's growth rate was not so high, but we did not take loans, but gradually invested the earned funds in development.

For several years I traded only red caviar, then this niche was practically free in Bryansk, and I managed to become a leader. Right choice industry influenced my further development, then we decided to also engage in the production of fish. The activity of the company is not limited to this, we are also engaged in resale - we have contracts for the supply of chicken, pork, beef, that is, we are representatives of factories. But this is secondary, the profile direction is fish.

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur - financial independence or something else?

First of all, I wanted more freedom, did not want to fulfill someone's whims and instructions, come to work at eight o'clock, and always felt a slight dislike for bosses. I wanted to be the boss myself, and my dream since childhood is to create a large corporation.

What kind of fish do you trade in?

Fish are mainly biological species - herring, mackerel, anchovy, capelin, trout, salmon and much more. We offer almost the entire range of popular fish that is in demand among the mass buyer. We do not trade in rare and little-known varieties, we focus on what people like. For example, smoked omul is sometimes found in stores, but these are very meager volumes. There is a certain cost of the product, which is determined not only by the cost of raw materials, but also by the production technology, documentation is required, necessary specifications, certification, you need to develop labels, because of which the cost of the product increases. But the main thing is demand, and if there is none, then there is no point in producing a product.

Your company is a part-time business, meaning you buy fish and process it. Where do you purchase products?

Most of the products are supplied from Murmansk, also Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Kaliningrad, salmon and trout are purchased in Karelia.

Where do you distribute your products?

We have distributors in Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Orel, Smolensk and Zheleznogorsk. In Bryansk, our fish is represented to a lesser extent, since we cannot compete with large factories in terms of volume. We are more for quality, so the networks are represented minimally.

How long did it take for the business to pay for itself?

Approximately two years later.

A few years ago you opened your own fish processing shop. What was the reason for this decision?

For about six years we were engaged only in the sale of red caviar, but gradually came to the conclusion that it was necessary to expand and increase volumes. And as soon as free funds appeared, they decided to open a small workshop.

Advantages own production obvious - this is your personal trademark, we can control the quality and properties of the product.

How do you stand out from your competitors?

Now we have launched a network marketing project ( when sales are made using a fish catalog. We have consultants who offer people products from the catalog, after which the order is delivered to the required address. Products in the catalog are presented at the same price as in stores, delivery is free. Naturally, consultants receive a percentage of sales.

The minimum order from the catalog starts from 500 rubles, you can also become a client of our club and get a 20% discount. Of course, selling fish by catalog is not as profitable as, for example, cosmetics, you have to invest additional funds for delivery and ensure the safety of fish.

This idea occurred to me before the New Year, many people turned to me with a request to sell high-quality caviar and salmon, since store products did not suit them. Shops are usually not interested in quality, they want a low price. And we offer to get fresh products from production at a market price. And every day our promising network marketing project is gaining momentum.

Your products are not available in all stores. What is it connected with?

Now chain stores are popular, which, in order to attract a buyer, must put an attractive price tag. But each product has a certain cost, and often price reduction is not possible without sacrificing quality. For example, we only produce caviar in the premium segment, because after a long study of the psychology of sales, I came to the conclusion that selling cheap caviar simply does not make sense. A person buys caviar for a holiday, some significant event, and he wants to savor and enjoy the real taste, and not get a dubious product of indistinct quality.

What are the pros and cons of the fishing industry?

Fish is a popular product, everyone eats it, which means that there will always be demand.

The downside is raw materials, since fish is a perishable commodity. In addition to improper storage, fish are often affected by calanus - small plankton that eats the fish carcass and makes it soft. This crustacean is safe for humans, but after the defeat, the products deteriorate in quality and are unsuitable for use. Therefore, the main thing is high-quality raw materials, and good raw materials cost a lot of money.

Is there seasonality in the fishing industry?

Yes, in the summer, sales of salted and smoked fish are greatly reduced, but they are doing well dried fish. The off season runs from May to August.

What obstacles did you encounter when starting a business?

There are enough pitfalls. Gradually, the lack of valuable personnel began to be clearly felt, you kind of explain to the employees how to do the task, but they do it in their own way. An extremely small number of people can do exactly the way an entrepreneur wants it, since wage-earners do not delve into other people's thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is important to clearly identify the problem and how to solve it.

Of course, now the consumer basket of the average buyer has changed a little with an emphasis on cheaper products. In the domestic market, there is now a decline in all sectors, only those companies that work for export are good. If we talk about expensive fish - salmon and trout, then the volumes fell by about 50 percent. For example, before people regularly included trout or salmon in their everyday menu, now many are replacing it with pink salmon. Customers do not reduce the volume of their baskets, but simply replace them with other products from the same line. In a changing economy, it is profitable to produce cheaper products. It is important to be able to adapt to the interests of the buyer.

For example, smoked mackerel is always in demand, and usually it is sold without a head. We tried to sell it with the head, but it was 30-40% cheaper, and it began to disperse much faster, although this is just a trick and a psychological moment, because at home the mackerel’s head is cut off anyway, and the impression that this fish is cheaper will remain.

All buyers are divided into three categories. The first includes people who come to the store and say, give me the best quality, the price is not important. The second choose a quality product, but at a reasonable price. And the third is interested in the cheapest product, quality in last place. According to statistics, the first group is 20% of the total population, and groups 2 and 3 - 40% each.

Is there a chance for a novice entrepreneur to build successful business now, in a difficult economic situation?

A lot depends on the brand and price segment. Of course, it is better to enter the market with low prices. It is enough to offer goods 10-20% below the average cost, and you will occupy a certain niche, but the cost of goods in this case will be lower. The only question is, will such a strategy be beneficial to a novice entrepreneur?

Will everyone be able to do business or does it require certain skills?

I think not everyone, this requires a certain worldview, the right environment and experience. It is also important to calculate everything correctly, especially now, in the conditions of a changed economy, every detail is important.

Friends, hello.

Today is a fish day on the moneymaker's blog, we will consider all the pros and cons of opening a fish store.

This type of product is positively evaluated by many entrepreneurs, and I even know those who already have one or more retail outlets with a non-food assortment, are thinking about how to open a fish store.

1. Indisputable advantages of the fish business

Fish is a useful and affordable product. Due to the variety of varieties, it is affordable for representatives of the very wealthy segments of the population, and the middle class, and a low-income person can treat himself to herring.

I propose to consider all the advantages in turn:

  • variety and affordability of the product;
  • demand for goods - fish useful product, for a certain percentage of consumers it is a complete replacement for meat;
  • the fish business does not require large investments and is characterized by a quick payback;
  • fish trade is a stable and high income.

If all this inspires you, and you are already ready to receive all the information on how to open a fish store, then now I will try to tell you about it in as much detail as possible.

2. Lack of fishing business

Today I decided not to draw tables. One disadvantage against four advantages - everything is already visible at a glance. Therefore, take my word for it.

The main disadvantage of the fish trade is the huge competition. Although, on the other hand, how can a seller of elite varieties of fish compete with a seller of fresh, freshly caught crucian carp?

Aiming to occupy a fish niche in commerce, find yourself also a profitable “lower niche”. This will reduce competition, and live freshwater fish are even more in demand than chilled redfish. But this is so - food for thought.

3. How to open a fish shop, business plan

The fundamental document that guarantees the success of the enterprise and which should appear before the enterprise itself is a well-written . But how to open a fish store, having a rather vague idea of ​​how much to invest, what expense items to close initially and how much do you plan to receive as a result?

Write down each point of the plan clearly so that it is understandable to an outsider (suddenly an investor is needed), and you yourself are not misled.

Dedicate a section to the risks that are possible in the fishing business, the main of which are:

  • change in sanitary requirements for the outlet;
  • increase in the purchase price;
  • seasonal drop in sales;
  • damage to a part of the goods due to violation of storage conditions;
  • economic crisis in the country;
  • the emergence of competitors in the maximum geographical proximity (in one area, for example).

4. Everything about the room: location, area, interior

Traditionally high level sales are achieved in retail outlets located in market areas and near public transport stops. No less successful can be a fishing business in large residential areas, where people are not accustomed to walking far for food.

The total area of ​​the store (with a warehouse) should be at least 35-45 m 2, as the owner, take care of a spacious trading floor and product visibility in the windows.

An exquisite interior for a fish store is useless; in this segment, compliance with storage conditions is much more important. But if you want to be original, paint the walls in turquoise and decorate the hall with several "golden" foil fish. It won't be boring.

5. Equipment

The fish shop is also good because it does not require a lot of equipment. Everything you need can be counted on the fingers:

  • trade counter (for the release of goods);
  • electronic balance;
  • 1-2 refrigerated display cases;
  • medium temperature refrigerator;
  • freezer chest;
  • racks for related products;
  • air conditioner.

6. Work schedule

Fish shops are not the kind of outlets people go to early in the morning: pensioners and housewives go shopping closer to dinner, working shoppers do their shopping on the way home.

Therefore, it would be reasonable to start the working day no earlier than 10 am and end at 20.00.

Weekend - at your discretion, depending on the number of sellers.

7. Suppliers and assortment

If you have a task in front of you, like fish from scratch, and the business plan is almost ready, be sure to include a section-list of positions in it.

Namely - first determine the range, then look for a supplier.

Learn the experience of clone competitors through passive observation: just look at what fish are best bought in other stores. But don't get hung up on 3-5 positions, there should be at least a dozen of them:

  • live fish (plus crayfish);
  • smoked fish;
  • slightly salted fish of red varieties;
  • seafood;
  • chilled fish;
  • frozen fish;
  • canned fish;
  • dried and dried fish;
  • caviar.

Also, you should not use the services of only one supplier, many of them work in a highly specialized way and can offer only two or three items of goods. When choosing a supplier, be guided by the following factors:

  • reliability and conscientiousness (quality goods must be delivered to the store on time);
  • the possibility of delivering products to the store;
  • geographically close location.

The last point is especially relevant when trading live fish. The goods must not only arrive in a living form at the store, but also fall into the hands of the buyer. Ideal if there are fish farms or private ponds nearby.

8. How much does it cost to open a fish shop from scratch

Let's count:

  • Room rental (per month) - 35-45 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment (purchase and installation) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Commodity stock - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to employees - 60-80 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 495 thousand rubles will be the initial investment.

In a month it will be approximately 250-300 thousand.

8.1. Payback period conclusion

A store in a busy area may well sell up to 200 kilograms of products per day.

In Russia, fish is a popular and sought-after product. People use it both in home menus and in restaurants, creating from it delicious dishes in Everyday life and coming up with special recipes for the holidays. Of course, if you draw up the right step-by-step instructions, calculate all the risks and the expected profit, you can earn good money at the opening of a fish store.

The main thing is to correctly formulate an idea for yourself and draw up a clear and competent business plan, and then you can safely engage in the sale of fish as a business. Modern consumers are quite "spoiled" by the abundance of goods on the shelves, but still prefer several types of fish products.

The following options are considered the best-selling among Russians:

  • live fish;
  • steaks, fillets;
  • frozen fish;
  • salted;
  • smoked;
  • dried.

It is in this form that goods are bought almost every day, bringing pleasure to buyers and financial profit to the seller. Moreover, each type of product has its own buyer, because almost everyone loves tasty fish. And with the variety of goods, the number of consumers will also increase.

Some can afford frozen fish, others prefer salmon steaks or noble sea bass. The more different goods on the counter, the wider the circle of buyers and, accordingly, more sales.

Where to get start-up capital?

To sell such products, it is worth understanding how to open a fish store from scratch. Because to implement this idea, at least, there must be a permanent point of sale, and this requires a starting capital. Where to get the money to organize such a business now and consider.

There are several options for where to get finance. Let's discuss some of them.

  1. Bank loan.

This is one of the first species that may come to mind. But, such a loan always carries certain disadvantages - high interest rates, risks of unsuccessful repayment and delay. All this, with instability, can lead to complete defeat and bankruptcy. In addition, banks do not often agree to issue loans for projects in which they do not see prospects.

  1. Help from the state.

Register for unemployment at the employment center, providing for this a work book and information about wages for the last 6 months. This is one of the most real ways to get money for the fish business as well.

  1. Investors.

You can also try to attract investors who will agree to become sponsors of your project. Their goal here will be to increase their capital. But, for this you need to be able to prove the prospects of your future business, laying out the essence of the idea, options for achieving the goals and payback periods.

Attention! Before borrowing money for a business, be sure to calculate all possible risks and planned prospects.

Legal aspects of opening a fish business

After the business plan is drawn up and finances are found, you can proceed to the legal side of the issue.

To open a business, you need to bring the necessary list of documents to the tax service, such as:

  • a document confirming that the premises meet all the requirements of the SES;
  • coordination with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission to sell fish in this particular area;
  • confirmation of sanitary control;
  • compliance with all fire regulations;
  • an agreement with an enterprise exporting waste;
  • store staff records.

When choosing a sole proprietorship or organization, remember that for an individual entrepreneur, paying taxes will be less expensive, depending on the scale of the business.

Often, small entrepreneurs opening a fish business may face many administrative obstacles, but with a responsible approach, they are quite surmountable. The main thing to remember is that fish is a food product that, if storage rules are not followed, can quickly deteriorate and become unfit for sale.

Important! Without fail, the supplier of products must have a quality certificate or a book from a veterinarian.

Premises for rent

Choosing a location for opening a fish shop requires special attention, because it can completely affect the profit or loss of the enterprise. First of all, you should evaluate the competition - you should not open it where the same product is already sold nearby.

Especially if there is a specialized fish store in the vicinity with a huge assortment and a large selection of fresh products. It is necessary to carry out trade in crowded areas, for example, such as the private sector or near markets.

The area of ​​the store will depend on the amount of goods sold. Experienced entrepreneurs in this business recommend not buying a huge assortment at once, but agreeing with suppliers to bring products more often, thereby being sure of its freshness. The minimum space must be 50 sq.m. It is on this area that you can place showcases with products, refrigerators and freezers, leaving room for the free movement of customers.


High-quality equipment for a fish store will ensure proper storage of products.

There are certain standards for the storage of such goods, and if they are observed, the store will not have any problems.

  1. Live fish requires large aquariums, looking into which the buyer can choose the right product.
  2. Frozen products are stored in professional freezers that maintain a special temperature.
  3. The meat of salmon, salmon and other similar freshly caught products should be sold on special stainless steel surfaces, cooled with a large number of pieces of ice.
  4. Dried and smoked products should be stored hanging on special hooks.

Subject to the rules of storage and sale, the store will be popular without breaking the law and attracting more customers, minimizing the amount of missing goods. And fish trading will bring profit and pleasure.

Some stores tend to sell their own products by salting and smoking them in their premises. Before deciding to take such a step, it is worth understanding whether it is profitable to smoke fish for sale? This step requires a separate room, special equipment for smoking, permits for such type of activity and for the possibility of supplying such goods. Thus, it turns out that smoking will be beneficial only in large-scale production.


For well-coordinated work, it is worth hiring at least two sellers who could replace each other. These employees must clearly navigate the pricing policy, understand the range and have information about the availability of goods and their suppliers.

Be friendly and polite with customers, competently and responsibly approaching work.

When choosing employees, pay attention to their resistance to stress and the ability to smooth the situation, because the success of the entire store and, in particular, your profit will depend on their work.

Visitor attraction

Of course, any entrepreneur will want to open a fish store with a minimum of costs. But, do not forget about another expense item - marketing and product promotion. Attracting customers is one of the most important tasks.

This must be approached competently and with all responsibility. What attracts potential buyers:

  • acceptable, adequate prices;
  • a wide range of products;
  • quality service.

In order for all this to appear in your store, be sure to monitor prices for the same product at the main points of the city. After that, you can determine the appropriate price for your product. Moreover, the benefit here should be both for the store and for the buyer. Do not forget about special offers and promotions that attract people the best.

Attention! Never sell damaged and expired goods under the guise of a promotion. This can harm the health of the buyer and ruin the reputation of the store forever.

Mandatory expenses

A business like selling fish involves some basic expenses:

  • rental of premises;
  • payment of taxes;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of goods;
  • employee salaries;
  • spending on water and electricity.

These are the most likely of them, but you should understand that each store may have its own nuances and features.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the fish business

The main advantage of opening such a business in the first place is considered to be high demand. Today, this product is as popular as meat.

People not only appreciated the taste of this product, but also realized it beneficial features. Children and adults should eat seafood and fish several times a week.

The next advantage of the product is the reasonable price and a large assortment. A huge number of varieties allows each buyer to choose a product to taste and a suitable price category. This business involves a small investment and a quick payback. As a rule, such investments pay off quite quickly, bringing stable income and sufficient income.

But, there are both pluses and minuses of such entrepreneurship. The main disadvantage here is a lot of competition. However, with the right approach to the work of the store, competition can always be bypassed. So, you can always open a small shop specializing in the sale of fish, instead of the usual market tent.

But, the main thing that will forever provide regular customers is a wide selection of products, a guarantee of product quality and an adequate pricing policy.