How to get a job in the specialty. Is there a road for young people everywhere? How to get a job without experience

  • 21.09.2019

Moscow is a city of opportunities and prospects. According to ongoing research, it is in the capital of the Russian Federation that the highest salaries in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of provincial towns tend to get into the metropolis and find a job in order to get a good income.

But as practice shows, difficulties with finding work in this city arise not only among residents of other regions, but also among Muscovites themselves. They often wonder how to find a job in Moscow with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. Initially, it is worth noting that there are two ways to find a job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of a recruiting agency.

It is not difficult to find a normal job in the capital of the Russian Federation on your own. But you should initially prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go through more than one interview and spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Moscow employers are very selective in choosing employees when it comes to highly paid specialties, because, as a rule, many people apply for high wages, so employers "have plenty to choose from."

An important aspect in finding a job is citizenship and the presence of a Moscow residence permit (or the Moscow region).

As practice shows, without a residence permit, getting a well-paid job is not only difficult, but almost impossible.

This is due to the fact that most of the highly paid positions provide for liability, so employers do not want to take risks by hiring a person who lives in another city. We are offering to you

To independently search for vacancies from direct employers, you can use sites such as:

On the above sites, various vacancies are published daily, designed for the female and male half of humanity. Many of these portals post vacancies for citizens of retirement age or people with disabilities. - this portal publishes vacancies for students and graduates of higher educational institutions. To find suitable option people without work experience or education will also be able here.

The principle of the search is quite simple. A person writes a resume and sends it to the vacancy he has chosen. If the resume meets the requirements of the employer, then the applicant is invited for an interview. For a greater likelihood of employment, it is recommended to post a resume not on one site, but at least on 3-4 portals.

One of the most famous sites where you can find a vacancy is called the Interactive Portal of the Employment Center of the City of Moscow.

Finding a job with a recruiting agency

Recruiting agencies are recruiting organizations. Recruitment agencies help in vocational guidance, the preparation and correction of resumes, as well as in their mailing. Many large recruiting firms provide employment training.

When contacting recruitment agencies, it is worth remembering that they charge a fee for their services. On average, you will have to pay from 10 to 35% of the estimated annual salary. The cost of recruiting agency services in Moscow can sometimes reach 60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting that the agency only selects a vacant place, but does not employ. The fact of hiring depends on the employer.

The best recruiting organizations in Moscow:

  1. CORNERSTONE. This agency became the best in 2011. The organization selects senior and middle-level personnel. The cost of services ranges from 18 to 20% of the annual salary of an employee.
  2. "Anchor". The agency selects vacancies for all people, regardless of work experience and education. The cost of services is 20% of the annual income.
  3. Kelly Services. The organization is engaged in the selection of permanent and temporary work. The cost of services is 25%.
  4. "UNITI". This firm is the most active in the job search market. She has been working since 1999. For services, the agency charges from 18 to 25% of the annual income of an employee.
  5. Ariva-HR. The organization is engaged in the selection of all vacancies. Through this recruiting agency, you can find both a job as a cleaner in Moscow and a job as a top manager.
  6. "Amalco". This organization specializes in the selection of domestic staff. Through this agency, girls can quickly and easily find a job as a nanny, nurse, governess or maid. Men are offered vacancies for security guards, gardeners, butlers, drivers, etc. The cost of the company's services is equal to one monthly income of an employee.
  7. HUMAN CAPITAL. The organization is engaged in the selection of personnel in such areas as:
  • Information Technology.
  • Pharmaceutics.
  • Advertising.
  • Finance.
  • Industry.

The cost of the company's services varies from 20 to 25% of the employee's annual income.

  1. "Skyman". The organization selects employees for retail trade.
  2. TS Persona. This company is engaged in the recruitment of personnel for the restaurant business.

Basic rules when looking for a job

Initially, a person needs to decide on what position he wants to get and what salary to receive.

The main rules in finding a job are:

  1. Persistence. If several employers have not responded to the resume, do not despair.
  2. Using various sources. You don't need to limit yourself to searching only on the Internet. Today, many vacancies are published in periodicals and newspapers.
  3. A well-written resume is already half the battle. It should be short but informative. A resume should highlight the work experience and personal qualities of a person (advantages and disadvantages). When compiling the document, spelling or stylistic errors are not allowed. Agree, few people want to hire an illiterate specialist who makes mistakes in his own resume.
  4. Proper interview preparation. In negotiations, you must show all your professionalism. It would be useful to find out information about the company, the company where you plan to get a job.


A resume is an important part of a job search.

This is a paper version of a person's presentation to his future employer. Your resume should include information such as:

Employment for different social groups

It is almost impossible for students in Moscow to find a well-paid job. Basically, students get seasonal, temporary work or work with daily pay.

Students in Moscow will be able to easily find a vacancy for a promoter, courier, animator, waiter, sales manager, security guard, salesman, etc. It is worth remembering that these positions are very labor-intensive and low-paid. Basically, the payment for one working day does not exceed 1 thousand rubles.

In the field of education, it will also not be possible to find a job on Good work. A woman who does not have a special education can find a job as a cleaner, dishwasher, maid, waitress, nurse, housekeeper, saleswoman, etc. Men without education are provided with low-skilled specialties: a builder, a loader, an auxiliary worker, a driver, a waiter, etc. P.

Without experience, finding a job with high earnings is also unlikely to succeed. But people with education have a chance to get a job that provides an opportunity for learning and further development. career development. There are cases when ordinary managers or waiters after several years of work became directors and managers.

Women and men without work experience may be employed with daily payments. Positions with daily pay:

Good afternoon friends!

Elena Nikitina is in touch, and today we’ll talk about how to get a job - dreams and realities, basic and additional, for schoolchildren and pensioners - for every taste.

If you have no experience at all, then you have the main thing - youth, strength and enthusiasm, which helps to move mountains. Believe in yourself and read below.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens can work from the age of 14. True, with the consent of parents and guardianship authorities and no more than 2 hours a day in their free time from school. But even within these reasonable limits, there is room for choice.

The easiest way to find a job is through the local employment service: as a rule, information about earnings during the summer holidays is posted there in the spring. Most often, these are works on the improvement of a city or other territory. When I worked as a teacher in a boarding school, my children washed their native school, painted the walls of a safe water-based paint, and for this they received money and the first entries in the work book.

In addition, you can search for jobs in newspapers and on the Internet. The following are the most popular:

  • promoter,
  • ad poster,
  • newspaper peddler,
  • extras actor (relevant in large cities).

In Nizhny Novgorod, familiar youth found a part-time job on the information board shopping center. The guys in the strictly allotted time for 2 hours a day handed out leaflets, paid them without cheating.

The most important thing is to know about the integrity of the employer. An honest organization concludes an employment contract. If this is not provided, ask your acquaintances and friends: perhaps one of them has already cooperated with the company and can vouch for it.

It is much more difficult to get a job in a small town, and such vacancies simply do not exist. However, the following options are possible:

  • look for a job for the summer in a children's camp. Sometimes the administration is ready to hire a cleaner, a kitchen assistant from among minors;
  • find a remote job. We have already written about.

From the age of 16, daily working hours increase to 4 hours on school days and up to 7 hours on holidays. Therefore, employers are more willing to take young people on the staff.

Those who want to work hard can knock on fast food chains like McDonald's. Information about vacancies is located directly in the cafe, the questionnaire can be filled out there or on the website.


If you are reading this paragraph, it means that you are already thinking about looking for a job. And they did it right! The more experience you have by the end of the university, the more interesting you are for the employer. Let's just agree: we will leave shifts at McDonald's at best for the first year, unless you are planning a career in this company.

Gone are the days when future economists and philologists spent their summers on train crews and washed theater stages in winter (this is a description of my and my classmates' experience in the early 2000s). Today on railway and other low-skilled jobs, there are less and less students: young people prefer to build a career from an early age.

Therefore, we set goals, priorities and follow the call of the labor market. So, we are looking for a job that is as consonant with the future as possible, but not to the detriment of the present. We focus on the development of the necessary qualities and the possibility of combining with studies. Recommendations are as follows:

  1. If you need client communication skills, permissions conflict situations, sales, you can consider the positions: promoter, waiter, call center operator, manager. Often you can choose a convenient working time, and in some organizations career growth is provided.
  2. Experience in working with children, acting and organizational skills are being pumped in the field of animation, quests, game rooms. Employment is usually in the evenings or weekends. IN summer time go as a counselor to the camp, including the sea. Dreaming of becoming a teacher? Go to your own school - if you are not given a part-time job, then they may well be allowed to conduct lessons free of charge.
  3. Administrative work can be started in the trade union committee, at the department or in the selection committee. Always make an appointment to attend classes. The salary will be lower than the market, but you will be aware of all university events and get good recommendations.
  4. If you dream of working in a promising company, start with an internship. Do not be lazy to walk around and propose your candidacy yourself. Active and conscientious students are noticed by the authorities and attracted to the staff.
  5. Correspondence students can really get a job according to the TC - they will also pay for the sessions. Until you have decided on a job, go to the employment service: you will be offered several reliable vacancies, and if you do not fit, they will be registered.


Have you received a diploma of education, and in the requirements for vacancies in your specialty, work experience is indicated everywhere? Don't worry, the situation is not hopeless. Experienced staff advise:

  1. Often in a job description, some items are rather desirable. So feel free to send your resume. Honestly indicate that you have no experience, but about practice or internship in related topics be sure to mention. Describe your business qualities - perhaps they will help you make a choice in your favor.
  2. Clear it all up for yourself possible options professions. What position are you ready to work in and which one is definitely not suitable for you? Do not be lazy to make inquiries with your acquaintances - perhaps what seems tempting to you is actually not very attractive from the inside, and what scares you is not so scary.
  3. If there is an opportunity to take a position a step lower than desired, do not be afraid to choose this option. At the same time, specify the prospects for career growth in the enterprise.
  4. Look for information about internships in areas that interest you. Usually announcements about this are published on the Internet on thematic resources (at the end of the article you will find a useful list), but you can also look at company websites.
  5. At the interview, show your willingness to learn and confidence in your abilities. My boss refused to work for a serious woman just because she kept saying during the conversation: “Something I'm afraid to work in such a responsible position!”
  6. It is better to start looking for a job immediately after receiving a diploma, without putting it off until the fall. Otherwise, while you relax by the sea, your place will be taken by more agile classmates.

If you need a job urgently

Sometimes you need to make money fast. Options for a simple and short side job:

  • courier (some companies consider “conscripts”);
  • outsourcing company (they accept everyone, pay out after several shifts, schedule to choose from);
  • extras actor (viewer in the hall);
  • shift work (beware of scams).

For pregnant

It is not easy for a woman in a position to get settled. Not only is work not immediately found, but the tummy is growing - it's about to give out. Well, if the state of health allows you to go to interviews. Otherwise, you will have to wait for a more favorable moment, carefully considering the masking wardrobe.

The main goal now is to find an organization that will provide for the baby up to one and a half years. It can be both a state and a commercial structure, if they are ready to take you officially.

Of course, it is better to notify the boss after employment. It is unlikely that he will be happy for you, but the family is more important than the opinion of the leader.

As soon as you find out about the pregnancy, immediately order yourself a certificate of no criminal record. It is likely that there will not be a good job and you will have to go as a nanny to a kindergarten or a similar institution. This document will come in handy there.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a woman in a position to be forced to quit her job. own will. Therefore, if you are not sure that you have enough strength to resist pressure from above, choose a company carefully. Perhaps you should choose a less profitable, but more reliable performance. Seek advice from the employment service.

Night shifts and other harmful factors are now undesirable. But in extreme cases, you will have to agree to this: perhaps later you will be able to agree on a schedule with the team.

Remember that the convulsive thought “I want a job at any cost” should not betray you. Try to interest the employer in personal and business qualities. This will make it easier for you to go on maternity leave later.

Woman after the decree

Often, after leaving parental leave, a woman has to change jobs. It is much more difficult for her to get settled than for a girl without children. Although the opposite is also observed: often the employer is afraid of candidates of childbearing age, especially married ones. It is believed that as soon as they catch on to a place, they will immediately gather on a decree.

Mom needs stability, she is not inclined to quit, and this is her plus. And, although the employer is afraid of frequent sick leave, employment is possible.

The most important thing when compiling a resume is to indicate that there is someone to look after the child. If you live close to work, do not forget to report this as well - this is a significant plus for the employer.

And, of course, while on maternity leave, continue to improve your professional skills if possible (or acquire new ones if you can’t return to your previous activities). Evidence from courses and trainings is the best evidence of your professional competence and desire to develop.

Whatever Polina worked for while she had a little daughter! And a seller in a mini-market with a tough schedule (the girl was with her grandmother), and a nanny in the kindergarten, when it came time to socialize the baby. But Polina's soul has always asked for creativity. Once she went to the well-known factory of Christmas decorations Ariel far beyond the borders of Russia, completed a test task and got a job as an artist. A flexible schedule allowed me to manage to take and pick up the child from the kindergarten.

Work for pensioners

In modern Russian realities rarely anyone can afford to leave workplace on the day of the anniversary. Continue labor activity people are most often driven by need, but there are other reasons:

  • desire to remain useful to society;
  • the need to do what they love (many teachers do not go on a well-deserved vacation without leaving the class);
  • loneliness, boredom at home.

According to the experience of my friends, a pensioner is hired much more willingly than people of pre-retirement age. Candidates of age are taken to enterprises where there is no career growth, high wages, frequent business trips, new technologies. According to statistics, every fourth company in Russia is ready to hire a pensioner.

In most cases, these are pedagogy, housing and communal services, security organizations, culture and art (cloakroom attendants and cashiers in provincial theaters).

As strengths This age group is called:

  • old school - responsibility, diligence;
  • desire to stay in the workplace;
  • rich life experience.

Pensioners successfully realize themselves in creative professions (tutor, group leader, guide), in areas related to their considerable experience (sale of flowers, seeds, needlework). You can advise home or remote work, search for orders via the Internet, self-employment.

Employment of citizens with a criminal record

There are industries where citizens with a criminal record are not allowed to enter. This is the court and the prosecutor's office, military service, pedagogy, banking and some others. A certificate of non-conviction here is requested from the applicant without fail. But other organizations are in no hurry to accept a person “with a past”.

The situation is complicated by the fact that some employers have access to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not difficult for them to calculate a previously convicted candidate, even if the questionnaire indicates the opposite. According to the law, such a questionnaire discriminates against citizens, therefore it is unlawful to dismiss an employee for false data in it. But in practice, everything happens differently. All this significantly limits the human right to free labor.

In this situation, experts advise:

  1. Contact the local employment center or the social adaptation center for persons released from places of deprivation of liberty for legal and informational support.
  2. Try to clear the conviction. This right is established by law. You will need a certificate from the police and a reference from the place of residence.
  3. Search for any available earnings with the help of friends.
  4. Open an individual entrepreneur (taxi, making photocopies).
  5. Or consider remote work.

For a second job

If there is a need for a part-time job or you want to spend your free time usefully, a second job can be very useful.

Compared to a part-time job in the usual place, it even has a number of advantages:

  • fresh energy of a new occupation;
  • additional acquaintances;
  • the ability to combine work and hobbies (maintaining a circle of interests).

The most important thing when looking for a second job is to combine it not only with the first, but also with free time, otherwise there will be no strength left at all. However, as practice shows, not having time to live is more of a fear than a reality. As soon as any additional load appears, an organized person redistributes time, changes the pace and rhythm of life, and, most valuable, finds thousands of activities to sacrifice. For example, watching TV and long telephone conversations.

Marta in the recent past combined a 1/3 schedule in one place with a 2/2 employment in another. At the same time, she managed (although not always) to go to yoga, to English, in her free time to “dabble” in Italian, once a month to earn extra money on quizzes (intellectual team games) and even occasionally go to the sea, asking all the bosses at once.

With a good income

Most people are interested in high paying jobs. Nevertheless, a significant part of the population does not go in this direction to the end. For various reasons, we are forced to accept compromises.

How do you find a good job anyway?

  1. First of all, set yourself a goal. Determine your desired income level and do not lower the bar.
  2. Decide that you will definitely achieve your goal.
  3. Please note that this will take time. Calculate how long you are willing to wait without much damage to your wallet and nerves.
  4. Think about what specialty could provide you with the required salary. What would you like to, could and definitely did not do?
  5. What are you willing to do for a high salary? Will you be able to spend more time on the road, travel frequently on business trips, or even change your place of residence? It is useful to evaluate the moral aspects: some official duties may go against your character and life principles.

High paying jobs are different. It can be both hard work in the North, and office pastime in the capital. If your goal involves not only big money, but also high social status, the tips are as follows:

  1. A decent salary awaits a worthy candidate. Your self-confidence should show through not only between the lines of your resume, but in everything. appearance. So work on yourself. Improve self-esteem, qualifications, experience and business qualities.
  2. Create an attractive resume. Do not be lazy to resort to the help of a professional and do not skimp on it. And if you want to become a personal assistant to the head, we have already prepared for you.
  3. Send out the questionnaire to attractive companies. Try to show each of them your usefulness.
  4. Along with this, respond to vacancies from sites - preferably the most delicious ones.
  5. At the same time, upgrade your skills. Are you sure that you will get a good job? So, attending the courses will not be in vain. Perhaps you will find a place there.

How to find a dream job?

You can limit yourself to one story instead of a thousand words.

From her youth, Marya dreamed not just of some kind of profession - she wanted to make all people happy. Craftswoman of all trades - Marya is engaged in weaving, drawing, making dolls. She created the school of needlewomen "Bereginya" in Ufa. Education and organizational experience helped. This was the first step in its implementation.

In 2015, one of the school's partners invited the participants to a Thai yoga massage class - since then, Marya's interest in this type of activity has only been growing. According to her, this way you can make a lot more people happy.

Having adopted the experience the best craftsmen Russia, the girl began to practice on acquaintances. Gradually, amateur activities turned into earnings. She finds clients by word of mouth and, despite the current public VKontakte, considers this tool the most effective for promoting her services. The girl pays much attention to education and self-education. Without leaving her homeland, Marya received a Thai certificate and now dreams of an internship in Thailand.

Now Marya is not just a masseuse, but the creator of a visiting Thai yoga massage salon. Under her leadership, there are three more girls with a similar philosophy. They make three cities happy: Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

Maria appreciates her work for positive emotions and the opportunity to comprehend psychotherapeutic practices with the help of massage (massage and psychology are connected together for her).

How to force yourself to get a job?

Dedicated to those who believe that all other items are not for him.

Usually, unwillingness to work is associated with self-doubt (the fear of being rejected at an interview is included), disappointment in previous activities, or elementary laziness.

If the state of inactivity is to your liking, you are unlikely to force yourself to change it. Is it possible to find an occupation that does not take too much time, for example, freelancing. If the thickness of the wallet does not allow you to relax, then you will definitely look for work - a matter of time.

Here's how to get motivated the right way:

  1. Reboot (get out of your comfort zone: go hiking, visit your family, etc.)
  2. Make a list of wishes that would come true with the next paycheck.
  3. Stop being afraid of rejection. They did not take it in one place - they are waiting in another. If you need work at any cost, the bar of desires can be lowered.
  4. Consider all possible and impossible options. Who knows what horizons will open before you? Not a bad idea for free people - seasonal work in another region: the level of adrenaline rises and the pace of life increases.
  5. Learn a new craft. Will never hurt.
  6. Ask friends for help. Whoever does not advise a specific place of work will be able to tell you how he sees you. Sometimes it's prophetic.

Good luck to everyone who is open to new opportunities!

Interesting Job Search Resources

Especially for those who want to open up to something new, I put tips on finding an unexpected job:

  • base of internships,
  • vacancies and internships for students,

To get a good job, you need experience. But what to do if it is not there? How to get out of this vicious circle? Each company tries to form a staff only of experienced employees, so sometimes it is impossible to find a job even with higher education. How to get a job without work experience, let's try to figure it out in this article.

How to find a job with no experience?

As a rule, the requirements that employers impose on candidates are approximate guidelines. But some items, such as knowing a foreign language or owning a car, do require strict compliance. Employers usually make a list of requirements in order to play it safe.

If you are looking for a job with no experience, do not be afraid large companies. If you are easily trained and confident in your abilities, lack of experience will not prevent you from successfully passing an interview and getting a good job. For more details, read on our website.

Compiling a resume

Before you get a job in a specialty without work experience, you should write a resume. After the employer receives all the necessary information, it will be much easier for him to decide whether to take a candidate for a particular vacancy. Resumes can be sent to e-mail several companies at the same time. In addition, write a few words about why you want to get this particular position.

Students who have recently graduated often wonder if it is possible to get a job without experience. In summary, this point should not be ignored. Surely in your educational institution Did you do an internship at a company? It is advisable to take a testimonial from there to attach it to your resume. Some students work part-time during their studies as waiters or promoters. Please include this experience on your resume. For the employer, it will be evidence that you are accustomed to work discipline and know how to communicate with customers.

Do not trust recruitment agencies

A person who does not know where to get a job without work experience usually first of all turns to recruitment agencies for help. Here he is offered a variety of vacancies, but, unfortunately, he does not find anything good. This is a waste of time and money. Of course, sometimes there are good vacancies in recruitment agencies, but usually they go to relatives or friends of their employees.

Therefore, if you are looking for what kind of job to get without experience, do it on the Internet, through advertisements in the newspaper or on labor exchanges. Employers should be contacted directly. No intermediaries are needed in this business.

Where to get experience?

To gain experience, you can get a low-paying position. Thanks to this, you will receive an entry in your work book. You don't have to worry about having too many career change records. For a person who is just starting his career, this is quite natural. Young people are trying to find their way in life, so they often change priorities. Employers do not pay much attention to this.

If you are interested in who you can get a job without experience, you can choose one of these vacancies:


This is the most common position that you can get a job with no experience. But such a profession requires great physical endurance. You will have to spend on your feet for 8-10 hours a day. Working as a waiter, you can acquire the following useful qualities:

  • Agility;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • Ability to communicate with clients.

Shop assistant

For young people who are looking for a job with no experience, a job as a sales assistant in a plumbing salon or a fashion boutique is perfect. Mobile phone stores and bookstores also need such employees.


Such workers are in demand in the most different areas. They are engaged in the delivery of documents, the delivery of purchases from online stores, as well as the delivery of pizza or sushi. This is a great option for those who do not know what kind of work you can get without experience. Working as a courier, you will become more punctual, attentive and mobile.


The position of manager, no matter what company you work for, will teach you how to manage people and solve several problems at the same time. The applicant is required to be responsible and able to communicate with customers, since sales volumes largely depend on this.

Internet job search

There are many ways to get a good job quickly. The most effective of them is the search for free vacancies on the Internet. Some people think that this is a useless exercise, but it’s quite possible to find a suitable option on the network.

To achieve a positive result, use the following tips:

  • Do not look for vacancies on major job sites. Pay attention to the sites that collect offers from employers from your region;
  • Do not write letters to employers and do not send them by e-mail. Serious people don't do that. You need to call the phone number listed in the ad and discuss all the details. While you wait for an answer to your email, the vacancy can be filled;
  • Post your resume on all job sites. Employers often visit such resources, so it is likely that they will read your resume;
  • If you receive an invitation for an interview, do not stop looking, because there is no guarantee that you will be hired for this position.

If you want to understand how to get a good job, follow these simple advice and you will definitely succeed.

If you can’t decide which job is better to get, don’t despair. First of all, objectively assess the situation that has developed at the moment in the labor market.

  • Make an action plan;
  • Tell all relatives and friends about your difficulties and that you are currently looking for a job;
  • Try to contact potential employers as often as possible;
  • Regularly attend job fairs and employment centers;
  • Don't turn down offers. When a certain number of options are collected, decide where it is better to get a job and act in the chosen direction;
  • If for some reason you cannot find a suitable place, go to advanced training courses;
  • To become completely independent from employers, open your own business;
  • To achieve success, you need to be able to communicate with people, as well as responsibly treat any business;
  • Objectively assess your level of education and opportunities. Maybe you should first get a low-paying position. You will not earn much money, but you can work for some time in your specialty.
  • Treat your first job as an investment in your future, not as a way to make money. Consider that you had to extend the period of study a little. If you manage to prove yourself well in a new place, then over time, the employer may raise your salary or promote you. If nothing changes, try to find another, more promising company.

Losing a job is serious. After all, it is work that is the main, and sometimes the only source of livelihood. So now it looks like a long and exciting process of searching lies ahead...

Just don't panic!

Left outside the usual office, there is no need to panic and become depressed. Jobs are everywhere, and there are plenty of them. Reputable firms often cannot find the right specialists, and due to lack of information, they do not know how to find a job and even have no idea about the available vacancies. But the most main reason failures in the search - sometimes a person himself does not know what exactly he wants and what kind of vacancy he should look for.

Knowledge is power

To be successful in your job search, you first need to prioritize yourself. What position do you want to take - a manager or a specialist? Or maybe with a free schedule or part-time work? Or does it make sense to look for a company that needs remote workers? Such work is best suited for young mothers who have no one to leave their little children with ...

And, perhaps, the most important thing to pay attention to: determine whether you need a job that will immediately bring good money, be stable, but not promising any development, or one that can be an excellent launching pad for starting a career. The second option will be preferred by active people who want to develop quickly and make a career with its rapid course and possible failures. The first one is suitable for applicants who have a calm character and who value stability and confidence in the future above all else.

Compiling a resume

The employer, not yet knowing anything about you, your achievements and abilities, is unlikely to invite you for an interview after the very first phone call - time is too expensive in the world of modern speeds and stormy rhythms. In addition, there are a lot of offers from applicants, and the desire of the employer not to miss and hire himself is quite natural.

Therefore, a correctly compiled resume is of great importance, on the basis of which the employer makes a preliminary decision on hiring a particular applicant. The more complete and informative your resume is, the more likely it is that you will be given preference and that you will be invited for an interview.

When compiling a summary, it should be remembered that this document should not be universal. It is best to write your own resume for each of the vacancies found, in which you can let the personnel officers know that you are well aware of both the company and the position you want to take. The resume should be written on the case, contain only the necessary information - no one is interested in your hobby or numismatics.

Getting ready for an interview

So, knowing how to write a resume, we gave this case worthy of attention. And not in vain, because the decision to hire a particular candidate is already made at the resume level, and they are invited to an interview only to clarify the details. Several applicants are invited for an interview, from which the employee is finally selected. When preparing for an interview, you need to learn as much as possible about the company so that the interviewer understands that you know the position you are applying for well, as well as information about the company itself.

Pay attention to the history of the company;
remember the names and positions of key figures;
get an idea about the main lines of business of the company;
try to see the prospects for the development of the company;
imagine what your personal contribution to the development of the company can be;
prepare to talk about these topics;
When going to an interview, dress in business attire, but try to come across as a cheerful person.

Now you can go to the interview, which will be a real turning point in your personal history.

In most organizations, in order to get a job, you must have registration in this locality. However, such requirements can be considered illegal, because according to the law, a person must have Russian citizenship in order to be employed, and not be registered in a certain place.

Features of employment of minors

Education is not the last...

Persons over the age of 14 may also be employed. This happens infrequently, usually employers hire only those who are already 16 years old. More often, children aged 14-16 work in labor teams at the school during the holidays, where they are registered for the position of an auxiliary worker.

When applying for a job, children and their parents need to add more documents to the main list:

  • The consent of the parents to the fact that their child worked (if there are no parents, the consent is drawn up by the persons replacing them).
  • Consent of guardianship authorities.
  • about the medical examination passed and the admission received;
  • For persons who have completed 9 classes, it is necessary to provide a document on incomplete secondary education;
  • A certificate from an educational institution confirming the class schedule so that the work schedule does not overlap with classes at the educational institution

Features of employment of citizens of the CIS

Before looking for a job, you must obtain a permit, which is obtained from the Federal Migration Service. In order for this document to be issued there without delay, going to the FMS to write an application, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • identity document;
  • receipt;
  • migration card

If a person plans to work in the country at the invitation of a particular enterprise, then a representative of this organization, even before the person’s arrival, can apply for the person who will come from abroad. The main thing is that the permit should be received within 10 days after arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Other documents for employment

Confidence brings good results

If the production activity of the company has special specifics, then the applicant for a particular position may be required to provide documents that are not indicated in the list above. In any case, everything Required documents must be covered by applicable law.

Article 65 of the Labor Code regulates the list of documents that are provided during employment. If the document that the head of the organization wants to receive from you is not on the list, then the actions of the employer are not legal.

What is valued when applying for a job

An experience

It is experience that is one of the first places in the list of desirable qualities of a new employee in enterprises in all areas. Firms make this requirement because they want to hedge and be at least partially sure that new employee will understand what needs to be done and how.

Even if the work at the enterprise is extremely specific, it is easier and faster to train a person with experience in a similar type of activity. To confirm the experience, you can provide a work permit. If there was no work at the last place, you can enlist letters of recommendation from the former management.

If there is no experience at all, then such a person is unlikely to be a desirable candidate. If they hire employees without experience, then the work is not so good. That their requirements are minimized. Most of the questions arise in the employment of graduates of educational institutions.


Speech should be clearly constructed - this is important!

Recently, education has ceased to have its former high status. Of course, having a degree is better than not having one. However, the low quality of education has led to the fact that employers can no longer impress with diplomas and good grades. Most likely, you will need to prove that you are worthy of this diploma.


The ability to correctly help in obtaining the coveted place is almost half. First, it should exude literacy and high level intellect. Secondly, it should show you as a person endowed with the best professional qualities. There shouldn't be anything extra.

Therefore, if you used a resume when applying for a manager position, you should not use it when looking for an accountant job. All data and factors must be specific and necessary for work in this particular place.

Personal qualities

It is personal qualities that are the basis that allows a person to achieve success in professional activities. Each direction of activity requires certain personality traits. The lawyer should have his own, but the driver has completely different ones.

Features of behavior at the interview

The resume should have a clear structure

If the resume is liked, the applicant is invited for an interview. A lot also depends on behavior during this crucial moment. The imagination of employers here is not limited to anything. These are tests, and competitions, and a simple conversation.

It is necessary to inquire in advance about the specifics of the profession, to get as much information about the organization as possible. If you manage to demonstrate such knowledge, this will become a criterion in assessing your intelligence and interest in the place.

Appearance depends on the position you want to get. Any office position assumes an exclusively business style in clothes. In any case, all things must be intact, clean, ironed. Hair should be washed and neatly styled, the body should also not emit unpleasant odors including obsessive perfume.

It is necessary to inquire about the main features of sign language. If you do not control yourself, then the specialist participating in the interview will quickly understand everything that is on your mind and may be very disappointed in you. For example, if you cross your arms and say that you are open and easy to contact, then the gesture will show that you are actually closed and trying to deceive employers.

Finding a job... This process seems long and painful. But this common stereotype will be shattered thanks to the advice and personal stories of experts: